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what do u think about fillers? Good OR Bad??

May 18, 2009 4:13 PM

Jan 2009
personally i Dislike fillers myself because i think that fillers is so pointless and it never relates to the story some how xP

But fillers can come time be enjoyable and funny it denpends on what the filler is for example (the lastest bleach fillers about the Princess) i found that quite enjoyable because is funny and it is the only filler that i found quite enjoyable in bleach xP

what do u think about fillers?? LOVE OR HATE?? U DECIDE xD
Koko-BearMay 21, 2009 2:16 PM

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May 18, 2009 4:19 PM

Mar 2008
Most of the fillers I've seen are usually pointless. Occasionally I see filler that actually works with the series rather than "What can we fill 30 minutes with?"
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Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
May 18, 2009 4:23 PM

May 2009
Fillers are the reason why we can't have nice things.
Then again, it keeps the anime from catching up too fast with the manga.
May 18, 2009 4:25 PM

Feb 2005
Bad. Is there any other option? Some series have managed to pull of alright fillers, like FMA, but as far as I remember those were based on actual gaiden chapters and not just magicked forth by the producers.
If they don't feel pointless, and if they don't constitute the majority of a season, they don't have to be bad, but they usually are as far as I am concerned.
May 18, 2009 4:26 PM

Nov 2008
Fillers that are fun and somehow contribute to the over-all story are great. Fillers that have no purpose at all and especially those that introduce a filler-only/ 1 episode-only character are episodes where I only watch the first few minutes to see if anything happens.

NOTE: I am a legitimate (meaning usually on-topic and polite) hit-and-run poster. Do not expect me to reply to your reply to my reply.
May 18, 2009 4:30 PM
Apr 2009
I hate it when it's starting to get so many it strays off the plot.
May 18, 2009 4:48 PM

Apr 2009
After seeing Bleach a bit, i got sick and tired of the fillers..
I just dont like them since they possibly have no plot reference =.=

May 18, 2009 4:51 PM
Sep 2008
Always a bad idea.

I honestly don't understand why they can't just let the show take a break and wait for the manga to get ahead.
May 18, 2009 5:06 PM

Aug 2008
Am I the only one who loves fillers? Yes, love.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
May 18, 2009 5:09 PM

Mar 2008
Relenus said:
Always a bad idea.

I honestly don't understand why they can't just let the show take a break and wait for the manga to get ahead.

Because an anime studio is given a budget by the network, they have to fulfill it. If they don't then the advertisers will drop and the network will lose money.
My Channel Anime Reviews, Unboxings and More
Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
May 18, 2009 5:19 PM

Jun 2008
I actually don't mind fillers every once in a while, sometimes they can actual have pretty entertaining material. I just hate it when series go overboard with them!
May 18, 2009 5:20 PM
Feb 2009
I don't mind on the start but when they get too many i start to hate the fillers.
May 18, 2009 5:24 PM

Jul 2007
Hate, is not a strong enough word for what i think about fillers.

Personally i would prefer them just to take a break, and not ruin a good show.
May 18, 2009 5:43 PM

Aug 2008
philipkira said:
Plun said:
Am I the only one who loves fillers? Yes, love.

LOVE is a VERY STRONG word =]

Hate is a strong word. I do love fillers. I always watch fillers even though they're boring cause the fillers are sometimes enjoyable and hilarious. (Naruto, Bleach, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, One Piece, etc)

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
May 18, 2009 5:47 PM

Apr 2009
I just avoid any series that will potentially have fillers. If it probably will and I still want to know the series, I'll read the manga.

May 18, 2009 6:08 PM

Dec 2008
After dealing with Naruto's 95 episodes of filler, and Shippuden's uneeded 3rd season of filler.....I grew to get sick of it and drop Shippuden itself.

Bottom Line: Fillers=Bad IMO
May 18, 2009 6:14 PM

May 2008
Plun said:
Am I the only one who loves fillers? Yes, love.

Count me in. I even enjoy the ones that are made by all fillers, such as slice of life genres. Maybe I don't really care since I usually read manga version or read light novel or play the visual novel game of the animes I enjoy to watch.
May 18, 2009 6:29 PM

Aug 2008
I don't like fillers, but then again in some series I do like them in animes like, Katekyo Hitman Reborn(Has my favorite fillers and are very funny),FMA,One Piece and at very few times Bleach.

May 18, 2009 11:22 PM

Oct 2007
juun said:
Plun said:
Am I the only one who loves fillers? Yes, love.

Count me in. I even enjoy the ones that are made by all fillers, such as slice of life genres. Maybe I don't really care since I usually read manga version or read light novel or play the visual novel game of the animes I enjoy to watch.
Same here. I like fillers. It's a way to get away from the plot and it's a good idea to have fillers. I enjoy them, but not too many.
May 19, 2009 5:11 AM
Mar 2008
I like filler episodes so much that I created a club for fillers.
Yep I like fillers. Many of my favourite series are series with large amounts of filler and in many of the cases the filler is what drew me to the shows.

