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Aug 6, 2010 12:52 PM
Aug 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
ichigo03 said:

Let it go, for the sake of your sanity and what the rest of the country thinks about you guys, LeBron gave you 7 years, he couldn't win there. I don't think it was wrong of him to decide to play somewhere else, the TV special was a wrong move, but that doesn't mean you continue to be sour and not be able to move on, you guys are acting worse than a guy who continues to stalk and threaten his ex-girlfriend simply because he was dumped for someone else, oh and stop doing this:

Think about how crazy and idiotic you guys look like.

What? Why should a Cavs fan care what the rest of the country thinks? Besides, if it were just Cleveland that felt that way poll after poll wouldn't show how much LeBron's popularity has dropped since then. And stop with the "he gave them 7 years" as if he worked for free. This move makes him look like a crybaby who was too weak to get it done.

Guy comes to an Indians game with a LeBron Heat jersey on, but they look like idiots? LoL, right.

Yeah, they should let it go, how does it benefit them to be mad and start attacking Heat fans, it makes them look crazy, irrational, and worst of all like pathetic losers from a pathetic city.

That guy in the Indians game has every right to wear whatever he feels like, he didn't even start the fight, everyone kept booing him and later they even started throwing food at his girlfriend (who was wearing an Indians jersey), these people are pathetic.

At first I sympathized with their situation and I too hated LeBron for what he did, but now I see Cleveland for what it really is, a broken down piece of shit city that can't do anything in sports, you think any other superstar will ever want to play there?

Dan Gilbert, the fans, and by far the city have doomed any hopes of that place ever seeing a championship.

Seriously, who's going to step up, the Browns? the Indians? certainly not the Cavs, good luck Cleveland, you'll be the laughingstock of the sports world for many years to come.
ichig0fanAug 6, 2010 1:01 PM
Aug 6, 2010 1:47 PM
Oct 2009
MEGATRON you can't use what haven't occurred as base for your arguments.


but the fact is, he'll overwhelming come out on top as a shooter and he is going to feast next year so long as he's remotely healthy. On top of that he's a heady player who doesn't do dumb things, which is all Miami needs from him aside from spacing the floor with his well established jumper.

How do you know that for sure? How is that fact? You can't see the future. You can do this all day long and there is no way i can prove you wrong. I can also say, the fact is, he played in a very poorly managed organization, and Gilbert Arenas's bad habits has rubbed on to Mike Miller, and he's going to bring a gun to the locker room and get suspended. Can you prove me wrong? We can do this kind bullshit talk all day long and it will not prove anything. so let's just stop and talk about we do know.

The comparison wasn't to look at them as similar players, but as shooters. Mike Miller's percentages from the floor last year were better than Ray Allen, a player widely renowned for his shooting ability, in his best shooting season.

You simply don't compare Mike Miller to Ray Allen. I don't think you understand how flawed your logic is.

Let's say Kwame Brown plays one game and gets 3 lucky blocks, then get send off to the D-league. At the end of the season he would have more BPG than Dwight Howard. What does that mean? He's better than Dwight Howard if he gets more playing time? "The comparison wasn't to look at them as similar players, but as shot blockers."

Here is a real example, at the start of the season, for the first 5 games Kevin Martin lead the league in PPG, then he went down with an injury. If we look at the stat that time, Kevin Martin has more PPG than Lebron, Kobe, Wade, Durant. What does that mean? Kevin Martin would be the best scorer in the league if he never got injured? "The comparison wasn't to look at them as similar players, but as scores."

You can't just take two players and google a stat sheet, pulls out a random stat and say player A is better than player B just base on one stat....come on...

On to Lebron...
Okay let me get this right, so it's nonsense for me to compare Lebron to a player from the past, but it's acceptable for you to keep on fortunetelling? You keep on telling me how good lebron is going to get, and how many years he's still got left. That's just you taking space with words and not really valid arguments. How can anyone win in a debate over something that haven't happened? Like i said, there is no way i can prove you wrong, Let's not do this. Let's talk what we do know.

Bird: 3 MVPS, 3 Rings
Lebrong 2 MVPS, 0 rings

Is that not fact? I don't care what's going to happen when it's all said and done, but is Bird not better than Lebron at this point?

That car comparison makes no sense to me. When I'm picking cars, i usually consider safety, millage and comfort. I don't put feelings and emotions into my decisions when I'm picking which car is better. This car comparison really shows in our arguments tho.

On to Bosh...

Lol is that how you proclaim when someone is the "one of the best mid-range shooter" in the league?
What about the fact big men are a lot closer to the rim?
what about clutch factors?
what about shots attempts?

1- On that site, the league FG% is 46.3, Bosh avg to 43.5%
2- If we just looking at percentage alone, then Raja Bell would be the best shooter with 66.7
3- Using your "Miller theory" Jeff Pendergraph would be a better shooter than all of those players listed, he shot 60% from 10-15, and 60% 16-23

So now Bosh went from
he's one of the best midrange shooters in the game (this is both evident from watching him, as well as statistically proven)


it is certainly not a stretch to place him in the category of top midrange shooters in the game.

Let's see how far you can really back paddle....
Aug 6, 2010 2:02 PM

Jan 2008
That's like a white guy wearing the word "nigger" in a black neighborhood, and being surprised that people would be upset about it. He knew exactly what he was doing by wearing that, and got what he deserved.

It's been less than a month yet you're acting as if it's been 20 years. And how do you know that it's a PoS of a city? Do you live there?

LeBron quits on his team, handcuffs them from making any moves while they wait on his decision, and the gets publicly embarrassed on national t.v. But yeah, you're right, they have no reason to be upset with him.-_-
Aug 6, 2010 2:24 PM

Jun 2008
ichigo03 said:
Seriously, who's going to step up, the Browns? the Indians? certainly not the Cavs, good luck Cleveland, you'll be the laughingstock of the sports world for many years to come.

I hate to say you're right, but.......YOU'RE RIGHT!!!

Cleveland has very little going for it at the moment, the economy is really bad up there and now they might as well not even show up for sporting events.

Gunbladewarrior said:
That's like a white guy wearing the word "nigger" in a black neighborhood, and being surprised that people would be upset about it. He knew exactly what he was doing by wearing that, and got what he deserved.

It's been less than a month yet you're acting as if it's been 20 years. And how do you know that it's a PoS of a city? Do you live there?

LeBron quits on his team, handcuffs them from making any moves while they wait on his decision, and the gets publicly embarrassed on national t.v. But yeah, you're right, they have no reason to be upset with him.-_-

So I'm guessing that on the Dec. 2 game, anyone wearing a Heat jersey will be killed on the spot, right?

Look, weather or not that guy at the Indians game wore the Jersey to mock the fans or not, is not the topic, the disturbing aspect is that he was escorted out because there was a REAL possibility that his life was in danger, what kind of thugs start picking fights only because of a jersey, IT IS PATHETIC.
Aug 6, 2010 2:32 PM

Jan 2008
It's hard to feel sorry for someone who deliberately goes out to antagonize people.

