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Which one do you want Chihaya to end up with?
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Nov 22, 2011 2:01 PM

Aug 2008

Like I said one million time, I love both the guy, but now, I really see Taichi and Chihaya together! He has to break up with her actual girlfriend though....
Nov 22, 2011 9:54 PM

May 2010
Orulyon said:
No its not. If the person you love turns out to be a hot guy plus good person, are you implying that you shouldn't marry him because he is poor? They wouldnt have much its true, but ive never seen Chihaya care about money not even once. And, knowing Arata as we all saw, he would definitely work all day and would even give up of cards if needed to work to sustain Chihaya.

She doesn't care about money because she is what, like 13? She would start caring if she is starving everyday. By the way, Taichi is also a hot guy plus good person and SOMEONE WHO CAN FEED HER, YOU KNOW, THE THING PEOPLE NEED TO LIVE?

Orulyon said:
That´s also not true. Arata has a bullying past, as we saw they are his most dear friends and important persons to him. Besides Arata never treated Taichi as a rival regarding Chihaya, while Taichi always treated him as one. If Arata cared more about cards than people, than he wouldnt have had that emo reaction when his grandpa died, he was even able to give up of cards in that moment and would have never touched one again if it wasnt for Chiahaya and Taichi. And when he also said "im not a karuta god, but i just want to be your friend" its the same than saying that he might not be able to play karuta ever again, but he actually cares for them no matter what.

And he also had that emo reaction when confronted on the phone by Chihaya

Orulyon said:
Hardwork can even equate to epic fail, but that´s not the point. Its the feeling of working hard for what you want, instead of someone giving it for free for you that matters. ofc, if everyone can choose, (including me) i would choose to have someone to give me everything and feed me for the rest of my life. But choosing that, i know that i will never be so hardworking like people who worked since their childhood to help their family, like Arata did. Being in school and working at the same time since such a young age its very very hard. So Arata will always be more hardworking than Taichi precisely because of that, he is poor, he will have to work a lot because he does not have super rich parents like Taichi.

I think you are placing too much on Arata's poverty condition and overlooking Taichi's situation. It's because Taichi has such a "super rich parents" that he has more pressure than Arata. Arata has card games and he is a genius at it, but what does Taichi really have? Not much, so he has to place all his faith in schoolwork. In that respect, Taichi will probably have to work even harder than Arata.

Orulyon said:
Even if they both work like...hum the majority of people i know, that doesnt mean they dont have time to play cards. Arata always worked and went to school and he played cards on his little free time and even went to tournaments. AND, when his grandpa was still alive he took care of him. he did all that, EVERYDAY. So yeah, although short, they would have time!

I am pretty sure a little kid doesn't do everything for grandpa when he is at school What is grandpa doing when Arata ISN'T at home? Is he playing dead? No of course not

By the way, the next time you minimize your text and put it in a wall, i am not responding.

aphton said:
.@Threadstarter - Btw. you are very unromantic (relating to your reasons) xD
All that matters is love itself. Whether a potential couple has a (worldly) future isnt of any importance when there is no love to begin with. As soon as Chihaya shows signs of her loving Arata, and vice versa - they should end up together. Same goes for Taichi.

Only in anime
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Nov 23, 2011 1:45 AM

Sep 2011
Wow, I can't believe this poll is so close (at the moment anyway). It's 71-70 (in favor of Taichi by one). I was the tie-breaker. X_______X

Several people have already mentioned this, but yeah. I personally prefer Taichi over Arata, but it seems like Chihaya will go for Arata instead... :X
Nov 23, 2011 2:54 AM

Jan 2008
Razziell said:
amirhoss said:
i vote for taichi too but it is gonna be arata probably

Nov 25, 2011 7:41 AM
Apr 2008
Taichi gets my vote. Isn't he just perfect? Beauty + brains + talent + he loves and cares for Chihaya. :)
Nov 29, 2011 2:04 PM

