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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 17, 2012 7:20 PM

May 2010
Great, two more waifus for the otaku to drool over. Just what this show needed to make it even worse.
Nov 17, 2012 7:20 PM

Jul 2012
Kirito kicked Eugene's ass so badly. It's been a while since we last saw him use his dual blades. Ah, the poorish anime adaption is finally coming to an end. There's only 5 more episodes left. The action scenes are starting to get worse. Their facial expressions when Kirito was delivering the final blow was like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Their faces just distort and it's getting kind of annoying. The unnecessary ass and breast shots are a nuisance too. Why with the fan service? The only necessary shot was when Sakuya and Alicia hugged Kirito. Though, that was kind of unneeded as well. God... the adaption isn't that good and it had so much potential. Maybe all those people part of the "in" crowd would see a new light to the anime. The fans are also what makes this so bad. It's just getting overrated. If you have any problems with my opinions, don't bother complaining. ^_^
Nov 17, 2012 7:26 PM
May 2012
8 people who voted 1 out of 5 must be trolls? I mean SAO is criticized because of it's poor interpretation, but I find that hard to believe. It's hard to win book vs movie argument, but seriously. this anime was aired with general public as the audience. All the FIAWOL otakus must learn how to get over it. It is just a god damn anime.
Nov 17, 2012 7:38 PM

Jul 2010
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

unj008 said:
8 people who voted 1 out of 5 must be trolls? I mean SAO is criticized because of it's poor interpretation, but I find that hard to believe. It's hard to win book vs movie argument, but seriously. this anime was aired with general public as the audience. All the FIAWOL otakus must learn how to get over it. It is just a god damn anime.

you can never understand the sentimentality of others when we're presented with such half-ass, half-hearted work. are you even an anime fan if you can talk like that?

besides, stepping on old school territory would enlighten you on how we see things. the anime industry wasn't supposed to be like this.
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Nov 17, 2012 7:39 PM

Jan 2008
AmberFebruary said:
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

I support this.
Nov 17, 2012 7:42 PM

Aug 2011
Paul said:
AmberFebruary said:
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

I support this.

ASSuna also supports.
Nov 17, 2012 7:43 PM
Sep 2012
EstelleBright said:
Paul said:
AmberFebruary said:
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

I support this.

ASSuna also supports.
Sugou supports this as well.
Nov 17, 2012 7:50 PM

Aug 2011
AiCon said:
EstelleBright said:
Paul said:
AmberFebruary said:
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

I support this.

ASSuna also supports.
Sugou supports this as well.

SUGOU ART ONLINE also vouches.

Nov 17, 2012 7:51 PM

Mar 2012

and here I'm sense another chain quote that if continues, will be deleted by the mods.
Nov 17, 2012 7:52 PM

Jan 2008
KaiKatsuya said:

and here I'm sense another chain quote that if continues, will be deleted by the mods.

They can delete our post but our support stays forever strong!

On a serious note, I think they stopped caring since a couple episodes ago.
Nov 17, 2012 7:53 PM

Jan 2011
That Kirito VS Eugene fight was so awesome. The music got me so hyped, I seriously can't wait for the OST to come out. Eugene's 2-handed sword's ability is pretty darn cheap. Kirito was smart to use the magic smokescreen-like spell and 'borrow' Lyfa's sword and initiate dual wield mode. >=D He went all out and owned the crap out of Eugene. Such a badass. :D

Loads of cute Lyfa shots this episode, especially with her blushing. :) Lots of ass and boob shots too lmao. :S LOL'd @ Yui saying 'I told you cheating's not allowed, Papa! xD Asuna escapes the cage finally. :D

Haru's pig avatar in the end illustration card?!! Too awesome. We definitely need an AW x SAO crossover OVA or something.
Nov 17, 2012 7:57 PM
Sep 2012
Paul said:
KaiKatsuya said:

and here I'm sense another chain quote that if continues, will be deleted by the mods.

They can delete our post but our support stays forever strong!

On a serious note, I think they stopped caring since a couple episodes ago.
As far as I can tell, it's only Luna who's moderating this board and I've really only seen her here when a episode has been just released.
Nov 17, 2012 8:01 PM
Jan 2011
Takuan_Soho said:
This episodes encapsulates everything I have disliked about this animation adaptation.