And of course you'd say it's pathetic since you're a Heat "fan".
Aug 6, 2010 2:44 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
It's hard to feel sorry for someone who deliberately goes out to antagonize people.

And of course you'd say it's pathetic since you're a Heat "fan".

Yeah, so when I go to a Dolphins game and someone wears a Jets jersey and starts to scream and say profanities to Dolphin fans, that means we should start fighting and get kicked out of the stadium???

Please, it's called restriction, as fans we shouldn't let others get to us in arenas and stadiums, in every single sporting event you will always get people who antagonize and annoy the hell out of the home team fans.

Oh and BTW, I could care less that you keep mocking me and my loyalty towards my favorite teams, I AM a true fan, I've been with this team through the good AND the BAD times, I went to 5 games in 2008 when we were the worst team in the NBA. The same thing goes for my loyalty towards the Dolphins, Marlins, and Hurricanes, this isn't FUCKING ANIME, where you DROP the series when it's doing bad, I stick with my teams through thick and thin.
Aug 6, 2010 3:17 PM

Jan 2008
So you're going to really try to act as if you don't know the difference between the 2? Really?

If you don't care then why even respond to it? And the Miami Hurricanes? Can't wait to drop kick them on 9/11. Should be fun. lol
Aug 6, 2010 3:24 PM

Nov 2007
Free_Candy said:
MEGATRON you can't use what haven't occurred as base for your arguments.

How do you know that for sure? How is that fact? You can't see the future. You can do this all day long and there is no way i can prove you wrong. I can also say, the fact is, he played in a very poorly managed organization, and Gilbert Arenas's bad habits has rubbed on to Mike Miller, and he's going to bring a gun to the locker room and get suspended. Can you prove me wrong? We can do this kind bullshit talk all day long and it will not prove anything. so let's just stop and talk about we do know.

Free_Candy said:

You simply don't compare Mike Miller to Ray Allen. I don't think you understand how flawed your logic is.

Let's say Kwame Brown plays one game and gets 3 lucky blocks, then get send off to the D-league. At the end of the season he would have more BPG than Dwight Howard. What does that mean? He's better than Dwight Howard if he gets more playing time? "The comparison wasn't to look at them as similar players, but as shot blockers."

Here is a real example, at the start of the season, for the first 5 games Kevin Martin lead the league in PPG, then he went down with an injury. If we look at the stat that time, Kevin Martin has more PPG than Lebron, Kobe, Wade, Durant. What does that mean? Kevin Martin would be the best scorer in the league if he never got injured? "The comparison wasn't to look at them as similar players, but as scores."

You can't just take two players and google a stat sheet, pulls out a random stat and say player A is better than player B just base on one stat....come on...

When dealing with statistics, sample size is relevant. Your examples are not relevant to what I was saying because you are comparing things with drastically different totals. Comparing season stats to season stats is not the same as comparing season stats to a tiny sample of games. At no point did I remotely say Mike Miller was better than Ray Allen, I made this quite clear in my previous post. I used a comparison of shooters to support an argument I was making about shooting. If you want to talk about what we do know, let's talk the past. Mike Miller has a career .577 TS, .548 eFG. His shooting numbers have gone up as his role as a focal point has gone down. These stats are significantly better than a vast number of players of a similar role and caliber (Ray Allen is not among those to be compared). These are facts.

You can say that Mike Miller has been corrupted, but his years of good behaviour would not make that likely. If the Lakers and a high school team decided to play a game tomorrow, who would win? Sure, the game hasn't happened yet, who knows, maybe the high schoolers could win, why bother making a guess. There's a difference in the likelihood of something coming to be when you are just spouting a random outcome versus making educated predictions based on history and knowledge of the parties involved. Seeing the future and making reasonable predictions based on long standing trends are not the same thing.

Free_Candy said:

On to Lebron...
Okay let me get this right, so it's nonsense for me to compare Lebron to a player from the past, but it's acceptable for you to keep on fortunetelling? You keep on telling me how good lebron is going to get, and how many years he's still got left. That's just you taking space with words and not really valid arguments. How can anyone win in a debate over something that haven't happened? Like i said, there is no way i can prove you wrong, Let's not do this. Let's talk what we do know.

Bird: 3 MVPS, 3 Rings
Lebrong 2 MVPS, 0 rings

Is that not fact? I don't care what's going to happen when it's all said and done, but is Bird not better than Lebron at this point?

That car comparison makes no sense to me. When I'm picking cars, i usually consider safety, millage and comfort. I don't put feelings and emotions into my decisions when I'm picking which car is better. This car comparison really shows in our arguments tho.

I wasn't saying either way whether Lebron was better than Bird in any of my previous posts, I said that comparing their achievements to date was a ridiculous argument because it is. I'll repeat myself again, it's fine if you want to compare the two players skillsets, or even some statistical seasons where they were at comparable ages or years in the league. Using career achievements to show that Bird is the better player overall while Lebron's career is not even over is what is nonsense. There is a difference between being more accomplished, and being a better player.

Was the last sentence sarcasm or not? It doesn't carry well over the internet. The point of my car comparison was that sure you could point out that the mercedes had driven farther and been more impactful in it's lifespan than the bmw, but how does that make it better than the bmw? Comparing safety, millage, comfort, speed, etc would be the logical way to compare them. Just like comparing the skills of Bird to Lebron, or comparing how they did in specific years would make sense to compare them. Comparing how far one car has gone and using it as a basis to say one car is better than the other newer car is the flaw. I'm trying to tell you that using Bird's career achievements (how far the car has gone) to say that he's definitively better than Lebron at this point is the problem.

And once again, if I go out to get my mail today, chances are I'll go out, open the mail box, pick up my mail, and head back inside. Sure I could get hit by lightning and die, but just because you lay out two possibilities doesn't mean that one is obviously more likely than the other. Lebron continuing his well documented trend and hitting various milestones is more likely than him not. This isn't fortunetelling, it's extrapolation. Fortune telling is saying it's going to rain today because my dog barked twice at 10. Extrapolation is looking at weather patterns and determining that it's likely there will be rain today. Is there a chance that it won't rain even if the weather channel says so? Sure. That doesn't mean that you don't look at the forecast, or write it off as mumbo jumbo.

Free_Candy said:

On to Bosh...

Lol is that how you proclaim when someone is the "one of the best mid-range shooter" in the league?
What about the fact big men are a lot closer to the rim?
what about clutch factors?
what about shots attempts?

1- On that site, the league FG% is 46.3, Bosh avg to 43.5%
2- If we just looking at percentage alone, then Raja Bell would be the best shooter with 66.7
3- Using your "Miller theory" Jeff Pendergraph would be a better shooter than all of those players listed, he shot 60% from 10-15, and 60% 16-23

So now Bosh went from
he's one of the best midrange shooters in the game (this is both evident from watching him, as well as statistically proven)


it is certainly not a stretch to place him in the category of top midrange shooters in the game.

