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Oct 26, 2010 4:37 PM

Jan 2008
Not taking Magic over MJ.

I think people are missing the difference between the Lakers with Kobe, and the Heat now with LeBron. Kobe got chants of MVP even at Boston Garden. When he hit game winning shots you'd hears almost more cheers than Boos. It's never been that way with LeBron.

All the hate my team is getting will only make things so much sweeter and more satisfying if we do win the NBA championship, I can't wait for June 2011.

This sounds just like the last 2 seasons where LeBron jock riders proclaimed the Cavs were going to win it all.

SkyFade said:
Okay first was Lebrons sympathy commercial. But has anyone seen Wades new 'superhero' commercial..........sigh, wondering what idiocy Chris Bosh will come up with. I do love watching these on Sportsnation, their talks and jokes always make me laugh.

He is a superhero falling from the sky in a suit, landing on a motorcycle, planning on his enemies, 'gang green', 'snake charmer' and the 'illusionist'.......yea those are 'clever' monikers for the Celtics, Lakers and Magic. Oh and throw in the comedian Kevin Hart and yea, thats the commercial.

Tell him to just go back to making commercials with Barkley. He can't handle them on his own. lol
Oct 26, 2010 5:06 PM

Jun 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
Not taking Magic over MJ.

I think people are missing the difference between the Lakers with Kobe, and the Heat now with LeBron. Kobe got chants of MVP even at Boston Garden. When he hit game winning shots you'd hears almost more cheers than Boos. It's never been that way with LeBron.

True, of course a majority of that hate comes from the legal matters and the whole Jordan debate, but thats a different matter. And if Lebron had gone to either NY or Chi, wed be hearing from their respective fanbases how great he is, thats just how it is. Im a Laker fan, not just of this present team but of the franchise and history.

And really what does Wades commercial have to do with basketball, only that jersey, looked like a pilot for some cheesy special agent movie.
Oct 26, 2010 7:52 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Not taking Magic over MJ.

I think people are missing the difference between the Lakers with Kobe, and the Heat now with LeBron. Kobe got chants of MVP even at Boston Garden. When he hit game winning shots you'd hears almost more cheers than Boos. It's never been that way with LeBron.

True, of course a majority of that hate comes from the legal matters and the whole Jordan debate, but thats a different matter. And if Lebron had gone to either NY or Chi, wed be hearing from their respective fanbases how great he is, thats just how it is. Im a Laker fan, not just of this present team but of the franchise and history.

And really what does Wades commercial have to do with basketball, only that jersey, looked like a pilot for some cheesy special agent movie.

Partly. Kobe is the only player that has stayed around the MJ comparison while other players careers buckled under the pressure. I think the misinformation about the whole Shaq thing is a part of it too.

Good job with the 9 points in a quarter Miami. lol It's only one game, but that's hialrious.
Oct 26, 2010 8:00 PM

Jun 2010
Yea less than 30 in a half. Still I will say this looking at their offense, it was just like the Cavs, give Lebron the ball and just look.
Oct 26, 2010 8:05 PM

Jan 2008
Can't blame it on Mike Brown or Mo this year.
Oct 26, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
Can't blame it on Mike Brown or Mo this year.

Like Skip Bayless has said, Lebron might have assists, but the ball movement just stalls with him.
Oct 26, 2010 8:33 PM

Jan 2008
LeBron is one of of the 3 subjects I agree with Skip on almost every time. The other being MJ, and Brett Farve.
Oct 26, 2010 9:10 PM

Jun 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
LeBron is one of of the 3 subjects I agree with Skip on almost every time. The other being MJ, and Brett Farve.

What about Team Obliterator and Me Myself And Iverson lol.
Oct 26, 2010 9:40 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
LeBron is one of of the 3 subjects I agree with Skip on almost every time. The other being MJ, and Brett Farve.

What about Team Obliterator and Me Myself And Iverson lol.

Nope. He just hates T.O for some reason. ESPN has always had some kind of agenda against him. No clue why he always bashes Iverson. :|
Oct 26, 2010 10:33 PM

Jun 2010
Well Phoenix loses to Portland badly, Hedo is still nonexistent no matter what team he plays for. Nash does his best and still not enough, its gonna be a tough season for the Suns unless one of their bigs rise up.

