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Aug 16, 2014 2:01 AM

Oct 2012
Battlechili1 said:
Feminism can be used to defend/promote misandry, but feminism itself is not misandry by definition. Feminism by definition is for equality. Misandry by definition is an attack on males as a whole.

Its kind of like how people committed crimes in the name of their religion in the past. That doesn't mean people under said religion are bad or even that the religion itself is bad.
It's sort of like how the definition for God is truth, so everyone who isn't Christian is a recalcitrant liar or in denial of the truth.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 2:07 AM
Jul 2018
katsucats said:
t's sort of like how the definition for God is truth, so everyone who isn't Christian is a recalcitrant liar or in denial of the truth.

I'm not sure I see how feminism and feminists are like that?
Are you saying that people who consider themselves feminists believe that those who don't are wrong by default?

Also I edited my post to make it more accurate to what I meant by my post and to avoid starting a religion thread.
Aug 16, 2014 2:23 AM

Oct 2012
Battlechili1 said:
katsucats said:
It's sort of like how the definition for God is truth, so everyone who isn't Christian is a recalcitrant liar or in denial of the truth.

I'm not sure I see how feminism and feminists are like that?
Are you saying that people who consider themselves feminists believe that those who don't are wrong by default?

Also I edited my post to make it more accurate to what I meant by my post and to avoid starting a religion thread.
Are you saying that the definition of God doesn't include its own truthfulness? Because God is true by definition, anyone who doesn't agree with terrorism is blind to the truth. It doesn't matter what radical Muslims actually do, look at the definition.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 2:34 AM

Jun 2014
I am completely fine with feminism, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and beliefs, and btw women do get discriminated everyday wether you want to believe or not.
Aug 16, 2014 2:36 AM

Oct 2012
iamwaves said:
I am completely fine with feminism, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and beliefs, and btw women do get discriminated everyday wether you want to believe or not.
So does everyone else like men, fat people, disabled people, nerds, etc.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 2:41 AM
Jun 2014
katsucats said:
iamwaves said:
I am completely fine with feminism, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and beliefs, and btw women do get discriminated everyday wether you want to believe or not.
So does everyone else like men, fat people, disabled people, nerds, etc.
The difference lies in the level of discrimination groups receive.
Aug 16, 2014 2:49 AM

Oct 2012
Revelry said:
katsucats said:
So does everyone else like men, fat people, disabled people, nerds, etc.
The difference lies in the level of discrimination groups receive.
I agree. Fat people and disabled people get discriminated a lot more than women.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 3:26 AM

Feb 2013
katsucats said:
Revelry said:
The difference lies in the level of discrimination groups receive.
I agree. Fat people and disabled people get discriminated a lot more than women.

I'm mildly disabled and I get more shit for being a woman than being disabled.
Aug 16, 2014 3:29 AM

Oct 2012
Kitska said:
katsucats said:
I agree. Fat people and disabled people get discriminated a lot more than women.

I'm mildly disabled and I get more shit for being a woman than being disabled.
You probably get shit for your misandry.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 3:31 AM
Jun 2014
katsucats said:
Revelry said:
The difference lies in the level of discrimination groups receive.
I agree. Fat people and disabled people get discriminated a lot more than women.
Being fat is acceptable in America. Only 16.24% of the population are disabled. So no.
Aug 16, 2014 3:34 AM

Oct 2012
Revelry said:
katsucats said:
I agree. Fat people and disabled people get discriminated a lot more than women.
Being fat is acceptable in America. Only 16.24% of the population are disabled. So no.
So because there's "only" 16% disabled people, there's no way they could get a lot of discrimination? Well shit. There's only 4% pedophiles, they must be popular.

Being a woman is acceptable in America.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 3:37 AM

Mar 2014
katsucats said:
There's only 4% pedophiles, they must be popular.

Are you serious? Is that an actual statistic? For real?

If it is
Aug 16, 2014 3:58 AM

May 2013
Battlechili1 said:
katsucats said:
t's sort of like how the definition for God is truth, so everyone who isn't Christian is a recalcitrant liar or in denial of the truth.

I'm not sure I see how feminism and feminists are like that?
Are you saying that people who consider themselves feminists believe that those who don't are wrong by default?

Also I edited my post to make it more accurate to what I meant by my post and to avoid starting a religion thread.

Feminism is a thinly veiled sexual strategy for ugly females to lower the bar of sexual value. Ie " Fat is Beauty!" "PoC are sexier than white women!" " I'm a strong independent woman who dont need no man!"

