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Incest Hentai is bad? (Incest in general actually)

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Aug 30, 2014 4:44 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Heredity said:
HaXXspetten said:
well it is super lewd so why not
is it even lewd anymore if it's normalised, haxx?
the big questions
Aug 30, 2014 4:45 AM

Apr 2014
HaXXspetten said:
Jaguer91 said:
I don't mind BUT the fact that the japaneses keep on creating incest all the time... sometimes makes you wonder... why? perhaps they want to fuck their siblings so bad there?
well it is super lewd so why not

especially when they said "aahh, Onii-channnn... DAMEEEEEK!!"
Aug 30, 2014 4:47 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
tr1ckst3r said:
HaXXspetten said:
well it is super lewd so why not

especially when they said "aahh, Onii-channnn... DAMEEEEEK!!"
yeah that gets me going every single time <3
Aug 30, 2014 6:42 AM

Mar 2014
First of all, incest is taboo.
The definition of taboo is "Prohibited or restricted by social custom."
The main point there. "Social custom."
The topic of sex was once a taboo, but isn't as much anymore.
I'll get back to that point.

Point 1: Is incest hentai bad?

- No. It caters to a fetish. Just as Bondage, Rape, foot-jobs cater to a certain fetish, as does incest hentai.

Point 2: "Now i do know incest is pretty fucked up in real life."

- Are we basing this on a moral standpoint here? Being homosexual could be considered fucked up by some, as it goes against the natural order of things in there mind. Incest in real life did occur - In Egypt, marriage of first cousins was quite common, while marriage between siblings was unacceptable, except in the case of royalty, where sibling marriages occurred, and even father / daughter marriages. There are suggestions behind why this is the case, such as emulating the Gods and Goddesses, to demonstrate how they are above the masses.

- In today, reasoning behind why incest is unacceptable is a matter of how the people are raised, and due to the chance of having children with problems - If you made sure it wasn't possible to have children, problem solved.

- Before someone says 'You don't have siblings so you wouldn't find it wrong', I'll say I have older sisters. Yes, I myself am not attracted to my sisters in any form - but if there were siblings who did feel that way about each other, I wouldn't find anything completely wrong with it. I may find it a little strange at first, but that would be the same feeling as if I found out my best friend was homosexual.

Point 3: "there are people who claims people who watches incest (animation) is pretty god damn fucked up in their brains"

- Some people are just not very understanding. That's all I can probably say about that. Also, taboo.

Point 4: Incest is a taboo. Yep, the stuff I said at the start. The reason it is unacceptable, is due to the restrictions and prohibitions that society put upon it. It's a matter of what is perceived as right or wrong by society as a whole - not on a personal level.

Let's see who replies to me.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 6:45 AM

Apr 2007
In anime, is it bad? No. It's fake, how's it bad?

In real life? No, not if both parties are consenting adults and it's not a parent screwing their own adult child. Who are we to judge? It's like homosexuality, when it comes to silly morals. Don't like it? Don't do it. If two adult siblings want to bone, let them. It's none of your goddamn business after all.
Aug 30, 2014 7:50 AM

Mar 2014
laldonkaments said:
xanic said:
First of all, incest is taboo.
The definition of taboo is "Prohibited or restricted by social custom."
The main point there. "Social custom."
The topic of sex was once a taboo, but isn't as much anymore.
I'll get back to that point.

Point 1: Is incest hentai bad?

- No. It caters to a fetish. Just as Bondage, Rape, foot-jobs cater to a certain fetish, as does incest hentai.

Point 2: "Now i do know incest is pretty fucked up in real life."

- Are we basing this on a moral standpoint here? Being homosexual could be considered fucked up by some, as it goes against the natural order of things in there mind. Incest in real life did occur - In Egypt, marriage of first cousins was quite common, while marriage between siblings was unacceptable, except in the case of royalty, where sibling marriages occurred, and even father / daughter marriages. There are suggestions behind why this is the case, such as emulating the Gods and Goddesses, to demonstrate how they are above the masses.

- In today, reasoning behind why incest is unacceptable is a matter of how the people are raised, and due to the chance of having children with problems - If you made sure it wasn't possible to have children, problem solved.