Let's see how far you can really back paddle....

Main Entry: top
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: highest rank
Synonyms: best

The league fg% is 46.3% for shots all over the floor. If you had read the stats correctly, as you obviously found the shot locations tab for the Pendergraph stat, you would have seen that I gave you the stats for positions on the floor, but if you'd like to go by raw fg%, bosh is 51.8%, his jumpshots don't average to 43.5% either, because he didn't take an equal amount of shots from 10-15 feet and 16-23 feet, but that's semantics.

His 10-15 feet perentage is 43.9%, league average 40.8, 16-23 43%, league average 39.6%. Well above average for both. Good for top 10-20 in the league in both categories if you go by sensible sorts like 40+ games played, 30+ minutes per game, and factoring in a reasonable amount of attempts (Camby may have hit at a higher percentage, but that doesn't mean it makes sense to say that he's one of the best midrange shooters in the game).

Bigmen playing closer to the rim would be a valid point if Bosh played like a bigman offensively, but he scores the vast majority of his points from midrange jumpers, and getting fouled off the bounce facing up at 17 feet. ~44% of his shots are from 16 feet and out, as for attempts, he is right up there, 6th overall in attempts from 10-15 feet, 12th overall in attempts from 16-23 feet. I don't see how clutchness factors in to the relevancy of how good a midrange shooter you are, and it's not like they will be closing out games on the back of a bosh 17 footer with Wade and Lebron on the team.

I compared him to the players that you supplied as what I can only assume you had in your mind as elite mid range shooters for the listing. You ignored the comparison and didn't bother looking in to the stats properly. Bosh is among the best midrange shooters in the game today (not even taking in to account that he is a bigman and as such should be granted a little slack), not only from attempts, but also consistency between different ranges. Plus it's also pretty obvious if you ever bother to watch the man play.
Aug 6, 2010 3:49 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
So you're going to really try to act as if you don't know the difference between the 2? Really?

If you don't care then why even respond to it? And the Miami Hurricanes? Can't wait to drop kick them on 9/11. Should be fun. lol

I clearly see the fact that it was a baseball game and he was wearing a basketball jersey, however just like I already stated, as a fan you're supposed to ignore idiots and not get into fights with them, or are people from Ohio a bunch of idiots??

OH, and I also can't wait for the U to come into your little stadium and trash the buckeyes chance at a national championship, and before you start gloating about what happened in 2002, remember who go robbed by a stupid referee and his stupid call.

OH, and one more thing, great guy MAURICE CLARETT, how did he turn out :P
Aug 6, 2010 4:25 PM

Jan 2008
Did you forget that fan is short for fanatic? That would be like me going to Miami's campus the day after the Buckeyes beat them in Ohio State gear. You're asking for trouble. Don't act as if any fan base would do different.

Little stadium? You mean that stadium that gets over 105,000 people per game? Excuses. lol I will say that I am looking forward to the T.Pryor vs J.Harris match up.

I Miami fan mocking someone? BLOLOL!
Aug 6, 2010 4:53 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
Little stadium? You mean that stadium that gets over 105,000 people per game? Excuses. lol I will say that I am looking forward to the T.Pryor vs J.Harris match up.

I Miami fan mocking someone? BLOLOL!

Interesting that you put up the brawl between FIU (the school I go to) and UM.

Let me tell you something, around here, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE U, the majority of students at FIU are U fans as well, we only go there because it's a state college (therefore less expensive) and not a private university (the U).

I could CARE LESS about FIU football, I've been a Canes fan since I was 7, FIU is where I will receive my BBA, however I plan in the future to attend the U when I'm going for my MBA.

However as a respectful college football fan, YES, this will be a very fun game, I believe it will be closer than what most people predict, and yes I will say that Ohio St. is the highly favorite team to win this game.

Funny how you have so much confidence at Ohio St. beating the U, but you bash me because of my confidence with the Heat.

PS, that brawl, I was at that game and I was rooting for the U, I could care less about being a student at FIU, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE U :)
Aug 6, 2010 5:11 PM
Oct 2009
When dealing with statistics, sample size is relevant. Your examples are not relevant to what I was saying because you are comparing things with drastically different totals. Comparing season stats to season stats is not the same as comparing season stats to a tiny sample of games.

Mike Miller took 433 shots last season, Ray Allen only took less than 800 shots twice his entire career, his best % year he took 1000 shots. Talking about sample size.

So according to your logic, something that's on going can't be compared to the past until it's finished?

If you really want to get that technical with stats.....

I mean come on, you can always wiggle out of something with "this is not what i meant." "I never said it that way." Play it off with technicality on words and grammar...."This isn't fortunetelling, it's extrapolation." lol do we really have to do this...
Aug 6, 2010 5:53 PM

Jan 2008
alexcampos said:
However as a respectful college football fan, YES, this will be a very fun game, I believe it will be closer than what most people predict, and yes I will say that Ohio St. is the highly favorite team to win this game.

Funny how you have so much confidence at Ohio St. beating the U, but you bash me because of my confidence with the Heat.

PS, that brawl, I was at that game and I was rooting for the U, I could care less about being a student at FIU, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE U :)

Miami is one of the 2 teams on that i'd love to see on Ohio State's ncs(non conference schedule) every year. The other being Texas.

3 NC appearances, 7 BCS appearances, and 4 BCS wins is why i'm confident in Ohio State. Miami hasn't proved anything yet.

I thought it was dumb that the coach basically lost his job over that brawl.
Aug 6, 2010 6:18 PM

Nov 2007
I'm aware Miller took 433 shots last season in little more than half a season because there was no reason to play through injury on the Wiz. If last year was the only year his shooting stats were great that would be one thing, but he had the previous 5 years before that with similarly solid numbers on around 600-1000 attempts (averaging to a little less than 800). There is no reason to think that this years numbers were an aberration and he all of a sudden won't be able to shoot next year.

It's not that they can't be compared until they are finished, it's that comparing the finished product to one that's halfway through is not how to compare them. If you were watching say Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion, and you'd finished evangelion, but only had gone halfway through bebop, would you talk about how the ending of evangelion makes it better than what you've seen of cowboy bebop as your basis of an argument? Or should you compare the shows aspects, and their first halfs, which you both have a tangible grasp on. One way makes sense to me, the other doesn't, but maybe that's just not the way you see things.

You can tell me I'm wiggling out of it, but I said he was among the best, one of the best, and in the category of top midrange shooters in the game, I don't see a whole lot of difference between the 3.

None of the 3 say intend to say that there is nobody out there better than him. Overall in the nba, he is among the top ranked players from midrange, among the best in the nba. I don't see how the stats you pointed out are any more relevant than me admitting in my last post that he was in the top 10-20 in both of the categories.