Lots of fish in the sea, but many whales too. And those whales are feminists
Aug 16, 2014 4:40 AM

Jan 2014
KennyWasTaken said:
Immahnoob said:

We all love flawed systems and retarded correlations, yep.

Yeah and I bet you get all the pussy in the world for being a white knight to women against 100% objective peer reviewed facts mate
You should see his discussions with Nicole. You're completely off.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Aug 16, 2014 5:08 AM

Feb 2013
katsucats said:
Kitska said:

I'm mildly disabled and I get more shit for being a woman than being disabled.
You probably get shit for your misandry.

I don't talk about feminism irl so no. I get sexist remarks like "make me a sandwich" all the time. I get told that I shouldn't cuss because "it's not womanly". But then why is it okay for boys to cuss? I also get cat called often (which is humiliating and objectifying) and I'm afraid of going out alone at night for that. I'm scared of getting raped because I am a woman. You don't know how scary it is to be a woman. I've been molested. I've been raped. I've been groped. I've been harassed. I've been literally hit by men and boys my age. I don't even wear revealing clothes. I'm scared to wear what I want because I'm scared of getting raped, or groped, or cat called. All because I am a girl. You know, I've got it pretty easy compared to the women in the Middle East. You don't know what it's like to be told you're a "slut" for being raped. That it's your fault. Because I'm a girl - it's my fault I guess. Even if I was a misandrist, I have a pretty valid reason to hate men. But no. After all of the shit I get for being a girl, I choose to harbor no hate towards men. I would give anything to be born a man so I could have never been faced with the struggles of being a woman.
KitskaAug 16, 2014 5:17 AM
Aug 16, 2014 6:58 AM

May 2014
Yes, modern feminism is misandrist. Anything else is a lie.
Aug 16, 2014 10:38 AM
Jun 2014
Kitska said:
katsucats said:
You probably get shit for your misandry.

I don't talk about feminism irl so no. I get sexist remarks like "make me a sandwich" all the time. I get told that I shouldn't cuss because "it's not womanly". But then why is it okay for boys to cuss? I also get cat called often (which is humiliating and objectifying) and I'm afraid of going out alone at night for that. I'm scared of getting raped because I am a woman. You don't know how scary it is to be a woman. I've been molested. I've been raped. I've been groped. I've been harassed. I've been literally hit by men and boys my age. I don't even wear revealing clothes. I'm scared to wear what I want because I'm scared of getting raped, or groped, or cat called. All because I am a girl. You know, I've got it pretty easy compared to the women in the Middle East. You don't know what it's like to be told you're a "slut" for being raped. That it's your fault. Because I'm a girl - it's my fault I guess. Even if I was a misandrist, I have a pretty valid reason to hate men. But no. After all of the shit I get for being a girl, I choose to harbor no hate towards men. I would give anything to be born a man so I could have never been faced with the struggles of being a woman.
Katsu has no reply to you. LOL.
Aug 16, 2014 11:56 AM

Jan 2013
Kitska said:
Feminism does not equal misandry.

I'm a feminist and I do not think it's okay for a woman to abuse her husband or rape anyone. ?

I think some feminists express their frustrations in inappropriate ways, thus leading to the perception of misandry within the feminist community.

Not all feminists are man hating lesbians.

This. Media tends to take things out of proportion in my honest opinion.

After all, Islam is not a bad religion. For many, it gives a purpose in living. However, it takes a few extremists who interpret the Koran differently from others to rile up the community in a sense of false hatred. And as such, a movement starts, particularily amongst those not very well versed in the Koran or in any form of Education.

I am confident that Prophet Mohammed, should he be alive in this day, would be rolling with rage at the heresy some of these Extremist pretenders claim.

Likewise, most feminists I know gladly stand for female rights. However, they don't push for more than that. Just a few of those, very prominent, very vocal minority of man-hating feminists practice their beliefs and encourage other feminists to join them.

Like I said, the greatest thing to persuade a group of people is purpose in life. If you tell a group of people that money will make them happy and that they should pursue money at all costs, then will not those people do so?

How is this any different than Hitler telling Germany that Jews are the root of all evil?

So who is to blame, the innocent feminists, the blinded followers of man-hating feminsts, or the man-hating feminists themselves?

Or rather, do we blame ourselves for GIVING man-hating feminists ammunition to shoot at us?

I can start a whole chain of arguments that are literally indefeatable since they all come to the same point.