Apr 2010
keeetz said:
This is from Volume 8, but I wanted to share this cute Arata thinking about Chihaya scan.. xD

Oh man this is soooo cute!! xDD
I love Arata, and I ship Chihaya x Arata!
Sorry Taichi you're cute and sweet and etc...but I can't image him with Chihaya
Nov 29, 2011 2:35 PM

Jul 2011
If she ends up with one of those 2 i'm still going to be sad because one of them will lose.
When the two guys are so likeable thats hard to choose, the best way to end it is to leave it open. Ashita no Nadja and Chihayafuru are an exemple of that, its impossible to fully choose one of the guys.

But i have to admit that Taichi would get my vote because he is a more developed character. Being the only if is girlfriend.

Chihaya is a clueless airhead (a very funny one), if she ever falls in love it will be with the one that loves karata the most, Arata that is.
That's why i need more Arata, I need to prepare myself for one of the possibilities.
EdenBagginsNov 30, 2011 5:57 AM
Nov 29, 2011 8:51 PM

Mar 2009
ill go for taichi~ kinda like an underdog for me :D
Nov 29, 2011 11:13 PM
Feb 2009
>No Kanade option

Fucking breeders.
Nov 30, 2011 2:29 AM

Jan 2008
Definitely Taichi! I would be so happy if he and Chihaya ended up together. I know it might seem obvious that Arata will be the one she will choose at the end but I hope it won't happen.
Nov 30, 2011 7:54 AM
Jul 2018
Arata. But mostly due to how they were as kids. didn't really care for taichi then. Taichi has been fine though post time skip so who know maybe my opinion will change.
Nov 30, 2011 9:26 AM
Jul 2018
Can't they just live the three, together in a lovely house by the sea, playing karuta all the day and all the night?

But well, now seriosly. I'm a sucker. I tend to root for the guy that loves the girl but she's completely oblivious to it, in animes, books, and every little thing I see/read. This is not an exception and even though I love Arata, I would want her to be with Taichi if the anime turns to the romance part ( even though, it is really good because of the game and the slice of life aspect, they don't really need to pull the romance card).

Partially because even though her relationship with Arata is beautiful indeed, it is more of what I want of a best friend. A challenging best friend that will make me follow my dream and with whom I have a bond that no one can break, and completely transcendent to passionate love (the one we're talking here, I think it's pretty obvious each of them ( Arata, Chihaya and Taichi ) love each other already and have a really strong bond even though they've been separated for a long time), and platonic, and beautiful, and all those fuzzy feelings that don't have to necessarily lead to a romantic relationship. That's how I see her relationship with Arata. But I've seen too many animes by now, and she's most certainly going to end up with Arata. Because we have two roots that are common: she ends up with the mysterious guy that pulled the "i can show you the woooooorld~" card, or with the best friend that always loved her and she never noticed but suddenly they fall in love and have babies ( for god's sake, if they make her end up with Taichi, don't make it like a soap opera and let it develop slowly .... just ... please ) .

Arata and Taichi have different relationships with Chihaya. Both of them, even though in my personal opinion I would choose Taichi (because I'm a realistic person, that sees relationships not only in the platonic way, but also for the chemistry, but probably this "chemistry" only happens because we haven't seen Chihaya and Arata interact much since the childhood flashback) have a strong bond with her, and have some aspects on that bond that the other doesn't have.

Let's see how it is (: But It better be well-developed. And not something like "you're handsome, I'm handsome, let's have handsome babies" or "oh god, I loved you all along, you showed me the thing I loved the most and I want to have babies that will play card games with us and we'll live in a forest isolated from the world only going out to play in tournaments." ( really, it's good to have an obsession Chihaya, but two obsessed people together without some other serious motivations ... )
Dec 4, 2011 9:50 PM

Jan 2010
Taichi, not even close. Post time-skip he's been nothing but thoughtful; and his measured personality is a great contrast to Chihaya's enthusiasm. Taichi is aware of his flaws and Chihaya's feelings towards Arata but he's supported her regardless.

