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Aug 30, 2016 7:27 AM

Aug 2012
Eradawn said:
Think of it Rukias backstory in the squad with Kaien wasnt just asspulled from Kubo. Kaien looks like Ichigo and not only this. He had the same charater as Ichigo. Rukia said that sometimes that he is like kaien. And I think Rukia had feelings for Kaien, she was also shocked when she saw that he had a wife. I mean jealours lol.

So Rukia had feelings for Ichigo too. I mean I like Ichihime more than Ichirukia but that was a story point that was forgotten here.

Yeah when saw kaien wife boobs, instanly I remember Orihime boobs
Aug 30, 2016 7:29 AM

Jul 2012
Eradawn said:
Think of it Rukias backstory in the squad with Kaien wasnt just asspulled from Kubo. Kaien looks like Ichigo and not only this. He had the same charater as Ichigo. Rukia said that sometimes that he is like kaien. And I think Rukia had feelings for Kaien, she was also shocked when she saw that he had a wife. I mean jealours lol.

So Rukia had feelings for Ichigo too. I mean I like Ichihime more than Ichirukia but that was a story point that was forgotten here.
maybe kubo just sucked at character design back then

in all seriousness, i don't think that was supposed to be a parallel at all. ichigo is really different. maybe rukia was mistaking admiration with love, for kaien and felt the same towards ichigo then.
Sep 3, 2016 8:44 PM

Jan 2011
I've always liked the IchiXRukia pair and was rooting for them, but that disappeared the moment I read the last chapter. Renji and Rukia look awesome together and so does Ichigo and Orihime. Love their kids too. It makes me wonder why I shipped Ichigo and really is obvious that their relationship leans more towards siblings. And if they did end up together, I'd feel so bad for Renji, seeing as how he loves her so much...
Sep 11, 2016 9:03 PM
Jul 2018
MTKN1998 said:
I think it is also because of their fascination with "Yamato Nadeshiko"
However the era is changing. Women are changing, that's why some Japanese author let the female character fight along side the MC while still obviously have that "Yamato Nadeshiko" trait.

It depends on what kind of girl the author want for his male character. Obviously there are male authors who still believe in that Yamato Nadeshiko. That's why if you noticed, most female characters who end up with the MC has a trait of Yamato Nadeshiko.

Obviously in jump... most MC ended up with those who have that Yamato Nadeshiko thing.
After years of being in war. After years of fighting, there's peaceful world for them and a wife and family to make them feel warm.

This^. Which probably explains why Mario always save princess peach till now which westerners dislike her while prefering the amazonian Samus.
Sep 12, 2016 7:49 PM

Jun 2012
That's why it was the worst pairing to end up though. I still don't get why the MC have to end up with the only girl that had one-sided feelings for him... Even though said MC didn't reciprocate those feelings. If it was Rukia I would get it, they had better chemistry. I think she was the only one who could cheer up Ichigo and be there when things went south, Orihime was always powerless.
Nov 18, 2016 3:52 AM
Aug 2016
After reading Kubo's twitter post, I just can't help but reminisce the discussion we had here. So looks like from the beginning ICHIHIME really is his original end up plan, I'm just glad nothing made him change his original plan.
Nov 25, 2016 10:01 AM

Jul 2013
sumusiko said:

There's been no hinting from Ichigo in terms of romance for either Rukia nor Orihime the whole manga besides the last 50 chapters where the author forcefully tries to develop their relationship to justify the shipping, what he did for Orihime he had already done to Rukia before.

There are far more moments between Ichigo and Rukia than there are between Ichigo and Orihime.

At least Rukia has always been there to support Ichigo not only in battle but even outside battle (mentally) which could especially be seen when Ichigo spoke with his dad after he found out that his dad was a Shinigami, he said that someone else had said the exact same words to him before and that he really felt better afterwards.

Guess what, Orihime just kept crying to herself because Ichigo NEVER relied on her instead he had always relied on Rukia, this can be seen AFTER the SS arc, and guess what? She told that to Matsumoto and not to Ichigo himself.

And if we're going to follow small drawing details, let's follow the symbolism that kubo has left ON PURPOSE for everyone to see SINCE THE VERY START of Bleach.

Check the symbolism close to the end of the post.

Let me quote this because there is so much truth in it that I just had to.
Nov 28, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2016
it's funny how people discuss the pairings and forgot the plot holes at the ending, there's so many characters we don't know what happened to them and the creator didn't bother himself to explain because he was rushing the whole thing.

anyway, I've always knew there's nothing going to happen between Ichigo and Rukia (even when i'm a hard shipper) and after seeing the Naruto ending I've confirmed that Ichigo is going for Orihime at the end, and characters like Orihime and Hinata are going to find their happiness at the end because their feelings for the main protagonist isn't for nothing like

my point is that Ichigo and Rukia are more "make sense" couple, it's just my opinion but IchiRuki makes more sense to me, since the two had more chemistry and their bond was amazing, many people says IchiRuki fans are burning or whatever but actually i'm ok, i ship them XD (the final cover is great too).

so if the pairings were canon or not , i don't care, Example: HitsuHina was a very nice pairing but he didn't bother himself to do something while he did RenRuki which doesn't make sense too

overall the show shouldn't had romance to begin with, it makes it lame and annoying.
Nov 29, 2016 3:40 AM

Nov 2015
So you can just summarize the romance part of Bleach with what happened in Bleach Protocol huh. Rukia met Ichigo and they acted like a comrade, but in the he have a feeling for Orihime whom he met as a child, Rukia returned to the Shinigami world and so Orihime and Ichigo met each other again.

I always thought that Ichihime will be the end game and that Ichigo's feelings for Orihime is different, especially after reading Bleach Protocol.

There are so many female characters in Bleach, tough ones, weak ones, girly, matured, childlike,sexy ones and so on. but Ichigo always act the same way with with them, but when it comes to Orihime, his attitude and his whole aura is different, he always have that calm and he's extra gentle when it comes to Orihime.

During the time that Ichigo was hesitating whether it is right thing to go and save Rukia until Orihime cheer him on.
The way no one cheered Ichigo on but he was still willing to save Orihime even if he's all alone.
The promise he made only to Orihime, his friends get injured but when Orihime was the one that got injured it broke his confidence, it bother him so much, out of all the characters in the series.

There are just so many hints for me, but Rukia is more popular and usually...the most popular is the one that will get I was bit scared of that, that Kubo might give in to I am glad that he didn't and he stayed true to his story.

Just because a police man and woman became partners in their job, doesn't automatically mean they will fall for each other. They will protect each other, help each other,save each other, have a better understanding between each other, but in the end they still fall for someone else.
That'sthe difference between a comrade and love interest.

I always see Rukia and Ichigo as nothing but comrades, since Rukia was the one who changed Ichigo's life...she helped Ichigo's life but in return Ichigo's life became something that made him tired, he didn't want to fight, he's not a blood thirsty or fight or war freak character, he's someone who just want to live in peace while being able to protect his love ones. But after he became a Shininigami, his life turn into nothing but fight after fight and the people whom he cared about are often put in I think of it as Rukia feeling responsible for making Ichigo's life turn into something he always wanted to avoid. She felt responsible for that and Ichigo also felt responsible for what happened to Rukia, after she lend him her power and the problems that happened in soul society after using Rukia's power. That's why in the middle of the series, Rukia and Ichigo started to have less and less interaction, and the story was mostly about Ichigo finding what it is that he really wanted, where is it that he should really be, what is it that he should really do and what is he really. But Orihime and his friends in the human world, showed him that everything is okay, in the end he is still human, he's just really a kind person who wanted to help other people but in the end he also accepted it, that "Death" is something that he cannot fight, it's something inevitable and during those times, who was with him the most? Orihime, who's the person who gave him strength? Orihime. During the time that he was having it tough, in verge of giving up and slowly losing himself, her existence is something that always remind him of what is it that he really wanted to do and that is to "protect",his will to protect Orihime and his promise to protect her is what always reminded him and gave him reason on why he shouldn't give up and the reason why he was fighting. Because like I said, he's not your war or fight freak character, he doesn't enjoy fight, he hate it but he have no choice but to fight. That's why after he made that "promise" to Orihime, the series turned into Ichigo's character problem and the one supporting him all that time was Orihime.