Humans make mistakes, humans are imperfect, man or woman. Humans are equal, more or less, men have benefits, women have benefits, men have disadvantages, women have disadvantages.

We just fail to observe them, and instead concern ourselves with what we don't have while ignoring what we do have ;)
I stand with Freedom, no matter the cost, no matter the price.

Aug 16, 2014 1:23 PM

Jun 2014
Jayex said:

How is this any different than Hitler telling Germany that Jews are the root of all evil?

The difference is that Hitler was right.
Aug 16, 2014 1:35 PM

Oct 2012
Revelry said:
Katsu has no reply to you. LOL.
That's because my experience is so different, it leaves me wondering whether:
1. She lives in Iran.
2. People make sexist remarks because she's disabled, and she's too daft to understand that (I don't know any disabled people, besides people afflicted with mild autism).
3. She has one of those bitch attitudes IRL that antagonizes people, and she doesn't realize it.

While people do occasionally whistle at girls, mostly in good fun, and people do occasionally make remarks such as "make me a sandwich", it is not a daily, continuous pattern of rape and harassment that she depicts occurring throughout her life. Statistics show that most rape occur between acquaintances, which lead me to think that she got molested by a family member, and then projected that insecurity towards all males, such that off-handed remarks persist in her mind. But I have no interest in speculating further what's going on in her life. It might be true in her circumstance, but my experience is so different that it might as well be fantasy. The only people who would say "make me a sandwich" in a mean-spirited manner (and the only people who can't tell a joke from an insult) are probably middle school aged kids 12-14, so I posit that Kitsaka is some 13 year old girl in a closely-knit middle school where the opportunity exists to run into the same groups daily.

More importantly, when someone brings out the "PITY ME" card to justify some misguided ideology, as if all women are inferior members of society because of anecdotal experiences, there is nothing much to respond to besides either "I PITY YOU" or "I DON'T PITY YOU, YOU'RE RETARDED." I wonder if she notices that other women around her are not subjected to the same treatment, or whether every women from the shithole where she lives have been raped, molested on a daily basis. IMO someone's been watching too much hentai and projecting it to real life.

Evidence: She gets cat called and she's afraid to go out because of some non-physical action communicating that she's attractive. I don't care how insecure you are with sexual advances, cat calling =/= rape or even the attempt or possibility of rape. It would be like if a girl smiled and winked at me in public, and I run into the bathroom stall and shut the door, thinking "All these women are objectifying me!! All women are assholes."
katsucatsAug 16, 2014 1:42 PM
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 5:43 PM

Feb 2013
katsucats said:
Revelry said:
Katsu has no reply to you. LOL.
That's because my experience is so different, it leaves me wondering whether:
1. She lives in Iran.
2. People make sexist remarks because she's disabled, and she's too daft to understand that (I don't know any disabled people, besides people afflicted with mild autism).
3. She has one of those bitch attitudes IRL that antagonizes people, and she doesn't realize it.

While people do occasionally whistle at girls, mostly in good fun, and people do occasionally make remarks such as "make me a sandwich", it is not a daily, continuous pattern of rape and harassment that she depicts occurring throughout her life. Statistics show that most rape occur between acquaintances, which lead me to think that she got molested by a family member, and then projected that insecurity towards all males, such that off-handed remarks persist in her mind. But I have no interest in speculating further what's going on in her life. It might be true in her circumstance, but my experience is so different that it might as well be fantasy. The only people who would say "make me a sandwich" in a mean-spirited manner (and the only people who can't tell a joke from an insult) are probably middle school aged kids 12-14, so I posit that Kitsaka is some 13 year old girl in a closely-knit middle school where the opportunity exists to run into the same groups daily.

More importantly, when someone brings out the "PITY ME" card to justify some misguided ideology, as if all women are inferior members of society because of anecdotal experiences, there is nothing much to respond to besides either "I PITY YOU" or "I DON'T PITY YOU, YOU'RE RETARDED." I wonder if she notices that other women around her are not subjected to the same treatment, or whether every women from the shithole where she lives have been raped, molested on a daily basis. IMO someone's been watching too much hentai and projecting it to real life.

Evidence: She gets cat called and she's afraid to go out because of some non-physical action communicating that she's attractive. I don't care how insecure you are with sexual advances, cat calling =/= rape or even the attempt or possibility of rape. It would be like if a girl smiled and winked at me in public, and I run into the bathroom stall and shut the door, thinking "All these women are objectifying me!! All women are assholes."

