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What do your friends/family think about you watching anime?

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Jun 9, 2014 4:05 PM
Jun 2014
i get shitty comments from my friends. no one takes it seriously. maybe that's the wrong way to put it but my friends won't even glance at it. they are uninterested and often make fun of me for it... in good taste if that's even possible. they don't care that i watch it but last night i was at a party and some girl kept going off on me telling me i was a nerd and my friend was a nerd for liking anime as well. and maybe she was just trying to be funny but her excessive and almost frantic nature of shutting us down the first night she meets us was very off-putting because i doubt her interests are any more unique then ours.

when i was first seeing this girl i felt it necessary to tell her i watch anime and if that was something she thought was lame or not. i actually felt like i had to be validated instead of her just finding out. i don't do that anymore because i really don't care if someones not into what i'm into...

but it's a strange thing for people to criticize and refute in the way that they do. i get the impression everyone has the opinion that people who watch anime are either perverts watching hentai and a stream of tentacle jokes get said or they just think it's silly.

it sucks they don't know what they are missing. but in the end, with the attitude most of them have do they deserve to?
"Saints and sinners rejoice. We will all rot together."
Jun 9, 2014 6:28 PM

Apr 2013
Mom doesn't care.

Dad doesn't care.

Sister doesn't care.

Brother calls it cartoons, but doesn't care much.

Most friends watch anime. The rest don't care most of the time.
Jun 9, 2014 10:12 PM

May 2014
My mom purposely calls them "Chinese cartoons" even though she knows they're Japanese. She also says that I'm giving the Japanese all of my money.

My oldest brother always walks right into THE ONLY SCENE of an episode that has fan service and he says, "Wow, so this is the kind of stuff you watch."

Another brother says I need to open my horizon to interests other than anime & Manga(in other words, stop with those "Japanese talk").

Another brother thinks all anime is stupid except with the ones that have blood in them.

Currently, all of my close friends like anime, but I can tell they don't obsess over it as much as I do.

The rest of my family just don't seem to care that much. Oh the struggles of a solo anime fan.
BillyisbackJun 9, 2014 10:25 PM
Jun 10, 2014 8:23 AM

Jul 2011
my brother watched them with me in the past but now he has other interests :/
my mom and my sister watch them with me and my sister but my dad thinks it's for babies :/

Jun 10, 2014 8:33 AM

May 2010
grimbrother said:
i get shitty comments from my friends. no one takes it seriously.

I . feel . you
Jun 10, 2014 8:41 AM
Nov 2012
Mother doesnt care

Dad doesnt give a fuck

Brother loves it

Friends otakus
Jun 10, 2014 8:48 AM

May 2013
Well, my family think that I'm playing all time in computer, they don't know what is a anime. :/
But they scold much, because I spend so much time on the computer and study just a little.

My friends, that also see anime understand me and are shuch as me. XD
My other friends have become accustomed and not say anything.
Jun 10, 2014 9:00 AM
Jun 2014
my parents think the only existing anime is naruto and don't like it
some of my friends hate anime, some enjoy watching it
Jun 10, 2014 9:01 AM

Feb 2014
I'm 24 and no one cares. Once you get out of High School, it really doesn't matter anymore.
Jun 10, 2014 9:07 AM

Oct 2013
Watching anime is like masturbation. It's fun, it's good and you like it, but don't go around telling people you do it.
Jun 10, 2014 9:29 AM

Mar 2014
My mom always asks me if im five when she sees me watching an anime lol. Most of my friends dont mind it, and some of them actually watches Naruto
Jun 10, 2014 1:04 PM

Jan 2014
My Mom says I watch too much anime
My Dad says they are cartoons
My friends think its cartoon porn
The one anime friend I have in real life loves it and we always talk about it, hell that's all we ever talk about, nothing else.
It's hard to find people who love anime, when every blockhead in the USA watches Family Guy, or The Walking Dead -__-
Jun 10, 2014 1:09 PM
Dec 2011
My Mom says it's childish.
My Dad watches Justice League still so he really doesn't care.
My two sisters watch anime also.