He could have not come with Chihaya to see Taichi. He could have not shown Arata's happy birthday text. Even though Chihaya's smiling face hurts him everytime because that smile is for Arata; Taichi still works hard to make Chihaya smile everyday. I admire that.
Dec 6, 2011 1:18 PM

Mar 2011
It doesn't matter what Taichi will do, he will never reach Arata (talking about Karuta and Chihaya)! Arata has changed Chihaya's world, Chihaya's life, everything. XD

Probably she will end up with Arata, but after to watch this episode 9 I'm very confused to choose one of them, Taichi and Arata are so cute *-* Chihaya's decision won't be easy, open your eyes, future Karuta queen! >D
Dec 6, 2011 2:48 PM

Oct 2011
nanyshidou said:
It doesn't matter what Taichi will do, he will never reach Arata (talking about Karuta and Chihaya)! Arata has changed Chihaya's world, Chihaya's life, everything. XD

Probably she will end up with Arata, but after to watch this episode 9 I'm very confused to choose one of them, Taichi and Arata are so cute *-* Chihaya's decision won't be easy, open your eyes, future Karuta queen! >D

Ok I love Arata and I think he is most awesome guy in history of anime!
Never before Piece of Wood was able to acchieve so much!
Go Arata!

Now to the point... to think about it in long term. Taichi is smart, kind, inteligent (like book-wise), empathic towards others (like last two episodes? come on!) plus jealous.
On the other side we have Arata who has a bike and is good at card game plus lack of social skils.
Any normal person would choose Taichi, but Chihaya is neither smart or normal so more probable is Arata and till death they will be riding a bike and playing karuta. Unless Arata will fall into Emo-Phase again.

BUT of course we know that it's yaoi - so it will end with Arata x Taichi.
Or Taichi with some nice girl and Chihaya in house full of cats dressed as children and teaching them how to use fork and knife.
Dec 6, 2011 3:26 PM

Apr 2010
Taichi, FTW!

Thanks the Mrs. Pressure (his mom); he's skilled in a wide range of activities besides karuta.

Plus he has excellent grades to gain entrance to a top tier college. With strong academics and strong extracurricular activities; his pretty much set for life. Nothing was given to him and he worked hard everything he's learned.

Above all, with all he has accomplished; he's remained humble.
Dec 7, 2011 3:03 AM
Dec 2010
i read the manga thru volume 14, for my point of view yuki san setting up an arata x chihaya route, If yuki san is going to finish her manga this coming march 2012 (vol 16).

why this is chihaya x arata route .
1. The title of the show CHIHAYAFURU- It's a poem about Crimson Love is more associated to arata i believe this is seen already in the anime part in episode 6.

2. Arata is the one who introduce karuta to chihaya, to dream for something for herself.

3. Remember what is the main Goal of Chihaya "to be #1 in karuta to meet arata again"

4. In Episode 1 chihaya is very happy she learn more than just karuta more importantly she discovered arata passion.

4. the cherry blossom seen in episode 5 is more than enough clue, chihaya meet taichi but there's no cherry blossom seen. the opening theme in anime look how they emphasize on arata more than to taichi.

5. did you know chihaya has no phone # of taichi but she has two phone # of arata one for his cellphone and the other is arata's land line number. she frequently text and call arata like an unofficial girlfriend knowing was happening to her and to him.

6. chihaya always get blush when she meet arata.

7. there are many clue in the manga why this is i think chihaya x arata route.