If you want to split hairs, you can call his ranking whatever you like if you don't think it falls under your definition of best, but he's still an excellent midrange shooter, disregarding all stats and just watching him versus other players gave me this opinion, just like I believe Carmelo is up there too, with a better midrange J than Bosh, regardless of the stats of the two. I just happened to use stats to back this up because I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to make this point on an internet forum, other than going it's that way because I say it is.

You don't have to like looking ahead, and you can ignore it if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that some things are far more likely to happen than others.
Aug 6, 2010 7:32 PM

Jun 2010
You got to admit, while the Heat are overly improved, people are making then out to be ore than they are. Yea the 3 main players, Wade at times can be injury prone, but when healthy a top 5 guard, Bosh ive always considered mentally weak and slightly overhyped, good offense and can get boards when he is up to it, basically Gasol before Kobe got on him. Say what you want to about Kobe, but he gets on his teammates and leads them ,he demands they out in as much effort as them.

Miller, Howard, Chalmers, and House, nice additions at a cheap price, and you have to wonder how a team like the Lakers went back to back with an anemic bench as well, but still for the Heat ill believe it when I see it. Miller for the past few seasons has been inconsistent as they can be. Luckily they kept Haslem, he is gonna be their glue. If Chalmers even plays at least decently then id expect big things, but this teams needs a legit PG, ask Boston.

I just think out of all them, Lebron has to sacrifice the most, his all around play is great on a lesser cast, but with a dominant scorer and a decent PF, you dont have to score as much or rebound, as for ball handling to get assits, Wade himself was a ball handler as well.
Aug 6, 2010 8:07 PM
Oct 2009
I think a lot of our disagreements are coming from technicalities. I didn't realize this until you mentioned the Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion comparison. Well if someone asked me to compare Evangelion to a half way through Cowboy Bebop i would definitively be able to analyzing with what i know and give an answer, that's how my brain works, and that's my way of doing things. With that being said. i can totally see someone must finish both series before giving a complete in dept answer, i mean there is nothing wrong with either way, people just do things different. There are really nothing wrong with either way, and it was stupid of me to force someone to think like me.

Now with our debate i can bring an example that will shift the arguments to my side, and you can bring a different example that would shift the arguments to your side. We probably won't come to a term we can agree, because we think differently.

Like the Chris Bosh thing, it all comes down to "what is best." Your definition of "best" is around top 10, top 15. Which Bosh clear is. but my definition of "best" is around top 3, top 5. Which Bosh clear isn't. It's pointless to debate over the technicality of a word.

But there are 2 things i must say. One, is your way of calculating odds, and putting into to sports. While there are something that's more likely to happen over others. but there are certainly no guarantees. Like i said before, you can't really expect everyone to believe odds and possibilities the way you do.

Two, is that i still can't comprehend the Miller, Allen comparison. While the two may have similar stats on paper, but there are a lot of things that doesn't show on stat sheets.
I've been a Ray fan since his Bucks days, and i can assure Alllen possess a unique set of shooting skills that doesn't come along often. He could shoot off screens, off catches, off dribbles and off balance, not to mention he's got lighting quick release and clutch as hell. Now i don't think Miller comes close to Allen in any of those except maybe off screens, and catches.

In addition, Miller's best years were playing in Mem with Pau, he was no different than what Hedo was to Bosh last season. A 2nd option on a avg to above avg team. A role player on a true contender. Now majority of Ray's career he was the first option(a 2nd/3rd option on a contender). There is a huge difference between just catch and shoot to creating your own shoots. Joe Johnson, was a lot more efficient when he played on the Suns, partly due to playing with Nash, but he had easier looks, after he went to ATL, his PPG went up but efficient went down.

I mean if you think it's non sense to compare a player from the past to a present player, then i think it's absolutely ridiculous to compare a future HOFer and arguably the greatest shooter ever to a role player just cause they have similarity in one stat category.
Aug 6, 2010 8:51 PM

Apr 2008

Aug 6, 2010 9:55 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
Miller, Howard, Chalmers, and House, nice additions at a cheap price, and you have to wonder how a team like the Lakers went back to back with an anemic bench as well, but still for the Heat ill believe it when I see it.

But the Lakers had Odom coming off the bench. He's better than anyone the Heat has on their bench.
Aug 6, 2010 11:29 PM
Jun 2010
alexcampos said:

The Heat are going to dominate the NBA, anyone in our way will be cut down, this is by far the best team ever assembled to play in a basketball team.

haha your funny im all for celtics and lebron aint ganna make a diffrence if you dont remeber we eliminated him ot the tornament and rondo will be all over wade
Aug 8, 2010 2:26 AM

May 2010
Free_Candy said:
lalmvpkobe said:
You sound like you have passion for basketball but you are highly misinformed. When we look at the player by player analysis that you provided it is completely false. Are you on crack?

If these guys played a game the heat would rape them every time.

How so? Parish, Mchale Walton pack the paint, Lebron and Wade can't drive. the 80s Celtics had 6 all-stars playing in their prime years, Bird, McHale, Dennis Johnson, Parish, Danny Angie In a more competitive era, where you don't get foul calls every time you drive to the lane. You won't have Lebron and Wade just jumping over people, they would get knocked down hard every time they drive. No such thing as "all star" calls in the 80s


lalmvpkobe said:
I mean are you fucking serious? Larry bird beat Lebron James? Lmfao not to mention D wade is almost as good.

Search it up kid, youtube videos, search season stats. Larry Bird has more post moves, better shooter, better rebounder, the only thing Lebron has over Bird is athleticism. Plus Bird is proven a winner, competed in a more competitive era. Have you even seen him play in games? See where Bird ranks on the all time list and see where Lebron ranks, check the MVPs check the rings, numbers don't lie.

New generation fans are sure some old tapes and you ll see....

You are the ignorant one. As time passes so does the level of skill required to be a professional. Think about it. And I was never once comparing achievements because obviously lebron's career isnt over. Achievements do not equal skill per say. If lebron played larry bird one on one I don't think Larry would even score. Lebron's althleticism far outweighs larry's skill. Larry shoots its a guaranteed block. Larry way to slow and weak to drive and score on lebron. Maybe a behind the back hookshot would be the only way to score? In all earnestly few old school players can actually compare to modern all stars and the same holds true for the future. In 20 or 30 years the skill of the all stars will most likely surpass lebron. The skill requirement to enter the NBA constantly rises due to the simple logic of supply and demand. The only old school players who have any chance of beating lebron is possible someone with high skill taller than 7'3 or michael jordan. And honestly I don't think Michael Jordan could even beat him. Im not a lebron fan but the fact of the matter is he is just way to strong, fast and skilled. The man is an amazing player and this heat team IS ( on paper) the greatest team ever assembled. The only thing in their way is chemistry. If they somehow have amazing chemistry then its a wrap they WILL be the best so far period. All 3 can lead shitty to decent teams to the playoffs by themselves. With all 3 and a decent bench their abilities are unfathomable. Even if 1 is injured they will still be beasts. Im obviously a lakers fan and I was praying that somehow we would pick up cp3 in order to have a greater chance of a 3peat. But with are current team I believe we can still beat them but I have to admit the heat get the higher percentage of victory. what those 3 did is called a bitch move. We saw it first with the celitics and the domination that followed. And those 3 are not even close to the same caliber as the 3 on the heat. Paul Pierce back then was pretty good but as far as better than lebron no way. Ray allen better than d wade? no way. Old kg better than chris bosh don't think so. This team will be great period. The only problems they face are injury and chemistry and those 2 factors will decide if they become legendary.
lalmvpkobeAug 8, 2010 2:30 AM
Aug 8, 2010 11:03 AM

Jan 2008
Did you just say LeBron is better than MJ in his prime? LMAO! How old are you?