First, the animation has taken away all the humor from the light novels (the Salamander response to Kirito's victory, Kagemune's role).

Second, once again its gets the emotions wrong (Lyfa's all too casual landing and talking to Fairy Leader, Kirito's response to Eugene (he doesn't get mad, he maintains dry wit through the battle), the Cat Sith and Fairy leaders reaction to the battle, they are extremely cool customers, not cheerleaders).

Third, the drawings are flat (this should have been a splurge episode, but a lot of the scenes looked extremely two dimensional).
Third, part two, the face's lack of emotions is really evident this episode. It is like they only have 2 or 3 stock expressions: Neutral, mad, and other.

Fourth, the writing sucks, the dialog is taken directly from the novel without even attempting to translate the descriptions which would make it easier for people who haven't read the LN (the whole Undine-Spriggan alliance bit - if one hadn't read the LN, would anyone understand why everyone reacted as they did?)

I understand about budgets and whatnot, but one can tell when the animating team cares and when they really don't, and it is all too obvious that the SAO adapters don't care about the animation, they just showed up to work. This is what is ultimately so disappointing about this animation.

I agree with everyone from above and more.

This was my most anticipated episode but it was simply terribly done, I feel very mad/disappointed now. All the great parts of the LN were poorly done, and the parts that made SAO seem more like its taking place in a game is all gone. For example, after Sakuya banish Siguard from sylph territory in the anime his reaction was just 'anger, and saying curse you!! Grrr'. In the novel his reaction was disbelief and saying he will complain to a GM about her abusing her rights as sylph leader (which makes more sense from a gamer's point of view).

Also I hate the anime's interpretation of Leafa and Suguha... Seriously =_= They are changing SAO's theme far different from the impression the LN give. Why the skirt flip scene when Kirito take her sword, that part was just ridiculous and pointless. The image they show of Leafa is almost like a brainless bimbo who is all looks and no show, but in the LN it clearly stats Leafa as a very strong charac, she is the winner of the sylph sword competition. It makes no sense why they would only portray Leafa as another girl for Kirito's harem.

Also the really awesome sword fight i was expecting so highly of turned out to be a complete flop in the anime. The animation of the fight was horrible, I dare anyone to say it was a good fight. The LN had much more intense description of Kirito's fight against General Eugene, and by the end of it its impossible for anyone to say that either one completely dominated the other. Of course Kirito has duel wielding but the General Eugene is ALSO a very good swordman he doesn't get slashed up by Kirito in 10sec flat and unable to even return some hits. *sigh* I am done with the anime, the quality has being going steadily downhill since SAO arc ended, and and the anime simply isn't portraying the LN accurately since then.
Nov 17, 2012 8:02 PM

Jun 2008
lindsayzzz said:
Haru's pig avatar in the end illustration card?!! Too awesome. We definitely need an AW x SAO crossover OVA or something.

There's a spin-off Cross Over Side Story where Silver Crow Fights Kirito from when he was in SAO in Roppongi
The Chapter is called "Versus".

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Nov 17, 2012 8:10 PM
May 2012
The fact that more and more newer animes are made half heartedly must be tough news for all the die hard anime fans.... I'm just stating the facts not my biased opinion.. Most importantly, do you think staffs get paid a lot? With people pirating, the company looses money. With less money, they don't want to work as hard. What I'm trying to say is since a lot of people don't support the staffs who made the anime, why should they work any harder? Adding boobs and asses attract audience, with more people, there is a higher possibility of getting more $$$. Seems logical to me
Nov 17, 2012 8:12 PM

Jan 2008
unj008 said:
The fact that more and more newer animes are made half heartedly must be tough news for all the die hard anime fans.... I'm just stating the facts not my biased opinion.. Most importantly, do you think staffs get paid a lot? With people pirating, the company looses money. With less money, they don't want to work as hard. What I'm trying to say is since a lot of people don't support the staffs who made the anime, why should they work any harder? Adding boobs and asses attract audience, with more people, there is a higher possibility of getting more $$$. Seems logical to me