@lady-n-mag : isn't that the reason why there are different threads for a series? a thread for romance and a thread for the main story. People talk about the plot holes for the thread in each chapter.
MTKN9068Nov 29, 2016 3:50 AM
For salty fans
Nov 29, 2016 4:28 AM

Mar 2014
The people who thought IchiHime wouldn't be canon are absolutely deluded -- nay, they define the term 'delusion'.

It was objectively & empirically, FUCKING OBVIOUS.

>Thinking IchiRuki was ANYTHING BUT PLATONIC.

Nov 29, 2016 10:06 AM

Nov 2016
MTKN1998 said:

but Ichigo always act the same way with with them

really? i think he acted differently with Rukia

Just because a police man and woman became partners in their job, doesn't automatically mean they will fall for each other. They will protect each other, help each other,save each other, have a better understanding between each other, but in the end they still fall for someone else.
That'sthe difference between a comrade and love interest.

i've stated before that i knew there will be nothing between Ichigo and Rukia but i said that she's more fit to him

and the one supporting him all that time was Orihime.

Nov 29, 2016 11:57 AM

Mar 2014
Surpise this thread still lives...I guess some people can't accept reality of things .-.
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Nov 29, 2016 4:02 PM

Nov 2015
lady-n-mag said:
MTKN1998 said:

but Ichigo always act the same way with with them

really? i think he acted differently with Rukia

Just because a police man and woman became partners in their job, doesn't automatically mean they will fall for each other. They will protect each other, help each other,save each other, have a better understanding between each other, but in the end they still fall for someone else.
That'sthe difference between a comrade and love interest.

i've stated before that i knew there will be nothing between Ichigo and Rukia but i said that she's more fit to him

and the one supporting him all that time was Orihime.

But that's how I see it, especially during and after Hueco Mundo arc... Rukia and Ichigo started to have less and less interaction after Soul Society arc is over... even after re-reading Bleach from start to finish, my opinion didn't change.
So what do we do now?

BTW you talk as if I quoted you to disagree with who for you suited him, even though I only mentioned you to reply for what you said on how people talk only about the pairings when there are plot holes and other characters...I mentioned to say that, there's a different thread for that and we have complained about and talked about that in those threads, so why complain on how people talk about pairings in a thread for pairings? when there is obviously other thread for those subjects you wanted to discuss?
MTKN9068Nov 29, 2016 4:07 PM
For salty fans
Nov 29, 2016 9:31 PM

Jul 2009
Haha the level of salt here is too funny. Hope y'all enjoy Kubo trolling you, haters!
Dec 1, 2016 12:17 AM

Nov 2016
MTKN1998 said:

BTW you talk as if I quoted you to disagree with who for you suited him, even though I only mentioned you to reply for what you said on how people talk only about the pairings when there are plot holes and other characters...I mentioned to say that, there's a different thread for that and we have complained about and talked about that in those threads, so why complain on how people talk about pairings in a thread for pairings? when there is obviously other thread for those subjects you wanted to discuss?

nah i just want to see what you meant, i never meant to accuse or attack you
and i wasn't complaining i was just laughing about the fact that pairings is an important subject to some people, so relax
Dec 1, 2016 3:01 AM

Apr 2015
wow bleach war!
anyway i never cared about both ichigo and rukia and ichigo and orihime pairings (i swear ichigo's pairings sucks)

my favorites are ulquihime and ishihime and they aren't canon so whatever
Dec 2, 2016 8:14 PM

Aug 2007
CheekyKunt said:
Haha the level of salt here is too funny. Hope y'all enjoy Kubo trolling you, haters!

Tite didn't really troll anybody.
Dec 4, 2016 1:53 AM

Nov 2015
lady-n-mag said:
MTKN1998 said:

BTW you talk as if I quoted you to disagree with who for you suited him, even though I only mentioned you to reply for what you said on how people talk only about the pairings when there are plot holes and other characters...I mentioned to say that, there's a different thread for that and we have complained about and talked about that in those threads, so why complain on how people talk about pairings in a thread for pairings? when there is obviously other thread for those subjects you wanted to discuss?

nah i just want to see what you meant, i never meant to accuse or attack you
and i wasn't complaining i was just laughing about the fact that pairings is an important subject to some people, so relax

I didn't think you were attacking me nor did I think you were accusing me. I was just stating my opinion, just like how you were stating yours, unless of course you don't know the difference?
For salty fans
Dec 4, 2016 8:53 PM

Sep 2012
Kubo's editor was on a tv special a few weeks back and stated himself that Kubo always saw Orihime as the love interest while Rukia was the nakama/bro. Kubo himself also stated on twitter like a week or two ago through a comic that he ended bleach the way he envisioned from the beginning meaning that Ichihime and Renruki were in the bag from the beginning. PLUS he stated years ago in an interview that there were no romantic ties between Ichigo and Rukia and that "precious nakama" suits their relationship well.
The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you will be free.
Jan 19, 2017 12:03 PM

Jan 2017
Man the guy goes through all that pain for her, Idk if people are dumb or stupid not to see how much he likes her. Even Nel tells Orihime that Ichigo is doing this all for her, how he fought Ulquiorra when he heard her name.

Ichigo never saw Rukia as a woman, she stayed in his room and he didn't give a shit, compare when Rangiku wanted to stay with him he was really embarrassed and sent her away (he's a decent guy eh). While he always saw Orihime as a woman, a girl whom he needs to protect, and he always did protect her. He never even felt annoyed by her or give her any dirty or annoyed looks, he even got up from dead when he heard her cry. Comeon guys don't be blinded, I know shippers see what they want to see but it's just too stupid to deny
Jan 24, 2017 4:25 AM

Jul 2013
MTKN1998 said:
So you can just summarize the romance part of Bleach with what happened in Bleach Protocol huh. Rukia met Ichigo and they acted like a comrade, but in the he have a feeling for Orihime whom he met as a child, Rukia returned to the Shinigami world and so Orihime and Ichigo met each other again.

I always thought that Ichihime will be the end game and that Ichigo's feelings for Orihime is different, especially after reading Bleach Protocol.

There are so many female characters in Bleach, tough ones, weak ones, girly, matured, childlike,sexy ones and so on. but Ichigo always act the same way with with them, but when it comes to Orihime, his attitude and his whole aura is different, he always have that calm and he's extra gentle when it comes to Orihime.

During the time that Ichigo was hesitating whether it is right thing to go and save Rukia until Orihime cheer him on.
The way no one cheered Ichigo on but he was still willing to save Orihime even if he's all alone.
The promise he made only to Orihime, his friends get injured but when Orihime was the one that got injured it broke his confidence, it bother him so much, out of all the characters in the series.

There are just so many hints for me, but Rukia is more popular and usually...the most popular is the one that will get I was bit scared of that, that Kubo might give in to I am glad that he didn't and he stayed true to his story.

Just because a police man and woman became partners in their job, doesn't automatically mean they will fall for each other. They will protect each other, help each other,save each other, have a better understanding between each other, but in the end they still fall for someone else.
That'sthe difference between a comrade and love interest.

