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Suspected bombs sent to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and CNN building: White House condemns 'terrorising acts' as 'despicable'

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Oct 27, 2018 11:17 PM

Oct 2009
Bernrika said:

Literally no one is doing that.

Read the topic again. here are:

Hias said:
Can’t wait for “both sides” excuses and “well the left are violent too! Remember the time that one guy knocked a trash can over!?” The fascist right are violent, they have been responsible for acts of domestic terrorism for decades.

traed said:
It's a lone attack which is what right wing extremists encourage so they don't all take the fall.

GamerDLM said:

But then it brings up the issue of self awareness. He hasn't exactly been building bridges with any of the individuals targeted by the packages or the groups they're related with. It's also still in poor taste for him to be calling out and blaming the media given his history of targeting CNN in particular.

Most of Alex's posts, as usual

Bernrika said:

At least the left things don't come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories on why they didn't that and condemn these actions.

Heck, you yourself can't do that with this event and instead shift the focus on other events! It's kinda amazing!

I didnt post here to state the obvious fact that the guy who pulled this stunt is a criminal. what do you want me to say? that he's a bad man and should be punished? lmfao

Oct 27, 2018 11:51 PM

Jul 2012
RandomChampion said:
Bernrika said:

Literally no one is doing that.

Read the topic again. here are:

Hias said:
Can’t wait for “both sides” excuses and “well the left are violent too! Remember the time that one guy knocked a trash can over!?” The fascist right are violent, they have been responsible for acts of domestic terrorism for decades.

traed said:
It's a lone attack which is what right wing extremists encourage so they don't all take the fall.

GamerDLM said:

But then it brings up the issue of self awareness. He hasn't exactly been building bridges with any of the individuals targeted by the packages or the groups they're related with. It's also still in poor taste for him to be calling out and blaming the media given his history of targeting CNN in particular.

Most of Alex's posts, as usual

Bernrika said:

At least the left things don't come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories on why they didn't that and condemn these actions.

Heck, you yourself can't do that with this event and instead shift the focus on other events! It's kinda amazing!

I didnt post here to state the obvious fact that the guy who pulled this stunt is a criminal. what do you want me to say? that he's a bad man and should be punished? lmfao

I mean since I was one of the ones quoted I guess I'll ask, where did anything I say lead you to include my post in your conclusion? I literally said "maybe he should avoid attacking the media considering CNN one of his most common outlets for aggression just received a bomb package". Nowhere in my post did I say or even imply anything like you're claiming.
It's also no stretch to say that Trump has been outspokenly aggressive towards both Democrats and the media. But even if you focus on that aspect of the posts it's a huge leap in logic to claim I'm saying anything along the lines of what you claimed.
Oct 28, 2018 12:12 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
lol @ the delusional leftist fanatics in this topic, acting like leftists dont do anything either.

earlier this month Trump and other Republicans were sent ricin in the mail. then there was the dude who shot up the repulbican senators playing baseball or some shit

rand paul got beaten up

i recall when trump was running, leftists crashed his rallies and that one guy even bum rushed the stage going at trump

then you got fucks like biden and deniro saying they want to beat trump up lmfao. apparently madonna dreams of blowing up the white house. prominent left wing personalities urge their followers to publicly intimidate and heckle opponents
hillary clinton herself said that you "cant be civil when dealing" with trump supporters.

ricin how come that ricin never traced back to its source odd that like these incendiary devices were

yes im left wing but im of the older left im also an anacho-pacifist

there is huge difference between trump retot=ric abd most left-wing rhetoric cause i od not call most dems left wing at all based on there economic view

and Libreal are not left wing and never have been in most nations there called left wing in the us sice the overton windie went si far to the right in the us

look at my nation fir example the LDP Liberal Democrats are center right or in the uk not matter n=how o view stuff like current right winf hot button issue they the lib dems on the uk are a center party at best the labour party on the uk was founded caue the libs were noit doing enough fir the workers ]

why cuse liberals have never cared about the works left vs right are economic views on the main

and Liberals have alll ways been right wing

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 12:17 AM

Jun 2008
RandomChampion said:
lol @ the delusional leftist fanatics in this topic, acting like leftists dont do anything either.

Here’s the problem.

Right Now, the worst violence seen in the Left is Antifa, and that is very clearly the “Far-Left”.

Antifa are not liberals or whatever...they are fucking Anarchist SCUM!

Anyways...most prominent Left-leaning politicians do NOT side with Antifa.

Can you imagine if Obama was still president and Antifa held a HATE rally and then killed someone with a car...and then Obama said “Hey, BOTH sides have bad and good people...what about the Right, they have bad people!”

How fucked up would that be? How can any President say such things?

Oh Wait...Trump did exactly that for the Alt-Right.

Why did the MAGA Bomber target Obama, Hillary and CNN?!

Oh, I don’t know...maybe because the Dear Leader does nothing but shit talk those people and CNN on a non-stop basis!