1.) I don't have a bitch attitude. I've been regarded as friendly irl, I can hold stable relationships with people, and I volunteer and help the poor (helping the poor isn't bitchy, is it?).

2.) I don't live in Iran. 9 months out of the year, I live in a nice suburb in Nevada. The other 3, I live with my mom in Japan where I face virtually no sexism.

3.) My disability does not show physically. I have ADHD. My cat-caller can not tell by first glance that I have ADHD. All he knows is that I am an average girl.

4.) I am not in middle school - I am in a public high school (I'm 14).

5.) I posted my experiences as a woman (being raped, molested, cat called, etc) because maybe it would get you to understand the struggles we go through. Being cat called, raped, molested is all apart of rape culture and the sexism that comes with it. My rapist did not see me as an equal human being - he saw me as an object, like a piece of meat. While some women have been lucky enough to have never experience this stuff, this does not dismiss the fact that there is a crazy number of women who have. This stuff is happening in your backyard (not literally, of course).

6.) Getting cat called isn't nice. It's objectifying. Cat calling makes women feel as if their personalities do not exist and they are merely an object to gawk at. A complete stranger shouting at you, "Hey baby, I wanna fuck you" DOES make me scared. What if he acts out on that desire?
Aug 16, 2014 5:51 PM

Sep 2013
Women still get discriminated in the US, but Asian men get discriminated more. Someone should help those poor souls, they got no lobby.
Proud founder of the 20+ virgins club.

Please visit my manga blog for manga updates and more!

Mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggen bix nood

^ Need someone who can translate this. Pm me pls.
Aug 16, 2014 5:55 PM

Feb 2013
Shiratori99 said:
Women still get discriminated in the US, but Asian men get discriminated more. Someone should help those poor souls, they got no lobby.

Asian people in general get treated like shit. Getting called a chink isn't funny anymore.
Aug 16, 2014 6:04 PM

Sep 2013
Kitska said:
Shiratori99 said:
Women still get discriminated in the US, but Asian men get discriminated more. Someone should help those poor souls, they got no lobby.

Asian people in general get treated like shit. Getting called a chink isn't funny anymore.

Yeah, but there are college and employment quotas for women, blacks and hispanics, but none for asian men, even though they're a vulnerable minority as well. So the main losers of this affirmative action b/s are asians after all.
Proud founder of the 20+ virgins club.

Please visit my manga blog for manga updates and more!

Mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggen bix nood

^ Need someone who can translate this. Pm me pls.
Aug 16, 2014 6:14 PM

Oct 2012
Kitska said:
1.) I don't have a bitch attitude. I've been regarded as friendly irl, I can hold stable relationships with people, and I volunteer and help the poor (helping the poor isn't bitchy, is it?).
I can clearly see that (sarcasm). Helping the poor is not an attitude, it's a physical action. If your victim mentality is clearly visible to someone over the internet, it must be instantly visible to people in real life.

Kitska said:
2.) I don't live in Iran. 9 months out of the year, I live in a nice suburb in Nevada. The other 3, I live with my mom in Japan where I face virtually no sexism.
I've lived in Massachusetts and California. I've been to New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Toronto, D.C., Penn, Maryland, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, Arizona, etc. Hell, I've been to Las Vegas multiple times, and it's certainly more rowdy than whatever suburb you're from. I have never heard anyone do a cat call in the last 10 years, and I have seen thousands of men and women get along just fine. The fact that you consider your home a "nice suburb" and then describe your experience as one of constant sexual harassment is contradictory.

Kitska said:
3.) My disability does not show physically. I have ADHD. My cat-caller can not tell by first glance that I have ADHD. All he knows is that I am an average girl.
I'm sure...

Kitska said:
4.) I am not in middle school - I am in a public high school (I'm 14).
You just got into high school. You're still that age. What you're facing is not a sexism issue, but an immaturity issue. There is immaturity on both ends: Your bullies, and you, for holding an unwarranted pessimistic, sexist attitude due to individual experiences. One day you will either get over that and move on with life, or become a blathering feminist, for which no one will sympathize with your cause because you'd be seeking to improve the world through a mode of hatred.

