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Mar 22, 2014 8:42 AM

Sep 2007
I'm personally surprised by how many people are praising this series.
I find the jokes too repetitive and not very funny. The animation quality is very inconsistent between episodes. I find a lot of the episodes to be boring as well. I can only think of 3 episodes that I liked.
I'll likely finish the series, but I'm definitely not excited to watch it every week.
I've seen 9 of the episodes so far and it is definitely not worthy all this praise.
Mar 22, 2014 10:02 AM

Feb 2008
If you take this show so seriously, comparing it to Watanabe's other works, you're not going to enjoy it. That said, Space Dandy is a tremendous show for what it does and I thoroughly enjoy it.
People are strange, when you're a stranger
Mar 22, 2014 10:39 AM

Jul 2012
Heredity said:
then why'd you single out it being an episodic comedy? obviously i thought you believed every episode was trying to be funny.

I actually never specifically called this show an episodic comedy but rather said I watch a lot of shows that are episodic comedies. And in my first post I didn't even mention anything at all about episodic comedies.
And comedy is the main focus of this show, despite not every week being a comedy episode. This conversation is just turning into strawmanning at this point. I've already made my point.
Mar 22, 2014 11:25 AM

Jan 2014
I find the show to be...just OK. Nothing has really stood out too much, but it can be quite funny at times, although not as funny as others.
I actually like the discontinuity of it. I only wish Dr. Gel will get more screen time.

Of course we're nearing the half way point, so it's still a bit early to be making final conclusions.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 22, 2014 7:45 PM

Mar 2009
It's had a few good(even great) episodes: 5, 9, and 10 especially. And the second half of the zombie episode is one of the rare cases where the comedy actually worked, but it's mostly been disappointing. However, one can't say this show isn't creative, that's for sure.
Mar 23, 2014 5:19 AM

Feb 2014
I used to love this show before reading this thread, now my eyes have been opened I realize this show is terrible: flat characters, no plot, absurdly stupid humor...

(Sarcastic mode for the above comment ) Yeah, while I do agree that some of the episodes are better than others and the humor sometimes falls flat but that is to be expected with the narration style. I find the episode concepts creative for the most part, love the characters the way they are, plenty of comedy that leaves me rolling on the floor which makes up for the "miss" jokes. I think the animation is excellent and yeah it may have minor inconsistencies (which is fine for a comedy show) but the action scenes go all out.

This is just my opinion and I am not trying to convince anyone that the show is this or that. When I watch a show that doesn't meet my expectations nor entertains me, I just simply drop the show and move on.

I recently read a review on kotaku in which the author states he does not like the humor of Space Dandy (which is perfectly fine) and compares the show's comedy to some harem anime ("oh boy, one of those shows" I think to myself) as well as defines humor as "subverting expectations" (fair enough). He goes to state the comedy in "Space Dandy" is more or less one-liners or crude boob jokes. Meanwhile the comedy in this harem show is "layered," as jokes are built on top of each other (I thought this was known as a running gag, but have not seen the show in question and didn't understand the humor in his example, but w/e). Anyways, I thought to myself that I'm glad I am easily amused and don't need my comedies to have any sort of "structure," maybe I'm stupid like Dandy himself, idk.

The point is that this show will probably not appeal to everyone; also those that wanted the show to be like "Cowboy Bebop" (I mean in terms of overall caliber) are going to be disappointed. Before the show aired, I read an article(Can't find it now so I can only paraphrase what I remember) about Shinichiro Watanabe stating he did not set out to outdo "Cowboy Bebop," but he wanted to make a comedy and that his team "went out of their way to make the show as stupid funny as possible"(something like that anyways.) I'm glad he went this route as it would be very difficult/ambitious to make another Cowboy Bebop as I would think he probably could not foretell Cowboy Bebop would make it the top tens (if not number one) in many Top-anime lists.

Know my post is getting too long so I will finish by saying I enjoy Space Dandy for what the show is instead of contrasting how it is Not like anime such and such.
Mar 23, 2014 9:14 AM

Apr 2013
Well it is not as good as CB, SC, M+ and kids on the slope but it is still ok for what it delivers
It is so dense. Every single image has so many things going on.
Mar 23, 2014 9:15 AM

Apr 2013
pakoko said:
Lol poor OP, all he wanted to do was start a discussion.

But I did want to see how everyone felt about the anime in general. I like Space Dandy for its creativity, randomness, and philosophy (?). However, I'm wondering if the "all star" cast and directors have a specific direction they want to take this show to... Every episode I'm left confused and wanting something more. The fact that the show is episodic doesn't help at all either.

I guess it's just my preference to prefer anime with some sort of focus, but what did you guys think? Do these adventures seem to have even a vague sense of connection to one another that I'm not seeing? Or is it really just a hodgepodge of various adventures that Dandy and his crew goes on? I'd like to see if anyone has like a mindblowing prediction explaining the randomness of this show.