Of course many of you will get pity to taichi because his always in chihaya's side and supporting her. but sticking your nose to a women like a puppy is beta male tactic 100% you will be trap to friend zone. once you trap to friendzone is impossible to get out women will see you as good buddy not a potential lover. taiichi and chihaya has no emotional connection. unlike arata x chihaya, obviously you can see it in the anime how emotionaly chihaya connected to arata. the best way women to love you is to connect to them emotionally. the #1 problem of taichi he is in-secured person that's why he is beta male. somebody said taichi is smart yeah he's smart but arata are in genius category taichi need to study hard and attend a cram school just to meet his parents expectation. arata don't need that he has a part time job but still get an ace grade arata has a more chances to get into tokyo u than taichi and be my junior there.

but if i'm arata i find shinobu (current karuta queen) and chitose (chihaya sister) are more hotter have a great oppai :D, most probably i will go harem i will get those 3 girls and i will include kanade too she has cute smile. LOL
orion_momoDec 7, 2011 4:06 AM
Dec 7, 2011 10:59 AM

Nov 2007
Again, it might be just me but:

Friendship love >>> Romantic love
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 7, 2011 3:46 PM
Jul 2009
bootyjon said:
i read the manga thru volume 14, for my point of view yuki san setting up an arata x chihaya route, If yuki san is going to finish her manga this coming march 2012 (vol 16).

Is this a troll post or something? Well whatever.

The author is going to do whatever she wants. But personally, if Chihaya does end up with Arata, I will consider it bad writing. Why? Because there's almost no interaction between Chihaya and Arata. If they end up together, it will be completely based on Chihaya's childhood impression of him, and nothing more. IMO that's too much fantasyland for this manga, which has been pretty down to earth for the most part.

What Chihaya and Taichi have is interaction. They really got to know each other over time. They know their real selves, not idealized versions of themselves. That's what Arata is for Chihaya: an idealization, a God. She worships him. That's not foundation for a good couple IMO.

If the author wants me to buy into a possible Chihaya/Arata ending she needs to work harder on their interaction. They would have to meet more, and Chihaya would have to stop regarding him as "wonder of the universe" and instead seeing him as what he is, a normal high-school kid.

But well, this manga targets high-school girls. Maybe that sort of audience like idealized couples, even if there's zero interaction supporting it. So a Chihaya/Arata ending is still a possible conclusion. It would suck writing-wise, but as long as it sells I don't think the author would care about that.
Dec 7, 2011 6:02 PM

Nov 2007
Idealized couple = boring essentially.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 8, 2011 9:53 PM
Dec 2010
hahaha Gomen to taichi fan, i want to spoil myself that's why i read the manga, vol 15 is out on dec 13 i will order it on amazon japan let see if taichi fate will change. but vol 1-14 95% arata 5% taichi. if you will open the brain of chihaya, she only think arata and karuta. actually the question is not about chihaya anymore she's obviously have feeling to arata, the love battle is in arata hand the only thing he need to do is to act. this is my wild guess what will happen in the last chapter arata and chihaya will play karuta obviously chihaya will win the match after that chihaya will confess to arata or either way. but still this series is good unlike usagi drop many reader surprise what happen in the story, although my analysis is correct i rooted to daikichi :D
Dec 8, 2011 11:07 PM
Jul 2009
bootyjon said:
but vol 1-14 95% arata 5% taichi.

Not on screen time. I've read up to volume 14 too, and Arata has appeared a grand total of three times, and there wasn't much interaction between him and Chihaya in any of them.

But hey, don't mind me. If you think Chihaya's hero-worshiping on Arata is enough basis for a possible ArataxChihaya pairing, more power to you.
Dec 9, 2011 10:25 AM

May 2009
No need to be sour.
Dec 9, 2011 11:31 AM
May 2009
...I just hope Chihaya doesn't end up with anyone.
If I'd have to root for anyone, I'd root for Taichi, though. I'm not even sure if Arata has a crush on Chihaya or whatever. I'm not even sure what his personality is now. He was shown for brief moments so far, I don't even like him (I don't get how some people can love him so much, is it because they've read the manga or is it because he's a "dark" character, black haired bishounen with glasses?).
QashqaiDec 9, 2011 11:35 AM
Dec 9, 2011 2:06 PM

Jun 2008
Definitely Arata x Taichi rout. YAOI FTW. I liked when Taichi said that Arata texted him instead of Chihaya because he knew Chihaya belonged to "both". XD

"we both feel that Chihaya belongs to both of us".