Yes the Celtics won the title when they were first put together, but they hardly dominated in the playoffs.

And you're saying Chris Bosh is better than KG was in the 2007-08? lol KG was both a threat on the offensive, and defensive end. He won DPOY and was close to winning the MVP that season. Chris Bosh is probably the most overrated player i've seen in awhile. He's a star, not a superstar.
Aug 8, 2010 2:53 PM

Jun 2008
OH MY GOD, can this stupid who's better than who nonsense stop!!!

As any sports fan will tell you, the most important thing to any athlete is to win championships, Jordan had 6, Bill Russell had 11, are we going to say that Bill is better than Jordan....NO, but no one can deny that he was a great champion that got almost 2 times more rings than Jordan, and trust me I'm pretty sure Russell doesn't care if he's better than Jordan or not, HE HAS A LOT MORE RINGS.

On the other side of the coin, before Favre, Dan Marino had almost every QB record, but it doesn't really matter to him, because he NEVER won the super bowl, so when we compare him to any QB such as Steve Young or John Elway, most people will say that Young and Elway were better, simply because they have rings.

What I'm trying to say is that it's all about winning championships, LeBron has signed a 6 year contract with the Heat, even if he only wins 2 or 3 championships, that's still a success, If the Heat turn into the Bulls of the 90s than we won't have these stupid discussions and everyone will be saying he's one of the best.

Oh, and the first idiot to say, "yeah, but now he has Wade, so it's not the same as MJ", WHO THE FUCK CARES

Bird had McHale and Parish

Magic had Kareem and Worthy

MJ had Pippen, and Rodman

Kobe had Shaq and now Gasol, oh and remember who won the first 3 MVPs (Shaq not kobe)

If LeBron wins, no one will care how he does it, everyone will only focus on the fact that he will be a Champion, and like I already stated, everyone only cares about winning championships, not how you do it.

oh and if you don't believe me, why don't you ask YANKEE fans if they care how they win their championships...
Aug 8, 2010 3:30 PM

Jan 2008
How shocking that you would defend Dan Marino.-_-

1. Russell played in an era with fewer teams.
2. He was never the offensive threat that MJ was.

MJ won 3 titles, 3 FMVPs, 3 MVPs, and a DPOY without Denni Rodman on the team so please try again.

No one cares how they win it? Speak for yourself. All the players you mentioned didn't run to another team to try and win. They all did it where they were at.
Aug 8, 2010 4:27 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:

No one cares how they win it? Speak for yourself. All the players you mentioned didn't run to another team to try and win. They all did it where they were at.

They didn't "run" because they had good teams with good role players, Magic won a championship in his FIRST year.

This is the FREE AGENCY ERA, players have the freedom to go wherever they want, it's not fair to compare the 80s and 90s with how it is now.

Also, how come you don't talk bad about Boston, they traded everything just so they could get Garnett and Allen, how is that any different, whether it's the players or the teams, in the end they both share the common ground of wanting to win championship at any cost.

Boston got a bitchy and whiny when they didn't win the NBA lottery #1 pick, so they decided to take matters into their own hands, same thing with LeBron, he got tired of not winning without any good teammates, so he decided to take things into his own hands.
Aug 8, 2010 4:28 PM
Oct 2009
lalmvpkobe said:

Oh my bad, I totally forgot when Lebron and Wade had a field day with Celtics in the playoffs, how they drove past the entire team and dominated KG and Perkins in the paint, then went on swept the team them in 4 games.....Right?

Now swap the 6-10 Perkins with a 7-1 Robert Parish who was an allstar
swap the 35 year old KG with a prime Kevin Mchale who was on the all defensive team swap the 36 year old Wallace with a Bill Walton who was an MVP

Must be crazy to think Lebron and D wade will be stopped.....

You are the ignorant one. As time passes so does the level of skill required to be a professional. Think about it. And I was never once comparing achievements because obviously lebron's career isnt over. Achievements do not equal skill per say.

Wait so compare achievements is wrong, but the right way is to put them in a 1 on 1 situation against each other? lol basketball is a team sports isn't it? Winning 1 on 1 only means you can score on that person, doesn't reflect passing or rebounding. You can't say player A is better than player B just by looking at one aspect of the game....

If lebron played larry bird one on one I don't think Larry would even score. Lebron's althleticism far outweighs larry's skill. Larry shoots its a guaranteed block. Larry way to slow and weak to drive and score on lebron. Maybe a behind the back hookshot would be the only way to score?

LOL you know nothing about Larry Bird, you think Larry Bird never played against athletic freaks? you act like players from the past are all physically challenged. Have you heard of Julius Erving? Dominique Wilkins? Clyde Drexler? How are any of these players not as athletic as Lebron?

Besides, what are you basing your scenarios on? How do you know Lebron's athleticism far outweighs Larry's skill? Do you know how skilled do you have to be to win multiple MVPs without any athleticism?

Lebron is 6-8, with his athleticism, his highest Reb avg season was 7.9 Bird is 6-9, in his 12 healthy seasons with the Celtics, his lowest Reb season was 8.5, highest was 11, doing all this with out athleticism. Besides Larry went up against Rodman, Kareem, Moses Malone, some of the best rebounder ever.

You still think Lebron's althleticism far outweighs larry's skill?

In all earnestly few old school players can actually compare to modern all stars and the same holds true for the future. In 20 or 30 years the skill of the all stars will most likely surpass lebron. The skill requirement to enter the NBA constantly rises due to the simple logic of supply and demand.

WTF is all that bullshit. You talk like the league is only getting better. Wtf does supply and demand have to do with anything? players are not products, nothing is predetermined.

The best center today Dwight Howard, would barely crack top 5 in his position 10-15 years ago, he would rank behind Dream, DRob, Ewing, and Shaq, watching Hakeem working the paint is like art, watching Howard in paint is just painful.

A prime Iverson would run trains on all these guards in the league today, I remember in 2001, no one in the league could stay in front of him, even a much younger, quicker Kobe couldn't fully contain him. Fast forward today, how many guards out there can blow pass by a 31 year old Kobe?