P.S. I do have to agree with some of the users in this discussion that the characters are not necessarily that appealing, or even that well developed. Dandy's always Dandy, Meow always Meow, and QT always QT. Iunno, I'd say the show needs more boobs...

Clearly they don't have a clear direction
It is so dense. Every single image has so many things going on.
Mar 23, 2014 9:27 AM

Sep 2013
Im getting pretty bored myself watching this show. The only reason Im still watching this is because I dont like dropping anime. Im actually surprise its getting a next season.
AsianKungFuMar 23, 2014 9:30 AM
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Mar 23, 2014 10:33 AM

Jan 2008
I like watching SD because it gives me something most anime nowadays don't - actual genuine enjoyment.

Some anime are just a chore to get through, but this one actually has me looking forward every week and will be really sad when it ends.
Mar 23, 2014 10:42 AM
Mar 2014
SolviteSekai said:
sentience said:
At least this is better than most things that are airing right now.
Quality isn't consistent but it is still fairly entertaining on certain weeks.

This show is better than Nisekoi, Noragami, Hamatora, Kill la Kill, Nagi to Asukara and Golden Time?

Nisekoi = lameass romance at least average only cuz shaft
Noragami = above average traditional urban fantasy, good music
Hamatora = average urban fantasy with boring flashy art design
Kill a Kill = gurren lagann with chicks which is good and so is art
Nagi no Asakura = angst + kid = garbage, above average art
Golden Time = above average romance, mediocre art,

Space dandy = great art direction, weird story but at least is fresh
Mar 23, 2014 10:59 AM

May 2012
SolviteSekai said:
sentience said:
At least this is better than most things that are airing right now.
Quality isn't consistent but it is still fairly entertaining on certain weeks.

This show is better than Nisekoi, Noragami, Hamatora, Kill la Kill, Nagi to Asukara and Golden Time?

Other than Noragami and Kill la Kill, I don't care about the rest.
Mar 23, 2014 11:08 AM

Jan 2011
It is mediocre. Don't care if it's not trying to be "intelligent" but it's far to abstract half the time and not overly entertaining.

zerochicken said:
SolviteSekai said:
sentience said:
At least this is better than most things that are airing right now.
Quality isn't consistent but it is still fairly entertaining on certain weeks.

This show is better than Nisekoi, Noragami, Hamatora, Kill la Kill, Nagi to Asukara and Golden Time?

Nisekoi = lameass romance at least average only cuz shaft
Noragami = above average traditional urban fantasy, good music
Hamatora = average urban fantasy with boring flashy art design
Kill a Kill = gurren lagann with chicks which is good and so is art
Nagi no Asakura = angst + kid = garbage, above average art
Golden Time = above average romance, mediocre art,

Space dandy = great art direction, weird story but at least is fresh

All that. All of that made me laugh.
IZEROIIMar 23, 2014 11:16 AM
Mar 23, 2014 1:55 PM

May 2010
After ep5, it's mediocre imo
Mar 23, 2014 5:06 PM

Sep 2011
just to add how the hype trains till hasnt dissapointed, ep 12 is one of the funniest episodes ive seen since i finished watching gintama a year and a half ago. That chamelionian is the best

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 23, 2014 6:22 PM

Jun 2010
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.
Mar 23, 2014 6:24 PM

May 2013
A hype train that's lived up to the hype.
My anime blog
Latest Post: The Zero Requiem (Analysis of the Ending of Code Geass)
Mar 23, 2014 10:17 PM

Dec 2012
I'm surprised that you cared enough about Space Dandy to make a thread about it.
my avatar is the bus driver from Rosario + Vampire
Mar 24, 2014 12:31 AM
Aug 2011
LuciferIAm said:
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.

I don't have any problem with Space Dandy but using an episode discussion thread poll as your guide to if the show is good or not is a weak argument.

The majority of people who come to episode discussions like the show to begin with.
Mar 24, 2014 12:52 AM

Jan 2014
Dr_Smurph said:
LuciferIAm said:
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.

I don't have any problem with Space Dandy but using an episode discussion thread poll as your guide to if the show is good or not is a weak argument.

The majority of people who come to episode discussions like the show to begin with.

True this. And other shows of the season have even higher percentages of 5/5s. I haven't seen majority of the other season's shows, but Kill la Kill for example has a lot in the 90s.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 24, 2014 1:31 AM

Feb 2012
You get it or you don't I guess.
Sorry if you don't, you can always rewatch Sword Art Online or something lmao
Space Dandy has the ambition to try less than standard approaches to anime, but I guess people just value "doing better with the same" rather than "be bold and try new things but ultimately has it's flaws." But to be quite honest, I'm not that surprised that so many anime viewers are not into Space Dandy. Just look at the anime industry, the amount of shameless pandering that goes uncontested is quite discouraging. I try to see anime more as an art rather than just entertainment or business.