But really, who cares? If you love it, you love it.
& If others are judging you, they're missing out :)
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Jun 11, 2014 10:35 PM

Aug 2013
My mother watch them with me and generally end up with the conclusion of "this anime is the best one ever" (in the case of FMA) or "this is some deep shit" (Naruto). We always agree with each other.

My dad loves Detective Conan and Ikkyu.

My brother, yeah, he watches more than I do.
Jun 12, 2014 12:11 AM

Jul 2013
My mother doesn't really care
My father doesn't understand why I just spend so much time watching cartoons my age.(He usually jokes when saying that but I am planning to show him Higurashi or something)
My brother likes anime
A close cousin of mine likes anime
Jun 12, 2014 12:26 AM

Sep 2013
grimbrother said:
i get shitty comments from my friends. no one takes it seriously. maybe that's the wrong way to put it but my friends won't even glance at it. they are uninterested and often make fun of me for it... in good taste if that's even possible. they don't care that i watch it but last night i was at a party and some girl kept going off on me telling me i was a nerd and my friend was a nerd for liking anime as well. and maybe she was just trying to be funny but her excessive and almost frantic nature of shutting us down the first night she meets us was very off-putting because i doubt her interests are any more unique then ours.

when i was first seeing this girl i felt it necessary to tell her i watch anime and if that was something she thought was lame or not. i actually felt like i had to be validated instead of her just finding out. i don't do that anymore because i really don't care if someones not into what i'm into...

but it's a strange thing for people to criticize and refute in the way that they do. i get the impression everyone has the opinion that people who watch anime are either perverts watching hentai and a stream of tentacle jokes get said or they just think it's silly.

it sucks they don't know what they are missing. but in the end, with the attitude most of them have do they deserve to?

Well said. I kinda agree.

My mother doesn't care, my father thinks it's a waste of time. My (little) brother keeps making jokes about it, especially when he sees me watching something Ecchi... But I don't care xD

All of my friends love anime. My 2 BFF's both watch Naruto, and we actively discuss the events later. One of the 2 actually watches alot of anime, and alot of different genres...

What I came to notice, is that people who were kind of addicted to video games (Be it console or PC) move on to watching Anime as a pastime hobby. Alot of friends I know on Xbox are like that now, just as I have about 1/1,5 year ago.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 12, 2014 7:53 AM

Feb 2014
Father : He doesn't know I'm watching anime.... But I went to cinema once to watch a Pokemon movie with him.... I was younger back then, mind you :)

Mohter : She likes them and is crazy with Evangelion and stuff like that

Twin brother : Not my twin for nothing, he likes everything I do and we talk a lot about it. We tend to watch separate shows and share our opinions about them. it saves us some time and we can cover more shows than a single person could ;)

Cat : He doesn't mind as long as he can sleep on my knees xD
Jun 12, 2014 7:57 AM

Mar 2014
My dad refuses to see anime as legitimate entertainment and constantly derides it.

My mom and brother actually watch with me on occasion, so no problem there.
Jun 12, 2014 8:05 AM

Nov 2012
Most of my friends like anime so they don't think any less of me for watching anime..

My family/parents are suprisingly respectful towards my anime watching hobby thankfully, to the point of supporting me to go to conventions. My mom even asks me questions about my anime stickers/decorations and other stuff about it sometimes, which is cool.
Jun 12, 2014 8:27 AM

Jun 2013
My Brother watches anime which is generally one of the only things I talk to him about surprisingly.
Would never tell most of my friends i watch anime, too scared of the criticism I might get.

