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Score Rating: Alternative Score Rating System (1-5, 1-100, etc.) [Closed]

Do you want to add another decimal place for better scoring anime?
It doesn't really matter...
462 votes
May 18, 2007 6:17 AM

Mar 2007
I think it would be cool if we could have a decimal place so we can rate anime better. Say an anime is an 8, but it had some 9 qualties, we could rate it 8.4. This would allow for more vaired scoring and separate the top anime on your list by .1 and such.

Mod Edit: Modified title for clarity and/or easier searching.
_Ghost_Jan 7, 2016 8:40 AM

Dibs on Ishida!
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May 18, 2007 6:36 AM

Jan 2005
Can't see the point... You don't need 90 different scores, 10 is enough for me at least.
May 18, 2007 7:06 AM

Nov 2004
Not really keen on this idea. It has been suggested before and I don't really see the benefit in it much. Everyone already rates differently
May 18, 2007 7:08 AM
May 18, 2007 8:43 AM
Mar 2007
Perhaps, though, adding a decimal or a "+ or -" (which could count for an invisible third of a point) could make the list a weebit more representative...

Seeing as how Top Anime #4 only deviates 0.06 point from #10, perhaps that small nuance might make it a better list.
May 19, 2007 9:55 AM

Apr 2007
too complicated.


May 19, 2007 2:35 PM

Feb 2007
I like it.. even a .5 (which is the same as + or -) would be very nice.. But I guess not many people want it, so I guess not.. *sad*
Oh well..
May 19, 2007 2:43 PM

Jan 2007
The way right now is fine but i'd use it if we did have it. I would love to differentiate my 9's and 8's and so on..
May 19, 2007 3:36 PM

Nov 2004
A lot of people would need to support/vote for this option if it were to be implemented.
May 19, 2007 3:53 PM

May 2007
if ya put this is.. wont it be harder for the ävarage score" thingy" to calculate?

i think the system is fine as it is no.. it misses somthing though..
May 19, 2007 6:18 PM

Oct 2006
I think the current system is fine. I'll remake my votes in case it is changed, but I honestly see no real need for it to be.
KayrhandrosMay 19, 2007 6:21 PM
May 22, 2007 2:18 AM

Feb 2007
No point adding more when more isn't needed.
Anti Loli Association Sick of Lolis? Come join the ALA!
May 22, 2007 4:41 AM

Aug 2006
I don't understand why it's needed. It's already a 10 point system people!!! Most places only use a 5 point (or star) system. Geeze.

Why do you need MORE spaces between "Good" "Very Good" "Great" and "Masterpiece"? That seems to cover all the GOOD ratings possible. C'mon... think about it. Either you thought it was good or very good... it's not rocket science people... it's an anime rating system. Why complicate it?
May 23, 2007 6:11 AM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Wow, you naysayers certainly got some manners there. Can't you at least understand that people rate according to their liking, not yours? So that for some, 5 points is enough, and for others even 20 isn't? Is it so hard to at least understand that different people have different opinions, before shooting the proponent down with a condescending "geez" and trying to convince them they do or do not need something? Shame on you.

If it were up to me, I'd add .5 to the current scale without changing the current scale labels (that is, I wouldn't give the .5 values separate names), so that there would be some inbetween values, thereby expanding the scale to 20 total values, with 10 main ones and 10 intermediate ones. That way, people who need the latter would use them, people who don't, won't. That simple.

The benefit is obviously better precision in personal rating and score calculation, including average scores and such.
The drawback is that the database will store and operate with two more bytes per list entry. I see no drawbacks related to user behavior.
May 23, 2007 6:47 AM

Aug 2006
I wasn't trying to be condescending. I'm simply saying this is a "fun" site and the whole point of the rating system (or so I'm assuming) is to let others know if, in your opinion, a certain series is worth watching or not. Regardless of the point system, people are not always going to agree on a series. So many people have rated Cowboy Bebop and Trigun (and I hate to keep beating this dead horse) a 10 or a 9... personally, I rated it a 6 and 7 (respectively), and I felt I was being generous, then. Like I said... it's not rocket science. The scoring system is not the be all and end all of this site. It's a reference, just a reference. Why anyone wants to complicate a simple rating plan that works so well now, is beyond me. I say 4 categories for differing levels of "good" is enough... 4 categories for differing leves of "bad" is enough... 2 categories for "yeah, it's ok" is enough. I just don't understand why it needs to be more involved than that.
May 23, 2007 7:27 AM
Mar 2007
Chelle said:
I wasn't trying to be condescending. I'm simply saying this is a "fun" site and the whole point of the rating system (or so I'm assuming) is to let others know if, in your opinion, a certain series is worth watching or not. Regardless of the point system, people are not always going to agree on a series. So many people have rated Cowboy Bebop and Trigun (and I hate to keep beating this dead horse) a 10 or a 9... personally, I rated it a 6 and 7 (respectively), and I felt I was being generous, then. Like I said... it's not rocket science. The scoring system is not the be all and end all of this site. It's a reference, just a reference. Why anyone wants to complicate a simple rating plan that works so well now, is beyond me. I say 4 categories for differing levels of "good" is enough... 4 categories for differing leves of "bad" is enough... 2 categories for "yeah, it's ok" is enough. I just don't understand why it needs to be more involved than that.