I always see Rukia and Ichigo as nothing but comrades, since Rukia was the one who changed Ichigo's life...she helped Ichigo's life but in return Ichigo's life became something that made him tired, he didn't want to fight, he's not a blood thirsty or fight or war freak character, he's someone who just want to live in peace while being able to protect his love ones. But after he became a Shininigami, his life turn into nothing but fight after fight and the people whom he cared about are often put in I think of it as Rukia feeling responsible for making Ichigo's life turn into something he always wanted to avoid. She felt responsible for that and Ichigo also felt responsible for what happened to Rukia, after she lend him her power and the problems that happened in soul society after using Rukia's power. That's why in the middle of the series, Rukia and Ichigo started to have less and less interaction, and the story was mostly about Ichigo finding what it is that he really wanted, where is it that he should really be, what is it that he should really do and what is he really. But Orihime and his friends in the human world, showed him that everything is okay, in the end he is still human, he's just really a kind person who wanted to help other people but in the end he also accepted it, that "Death" is something that he cannot fight, it's something inevitable and during those times, who was with him the most? Orihime, who's the person who gave him strength? Orihime. During the time that he was having it tough, in verge of giving up and slowly losing himself, her existence is something that always remind him of what is it that he really wanted to do and that is to "protect",his will to protect Orihime and his promise to protect her is what always reminded him and gave him reason on why he shouldn't give up and the reason why he was fighting. Because like I said, he's not your war or fight freak character, he doesn't enjoy fight, he hate it but he have no choice but to fight. That's why after he made that "promise" to Orihime, the series turned into Ichigo's character problem and the one supporting him all that time was Orihime.

Rukia wasn't directly responsible for Ichigo's life turning into a chaotic mess after he became a Shinigami. The whole Soul Society and Hueco Mundo arc was strung by Aizen and the man stated it himself that Ichigo's whole life was manipulated by him. Ichigo's family being composed of different entities that relate to spiritual matters is a good reason alone for him to be inevitably involved with Shinigamis and the likes. The human world is already infested with hollows. Sooner or later, his family particularly his sisters will fall victims to the dreaded unknown. Had it not for Rukia, they would have been already dead that night at the first episode and Ichigo would never have the power to protect his loved ones. Even after he lost his Shinigami powers, he felt empty inside those 17 months and was obviously craving for the power he once had. He keeps dreaming of his previous life as a Shinigami and you can tell he was ecstatic when he regained his abilities so you can't say he was unhappy with the state he was in. He may want peace and he did achieve that. For the 17 months, he lived his life the way he supposedly wanted - normal that is. However, you can clearly see that something was off with him and he felt there was a missing part of him.

As for the ship itself, I'm well aware to some degree that it was bound to sink. Ever since I picked up the manga after watching the anime, Kubo has already started developing Ichigo and Orihime's relationship which was almost non-existent from the previous arcs to justify his envisioned ending of Bleach. Can't say I wasn't disappointed at all those hints because I prefer Rukia by a mile, as if my signature wasn't a dead giveaway already. I accept the ending since there's nothing I can do about it but I still prefer Ichiruki the same way a large number of ReZero fans prefer Rem with Subaru or some Nisekoi fans prefer Onodera for Raku. I'm also aware that your post wasn't addressed to anyone in particular but I just felt the need to clarify things. Though I think Kubo is partly responsible for my strong reaction over Ichiruki since he keeps teasing or might as well say trolling the ship. Cover arts, calendar arts, black sun and pale moon, poetries and some other shit were such an indicative of Kubo's trolling tendencies.
Dull_LullJan 24, 2017 4:33 AM
Jan 24, 2017 5:10 AM

Nov 2015
Tenshi_Shura said:
MTKN1998 said:
So you can just summarize the romance part of Bleach with what happened in Bleach Protocol huh. Rukia met Ichigo and they acted like a comrade, but in the he have a feeling for Orihime whom he met as a child, Rukia returned to the Shinigami world and so Orihime and Ichigo met each other again.

I always thought that Ichihime will be the end game and that Ichigo's feelings for Orihime is different, especially after reading Bleach Protocol.

There are so many female characters in Bleach, tough ones, weak ones, girly, matured, childlike,sexy ones and so on. but Ichigo always act the same way with with them, but when it comes to Orihime, his attitude and his whole aura is different, he always have that calm and he's extra gentle when it comes to Orihime.

During the time that Ichigo was hesitating whether it is right thing to go and save Rukia until Orihime cheer him on.
The way no one cheered Ichigo on but he was still willing to save Orihime even if he's all alone.
The promise he made only to Orihime, his friends get injured but when Orihime was the one that got injured it broke his confidence, it bother him so much, out of all the characters in the series.

There are just so many hints for me, but Rukia is more popular and usually...the most popular is the one that will get I was bit scared of that, that Kubo might give in to I am glad that he didn't and he stayed true to his story.

Just because a police man and woman became partners in their job, doesn't automatically mean they will fall for each other. They will protect each other, help each other,save each other, have a better understanding between each other, but in the end they still fall for someone else.
That'sthe difference between a comrade and love interest.

I always see Rukia and Ichigo as nothing but comrades, since Rukia was the one who changed Ichigo's life...she helped Ichigo's life but in return Ichigo's life became something that made him tired, he didn't want to fight, he's not a blood thirsty or fight or war freak character, he's someone who just want to live in peace while being able to protect his love ones. But after he became a Shininigami, his life turn into nothing but fight after fight and the people whom he cared about are often put in I think of it as Rukia feeling responsible for making Ichigo's life turn into something he always wanted to avoid. She felt responsible for that and Ichigo also felt responsible for what happened to Rukia, after she lend him her power and the problems that happened in soul society after using Rukia's power. That's why in the middle of the series, Rukia and Ichigo started to have less and less interaction, and the story was mostly about Ichigo finding what it is that he really wanted, where is it that he should really be, what is it that he should really do and what is he really. But Orihime and his friends in the human world, showed him that everything is okay, in the end he is still human, he's just really a kind person who wanted to help other people but in the end he also accepted it, that "Death" is something that he cannot fight, it's something inevitable and during those times, who was with him the most? Orihime, who's the person who gave him strength? Orihime. During the time that he was having it tough, in verge of giving up and slowly losing himself, her existence is something that always remind him of what is it that he really wanted to do and that is to "protect",his will to protect Orihime and his promise to protect her is what always reminded him and gave him reason on why he shouldn't give up and the reason why he was fighting. Because like I said, he's not your war or fight freak character, he doesn't enjoy fight, he hate it but he have no choice but to fight. That's why after he made that "promise" to Orihime, the series turned into Ichigo's character problem and the one supporting him all that time was Orihime.

Rukia wasn't directly responsible for Ichigo's life turning into a chaotic mess after he became a Shinigami. The whole Soul Society and Hueco Mundo arc was strung by Aizen and the man stated it himself that Ichigo's whole life was manipulated by him. Ichigo's family being composed of different entities that relate to spiritual matters is a good reason alone for him to be inevitably involved with Shinigamis and the likes. The human world is already infested with hollows. Sooner or later, his family particularly his sisters will fall victims to the dreaded unknown. Had it not for Rukia, they would have been already dead that night at the first episode and Ichigo would never have the power to protect his loved ones. Even after he lost his Shinigami powers, he felt empty inside those 17 months and was obviously craving for the power he once had. He keeps dreaming of his previous life as a Shinigami and you can tell he was ecstatic when he regained his abilities so you can't say he was unhappy with the state he was in. He may want peace and he did achieve that. For the 17 months, he lived his life the way he supposedly wanted - normal that is. However, you can clearly see that something was off with him and he felt there was a missing part of him.