He openly calls the media the “enemy of the people” in the most unironic manner...this is exactly what DICTATORS do....try to get the people to distrust the media, call every criticism against them a lie 100 times until their brainwashed followers believe only them and no one else!

No...the Left is NOT the same as the Right...the Right is under the control of a madman who is a Proto-fascist and his followers are beginning to act out their bat-shit crazy delusions into reality.
Oct 28, 2018 12:20 AM

Oct 2009
GamerDLM said:
RandomChampion said:

Read the topic again. here are:

Most of Alex's posts, as usual

I didnt post here to state the obvious fact that the guy who pulled this stunt is a criminal. what do you want me to say? that he's a bad man and should be punished? lmfao

I mean since I was one of the ones quoted I guess I'll ask, where did anything I say lead you to include my post in your conclusion? I literally said "maybe he should avoid attacking the media considering CNN one of his most common outlets for aggression just received a bomb package". Nowhere in my post did I say or even imply anything like you're claiming.
It's also no stretch to say that Trump has been outspokenly aggressive towards both Democrats and the media. But even if you focus on that aspect of the posts it's a huge leap in logic to claim I'm saying anything along the lines of what you claimed.

My post was referring to the left's belligerence and malice. You are making trump out to be the unreasonable aggressor towards leftist media like CNN when it was they who blatantly attempted (and still continue to try) to assassinate his character as well as antagonize the right wing. In your eyes it is trump with the lack of self awareness when he is rightfully calling out divisive propaganda.
Oct 28, 2018 12:33 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
GamerDLM said:

I mean since I was one of the ones quoted I guess I'll ask, where did anything I say lead you to include my post in your conclusion? I literally said "maybe he should avoid attacking the media considering CNN one of his most common outlets for aggression just received a bomb package". Nowhere in my post did I say or even imply anything like you're claiming.
It's also no stretch to say that Trump has been outspokenly aggressive towards both Democrats and the media. But even if you focus on that aspect of the posts it's a huge leap in logic to claim I'm saying anything along the lines of what you claimed.

My post was referring to the left's belligerence and malice. You are making trump out to be the unreasonable aggressor towards leftist media like CNN when it was they who blatantly attempted (and still continue to try) to assassinate his character as well as antagonize the right wing. In your eyes it is trump with the lack of self awareness when he is rightfully calling out divisive propaganda.

CNN ans msa=nbc are not left wing at all or would not be seen as such in nations with a proper spectrum not just the far right gop and center right dems

talk to any proper poilocal mind from a nation with proper spectrum and you woill see that the fact is that there is not left wing party on the us

Obaam was not left wing hell some one like Corbyn in the uk is a centerrist base on my view cebnter left yes but center left as furteist abd to me cortez is modrate left just a ot teh right of my postiton

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 12:35 AM

Jul 2012
RandomChampion said:
GamerDLM said:

I mean since I was one of the ones quoted I guess I'll ask, where did anything I say lead you to include my post in your conclusion? I literally said "maybe he should avoid attacking the media considering CNN one of his most common outlets for aggression just received a bomb package". Nowhere in my post did I say or even imply anything like you're claiming.
It's also no stretch to say that Trump has been outspokenly aggressive towards both Democrats and the media. But even if you focus on that aspect of the posts it's a huge leap in logic to claim I'm saying anything along the lines of what you claimed.

My post was referring to the left's belligerence and malice. You are making trump out to be the unreasonable aggressor towards leftist media like CNN when it was they who blatantly attempted (and still continue to try) to assassinate his character as well as antagonize the right wing. In your eyes it is trump with the lack of self awareness when he is rightfully calling out divisive propaganda.

I mean he is an unreasonable aggressor who generally avoids taking personal responsibility for much of anything. I would agree if it's justified to call them out he should have every right to as long as he's able to back up his defense with factual claims. On the other end of the spectrum I don't think he should be pushing pro-Trump or Republican propoganda like Fox News (specifically people like Sean Hannity or Jeanine Pirro the later of which is particularly toxic).
The reason I say he's unreasonable is that he will outright publicly state easily disprovable lies about his opponents and if he gets called out on them, sometimes in real time, he'll quickly deflect to "oh that's just what I heard from somebody" or basically say "you disagreed with me so I don't care what you said".
Oct 28, 2018 12:39 AM
Mar 2011
GamerDLM said:
RandomChampion said:

My post was referring to the left's belligerence and malice. You are making trump out to be the unreasonable aggressor towards leftist media like CNN when it was they who blatantly attempted (and still continue to try) to assassinate his character as well as antagonize the right wing. In your eyes it is trump with the lack of self awareness when he is rightfully calling out divisive propaganda.