Lakers did alot of bad things, Rockets had one hot first half but it switched over the second plus no Yao is a factor I admit, but ill take the win. Still it always feels like the Lakers make so many mistakes against teams youd expect them to easily beat, but only show up for hr harder teams.
Oct 26, 2010 10:58 PM

Jan 2008
Turkeyglue was never really that good anywhere but Orlando. After beating the Cavs he began to believe he was better than what he actualy is. Had he been smart he would have stayed.

Not necessarily. Houston almost always plays the Lakers hard. You also have to factor in Kobe's knee, and no Bynum(who waitied until a month or 2 before the season to have surgery-_-). Good win either way.
Oct 26, 2010 11:14 PM

Oct 2007
Phoenix gets to be stuck with Turkacrap for 4 more years. Glad we got rid him and get Barbosa in return. =)
Oct 27, 2010 5:59 AM

Jun 2008
Like Spostra said....ATROCIOUS

That's not at all what anyone expected, I wasn't going to comment on this game because I didn't want to brag if we won, and I didn't want to seem like a sore loser if we lost.

However, I felt the need say a couple of things about last night, I'm not going to defend them, we lost to a team that was better prepared and HAS their identity.

Wade had not played in the entire preseason, AND IT SHOWED...

However, that is no excuse for that performance, I'm not one of those idiots who believed that we could win 70 games, but I expected a lot more from that opening game.

At the same time for the FUCKING IDIOT fans that the Celtics have to be chanting "over-rated" at a team that has NEVER played together in a "real" game, was PATHETIC, I especially found it idiotic when they were chanting it near the end of the game, and then the Heat come back from a 13 point deficit and cut the lead to 83-80.

I would have loved to have seen the Heat steal that game at the end, for as HORRIBLE as they played, to be in a position to win the way they were at the end was a little impressive.

I don't think I need to state that this WILL NOT be the norm, I think everyone here understands what happened yesterday will not continue, we came out flat, we couldn't hit a single basket, the only impressive note is that our defense played decent enough to keep us in a game we should have been blown out by.
Oct 27, 2010 7:47 AM

Jan 2008
Well hey, the deficit was partly cut that short due to LeBron bulldozing over PP, and getting a typical bs blocking foul.

How do you know that this won't be the norm during the playoffs against a high calibur team like the Celtics? The Heat looked EXACTLY the way the Cavs did.

And you're calling a fanbase pathetic for chanting overrated? The stuff people say at a home game to an opposing team, and that's pathetic? lol What did you expect? Most NBA fans(or fans of any sport in general) have heard about this team time and time again everyday since july 8th. And for them to get almost blown out(while satisfying) was ridiculous.

I'm actually shocked the Celitcs won. I thought for sure LeBron was going to get more of those "blocking calls" down the line.
Oct 27, 2010 8:27 AM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
How do you know that this won't be the norm during the playoffs against a high calibur team like the Celtics? The Heat looked EXACTLY the way the Cavs did.

Because we don't even know what we're doing, we were lost, we didn't know how to handle the ball, we committed far too many turnovers, and again Wade was not ready, Mike Miller is injured, and we obviously don't have a prepared team yet.

We have a lot of work to do, this isn't going to happen overnight, thankfully the playoffs are 6 months away, we have plenty of time to tune and make a good team with the pieces we have.

Remember the Celtics were organised, the majority of the team is exactly like last year's, this is a BRAND NEW team, they don't have much experience playing together, they have to work it out.

Think about 2004 when the U.S lost in the Olympics, was is it because they were inferior....NO, it was because they had not played together enough, it was because they didn't have an identity, Argentina and other national teams had YEARS of playing together and were technically more experienced as a TEAM.
Oct 27, 2010 9:04 AM

Jan 2008
alexcampos said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
How do you know that this won't be the norm during the playoffs against a high calibur team like the Celtics? The Heat looked EXACTLY the way the Cavs did.

Because we don't even know what we're doing, we were lost, we didn't know how to handle the ball, we committed far too many turnovers, and again Wade was not ready, Mike Miller is injured, and we obviously don't have a prepared team yet.

We have a lot of work to do, this isn't going to happen overnight, thankfully the playoffs are 6 months away, we have plenty of time to tune and make a good team with the pieces we have.

Remember the Celtics were organised, the majority of the team is exactly like last year's, this is a BRAND NEW team, they don't have much experience playing together, they have to work it out.

Think about 2004 when the U.S lost in the Olympics, was is it because they were inferior....NO, it was because they had not played together enough, it was because they didn't have an identity, Argentina and other national teams had YEARS of playing together and were technically more experienced as a TEAM.

