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Jun 1, 2012 6:39 PM

Jan 2008

So E3 will begin in about 89 hours, yay to people who will never get to go, like me.
But anyway, I thought I would start an E3 thread now because there's already a lot of pre E3 footage and games being announced.

Also, this stream will be a live thing Machinima will be doing so people might not know, or want to watch it anyway, so it's a good place to watch it and talk I think.

This is one that caught my eye. so yeah. E3 thread 2012. What are you looking forward to seeing?

For me it's obvious, the WiiU, possible announce on the next gen console, who knows maybe some demos. But I bet it will suck though.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Jun 1, 2012 6:51 PM

Nov 2011
Most of all I'm looking forward to seeing next generation consoles. Although the Wii-U is the only confirmed one atm, I hope something gets shown for the others but they likely won't.

Most of the things I like are not likely to happen, such as a new Unreal Tournament (Although with the showing of the Unreal Engine 4 it could happen since UT is often to show the capabilities of each version of the Unreal Engine) but it's been so long now I don't know if it will happen.

I'm also interested in finding out more about the super smash bros-like game that Sony announced recently.

Aside from that, I hope there will be some unexpected announcements of completely new games, specifically RPG games.

I'm not interested in Devil May Cry at all though, since the new remake really does not appeal to me, but I can still wish that a real Devil May Cry 5 could get announced but I doubt it. Also I would like Final Fantasy Versus XIII to get a release date.
Jun 1, 2012 7:06 PM

Jun 2008
Well gametrailers (GT) will essentially have the whole thing on live stream, so I'll be looking forward to that. Then again, I don't care that much for live conferences anyways since I have classes and volunteering like usual in the next following week.

So far, saw a bunch of exclusive trailers on GT. Tomb raider, MGS, Dishonored, etc. Btw, dafuq was the dude wearing in MGS, high heels? My goodness.
Jun 1, 2012 9:23 PM
Jul 2018
Looking forward to see what Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft can show off. However, I don't have much fate in Microsoft's conference considering what they've been showing for the past two years (mostly Kinect related). Nintendo and Sony should have some good announcements.

Their are a lot of games announced I'm interest seeing and it would way too long to list them all. :p

That one Sony Smash Bros thing I'm interested in seeing characters they put in. First-party and third-party offerings.
Jun 1, 2012 10:13 PM

May 2011
I'm excited to see Metal Gear Rising Revengeance in this year's E3, and also Sony All-star battle royale which is similar to super smash bros.
Signature removed. Please check your private messages.
Jun 1, 2012 11:37 PM

May 2012
I kind of want to see the equivalent to Sony Smash, but the equivalent to the Smash Ball seems to be built into the character so that right there fuels my apprehension towards it already, still willing to give it a fair shake if nothing else for feeling Nostalgic for Melee and it being hard to do worse than Brawl. Firefall is going to be there so I'll look for some updates on that see if they're ever going to get out of a beta. Looking forward to Metal Gear info aswell as Metro and Skyrim - Dawngaurd + more just to lazy to list them all. I want to hear info about the Wii-U just to hear about it not really interested in it since the only reason I really bought the Wii last time was Brawl which I'm still bitter about what they did to the series with it.
Jun 2, 2012 2:03 AM

Jul 2008
1863 Makes me sad.
Anyway, I'm interested in the WiiU and any other 3DS junk that may pop up.