I mean he is an unreasonable aggressor who generally avoids taking personal responsibility for much of anything. I would agree if it's justified to call them out he should have every right to as long as he's able to back up his defense with factual claims. On the other end of the spectrum I don't think he should be pushing pro-Trump or Republican propoganda like Fox News (specifically people like Sean Hannity or Jeanine Pirro the later of which is particularly toxic).
The reason I say he's unreasonable is that he will outright publicly state easily disprovable lies about his opponents and if he gets called out on them, sometimes in real time, he'll quickly deflect to "oh that's just what I heard from somebody" or basically say "you disagreed with me so I don't care what you said".

sicne when are the dems a left wing party sanders ran but in his seat runs as an indeipendent [ correcr if wrong ]

it only hardcore convsertives and the fake left like people liek sargon and alike or think is dems have ever been truly left wing
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 12:44 AM

Oct 2009
DateYutaka said:
ricin how come that ricin never traced back to its source odd that like these incendiary devices were

yes im left wing but im of the older left im also an anacho-pacifist

there is huge difference between trump retot=ric abd most left-wing rhetoric cause i od not call most dems left wing at all based on there economic view

and Libreal are not left wing and never have been in most nations there called left wing in the us sice the overton windie went si far to the right in the us

look at my nation fir example the LDP Liberal Democrats are center right or in the uk not matter n=how o view stuff like current right winf hot button issue they the lib dems on the uk are a center party at best the labour party on the uk was founded caue the libs were noit doing enough fir the workers ]

why cuse liberals have never cared about the works left vs right are economic views on the main

and Liberals have alll ways been right wing

whether something is left or right depends on the political system. leftists include big proponents of keynesianism, from an economic perspective, so it's safe to call them leftists here

--ALEX-- said:

Here’s the problem.

Right Now, the worst violence seen in the Left is Antifa, and that is very clearly the “Far-Left”.

Antifa are not liberals or whatever...they are fucking Anarchist SCUM!

Anyways...most prominent Left-leaning politicians do NOT side with Antifa.

Can you imagine if Obama was still president and Antifa held a HATE rally and then killed someone with a car...and then Obama said “Hey, BOTH sides have bad and good people...what about the Right, they have bad people!”

How fucked up would that be? How can any President say such things?

Oh Wait...Trump did exactly that for the Alt-Right.

Why did the MAGA Bomber target Obama, Hillary and CNN?!

Oh, I don’t know...maybe because the Dear Leader does nothing but shit talk those people and CNN on a non-stop basis!

He openly calls the media the “enemy of the people” in the most unironic manner...this is exactly what DICTATORS do....try to get the people to distrust the media, call every criticism against them a lie 100 times until their brainwashed followers believe only them and no one else!

No...the Left is NOT the same as the Right...the Right is under the control of a madman who is a Proto-fascist and his followers are beginning to act out their bat-shit crazy delusions into reality.

if ANTIFA is clearly far left, then the MAGA bomber is clearly far right.

and did you just ignore all the examples i gave of leftist belligerence? Hillary Clinton straight up said that you cannot be civil with the right wing.

It is not just ANTIFA (they are fukin liberals btw lol) that incites harassment and violence. In liberal cities, repbulican politicians are heckled and harassed. maybe threatened too? walk through some parts of new york city with a trump hat or t shirt or some shit and see what happens.

Trump condemned the guy who ran someone else over with a car. what else do you want him to do? blaming the actions of one man on an entire group is retarded.

I do not blame Trump for defending himself against the massive campaign carried out by the left trying to decimate his reputation. THEY were the aggressors, not him. I have never seen anything like it. The left even went as far as praising an idiotic, corrupt, war criminal like Bush in comparison to Trump. also dont see why he shouldnt call them out on their bullshit

Oct 28, 2018 12:52 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
DateYutaka said:
ricin how come that ricin never traced back to its source odd that like these incendiary devices were

yes im left wing but im of the older left im also an anacho-pacifist

there is huge difference between trump retot=ric abd most left-wing rhetoric cause i od not call most dems left wing at all based on there economic view

and Libreal are not left wing and never have been in most nations there called left wing in the us sice the overton windie went si far to the right in the us

look at my nation fir example the LDP Liberal Democrats are center right or in the uk not matter n=how o view stuff like current right winf hot button issue they the lib dems on the uk are a center party at best the labour party on the uk was founded caue the libs were noit doing enough fir the workers ]

why cuse liberals have never cared about the works left vs right are economic views on the main

and Liberals have alll ways been right wing

whether something is left or right depends on the political system. leftists include big proponents of keynesianism, from an economic perspective, so it's safe to call them leftists here

--ALEX-- said:

Here’s the problem.

Right Now, the worst violence seen in the Left is Antifa, and that is very clearly the “Far-Left”.

Antifa are not liberals or whatever...they are fucking Anarchist SCUM!

Anyways...most prominent Left-leaning politicians do NOT side with Antifa.

Can you imagine if Obama was still president and Antifa held a HATE rally and then killed someone with a car...and then Obama said “Hey, BOTH sides have bad and good people...what about the Right, they have bad people!”

How fucked up would that be? How can any President say such things?

Oh Wait...Trump did exactly that for the Alt-Right.

Why did the MAGA Bomber target Obama, Hillary and CNN?!