There has been a demand for someone to score over 100 pts for over 40 years now, where is the supply? I'm pretty sure some retard said this after Wilt dropped 100 points "In 20 or 30 years the skill of the all stars will most likely surpass Wilt. The skill requirement to enter the NBA constantly rises due to the simple logic of supply and demand."

The only old school players who have any chance of beating lebron is possible someone with high skill taller than 7'3 or michael jordan. And honestly I don't think Michael Jordan could even beat him. Im not a lebron fan but the fact of the matter is he is just way to strong, fast and skilled.


this heat team IS ( on paper) the greatest team ever assembled

And those 3 are not even close to the same caliber as the 3 on the heat. Paul Pierce back then was pretty good but as far as better than lebron no way. Ray allen better than d wade? no way. Old kg better than chris bosh don't think so. This team will be great period.

Ummm Heat is not better than the current Celtics on paper....We talking about the Celtics that was 4 points away from beating the Lakers without their starting center....

Chalmers < Rondo (This is not even close, Rondo is easily top 5 PG in the league behind CP3, Dwill and Nash. Chalmers, guy who couldn't start over Carlos Arroyo? It's going to take some research to find a starting PG that's worst than him.)

Wade > Allen(Obviously Wade is much better, but Allen would definitely start on most teams, and still is easily top 15 SG in the league. The gap between Wade and Allen is no where near the gap between Rondo and Chalmers)

Lebron > PP(Obviously Lebron is much better than PP, but last time i checked PP is still the 2nd best SF in the East right behind Lebron, behind Melo and Durant in the league, dude was still hitting game winners in the playoffs, he is still a top 5 SF.)

Bosh = KG(Bosh is obviously better on offense, no arguments there. but KG is better on defense, if you don't' believe me ask Beasley,Jamison and Lewis. They can cancel each other out.)

Z < Perkins (Is this close? Perkins forced JO to shoot one of the worst FG% in playoff history, and held his own against the best center in the league. Z is pretty much a corpse at this point. The gap between Z and Perkins is way bigger than the gap between Lebron and PP)

Boston bench > Heat bench
Shaq, JO, big baby, Sheed, Nate Robinson > Mike Miller, Haslem, Eddie House, you can check stats yourself for this one. I think Shaq and JO had better stats than your whole bench combined.

You can't call it the "greatest TEAM" if you only going to look at 3 players. Lol how you call them the greatest team ever, when it's easily debatable wither or not they are the best team in the league currently.

Im obviously a lakers fan and I was praying that somehow we would pick up cp3 in order to have a greater chance of a 3peat.

You call yourself a Lakers fan and you don't even know how your team operates? In Phill's triangle offense, the PG must be able to shoot 3s, Paxson, and Kerr in the Bulls era and Fisher in the Lakers era, Cp3 is a play making PG, who can't shoot 3s if his life was depending on it. having CP3 means giving up either Pau or Bynum, and you will not be able to fully use CP3 and over pay him. This will not give you a greater chance of a 3peat.

Please no more stupid replies, I don't want to write this much ever again.
Aug 8, 2010 4:36 PM

Jun 2008
^It's pretty clear this has become a "Heat fans vs the NBA" type of discussion, it's pretty clear that it doesn't matter what I say, the Haters and even some of the legitimate NBA fans will still dislike the Heat no matter what.

I personally don't care, we can continue to discuss and post 20 more pages, that won't stop the inevitable, this team is an incredible creation.

The simple fact that so much discussion is focused on a single team instead of the entire NBA tells me there is legitimate FEAR of this team becoming a DYNASTY and ruining the chances and hopes of any non-Heat fan.
Aug 8, 2010 4:51 PM
Oct 2009
Well he was obviously cock ridding Lebron, and band wagging the Heat. Probably gets moist every time he sees Lebron dunk

Plus i get a hard dick when I'm arguing with people :))
Aug 8, 2010 4:55 PM

Jun 2010
Cone on Alexcampos, what the Heat did over the summer, any other team woudlve been hated, the Knicks, Mavs, Lakers any of them. For me im not hating, I just never liked Lebron to begin with, never even cared about Bosh.

I liked Wade somewhat but he has been running his mouth alot lately, funny he was pretty quiet and humble seasons prior.
Aug 8, 2010 5:09 PM

Jun 2008
Free_Candy said:
Well he was obviously cock ridding Lebron, and band wagging the Heat. Probably gets moist every time he sees Lebron dunk

Plus i get a hard dick when I'm arguing with people :))

I never understood how people can be fans of Players instead of Teams, for example my favorite NBA player is Dwayne Wade, but that's only because he plays for the Heat, the moment he stops playing for the Heat, I'll move on to some other Heat player.

I don't like the idolization of players, I've always been a fan of the front of the Jersey, NOT the back.

SkyFade said:
Cone on Alexcampos, what the Heat did over the summer, any other team woudlve been hated, the Knicks, Mavs, Lakers any of them. For me im not hating, I just never liked Lebron to begin with, never even cared about Bosh.

I liked Wade somewhat but he has been running his mouth alot lately, funny he was pretty quiet and humble seasons prior.

Yeah, I agree with you, there's lot of hate out there, I've never been in this position, usually I'm disappointed because the Yankees keep buying everyone or some other Super team is doing something to make themselves better, this is the first time ever I've been on the side of the "EVIL EMPIRE", it's going to be weird to root for the most Hated team in the NBA....however; I look forward to it :)
Aug 8, 2010 5:25 PM

Jan 2008
alexcampos said:

Jordan's team got beat up by the Pistons and Boston, and he stayed with the team.

You're again acting as if it's just about LeBron leaving that makes him a dick.

Where have I talked bad about the Heat? I've only had a problem LeQuit James(had to say it lol). Bosh is overrated so I see no problem with what did.

Stop with the bs. LeBron's team won 60+ games 2 seasns in a row. He had plenty of help. He just couldn't get the job done.
Aug 8, 2010 6:11 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
alexcampos said:

Jordan's team got beat up by the Pistons and Boston, and he stayed with the team.

You're again acting as if it's just about LeBron leaving that makes him a dick.

Where have I talked bad about the Heat? I've only had a problem LeQuit James(had to say it lol). Bosh is overrated so I see no problem with what did.

Stop with the bs. LeBron's team won 60+ games 2 seasns in a row. He had plenty of help. He just couldn't get the job done.


Why do you continue to avoid my questions and say something else, answer the following:

1) why won't you say anything bad about Boston, they are the ones who started this superteam mess, they are the ones who made other teams think that you need a collection of great players to win.

2) Why do you continue to mention the Bulls and not Pippen, I hope you're not one of those guys who think Pippen was irrelevant, because he was the biggest reason why MJ was able to win 6 titles, I hope you don't think that "he could've done it without him".