Well sincerely Arata is my fav, but i also love Taichi to death, so either one is fine to me, if she ever chooses one. Living in a threesome also seems acceptable to me XD

I would say both have great chances. Like 50-50, because:

- Chihaya kinda has a platonic love for Arata since her childhood because as someone already said, she started talking to him before she knew about his passion for Karuta and she wanted to know things about him even risking her friendship with others just to be able to stay near him. Also, the flowers when she sees Arata, lol. Arata for now only thinks about her as a friend, but that can change at any moment.


- Taichi is the typical altruistic "best friend". Its a shoujo rule that the altruistic one who stays by the protagonist side without asking for her love, 90% of times ends up winning her heart at the end.
Also he has more screen time, which definitely means something.

So 50-50. if she ends up with Taichi i think people would get more satisfied, since its cute. But if she goes for Arata than i guess it would be the first time we would get a girl choosing a megane at the end, so it would be unique.

endless love triangle. Remembers me of the hard love triangle of Vampire knight, in which, lol, Mamoru Miyano also voices the "best friend" and not the platonic love of the main girl XD

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 10, 2011 12:36 PM
Nov 2011
1idd0kun said:
bootyjon said:
but vol 1-14 95% arata 5% taichi.

Not on screen time. I've read up to volume 14 too, and Arata has appeared a grand total of three times, and there wasn't much interaction between him and Chihaya in any of them.

Wtf? 3 times? Definitely more than 3 times.
Dec 15, 2011 12:55 PM
Dec 2011
It really seems like the author is pursuing a Taichi/Chihaya route..... THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO INTERACTION between Ara/Chihaya 11 episodes in... Rofl... Bring out Arata already to give him a fighting chance.
Dec 15, 2011 3:52 PM

Nov 2007
It's the myth that the furthest away, the stronger the longing.

People are afraid that Taichi is staying in the friend zone.

It's all an idealized myth really. Taichi all the way!
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 20, 2011 6:38 PM

Jun 2011
Why do you prefer Taichi over Arata? Taichi has a girlfriend, doesn't he? If he truly loves Chihaya, and doesn't like his girlfriend, don't date her just because you don't have a girlfriend. Even though Taichi always stay by Chihaya's side, he DOES have a girlfriend. He's not being loyal to his girlfriend now, by loving other girl when he has a girlfriend already, what makes him a good guy?
Sorry I haven't watch the series, and don't understand much of their interaction with each other, so if I'm wrong here, please don't flame me!
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Dec 20, 2011 8:23 PM
Jul 2009
Natsu12345 said:
Why do you prefer Taichi over Arata? Taichi has a girlfriend, doesn't he?

No, he doesn't. The author forgot about her and basically retconned her out the story.

Natsu12345 said:
Sorry I haven't watch the series, and don't understand much of their interaction with each other, so if I'm wrong here, please don't flame me!

Why do you post about series you haven't watched?
Dec 21, 2011 2:51 AM

Nov 2009
Natsu12345 said:
Taichi has a girlfriend, doesn't he?
They broke up LONG TIME AGO. I'm serious. The nameless girlfriend got taken out of the picture long time ago.
Dec 21, 2011 7:18 AM