Oh, I don’t know...maybe because the Dear Leader does nothing but shit talk those people and CNN on a non-stop basis!

He openly calls the media the “enemy of the people” in the most unironic manner...this is exactly what DICTATORS do....try to get the people to distrust the media, call every criticism against them a lie 100 times until their brainwashed followers believe only them and no one else!

No...the Left is NOT the same as the Right...the Right is under the control of a madman who is a Proto-fascist and his followers are beginning to act out their bat-shit crazy delusions into reality.

if ANTIFA is clearly far left, then the MAGA bomber is clearly far right.

and did you just ignore all the examples i gave of leftist belligerence? Hillary Clinton straight up said that you cannot be civil with the right wing.

It is not just ANTIFA (they are fukin liberals btw lol) that incites harassment and violence. In liberal cities, repbulican politicians are heckled and harassed. maybe threatened too? walk through some parts of new york city with a trump hat or t shirt or some shit and see what happens.

Trump condemned the guy who ran someone else over with a car. what else do you want him to do? blaming the actions of one man on an entire group is retarded.

I do not blame Trump for defending himself against the massive campaign carried out by the left trying to decimate his reputation. THEY were the aggressors, not him. I have never seen anything like it. The left even went as far as praising an idiotic, corrupt, war criminal like Bush in comparison to Trump. also dont see why he shouldnt call them out on their bullshit

that not true what i call left wing is worker owned MOP simple not state onwed cuase that corpratsim with is right wing

when i say worker owned i mean whjat i say ipon thetin no state onwership but each worler owns the place they pout down their lbaour with no middleman

that is what no Liberal has ever put forward some nationalization yes and even some of my own comrades are for that im not im for full worker ownership say fuck you ot teh state in this case democratic onweship simple

most of antifa or the real antifa of any of them still exaist hate librals too
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 12:54 AM

Jun 2008
“Antifa are Liberal”


Suddenly core Liberal principles such as that Government should help people out is in accordance with Anarchist Scum and their beliefs???

Anarchists literally believe in NO Government whatsoever.
Oct 28, 2018 1:02 AM

Oct 2009
GamerDLM said:
RandomChampion said:

My post was referring to the left's belligerence and malice. You are making trump out to be the unreasonable aggressor towards leftist media like CNN when it was they who blatantly attempted (and still continue to try) to assassinate his character as well as antagonize the right wing. In your eyes it is trump with the lack of self awareness when he is rightfully calling out divisive propaganda.

I mean he is an unreasonable aggressor who generally avoids taking personal responsibility for much of anything. I would agree if it's justified to call them out he should have every right to as long as he's able to back up his defense with factual claims. On the other end of the spectrum I don't think he should be pushing pro-Trump or Republican propoganda like Fox News (specifically people like Sean Hannity or Jeanine Pirro the later of which is particularly toxic).
The reason I say he's unreasonable is that he will outright publicly state easily disprovable lies about his opponents and if he gets called out on them, sometimes in real time, he'll quickly deflect to "oh that's just what I heard from somebody" or basically say "you disagreed with me so I don't care what you said".

Trump was no the aggressor lmfao. Everyone, media, democrats, even the establishment republicans, went after him. And he took their game and dragged it through the mud and won. The left is still after him and he is still calling the media out for the divisive reporting.

Oct 28, 2018 1:07 AM

Mar 2008
RandomChampion said:
lol @ the delusional leftist fanatics in this topic, acting like leftists dont do anything either.

earlier this month Trump and other Republicans were sent ricin in the mail. then there was the dude who shot up the repulbican senators playing baseball or some shit

rand paul got beaten up

i recall when trump was running, leftists crashed his rallies and that one guy even bum rushed the stage going at trump

then you got fucks like biden and deniro saying they want to beat trump up lmfao. apparently madonna dreams of blowing up the white house. prominent left wing personalities urge their followers to publicly intimidate and heckle opponents
hillary clinton herself said that you "cant be civil when dealing" with trump supporters.

When calling people delusional it sure would help for you to not completely fuck up your facts. No there was no letters containing ricin they were threats and contained a fairly harmless substance ricin is made from.

The thing with Rand Paul had nothing to do with politics and he was only tackled which damaged his ribs he was not beaten. It was a personal dispute over lawncare.

Rallies are open to the public. It's not crashing to attend them. The guy that jumped on stage was only going for the microphone. You're desperately grasping at straws

At least you got the other event right. The shooting one was only one you didn't fuck up.

Congratulations you named a tiny number of events only two count as terrorism in the US and only one was an attempted terrorist attack. That doesn't change the fact right wing extremists make up a sweeping majority of all domestic terrorist attacks in the US. Most are White Nationalists and Pro-Life abortion clinic bombers/shooters though iirc. Not saying every ideology is same ideology or that such things never happen in left with ideologies. Meanwhile people like you try their hardest to deflect away from attacks from people that are in the majority of political based intended to be deadly attacks.
traedOct 28, 2018 1:12 AM
Oct 28, 2018 1:09 AM
Mar 2011
--ALEX-- said:
“Antifa are Liberal”


Suddenly core Liberal principles such as that Government should help people out is in accordance with Anarchist Scum and their beliefs???