PS, regarding shows this season, I think the only ones that I like a bit more are:
-ace of diamond
-hajime no ippo rising (I have a soft spot for sports anime)
-hunter x hunter
-Tonari no seki kun (This show is great, but let's be honest, I'm no writer, but I can think of so many different things seki can do in class, so it's hard for me to credit it for "amazing" writing).
-gin no saji

I think noragami is alright. I think it's well executed, just not intellectually/creatively stimulating. It's pretty clear who the target audience (Yato's spiel before fights screams chuunibyou lol).

Kill La Kill is in the same vein. very very very good art and aesthetics, characters are likable, but ultimately the story is very simplistic. The show is also marred by embarrassing fan service and transformation scenes. Seriously, this and Yato's fight sequences are clearly time-wasters as to delay advancing the plot in meaningful ways. They are both fun shows to watch, but they do not explore much creatively in the same way space dandy does. SD plays around with many concepts in EACH episode that is coupled with (imo) well done humor that ultimately trumps the allure of these so-called better shows.
idontwannapostMar 24, 2014 2:37 AM
Mar 24, 2014 1:36 AM

Jun 2010
Dr_Smurph said:
LuciferIAm said:
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.

I don't have any problem with Space Dandy but using an episode discussion thread poll as your guide to if the show is good or not is a weak argument.

The majority of people who come to episode discussions like the show to begin with.
From my experience it's usually the vocal haters that show up in discussion more then those enjoying it.
Mar 24, 2014 3:25 AM
Jan 2014
SolviteSekai said:

The only 2 reasons I can think of for this show to still be so popular on Mal despite abysmal preorder sales and a general lack of quality are:

1. It is dubbed, so MAL Dub watchers can comment on it.

2. It is somewhat connected to Cowboy Bebop, leading fanboy groups to defend the director despite his failure.

Well, I've been enjoying the show a lot so far, so I'll try to explain why to you. I'll begin with your blatant generalizations above:

1. Nope. I never watch dubbed anime, period.

2. While I enjoyed Kids on the Slope and Samurai Champloo a lot, I can't say the same about Cowboy Bebop. Mind you, I just got around to watching it quite recently, so I'm not wearing any nostalgia goggles. I can pinpoint the reasons of some praise, but in general I find it extremely overrated. In my opinion, the biggest flaw of the show relies exactly in the episodic narrative, which severely hindered meaningful character development and any attempting at establishing a plot. Cowboy Bebop screamed for both, and even hinted at them a little, but it ended feeling somewhat hollow and left us with a barebone ending. The same complaint could be made of Space Dandy, I feel like it is probably what's going on in the mind of people that dislike the show, and that's okay. However, Space Dandy throws any serious expectation of character development or plot out of the window from the get go. They die on episode 1, they just die. The narrator says anything can happen. The crew is just moronic, you don't expect anything from them: Dandy only thinks about boobies, Neko is a lazy cat and QT is an outdated robot. You get attached to them because they are already stereotypes, and you pick up their mannerisms, but that's about it. Because of this, the formula works WAY better than in Cowboy Bebop IMO. Not to say they don't explore the characters at all or that there'll be no greater story that connects all episodes, but whenever those happen, it's there as an extra for the crazy adventures.

Obs: Sales =/= Popularity =/= Quality.

Now, why I enjoy the show so much. I'll try to sum it up on a single word: character. There's nothing really quite like it right now. We don't get many shows directed at the western market, let alone sci-fi shows directed at the western market. It feels very unique, and that's something I value a lot. But, of course, I wouldn't keep watching a uniquely BAD show, so I'll go on:

1) The animation is good. Sometimes it falls short, but the art style and scene direction makes it well worth the watch. Some of the best visual moments I've seen this year so far are from Space Dandy: surfing the waves of an exploding planet, riding the space trains with Adélie, tripping balls among giant plant beings. Simply fantastic moments. And the soundtrack complements it all, always stunning. I haven't seen a soundtrack with such consistently good songs in quite some time, I just want to get my hands on the full album. Overall, every episode is very well put together.

2) People say the show is too inconsist, but I disagree completely. The problem is some people come expecting a comedy anime or an action anime and end up being seriously let down when they go through several episodes uncomitted to comedy, or that never get a lot of action. The show is actually quite consistent on the technical aspects. What is inconsistent is the nature of the adventures, but that can also be called variety: if anything, the show has been consistently varied. Keep in mind most anime fail to provide any variety at all. When they do, they just shove a beach episode in between the plot and call it a day.
The episodes of Space Dandy go through the full spectrum of mood: comedy, bizarro, creepy, feelgood, touching, action. Episodes also employ many different common sci-fi themes (space race, time loops, interdimensional travel, space economics/demography, artificial intelligence on the next one probably, etc). Coupled with the endless possibilities of stories that involve weird alien life-forms, I'd say no episode so far has been completely boring or unimaginative, and we probably won't have one.