As for the ship itself, I'm well aware to some degree that it was bound to sink. Ever since I picked up the manga after watching the anime, Kubo has already started developing Ichigo and Orihime's relationship which was almost non-existent from the previous arcs to justify his envisioned ending of Bleach. Can't say I wasn't disappointed at all those hints because I prefer Rukia by a mile, as if my signature wasn't a dead giveaway already. I accept the ending since there's nothing I can do about it but I still prefer Ichiruki the same way a large number of ReZero fans prefer Rem with Subaru or some Nisekoi fans prefer Onodera for Raku. I'm also aware that your post wasn't addressed to anyone in particular but I just felt the need to clarify things. Though I think Kubo is partly responsible for my strong reaction over Ichiruki since he keeps teasing or might as well say trolling the ship. Cover arts, calendar arts, black sun and pale moon, poetries and some other shit were such an indicative of Kubo's trolling tendencies.
@Tenshi_shura The amount of saltiness you are feeling must be really strong (obviously from your signature) and for you to reply to a post that I made last year. I couldn't help but think that you really waited for the day that I will go online just so you can say that. Although I do not understand what is there to clarify, I hope this will help you move on.

Never did I said that it's Rukia's fault that Ichigo had to go through that. If you understand my post, then you can summarize it as this:
Rukia changed Ichigo's life and helped him saved his family back when they were attacked by hallows. The same goes for Rukia, Ichigo saved her from being executed and eventually changed her life forever after of what happened in Soul Society.
However, we cannot also changed the fact that after Rukia lent him her power...Ichigo kept getting involved in things that a normal human wouldn't have been involved to. Never did I said that Rukia is to blame, I was stating the fact that happened in the manga.

Ichigo is someone who have a great sense of protecting those people whom he loved, even if have to sell his soul I bet he would, just to protect those people whom he cared about. When he lost his power, he was anxious because he knew of how dangerous it is for him, his family and his friends. Ichigo isn't a war freak, do you seriously think Ichigo enjoy fighting for no reason? Everyone could tell that Ichigo doesn't enjoy fighting BUT HE HAD TO! in order to protect the ones he cared about.

However, in the last chapter... Ichigo refused the power that Aizen is offering. Which I interpreted as him, accepting the truth that.. there are things that even powerful Shinigami cannot prevent, which is death.

When Rukia lent Ichigo her power, didn't it almost cost her, her life? (didn't Ichigo felt responsible for that?)
After Ichigo became a Shinigami didn't his life completely change? (didn't Rukia also felt responsible for invoicing him in Soul Society's problem?)

In Case it's still not clear for you. Half of my post is about what happened in the first half of the series (soul Society Arc) hence I said, after Soul Society Arc...the story became more about Ichigo's character problem and his interaction with Rukia decreased.
Then the other half is how I interpreted or understand the ending and the reasons why I took the ending that way.

So tell me which part of my post is not true and not included in the manga? (except my speculations and interpretation of course)
Isn't it true that everything started after Ichigo got involved with Rukia? Because if you will say No , then we are probably reading a different manga and AGAIN, I am not saying it is Rukia's fault, I am just merely stating the fact,that happened in the manga.
So again, which part of what I said is wrong that you had to clarify?
MTKN9068Jan 24, 2017 5:28 AM
For salty fans
Jan 24, 2017 5:20 AM

Jul 2013
MTKN1998 said:
@Tenshi_shura The amount of saltiness you are feeling must be really strong (obviously from your signature) and for you to reply to a post that I made last year. I couldn't help but think that you really waited for the day that I will go online just so you can say that. Although I do not understand what is there to clarify, I hope this will help you move on.

Never did I said that it's Rukia's fault that Ichigo had to go through that. If you understand my post, then you can summarize it as this:
Rukia changed Ichigo's life and helped him to save his family back when they were attacked by hallows. The same goes for Rukia, Ichigo saved her from being executed and eventually changed her life forever after of what happened to Soul Society arc.

However, we cannot also changed the fact that after Rukia lent him her power...Ichigo kept getting involved in things that a normal human wouldn't have been involved to. Never did I said that Rukia is to blame, I was stating the fact since that's really what happened in the manga right?

Ichigo is someone who have a great sense of protecting those people whom he loved even if have to sell his soul I bet he would, just to protect those people whom he cared about. When he lost his power, he wax anxious because he knew of how dangerous it is for him, his family and his friends. Ichigo isn't a war freak, do you seriously think Ichigo enjoy fighting for no reason? Everyone could tell that Ichigo doesn't enjoy fight and yet he is fighting to be able to protect those people around him.

However, in the last chapter. Ichigo refused the power that Aizen is offering. Which I interpret as him, accept the truth that.. there are things that even powerful Shinigami cannot prevent which is death.

So tell me which part of my post is not true and not included in the manga?
Isn't it true that everything started after Ichigo got involved with Rukia? Because if you will say No , then we are probably reading a different manga and AGAIN, I am not saying it is Ruki's fault, I am just merely stating the fact, the things that happened in the manga.
So again, which part of what I said is wrong that you had to clarify?

Lol don't overestimate yourself. I merely came across this thread once again and saw your post. Why would I waste my time waiting for an internet stranger? Don't give yourself too much importance especially in the internet where people couldn't care less about anomymous accounts.

You were obviously implying it though and I merely clarified the fact that it was bound to happen considering Ichigo's family's background and the circumstances of the human world in general. Rukia lent him power because if she didn't then they'd both die from the attack including Ichigo's sisters. She protected them and got severely injured from it and at the heat of the moment, it was the only logical decision and Ichigo accepted that fact otherwise they'd face certain death. This was all according to Aizen's plan though? Even if Rukia was responsible for him becoming a Shinigami, Aizen was the one pulling strings from behind for the two of them to meet to enact his whole scheme in the first place. He was bound to be involved in those chaos otherwise he'd die from a random attack from a hollow. I'm not denying that it happened in the manga. Lol why would I?

Uh what are you pointing out exactly? Where did I state that Ichigo is a bloodthirsty and battle-hungry individual? I'm stating how Ichigo felt restless during those 17 months and how he wanted to have the power he once had because incidents like the very first episode of Bleach could happen anytime. He was happy because he had the power to protect his loved ones. Even after living a peaceful life, he's still empty and restless. His face says it all and he didn't even seem happy in the slightest.

Where did I say that it's not the truth? Are you selectively reading my post and giving them a new meaning to suit your arguments? You might need to read my post again because I clearly said there that Rukia was still responsible but wasn't the direct cause of it since she's been manipulated into Aizen's grand scheme.
Jan 24, 2017 5:43 AM

Nov 2015
Tenshi_Shura said:
MTKN1998 said:
@Tenshi_shura The amount of saltiness you are feeling must be really strong (obviously from your signature) and for you to reply to a post that I made last year. I couldn't help but think that you really waited for the day that I will go online just so you can say that. Although I do not understand what is there to clarify, I hope this will help you move on.

Never did I said that it's Rukia's fault that Ichigo had to go through that. If you understand my post, then you can summarize it as this:
Rukia changed Ichigo's life and helped him to save his family back when they were attacked by hallows. The same goes for Rukia, Ichigo saved her from being executed and eventually changed her life forever after of what happened to Soul Society arc.

However, we cannot also changed the fact that after Rukia lent him her power...Ichigo kept getting involved in things that a normal human wouldn't have been involved to. Never did I said that Rukia is to blame, I was stating the fact since that's really what happened in the manga right?

Ichigo is someone who have a great sense of protecting those people whom he loved even if have to sell his soul I bet he would, just to protect those people whom he cared about. When he lost his power, he wax anxious because he knew of how dangerous it is for him, his family and his friends. Ichigo isn't a war freak, do you seriously think Ichigo enjoy fighting for no reason? Everyone could tell that Ichigo doesn't enjoy fight and yet he is fighting to be able to protect those people around him.