3)You mention Lebron's team winning 60+ games the last two years, THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE STAY, if he couldn't win with 60+ wins, what makes you think if he stayed he could've won in the future??,

4) what exactly makes LeBron a horrible person, wanting to win??, creating a super team?? (just like what Boston did), ruining his "legacy"???, screwing Cleveland???,

5) you say he couldn't get the job done, then that's even more reason to join in with Wade, a player who DID get the job done in 2006, how is that a bad move??

6) you're right Bosh is overrated, I never considered him that great, so let's take him out of the equation let's just talk about Wade and LeBron, why is the formation of 2 superstars so wrong, Kobe had Shaq, Duncan has Parker, Kobe has Gasol, Pierce has Garnett, what's so wrong with LeBron and Wade???
--ALEX--Aug 8, 2010 7:09 PM
Aug 8, 2010 7:05 PM
Aug 2010
alexcampos said:
^It's pretty clear this has become a "Heat fans vs the NBA" type of discussion, it's pretty clear that it doesn't matter what I say, the Haters and even some of the legitimate NBA fans will still dislike the Heat no matter what.

Yes, it is the Heat vs. the NBA, what they've done has angered many fans and has created a power shift so great that there are basically only about 3-5 contenders in the entire NBA.

I won't say whether or not we should hate the Heat because of this, but it's definitely going to be frustrating if you're not a fan of the Heat, Lakers, Celtics or Magic.
Aug 8, 2010 7:45 PM

Jun 2010
ichigo03 said:
alexcampos said:
^It's pretty clear this has become a "Heat fans vs the NBA" type of discussion, it's pretty clear that it doesn't matter what I say, the Haters and even some of the legitimate NBA fans will still dislike the Heat no matter what.

Yes, it is the Heat vs. the NBA, what they've done has angered many fans and has created a power shift so great that there are basically only about 3-5 contenders in the entire NBA.

I won't say whether or not we should hate the Heat because of this, but it's definitely going to be frustrating if you're not a fan of the Heat, Lakers, Celtics or Magic.

I get what you mean but even before that, not much of a power shift, the Raptors and Heat were never a threat, the Cavs were good in the regular season but post season, well ya know. Its still pretty much a 5 or 6 team league and im including the Bulls cause on paper with Rose, Noah, Boozer, lots of minor additions like Brewer and Korver they are very potent. Stern really has failed in this sense but than again you can argue the MLB is worse although they get different champions, even though none have lasting power aside from the big markets but still you know how many fans would give anything for just 1 championship. It seems on the NFL spreads it best, but they continuously shuffle players around, only the big names get long contracts. Plus an NBA team can be heavily impacted by just 1 player.

Imagine being a Wolves or Warriors fan, although really I think its more management issues, I mean look at the mess the Knicks and other franchises keep getting themselves into. Pat Riley has a good head and got his franchise in a great spot.
SkyFadeAug 8, 2010 7:49 PM
Aug 8, 2010 8:46 PM

Jan 2009
alexcampos said:

3)You mention Lebron's team winning 60+ games the last two years, THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE STAY, if he couldn't win with 60+ wins, what makes you think if he stayed he could've won in the future??,

4) what exactly makes LeBron a horrible person, wanting to win??, creating a super team?? (just like what Boston did), ruining his "legacy"???, screwing Cleveland???,

3. It's been pretty evident that Leborn has always been a regular season player. He never preforms well in the playoffs(outside of a couple of games).

4. As I have stated many times he is acting very immature about this whole situation and thus some of the hate that come to him is well deserved. He did promise Cleveland a title and then bailed before he could deliver. He always makes it a point in this reports not to mention Cleveland, something of which is really immature. He's handled the situation wrong and because of it he gets a lot of hate(Quite a bit from me as well).
Aug 8, 2010 9:09 PM
May 2008
SkyFade said:
Imagine being a Wolves or Warriors fan, although really I think its more management issues, I mean look at the mess the Knicks and other franchises keep getting themselves into. Pat Riley has a good head and got his franchise in a great spot.

Idk, parity doesn't seem to matter much to fans if a quality product is spread throughout the field. Premier league is the world's top league, it's only had 4 champs in the last like 20 years, and it continues to grow in popularity. Of course, everyone might just be chelsea/man u/arsenal fans...

My Bobcats are fairly watchable, play hard, give effort, and often surprise/give trouble to on-paper, better teams. They have nightly underdog appeal I guess. I don't expect them to even begin to contend until they get... well, in today's NBA, you pretty much have to have at least one Hall of Famer. Those are obviously not common. Management of small market teams like this, means, don't overpay anyone, generally setting their own persnickety definition of "overpay". So there goes Felton. Of course, making draft decisions like Morrison over Brandon Roy and Sean "Happy Meal" May doesn't help, or signing Tyrus Thomas to a 5-year deal when he really doesn't fit that well. In fact, the more I look it, the more I see a badly managed franchise.

Also. I will be rooting for Heat on Christmas. Lakers will probably be getting sloppy around then anyway.

And JVG thinks Heat will win more than 72 games.

Aug 8, 2010 9:27 PM

Jan 2008
1. Again, where have I talked bad about the Heat themselves? The only players i've said anything against were LeBron, and Bosh(mainly that people are overrating him. Boston's team happened via trades, and not something that was planned 3 or so years ago.

2. Pippen was a great player, but would people even know who he was without MJ? Same with Gasol.

3. Can't say that he would, but his chances were better since AJ would have had a full year of training camp with the team.

4. Stop saying Boston did the same thing, when it's not true. What makes LeBron a dick? Quitting on his team two years in a row, handcuffing the Cavs from making any moves the past 2 years. The Espn special, etc.

5. Yes, instead of improving his game he runs to

6. Gasol, and Parker are not superstars. Besides none of those players ran to the other.
Aug 8, 2010 9:37 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
Cone on Alexcampos, what the Heat did over the summer, any other team woudlve been hated, the Knicks, Mavs, Lakers any of them. For me im not hating, I just never liked Lebron to begin with, never even cared about Bosh.

I liked Wade somewhat but he has been running his mouth alot lately, funny he was pretty quiet and humble seasons prior.

Pretty much. Wade was the one I respected the most. After that press conference they had in Miami that changed.
Aug 9, 2010 4:07 PM

Jun 2008
Check out my boy LeBron James dunking on little kids (I'm not joking):

Talk about taking those kids to school :)
Aug 9, 2010 8:13 PM

Apr 2008
^I don't know what irritated more, seeing lbj make an asshat of himself, or the stupid announcer.

Aug 9, 2010 8:44 PM

Jun 2008
MisterSaito said:
^I don't know what irritated more, seeing lbj make an asshat of himself, or the stupid announcer.