Kitska said:
5.) I posted my experiences as a woman (being raped, molested, cat called, etc) because maybe it would get you to understand the struggles we go through. Being cat called, raped, molested is all apart of rape culture and the sexism that comes with it. My rapist did not see me as an equal human being - he saw me as an object, like a piece of meat. While some women have been lucky enough to have never experience this stuff, this does not dismiss the fact that there is a crazy number of women who have. This stuff is happening in your backyard (not literally, of course).
People are objects. This is biologically natural, desirable, to view people as objects that they are. Using sensationalist platitudes such as "piece of meat" to reinforce victimhood helps no one, least of all yourself. Maybe you're overly self-conscious when the opposite sex does it, but women do this all the time. The only reason men don't complain about it is because it benefits nobody to whine about biological facts. This isn't "Rape Culture". Raping someone isn't inherently sexist. Viewing a single act from a person as representative of all members who share a single variable with that person is inherently sexist--which you are. Rape is wrong, but that doesn't justify your attitude.

Kitska said:
6.) Getting cat called isn't nice. It's objectifying. Cat calling makes women feel as if their personalities do not exist and they are merely an object to gawk at. A complete stranger shouting at you, "Hey baby, I wanna fuck you" DOES make me scared. What if he acts out on that desire?
Objectifying doesn't mean rape. And just because you have a body doesn't mean you also have a mind. This isn't a dichotomy. And if you can't tell the difference between off-handed remarks and an intent to rape, you've probably got social anxiety issues.

Next time you ask a boy to carry heavy items for you, or ask daddy to buy you something, or expect a boy to put you on the pedestal because you're a girl, realize your inherent sexist hypocrisy. We're going to do it anyways, and feminists will prove the gender roles which they fight by taking advantage of our kindness. That's the order of social animals, ever since our hunter-gatherer ape ancestors fought off predators while the women picked berries.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 6:26 PM

Oct 2012
Kitska said:
Asian people in general get treated like shit. Getting called a chink isn't funny anymore.
Asians are treated just fine. As a mature Asian adult whose self-esteem isn't worth shit, I don't form conspiracy theories about the white man even if I've been called chink a few times. One I was crossing the road, and a guy sped around me, yelling "Get off the road you fucking Jap." Does that mean that there is a culture of racism? You have to be shitting me. There's a difference between when the government passes inherently unfair laws, such as in the 1950's, when Asians were taxed for growing out their hair, and minorities were excluded from certain housing zones (all of these issues were solved by the 1970's); and individual racist discrimination.

People of low self-esteem, such as those who grew up in stratified neighborhoods might see this as the white man's--all or most white men--oppression, "They're just trying to keep us down". But the only thing this does it compound the divide by perpetuating reverse racism.

Does white privilege exist? Yes. But Asian privilege also exists when I can walk into a Korean restaurant and order something, while the white guy gets ignored. You see, social dynamics isn't some unilateral system with one side enforcing, and the other side receiving.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 7:47 PM
Nov 2008
Kitska said:
katsucats said:
That's because my experience is so different, it leaves me wondering whether:
1. She lives in Iran.
2. People make sexist remarks because she's disabled, and she's too daft to understand that (I don't know any disabled people, besides people afflicted with mild autism).
3. She has one of those bitch attitudes IRL that antagonizes people, and she doesn't realize it.

While people do occasionally whistle at girls, mostly in good fun, and people do occasionally make remarks such as "make me a sandwich", it is not a daily, continuous pattern of rape and harassment that she depicts occurring throughout her life. Statistics show that most rape occur between acquaintances, which lead me to think that she got molested by a family member, and then projected that insecurity towards all males, such that off-handed remarks persist in her mind. But I have no interest in speculating further what's going on in her life. It might be true in her circumstance, but my experience is so different that it might as well be fantasy. The only people who would say "make me a sandwich" in a mean-spirited manner (and the only people who can't tell a joke from an insult) are probably middle school aged kids 12-14, so I posit that Kitsaka is some 13 year old girl in a closely-knit middle school where the opportunity exists to run into the same groups daily.

More importantly, when someone brings out the "PITY ME" card to justify some misguided ideology, as if all women are inferior members of society because of anecdotal experiences, there is nothing much to respond to besides either "I PITY YOU" or "I DON'T PITY YOU, YOU'RE RETARDED." I wonder if she notices that other women around her are not subjected to the same treatment, or whether every women from the shithole where she lives have been raped, molested on a daily basis. IMO someone's been watching too much hentai and projecting it to real life.

Evidence: She gets cat called and she's afraid to go out because of some non-physical action communicating that she's attractive. I don't care how insecure you are with sexual advances, cat calling =/= rape or even the attempt or possibility of rape. It would be like if a girl smiled and winked at me in public, and I run into the bathroom stall and shut the door, thinking "All these women are objectifying me!! All women are assholes."

