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Most physically painful thing you have ever gone through?

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Aug 28, 2008 6:10 PM

Jul 2008
elviswjr said:
Typing this message.

No, seriously tho. Probably several years ago when I fell off something and my foot landed on a pitchfork. Somehow it didn't go all the way through but I had to get a tetanus shot.

that hurt i remember when i stood on nails D=

i stood on one it when all the way in when i backed of it i stood on another with the other foot >.< gawd im retarded
Aug 28, 2008 7:11 PM

Sep 2007
wow o_o compared to most of these, I've been lucky, but I still remember some...

1. -- running in the house, I smacked the back of my hand on the door frame, hard, very hard, though i didn't break it, got an x-ray, though ;D

2.-- running, again, I ran onto this rug on a slick floor, rug moved, and so did I, smacked my other hand on an extremely hard flower pot, didn't break that one either xD

3. -- probably the worst one, my little sister, yea, my little stick-skinny sister kicked me off the bed, and wacked the top of my head hard on the floor, threw up my hot chocolate all over the place, got seriously dizzy, and freaked out xDD

Aug 28, 2008 7:32 PM

Oct 2007
Ah wow... ^^;; I feel bad for you guys, I've mostly been fortunate, but not without a few probs?

- Perhaps the most scarring incident was when I was five. I was jumping on the bed, and someone scared me from behind, causing me to jump forward. This would have been fine had my parents' bed not had a sharp counter nearby. The bridge of my nose hit the counter edge (luckily it didn't break). I don't remember how painful it was, I just remember the image of blood running down my face from where I hit the edge of the counter, had to get some stitches there. The scar is still there, I wear glasses so one can't see it... xD

- When I was six, my mother was moving away with my sister and I to another house. While we were packing we were heading back and forth from our previous apartment. Once we finished we closed all the car doors. As the doors were closing, I accidentally jammed one of my fingers while closing the passenger's door. My mother hadn't notice, so she pressed the lock button on her key pad. I recall shouting to her to unlock the door, lol, that left a scar on my right index finger, on the joint closest to the nail.

- Ah, perhaps a more recent experience. I was sixteen, around two years ago or so. I suddenly had this strange numbing pain in my lower back. I wasn't able to sit still for a very long time, because a sharp burning pain would move up my spine. The pain would come and go in spasms, and it was very painful. The doctor blamed it on a virus, although they never mentioned what exactly that virus was...

Apart from that, its just the usual, leg cramps, getting a big toe stuck under a door, hitting one's head on a door, or a nearby object. Luckily I haven't experienced anything too serious...

Aug 29, 2008 8:13 AM

Jul 2008
minsk said:
Hmm, I suppose mine would be a small burn I got on the top of my hand about 3-4 years ago, still dont have full feeling in it

the lil circular thing is the scar from it

first post btw hello everyone ^^

Aug 29, 2008 9:04 AM

Jul 2008
Not to be outdone. ;)

I also had a sharp, pointy metal part off a car jab into my right calf when I was 13ish. It dug in a few cm, hurt like hell and lots of bleeding. The scar is still there and it's bluish-black.

Also according to my parents I fell down a flight of stairs when I was 3-4 y/o. Cracked my skull open apparently. Hair is growing fine though, still afraid to shave my head completely. :S
Aug 29, 2008 9:54 AM
Aug 2008
it was so disgusting
but i had a splinter under my finger nail and it grew
it was so gross
Aug 29, 2008 10:50 AM

Apr 2007
My most painful experiences?

Well, I have 2. One when I was about 10, I was getting ready for school and about to catch the school bus when I tumbled down the lower left side hurt me a lot (don't know if I had a bruise or not). The other was in 2003, when I was 18. I was playing in the snow with my brother, then he pushed me too hard and I sprained my ankle real bad. I have difficulty walking for a few days.
MomoHime125Aug 29, 2008 10:56 AM

Current Avatar: Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke
Aug 29, 2008 10:59 AM
Apr 2008
I have a big scar on my right leg
and its something that you don wanna see it.
Aug 29, 2008 11:02 AM

May 2007
wow! mine would be to find the tv remote.
Aug 29, 2008 11:20 AM

Nov 2007
Giving birth...on the sims.
Aug 29, 2008 11:27 AM
Aug 2008
I had poison ivy all over my body for two weeks, it was the length not the intensity of the pain.
Aug 29, 2008 11:56 PM

Mar 2008
I twisted my foot 2 years ago, so painful T_T.