I don't particularly care for the others, especially any next gen consoles they may want to release.
Jun 2, 2012 2:10 AM

Jul 2007
Nothing too interesting this year apart form Planetside 2 presentation with TB and of course the awesomeness that is the two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline. :3
Jun 2, 2012 9:28 AM

Feb 2012
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.
Jun 2, 2012 9:55 AM

Dec 2011
Also waiting for Wii-U news.
Jun 2, 2012 10:36 AM

Feb 2009
The new trailer for Metal Gear Rising looked good on the Gametrailers show. Platinum Games just make fun games.... looking forward to it. Was hoping for Star Wars Battlefront 3 but they announced a new bounty hunter game called Star Wars 1313 smh.
Hoping Quantic Dream announces their new game at the Sony conference, also wanting to hear more about God of War Ascension and The Last of Us. Also interested in the final presentation of the WiiU and some of their games just to see what their doing with it.
Jun 2, 2012 11:29 AM

Jan 2008
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

How dare you, castlevania is just another word for awesome.
Jun 2, 2012 11:34 AM

Nov 2008
Olpho-Kodoso said:
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

How dare you, castlevania is just another word for awesome.

Castlevania lost it's awesomeness after Symphony of the Night.

Jun 2, 2012 11:53 AM

Jul 2008
Olpho-Kodoso said:
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

How dare you, castlevania is was just another word for awesome.
Jun 2, 2012 3:46 PM

Feb 2012
Olpho-Kodoso said:
How dare you, castlevania is just another word for awesome.

I couldn't agree more!

If that post was difficult to understand and easy to misunderstand, it's because my opinion of Lords of Shadow is inordinately delicate. I think that Lords of Shadow is a pretty decent game with a lot going in its favor (and expect the same from its sequel after seeing the trailer), but think that Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a fucking abomination and an unequivocal piece of shit that David Cox is a reprehensible person for his part in (and expect the same from its sequel after seeing the trailer).

So I think you can either call Lords of Shadow 2 an "awesome game" or a "Castlevania game," but not both.

I'll reserve judgment on Mirror of Fate.
Jun 2, 2012 5:22 PM

Jan 2008
Hoppy said:
Olpho-Kodoso said:
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

How dare you, castlevania is just another word for awesome.

Castlevania lost it's awesomeness after Symphony of the Night.

I will never understand the haters of Symphony, they are all insane imo. That game was amazing.
Jun 2, 2012 5:46 PM
Sep 2011
At this rate Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be a PS4 Title.

Jun 2, 2012 6:21 PM

Jan 2008
Fuck the PS4 and the 720.
Jun 2, 2012 6:33 PM

Dec 2010
STALKER and Amnesia: A machine for pigs or GTFO. E3 hasn't been interesting besides last year, which revealed Dark Souls.

Everything else has been pretty low on my priority list. Especially with me lacking a PSvita and me being on the same boat Olphowaifu is: lolfuq PS4 and 720.
Jun 2, 2012 8:15 PM

Dec 2010
Fai said:
Nothing too interesting this year apart form Planetside 2 presentation with TB and of course the awesomeness that is the two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline. :3

O.O I completely forgot Planetside 2 was going to be presented! HOLY SHIZ.. I hope they do a good job with it.
Jun 3, 2012 1:03 AM

May 2012
Olpho-Kodoso said:
Hoppy said:
Olpho-Kodoso said:
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

How dare you, castlevania is just another word for awesome.

Castlevania lost it's awesomeness after Symphony of the Night.

I will never understand the haters of Symphony, they are all insane imo. That game was amazing.

The general consensus is that Syphony of the Night was the best Castlevania game and the rest of the series after that is just bleh as in "Syphony of the Night was the last awesome Castlevania and AFTER Syphony of the Night Castlevania lost it's awesomeness".
Jun 3, 2012 11:17 AM

Jul 2007
Hakuromatsu said:
Fai said:
two new awesome castlevania games in Lords of Shadow timeline

You can take out "awesome" or "Castlevania," but don't leave both of those in that sentence.

Well yeah, after SOTN, castlevania has been nothing but a copypasta cashcow of boring that refused to innovate or move forward and just settled for reusing sprites and crowding timeline with bad plots(Dracula reincarnates into japanese schoolboy and the castle gets sealed in solar eclipse by shinto priests? SERIOUSLY?)