I think it'd be unnecessary to bring up this discussion about supporting companies as it always ends up negative and off topic but let me say that even if SAO didn't have any ass and tits, it'd still get tons of views because of its original life and death MMORPG theme. Heck, I'm sure plenty of people who watched this weren't even expecting as much service that was shown.
Nov 17, 2012 8:40 PM
Sep 2012
Paul said:
unj008 said:
The fact that more and more newer animes are made half heartedly must be tough news for all the die hard anime fans.... I'm just stating the facts not my biased opinion.. Most importantly, do you think staffs get paid a lot? With people pirating, the company looses money. With less money, they don't want to work as hard. What I'm trying to say is since a lot of people don't support the staffs who made the anime, why should they work any harder? Adding boobs and asses attract audience, with more people, there is a higher possibility of getting more $$$. Seems logical to me

I think it'd be unnecessary to bring up this discussion about supporting companies as it always ends up negative and off topic but let me say that even if SAO didn't have any ass and tits, it'd still get tons of views because of its original life and death MMORPG theme. Heck, I'm sure plenty of people who watched this weren't even expecting as much service that was shown.
Personally, I started watching this because the premise sounded good and I thought that there would be lots of action. I think that this could have been almost as good as Code Geass if they didn't rush things with seemingly out of place side stories that took up most of the first half of the SAO arc. If this show was developed better then I think that it wouldn't need much fanservice at all.
Nov 17, 2012 8:45 PM
Oct 2012
eien_kiseki said:

This was my most anticipated episode but it was simply terribly done, I feel very mad/disappointed now. All the great parts of the LN were poorly done, and the parts that made SAO seem more like its taking place in a game is all gone. For example, after Sakuya banish Siguard from sylph territory in the anime his reaction was just 'anger, and saying curse you!! Grrr'. In the novel his reaction was disbelief and saying he will complain to a GM about her abusing her rights as sylph leader (which makes more sense from a gamer's point of view).

Also I hate the anime's interpretation of Leafa and Suguha... Seriously =_= They are changing SAO's theme far different from the impression the LN give. Why the skirt flip scene when Kirito take her sword, that part was just ridiculous and pointless. The image they show of Leafa is almost like a brainless bimbo who is all looks and no show, but in the LN it clearly stats Leafa as a very strong charac, she is the winner of the sylph sword competition. It makes no sense why they would only portray Leafa as another girl for Kirito's harem.

Also the really awesome sword fight i was expecting so highly of turned out to be a complete flop in the anime. The animation of the fight was horrible, I dare anyone to say it was a good fight. The LN had much more intense description of Kirito's fight against General Eugene, and by the end of it its impossible for anyone to say that either one completely dominated the other. Of course Kirito has duel wielding but the General Eugene is ALSO a very good swordman he doesn't get slashed up by Kirito in 10sec flat and unable to even return some hits. *sigh* I am done with the anime, the quality has being going steadily downhill since SAO arc ended, and and the anime simply isn't portraying the LN accurately since then.

They were too busy showing Siguard's harem to have him act in character and go crying to the GM in response, like the whinny twit he is. Also notice that they changed his relationship to the Salamander leader: in the LN it was Siguard who begged Mortimer, in the animation it was reversed. In that the Salamander's aren't the enemy and really don't show up again (except in a positive light), this is another change that had absolutely no meaning except to confuse people who haven't read the LN's.

As for Lyfa, is it any wonder her intelligence is decreasing, her increasing breast size must be consuming a ton of oxygen.
Nov 17, 2012 8:54 PM

Oct 2012
AmberFebruary said:
director: ok guys! we are going to adapt this SAO LN. lots of fans. we could get a lot of money in it. well anyway, let's focus on the story. ^^,
staffs: wait boss! this is supposed to be an online game? how bout the mechanics?
director: wait, what? (oh shit) well add boobs and ass shots
staffs: the mechanics boss? its such a waste. it is so detailed in the LN
director: we're going to tell a STORY full of boobs and ass shots.