Anarchists literally believe in NO Government whatsoever.

most of the fake left liek sargon and people like you it seams do not attack riht wing arachy witch is never been tried and that alot of people of teh clasccla libreal mmind set back

while Left anarchist caraloina last for o 3 years ver liite to no non war dead while FDR and the us oil Comolaine backed the fash by giving them oil for there tanks

remember the Licon Battalion

Viva La Qinuta Brigada

its sickens me that this modern version of antifa march under the same banner that they did
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 1:12 AM
Mar 2011
traed said:
RandomChampion said:
lol @ the delusional leftist fanatics in this topic, acting like leftists dont do anything either.

earlier this month Trump and other Republicans were sent ricin in the mail. then there was the dude who shot up the repulbican senators playing baseball or some shit

rand paul got beaten up

i recall when trump was running, leftists crashed his rallies and that one guy even bum rushed the stage going at trump

then you got fucks like biden and deniro saying they want to beat trump up lmfao. apparently madonna dreams of blowing up the white house. prominent left wing personalities urge their followers to publicly intimidate and heckle opponents
hillary clinton herself said that you "cant be civil when dealing" with trump supporters.

When calling people delusional it sure would help for you to not completely fuck up your facts. No there was no letters containing ricin they were threats and contained a fairly harmless substance ricin is made from.

The thing with Rand Paul had nothing to do with politics and he was only tackled which damaged his ribs he was not beaten. It was a personal dispute over lawncare.

Rallies are open to the public. It's not crashing to attend them. The guy that jumped on stage was only going for the microphone. You're desperately grasping at straws

At least you got the other event right. The shooting one was only one you didn't fuck up.

Congratulations you named a tiny number of events only two count as terrorism in the US and only one was an attempted terrorist attack. That doesn't change the fact right wing extremists make up a sweeping majority of all domestic terrorist attacks in the US. Most are White Nationalists and Pro-Life abortion clinic bombers/shooters though iirc. Not saying every ideology is same ideology or that such things never happen in left with ideologies.

do you find the fact fnd it foolosh that these people in this topoc call the dems left wing
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 1:18 AM

Jul 2012
RandomChampion said:
GamerDLM said:

I mean he is an unreasonable aggressor who generally avoids taking personal responsibility for much of anything. I would agree if it's justified to call them out he should have every right to as long as he's able to back up his defense with factual claims. On the other end of the spectrum I don't think he should be pushing pro-Trump or Republican propoganda like Fox News (specifically people like Sean Hannity or Jeanine Pirro the later of which is particularly toxic).
The reason I say he's unreasonable is that he will outright publicly state easily disprovable lies about his opponents and if he gets called out on them, sometimes in real time, he'll quickly deflect to "oh that's just what I heard from somebody" or basically say "you disagreed with me so I don't care what you said".

Trump was no the aggressor lmfao. Everyone, media, democrats, even the establishment republicans, went after him. And he took their game and dragged it through the mud and won. The left is still after him and he is still calling the media out for the divisive reporting.

He's also still pushing propaganda, rejects or outright avoids any kind of credible confrontation, gets caught actively lying regularly, and you've even spiraled into "but the president is a victim". Which is like the most pathetic direction to go when you reference winning. Especially since you've literally placed the blame for the political environment on nearly everybody but the man in the highest position or his administration. You're basically an enabler.
Edit: Not to mention the irony that your whole claim to start this was "leftists were pretending leftists don't do anything wrong" while you proceeded to blame every other group.
Oct 28, 2018 1:20 AM
Mar 2011
GamerDLM said:
RandomChampion said:

Trump was no the aggressor lmfao. Everyone, media, democrats, even the establishment republicans, went after him. And he took their game and dragged it through the mud and won. The left is still after him and he is still calling the media out for the divisive reporting.

He's also still pushing propaganda, rejects or outright avoids any kind of credible confrontation, gets caught actively lying regularly, and you've even spiraled into "but the president is a victim". Which is like the most pathetic direction to go when you reference winning. Especially since you've literally placed the blame for the political environment on nearly everybody but the man in the highest position or his administration. You're basically an enabler.

like most right wingers and Libreals are
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 1:37 AM

Mar 2008
DateYutaka said:
do you find the fact fnd it foolosh that these people in this topoc call the dems left wing

Well it's domestic socially left at least even though not left wing economically. So depends what political axis system is used. I dont particularly like the left right thing but it has some use when it's hard to pinpoint an exact ideology.
Oct 28, 2018 1:38 AM

Oct 2009
traed said:
RandomChampion said:
lol @ the delusional leftist fanatics in this topic, acting like leftists dont do anything either.

earlier this month Trump and other Republicans were sent ricin in the mail. then there was the dude who shot up the repulbican senators playing baseball or some shit

rand paul got beaten up

i recall when trump was running, leftists crashed his rallies and that one guy even bum rushed the stage going at trump

then you got fucks like biden and deniro saying they want to beat trump up lmfao. apparently madonna dreams of blowing up the white house. prominent left wing personalities urge their followers to publicly intimidate and heckle opponents
hillary clinton herself said that you "cant be civil when dealing" with trump supporters.