- Before someone says 'You don't have siblings so you wouldn't find it wrong', I'll say I have older sisters. Yes, I myself am not attracted to my sisters in any form - but if there were siblings who did feel that way about each other, I wouldn't find anything completely wrong with it. I may find it a little strange at first, but that would be the same feeling as if I found out my best friend was homosexual.

Point 3: "there are people who claims people who watches incest (animation) is pretty god damn fucked up in their brains"

- Some people are just not very understanding. That's all I can probably say about that. Also, taboo.

Point 4: Incest is a taboo. Yep, the stuff I said at the start. The reason it is unacceptable, is due to the restrictions and prohibitions that society put upon it. It's a matter of what is perceived as right or wrong by society as a whole - not on a personal level.

Let's see who replies to me.

I've read this argument quite often, so let me ask you something... if you approve of incest irl, where do you draw your "moral line" then?

What about love between an adult and a minor (aka pedophilia)? I mean, if it's consensual, it should be okay (from a moral point of view), right? What about necrophilia? No harm's done, so if some people have such a fetish, why not? So, where to draw the line? Beastiality? Love with objects? Or even no moral standard at all?

My point is that if one follows that logic, you can justify much more than just "mere" incest. So most of the people who are using that argumentation are just hypocrites who justify a social taboo they're okay with anyway - only to back out on some other taboo which is even too "hardcore" for their open mindset.

I don't draw the line. As long as the person is able to give consent, understanding the meaning behind the consent, why would I have a problem with it? Necrophilia? Go ahead. I don't give a fuck. But the point I was saying was in hentai, a fictional area, it is catered towards fetishes. There are people with those fetishes. Deal with it. But it's true, I don't have a moral standard. :/

Do you consider me a hypocrite? Tell me a taboo that is too hardcore for my mindset. If you manage it, I'll change my stance, otherwise, my points still remain.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:06 AM

May 2012
laldonkaments said:

What about love between an adult and a minor (aka pedophilia)?

pedophilia = sexual attraction to prepubescent children

If adult loves a girl aged around 14 or 15 then he is certainly not a pedophile but it might still be illegal (depending on the country).
Aug 30, 2014 8:07 AM

Mar 2014
laldonkaments said:
xanic said:

I don't draw the line. As long as the person is able to give consent, understanding the meaning behind the consent, why would I have a problem with it? Necrophilia? Go ahead. I don't give a fuck. But the point I was saying was in hentai, a fictional area, it is catered towards fetishes. There are people with those fetishes. Deal with it. But it's true, I don't have a moral standard. :/

Do you consider me a hypocrite? Tell me a taboo that is too hardcore for my mindset. If you manage it, I'll change my stance, otherwise, my points still remain.

I just wanted to make a general point (because alot of ppl here make it sound that they're also okay with the real thing), no need to feel attacked. If you go all the way, noone can call you a hypocrite.

My point was that most people justify something "gray" with this logic, but for another "gray" they suddenly don't let it count anymore... just because it's even - ehm how to say - too "grey" for them. THAT are the hypocrites.

Wasn't trying to seem attacked. :/ I understand that a lot of people would say they were okay with the real thing, yet still being hypocritical. :| I think it's slightly concerning that I don't have a lot on my moralscope, but. Meh.

True, justifying some as 'grey' and, but something they disagree with personally as 'wrong', is definitely hypocritical.

But thank you for taking up my challenge in replying to my first post, however. :)

(No-one should approve of my view of the world.)
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:13 AM

Mar 2014
laldonkaments said:
thepath said:

pedophilia = sexual attraction to prepubescent children

If adult loves a girl aged around 14 or 15 then he is certainly not a pedophile but it might still be illegal (depending on the country).

Sorry, rephrased it to "underage child", it was just the wrong choice of words

That's still the wrong choice of words, but I figured that people would know what 'Pedophilia' would mean, and infer the correct meaning. (Why it's a wrong choice of words, in my opinion, is that 'underage child' is a term defined by law. In Australia, an underage child would be 15 and younger. While in some countries it's 12 and younger. Pre-pubescant is a term used to define the time before puberty, rather than a legal term.)
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:13 AM

Jul 2014
I don't condemn incest in real life or anime because I don't tell people what to do with their lives. Not my life, not my decisions. I can give friendly and thought-out advice, that's all.

Also porn is purposely bad.
Aug 30, 2014 8:15 AM

Mar 2014
laldonkaments said:
xanic said:

That's still the wrong choice of words, but I figured that people would know what 'Pedophilia' would mean, and infer the correct meaning.