Nov 2009
After seeing the latest episode, Taichi FTW all the way for sure!
Arata didn't even sent her a message to congratulate her.
Taichi is the MAN! They complete each other. Taichi balance her (as we saw in one of the episodes), they listen to each other and help each other. Arata is like a god to Chihaya and that's not good for a relationship. Taichi don't want to confess to Chi because that probably will bring problems in the team after everything is clear. And Chihaya sees both Arata and Taichi as friends, so he don't want his heart broken. He probably will try to win her little by little.
I'm sorry, but i don't see Arata as someone fitting for Chihaya, though i really like him. But not more than Taichi xD. A woman wants a man with strong will, a man who will protect her, not running away from something, decesive, understanding and respecting her, not someone like Arata... how should i say it... He brings out the mother instinct in the woman, kinda xD.
Dec 22, 2011 8:34 PM
Dec 2010
the upcoming anime episode 13 of chihayafuru are still in Volume 4 of manga, after some back reading the current karuta queen shinobu seems have feelings to arata
she's good in karuta because of big influence of arata, they play karuta when they still kids, the same how chihaya inspired by arata. it seem this manga has double
love triangle arata,chihaya and shinobu , taichi, arata and chihaya. shinobu has a good looks, too to be honest a tsundere girl is good match to a cool and colder guy
like arata, shinobu change a dress in front of arata she had a cute a pantsu short :D (vol 14), she always wear the shirt of arata seem she like the scent of arata. she hate chihaya because she knows chihaya is her rival to karuta and to arata's attention (vol 14-15) shinobu has the same playing style of arata, shinobu learn it from arata. the best way chihaya to defeat her is to practice more with arata or learn some arata's moves. if arata didn't stop playing karuta after his grandfather die his obviously a meiji already. by the way shinobu is a team mate of arata. in the end arata team Vs. Chihaya team.

Update- volume 15 of manga, team chihaya win there match. shinobu (current karuta queen) see chihaya as a treat. arata waiting outside when chihaya see him she cry in front of arata, the chihaya team mate and the principal was surprise to see chihaya's reaction in front of arata. cry baby chihaya is cute specially when she's sleeping in arata's lap in previous volume. volume 15 arata is still in advantage point. next volume 16, it seem chihaya X arata chapter before the other match.
orion_momoDec 23, 2011 3:04 PM
Dec 24, 2011 6:16 PM

Jan 2008
bootyjon said:
the upcoming anime episode 13 of chihayafuru are still in Volume 4 of manga, after some back reading the current karuta queen shinobu seems have feelings to arata
she's good in karuta because of big influence of arata, they play karuta when they still kids, the same how chihaya inspired by arata. it seem this manga has double
love triangle arata,chihaya and shinobu , taichi, arata and chihaya. shinobu has a good looks, too to be honest a tsundere girl is good match to a cool and colder guy
like arata, shinobu change a dress in front of arata she had a cute a pantsu short :D (vol 14), she always wear the shirt of arata seem she like the scent of arata. she hate chihaya because she knows chihaya is her rival to karuta and to arata's attention (vol 14-15) shinobu has the same playing style of arata, shinobu learn it from arata. the best way chihaya to defeat her is to practice more with arata or learn some arata's moves. if arata didn't stop playing karuta after his grandfather die his obviously a meiji already. by the way shinobu is a team mate of arata. in the end arata team Vs. Chihaya team.

Update- volume 15 of manga, team chihaya win there match. shinobu (current karuta queen) see chihaya as a treat. arata waiting outside when chihaya see him she cry in front of arata, the chihaya team mate and the principal was surprise to see chihaya's reaction in front of arata. cry baby chihaya is cute specially when she's sleeping in arata's lap in previous volume. volume 15 arata is still in advantage point. next volume 16, it seem chihaya X arata chapter before the other match.

So does this mean that the story is going Arata x Chihaya route? Nothing about Taichi at all? She still sees him as a friend?
Dec 25, 2011 2:58 AM

Jun 2011
She should end up with the sadist dude from the other school :DDDDD
Dec 26, 2011 12:36 PM
Nov 2011

It wasn't Arata team vs Chihaya team.

Arata wasn't in Fujisaki, the team that Chihaya & co. went against in the nationals.

Arata was never in the team matches, and he was never interested in joining one. He wanted to join an individual competition because the winner gets a referral to a university in Tokyo. He feels that the only team he'll ever want is with Chihaya and Taichi. (This pisses me off because he said that to Taichi, and not Chihaya. Arata's being a little pussy.)