1.) I don't have a bitch attitude. I've been regarded as friendly irl, I can hold stable relationships with people, and I volunteer and help the poor (helping the poor isn't bitchy, is it?).

2.) I don't live in Iran. 9 months out of the year, I live in a nice suburb in Nevada. The other 3, I live with my mom in Japan where I face virtually no sexism.

3.) My disability does not show physically. I have ADHD. My cat-caller can not tell by first glance that I have ADHD. All he knows is that I am an average girl.

4.) I am not in middle school - I am in a public high school (I'm 14).

5.) I posted my experiences as a woman (being raped, molested, cat called, etc) because maybe it would get you to understand the struggles we go through. Being cat called, raped, molested is all apart of rape culture and the sexism that comes with it. My rapist did not see me as an equal human being - he saw me as an object, like a piece of meat. While some women have been lucky enough to have never experience this stuff, this does not dismiss the fact that there is a crazy number of women who have. This stuff is happening in your backyard (not literally, of course).

6.) Getting cat called isn't nice. It's objectifying. Cat calling makes women feel as if their personalities do not exist and they are merely an object to gawk at. A complete stranger shouting at you, "Hey baby, I wanna fuck you" DOES make me scared. What if he acts out on that desire?
calling bull on the whole thing

men don't cat call 14yo, the japanese are hella hating on whiteys, and as for the rape stuff... why do you keep using it as some sort of prop? it doesn't seem right.
Aug 16, 2014 8:12 PM

Feb 2013
Heredity said:
Kitska said:

1.) I don't have a bitch attitude. I've been regarded as friendly irl, I can hold stable relationships with people, and I volunteer and help the poor (helping the poor isn't bitchy, is it?).

2.) I don't live in Iran. 9 months out of the year, I live in a nice suburb in Nevada. The other 3, I live with my mom in Japan where I face virtually no sexism.

3.) My disability does not show physically. I have ADHD. My cat-caller can not tell by first glance that I have ADHD. All he knows is that I am an average girl.

4.) I am not in middle school - I am in a public high school (I'm 14).

5.) I posted my experiences as a woman (being raped, molested, cat called, etc) because maybe it would get you to understand the struggles we go through. Being cat called, raped, molested is all apart of rape culture and the sexism that comes with it. My rapist did not see me as an equal human being - he saw me as an object, like a piece of meat. While some women have been lucky enough to have never experience this stuff, this does not dismiss the fact that there is a crazy number of women who have. This stuff is happening in your backyard (not literally, of course).

6.) Getting cat called isn't nice. It's objectifying. Cat calling makes women feel as if their personalities do not exist and they are merely an object to gawk at. A complete stranger shouting at you, "Hey baby, I wanna fuck you" DOES make me scared. What if he acts out on that desire?
calling bull on the whole thing

men don't cat call 14yo, the japanese are hella hating on whiteys, and as for the rape stuff... why do you keep using it as some sort of prop? it doesn't seem right.

Some men do cat call on 14yo. Especially those who have developed faster than other girls, which is my case.
The Japanese are hella hating on whiteys..? What does this have to do with anything? I'm not even white.
I use rape as an example of rape culture and misogyny.

Done arguing here. It takes up all of my energy.
Aug 16, 2014 8:17 PM

Jun 2014
Kitska said:
I live in a nice suburb in Nevada.

Those don't exist.
Aug 16, 2014 8:22 PM

Oct 2012
Kitska said:
I use rape as an example of rape culture and misogyny.
Yeah, because rape demonstrates institutional sexism. Little asian minority girl angry at the world.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 8:44 PM

Feb 2013
SaucyNudityBaron said:
Kitska said:
I live in a nice suburb in Nevada.

Those don't exist.

Summerlin is an affluent 22,500-acre master-planned community
Aug 16, 2014 8:46 PM

Jun 2014
Kitska said:
SaucyNudityBaron said:

Those don't exist.

Summerlin is an affluent 22,500-acre master-planned community

Nevermind. I forgot that Vegas was in NV.
Aug 16, 2014 8:50 PM

Oct 2012
Oh. I remember Summerlin. We drove by after the real estate crash looking for an investment, but then decided... nah. Rows upon rows of empty houses. In the middle of the fucking desert.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 16, 2014 8:51 PM

Jun 2014
katsucats said:
Oh. I remember Summerlin. We drove by after the real estate crash looking for an investment, but then decided... nah. Rows upon rows of empty houses. In the middle of the fucking desert.