We? I wasn't aware you were out there last night. :|

Anyway, Perk is out for Boston, so injury excuse is invalid. The Celtics are also working Shaq into the rotation, which is a challenge in itself(see Phoenix, and Cleveland).

No, they lost in 2004 because everyone wanted to play hero. Then again LeBron was on that team too. lol

Sure it's one game, but had D.Wade shot better, and they won there would be a far different tune from ESPN and Heat fans. Like I said, I expect them to go on a winning streak, and they'll probably even beat Orlando. But I still see them getting bounced when it really matters.
Oct 27, 2010 10:53 AM

Jun 2010
Still the biggest challenge Miami will have is lackluster PG and Center play, even a dinosaur like Shaq out matched Bosh and Arroyo was just dribble dribble, the Miami in just like how they seemed like the Cavs also showed signs like the old Suns, all speed and three points with occasional penetration and no decent defense of inside play.

Remember he Big Three in Boston only worked cause no one expected role players like Rondo, Davis and Perkins to be as good as they are now, esecially Rondo who is not a top 5 pg. Dwight will eat Bosh alive whenever they meet, I get the whole 3 Kings moniker, its catchy but Bosh is an overrated player on Melos level, they are good at scoring and can do somethings, but at the end of the day they arent worth over 100 million.

Obviously Wade is gonna get it together and I really do think Wade and Lebron are good enough and respect enough each other to try and make it work, but on paper what surrounds them might seem decent, but any physical team will break them apart. The Heat are built for the regular season, no the post season............
where have I heard that before?
Oct 27, 2010 11:57 AM

Oct 2007
SkyFade said:
Still the biggest challenge Miami will have is lackluster PG and Center play, even a dinosaur like Shaq out matched Bosh and Arroyo was just dribble dribble, the Miami in just like how they seemed like the Cavs also showed signs like the old Suns, all speed and three points with occasional penetration and no decent defense of inside play.

Remember he Big Three in Boston only worked cause no one expected role players like Rondo, Davis and Perkins to be as good as they are now, esecially Rondo who is not a top 5 pg. Dwight will eat Bosh alive whenever they meet, I get the whole 3 Kings moniker, its catchy but Bosh is an overrated player on Melos level, they are good at scoring and can do somethings, but at the end of the day they arent worth over 100 million.

Obviously Wade is gonna get it together and I really do think Wade and Lebron are good enough and respect enough each other to try and make it work, but on paper what surrounds them might seem decent, but any physical team will break them apart. The Heat are built for the regular season, no the post season............
where have I heard that before?

He's right. Bosh got his points for being a focal point in offence. He can't hold on to the ball for 8 seconds and then take a shot. *smh*

The role player for Miami named Mike Miller got injured sadly.
Oct 27, 2010 12:03 PM

Jan 2008
You also had veteran players coming off the bench like PJ Brown, and Sam Cassell. And i'd say the East is better now than it was in 2008, so that's another thing the Heat would have to tackle.

My biggest hope is that it doesn't turn into a 5 on 8 like it did in the ECF when LeBron went against Orlando.
Oct 27, 2010 12:15 PM

Jan 2008
GunbladewarriorOct 27, 2010 12:19 PM
Oct 27, 2010 12:18 PM

Jan 2008
Why is MAL acting up so much lately?-__-
Oct 27, 2010 6:27 PM

Dec 2007
Rockets are being slept on by most of the media. Not that I expected any differently. Still a lot of kinks to work out, but they're among the deepest teams in the league. I predict 50 wins, at the very least. Haven't been this excited about a Rockets team in years. I just love their potential.

Heh.. I'm biased, though.
Oct 27, 2010 7:05 PM

Jan 2008
Well the key to beating Boston in a opener was getting rid of LeBron. Who'd a thunk it? lol
Oct 27, 2010 7:16 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
Well the key to beating Boston in a opener was getting rid of LeBron. Who'd a thunk it? lol

Now I'm even MORE frustrated that we played so horrible against those FUCKING BASTARDS.

Excuse my language, I really HATE the Boston Celtics, I even rooted FOR the Lakers last year just so they wouldn't win...
Oct 27, 2010 7:38 PM

Jun 2010
Why would a Heat fan dislike Boston, youre all the same lol. Still I can see why the Cavs never got rid of Hickson , he was the emergency plan, plus Sessions is a very decent guard. I cant believe people assume the Cavs are barely worth 20 wins, come on.