So does this mean that the story is going Arata x Chihaya route? Nothing about Taichi at all? She still sees him as a friend?

Well, it could still go either way at this point. Although Chihaya is still leaning to Arata. We may see more development if Arata ACTUALLY wins the competition and goes to Tokyo for school since when Arata was freely talking to Taichi about his feelings and how the only team he wants to be in is with Chihaya and Taichi, Taichi did not like the idea. He sees Arata as an enemy because he knows that Chihaya will be so happy to team up with him again.

A new chapter will come out in December 28, but most likely it will contain more competition stuff and less romance. I'm predicting that Suetsugu-sensei will develop the romance aspect once Arata manages to go to Tokyo.

But right now, it can still go both ways (with a slight lean to Arata).
Dec 26, 2011 6:02 PM
Dec 2010
Not the fujisaki team. This Team with wakamiya I don't know if Arata will Play with this Team Again, Because he play already with this team as temporary replacement in previous Volume. I hope Wakamiya and Arata play with this team Vs. Chihaya team for a Good Show :D. Look the picture of shinobu she's wearing the black shirt of arata again i think this is the second or third time she wear the shirt of arata.

Well If Arata will Move To Tokyo and Get Scholarship 100% he will get the scholarship, arata didn't say it to chihaya first because he want to suprise chihaya. what do you think will be chihaya's reaction in one day arata will show up in her school with the same school uniform like her and be a classmate i bet chihaya will get cried and get wet :D, but he said it to taichi as psychological war tactic LOL, I think in real sense taiichi is not true friend to arata if you see your friend as an enemy or treat then your not a friend your a foe. well that's good taichi should remain as third wheel guy in this story. i expect the manga will reach more than a 20 volume =(.

In this Scene Shinobu, It Seem She has a feeling to Arata too. Chihaya and Shinobu they have almost the same purpose play karuta to meet arata again.

Volume 16- Will be Release probably on March 2012.
orion_momoDec 26, 2011 8:45 PM
Dec 27, 2011 11:31 AM
Nov 2011
^ this.

Thank you for clarifying. Now I don't think of Arata as a little pussy.

I will forever support Arata and Chihaya. lol :)
Dec 30, 2011 8:52 PM
Dec 2010
keeetz said:
^ this.

Thank you for clarifying. Now I don't think of Arata as a little pussy.

I will forever support Arata and Chihaya. lol :)

hahaha well as long the author keep the Plot of the story it is Arata route, if you compare the sweet moment between chihaya/taichi to chihaya/arata you will see the big difference. the sweet moment between chihaya and taichi are not that special some of them are lame move's some women may consider it sekuhara (sexual harrasment) the author never use a flower backround to their sweet moment, after that if you turn to the next page you will see the big picture of arata is like the author want to erase the sweet moment between chihaya and taich to the mind of readers. Now Goto to sweet moment of chihaya and arata all those sweet moments was initiated by chihaya not by arata the author always put a flower's in the background (she should use a heart for sometimes :D). Arata never do a lame move's, even in shinobu/arata sweet moment it is shinobu wakamiya who initiated the move's this megane boy is very lucky lol. chihaya was sadden when she learn from arata that he know's shinobu since childhood. From Volume 12 - onward it seem where moving to different love triangle chihaya x arata xshinobu well is good strategy on the part of the author to capture some male market. to be honest chihaya x arata x taichi are little boring now, I will not sacrifice my four can of green tea just to buy it to local bookstore or order it to amazon. the volume 15 stop on chihaya crying in the front of arata actually shinobu is in the vicinity, i hope in volume in 16 the author make officially start the love rivalry between Chihaya and shinobu :D. i wish shinobu do drastic move's steal a kiss from arata in front of chihaya i want to chihaya to feel jealous at least :D. but shinobu is very lovely tsundere girl those mole below her eye will attract you if only arata can goto harem mode lol.
orion_momoDec 30, 2011 9:09 PM
Jan 3, 2012 10:59 AM
Nov 2011
It kind of seems like Arata and Chihaya are soulmates.... The way things work out for them... the way they implicitly change and develop each other's growth.
Jan 4, 2012 7:35 AM