I have a couple of friends in a different group that watch anime that I talk to them about heaps, so it's ok :D
Jun 12, 2014 10:34 AM

Jun 2014
my mom doesent like it because she thinks theyre demonic (she got mad at me for watching inuyasha bc he had dog ears -.-) so I can only watch anime on my computer at night before I go to sleep
my sister thinks im too obsessed, even though shes the one who got me into anime in the first place
some of my friends share my love :3
Jun 12, 2014 2:02 PM
Jun 2014
My friends don't really mind it at school since there's only one guy i know who actually fully watch's it like myself and my parents always think i'm watching *cough* hentai *cough* don't ask why that's just my family -_______-
Pokey248 <3
Jun 12, 2014 4:05 PM

Jun 2014
Everyone I know watches TV. I choose to watch anime online, instead. No one questions it. Shows are shows. :)
Jun 12, 2014 4:26 PM

Jan 2013
My parents call it Sailor Moon porn and my siblings call it hentai.
Jun 13, 2014 1:47 AM

Nov 2011
LOL at some of the posts here, as for me:

Friends --> you have no life
you watch hentai
and for those who don't really mind it --> One Piece is for kids

Actually, yesterday I was looking at some anime pictures in class then showed them to a girl next to me. She looked away then wrote "child" on my notebook.

Family --> Siblings: younger ones want to watch One Piece/Hitman Reborn/Detective Conan... and older ones show slight [dis]interest, depending on the series
Parents are cool with it
Cousins: some wouldn't mind watching anime and the others (most of them) hate it because it's supposedly for kids and because it's not popular at all in the region (in Lebanon)
Jun 13, 2014 3:17 AM

Feb 2014
My mom really don't care about what I watch just as long as its not on the TV. I got my lil brother watching anime a couple of years ago. Everyone else I could care less about what they have to say.
Jun 13, 2014 5:28 PM

Feb 2014
Everyone in my family thinks it's weird, but my friends either like anime or aren't that narrow-minded.
I rarely revisit threads, so if you're after a reply you should PM me or post a comment on my profile.
Jun 13, 2014 5:34 PM

Aug 2013
Everyone's pretty indifferent.
Tally1116 said:
my mom doesent like it because she thinks theyre demonic (she got mad at me for watching inuyasha bc he had dog ears -.-)

That's fucked.
Fight Club > Anime
Scott Pilgrim > Manga
Death Cab for Cutie > Yuki Kajura

"Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Jun 13, 2014 5:52 PM

Mar 2013
Let's see:
My parents - My dad think it's childish (not surprising to hear that from him) and my mom thinks the same as well, but occasionally enjoys the action scenes that I watch up on the family TV
My sisters - I practically got my little sis into anime and my big sis used to be a anime fan, so there and then she would have mixed feelings about it
Friends - About 90% either don't know what anime is, are into the mainstream stuff (Naruto, AOT, Bleach, etc.), childish cartoons, or hentai/tentacle shit. The rest are like me, seasonal watchers and we practically discuss/argue about the good and bad things about anime in general or a specific series.
Jun 13, 2014 10:03 PM

Dec 2013
Most of my friends watch it so they understand.

My ignorant family = "Why are you watching chinese cartoons all day?"

I got my younger brother into anime so he's cool
Jun 13, 2014 10:09 PM

Dec 2012
I have good influence so now a fair bit of my cousins, brothers and friends watch anime and even ask me for recs
Jun 13, 2014 10:54 PM

Jun 2014
My parents don't care, I mean they know I watch anime but they don't say anything about it.
My brother and my sister likes anime, not much as I do but they like it.
And my friends don't understand anime so they think it's weird.
Jun 13, 2014 11:29 PM

Feb 2014
I remember when a friend of mine dad told me i can't hang out with him cause he thought pokemon was from the devil. The dumbest thing I ever heard.
Jun 14, 2014 1:27 PM

Apr 2013
My parents don't even remember when I talk about it so every next time I mention anime they look at me with weird expressions on their faces... it's scary.

[color=f5b5c6]you and the start of summer and the dreams of the future.[/color] ::
Jun 14, 2014 2:45 PM

Aug 2013
My parents respect my hobby but they are like "You're wasting your time watching that kind of stuff". They don't care that much actually but I avoid watching or mentioning anime near them and pause it when they come to my room. I just feel weird when I'm seen while watching anime.

My bro knows some titles coz I made him watch. He knows Mirai Nikki, Shingeki no Kyojin, FMA, Death Note etc. But he sometimes teases me saying "Haha so you're watching girly anime huh?"(since I showed him K-ON).