Im liking the Bulls Thunder game, 2 on the verge teams. And am looking forward to see the Blake Griffin hype.
Oct 27, 2010 8:11 PM

Jan 2008
The 20 win thing is based off of the jock riding of LeBron from ESPN.

alexcampos said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Well the key to beating Boston in a opener was getting rid of LeBron. Who'd a thunk it? lol

Now I'm even MORE frustrated that we played so horrible against those FUCKING BASTARDS.

Excuse my language, I really HATE the Boston Celtics, I even rooted FOR the Lakers last year just so they wouldn't win...

Yeah. They didn't even have Mo Williams.>.>

Now you know how people feel about the Heat. lol
Oct 27, 2010 8:13 PM

Jun 2008
SkyFade said:
Why would a Heat fan dislike Boston, youre all the same lol.

Let's see, why do I hate the Boston Celtics...

#1 Celtics believe they are the Yankees of NBA just because they have the most championships, however the majority of their Titles came in an era that was weak and not as much competition compared to the 80s, 90s and 00s.

#2 The NBA, ESPN, among other entities believe the Celtics have to be a good team for the league to be "popular" and successful.

#3 Obviously for last years humiliating 4-1 first round defeat to them.

HOWEVER the Celtics aren't the only ones I have a grudge with:

New York Knicks (if you look back at Heat history you will know why I hate them)

Cleveland Cavs (Obviously for being annoyingly whinny and Dan Gilbert and his FAIL letter)

Los Angeles Lakers (Honestly I don't really hate them that much, but I'm obviously seeing them as a big rival, and therefore I see them as the enemy)
Oct 27, 2010 8:33 PM

Jun 2010
I love baseball and am a Dodgers fan, but ask most people and if you think the Yankees equivalent would usually be the Lakers, not the Celtics.

I dont agree with that weak era thing, if you dominate your era, youre the best available, thats a worthy merit, I consider this era to be overrated, only think unaccomplished players like Melo and Amare can be considered stars. Besides that era had the like of Wilt, West, Roberston, Unseld, Monroe, and other all time greats.

Im a Laker fan, but good for those few Clipper fans, they have reason to be happy with Griffin.
Oct 27, 2010 8:54 PM

Jan 2008
I guess I could agree with #1. But they did beat a Lakers team composed of West, Baylor, and Chamberlain. But the Yankees aren't all that great either. Didn't most of their titles come before blacks were allowed to play in the league?

Gilbert had every right to roast LeBron on that decision. I'm glad he did.

Knicks and Heat. lol Good times. Just be glad MJ's not around anymore to torch you both.
Oct 27, 2010 9:03 PM

Oct 2007
I hate both Miami Heat and the Boston Celtics but I find Boston Celtics the lesser of the two evils.
Oct 27, 2010 9:09 PM

Jun 2010
True, most of the Yankees titles came in the pre-colored era, but even then they were considered the ultimate baseball franchise, you know aside from the 70's.

Lol true, MJ loved to roast Eastern teams, NY, Heat, and Hawks in particular. Agree, Gilbert had ever right to roast him, if Lebron had the right to humiliate an entire franchise then the owner can pay it back.

If were speaking basketball hierachy in terms of history, I think it Laker closely followed by Celtics, then Bulls just cause no one can forget MJ apparently. After that, eh its a steep fall.
Oct 27, 2010 10:11 PM
May 2010
Hornets looked real good against the Bucks today. Looks like they got a steal in Marco Belinelli. He slashes really well. Everything I thought he would struggle doing, he did well. He missed a few open jumpers but he drove hard, he hit the 3, perfect from the ft line. Ariza did exactly what he was supposed to, with 4 steals and he played Maggette pretty well when they needed it. Didn't really get to see much from Bayless. He got popped in the jaw on a screen and didn't really play much in the 2nd half, but I'll be interested to see how he does since I never really watched the Blazers much.