So yeah, the variety I talked above and the episodic narrative greatly increase the rewatchability of the series for me. Seriously, I can just pick up any episode and watch it over lunch, any day, and have a good relaxed time. To end this, I'd say the fantastic scenes (animation, direction, soundtrack) + the variety gives this anime a lot of it's great charm, which keeps me coming back. But some part of that charm is still in the air, even to me. Maybe it's the narrator? The very subtle style of comedy in contrast to blatant visual gags? I don't know. I mean, not many shows can get away with being so cringeworthy on purpose that it actually does an 180 degree turn and makes you smile a little (I'm looking at you Laika).

I can, I really can, understand people disliking Space Dandy, but when people start bashing it completely I just can't help myself but think they've got a completely wrong mindset going at this show.
ganbarouMar 24, 2014 3:39 AM
Mar 24, 2014 3:40 AM
Nov 2013
Also I think it's important to note that the directors used for individual episode can vary quite wildly from week to week as we're viewing them, especially in terms of writing style and previous writing pedigrees. Some of them have written for Bebop and Champloo, but I think Space Dandy has really just been Watanabe letting his studio go nuts with creative freedom.

I don't know if names like Ichiro Okouchi, Keiko Nobumoto or Toh EnJoe are actually part of the core team, but certainly they're not particularly beholden to one particular continuity or even central theme, or even the style of the show.

The only thing that's well and truly constant are the character personalities themselves, and if there's possibly one general conceit to the show, it's about throwing a strange/weird/wacky/wonderful situation at Dandy and/or QT and/or Meow and playing around with how they react - and that's it. From a certain point of view, quite experimental (despite all the tropes being thrown around) compared to a lot of anime this season.

edit: and Boobies is another constant, I guess. But that's just a fact of life. Literally, a biological fact of life. Anyway!

Personally, I sit down to watch a Dandy episode every week to ease myself into the Monday. Sometimes the episode isn't all that exciting. Sometimes, I might even be a little bit bored. But by the end of every episode, even though I might have predicted how it'll end, there's always a little something or other that catches me by surprise. It ends in the way I thought it would, but not quite.
Except for episode 5, that was saccharine as hell. Still liked it, though.

Space Dandy probably isn't the saviour of anime like people thought it would be, but out of a lot of what I've seen these past few months I feel it's been trying the hardest, and it's one of the few shows that when I get to the preview for the next episode, I go "well that's kinda intruiging. I wonder what it'll be about this time?"
BRIANBLESSEDMar 24, 2014 3:48 AM
Mar 24, 2014 3:58 AM

Sep 2011
LuciferIAm said:
Dr_Smurph said:
LuciferIAm said:
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.

I don't have any problem with Space Dandy but using an episode discussion thread poll as your guide to if the show is good or not is a weak argument.

The majority of people who come to episode discussions like the show to begin with.
From my experience it's usually the vocal haters that show up in discussion more then those enjoying it.
christ stop using the word haters, that words fucking cancerous

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 24, 2014 4:47 AM

Jan 2014
jimjameswhatever said:
You get it or you don't I guess.
Sorry if you don't, you can always rewatch Sword Art Online or something lmao
Space Dandy has the ambition to try less than standard approaches to anime, but I guess people just value "doing better with the same" rather than "be bold and try new things but ultimately has it's flaws." But to be quite honest, I'm not that surprised that so many anime viewers are not into Space Dandy. Just look at the anime industry, the amount of shameless pandering that goes uncontested is quite discouraging. I try to see anime more as an art rather than just entertainment or business.

PS, regarding shows this season, I think the only ones that I like a bit more are:
-ace of diamond
-hajime no ippo rising (I have a soft spot for sports anime)
-hunter x hunter
-Tonari no seki kun (This show is great, but let's be honest, I'm no writer, but I can think of so many different things seki can do in class, so it's hard for me to credit it for "amazing" writing).
-gin no saji

I think noragami is alright. I think it's well executed, just not intellectually/creatively stimulating. It's pretty clear who the target audience (Yato's spiel before fights screams chuunibyou lol).

Kill La Kill is in the same vein. very very very good art and aesthetics, characters are likable, but ultimately the story is very simplistic. The show is also marred by embarrassing fan service and transformation scenes. Seriously, this and Yato's fight sequences are clearly time-wasters as to delay advancing the plot in meaningful ways. They are both fun shows to watch, but they do not explore much creatively in the same way space dandy does. SD plays around with many concepts in EACH episode that is coupled with (imo) well done humor that ultimately trumps the allure of these so-called better shows.

Well, it always comes down to what you look for in a show.
I could care less about ambition and taking new approaches. I judge by what is offered and not much more. Trying something new is always nice, but I value what is actually offered more than the attempt to do so. Good intentions only take you so far.

That being said, I like Space Dandy, but it has not been as outstanding as some other anime. It's funny, but I've found other anime this season funnier.