My best friends also watch anime and they are the ones who introduced me into anime world. Before that, I was like "What's anime? Are you watching cartoons again? So you are still a kid huh?". What a change :D Now they ask me for recommendations. However, some other friends don't know that I watch anime because they are not the type of people who will understand that kind of hobby.
Jun 26, 2014 5:21 PM

Jun 2014
Everyone thinks I am a nerd for it, but then again, they thought that before they knew. So, Oh well! ^-^ They love me.

music is life...
Jun 26, 2014 6:43 PM

Jun 2014
My brother understands, my sister is beginning to. I don't think my parents even know. I have three friends who also watch anime, and the others don't care whether I watch it or not.
"Heaven is a six-tatami, one room, second-floor apartment on Earth. Being a NEET is awesome." - Hanzō Urushihara/Lucifer
Jun 26, 2014 6:46 PM

Jul 2012
my mother thinks it's something i should grow out of but this was my rebuttal: "i'll stop when i'm dead"
Jun 26, 2014 11:00 PM
Aug 2013
wat if i dont have friends/family?
Jun 26, 2014 11:04 PM

Jun 2014
Mom and dad forbid watching it but I'm not listening
Siblings are the ones that got me into anime
I got my friend into anime
My signature is perfect.
Jun 26, 2014 11:14 PM

Jun 2012
My mother has no clue and if she did I would never see the internet again, Why? because my parents are christians & strict ones, And they think any show including cartoons is demonic, my dad is a little lighter, He knows i watch "japanese cartoons" he tells me to stop watching them its demonic, but he has no clue what they are, Knowing him if he did i would be dead, Siblings are assholes and would laugh at me then use it against me. No friends, but i LOVE my anime :D
Jun 26, 2014 11:38 PM
May 2011
My parents dont really care. My siblings are casual anime fans so they dont trip. My cousins watch a lot of anime. My friends dont know i watch anime. My coworkers are also anime fans
Mar 21, 2015 10:07 AM
Mar 2015
My dad thinks i'll never become a doctor
My mother hates them
My sister thinks im a three year old
My brother watches anime along with me (though he thinks im crazy for liking pokemon)

I have a lot of friends who range from liking anime to tolerating them!!
Mar 21, 2015 11:52 AM

Feb 2015
I once screamed out because of the cuteness of my husbando and mom ran into the room, looked at the screen and after a few minutes,she said: what, aren't they cartoon .
Mar 21, 2015 11:57 AM

Jan 2014
FullOfSurprises said:
Mom and dad forbid watching it but I'm not listening

Sound like shitty parents

NatalieS499 said:
My mother has no clue and if she did I would never see the internet again, Why? because my parents are christians & strict ones, And they think any show including cartoons is demonic, my dad is a little lighter, He knows i watch "japanese cartoons" he tells me to stop watching them its demonic, but he has no clue what they are, Knowing him if he did i would be dead, Siblings are assholes and would laugh at me then use it against me. No friends, but i LOVE my anime :D

Please tell me your joking right?
Mar 21, 2015 11:59 AM

Aug 2014
Dad: What is anime?
Mom: All I see are boobs. Grow up already
Older brother: You'll never get a girlfriend, like ever.
Younger sister: Weeboo, weeboo, weeboo, weeboo
Friends: Anime is gay
Mar 21, 2015 12:10 PM

Sep 2014
they keep saying i spend too much time on the computer, they dont give a damn whether I play or watch anime tho
Mar 21, 2015 12:13 PM

Nov 2012
They think it's quite weird
Mar 21, 2015 12:25 PM

Jan 2014
mr_chang said:
Dad: What is anime?
Mom: All I see are boobs. Grow up already
Older brother: You'll never get a girlfriend, like ever.
Younger sister: Weeboo, weeboo, weeboo, weeboo
Friends: Anime is gay

Damn dude, I feel sorry for you :(
Mar 21, 2015 1:50 PM

Jun 2014
Holybaptiser said:
Your father's issue seems to be irrelevant to anime and stems from something entirely different.

My parents don't give a fuck, and I have a friend who likes to tease me with the "Chinese cartoon pron" comments here and there, but he doesn't really give a shit either.

No pron for you!
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