Sry, I'm a foreigner, changed it to "prepubescent child", so let's clean up this mess, ok?

I wasn't trying to be rude D: Sorry!
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:17 AM

Feb 2011
Praland said:
Hentai in general it's bad

And he should feel bad
Aug 30, 2014 8:21 AM
Jan 2014
Oh i have to 100% agree how incest is taboo is a result of how our society is.
I have a few opinions about the flaws of how society is shaped too but we'll not go any further into that.
Also for some reason i do not find cousins marriage to be incest, probably because i hardly know any of my cousins. But morally and socially i do know that it is counted as incest.
Also no, it's not the "onii-chan" part when they're getting fucked that turns me on hell no.

-My conclusion to your reply is that for the first part the problem you found to be is the high chance of their(the incest couple)'s offspring being born with defects/illness. Reason being your answer suggest it(the fact that a certain someone is attracted to their biological sibling romantically and/or sexually to be "fine" as long as a offspring is not created in the process.
-For the second part i myself think that it is a issue of psychology. As we grew up in an environment/society that incest is taboo we naturally think that romantic love towards family members is immoral. Also since siblings tends to be rather close and exposed to each other in a more natural human behavior that is not as attractive to human (e.g. unglam faces in the form of bloated faces and such, natural human body processes such as farts and even nose-digging)
On the contrary being exposed to such things, while usually leads to people not developing romantic feelings/fantasies about a certain others, sometimes once in a few family there will be one who instead be more attracted to another individual due to such flaws,which i believe leads to two result.
1) Affectionate non-romantic attraction to your siblings. Which can be vaguely described by the term "sis-con/bro-con" if the love is overbearing for what our society conceive as "norm" I would consider this to be a sub-genre of obsession, coated with the love you have for your family members.
2) Romantic and sexualise attraction towards a fellow siblings. Well, for romantic basically you want to treat your siblings how you treat your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse romantically-wise. And sexual, we all know what that leads up to.

[quote=Zelgadis94]Sexual incest is something I'll never comprehend and agree with.
But still, if it remains confined to mere sexual desire (ugh!) or sexual act (protected) then do whatever you want. Always if both parts are in consensus.

But seriously I can't imagine romantic love between family members, I can't see it as something conceivable.

Aug 30, 2014 8:37 AM
Jan 2014
UnbornMVs said:
Praland said:
Hentai in general it's bad

And he should feel bad

I don't wanna hear that from someone with the picture of a anime girl half dressed while her bra stripe and cleavage is in clear view even in the size of a thumbnail beside his comment gosh darn it
Aug 30, 2014 8:39 AM

Mar 2014
ehenmite said:
UnbornMVs said:

And he should feel bad

I don't wanna hear that from someone with the picture of a anime girl half dressed while her bra stripe and cleavage is in clear view even in the size of a thumbnail beside his comment gosh darn it

Better than me.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:39 AM
Dec 2013
Incest is wrong and you should feel bad for liking it.
Aug 30, 2014 8:49 AM

Apr 2014
ScazoN said:
Incest is wrong and you should feel bad for liking it.

It's not like I want to fuck my sister or something, I just like incest in hentai world not more than just another entertainment.
Aug 30, 2014 8:52 AM

Mar 2014
tr1ckst3r said:
ScazoN said:
Incest is wrong and you should feel bad for liking it.

It's not like I want to fuck my sister or something, I just like incest in hentai world not more than just another entertainment.
The emotional development is higher in incest.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 8:53 AM

Mar 2014
ScazoN said:
Incest is wrong and you should feel bad for liking it.

Why? It's only fiction. do you feel bad watching people get killed in anime series?
Aug 30, 2014 8:56 AM
Dec 2013
kasai9000 said:
ScazoN said:
Incest is wrong and you should feel bad for liking it.

Why? It's only fiction. do you feel bad watching people get killed in anime series?
Aug 30, 2014 8:56 AM

Apr 2014
xanic said:
tr1ckst3r said:

It's not like I want to fuck my sister or something, I just like incest in hentai world not more than just another entertainment.
The emotional development is higher in incest.

dat moment when Onii-Chan fuck his Imouto and suddenly his parent come home...
dem feeelz!
Aug 30, 2014 8:59 AM

Mar 2014
tr1ckst3r said:
xanic said:
The emotional development is higher in incest.

dat moment when Onii-Chan fuck his Imouto and suddenly his parent come home...
dem feeelz!