Sep 2010
It's quite a dilemma: I personally prefer guys in glasses, but Taichi's seyuu is Miyano Mamoru. Aaaaa, it's impossible to pick one of them XD
Jan 4, 2012 10:57 AM
Mar 2008
keeetz said:
It kind of seems like Arata and Chihaya are soulmates.... The way things work out for them... the way they implicitly change and develop each other's growth.


To be honest, I hated Taichi. He was never able to overcome his childhood, and was constantly living in the past. Him easily dismissing his "girlfriend" the moment he met Chihaya again was a good example. This Taichi was constantly thinking of only himself. Constantly trying to help Chihaya only for the purpose of his own selfish pursuits.

But this was before he made a choice. The choice to continue playing Karuta, not for himself, but for others. He is no longer the spoiled brat from childhood, nor the dishonest deceitful adolescent. The change is for the better and it's showing. He is willing to put aside his feelings to support Chihaya in pursuing her dreams, as well as inwardly exploring his own intentions.

Despite this, I can't shake the feeling that Arata and Chihaya were meant for each other. Arata gave Chihaya meaning, a goal to dedicate her life to. And so in turn, Chihaya will also give Arata meaning to his own life and the ability to move on to the future. For Chihaya, Arata is and will always be a special existence.
Jan 10, 2012 7:11 PM

Mar 2009
well... Arata, for sure.. and its not because i hate Taichi or something like that.. Actually, the plot tells me that somehow, those two will end up together (Arata and Chihaya)...

If we think about it, before chihaya had met arata she didnt had a plan for her life, and so, Arata gave her a propose for her life: karuta. that's quite important... i think that he left a really big mark on her heart. In episode 13 (i dont know what's the number of the chapter), we see that arata will play again karuta, after he sees Taichi and Chihaya play...

Altought i think that this manga/anime will not have a big presence of romance, there might be something on the 16 volume.. i mean, arata will go to Tokyo for one reason: play karuta with taichi and chihaya... he values both of them, but i think that chihaya really left a big mark on him too...

and there's shinobu, who i can really say that i dont like, but she might be useful xD chihaya is too oblivious.. or one of those two (arata or taichi) confess, or she wouldnt say a thing either 'cause she didnt understand her own feelings! if shinobu kissed arata and chihaya saw that, it would be nice.. i hope that chihaya would get jealous and all that! XDD

anyways... this anime is not that focused on romance, but if its to choose, then i choose Arata! :3
Jan 11, 2012 12:55 AM

Jul 2008
Taichi - He's been with her before they even played Karuta, and I don't want him to end up with someone. Maybe Arata should just be a rival for the game, but not for their relationship.
Jan 11, 2012 4:21 AM

Nov 2007
Arata! I hope that Unlucky Childhood Friend trope fits here. Taichi is awesome but Chihaya x Arata all the way!

Jan 11, 2012 4:47 AM

May 2009
Taichi FTW

and I have good news for all Chihaya x Taichi shippers
Jan 11, 2012 5:02 AM

Mar 2009
bastek66 said:
Taichi FTW

and I have good news for all Chihaya x Taichi shippers

o_o whats going on there?! its obvious that the girl is shinobu... but still, i dont think that means that arata will end up with her.... >_<
Jan 11, 2012 5:08 AM

Jul 2011
Athena said:
Eh, she's probably gonna end up with Arata, but I prefer Taichi.

So think I :)
Jan 11, 2012 7:10 AM

Apr 2011
Taichi for a lot of obvious reasons.
Jan 19, 2012 10:13 PM
Nov 2011
Chihaya x Arata scans from CHAPTER 86, the latest chapter
Unfortunately, they're Chinese scans, so I have no freakin clue what they're saying. LOL

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