This team will be much improved with a healthy Cp3. Probably the most athletic and talented team they've put together since coming to New Orleans. I could see 45-48 wins this year if Paul stays healthy and a low playoff seed. The outlook certainly looks better than it did coming into this off season with the trade rumors.
Oct 27, 2010 10:19 PM
May 2010
:-O! Monta Ellis with a monster season opener. 75% from the field on 24 shots? 46 pts with 1 turnover. Hell of a way to start the season. Looks like they still can't play defense either lol. 132-128 in a regulation game lol. I would expect to see more of that this year from the Warriors.
Oct 27, 2010 10:26 PM

Oct 2007
Entendre said:
:-O! Monta Ellis with a monster season opener. 75% from the field on 24 shots? 46 pts with 1 turnover. Hell of a way to start the season. Looks like they still can't play defense either lol. 132-128 in a regulation game lol. I would expect to see more of that this year from the Warriors.

Wow. 75% on 24 shots? Didn't he say he's handing the keys to Steph?
Stats sound like my usual NBA 2K11 My Player mode game.
Oct 27, 2010 10:28 PM
May 2010
Yep 18-24 from the field, 9-12 from the line. Steph had 25/11 though. And yea that seems like a 2k11 statline. He didn't really have any assist or rebounds, so I'm not sure what else he was doing lol.
Oct 27, 2010 10:32 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
True, most of the Yankees titles came in the pre-colored era, but even then they were considered the ultimate baseball franchise, you know aside from the 70's.

Lol true, MJ loved to roast Eastern teams, NY, Heat, and Hawks in particular. Agree, Gilbert had ever right to roast him, if Lebron had the right to humiliate an entire franchise then the owner can pay it back.

If were speaking basketball hierachy in terms of history, I think it Laker closely followed by Celtics, then Bulls just cause no one can forget MJ apparently. After that, eh its a steep fall.

Only because it's NY, If it were anywhere else it wouldn't be as talked about.

I was actually surprised when I read about it. It made me laugh just because I haven't heard anyone not named Skip Bayless, that has ripped into LeBron like that.

Just be glad MJ didn't have a dominant big man like Hakeem to go along with Pippen. Otherwise he might be sitting on 8 or 9 championships.
Oct 27, 2010 10:44 PM

Jan 2008
Hard to tell if Ellis is that good, or if his scoring is based off of GS's style of play.
Oct 27, 2010 10:46 PM
May 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
Hard to tell if Ellis is that good, or if his scoring is based off of GS's style of play.

Play style or not, he's a good scoring guard. He could play on any other team and get his.
Oct 27, 2010 10:48 PM

Dec 2007
Yeah, Monta Ellis was ridiculous. What a painful game to watch. The defense was bad from both teams, but he just could not miss, regardless of who was on him.

The Rockets have their offense running beautifully for the most part. If the defense doesn't tighten up in the next few games, I may have to alter my expectations. Quite a big change from a few years ago when they were one of the top defensive teams in the league.
SchnickelFritzOct 27, 2010 10:52 PM
Oct 27, 2010 10:54 PM
May 2010
How do you like Kevin Martin? And yea Monta is ridiculously fast. I always wanted to see him on the Hornets before we ended up with Thornton (who's now probably the 6th man :-/ ).
Oct 27, 2010 11:12 PM

Dec 2007
He's a perfect fit for this team, paired up with Brooks in the backcourt; love his game. Quick, efficient scorer, gets to the line regularly (17-17 tonight). A joy to watch. Needs to work on his defense a little, though.
Oct 27, 2010 11:27 PM
May 2010
Yea he is a volume free throw shooter. He's always near the top of the league. It's impressive imo because he's not a big guy but he forces the contact.
Oct 28, 2010 2:18 AM

Jan 2008
Don't trust some Rocket fans KM. They'll love you one moment, and say trade him the moment he gets injured. Just ask T-Mac. :|

Entendre said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Hard to tell if Ellis is that good, or if his scoring is based off of GS's style of play.

Play style or not, he's a good scoring guard. He could play on any other team and get his.

He's good, but like I said, it's hard to tell how good. I just don't see anywhere that's a contender that he would be great as a starter. He'd be great coming off the bench for Orlando though. I am hoping Shannon Brown becomes good like that to take some of the pressure off Kobe until he gets his knee together.
Oct 28, 2010 2:49 AM
May 2010
Based on what? He's never played for anyone else. How could you even come to that conclusion lol. Everything is speculation unless he gets moved.
Oct 28, 2010 5:47 AM

Jan 2008
Entendre said:
Based on what? He's never played for anyone else. How could you even come to that conclusion lol. Everything is speculation unless he gets moved.

Well that's obvious. But you can't really read too much into the run and gun style. Look at Shawn Marion. Played really good under that style in Phoenix. Since he's left, he's been forgotten for the most part.