Omg I haven't laughed so hard at a post until now XD

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Nov 17, 2012 8:58 PM

Sep 2012
eien_kiseki said:
the quality has being going steadily downhill since SAO arc ended

Yea I agree. I still like the show and all, but ever since SAO ended, it's just been kind of meh. Maybe I'll read the novels since they are apparently much better.
Nov 17, 2012 8:59 PM
Oct 2012
AiCon said:

Personally, I started watching this because the premise sounded good and I thought that there would be lots of action. I think that this could have been almost as good as Code Geass if they didn't rush things with seemingly out of place side stories that took up most of the first half of the SAO arc. If this show was developed better then I think that it wouldn't need much fanservice at all.

You know, it really isn't the fanservice I mind. Don't need it, but don't mind it. However with SAO it's the sheer desperation in deploying it that is annoying. It is almost as if they were told to have 3 minutes per episode and they had to jam it in no matter what. Strike Witches, hell, even Freezing and Ikkitousen, didn't have this level of desperation in providing fanservice. More graphic yes, but with SAO it just seems so pathetic.
Nov 17, 2012 9:05 PM
Sep 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
AiCon said:

Personally, I started watching this because the premise sounded good and I thought that there would be lots of action. I think that this could have been almost as good as Code Geass if they didn't rush things with seemingly out of place side stories that took up most of the first half of the SAO arc. If this show was developed better then I think that it wouldn't need much fanservice at all.

You know, it really isn't the fanservice I mind. Don't need it, but don't mind it. However with SAO it's the sheer desperation in deploying it that is annoying. It is almost as if they were told to have 3 minutes per episode and they had to jam it in no matter what. Strike Witches, hell, even Freezing and Ikkitousen, didn't have this level of desperation in providing fanservice. More graphic yes, but with SAO it just seems so pathetic.
It's like they want to be an ecchi anime but can't since SAO is a shonen. I'm a guy so I don't mind fanservice and I even love it at times. I just wish that they wouldn't be so lazy and include more of the story and more action rather than filling up valuble time with blatant fanservice.

A prime example:
ssjokg said:
Why didnt they include this?
Talking about Yui...
Not that it would make the anime better but it was quite funny in the LN.
Showing Yui's reaction would have been funnier instead focusing more on breasts.
IconicNov 17, 2012 9:16 PM
Nov 17, 2012 9:14 PM

Sep 2011
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.
Nov 17, 2012 9:18 PM

Jan 2008
Tyrel said:
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaa!!!!

Nov 17, 2012 9:19 PM

Apr 2012
Paul said:
Tyrel said:
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaa!!!!

As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Nov 17, 2012 9:21 PM
Sep 2012
BloodRequiem said:
Paul said:
Tyrel said:
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaa!!!!

Work that ass baby - Yeah!
Nov 17, 2012 9:32 PM

Jan 2008
i feel that we are missing the point with all that forced fanservice
I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
Nov 17, 2012 9:32 PM

May 2011
AiCon said:
BloodRequiem said:
Paul said:
Tyrel said:
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaa!!!!

Work that ass baby - Yeah!

I'm willing to bet that 75% of the budget of that episode went into that scene
Nov 17, 2012 9:43 PM

Mar 2012
Cute Cait Sith is cute.

I feel like this sort of episode is about as good as SAO is ever going to be...
At this point, the best one can do is hope for the fanservice to be focused on the better girls.
Nov 17, 2012 9:50 PM
Sep 2012
ataraxial said:
Cute Cait Sith is cute.

I feel like this sort of episode is about as good as SAO is ever going to be...
At this point, the best one can do is hope for the fanservice to be focused on the better girls.
Sadly, I think that what you've stated is true. I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.
Nov 17, 2012 10:00 PM

Nov 2009
Asuna has escaped now <:
Nov 17, 2012 10:04 PM

Mar 2012
AiCon said:
I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.

If it's Suguha fanservice, I'm pretty sure that would make it better than all of the episodes so far.

It's not like the story is worth anything to begin with, at least for this arc. As if anyone has any doubt that Kirito will beat the crap out of Sugou and save Asuna and make Suguha all depressed with incest-withdrawal issues.

And the fight scenes don't get any more interesting or innovative than "oh my gosh he can use TWO swords instead of just one!" The cave fight is a minor exception, but it still managed to be underwhelming.

So what are we left with?
Nov 17, 2012 10:06 PM

Jan 2008
ataraxial said:
AiCon said:
I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.

If it's Suguha fanservice, I'm pretty sure that would make it better than all of the episodes so far.