That pretty much describes most of Vegas.
Aug 19, 2014 12:23 PM

Jun 2014

Aug 19, 2014 1:09 PM

Sep 2012
Lencurryboy said:
Misandry is a minor problem and I think it's pretty problematic how it's much more discussed than feminism, which is a big problem.
What the fuck fantasy world do you live in?
Aug 19, 2014 1:21 PM

Nov 2013
Yes but it's somehow concealed well in politics or it would've shut down already.
Aug 19, 2014 2:03 PM

Mar 2012
Lencurryboy said:
Red_Keys said:
What the fuck fantasy world do you live in?

i was going to write something long and smart as a response to this but i feel like it isn't going to get through to you so i'm not uhh

ah thats too bad I was looking forward to it
Aug 19, 2014 2:03 PM

Apr 2012
Warning! Heavy seizure ahead because of retarded post from Lencurryboy.
Lencurryboy said:
Red_Keys said:
What the fuck fantasy world do you live in?

i was going to write something long and smart as a response to this but i feel like it isn't going to get through to you so i'm not uhh

pauperunit said:

ah thats too bad I was looking forward to it

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Aug 19, 2014 2:15 PM

Sep 2012
Lencurryboy said:
Red_Keys said:
What the fuck fantasy world do you live in?

i was going to write something long and smart as a response to this but i feel like it isn't going to get through to you so i'm not uhh
Go back to tumblr with that bullshit.

If you don't want to have a discussion, don't respond to my posts.
Aug 20, 2014 5:48 AM

Sep 2013
Lencurryboy said:

I think you should actually go out in the real world and experience your oh so awful misandry before you tell me that it's such a big problem and that I'm living in a fantasy world. Maybe you will find out that you don't have it that bad, being an "oppressed" male in our society.

Still, I do not mean that misandry does not exist or is not a problem, but misogyny is a much bigger problem. Not many think that misandry is okay. Misogyny is a part of the western culture, and it needs to stop.

How should western culture change in your opinion?
Proud founder of the 20+ virgins club.

Please visit my manga blog for manga updates and more!

Mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggen bix nood

^ Need someone who can translate this. Pm me pls.
Aug 20, 2014 6:55 AM

Jul 2014
Lencurryboy said:
Red_Keys said:
Go back to tumblr with that bullshit.

If you don't want to have a discussion, don't respond to my posts.

I think you should actually go out in the real world and experience your oh so awful misandry before you tell me that it's such a big problem and that I'm living in a fantasy world. Maybe you will find out that you don't have it that bad, being an "oppressed" male in our society.

Still, I do not mean that misandry does not exist or is not a problem, but misogyny is a much bigger problem. Not many think that misandry is okay. Misogyny is a part of the western culture, and it needs to stop.
Men get much harsher prison sentences, if men conscent to sex they conscent to being a parent while women can just have an abortion, women can get away with sexually harassing a male, if a male uses self-defense when he's assaulted by a female more often than not the male gets senteced to prison, females can blame their behaviour on hormones while males can't do the same, a lot of things that affects both genders is said to be a "womens issue" which leads to growing misandry and etc etc. The only two disadvantages I know of that a woman in a western country has is that they're expected to wear makeup and rarely considered for leader positions. You might bring up that women has lower wages but that's probably just because sexual dimorphism.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Aug 20, 2014 9:24 AM

Aug 2014

As someone wrote before, misandry is misandry and feminism is feminism. Many people who claim to be feminists make the mistake of expressing hate towards men, and say that that's feminism. It is not. Feminism is an ideology whose purpose is to achieve equal rights for both men and women. This does not mean that women want to treat men the way men treat women; their purpose goes beyond this, and feminism basically implies a wish for equal human rights for both men and women. I hope you've understood this.

For example, if you are a man and you don't want a payment gap for women in their jobs just because they are women, then congratulations, you're a feminist. If a woman says she hates men and she wants them dead, she's a misandrist and not a feminist. If you hear a woman saying something like that and you hear that she claims to be a feminist, then you have the right to let her know her mistake.

Personally I consider myself a feminist. Since there is a lot of misunderstanding about the concept people tend to hate on me. Many of the posts you linked are about "feminists" doing wrong towards men and children. You see, most of them are not feminists, but misandrists. You are also making the mistake of thinking that these women are feminists, therefore you wrote something like "Feminist defends female raping minor" when instead, you should have written "misandrist defends female raping minor". So now you know the difference between a feminist and misandrist. If you are interested, I suggest you investigate a little bit more about feminism and misandrism and invite your friends to do the same.