I could also care less for "intellectually stimulating." Entertainment is entertainment, and it's mostly elitists that cry about that stuff, so beware of getting labelled as such.
People like to throw that stuff around, and some will also say that Space Dandy falls into that category.

Entertainment in itself is still an art, so trying to give it some other meaning just unnecessarily complicates it.
I do agree though that the slice of life genre is dominating the market with less interesting titles being released. SD is one of the few shows that offers the extraordinary.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 24, 2014 7:48 AM
Jul 2018
Space Dandy is a colorful and well animated show that is fun to watch on those merits alone (plus the artwork and animations sometimes have significant changes depending upon the episode. The plant episode and the book episode show this especially). Besides that, while depending upon the episode its hit or miss, the show can have some pretty clever writing sometimes that really hit the mark on humor (my favorite part being
. And even with all that, occasionally the show delivers something else entirely; instead of humor, Space Dandy sometimes tries (and succeeds) to have some heart. It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode. The first sign of this was in the ramen noodle episode (episode 2). Other moments like that, some stronger than that, happen in later episodes.

Plus the characters themselves are all fairly likable.
Mar 24, 2014 7:50 AM

Sep 2011
Chili-Changa said:
It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode.
space dandy is the only show other than trigun that will make you give a shit about a bunch of plants

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 24, 2014 11:38 AM

Feb 2012
RedRoseFring said:

Well, it always comes down to what you look for in a show.
I could care less about ambition and taking new approaches. I judge by what is offered and not much more. Trying something new is always nice, but I value what is actually offered more than the attempt to do so. Good intentions only take you so far.

That being said, I like Space Dandy, but it has not been as outstanding as some other anime. It's funny, but I've found other anime this season funnier.

I could also care less for "intellectually stimulating." Entertainment is entertainment, and it's mostly elitists that cry about that stuff, so beware of getting labelled as such.
People like to throw that stuff around, and some will also say that Space Dandy falls into that category.

Entertainment in itself is still an art, so trying to give it some other meaning just unnecessarily complicates it.
I do agree though that the slice of life genre is dominating the market with less interesting titles being released. SD is one of the few shows that offers the extraordinary.

I don't think I'm being an elitist, just being honest with what I want out of certain shows. As stated, I like sports anime, so clearly it's not something I necessarily expect all the time. I just feel that with all the praise some shows are getting I'm putting my thoughts out there that hey, these shows are pretty fun to watch but I still think they lack a certain aspect that makes me want to re-watch them years down the line.

But you're right, there are some shows that miserably fail in trying to incorporate "intellect" into the show, but there will always be shows like that and at the end of the day. I respect the effort, but I won't lie about quality.

I also think the whole "entertainment is entertainment" is the sort of mentality that perpetuates mindless television not just in anime but television in general (Think Reality TV). I think people should always strive to do more with entertainment. I can tell you feel somewhat the same way, just not as critical as me (sorry). I thinks shows like Gin No Saji are exactly what needs to seen more. It has all the things that people generally like to see in anime, but incorporates a lot of good themes that can be applied to life. I suppose I'm expecting something too specific, but the way I see it, good fiction is always connects back to the real world. I think that's kind of what I mean by "intellect." Not necessarily deep deep philosophical questions or anything. And I think that's what Space Dandy does as well.

In my opinion, the biggest flaw of the show (Cowboy bebop) relies exactly in the episodic narrative, which severely hindered meaningful character development and any attempting at establishing a plot.

The same criticism has been made for SD and I think it's understadable if you compare it to other anime shows out there. However, I believe this is a conscious choice on the writers part that works just fine for me. Character development is not "hindered" in my point of view, rather it's left open so that judgment is made more on part by the viewer. The accumulation of experiences the characters are put through is what creates the image of the character in the mind of the viewer. I think the subtleties of the characters in Cowboy Bebop is what makes is so good, character development is not handed to you on a plate.
Space Dandy is a different story, Dandy is dumb, Meow is lazy, QT...well is a robot. I think the whole premise throws character development out the window. The show is more conceptual than emotional I think.
idontwannapostMar 24, 2014 12:44 PM
Mar 24, 2014 11:46 AM

Sep 2013
Although it isn't as great as I initially thought it would be, it does provide a decent amount of entertainment and I find it reminiscent of the shows like Johnny Bravo from my youth. Space Dandy probably won't teach you the meaning of life, but on the other hand it'll give you a good laugh or two.
Mar 24, 2014 3:34 PM

Jan 2014
jimjameswhatever said:
RedRoseFring said:

Well, it always comes down to what you look for in a show.
I could care less about ambition and taking new approaches. I judge by what is offered and not much more. Trying something new is always nice, but I value what is actually offered more than the attempt to do so. Good intentions only take you so far.

That being said, I like Space Dandy, but it has not been as outstanding as some other anime. It's funny, but I've found other anime this season funnier.