However, in the last chapter. Ichigo refused the power that Aizen is offering. Which I interpret as him, accept the truth that.. there are things that even powerful Shinigami cannot prevent which is death.

So tell me which part of my post is not true and not included in the manga?
Isn't it true that everything started after Ichigo got involved with Rukia? Because if you will say No , then we are probably reading a different manga and AGAIN, I am not saying it is Ruki's fault, I am just merely stating the fact, the things that happened in the manga.
So again, which part of what I said is wrong that you had to clarify?

Lol don't overestimate yourself. I merely came across this thread once again and saw your post. Why would I waste my time waiting for an internet stranger? Don't give yourself too much importance especially in the internet where people couldn't care less about anomymous accounts.

You were obviously implying it though and I merely clarified the fact that it was bound to happen considering Ichigo's family's background and the circumstances of the human world in general. Rukia lent him power because if she didn't then they'd both die from the attack including Ichigo's sisters. She protected them and got severely injured from it and at the heat of the moment, it was the only logical decision and Ichigo accepted that fact otherwise they'd face certain death. This was all according to Aizen's plan though? Even if Rukia was responsible for him becoming a Shinigami, Aizen was the one pulling strings from behind for the two of them to meet to enact his whole scheme in the first place. He was bound to be involved in those chaos otherwise he'd die from a random attack from a hollow. I'm not denying that it happened in the manga. Lol why would I?

Uh what are you pointing out exactly? Where did I state that Ichigo is a bloodthirsty and battle-hungry individual? I'm stating how Ichigo felt restless during those 17 months and how he wanted to have the power he once had because incidents like the very first episode of Bleach could happen anytime. He was happy because he had the power to protect his loved ones. Even after living a peaceful life, he's still empty and restless. His face says it all and he didn't even seem happy in the slightest.

Where did I say that it's not the truth? Are you selectively reading my post and giving them a new meaning to suit your arguments? You might need to read my post again because I clearly said there that Rukia was still responsible but wasn't the direct cause of it since she's been manipulated into Aizen's grand scheme.
Lol don't overestimate yourself. I merely came across this thread once again and saw your post. Why would I waste my time waiting for an internet stranger? Don't give yourself too much importance especially in the internet where people couldn't care less about anomymous accounts.

Hence I said "I couldn't help" duh
Since I haven't been online in a while and just few minutes after I went online you quoted me real fast (even though you were active before I went online you didn't replied to me). Well who knows, with the bitterness you feel that unable you to move on eh,,
You were obviously implying it though and I merely clarified the fact that it was bound to happen considering Ichigo's family's background and the circumstances of the human world in general.

And which part of what I said was I implying it to?

Maybe you should read again and try to understand my post better, that way you will understand that.
* Half of my post was about what happened during Soul Society Arc
Isn't it true that Ichigo felt responsible about what happened to Rukia after she lent him her power?
Isn't it true that Rukia felt bad seeing how Ichigo and the rest put their lives in danger in order to save her?
That's why later on I said in my post "after of what happened in Soul Society the story became more about Ichigo's character problem" and like what you said his interaction with Rukia decreased.
So tell me which part of that is not true?

*The other half of my post is about how I interpreted the ending of the manga and my reasons for it.

Maybe your bitterness clouded your eyes, so I suggest for you to read again what you really were replying to.

So again, which part of my post wasn't true? (except my interpretation of course)

Where did I say that it's not the truth? Are you selectively reading my post and giving them a new meaning to suit your arguments? You might need to read my post again because I clearly said there that Rukia was still responsible but wasn't the direct cause of it since she's been manipulated into Aizen's grand scheme.

That's why I asked you, which part of what I said is wrong that you had to clarify?
MTKN9068Jan 24, 2017 6:05 AM
For salty fans
Feb 1, 2017 11:41 AM

Nov 2009
IchiRuki Forever ! Hated Ichihime , hate Orihime only thing she did in the series was all the time screaming KUROSAKI-KUN and annoy the hell out of me
If she were dead that would be the perfect ending

Thankfully I love Renji x Rukia , too bad It isn Ichigo though
Mar 4, 2017 8:21 AM
Mar 2017
Chiibi said:
Koffeetoffe123 said:

Yes, just enjoy Doujinshi for your shipping

I SHALL, thank you. You should see my collection. 😘

Ichiruki is way too amazing for Kubo's mediocre art, anyway. :P

First and foremost, read your comment. Digest what you said. Do you think what you said was appropriate? How many years have you read Bleach? I guessing from the beginning. Now go back to your comment. Do you get what you said now? The people who argued with you aren't rude. But you're almost breaching there. Why? Because you just called the mangaka of the manga you read as MEDIOCRE just- and let me repeat this again- JUST because your ship did not become canon. That's one of the things I hate about other fans in mangas. They complain about their fav manga and insult the mangaka if it doesn't go their way. It's his! Okay! It's the mangaka's work, his lifeblood, his ideas, his talent, his WORLD NOT YOURS!!! Face it! You would know the exact feeling of annoyance and ingratitude once you become a writer or an author. K?
Mar 4, 2017 10:47 AM
Feb 2017
I think from the beginning of the series it was obvious that Ichigo and Orihime were going to be paired, besides "love" is never mentioned between Ichigo and Rukia in the entire series, yet at the start of the Arrancar arc Orihime literally cries at how Ichigo looks up to Rukia and how he does whatever Rukia says, besides, anime logic means that Ichigo and Orihime have the same coloured hair = PAIRED/SHIPPED.

In my own opinion I think that the pairing of Ichigo and Orihime is way better than if it were Ichigo and Rukia, besides, Rukia is a soul, Ichigo is not.
Mar 5, 2017 1:18 AM

Aug 2007
Irene_Dagami said:
Chiibi said:

I SHALL, thank you. You should see my collection. 😘

Ichiruki is way too amazing for Kubo's mediocre art, anyway. :P

First and foremost, read your comment. Digest what you said. Do you think what you said was appropriate? How many years have you read Bleach? I guessing from the beginning. Now go back to your comment. Do you get what you said now? The people who argued with you aren't rude. But you're almost breaching there. Why? Because you just called the mangaka of the manga you read as MEDIOCRE just- and let me repeat this again- JUST because your ship did not become canon. That's one of the things I hate about other fans in mangas. They complain about their fav manga and insult the mangaka if it doesn't go their way. It's his! Okay! It's the mangaka's work, his lifeblood, his ideas, his talent, his WORLD NOT YOURS!!! Face it! You would know the exact feeling of annoyance and ingratitude once you become a writer or an author. K?

That is an awful argument. Jesus Christ.
Mar 7, 2017 1:43 PM

Jul 2016
The pairing was just so obvious that it kind of pissed me off that Kubo would actually be *that* predictable.

Although I did like Rukia and Renji. They were a good pairing. But hell, Ichigo and Kon have better romantic chemistry than Ichigo and Orihime. Too one sided. Seemed a bit flat.
Kaji, I'm a boy.
Mar 19, 2017 7:03 PM
Mar 2017
Read the manga, and just finished watching Bleach for the second time
Fresh pair of eyes here and a non-shipper

I knew orihime and ichigo would be together from the beginning because like someone mentioned before, this genre of anime can be a bit predictable.
I like orihime so I didn't really mind this ship

However, there is good evidence for ichigo ending up with rukia OR orihime, I took note to pay attention as I was reading and watching.