Have a great day! :)
Aug 20, 2014 10:00 AM

Jul 2014
myrsella said:

As someone wrote before, misandry is misandry and feminism is feminism. Many people who claim to be feminists make the mistake of expressing hate towards men, and say that that's feminism. It is not. Feminism is an ideology whose purpose is to achieve equal rights for both men and women. This does not mean that women want to treat men the way men treat women; their purpose goes beyond this, and feminism basically implies a wish for equal human rights for both men and women. I hope you've understood this.

For example, if you are a man and you don't want a payment gap for women in their jobs just because they are women, then congratulations, you're a feminist. If a woman says she hates men and she wants them dead, she's a misandrist and not a feminist. If you hear a woman saying something like that and you hear that she claims to be a feminist, then you have the right to let her know her mistake.

Personally I consider myself a feminist. Since there is a lot of misunderstanding about the concept people tend to hate on me. Many of the posts you linked are about "feminists" doing wrong towards men and children. You see, most of them are not feminists, but misandrists. You are also making the mistake of thinking that these women are feminists, therefore you wrote something like "Feminist defends female raping minor" when instead, you should have written "misandrist defends female raping minor". So now you know the difference between a feminist and misandrist. If you are interested, I suggest you investigate a little bit more about feminism and misandrism and invite your friends to do the same.

Have a great day! :)
If you want equal rights between both genders it would be better to call yourself a gender-egalitarian since feminism is a mix of people who actually want equal rights between both genders and misandrists.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Aug 20, 2014 10:05 AM

Nov 2008
D4nnySw4g said:


The fool doesn't know that article is from a fake news site.

Aug 20, 2014 1:55 PM

Oct 2012
Lencurryboy said:
Women are harassed on the streets, raped and being told that it's their fault for dressing "slutty". They are constantly told that they should look good so that boys will like them, they get paid less for doing the same job as a man, people look down on them and constantly think that they aren't as knowledgeable as the men they work with. Many people still think that women are for sex, babies and making food. You ever heard that someone "hits like a girl"? yea. sexism.
Your victim mentality, turning a complicated social dynamic and only looking at it from one end, pointing out isolated occurrences and turning them in your mind into a daily conspiracy of one group against another, is what makes you a sexist.

I could write the same kind of diatribe for men (or for rapists for that matter). Check this out:

I can see where you're coming from, but the disadvantages of men are far more than the tiny insignificance that you're parroting. Men get bullied on the streets daily. Statistics show that men are by far the majority in taking the brunt of physical bullying and violence. Studies show that domestic violence against men by women occur far more than the other way around. Men are told that they should hold doors for women, pay for dates, help women across streets and carry their bags, and that this "common courtesy" does not happen the other way around. They are constantly told to make money, get a house, and live a stable rich lifestyle to attract women. Everyday, pictures of muscular men bombard the media, yet average men who complain are told to hit the gym. Men get no social services for being harassed or raped, men get no grants or support groups for specifically being men, men are expected to do more work regardless of pay (and get paid less than women per work hour). Men don't get maternity leave. People don't give men free dinners and gifts. Many women still think men are to support their shopping sprees and want to control them. One woman once said that all men are pigs/dogs until you train them. You ever heard someone say "don't hit a lady?" Yeah. Sexism.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 20, 2014 1:57 PM

Oct 2012
myrsella said:
As someone wrote before, misandry is misandry and feminism is feminism. Many people who claim to be feminists make the mistake of expressing hate towards men, and say that that's feminism. It is not. Feminism is an ideology whose purpose is to achieve equal rights for both men and women. This does not mean that women want to treat men the way men treat women; their purpose goes beyond this, and feminism basically implies a wish for equal human rights for both men and women. I hope you've understood this.
Then I hope you understand that the vast majority of self-proclaimed "feminists" are not feminists. That means non-feminists like myself are feminists, and "feminists" are misandrists. Confusing, right?
My subjective reviews:
Aug 21, 2014 12:22 PM

May 2012
Modern Day feminism can be equated with misandry because have basically become synonymous. If you are for the rights of both men and women, you should become a gender egalitarian.
Aug 21, 2014 1:16 PM

Mar 2013
Lencurryboy said:

Feminism is about equal rights for all genders and sexes, geez.
did you not see OP's links?
Aug 21, 2014 1:19 PM

May 2013
Instead of having a metaphorical dick measuring contest about which gender is the most oppressed we should actually do something about these issues.
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