It's not like the story is worth anything to begin with, at least for this arc. As if anyone has any doubt that Kirito will beat the crap out of Sugou and save Asuna and make Suguha all depressed with incest-withdrawal issues.

And the fight scenes don't get any more interesting or innovative than "oh my gosh he can use TWO swords instead of just one!" The cave fight is a minor exception, but it still managed to be underwhelming.

So what are we left with?

Maybe Kirito will use 3 swords? Lmao.
Nov 17, 2012 10:09 PM

Apr 2012
Paul said:
ataraxial said:
AiCon said:
I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.

If it's Suguha fanservice, I'm pretty sure that would make it better than all of the episodes so far.

It's not like the story is worth anything to begin with, at least for this arc. As if anyone has any doubt that Kirito will beat the crap out of Sugou and save Asuna and make Suguha all depressed with incest-withdrawal issues.

And the fight scenes don't get any more interesting or innovative than "oh my gosh he can use TWO swords instead of just one!" The cave fight is a minor exception, but it still managed to be underwhelming.

So what are we left with?

Maybe Kirito will use 3 swords? Lmao.

1 in each hand and 1 in the mouth?
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Nov 17, 2012 10:11 PM
Sep 2012
BloodRequiem said:
Paul said:
ataraxial said:
AiCon said:
I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.

If it's Suguha fanservice, I'm pretty sure that would make it better than all of the episodes so far.

It's not like the story is worth anything to begin with, at least for this arc. As if anyone has any doubt that Kirito will beat the crap out of Sugou and save Asuna and make Suguha all depressed with incest-withdrawal issues.

And the fight scenes don't get any more interesting or innovative than "oh my gosh he can use TWO swords instead of just one!" The cave fight is a minor exception, but it still managed to be underwhelming.

So what are we left with?

Maybe Kirito will use 3 swords? Lmao.

1 in each hand and 1 in the mouth?
make that 4 swords. Kirito swings his sword more than enough throughout the anime.

Thanks Paul for this one:)
Nov 17, 2012 10:11 PM

Jan 2008
BloodRequiem said:
Paul said:
ataraxial said:
AiCon said:
I think that Kirito will only fight Sugou in the last episode and that fight will only last about 10 mins. The last 5 episodes will be nothing but fanservice.

If it's Suguha fanservice, I'm pretty sure that would make it better than all of the episodes so far.

It's not like the story is worth anything to begin with, at least for this arc. As if anyone has any doubt that Kirito will beat the crap out of Sugou and save Asuna and make Suguha all depressed with incest-withdrawal issues.

And the fight scenes don't get any more interesting or innovative than "oh my gosh he can use TWO swords instead of just one!" The cave fight is a minor exception, but it still managed to be underwhelming.

So what are we left with?

Maybe Kirito will use 3 swords? Lmao.

1 in each hand and 1 in the mouth?

Well he did bite a Salamander player to death in the previous episode so I guess his mouth grip is pretty strong.
Nov 17, 2012 10:12 PM

Mar 2012
Paul said:
Maybe Kirito will use 3 swords? Lmao.

Or maybe 4 to keep everyone on their toes. It'd be like Kiritsugu's Square Accel except stupid.
Nov 17, 2012 10:20 PM

Mar 2010
well animated boobs bouncing
Nov 17, 2012 10:21 PM

Jan 2008
Shinryuken said:
well animated boobs bouncing

You should check out the Suguhu thread, it's glorious.
Nov 17, 2012 10:25 PM
Sep 2012
Paul said:
Shinryuken said:
well animated boobs bouncing

You should check out the Suguhu thread, it's glorious.
Shhh The fangirls will get irritated. lol
Nov 17, 2012 10:48 PM

Jan 2008
Paul said:
Shinryuken said:
well animated boobs bouncing

You should check out the Suguhu thread, it's glorious.

encouraging incest since 2008
I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
Nov 17, 2012 10:48 PM

Jun 2009

I liked how Kirito pretend to be the ambassador for Undine/Spriggan alliance... Nice bluff.
It's also good to see dual-wield again.