Someone mentioned that Kubo wanted this ship since the beginning which makes me more disappointed in the ending

If you wanted them to be together the whole time, why did you not build them together in more obvious ways? As a writer you need to be able to do this, and this is why Kubo should have just kept to the action and left the romance alone because clearly he doesn't quite understand how its laid out throughout a story

I love orihime, she was the sweetest thing. And my heart really ached for her as she went through her one-sided love for MOST of the damn manga/anime. Orihime deserves better than Ichigo to be honest.
Let's talk about the pure romantic feelings, orihime was pumpin out love at 100% and Ichigo was MAYBE giving her back 5%, and this is what pissed me off!!!

The reason people CAN ship ichigo with rukia, is because Kubo gave them all the room in the world to do so. Why not have ichigo reciprocate a bit more obviously? Shit I would have taken even some subtle reciprocation
He showed that he cared for her, don't get me wrong. But if we are talking PURE ROMANTIC reciprocation, arguably I didn't catch it.

I repeat, there was PLENTY of evidence that he cared for her, but what we readers need is to see the crossing point between friend/lover a it more clearly

He would die for her isn't good enough, he's the hero of the story (he'd die for anyone lol that's how this genre works)
He treated her more gently, yea well so did everyone. Orihime was a gentle character, everyone treated her with care.

I believe orihime deserved more of a response from ichigo because it just was not there, I'm sorry. His feelings were toO AMBIGIOUS, and that's why you could ship him with rukia if you wanted to.

I was not ok with the ending because it was just written poorly, I enjoyed the pairings, don't get me wrong, but the writing as a whole was very disappointing. Maybe because I read it all in 2 days, I can't say.

Orihime and Hinata (Naruto), both make me sad because they love so purely and obviously, yet they get little if any response to their feelings, and a rushed together ending. Very disappointing. And it all boils down to sloppy writing, I feel a bit cruel saying this, but just coming fresh off the manga, the writing really disappointed me.

I didn't really care who he ended up with, but with characters like Orihime, it just pains me when the very author who created them doesn't give them the justice they deserve.

Honestly, I didn't really like Ichigo that much. Does anyone else feel this way?

P.S. Can we talk about chad for a second lol
He was so attached to Ichigo and felt such a strong bond with him, but again didn't really feel like Ichigo felt the same way.
Apr 18, 2017 5:27 AM
Apr 2017
Hi there everyone, it's my first post on MAL. I figured i might as well add something from myself to this ever lasting discussion.

Small disclaimer, i've just started my adventures with various anime series or mangas. I might have just typed plural wrong and i would not know about that. So forgive me for any heresy i might come up with, it's unintentional, i just know nothing of this world.

Anyway, after getting through Bleach i felt like checking out some fan based discussions about variety of stuff i wanted to know more about. One of these things is whole IchiRuki vs IchiHime argument which turned out to be a bloodshed between shippers. And reason for me to look on that topic is, well, i'm not quite happy about how it ended.

I'm really emotional guy and Ichigo-Rukia relationship struck me as easily the strongest one in Bleach, the one that made most sense to evolve into somethic more romantic. And at the same time i wasn't really convinced by feelings and bond coming from Inoue. I probably wouldn't have any problem with it if it was developed properly, it just seems so forced out to me. Yey 10 years of skip. So, oh so unnecessary.

In my eyes, it would have been best if left open. Let shippers be convinced in whatever they believed, including those who didn't want Ichigo go romantic either way. Right now, for most of the part i see how some people from IchiHime ship are terrible winners and "bullies".

Personally i like to think series ended with SS arc and Rukia caming back with Ichigo to his world thus becoming human. And Aizen, i dunno, got hit by godly lightning of justice and turned into fries. Why not.

No matter how obvious something is, fans have rights to believe in what they want in long run, it's your imagination after all. Just respect eachother ;)
KidzjinApr 18, 2017 7:08 AM
Apr 22, 2017 7:14 AM

Mar 2013
Right now, for most of the part i see how some people from IchiHime ship are terrible winners and "bullies".

Yes... "right now"
Because all these years, they were the ones who had to endure getting bullied and they endured that for YEARS. So it's more like a revenge for them.
And Right now, the way I see it....there are still lots of bully Ichiruki fans.
CuebeeApr 22, 2017 7:20 AM
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
Apr 24, 2017 2:43 AM

Aug 2007
AmMar-Sama said:
IchiRuki is not physically possible anyway. It would make no sense if it happened - you don't need to be a genius to realize this.
I mean, how do you expect a soul/spirit/shinigami to be together with a human being? WTF is wrong with you guys?
I don't have any problem with the ship but you seriously need to face reality.

Oh the irony of this comment.
Apr 27, 2017 8:22 PM

Aug 2007
AmMar-Sama said:
Drunk_Samurai said:

Oh the irony of this comment.

Woah. So we have even started to pretend that there's some kind of irony when there clearly isn't.
..Can't say I'm not impressed.

Telling people to "face reality" when talking about fucking fiction is hilarious irony.
Apr 28, 2017 9:18 AM

Aug 2007
AmMar-Sama said:
Drunk_Samurai said:

Telling people to "face reality" when talking about fucking fiction is hilarious irony.


The heck are you even talking about? Are you really that stupid? Or do you just want to argue for the sake of arguing?
I'm talking about the reality of the Bleach universe, you idiot.
Fictional stories do have their own rules and truths. I addressed those, and told the participants in this forum to not run away from them.
Do I seriously need to spell this out?

Ahh.. what a pain.
I can't believe I'm wasting time playing word games with someone on the internet.
What am I doing with my life?

Fiction is fiction. There is no reality in fiction.

mass noun

1The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
‘he refuses to face reality’
‘Laura was losing touch with reality’
Apr 28, 2017 12:03 PM

Aug 2010
Ichigo always had a bit of a mother complex and Orihime was pretty similar to her, suppose it worked.

I did actually think it was heading towards a Rukia end though during the flashback with Ichigo's parents. Essentially redrawing situations which had happened between Ichigo and Rukia. I know shippers love those PARALLELS! Also Ichigo was literally a ginger version of that dead guy Rukia liked, I mean Ichigo could have been a reincarnation of that guy via the hollow nonsense.

Man I miss the conspiracy theories with this series.
fuck everything and rumble
Jun 22, 2017 5:30 AM

Jul 2013
I don't particularly mind Ichigo x Orihime, but it's just not as good as Rukia x Orihime. Fuck outta here ichigo.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Jul 23, 2017 7:48 PM
Jul 2017
Fuchsia said:
I don't particularly mind Ichigo x Orihime, but it's just not as good as Rukia x Orihime. Fuck outta here ichigo.

Wait! If we're going that route, how about Orihime and Rangiku????? \(*-*)/
Lolz :D
Now I know this thread was started a while ago, I just came across it while looking for chat about news etc. I'm fairly new to Bleach, I recently watched the whole series on Hulu, now I've been collecting the omnibus manga editions on I have to say there is a lot of heart and soul in Bleach. I'm putting it in my top 10 favorite anime, and I've been watching anime since the 80's when I was a child. I SERIOUSLY love Orihime's character, in fact I identify with her personality so much friends and my husband tease the hell out of me for it lol xD I also love the way Kubo wrote his series. I would have been happy with more romance, but I didn't need it either. The world is so well done that Bleach is one of the few Shonen stories I like. I usually gravitate towards high flying Fantasy, Bleach however swept me away. Ultimately I prefer the end pairings, I'm happy with how he chose to write his story, and I'm glad he ended it the way he wanted to. I've read about how much abuse Kubo had to endure from rabid fans, largely due to the shipping madness. I enjoy Bleach for the way he wrote it, I saw the mostly low key romance as an added benefit, it softened the fast paced violence. Orihime and Rukia had there roles in Ichigo's life, and I think they complimented his growth well. He's just a kid at the start after all. Orihime is the innocence and healing to his darkness and pain. Rukia is the older, more knowledgeable companion who tempers his inexperience. He himself broadens both their lives, while guiding his. In fact all his companions have a hand in shaping the man he becomes. It's a wonderful story, and I'm thankful Kubo shared his imagination with the world <3
Jul 23, 2017 8:03 PM

Sep 2016
Ironically Ichigo never feel a lot of things for Orihime most than a friend relation, but with Rukia you can see he most interested in her, Orihime obviously loves Ichigo, but Rukia is the same case with Ichigo seeing Orihime, and aplicate the same with her relationship with Renji.