I could also care less for "intellectually stimulating." Entertainment is entertainment, and it's mostly elitists that cry about that stuff, so beware of getting labelled as such.
People like to throw that stuff around, and some will also say that Space Dandy falls into that category.

Entertainment in itself is still an art, so trying to give it some other meaning just unnecessarily complicates it.
I do agree though that the slice of life genre is dominating the market with less interesting titles being released. SD is one of the few shows that offers the extraordinary.

I don't think I'm being an elitist, just being honest with what I want out of certain shows. As stated, I like sports anime, so clearly it's not something I necessarily expect all the time. I just feel that with all the praise some shows are getting I'm putting my thoughts out there that hey, these shows are pretty fun to watch but I still think they lack a certain aspect that makes me want to re-watch them years down the line.

But you're right, there are some shows that miserably fail in trying to incorporate "intellect" into the show, but there will always be shows like that and at the end of the day. I respect the effort, but I won't lie about quality.

I also think the whole "entertainment is entertainment" is the sort of mentality that perpetuates mindless television not just in anime but television in general (Think Reality TV). I think people should always strive to do more with entertainment. I can tell you feel somewhat the same way, just not as critical as me (sorry). I thinks shows like Gin No Saji are exactly what needs to seen more. It has all the things that people generally like to see in anime, but incorporates a lot of good themes that can be applied to life. I suppose I'm expecting something too specific, but the way I see it, good fiction is always connects back to the real world. I think that's kind of what I mean by "intellect." Not necessarily deep deep philosophical questions or anything. And I think that's what Space Dandy does as well.

I do not like reality TV, in fact I'd probably describe myself as a hater in that regard, but that doesn't change the fact that some people find it entertaining.
I will never understand why, but a large number of people out there enjoy it, so in that sense those shows are doing exactly what they are intended to do.

Some people like myself like to see shows be clever and give laughs while others like to see semi-idiotic people pick out fake wives or have fights over hairdos. That's unfortunately just the way it is.

And once more, I would have to disagree on your last point. Tying back to real life is fine, but good fiction for me is something that offers the extraordinary. Something that goes beyond this world and its limitations. Fiction truly reaches its greatest when it isn't bound by our own limitations.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 24, 2014 4:48 PM

Aug 2009
I still don't understand how people think that this show is good. Sure, it had some cool moments here and there, but it definitely did not live up to the hype it was receiving. If I remember correctly, the zombie episode didn't even make sense. They all turned into zombies, and I don't remember them finding a cure or anything in that episode. What happens next? The next episode continues with them all being back to normal..

It seemed like a bunch of the episodes were just completely random. Part of me wants to just finish the last episode, and be done with the show. Another part of me wants to give the second season a try, which I probably will, and just hope for the best.
XBlazeMar 25, 2014 12:09 AM
Mar 24, 2014 5:10 PM
Aug 2011
LuciferIAm said:
Dr_Smurph said:
LuciferIAm said:
I feel the need to reiterate again how many haters there seem to be for this show. It's got an average of 7.6 (my god what a joke so many shows out there that pale in comparison) yet if you just go through the episode topics, 5/5 is not just the winner, its OVERWHELMINGLY the winner in every poll, I've read nearly every post as the weeks gone by simply because of how much I enjoy space dandy and I can honestly say 90% of them are praise.

I don't have any problem with Space Dandy but using an episode discussion thread poll as your guide to if the show is good or not is a weak argument.

The majority of people who come to episode discussions like the show to begin with.
From my experience it's usually the vocal haters that show up in discussion more then those enjoying it.

Most shows end up with favorable poll ratings per episode discussion because of bias.

Sure you get "haters" but not enough to equalize that poll in to a decent judge of the show.

It's just not a strong argument.

XBlaze said:
I still don't understand how people think that this show is good. Sure, it had some cool moments here and there, but it definitely did not live up to the hype it was receiving. If I remember correctly, the zombie episode didn't even make sense. They all turned into zombies, and I don't remember them finding a cure or anything in that episode. What happens next? The next episode continues with them all being back too normal..

It seemed like a bunch of the episodes were just completely random. Part of me wants to just finish the last episode, and be done with the show. Another part of me wants to give the second season a try, which I probably will, and just hope for the best.

"but it definitely did no live up to the hype it was receiving"

Therein lies your problem. You fell in to the hype. Watch the show as a stand alone anime.

Edit: added a response.
Tired_SmurphMar 24, 2014 5:51 PM
Mar 25, 2014 12:08 AM

Jul 2013
Hypetrain, overrated, casual
Words for baitthreads or threads from wankers who dont have their own taste and depend on the opinion of others to have fun.
Were I am from we would say: "They go into the basement to laugh"
Mar 25, 2014 12:29 AM

Feb 2012
RedRoseFring said:
jimjameswhatever said:
RedRoseFring said:

Well, it always comes down to what you look for in a show.
I could care less about ambition and taking new approaches. I judge by what is offered and not much more. Trying something new is always nice, but I value what is actually offered more than the attempt to do so. Good intentions only take you so far.