Point is though, do you _need_ to understand it if other people apparantly desire it to be. (Edit: I'm not saying you can't say: "not for me", I'm just differentiating between the "Nay" and "Don't need it" response.)

It wouldn't force you to use it, since you can just keep the scores as they are. So unless there's a specific reason to NOT want it, why would you want to keep it from those who do.

I'm not overly eager to get it, but for reasons I already mentioned, I wouldn't be averse to it either.

EnnMay 23, 2007 7:32 AM
May 23, 2007 7:58 AM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Chelle said:
I wasn't trying to be condescending. I'm simply saying this is a "fun" site and the whole point of the rating system (or so I'm assuming) is to let others know if, in your opinion, a certain series is worth watching or not.


Like I said... it's not rocket science. The scoring system is not the be all and end all of this site. It's a reference, just a reference.

I fail to see how adding a decimal would defeat its purpose. Moreover, if two series are listed as 8 and 8, I would imply the list's author like them identically, while in case with 8 and 8.5, I obviously wouldn't.

Chelle said:
Why anyone wants to complicate a simple rating plan that works so well now, is beyond me. I say 4 categories for differing levels of "good" is enough... 4 categories for differing leves of "bad" is enough... 2 categories for "yeah, it's ok" is enough. I just don't understand why it needs to be more involved than that.

If you don't understand it, it's ok. If it's enough for you, don't use it — no-one's going to force you.
However, imposing your opinions on others is just plain wrong. This isn't even criticism, not even close to it. Meeting a suggestion with "we don't need it" type of attitude defeats the purpose of not only the particular suggestion, but the whole suggestion forum.
May 23, 2007 8:22 AM

Aug 2006
moozooh said:
However, imposing your opinions on others is just plain wrong. This isn't even criticism, not even close to it. Meeting a suggestion with &quot;we don't need it&quot; type of attitude defeats the purpose of not only the particular suggestion, but the whole suggestion forum.

One thing I've NEVER been accused of is imposing my opinions on others. I'm STATING my opinion... BIG DIFFERENCE... yes... this is a suggestion form... I simply gave my OPINION on the suggestion and my REASONING behind my opinion... I understand that if it's implemented, I won't be FORCED to use it, I'm simply stating my reasons behind my opinion...

...anyway... I'm done here, I've stated my opinioin, and gave my reasoning behind it, I don't feel like I should have to stand here and defend my views... ja ne
May 23, 2007 8:25 AM

Nov 2004
I'm not keen on adding it because when users click that "Score" drop down list now, they already see 10 they'll see 20 choices. Therefore, decreasing the probability that they'll use the system (choosing 1 out of 20 is quite daunting for some people).
May 23, 2007 8:45 AM
Mar 2007
Xinil said:
I'm not keen on adding it because when users click that "Score" drop down list now, they already see 10 they'll see 20 choices. Therefore, decreasing the probability that they'll use the system (choosing 1 out of 20 is quite daunting for some people).

Would the "+ or -" bit be a solution to that? Perhaps a plus or minus button similar to those of the fansub ratings could be a solution.
May 23, 2007 8:50 AM

Nov 2004
Not really sure how that'd be designed to be effective. Might add even more confusion too. If someone can think of it, I'll take a look.
May 23, 2007 8:58 AM
Mar 2007
Chelle said:
One thing I've NEVER been accused of is imposing my opinions on others. I'm STATING my opinion... BIG DIFFERENCE... yes... this is a suggestion form... I simply gave my OPINION on the suggestion and my REASONING behind my opinion... I understand that if it's implemented, I won't be FORCED to use it, I'm simply stating my reasons behind my opinion...