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Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan
Sep 2, 2008 8:58 AM

Aug 2008
broken arm last year
Sep 3, 2008 9:11 AM

Aug 2008
Probably when I had to get my (what the hell is it in english...) "cecum appendix"? operated as a kid. Wasn't so bad though...

On to something more recent, I was playing with my dog today morning and hit my foot in the corner of a wooden sofa and it hurt a bit on the spot, then went to school and was too late for the first class... decided to visit the schoolnurse and now i have a (mildly) fractured toe! On the next class i noticed I forgot my books. Great day huh...
Hard to walk but that's about it..
Sep 6, 2008 2:42 AM

Jan 2008
-When I was 8 some kid kicked a soccer ball at me as hard as he could from about 10 feet away and I tried blocking it which caused a fractured wrist.
-Fell down some stairs and dislocated my big toe, which has never healed to be the same.
-I got bucked off a horse in the middle of winter (very hard ground)... caused a broken collar bone, near concussion and many many many bruises.

I'm quite the klutz, so there are many more.

Sep 16, 2008 11:40 PM

Aug 2008
Age 3- Ran into the edge of a wall, created a dent in my forehead(no serious damage)
Age 4- slipped and fell in the bath tub, cut the bottom of my chin open(had to get stitches)
Age 12- tripped when playing basketball, slid and cut my knees, elbows, and chin(at my friend's house)
Age 12- tripped when playing basketball at school, sliced my knee, scraped my cheek, lost a bracket from my braces(blood everywhere)
Age 12- Surgery on my tooth that was stuck completely in my gums(seriously, wouldn't come out, screwing up my other teeth. Painful after surgery because of the numbness wearing off...

Sep 16, 2008 11:44 PM

Sep 2008
Geting a three inch scar in my left uder side of my forearm that hit the vein.

Sep 17, 2008 12:12 AM

Apr 2008
i broken both arms spranged both my legs and arms repeatedly.
i was in crutches and a wheel chair.
ran into my brother when i was young and his teeth got stuck in my forehead. alot of blood.
i was sliding down some stairs at school, my backpack weighed me down and i fell. i hurt my right side completely and was limping for like a month. (think i messed my insides up)
got drunk at a party, fell down some stairs and messed my righ ankle up. i couldnt walk right for 2wks.
and when i was too young to remember i climbed on the kitchen table jumped off and messed my feet up. my point like \ / and not straight like | |.
Sep 17, 2008 1:47 AM

Jul 2008
Sciatica, which was all right for about half a year, but then when my calf went numb but everything else seemed to *ping* online in agony... ouch. And then I went skiing with it, which was not fun. I gave up halfway down the mountainside, and only the prospect of walking down instead made me stand up again; that and repeated threats of physical violence from my sister. :D

ETA: And just yesterday I pirouetted on a shard of glass, and then had to hobble to an urgent bank appointment with it still in my foot.
elisegreySep 19, 2008 10:31 AM
Sep 17, 2008 7:57 AM

Apr 2008
Before i had to get my appendix removed (i was 7).
i never broke a bone in my life (yet).
Sep 17, 2008 8:05 AM

Aug 2008
junior high school oral-exam!!! My next pain that I've to endure must be high school oral-exam, then college oral-exa ... I hate oral presentations >_>

it was pain physically and mentally :P
thannerSep 19, 2008 11:42 AM
Sep 17, 2008 8:19 AM

Feb 2005
One of our infantry field exercises. Three days without food or sleep, just marching and occasionally stopping to do something silly. Throw in a couple of courses with "challenges" and ice cold rivers, and I got pretty broken after a while. Probably not the most intensely painful thing I've been through, but certainly the most exhausting and rotten- painful thing.
Sep 19, 2008 6:56 AM

Jan 2008
im typing in agony atm with a splinter under my fingernail =(

Thanks Puvi2Groovy for pointing out the invisible space :D
Sep 19, 2008 2:39 PM

Mar 2008
When I had a Halo put on it sucked this is a halo btw
Stay thirsty, my friends.
Sep 19, 2008 3:47 PM

May 2008
I haven't had any really - severe- injuries. They're more like "mildy uncomfortable".