So, I never mind the ships, but in the end I liked how they were paired.
Jul 28, 2017 7:37 AM

Jan 2016
mochakawaiibear said:

I've never seen him look at rukia this way even when he saved her in SS

For me this was the greatest hint that they will end up together.

And he is talking to Rukia as she is a guy. So from his side there has never been a clear sign that he is in love with from my point of view

At the beginning of the anime I thought that Rukia is in love with Ichigo but after Soul Sociaty Arc my opinion changed. They have a close connection as friends and warriors but no romantic tension between them.

There was no clear proof Ichigo could fall in love with Orihime so fare too ( I am still withn Quincy Arc) but maybe there will be something going on between them later. Nevertheless I am happy they end up together!!

As big Renruki shipper I was so FUxxxING happy as I heard they will get married ^^ I would have been so sorry for Renchi not ending up with Rukia
But can understand the "pain" of all Ichiruki fans.

If it would have ended the other way I would have been sad too

Aug 7, 2017 4:19 PM
Aug 2017
Cuebee said:
Chiibi said:

And you just showed how RUDE you are.

Completely on a different level of being a condescending asshole. What do you have to gain from calling others "losers" over a fictious work, hmm? Enlighten me.

Or are you just butthurt about what I said about Kubo's art? Come on, it's not that great. He can't draw boobs for shit and his faces and hair are kinda meh. (especially the girls) He is good at backgrounds and weapons though and I do like his sense of style (clothes).

"Ichiruki is way too amazing for Kubo's mediocre art, anyway." Who created your too amazing Ichiruki?

There are so many posters who said that Kubo's artwork is bad which I never replied to. But with your post, I am just telling the truth. Only losers or someone stupid will say something like that especially by being bitter for their ship that got sunk. It's almost the same as that blogger who said he is not a shipper but spent time analyzing Bleach couple.

Hypocrisy at it's best.

Not going to care about your pointless argument about the pairing even if I didn't quite like it(I was reading this several years ago and was rooting for rukia while thinking of orihime as an annoying person with a one-sided love and disgusting oversized breasts, but I don't care that much anymore since it was a long time ago).

However, I really do agree with that other guy that kubo's artwork isn't anything special. I wouldn't say it's mediocre, but it's sure as hell isn't awesome either. It's above average but below the top, and by quite a bit at that. If you say anything else, you're just deluding yourself due to liking his manga... or you might really believe so and our tastes are just that different, I mean, some people prefer old manga drawn fully with ink that give a generally sketchy feel with disproportionated objects and rough lines. His artwork is really not even close to top class. I am saying this while not having any special feelings towards the manga, I loved it when I was younger but I wouldn't touch it again, ever(just like with similar stuff such as dragon ball, one piece, naruto and a lot more). After reading and watching thousands and thousands of different novels, manga and anime, you tend to only accept stuff of higher quality than this generic stuff, although I probably offended everyone here by saying this :D So... From a neutral standpoint when checking out the art of different chapters from beginning to end, I must say that the art was never exceptional, haha :P
Aug 7, 2017 4:41 PM
Aug 2017
mochakawaiibear said:
There's been buildup the whole series. It was so obvious. Ichigo and rukia have only been friends. She talked about the boy almost everyday to her dead brother.


orihime going in for the kiss on unconscious ichigo.

I've never seen him look at rukia this way even when he saved her in SS

He's never blushed or got flustered when talking about rukia even when he saw her bare ass

I actually wanted rukia and ichigo tho :(

Aye, well, the author seems to love one-sided relationships, I guess we can keep that in mind if we ever read any more works from him. I mean, look at it... Renji has a one-sided crush on rukia and orihime has a one sided crush on ichigo...

Really though, none of ichigos reactions really show that he felt anything in terms of romantic feelings for orihime. He just wants to protect her and she even looks like his mother, which would show a big reason as to why he wanted to protect her. It's always just about protecting while orihime goes about with her one-sided crush and tries to approach him. Wanting to protect someone and cherishing them is NOT necessarily something indicating any romantic feelings... The feelings of wanting to protect seemingly developed into feelings of love at the end, hah. I seriously doubt he actually felt anything for her when it comes to romance, the protective feelings probably led to love off-screen at the last time-skip.

I would've preferred the rukiaxichigo pairing because I remember rukia being relevant and important at the beginning and being built up quite well and there was all the saving and stuff too, so feelings should've developed. I mean, you tend to like the first introduced characters much more than later ones, and she was way more in focus compared to orihime for quite a while. Then she disappeared altogether because the author didn't like her anymore. Orihime was for a very long time just portrayed as some worthless love sick girl that one-sidedly had a crush on ichigo and chases him around, gets herself into misunderstandings and starts crying in despair at nothing, so she was just a nuisance until later on and that feeling you get from something like that is hard to wash away. I will never like meek, innocent and clumsy girls that has to be protected, I prefer the more spirited and confident types, so I guess her personality was never a hit with me in the first place, especially not after the bad development.

Currently I don't care that much, but I came back after a few years to see what had happened in terms of relationships at the end and I was disappointed that the pairing I thought was obvious didn't happen and that the author killed it off totally, especially since renji, who I never thought of interesting or relevant, screwed my, a few years ago, favorite choice and got her pregnant. Now I will always get this disgusting feeling when remembering ichigo and rukia :D Well, at least I don't feel any more attachment to it anymore after learning of what happened at the end.
Aug 7, 2017 5:58 PM

May 2010
I think people are ignoring an important angle here: sexual compatibility. Ichigo had a great relationship with Rukia, perhaps even more so than Orihime. But it wasn't sexual, and it never could have been. Ichigo was a man who liked and needed big boobs. He couldn't become sexually aroused by Rukia because of her relatively flat chest. I think he realized that when he saw her naked ass (and perhaps more?) in that one chapter. This, coupled with Orihime's ridiculous cleavage in the last arc, made his decision for him. He loved Rukia, but he needed to get hard to make kids with Orihime. It was a sad twist of fate, but if you think about it it's pretty black and white.
"My only agenda is to eviscerate any who might try to rule over and control me"- Sousuke Aizen

"Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life... but if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it"- Orochimaru

"All men are not created equal... both in birth and in upbringing, in sheer scope of ability, every human is inherently different"- Charles zi Britannia

We are the Contra Mundi. We serve the great inimical Goddess who in her own time will destroy the world. Tremble, reprobates, in fear of her pitiless gaze.
Aug 12, 2017 10:20 PM

Aug 2007
byakugami said:
I think people are ignoring an important angle here: sexual compatibility. Ichigo had a great relationship with Rukia, perhaps even more so than Orihime. But it wasn't sexual, and it never could have been. Ichigo was a man who liked and needed big boobs. He couldn't become sexually aroused by Rukia because of her relatively flat chest. I think he realized that when he saw her naked ass (and perhaps more?) in that one chapter. This, coupled with Orihime's ridiculous cleavage in the last arc, made his decision for him. He loved Rukia, but he needed to get hard to make kids with Orihime. It was a sad twist of fate, but if you think about it it's pretty black and white.