Dude are you kidding me, what's more entertaining than watching a star player destroy children at the profession for which he's famous for *seriously that's one of the funniest videos i've seen in awhile*

and yes the announcer was totally annoying and he sounds like he wouldn't know the first thing about basketball.
Aug 9, 2010 9:11 PM

Jan 2008
Well kids are usually the ones used when people try to rebuild their image. :I
Aug 10, 2010 1:56 PM

Jun 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
Well kids are usually the ones used when people try to rebuild their image. :I

Sad but true, cant wait for this season to start already. Still if that Heat team under performs, better no 'supposed' fans abandon ship.
Aug 10, 2010 3:18 PM

Jan 2008
SkyFade said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Well kids are usually the ones used when people try to rebuild their image. :I

Sad but true, cant wait for this season to start already. Still if that Heat team under performs, better no 'supposed' fans abandon ship.

The one good thing about this whole thing is that the LeBron fanboys can't use the "LeBron had no other star with him" excuse anymore when he loses. Though i'm sure those fans and Espn will try to find someone to take the blame.
Aug 10, 2010 4:24 PM

Jun 2010
Gunbladewarrior said:
SkyFade said:
Gunbladewarrior said:
Well kids are usually the ones used when people try to rebuild their image. :I

Sad but true, cant wait for this season to start already. Still if that Heat team under performs, better no 'supposed' fans abandon ship.

The one good thing about this whole thing is that the LeBron fanboys can't use the "LeBron had no other star with him" excuse anymore when he loses. Though i'm sure those fans and Espn will try to find someone to take the blame.

Spoelstra will probably be the victim, it usually is the coach when teams like these under perform and then count Riley to jump in, its all so predictable.
Aug 10, 2010 4:44 PM

Jun 2008
Ah, arguing over sports. Can't say I haven't done it before, but too pointless nowadays for me to try. But the "hate" is mostly to LBJ, and not to Miami, the way I see it. That he shit upon his future legacy and image. Those sort of intangible things.

In other news, the sad thing is I don't have any sports channel on my TV so all I can do is keep up with stats. *sighs*
Aug 10, 2010 4:58 PM

Jan 2008
There's always Youtube, Tachii.

SkyFade said:
Spoelstra will probably be the victim, it usually is the coach when teams like these under perform and then count Riley to jump in, its all so predictable.

I actually forgot he was the coach. I'm sure Riley looking for the first 2 game losing streak to take over. They'll probably blame Z or Miller. They might even blame Cleveland. lol
Aug 10, 2010 7:10 PM

Aug 2010
I believe that the Heat will probably have the best record in the NBA during the regular season, but will lose in the Eastern Conference or NBA Finals. Usually superstars will mesh together at the start but either internal conflict or injury will sideline them in the end (look at Lakers/Pistons a few years back, not the same level of superstar but similar still). This is how it is nowadays at least (please remember that before you bring up old school dynasties).

The team that usually wins the finals is the team that has a superstar or two stars (not superstars) and then a supporting cast that mesh well together.

Lakers last year for example- Kobe is the only superstar, but he has Artest (defensive stopper), Gasol (big man who can score), and others like Fisher provide clutch shots and experience.

The Bulls had Jordan, with Pippen and Kukoc (yes, Tony Kukoc was considered part of the big three there, Rodman was only there as a defender and a rebounder).

So on, so on.

That's at least my opinion and I could very well eat my words, that's what makes basketball so exciting. I miss the high school days of basketball.

Wish the Jazz weren't shafted by the referees in the finals against the Bulls, though (don't mean to offend anyone with that).

I should really stop using parentheses ().
Aug 10, 2010 7:16 PM

Jun 2008
SkyFade said:
Sad but true, cant wait for this season to start already. Still if that Heat team under performs, better no 'supposed' fans abandon ship.

They would have to do pretty damn bad, for fans to abandon ship, I don't get this "Supposed Miami fans" claim, we have had a pretty good core of Heat fans for a awhile now, we have been in the top 15 teams in terms of attendance the last 8 years, not to mention we sold out every game 2005-2007 why do people keep thinking that we're "supposed fans".

OH, and anyone thinking: "but they are pure bandwagon and not true fans" nonsense is idiotic the majority of fans across the U.S is bandwagon and only follow the teams that win, seriously how many "true" fans do the L.A Clippers have, C'mon would the Yankees have the HUGE following they have if they weren't winners, Americans are all about winners, they don't like to follow losers.

No, we are not NY, LA, or Chicago, but we do have b-ball fans, this is mostly a football city, Dolphins and Hurricanes games are always full, I'll admit that B-ball has taken a back seat compared to football, but this team will be talked about in Miami a season long, I can personally guarantee (since I live in Miami) that the Heat will probably have a bigger following than the Dolphins, and trust me THAT'S SAYING A LOT around this place.

Gunbladewarrior said:

The one good thing about this whole thing is that the LeBron fanboys can't use the "LeBron had no other star with him" excuse anymore when he loses. Though i'm sure those fans and Espn will try to find someone to take the blame.

Again with the "ESPN is biased" talk, but you're right if he loses he has no excuses anymore, I won't give him a pass and neither will anyone else, he has to win, NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES, NO MORE CHANCES.....and that's exactly why I'm so confident that he WILL win.
--ALEX--Aug 10, 2010 7:33 PM
Aug 10, 2010 8:00 PM

Jan 2008
That's because the Dolphins suck

Well Espn is biased toward LeBron. No one else would get the excuses he's has gotten over the last couple of seasons. The "NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES, NO MORE CHANCES" thing has been said the past 2 seasons. After said seasons were over people still made excuses for him. LeBron never shared in the blame. I'm also not confident at all. The better the team he has the worse the do in the playoffs.
Aug 10, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2008
Gunbladewarrior said:
That's because the Dolphins suck

Well Espn is biased toward LeBron. No one else would get the excuses he's has gotten over the last couple of seasons. The "NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES, NO MORE CHANCES" thing has been said the past 2 seasons. After said seasons were over people still made excuses for him. LeBron never shared in the blame. I'm also not confident at all. The better the team he has the worse the do in the playoffs.

It's not about whether the Dolphins are good or not, like I said THIS. IS. A. FOOTBALL. CITY., for any other team to out stage them is pretty rare around here.

I don't want to get into a fight with you about this, I was born and raised in Miami, season after season they demand the biggest attention and they usually get it.

I'm still a football fan above any other sport, so I'm usually also more of a Dolphin fan, than Heat fan, however that has changed in the past 5 years, ever since we won the NBA Championship in 2006.

All this discussion has done is fuel me into wanting it even more, just to shut people like you, AND TRUST ME, IF WE WIN, YOU CAN EXPECT A LOT OF TALKING FROM ME.

But I guess it's not so bad here, I have to defend myself against you and a couple of other guys, in other forums (REAL SPORTS SITES) I've had the same discussion with HUNDREDS of haters and people who have said the same exact things you have said, the only good thing about places like CBS Sports, or ESPN forums is that I have other Heat fans backing me up, I'm all alone here.
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