(granted Order of Ecclesia was decent, even with shitty story and copypasta monsters)

Lords of Shadow is what finally got me back into castlevania mood. And now we are getting sequel to 2010 Lords of Shadow(which was one of best and visually stunning games of that year) AND a 2.5D classicvania in style of Chronicles Rebirth for 3Ds, WITH FREAKING SIMON BELMONT, who does NOT look like anime hero of ambiguous gender? HELL YES.

Seriously we went back from:

To THIS(oh gods):

And now yet again we are back at characters who look like they have actual genders:

THAT alone is an improvement over the decline of the franchise. The fact that more classic gameplay without pseudo-rpg systems is back and that we actually have good quality graphics instead of reused sprites only makes it even more awesome.
Jun 3, 2012 11:59 AM

Jun 2011
I don't really care about E3 anymore. I've recently given up all hope on vidya.
Jun 4, 2012 11:04 AM

Sep 2007
Microsoft conference was pretty underwhelming. Not much new going on.
Jun 4, 2012 11:09 AM

Nov 2007
Microsoft conference was bad. Half of it wasn't even about games and half of what was about games was related to Kinect.
Jun 4, 2012 11:16 AM

Jun 2008
Ugh...Usher. -_-
Jun 4, 2012 11:28 AM

Dec 2011
New Halo, RE, and COD were amazing.

The new South Park game is getting alot of hype now. EA conference tonight, and presentation of Unreal 4 Engine on Thursday.

Not really interested in Nintendo. I cant wait to see the new exclusives for the Vita and PS3.
Jun 4, 2012 12:02 PM

Jun 2011
Wow that was boring… Like last year. I want the Ubisoft conference now !
Jun 4, 2012 12:03 PM

Nov 2008
maarsaalis said:
Wow, the Microsoft conference was so terrible. Kinect shit and the same games all over again. All my hope in Sony now only.

Nintendo won be default, unless Sony unveils the PS4 and that definitely won't happen this year.

Jun 4, 2012 12:07 PM

Dec 2011
Hoppy said:
maarsaalis said:
Wow, the Microsoft conference was so terrible. Kinect shit and the same games all over again. All my hope in Sony now only.

Nintendo won be default, unless Sony unveils the PS4 and that definitely won't happen this year.

Ehhh Nintendo always wins. Wii U is just like another Wii. Sad that Nintendo will care too much about wiimotes still and not the classic controller.
Jun 4, 2012 1:00 PM

Jun 2008
I just want to see some new and original game franchises come out. I love my series and all, but nothing beats trying out the new and unknown for the first time out.
Jun 4, 2012 1:01 PM

Dec 2011
Retro8bit said:
I just want to see some new and original game franchises come out. I love my series and all, but nothing beats trying out the new and unknown for the first time out.

Like Microsofts new franchise Ascend?
Jun 4, 2012 1:08 PM

Jun 2008
Woebegone said:
Retro8bit said:
I just want to see some new and original game franchises come out. I love my series and all, but nothing beats trying out the new and unknown for the first time out.

Like Microsofts new franchise Ascend?

Yes exactly, that game looked amazing. Just hope it plays as well as it looks, if so then I'll be set!
Jun 4, 2012 1:29 PM

Sep 2011
I cant believe how bad microsoft's conference was, its like watching a 2 hour long ad for tv and fitness

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 4, 2012 2:05 PM

Apr 2012
This has been awful so far. Looks like they turning Dead Space into Gears of War, Simcity 5 into some casual cartoon garbage and Battlefield 3 premium garbage. Can't wait for Sony and Nintendo.
Jun 4, 2012 2:16 PM

Feb 2008
FastWheels said:
I don't really care about E3 anymore. I've recently given up all hope on vidya.

This is sort of my sentiment though I'm watching anyway since I have nothing better to do. I was hoping to laugh at all the stupid shit but aside from Usher and the random cheesy lines it's been more infuriating than anything, what with all the meandering bullshit with sports and SOCIAL NETWORKING that has nothing to do with vidya in the first place, not to mention showing gameplay of franchises that have clearly been bastardized and reduced for the lowest common denominator (see Resident Evil, Dead Space, Tomb Raider).