When calling people delusional it sure would help for you to not completely fuck up your facts. No there was no letters containing ricin they were threats and contained a fairly harmless substance ricin is made from.

The thing with Rand Paul had nothing to do with politics and he was only tackled which damaged his ribs he was not beaten. It was a personal dispute over lawncare.

Rallies are open to the public. It's not crashing to attend them. The guy that jumped on stage was only going for the microphone. You're desperately grasping at straws

At least you got the other event right. The shooting one was only one you didn't fuck up.

Congratulations you named a tiny number of events only two count as terrorism in the US and only one was an attempted terrorist attack. That doesn't change the fact right wing extremists make up a sweeping majority of all domestic terrorist attacks in the US. Most are White Nationalists and Pro-Life abortion clinic bombers/shooters though iirc. Not saying every ideology is same ideology or that such things never happen in left with ideologies. Meanwhile people like you try their hardest to deflect away from attacks from people that are in the majority of political based intended to be deadly attacks.

Well when the ricin incident happened, it was being reported as ricin sent to Trump and others....i guess fake news strikes again
Regardless of your nitpicking, they still are threats against trump and other right wing figures. Your point is irrelevant

Rand Paul's assailant's lawyer made the case that it was a gardening dispute and won. Politically motivated assault wouldve netted him more than the measly 30 day jail sentence with 7.5k bail.

Leftists who crashed rallies were not merely intending. they were brawling and inciting violence.

my point was that you have leftists in here acting like this shit is one sided
RandomChampionOct 28, 2018 1:55 AM
Oct 28, 2018 1:48 AM
Mar 2011
traed said:
DateYutaka said:
do you find the fact fnd it foolosh that these people in this topoc call the dems left wing

Well it's domestic socially left at least even though not left wing economically. So depends what political axis system is used. I dont particularly like the left right thing but it has some use when it's hard to pinpoint an exact ideology.

Liberals vs Cosertive s social issues
Left vs right is pure economic ideals

what od you think Love me im a Liberal is about
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 1:52 AM

Oct 2009
GamerDLM said:
RandomChampion said:

Trump was no the aggressor lmfao. Everyone, media, democrats, even the establishment republicans, went after him. And he took their game and dragged it through the mud and won. The left is still after him and he is still calling the media out for the divisive reporting.

He's also still pushing propaganda, rejects or outright avoids any kind of credible confrontation, gets caught actively lying regularly, and you've even spiraled into "but the president is a victim". Which is like the most pathetic direction to go when you reference winning. Especially since you've literally placed the blame for the political environment on nearly everybody but the man in the highest position or his administration. You're basically an enabler.
Edit: Not to mention the irony that your whole claim to start this was "leftists were pretending leftists don't do anything wrong" while you proceeded to blame every other group.

My original statement didnt only apply to your post. I quoted a bunch of other people.

I dont know why you keep coming back to whether or not Trump's policy make sense. Does he lie and say factually incorrect statements regarding policy...of course he does. every fucking president does. If you think otherwise then youre naive. That's not what this is about though. It's about which side is more aggressive and belligerent. The media incites hate. they are the aggressors. they are divisive. and when trump calls them out for it your response is that he lacks awareness lol

RandomChampionOct 28, 2018 1:56 AM
Oct 28, 2018 2:04 AM

Feb 2010
for every person that claims media is evil is one step closer to a dictatorship and the death of democracy. media is neither good or evil.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Oct 28, 2018 2:12 AM

Oct 2009
hazarddex said:
for every person that claims media is evil is one step closer to a dictatorship and the death of democracy. media is neither good or evil.

when I write "the media" im referring to mainstream media

if you think CNN, NBC, and CBS are imperative in a democracy, i dont know what to tell you
Oct 28, 2018 2:23 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
hazarddex said:
for every person that claims media is evil is one step closer to a dictatorship and the death of democracy. media is neither good or evil.

when I write "the media" im referring to mainstream media

if you think CNN, NBC, and CBS are imperative in a democracy, i dont know what to tell you

and you think that people like sargon are unbiased there all right wing idealoiuges for the most part

notice how i use right wing PJE maybe Liberal but hes right wing sargon might be Left wing in some caese but hes Liberal too

Liberal is social s=issues only Neo Libreal is economics witch all the so-called classical liberals are realy neo-liberal Reaganites/Thatcherites hecne why sargon has joned the party of the Thatcherites
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 2:28 AM