Filler episodes are usually the funniest episodes of the show and often show off the personalities of the characters the best because often it's outside of the usual stresses the characters experience in plot episodes.
May 19, 2009 7:32 AM

Nov 2008
They are just inevitable. Necessary to the producers and the general public just dig it alright.
Eo tempore, cum tibi occuri,
Mihi vita laeta fuit,
Cum autem te nusquam conspexi,
Eo tempore mortem cognovi
May 19, 2009 8:11 AM

Dec 2007
As in everything, it depends. After all, I've watched whole seasons of fillers. Whole series of fillers. And they are still enjoyable.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
May 19, 2009 10:22 AM

Apr 2009
I sometimes wish they would just end the season instead of making 12 straight episodes of filler before picking up on the actual story again. Fillers can be so pointless and dumb. You just want them to END (most of the time, there's a few exceptions as stated).
May 19, 2009 10:40 AM

Aug 2008
Tidalz said:
I sometimes wish they would just end the season instead of making 12 straight episodes of filler before picking up on the actual story again. Fillers can be so pointless and dumb. You just want them to END (most of the time, there's a few exceptions as stated).

Pretty much like To Love RU.

▬▬▬▬김유정 ▬▬▬▬
May 19, 2009 10:47 AM

Jun 2008
if the fillers are neccesary then put them in but do it like one piece does ( a few fillers here a few fillers there) rather than a whole season. Also if the fillers are funny then i have no problem, but when they try to make a who filler arc thats when i get upset.
May 19, 2009 11:04 AM

Apr 2009
In my book there are two, no three types of fillers"

- A very good serie with one or two fillers that are mostly pretty funny: don't hate em
- A good, long serie with interesting and action-packed fillers: don't hate em
- A good, long serie with boring, repeating and irritating fillers: ...Die in a fire

Examples of the last: naruot's fillers atm and the fillers when they were cooking ramen and such (that level)...I say: stop production for a few months then and give us both a break...

- Lith.
May 19, 2009 11:14 AM

Apr 2009
Good fillers (as in episodes that have little to no effect on the plot) are really, really rare. But they do exist. Example: Episode 8 of Paranoia Agent. Effect on plot: none. Relation to the story: minimal. But still, one of the creepiest episodes of anime ever produced.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
May 19, 2009 11:15 AM

May 2009
Plun said:
Am I the only one who loves fillers? Yes, love.

Me too. If the characters are interesting, who the heck needs a plot anyway. If the alternative is clichéd plot twists, I'll have filler please.
May 19, 2009 1:20 PM

Jul 2007
Are we talking series with an exciting plot that randomly stops for a filler episode, or series that aren't very plotty in the first place and are mostly filler? The first usually annoys me, but I enjoy the second.

oh, these little earthquakes
May 19, 2009 1:34 PM

Apr 2009
Depends on what kind of filler it is, I welcome some filler if it changes things up while still entertaining me. Sometimes a change of pace is just what a show needs. The only kind of filler that's always bad are the flashback episodes... I fast forward through these.
May 19, 2009 2:04 PM

Jan 2009
"fillers are a good way to get to know the characters better". I read something like that once.
And I agree with it. I don't mind fillers much.
May 19, 2009 8:36 PM

May 2008
Like a lot of people who commented I don't particularly hate fillers, so long as they are entertaining. The whole 'lets go to the beach/pool' filler is really getting old.
May 19, 2009 8:51 PM

Feb 2008
I'm torn. Sometimes I dislike them, so I just skip them. Done. I usually just read the summary of the filler episode and decide if I want to watch it or not.
May 19, 2009 9:25 PM

Jun 2008
They're bad because they indicate that the author or studio have run out of ideas. Fillers = Very big quality anime. This anime will soo be getting a 10 out of 10 for sure.
ReikakuMay 20, 2009 10:16 AM
May 20, 2009 7:20 AM

Apr 2009
i personally like fillers, just not too many in any one anime. they are really funny. what is don't like is recap episodes! those are boring!
May 20, 2009 10:47 AM

Sep 2008
Some episodes of a filler can be good somewhat but for the most part there not so good.
May 20, 2009 12:13 PM

Jan 2009
It depends - so much.

If the concept of the filler is nice and amusing then i like it but if it's just random nonsense I'm most likely meh-ing at it. I've never skipped a filler episode of anything I watch though.. X3
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Love me, Hate me, I don't care as long as you're with me
May 20, 2009 1:27 PM

Dec 2008
I have no patience for filler episodes. A colossal waste of time if you ask me.