That being said, I like Space Dandy, but it has not been as outstanding as some other anime. It's funny, but I've found other anime this season funnier.

I could also care less for "intellectually stimulating." Entertainment is entertainment, and it's mostly elitists that cry about that stuff, so beware of getting labelled as such.
People like to throw that stuff around, and some will also say that Space Dandy falls into that category.

Entertainment in itself is still an art, so trying to give it some other meaning just unnecessarily complicates it.
I do agree though that the slice of life genre is dominating the market with less interesting titles being released. SD is one of the few shows that offers the extraordinary.

I don't think I'm being an elitist, just being honest with what I want out of certain shows. As stated, I like sports anime, so clearly it's not something I necessarily expect all the time. I just feel that with all the praise some shows are getting I'm putting my thoughts out there that hey, these shows are pretty fun to watch but I still think they lack a certain aspect that makes me want to re-watch them years down the line.

But you're right, there are some shows that miserably fail in trying to incorporate "intellect" into the show, but there will always be shows like that and at the end of the day. I respect the effort, but I won't lie about quality.

I also think the whole "entertainment is entertainment" is the sort of mentality that perpetuates mindless television not just in anime but television in general (Think Reality TV). I think people should always strive to do more with entertainment. I can tell you feel somewhat the same way, just not as critical as me (sorry). I thinks shows like Gin No Saji are exactly what needs to seen more. It has all the things that people generally like to see in anime, but incorporates a lot of good themes that can be applied to life. I suppose I'm expecting something too specific, but the way I see it, good fiction is always connects back to the real world. I think that's kind of what I mean by "intellect." Not necessarily deep deep philosophical questions or anything. And I think that's what Space Dandy does as well.

I do not like reality TV, in fact I'd probably describe myself as a hater in that regard, but that doesn't change the fact that some people find it entertaining.
I will never understand why, but a large number of people out there enjoy it, so in that sense those shows are doing exactly what they are intended to do.

Some people like myself like to see shows be clever and give laughs while others like to see semi-idiotic people pick out fake wives or have fights over hairdos. That's unfortunately just the way it is.

And once more, I would have to disagree on your last point. Tying back to real life is fine, but good fiction for me is something that offers the extraordinary. Something that goes beyond this world and its limitations. Fiction truly reaches its greatest when it isn't bound by our own limitations.

I think you have a point, fiction can be great when it isn't limited by the real world, but it doesn't mean it won't tie back into it. Even fiction that goes beyond things of this world are written by humans of this world. I think it's almost unavoidable that their worldview or something from this world influences their writing, even if it is subtle. If you can name some shows that can kind of support your point, I'd maybe understand a bit better.
Mar 25, 2014 6:24 PM
Jul 2018
JizzyHitler said:
Chili-Changa said:
It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode.
space dandy is the only show other than trigun that will make you give a shit about a bunch of plants

If that isn't good writing, I don't know what is.
Mar 25, 2014 8:55 PM

Sep 2013
I like the feel of this anime because every episode is a new adventure, it doesn't need to tell the best story ever it just is what it is, a fun show about space and boobies. It's a 8/10 for me
Apr 11, 2014 2:34 PM

Jan 2013
Battlechili1 said:
JizzyHitler said:
Chili-Changa said:
It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode.
space dandy is the only show other than trigun that will make you give a shit about a bunch of plants

If that isn't good writing, I don't know what is.

So Space Dandy is good because Trigun was good?

Why do people keep defending Space Dandy by referencing anime from decades ago like it is somehow relevant?
Apr 11, 2014 2:35 PM

Sep 2012
SolviteSekai said:
Battlechili1 said:
JizzyHitler said:
Chili-Changa said:
It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode.
space dandy is the only show other than trigun that will make you give a shit about a bunch of plants

If that isn't good writing, I don't know what is.

So Space Dandy is good because Trigun was good?

Uh, no. That's not what they meant.
Apr 11, 2014 2:37 PM

Jan 2013
SetsukoHara said:
SolviteSekai said:
Battlechili1 said:
JizzyHitler said:
Chili-Changa said:
It makes you care about the random characters you meet each episode.
space dandy is the only show other than trigun that will make you give a shit about a bunch of plants

If that isn't good writing, I don't know what is.

So Space Dandy is good because Trigun was good?

Uh, no. That's not what they meant.

its not what they said, its what they meant.
Apr 15, 2014 9:57 AM

Aug 2013
The people who dislike Space Dandy are most likely anime only fans who never watch western cartoons especially comedic western cartoons. Space Dandy is structured like comedic western cartoons like Futurama, Family Guy etc. it's not supposed to be consistent at all and of course because of it's episodic nature some episodes will be hit or miss.

XBlaze said:
If I remember correctly, the zombie episode didn't even make sense. They all turned into zombies, and I don't remember them finding a cure or anything in that episode. What happens next? The next episode continues with them all being back to normal..
That's a common trope in comedic western cartoons which Space Dandy is structured after. Things that happen in one episode don't necessarily carry over to the next episode.