I've burnt the whole palm of my hand grabbing an iron (Had no idea someone just used it), slammed my foot underneath my bedroom door (Lost a nail), choked on soup mix (You know when you eat uncooked Mr. Noodles?), and stepped on a thistle in bare feet twice (Surprisingly it wasn't that painful).
Sep 19, 2008 5:20 PM

Jul 2008
To many to remember but here is a few off the top of my head, these three all happened when I was 16

1. Carrying shingles up an extension ladder to the peak of a two story house, got to the top and went to throw the shingles off my shoulder like I had been doing all day and the ladder went out from under me, chin slammed in the peak of the roof shingles landed rough side down( the color part of the shingles) on my arms, so as a fell they scrapped up my hands and arms. I hit the ground two stories down on some concrete, missing the metal hand which was basically a spike with a board on it. and landed on my shoulder. I blacked out for a few minuets, and when I came to all I saw was my uncle looking over the peak of the roof asking if I was alright, and telling me if I needed to go to the hospital I had to set the ladder back up cause its the only way they had to get down. I didn't end up going to the doctor like I should have, my shoulder still hurts every other day or so, my hands and arms were so scrapped up that they were nothing but scabs for about a week.

2. Another one I had was when my dad shot me in the foot with a framing nail gun that was shooting ring shank nails ( nails that have little rings on them so they don't pull out of wood easily) it went through my foot nailing me to the floor, had to cut my shoe apart and then cut off the top of the nail so It could be pulled out of my foot. Dad said thats what I get for not wearing work boots lol.

3. was cleaning up after a job and went to move a ladder, someone forgot a hammer at the top and I ddin't know it, claw of it caught me right above the eye and required stitches.

So ya umm Don't do construction work its dangerous.
Sep 20, 2008 12:42 AM

Jul 2008
W_K said:
2. Another one I had was when my dad shot me in the foot with a framing nail gun that was shooting ring shank nails ( nails that have little rings on them so they don't pull out of wood easily) it went through my foot nailing me to the floor, had to cut my shoe apart and then cut off the top of the nail so It could be pulled out of my foot. Dad said thats what I get for not wearing work boots lol.

It was at this point I squeaked in distress. I did that with a gardening fork when I was teeny tiny, but with a nail gun... *salutes you*
Sep 20, 2008 1:36 AM

Aug 2008
i hit my wrist against this fridge friggin hard by accident (my hands are skinny) and it left a tiny wound and i started to get dizzy like i was going to go unconcious

That was high pain for me
Sep 20, 2008 2:05 AM

Aug 2008
Tachii said:
Most recent: walked into a pole. Had a bump on my face for like two weeks.

Same thing happened to me in 3rd grade.
Sep 20, 2008 3:14 AM
Jul 2018
It's a fight between crashing on my bike landing directly on the right side of my rib cage, knocking all the wind out of me and leaving me laying on my back for at least a few minutes and falling down a flight of metal stairs literally rolling and smacking my head each time. That would probably explain why I have a thick skull. :S
Sep 20, 2008 8:43 AM
Sep 2007
Had a car accident when I was 8 or so. Broke both the shin bone and the calf bone in my left. Now, the accident itself didn't really hurt, guess I was pumped up from the adrenaline, but when I woke up from surgery my left leg started too hurt like hell. Apparently the surgeon jammed a pin through my heel and hang weights on it to make sure my leg healed properly.

Same leg, about 6 weeks later. My leg was still plastered and I was walking around on crutches. I was playing pirates in the schoolyard on this wooden pyramid. I was on top of the pyramid when I my friend suddenly shouted: "Cannonball!". Don't know wtf I was thinking at that moment but I jumped off the pyramid and landed on my leg... It hurted so fucking much. And the worst thing is that I wasn't allowed to leave school to go to a doctor, so I was sitting in class continually crying and shaking from the pain.
Nov 18, 2008 2:04 AM

Jan 2008
lol >.< "cannonball!!"...*JUMP* hilarious but ouch!!