Oct 2009
DateYutaka said:
RandomChampion said:

when I write "the media" im referring to mainstream media

if you think CNN, NBC, and CBS are imperative in a democracy, i dont know what to tell you

and you think that people like sargon are unbiased there all right wing idealoiuges for the most part

notice how i use right wing PJE maybe Liberal but hes right wing sargon might be Left wing in some caese but hes Liberal too

Liberal is social s=issues only Neo Libreal is economics witch all the so-called classical liberals are realy neo-liberal Reaganites/Thatcherites hecne why sargon has joned the party of the Thatcherites

i dont even know who sargon is lol

in any case i am not saying non-mainstream media cannot be biased. any media can be biased, mainstream or not
Oct 28, 2018 2:45 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
DateYutaka said:

and you think that people like sargon are unbiased there all right wing idealoiuges for the most part

notice how i use right wing PJE maybe Liberal but hes right wing sargon might be Left wing in some caese but hes Liberal too

Liberal is social s=issues only Neo Libreal is economics witch all the so-called classical liberals are realy neo-liberal Reaganites/Thatcherites hecne why sargon has joned the party of the Thatcherites

i dont even know who sargon is lol

in any case i am not saying non-mainstream media cannot be biased. any media can be biased, mainstream or not

hes some akin ot you Poloytaclly and econoiaclly in view and Trumper

im not for trump ir Clinton there vith corporatists no have the same bile ofr bith of them
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 2:56 AM

Oct 2009
DateYutaka said:
RandomChampion said:

i dont even know who sargon is lol

in any case i am not saying non-mainstream media cannot be biased. any media can be biased, mainstream or not

hes some akin ot you Poloytaclly and econoiaclly in view and Trumper

im not for trump ir Clinton there vith corporatists no have the same bile ofr bith of them

I'm not a "Trumper" if that's what youre trying to say.

i'm just noting delusion and hypocrisy
Oct 28, 2018 3:02 AM
Mar 2011
RandomChampion said:
DateYutaka said:

hes some akin ot you Poloytaclly and econoiaclly in view and Trumper

im not for trump ir Clinton there vith corporatists no have the same bile ofr bith of them

I'm not a "Trumper" if that's what youre trying to say.

i'm just noting delusion and hypocrisy

from my stand ponit trump and ccinton areas bad a swatch other on all things

and Bernie was not fence sitting centerrusr on the issues i care about coming from the us for the most part
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Oct 28, 2018 5:45 AM

Mar 2008
RandomChampion said:
traed said:

When calling people delusional it sure would help for you to not completely fuck up your facts. No there was no letters containing ricin they were threats and contained a fairly harmless substance ricin is made from.

The thing with Rand Paul had nothing to do with politics and he was only tackled which damaged his ribs he was not beaten. It was a personal dispute over lawncare.

Rallies are open to the public. It's not crashing to attend them. The guy that jumped on stage was only going for the microphone. You're desperately grasping at straws

At least you got the other event right. The shooting one was only one you didn't fuck up.

Congratulations you named a tiny number of events only two count as terrorism in the US and only one was an attempted terrorist attack. That doesn't change the fact right wing extremists make up a sweeping majority of all domestic terrorist attacks in the US. Most are White Nationalists and Pro-Life abortion clinic bombers/shooters though iirc. Not saying every ideology is same ideology or that such things never happen in left with ideologies. Meanwhile people like you try their hardest to deflect away from attacks from people that are in the majority of political based intended to be deadly attacks.

Well when the ricin incident happened, it was being reported as ricin sent to Trump and others....i guess fake news strikes again
Regardless of your nitpicking, they still are threats against trump and other right wing figures. Your point is irrelevant

Rand Paul's assailant's lawyer made the case that it was a gardening dispute and won. Politically motivated assault wouldve netted him more than the measly 30 day jail sentence with 7.5k bail.

Leftists who crashed rallies were not merely intending. they were brawling and inciting violence. [yt]-E61BTum2OI[yt]


my point was that you have leftists in here acting like this shit is one sided

Well not necessarily fake news could just be clickbait or biased news. Because of Trump too many people are throwing around the term fake news out of place lately. Fake news isn't biased news pretty much all news is at least a little biased. It's not even news so biased it almost is fake but that's at least closer. Fake news means entirely fabricated. For example the Bolwing Green Massacre I believe it was called? An attack that never happened. That's fake news. Many articles I found regardless of political leanings of the source said "ricin letter" in the title which makes it sound like it had ricin in it but it actually was threats that mentioned ricin or something so they called it ricin letters. So it seemed to be it was more about creating fear or submission through threat or maybe it was meant as a twisted joke and the guy was just being dumb.

They knew eachother. They are neighbors. It is pretty clear it wasn't political when you factor their relation. Also it wouldn't make sense to go after Rand Paul anyway. Knowing how weird people get about property and lawns I dont feel surprised with the explanation given. Also I think they made up too I'm not sure. I don't know about that guy but back during primaries I hoped it was Rand Paul who was going to be candidate since he was only Republican forerunner that seemed level headed and reasonable even though I totally dislike his financial views but the other stuff I thought gave some redemption so I thought I could handle if he had won.