Wat. I want what you're smoking.
Aug 14, 2017 6:37 AM

Sep 2011
[quote=Drunk_Samurai message=51910295]
byakugami said:
I think people are ignoring an important angle here: sexual compatibility. Ichigo had a great relationship with Rukia, perhaps even more so than Orihime. But it wasn't sexual, and it never could have been. Ichigo was a man who liked and needed big boobs. He couldn't become sexually aroused by Rukia because of her relatively flat chest. I think he realized that when he saw her naked ass (and perhaps more?) in that one chapter. This, coupled with Orihime's ridiculous cleavage in the last arc, made his decision for him. He loved Rukia, but he needed to get hard to make kids with Orihime. It was a sad twist of fate, but if you think about it it's pretty black and white.

Couldnt say less or more
Aug 20, 2017 6:42 AM

Nov 2009
MTKN9068 said:
I know that you will never be able to accept the ending and might be in doubt for many years to come.

I am just happy that my Orihime and Ichigo ended up together and that non-Ichiruki fans and non-shipper fans accept and believe this ending without any doubt and think that it makes sense and that some even think it's obvious, so I will chose to believe their judgment better than my rival shipper.

So... I just want to say:
Congratulations Ichihime fans! Finally! after years of getting bullied, after years of receiving harsh words and after years of being called names -simply because "you are shipping something that will never happen". In the end, our ship sailed and reached it's destination. They are now officially a canon couple We did it! hoooray!!

And for Inoue. I am just so happy that after all of the hardships she's been through, after years of living without her family, after years of receiving so much hatred. Congratulations! your hardwork has paid off. You are now officially married to the man of your dreams and finally have a family of your own (a big and happy one at that) so now, you no longer have to live alone. In the end, no matter what people say, no matter how upset they get, no matter how much they hate you and no matter how much they doubt you. In the end, you did something that they said "will never happen" and the fact that you are now Ichigo's wife will never change.

Since Kubo could've let Rukia stay single, which will give Ichiruki a tiny bit of hope that there's still chance for their ship and keep on shipping. But no, he chose to crush even that tiny bit of hope even before it begun. As if saying " Just in case you Ichiruki fans keep to ship them together. Here Rukia is now happily married with a kid of her own, so maybe now you will give up and let Ichime live in peace"

Anyways this war has been going on for years and now that Bleach has ended, I think it is time to end this war.
Thank you!!

this... is savage... af... lol... ichihime rocks!!! XD

byakugami said:
I think people are ignoring an important angle here: sexual compatibility. Ichigo had a great relationship with Rukia, perhaps even more so than Orihime. But it wasn't sexual, and it never could have been. Ichigo was a man who liked and needed big boobs. He couldn't become sexually aroused by Rukia because of her relatively flat chest. I think he realized that when he saw her naked ass (and perhaps more?) in that one chapter. This, coupled with Orihime's ridiculous cleavage in the last arc, made his decision for him. He loved Rukia, but he needed to get hard to make kids with Orihime. It was a sad twist of fate, but if you think about it it's pretty black and white.

double savage... kubo tite rocks!!! XD

oot: and between shinichi x ran and shinichi x shiho, i'll ship for shinichi x shiho / conan x ai... i'd been ready to be destroyed by gosho this time... :p
GuyFreakzAug 20, 2017 6:54 AM
If you just did nothing because you thought it wouldn't help, then you'd end up doing less than nothing; for nothing would change and nothing would end. (Kira Yamato - Gundam Seed Phase 34: Seen & Unseen)
Nov 14, 2017 10:14 PM

Oct 2017
Its such a shame Kubo went with the cliche option. Orihime is your typical shy dumb MC obsessed character (like Hinata and many others) who is always nice and has no depth whatsoever . At least she has nice tits

Rukia, especially in the first half was actually interesting and had a far deeper relationship with Ichigo. I'm fine with them being best friends but if there had to be romance it should have been these two.

Then again the manga was crap at that point anyway sooo
Aardwolf94Nov 14, 2017 10:48 PM
Nov 14, 2017 10:49 PM

Jan 2010
Aardwolf94 said:
Its such a shame Kubo went with the cliche option. Orihime is your typical shy dumb MC obsessed character (like Hinata and many others) who is always nice and has no depth whatsoever . Basically the classic Japanese wife archtype.

Rukia, especially in the first half was actually interesting and had a far deeper relationship with Ichigo. I'm fine with them being best friends but if there had to be romance it should have been these two.

Then again the manga was crap at that point anyway sooo

Hei! I can't believe we meet again in a ship thread hahaa

Anyway, I'm an anime only watcher and haven't picked up the manga but I heard the news. I'm not an Ichihime shipper (but not against the idea either) but I'm a Renruki shipper. I already give up since long ago (Ichiruki main guy x main girl, great chemistry, most popular ship, etc) but still happy whenever Renji and Rukia have moments together. When I heard the news, I'm soooo happy hahaha

My favorite character in Bleach is Rukia. Not a fan of Ichigo.
Renji and Rukia history is my weakness. Renji's love for Rukia is my weakness. And I'm happy they managed to "fix" their broken relationship in the end ; w ;
Renruki is one of my fav ship ; w ; childhood friends with a ton of angst. Childhood friends, where the one "hurt" the other, and does his best to fix it. I'm glad it worked out in the end ; w ;

I'm happy for Ichihime fans too I guess! Orihime's fans kinda deserved it I guess, for all those harsh words every Orihime haters and Ichiruki shippers throws at them at every opportunity lol
You're the winner in the end.

MTKN9068 said:
I know that you will never be able to accept the ending and might be in doubt for many years to come.

I am just happy that my Orihime and Ichigo ended up together and that non-Ichiruki fans and non-shipper fans accept and believe this ending without any doubt and think that it makes sense and that some even think it's obvious, so I will chose to believe their judgment better than my rival shipper.

So... I just want to say:
Congratulations Ichihime fans! Finally! after years of getting bullied, after years of receiving harsh words and after years of being called names -simply because "you are shipping something that will never happen". In the end, our ship sailed and reached it's destination. They are now officially a canon couple We did it! hoooray!!

And for Inoue. I am just so happy that after all of the hardships she's been through, after years of living without her family, after years of receiving so much hatred. Congratulations! your hardwork has paid off. You are now officially married to the man of your dreams and finally have a family of your own (a big and happy one at that) so now, you no longer have to live alone. In the end, no matter what people say, no matter how upset they get, no matter how much they hate you and no matter how much they doubt you. In the end, you did something that they said "will never happen" and the fact that you are now Ichigo's wife will never change.

Since Kubo could've let Rukia stay single, which will give Ichiruki a tiny bit of hope that there's still chance for their ship and keep on shipping. But no, he chose to crush even that tiny bit of hope even before it begun. As if saying " Just in case you Ichiruki fans keep to ship them together. Here Rukia is now happily married with a kid of her own, so maybe now you will give up and let Ichime live in peace"

Anyways this war has been going on for years and now that Bleach has ended, I think it is time to end this war.
Thank you!!

Amazing post haha

But the ship war shall continue ;D
Nov 15, 2017 12:42 AM

Jan 2016
Shicchi said:

My favorite character in Bleach is Rukia. Not a fan of Ichigo.
Renji and Rukia history is my weakness. Renji's love for Rukia is my weakness. And I'm happy they managed to "fix" their broken relationship in the end ; w ;
Renruki is one of my fav ship ; w ; childhood friends with a ton of angst. Childhood friends, where the one "hurt" the other, and does his best to fix it. I'm glad it worked out in the end ; w ;

Amen! ^^ I am so happy too

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