I wasn't trying to attack you, and I still am not, but you might have to admit that putting your opinion like that:

I don't understand why it's needed. It's already a 10 point system people!!! Most places only use a 5 point (or star) system. Geeze. Why do you need MORE spaces between "Good" "Very Good" "Great" and "Masterpiece"? That seems to cover all the GOOD ratings possible. C'mon... think about it. Either you thought it was good or very good... it's not rocket science people... it's an anime rating system. Why complicate it? quite a provocative way of stating 'just your opinion'. When you so clearly give off the "why the hell do YOU think..." vibe, you've kinda left that safe zone.
May 23, 2007 10:10 AM

Oct 2006
Sanada_Saizo said:
Would the "+ or -" bit be a solution to that? Perhaps a plus or minus button similar to those of the fansub ratings could be a solution.
that would be quite similar to the suggestion made about "star" or something of the like, icon to show the favourite shows on the list I think.

Even though I not completly against this... (I'd even use it if it were implemented) I have to agree with Chelle on one point: why complicate the system?.
The most well known anime ressources (e.g. AniDB, ANN, AnimeNfo) use the 10 point rating system. And it works, has it does here.
May 23, 2007 10:33 AM
Mar 2007
Kayrhandros said:
Sanada_Saizo said:
Would the "+ or -" bit be a solution to that? Perhaps a plus or minus button similar to those of the fansub ratings could be a solution.
that would be quite similar to the suggestion made about "star" or something of the like, icon to show the favourite shows on the list I think.

Even though I not completly against this... (I'd even use it if it were implemented) I have to agree with Chelle on one point: why complicate the system?.
The most well known anime ressources (e.g. AniDB, ANN, AnimeNfo) use the 10 point rating system. And it works, has it does here.

I'd still like that favourite thing, but that's another debate.

I'm not really all for or against this, but just for the hell of it: this might be why:

Perhaps, though, adding a decimal or a "+ or -" (which could count for an invisible third of a point) could make the list a weebit more representative...

Seeing as how Top Anime #4 only deviates 0.06 point from #10, perhaps that small nuance might make it a better list.

2. Extending a score system doesn't automatically mean it's complicating it too. It's only a score scale we're talking about after all, many review sites use 2 digits and most people seem to understand those. Even a + or - system shouldn't be complicating.

3. Some people might like to further differentiate between their favorites. Sure, on a 1 to 7 scale, I care little for whatever could come after the dot. But higher up, being able to further diversify your top anime's by making ten 10's into five 10's, three 10-'s, and two 9+'s seems like a welcome nuance (to some, at least). That's a load of numbers.


The above is just for the sake of debate though, I don't really mind much.

EnnMay 23, 2007 10:41 AM
May 23, 2007 10:37 AM

Feb 2007
If one of the considerations of the length of the drop down menu if there are 20 choices, would it be possible to have a separate option outside of the drop down menu for a 0.5? Maybe something like an option to tick &quot;0.5&quot; or something like that? In either case, I don't think it would be a problem if the score is entered on the user's list since that's just entering it in ourselves.

I'm fine with the current system, but having the additional 0.5 option might be useful for people who don't think 10 choices is enough, and I would probably use it if implemented. Values like 0.4 or 0.7 aren't really needed, I think.
May 23, 2007 1:43 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
This is an example of what I meant by expanding the scale. Note: it looks rather long as it is now, because I used plain text for line separation... I'm no coder, I don't know how else to do it.

Code snippet; screenshot.

If there is no way to reduce it by using less space-consuming separator, then of course it will be messy, which clearly is a no go. Having all 19 values go without such separation will result in a clutter. I'm not sure if it's even possible, but still worth a check. If not, so be it.
May 23, 2007 2:36 PM

Jan 2007
I dont see how adding a decimal place makes it more complicated but a solution might be to have 2 options. One would be the one we have now a scroll down menu with the 10 scores and the second would be where you input the score yourself. Despite what the pole says, i'm sure there will be plenty of users who will use decimal in there scores (like myself). I have watched enough anime to the point where i would like to tell other users that there is a difference between these two "8" shows. If you are gonna have a blog feature that only a small % of users use, i dont see why we shouldn't have this option. (yes i still dont like the blog feature, because i have only read a few worthwhile entries)
May 23, 2007 2:41 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
Faust721 said:
One would be the one we have now a scroll down menu with the 10 scores and the second would be where you input the score yourself.