AcidPunk said:
I like the feel of this anime because every episode is a new adventure
Well said. Every episode of Space Dandy has it's own story which is concluded at the end of said episode thus allowing for every episode to be a different adventure.
DrGeroCreationApr 15, 2014 10:14 AM
Apr 15, 2014 3:55 PM

Jan 2013
I don't like space dandy because it is terrible.

Don't force a bunch of underlying reasons on it. The show sucks. Japan knows it. Most of mal knows it. The only people who seem to still make excuses for it are people who liked cowboy bebop so much that they will defend every show related to it for the rest of time.
Apr 15, 2014 4:53 PM

Aug 2013
SolviteSekai said:
I don't like space dandy because it is terrible.

Don't force a bunch of underlying reasons on it. The show sucks. Japan knows it. Most of mal knows it. The only people who seem to still make excuses for it are people who liked cowboy bebop so much that they will defend every show related to it for the rest of time.
That is just your opinion, just because you think it's terrible doesn't mean it is. It makes sense that it wouldn't be that well received in Japan because it is western influenced like Cowboy Bebop. It obviously would appeal a lot more to western audiences (mainly American) than Japanese otakus. Where is your proof that most of Mal thinks it sucks? That is a generalization ,not everyone who likes Space Dandy is a Cowboy Bebop fan. Space Dandy isn't even that similar to Cowboy Bebop, the only similarities they have are that they were created by Watanabe, are episodic and set in space and the characters use a spaceship to travel around.
Apr 15, 2014 4:57 PM

Jan 2013
DrGeroCreation said:
SolviteSekai said:
I don't like space dandy because it is terrible.

Don't force a bunch of underlying reasons on it. The show sucks. Japan knows it. Most of mal knows it. The only people who seem to still make excuses for it are people who liked cowboy bebop so much that they will defend every show related to it for the rest of time.
That is just your opinion, just because you think it's terrible doesn't mean it is. It makes sense that it wouldn't be that well received in Japan because it is western influenced like Cowboy Bebop. It obviously would appeal a lot more to western audiences (mainly American) than Japanese otakus. Where is your proof that most of Mal thinks it sucks? That is a generalization ,not everyone who likes Space Dandy is a Cowboy Bebop fan. Space Dandy isn't even that similar to Cowboy Bebop, the only similarities they have are that they were created by Watanabe, are episodic and set in space and the characters use a spaceship to travel around.

Then why isn't it well received in America? Or or the internet? Or anywhere?

The fucking show is full of pandering, fan service, and dumb jokes. It is the perfect example of something Japanese Otaku like.

Also thats exactly why fanboys should stop defending it.

It sucks. The fact that it was directed by Watanabe doesn't magically make it good.

By that fucking logic, Samurai Flamenco was AOTY 2013 because the director of Durarara made it.
Apr 15, 2014 5:05 PM

Apr 2012
SolviteSekai said:
I don't like space dandy because it is terrible.
Don't force a bunch of underlying reasons on it. The show sucks.
SolviteSekai said:
It sucks. The fact that it was directed by Watanabe doesn't magically make it good.
Have you even seen the show? Episodes 2, 5, 9, 10, 13 were great, ergo the show doesn't suck. I know a lot of people would appreciate if you would stop spamming your opinion like it's fact when it obviously isn't and you don't seem to know what you are talking about.
EratiKApr 15, 2014 5:23 PM
Apr 15, 2014 5:06 PM

Jan 2013
EratiK said:
SolviteSekai said:
I don't like space dandy because it is terrible.
Don't force a bunch of underlying reasons on it. The show sucks.
Have you even seen the show? Episodes 2, 5, 9, 10, 13 were great, ergo the show doesn't suck. I know a lot of people would appreciate if you would stop spamming your opinion like it's fact when it obviously isn't and you don't seem to know what you are talking about.

Lol, then don't comment in the thread?

Apr 15, 2014 5:10 PM

Apr 2012
The OP asked a legit question. If you don't want people to answer, don't make threads.
Apr 15, 2014 5:11 PM

Sep 2011
EratiK said:
The OP asked a legit question. If you don't want people to answer, don't make threads.
conversing with a try hard doesnt really end in positive results, its best to just quit while ahead

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 15, 2014 5:11 PM

Jan 2013
EratiK said:
The OP asked a legit question. If you don't want people to answer, don't make threads.

I fail to see how insulting me qualifies as a legitimate answer.
Apr 15, 2014 5:15 PM

Apr 2012
SolviteSekai said:
EratiK said:
The OP asked a legit question. If you don't want people to answer, don't make threads.
I fail to see how insulting me qualifies as a legitimate answer.
I'm not sure anything I said can even remotely be called insulting you.
EratiKApr 15, 2014 5:31 PM
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