May the DESU be with you! Always!
May 20, 2009 1:37 PM
Feb 2009
I'm fine with a couple, but I hate ones that have no purpose whatsoever. The ones about the past of important characters are decent, but stupid ones about supporting characters having fun somewhere else are pointless.
May 20, 2009 7:13 PM

Jan 2009
Overall, I hate them. They have the potential to ruin a series if they do them for an extended period of time. I can deal with 2 or 3 between arcs but if you on a 20 plus run of pure fillers then that is a big problem.
May 20, 2009 7:46 PM

Apr 2009
I don't mind them... depending on how long they are and all. When the fillers came up in Naruto, the first few were funny little episodes away from the story that I actually enjoyed, but after a while, I just couldn't watch it anymore.
May 20, 2009 7:48 PM

Jan 2009
did half of my thread got deleted? lol

May 21, 2009 12:09 AM

Aug 2007
philipkira said:
personally i Dislike fillers myself because i think that fillers is so pointless and it never relates to the story some how xP

But fillers can come time be enjoyable and funny it denpends on what the filler is for example (the lastest bleach fillers about the Vizard) i found that quite enjoyable and it is the only filler that i found enjoyable xP

what do u think about fillers?? LOVE OR HATE?? U DECIDE xD

Er. You need to look up the meaning of filler if you think the episodes about the Vizards are filler. Anything in manga is not filler.

Anyway I don't mind fillers unless they go against canon somehow. Only exception to this is like Chopper's rumble ball from One Piece. They animated that him eating two rumble balls had no effect on him at all but it was different in the manga. It was because Oda hadn't gotten to that part yet and the animators didn't know he had that rule.
Drunk_SamuraiMay 21, 2009 12:21 AM
May 21, 2009 12:10 AM

Aug 2007
NoFC said:
Fillers that are fun and somehow contribute to the over-all story are great. Fillers that have no purpose at all and especially those that introduce a filler-only/ 1 episode-only character are episodes where I only watch the first few minutes to see if anything happens.

Fillers can contribute to a story?

Ash-Falls-Town said:
I like filler episodes so much that I created a club for fillers.
Yep I like fillers. Many of my favourite series are series with large amounts of filler and in many of the cases the filler is what drew me to the shows.

Filler episodes are usually the funniest episodes of the show and often show off the personalities of the characters the best because often it's outside of the usual stresses the characters experience in plot episodes.

You do realize those "personalities" don't count considering they are filler right?

Mawootad said:
Good fillers (as in episodes that have little to no effect on the plot) are really, really rare. But they do exist. Example: Episode 8 of Paranoia Agent. Effect on plot: none. Relation to the story: minimal. But still, one of the creepiest episodes of anime ever produced.

The anime is the source material. There is no such thing as filler in source material.
Drunk_SamuraiMay 21, 2009 12:20 AM
May 21, 2009 12:12 AM

Mar 2009
I hate fillers, there just to kill time in an anime.
May 21, 2009 12:47 AM

Oct 2008
It depends on where they are placed in the anime, what they are about, for how long, etc.

Most of the time I don't mind fillers, but in some cases *coughNARUTOcough* they cause me to lose interest.
May 21, 2009 4:31 AM

Jul 2007
Drunk_Samurai said:
philipkira said:
personally i Dislike fillers myself because i think that fillers is so pointless and it never relates to the story some how xP

But fillers can come time be enjoyable and funny it denpends on what the filler is for example (the lastest bleach fillers about the Vizard) i found that quite enjoyable and it is the only filler that i found enjoyable xP

what do u think about fillers?? LOVE OR HATE?? U DECIDE xD

Er. You need to look up the meaning of filler if you think the episodes about the Vizards are filler. Anything in manga is not filler.

I've seen filler defined both as "stuff not in the manga" and "stuff that you could cut out without any effect on the show because nothing really happens".

oh, these little earthquakes
May 21, 2009 1:27 PM

Jan 2009
Anomalous said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
philipkira said:
personally i Dislike fillers myself because i think that fillers is so pointless and it never relates to the story some how xP

But fillers can come time be enjoyable and funny it denpends on what the filler is for example (the lastest bleach fillers about the Vizard) i found that quite enjoyable and it is the only filler that i found enjoyable xP

what do u think about fillers?? LOVE OR HATE?? U DECIDE xD

Er. You need to look up the meaning of filler if you think the episodes about the Vizards are filler. Anything in manga is not filler.

I've seen filler defined both as "stuff not in the manga" and "stuff that you could cut out without any effect on the show because nothing really happens".

i dont think the vizard fillers was in the manga............

May 21, 2009 1:33 PM

Aug 2007
philipkira said:
Anomalous said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
philipkira said:
personally i Dislike fillers myself because i think that fillers is so pointless and it never relates to the story some how xP

But fillers can come time be enjoyable and funny it denpends on what the filler is for example (the lastest bleach fillers about the Vizard) i found that quite enjoyable and it is the only filler that i found enjoyable xP

what do u think about fillers?? LOVE OR HATE?? U DECIDE xD

Er. You need to look up the meaning of filler if you think the episodes about the Vizards are filler. Anything in manga is not filler.

I've seen filler defined both as "stuff not in the manga" and "stuff that you could cut out without any effect on the show because nothing really happens".

i dont think the vizard fillers was in the manga............

Then you definitely haven't read the manga.

That was the start of it.
May 21, 2009 1:44 PM

Mar 2009
I think fillers (to a limited extent) are needed. Having nothing but continuous story arc only serves to make the series go by too fast, and the quick pace makes it hard to stay up. And occasional 'wind down' episode (e.g. beach episodes) are needed for (often comic) relief. That said, artificial inflating a series to hundreds of episodes, without regard to the overarching story line, is bad.
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
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