That's mostly outside near rallies not in rallies themselves actually so it can't be called crashing and because your word choice I didn't even think of those. I don't even feel like discussing that stuff since it's beating a dead horse. It has been discussed plenty of times in CE and it's such a pain to watch the videos all the way through several times to analyze them and also to look into background info.

All the evidence you tried to gather in quotes no one said what you're thinking they did. Just because it was easy to guess what type of ideology the person was based on his targets and have a laugh at how obvious it was and how prominent it is among certain right wing ideologies doesn't mean any other claim was made that suggests no one else ever does such things. Are you familiar with criminal profiling? It's more an art than a science, like any social science is, but it's worth looking into. I haven't seriously studied it but watching a lot of both fictional and true crime shows some of it rubbed off on me.
Oct 28, 2018 8:17 AM

Nov 2009
RandomChampion said:
Bernrika said:

Literally no one is doing that.

Read the topic again. here are:

Oh OK. Some of them do. Too bad the majority still condemn violent acts. Do you want me to link the numerous right wing figures encouraging this act and calling it false flag?

I didnt post here to state the obvious fact that the guy who pulled this stunt is a criminal

No, but you did to play victim and shift the focus on the left attacks. When every conspiracy fails, cry victim.
Oct 28, 2018 12:26 PM

Oct 2009
traed said:
RandomChampion said:

Well when the ricin incident happened, it was being reported as ricin sent to Trump and others....i guess fake news strikes again
Regardless of your nitpicking, they still are threats against trump and other right wing figures. Your point is irrelevant

Rand Paul's assailant's lawyer made the case that it was a gardening dispute and won. Politically motivated assault wouldve netted him more than the measly 30 day jail sentence with 7.5k bail.

Leftists who crashed rallies were not merely intending. they were brawling and inciting violence. [yt]-E61BTum2OI[yt]


my point was that you have leftists in here acting like this shit is one sided

Well not necessarily fake news could just be clickbait or biased news. Because of Trump too many people are throwing around the term fake news out of place lately. Fake news isn't biased news pretty much all news is at least a little biased. It's not even news so biased it almost is fake but that's at least closer. Fake news means entirely fabricated. For example the Bolwing Green Massacre I believe it was called? An attack that never happened. That's fake news. Many articles I found regardless of political leanings of the source said "ricin letter" in the title which makes it sound like it had ricin in it but it actually was threats that mentioned ricin or something so they called it ricin letters. So it seemed to be it was more about creating fear or submission through threat or maybe it was meant as a twisted joke and the guy was just being dumb.

They knew eachother. They are neighbors. It is pretty clear it wasn't political when you factor their relation. Also it wouldn't make sense to go after Rand Paul anyway. Knowing how weird people get about property and lawns I dont feel surprised with the explanation given. Also I think they made up too I'm not sure. I don't know about that guy but back during primaries I hoped it was Rand Paul who was going to be candidate since he was only Republican forerunner that seemed level headed and reasonable even though I totally dislike his financial views but the other stuff I thought gave some redemption so I thought I could handle if he had won.

That's mostly outside near rallies not in rallies themselves actually so it can't be called crashing and because your word choice I didn't even think of those. I don't even feel like discussing that stuff since it's beating a dead horse. It has been discussed plenty of times in CE and it's such a pain to watch the videos all the way through several times to analyze them and also to look into background info.

All the evidence you tried to gather in quotes no one said what you're thinking they did. Just because it was easy to guess what type of ideology the person was based on his targets and have a laugh at how obvious it was and how prominent it is among certain right wing ideologies doesn't mean any other claim was made that suggests no one else ever does such things. Are you familiar with criminal profiling? It's more an art than a science, like any social science is, but it's worth looking into. I haven't seriously studied it but watching a lot of both fictional and true crime shows some of it rubbed off on me.

The posts i quoted do support what I said. Some flat out said it, while others like yourself insinuated it (and then went to sweep leftist acts of belligerence under the rug in your most recent posts, cementing my claim).

I am not saying the right doesnt engage in any of this.
Oct 28, 2018 12:27 PM

Oct 2009
Bernrika said:
RandomChampion said:

Read the topic again. here are:

Oh OK. Some of them do. Too bad the majority still condemn violent acts. Do you want me to link the numerous right wing figures encouraging this act and calling it false flag?

I didnt post here to state the obvious fact that the guy who pulled this stunt is a criminal

No, but you did to play victim and shift the focus on the left attacks. When every conspiracy fails, cry victim.

My post didnt deny anything you said. My post was about the leftists in this topic
Oct 28, 2018 4:33 PM

Mar 2008
RandomChampion said:

The posts i quoted do support what I said. Some flat out said it, while others like yourself insinuated it (and then went to sweep leftist acts of belligerence under the rug in your most recent posts, cementing my claim).

I am not saying the right doesnt engage in any of this.

Which one you think says that?
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