Thanks Puvi2Groovy for pointing out the invisible space :D
Nov 18, 2008 3:28 AM

Oct 2007
Being hit by a truck kinda hurt..

being shot isn't all that great either.. the truck hurt more though <_<

and yes I have a bad habit of getting hit by moving objects at high speeds >.<

I do tend to walk away mostly unharmed with the exception of a few small scars... scars are annoying they don't heal (I heal really quickly).
Nov 18, 2008 3:38 AM

Apr 2007
I had a Bike accident once, in an atempt to keep myself strait I landded on my knees and scraped the skin off most my upper legs.

Now, that wasnt so bad conisdering pain.
Cleaning those wounds, that was fucking torture!


the other time was when I broke my leg.
it snapped in 2 places. the fracture was "T" shaped.

Nov 18, 2008 3:39 AM

Aug 2008
When I was about 9, I got my foot stuck in the front wheel of my bicycle while riding. Then I flew over the handlebar and the bicycle fell on top of me. In the yard next to the road, there was a man and I can still remember the 'holy shit' impression on his face. Ended up with a bleeding head, elbows and a scar on my back. I had to walk home like that xD
Nov 18, 2008 3:43 AM

Aug 2008
Getting my front teeth snapped off at the gum line. It's expensive too. Almost $10,000 out of pocket (dental insurance sucks if you need to have REAL work done) has gone into having the privilege of having front teeth in the last ~6 years or so. They look nice though. :)
Nov 18, 2008 4:06 AM

Jul 2008
Burning off my fingerprints.
Nov 18, 2008 5:53 AM

Aug 2008
Four years ago...

I had recently been slapped across the face and ear and couldn't hear from that ear, i was obviously very pissed at the person who did this but i was more worried about not being able to hear.

So I was like whatever, i'll go take a swim and cool off... I jumped into the pool and it was like 10 thousand nukes going off inside my head. The pain was absolutely astonishing. My eardrum ruptured the second my head went under. I'm surprised I didn't black out and die right there =/ lol.

Took 2 days to get my hearing back, and sleeping that night was the most painful experience of my life. I haven't put my head underwater since and I don't think I ever will, fuck that.
Nov 18, 2008 8:19 AM

Mar 2008
Nov 18, 2008 9:45 AM

Aug 2008
3 for me:

1. when I was 8 I was hit in the head with a crowbar centimetres from my eye had to have a massive bandage around it and I couldn't move my head for 3 days with pain

2. about 4 months ago I Smashed my head into a Door frame at full force, long story short i didn't get up for about half an hour and when i did i couldn't walk properly for a week.

3. when i was 7 we found an old bath in a field took it to the top of the tallest hill in the city and took it in turns to ride down it in said bath, when i went down i crashed into a wasp nest... that one took a while and a lot of pain killers to get over >.<
<<<<<< Click Please :)
Nov 18, 2008 11:14 AM

Dec 2007
Unkind said:
Four years ago...

I had recently been slapped across the face and ear and couldn't hear from that ear, i was obviously very pissed at the person who did this but i was more worried about not being able to hear.

So I was like whatever, i'll go take a swim and cool off... I jumped into the pool and it was like 10 thousand nukes going off inside my head. The pain was absolutely astonishing. My eardrum ruptured the second my head went under. I'm surprised I didn't black out and die right there =/ lol.

Took 2 days to get my hearing back, and sleeping that night was the most painful experience of my life. I haven't put my head underwater since and I don't think I ever will, fuck that.
I got punched in the side of the head once and lost hearing in that ear for about a week, I can still kind of feel something odd about my left eardrum.