Kagemune helped them... Why?
30% of Cait Sith + Sylph treasury and tax collecting for a week is not attractive enough for him? Or did he come out of the closet for the awesome Spriggan?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 17, 2012 10:57 PM

Jan 2008
Diablakos said:
Paul said:
Shinryuken said:
well animated boobs bouncing

You should check out the Suguhu thread, it's glorious.

encouraging incest since 2008

Besides the people in the thread trying to bring up Kirito x Sougou, there is no incest. ALL SUGUHA YO.
Nov 17, 2012 10:59 PM

Jan 2008
sougou is the daughter of his mom's sister,isnt that 1st degree relative?
I am the bone of my sword.Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
Nov 17, 2012 11:05 PM

Sep 2012
Great episode, can't wait for next week :)
Nov 17, 2012 11:08 PM

Jan 2008
Diablakos said:
sougou is the daughter of his mom's sister,isnt that 1st degree relative?

Kirito x Sogou, not Kirito x Suguha, Lol.

And in Japan, marriage between cousins is legal, though from what I remember, it's not very common.
Nov 17, 2012 11:11 PM

Aug 2009
AirStyles said:

I liked how Kirito pretend to be the ambassador for Undine/Spriggan alliance... Nice bluff.
It's also good to see dual-wield again.

Kagemune helped them... Why?
30% of Cait Sith + Sylph treasury and tax collecting for a week is not attractive enough for him? Or did he come out of the closet for the awesome Spriggan?

You must thank the cuts on ep16 for that.Players respecting each other etc.Shounen stuff.They could just cut Kagemune here and make Eugene just go away but as we said before the director cares a lot about the details....

As for this fight being the highlight of ALO...There is ONE fight that is better but seeing that they fucked up here with their priorities....I guess the fight will be like a touhou game just like it is in the Opening.

Any hope in this adaptation is lost....
Nov 17, 2012 11:11 PM
Sep 2012
Paul said:
Diablakos said:
sougou is the daughter of his mom's sister,isnt that 1st degree relative?

Kirito x Sogou, not Kirito x Suguha, Lol.

And in Japan, marriage between cousins is legal, though from what I remember, it's not very common.
It's legal, though it is still looked down on.
Nov 17, 2012 11:18 PM
Sep 2012
ssjokg said:
AirStyles said:

I liked how Kirito pretend to be the ambassador for Undine/Spriggan alliance... Nice bluff.
It's also good to see dual-wield again.

Kagemune helped them... Why?
30% of Cait Sith + Sylph treasury and tax collecting for a week is not attractive enough for him? Or did he come out of the closet for the awesome Spriggan?

You must thank the cuts on ep16 for that.Players respecting each other etc.Shounen stuff.They could just cut Kagemune here and make Eugene just go away but as we said before the director cares a lot about the details....

As for this fight being the highlight of ALO...There is ONE fight that is better but seeing that they fucked up here with their priorities....I guess the fight will be like a touhou game just like it is in the Opening.

Any hope in this adaptation is lost....
That is so true. So how bad do you think they'll mess up the final battle between Kirito and Sugou?
Nov 17, 2012 11:23 PM

Jun 2009
ssjokg said:
AirStyles said:

I liked how Kirito pretend to be the ambassador for Undine/Spriggan alliance... Nice bluff.
It's also good to see dual-wield again.

Kagemune helped them... Why?
30% of Cait Sith + Sylph treasury and tax collecting for a week is not attractive enough for him? Or did he come out of the closet for the awesome Spriggan?

You must thank the cuts on ep16 for that.Players respecting each other etc.Shounen stuff.They could just cut Kagemune here and make Eugene just go away but as we said before the director cares a lot about the details....

As for this fight being the highlight of ALO...There is ONE fight that is better but seeing that they fucked up here with their priorities....I guess the fight will be like a touhou game just like it is in the Opening.

Any hope in this adaptation is lost....

Think positive... At least I love Touhou games.

AiCon said:
BloodRequiem said:
Paul said:
Tyrel said:
Was an okay episode with the fight. Animation went all "Wtf?" during smokescreen with leafa.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaa!!!!

Work that ass baby - Yeah!

Sweet Ass Online indeed!

EDIT: Nice quality during fan-services... spread some out for the action please.
AirStylesNov 17, 2012 11:27 PM
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