And can people please chill out with all the Kevin Durant hype already. :| He's a really good player, but he's had ONE really good year, and now all of a sudden he's being labeled a top 5 player in the league? Let him consistently put up great numbers in the next couple of seasons and then you can label him a legit superstar.-_-
GunbladewarriorOct 28, 2010 6:38 AM
Oct 28, 2010 7:10 AM

Jun 2008
SkyFade said:
True, most of the Yankees titles came in the pre-colored era, but even then they were considered the ultimate baseball franchise, you know aside from the 70's.

As much as I hate to admit it, but the Yankees are the most successful franchise on the Planet, they are also the richest, the most profitable, and have the most recognizable sports logo on earth.

C'mon you could go to any country and you will most likely see someone with the interlocked NY.

SkyFade said:
Agree, Gilbert had ever right to roast him, if Lebron had the right to humiliate an entire franchise then the owner can pay it back.

Two wrongs don't make a right, everyone knows that.

LeBron sacrificed his brand name, Gilbert sacrificed the WHOLE DAMN FRANCHISE.

Good luck ever acquiring another superstar Cleveland...
Oct 28, 2010 7:16 AM

Jan 2008
alexcampos said:
SkyFade said:
True, most of the Yankees titles came in the pre-colored era, but even then they were considered the ultimate baseball franchise, you know aside from the 70's.

As much as I hate to admit it, but the Yankees are the most successful franchise on the Planet, they are also the richest, the most profitable, and have the most recognizable sports logo on earth.

C'mon you could go to any country and you will most likely see someone with the interlocked NY.

SkyFade said:
Agree, Gilbert had ever right to roast him, if Lebron had the right to humiliate an entire franchise then the owner can pay it back.

Two wrongs don't make a right, everyone knows that.

LeBron sacrificed his brand name, Gilbert sacrificed the WHOLE DAMN FRANCHISE.

Good luck ever acquiring another superstar Cleveland...
alexcampos said:
SkyFade said:
True, most of the Yankees titles came in the pre-colored era, but even then they were considered the ultimate baseball franchise, you know aside from the 70's.

As much as I hate to admit it, but the Yankees are the most successful franchise on the Planet, they are also the richest, the most profitable, and have the most recognizable sports logo on earth.

C'mon you could go to any country and you will most likely see someone with the interlocked NY.

SkyFade said:
Agree, Gilbert had ever right to roast him, if Lebron had the right to humiliate an entire franchise then the owner can pay it back.

Two wrongs don't make a right, everyone knows that.

LeBron sacrificed his brand name, Gilbert sacrificed the WHOLE DAMN FRANCHISE.

Good luck ever acquiring another superstar Cleveland...

Only because it's NY.

Oh yeah, LeBron sacrificed so much. Instead of getting his a** kissed by Espn once the NBA season started he got it kissed from July-now. Yeah, he'll be hurting since he'll only make 116 million instead of 130. lol The bs you spew a times is laughable. :|

If Cleveland plays the wya they did against Boston every night, they might not need one.
Oct 28, 2010 9:06 AM

Aug 2009
I don't like how LeBron left either, but...

I can't get past how clever his Nike commercial is.
And the dude from The Lake House is all "WHOA!"
Oct 28, 2010 11:33 AM

Oct 2007
Cleveland and Toronto still got their ace, the TPE. If they ever get around to using it, they'd be back to the playoff race.
IMO, they should just tank instead of taking on a huge crappy contract. See Turkeycrap. >_>
Oct 28, 2010 11:48 AM

Jun 2010
Going back to the franchise thing, in America the Cowboys are the most profitable franchise if going by revenue, worldwide its that one soccer club, Manchester United.

Acquiring another star, come on, the NBA now is all about money, throw any player enough money and they'll walk even if they are already in a nice position, Boozer, Amare, and many other. Only those whod would sacrifice money are those that want to big markets, like NY and other markets, ask Melo or CP3.

Cleveland could make the postseason, it should take about 35 wins. I mean 1-3 is pretty much Boston, Orlando, and Miami, your second tier is probably Chicago, Atlanta. After that a bunch of scrub teams. 3 spots available, for say a horrible Nets teams, a return for the Bucks maybe, maybe the Bobcats again, maybe NY? Alot so its not like squeezing in as a 7th or 8th is too hard in the east.
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