Nov 18, 2008 11:28 AM
Oct 2008
This past summer I had open heart surgery. They used the front as an access point due to scar tissue on the side. My sternum had to be sawed in half for this. The post-surgery was what fucking sucked. I had tons of painkillers, but trying to do anything in that bed was hell. After I got out, rehabilitating myself was a bitch. Had to start by just walking around the neighborhood.
Nov 18, 2008 11:36 AM

Sep 2008
shinkeikaku said:
Getting my front teeth snapped off at the gum line. It's expensive too. Almost $10,000 out of pocket (dental insurance sucks if you need to have REAL work done) has gone into having the privilege of having front teeth in the last ~6 years or so. They look nice though. :)

Something similar happened to me when I was seven. Had all 4 of my front teeth knocked out when they weren't ready, and it was very painful.

Now, that's been topped. I just had hand surgery two weeks ago (and yet, I can type), and through the last couple minutes, the shots wore off, so I could feel them digging around in my hand. Recently got the stitches removed, and for some reason it hurts worse now then when it was healing.
Nov 18, 2008 12:23 PM

Oct 2008
losing a madden game. ;-;
Nov 18, 2008 12:56 PM

Apr 2008
Raistlin said:
This past summer I had open heart surgery. They used the front as an access point due to scar tissue on the side. My sternum had to be sawed in half for this. The post-surgery was what fucking sucked. I had tons of painkillers, but trying to do anything in that bed was hell. After I got out, rehabilitating myself was a bitch. Had to start by just walking around the neighborhood.

i'd kill myself instead of having heart surgery.
post surgeries suck, especially right after you wake up from sleep/coma whatever and you feel that your skin is like...split.ew.
Nov 18, 2008 1:01 PM

Jun 2008
shinkeikaku said:
Getting my front teeth snapped off at the gum line. It's expensive too. Almost $10,000 out of pocket (dental insurance sucks if you need to have REAL work done) has gone into having the privilege of having front teeth in the last ~6 years or so. They look nice though. :)

Woah... I shivered when I read that.

The most painful thing I've gone through... I can't remember. I've never gone through anything too painful.
Nov 18, 2008 1:07 PM
Oct 2008
Sohei said:
i'd kill myself instead of having heart surgery.
post surgeries suck, especially right after you wake up from sleep/coma whatever and you feel that your skin is like...split.ew.

Didn't the first time, no reason to the second. :P

When I woke up, I was in the ICU. I "felt" next to nothing. The breathing tube almost made me go insane though. When they took out the tubes draining the excess blood from around my stomach, then I felt a little uneasy.
Nov 18, 2008 1:48 PM

Oct 2008
Cracking my elbow..
Nov 18, 2008 1:52 PM

Nov 2008
Without a doubt, the most physically painful thing I have felt was when I got my tattoo on my stomach. It literally felt like someone had dropped a white hot piece of metal inside my stomach. That was during the lining, the shading wasn't bad at all. Never the less, I didn't flinch or squirm or cry, so I'm pretty proud. Tattooist friend of mine said he's seen bikers bitch out while getting stomach tattoos, so that made me feel pretty good about myself. \m/(><)\m/
ASUS TUF Gaming X570-PRO//AMD Ryzen 7 5800X//2x Crucial P3 Plus 2TB NVMe in RAID0//Seagate 6TB Internal HDD//Western Digital 12TB External HDD//Crucial Ballistix 3600MHz CL16 DDR4//Gigabyte Gaming RTX 3080Ti//Cougar Panzer//EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 GT//Corsair H100i v2//Cooler Master Tempest GP27Q 27" 1440p 165hz//AOC U2790VQ 27" 4k
Nov 18, 2008 1:55 PM

Mar 2008
i havent gotten anything physicly painful i remember well enough to care
Sohei said:
Raistlin said:
This past summer I had open heart surgery. They used the front as an access point due to scar tissue on the side. My sternum had to be sawed in half for this. The post-surgery was what fucking sucked. I had tons of painkillers, but trying to do anything in that bed was hell. After I got out, rehabilitating myself was a bitch. Had to start by just walking around the neighborhood.

i'd kill myself instead of having heart surgery.
post surgeries suck, especially right after you wake up from sleep/coma whatever and you feel that your skin is like...split.ew.

there is a new less invasive one where the cut a small hole and use a small robot arm to do the surgery you know so dont worry about that
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