That moment when Imouto-chan suddenly confesses. In the lewdest way possible
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 9:00 AM
Jan 2014
Aug 30, 2014 9:00 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
xanic said:
tr1ckst3r said:

dat moment when Onii-Chan fuck his Imouto and suddenly his parent come home...
dem feeelz!

That moment when Imouto-chan suddenly confesses. In the lewdest way possible
stop turning me on
Aug 30, 2014 9:04 AM

Mar 2014
HaXXspetten said:
xanic said:

That moment when Imouto-chan suddenly confesses. In the lewdest way possible
stop turning me on
HaXXspetten said:
xanic said:

That moment when Imouto-chan suddenly confesses. In the lewdest way possible
stop turning me on
Stop crashing then.

Damn Windows. Never letting me get through my incest hentai in peace. I just want imouto-chan all to myself.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 9:06 AM

Apr 2014
ehenmite said:

just watch Taboo Charming Mother, it's a incest motherxson hentai, and see for yourself if incest is good or bad.
Aug 30, 2014 9:08 AM

Mar 2014
ehenmite said:
What have you been watching? :/
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 9:15 AM
Jan 2014
I have no idea lol. Most of the stuff i remember is non-incest.
The most memorable is probably imouto paradise.
Aug 30, 2014 9:17 AM
Jan 2014
tr1ckst3r said:
ehenmite said:

just watch Taboo Charming Mother, it's a incest motherxson hentai, and see for yourself if incest is good or bad.

I'll get back to you after i skim through it later lol.
Aug 30, 2014 9:19 AM

Mar 2014
ehenmite said:
I have no idea lol. Most of the stuff i remember is non-incest.
The most memorable is probably imouto paradise.
That had heaps of.... Development. :p
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Aug 30, 2014 9:22 AM

Apr 2014
ehenmite said:
tr1ckst3r said:

just watch Taboo Charming Mother, it's a incest motherxson hentai, and see for yourself if incest is good or bad.

I'll get back to you after i skim through it later lol.

I'm watiing... lol
Aug 30, 2014 10:02 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
xanic said:
ehenmite said:
I have no idea lol. Most of the stuff i remember is non-incest.
The most memorable is probably imouto paradise.
That had heaps of.... Development. :p
The eroge is hot as fuck though =w=
Aug 30, 2014 10:19 AM
Jan 2014
HaXXspetten said:
xanic said:
That had heaps of.... Development. :p
The eroge is hot as fuck though =w=

oh yeah i forgot to mention the one i watched was 2. not 1 lol.
Aug 30, 2014 10:29 AM
Jan 2014
tr1ckst3r said:
ehenmite said:

I'll get back to you after i skim through it later lol.

I'm watiing... lol

It's pretty good i guess. I would choose some of the newer animation ones but this does the job, pretty well.
Aug 30, 2014 11:03 AM

Nov 2012
laldonkaments said:

I've read this argument quite often, so let me ask you something... if you approve of incest irl, where do you draw your "moral line" then?

What about love between an adult and a prepubescent child (aka pedophilia)? I mean, if it's consensual, it should be okay (from a moral point of view), right? What about necrophilia? No harm's done, so if some people have such a fetish, why not? So, where to draw the line? Beastiality? Object sexuality? Or even no moral standard at all?

My point is that if one follows that logic, you can justify much more than just "mere" incest. So most of the people who are using that argumentation are just hypocrites who justify a social taboo they're okay with anyway - only to back out on some other taboo which is even too "hardcore" for their open mindset.

Slippery slope. Because a person may not draw the line at incest by no means suggests that they can't draw the line anywhere else or they are somehow hypocrites. Each of the sexual situations you listed have different conditions surrounding them which make them fair game to evaluate differently. Take pedophilia for example; many would argue a child is incapable of giving informed consent, so it is by definition a form of rape. This is not necessarily the case with incest.
kingcity20 said:
Oh for the love of
-_- nvm gotta love MAL
Aug 30, 2014 11:08 AM

Mar 2014
meh, probably.

depends though.
Sep 5, 2014 9:47 PM

Oct 2012
as long as its consensual i dont give a fuck what people do
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