This is only after 2 of the 5 conferences too, can't wait to see how much worse it gets. Outside of Assassin's Creed and a couple other select titles like BioShock, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Tales of Graces, etc. my interest in video games is rapidly dying.

As much as it makes me sound like a hipster, it was better when games weren't so mainstream.
Jun 4, 2012 3:02 PM

Jul 2007
Well at least they are revealing the new DLC for Skryim, i am excited bout that. Judging by the information though, i hope they don't actually recreate an entire new world and change the whole scope of the game that we all loved, kind of like WoW's calyclism expansion. Because their are some people who have not experienced the entire game yet.

Also i saw a few clips early on about Final fantasy Versus, so they may reveal some info on that game, im not sure. I am currently watching it.
ArtimesGamerJun 4, 2012 3:11 PM

Jun 4, 2012 3:06 PM
Jul 2018
Halo 4 looks awesome! Yeah, i'm a big Halo fanboy, but still, it looks awesome. I admit, I was really skeptical about how much the game would change and would it still feel like Halo. Well, I like what i've seen so far. I can't wait for November!
Jun 4, 2012 3:26 PM

Sep 2007
Disappointed that Splinter Cell got turned into another shooter.
WasabiJun 4, 2012 3:43 PM
Jun 4, 2012 4:09 PM

May 2012
Anything on a new JRPG they are supposed to be releasing and announced? It is long due if I am honest. 3 years is it excluding Final Fantasy?
Jun 4, 2012 4:10 PM

Jul 2007
Assassins creed 3 is definitively on my list of games to buy.

Jun 4, 2012 4:14 PM

Jul 2007
Juddu said:
Anything on a new JRPG they are supposed to be releasing and announced? It is long due if I am honest. 3 years is it excluding Final Fantasy?

Not yet, sony's presentation hasn't started yet.

Jun 4, 2012 4:27 PM

Jun 2011
No BGE 2 ? Aw Ubisoft, Michel, how can you do that to me ! Except that and that Zombi U (I'm so sick with the zombie trend…) great conference, great games. And now I'm really convinced with AC III.
Jun 4, 2012 4:35 PM

Jan 2012
I hope there's no PS4 this year. Planned obsolescence can blow me.
Lemme smang it girl.
Jun 4, 2012 4:36 PM

Sep 2008
Ubisoft's conference is semi decent, but god who hires these god awful hosts? Some of their games looked interesting but I probably won't get them doing to them loving ass raping DRM for the PC. Maybe I'll pirate them.

I wanna see what Sony and Nintendo got
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jun 4, 2012 4:36 PM

Aug 2007
I saww a part of Microsoft presentation for xbox games. I saw Residen evil trailer. It was really go. Its bad that I don't have the console
Jun 4, 2012 5:05 PM
Jul 2018
AC3 demo and trailer looked amazing! Awesome graphics and gameplay. So many games this E3.
Jun 4, 2012 6:24 PM

Jul 2007
Holy shit, the game "Beyond" looks like the most visually realistic game ive ever seen.

Can't believe some one already uploaded this lol

Besides this though, the rest of the sony conference is pretty much shit.
ArtimesGamerJun 4, 2012 6:55 PM

Jun 4, 2012 6:54 PM

Sep 2007
Watch_Dogs looks pretty great so far. So much intricate detail going on in that game.

Jun 4, 2012 7:06 PM

Sep 2007
link9us said:
Holy shit, the game "Beyond" looks like the most visually realistic game ive ever seen.

Can't believe some one already uploaded this lol

Besides this though, the rest of the sony conference is pretty much shit.

Coming from the guys that did Heavy Rain, this is going to be some plot heavy stuff. Looking forward to it.
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