That's an even better idea, actually. I totally support it.
May 26, 2007 5:54 PM

Feb 2007
Faust721 said:
I dont see how adding a decimal place makes it more complicated but a solution might be to have 2 options. One would be the one we have now a scroll down menu with the 10 scores and the second would be where you input the score yourself. Despite what the pole says, i'm sure there will be plenty of users who will use decimal in there scores (like myself). I have watched enough anime to the point where i would like to tell other users that there is a difference between these two &quot;8&quot; shows. If you are gonna have a blog feature that only a small % of users use, i dont see why we shouldn't have this option. (yes i still dont like the blog feature, because i have only read a few worthwhile entries)

I agree with everything said, even about the blogs.
May 27, 2007 4:04 AM

May 2007
10 realy is enough for most people, I could see changing it up a bit if it were a 5 star thing to give half stars but a 10 point scale is good enough for a somewhat accurate vision of how you feel.

If we want to see more features, we realy should ask for things that would better benifit us and would actually expand on the curent features in the site. Wouldnt it be nice having a &quot;add anime to favorites&quot; button to the anime pages under the &quot;my Info&quot; box or adding a my info box to the character pages with a &quot;add character to favorites&quot; button on it?? Or even expand the character search with a search by anime feature rather than having to look up the anime and click on the characters page just to see if its there and then search that never ending drop down box to actually add the character to your favorites. I see a lot of good features on this site that need just a little bit of twinking to be pefect and to make this site just a bit more user friendly. Things like this should take a much higher priority than adding a +/- to the rating system

"WoW is like a kiddie pool, it looks fun on the package, but is ultimately too shallow to enjoy."

May 27, 2007 7:09 PM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
HaddenIV said:
If we want to see more features, we realy should ask for things that would better benifit us and would actually expand on the curent features in the site.
Things like this should take a much higher priority than adding a +/- to the rating system

But that's what the author of this suggestion did in the first place.
If you want something else, suggest it separately yourself, just do it! It's all better than a pointless whine in another suggestion thread about how much it doesn't suit you and what you'd like to see instead. If you really like to see what you consider nice, step over yourself and post your thoughts in a coherent manner in a new thread.
May 27, 2007 8:52 PM

May 2007
im not trying to &quot;whine&quot; as you seem to put it, I am simply trying to point out that a 10 point system seems to work perfectly fine everywhere else and that there are many other features that would benifit the site a lot more than expanding on a system that is fairly solid. I am not sure if you noticed but most of the stuff that I had mentioned there is actually already in the to do list so there is no point in making a thread about something that will already go into place when the time comes.

"WoW is like a kiddie pool, it looks fun on the package, but is ultimately too shallow to enjoy."

May 28, 2007 8:26 PM

Mar 2007
I think the enter the score yourself in a score box next to the drop down menu would probably be the simplest way of going about, or just allowing the decimal place in the list. I personally don't mind having to edit the score in the list. The reason I started this thread is because I find it a lot cooler to have a scoring system that allows you to better score your anime. I'll try and reinstate the point that I made at the beginning. Say there is 2 "Very Good" animes, however one had something that made it higher, but not so high it was "Great". If I want to rewatch or purchase some of the DVDs of the anime on my list it makes it much more easier to see which one is more worthy rather than having to put notes like "Anime1 is slightly better then Anime2" because of the OP/ED, whatever.

Edit: Also, the average rating for the anime goes to 2 decimal places, why can't our scores go increments of .5 or .1? It would also make the average rating somewhat more accurate ^^.

Dibs on Ishida!
May 31, 2007 9:15 AM

May 2007
It would make the system more complicated, I think, but at the same time more effective for people who want to be specific. Either way doesn't matter to me, personally. Not sure about the two scroll-down menu idea though.
Apr 18, 2008 1:57 AM

Sep 2007
Could really do with this function.

The reason is because there could be two shows you like VERY VERY much, and rate them a 10 for example. However, if one is clearly better than the other, there is no way to show a distinction through the score. Giving one a 9.7 and one a 10 can show such differences.

Apr 18, 2008 8:30 AM

Sep 2007
I say pass.

Really, what's the difference between 8.9 and 9.0? ah oh, 10 minutes of boredom in my show, .1 taken off...

I would say, if you do this, leave off with a .5 scale.
Apr 18, 2008 8:57 AM

Oct 2006
JTO said:
I say pass.

Really, what's the difference between 8.9 and 9.0? ah oh, 10 minutes of boredom in my show, .1 taken off...

I would say, if you do this, leave off with a .5 scale.

That would be even more difficult to implement than just allowing decimal scores, and thus not a very good idea. Even if you have the option to rate a show an 8.95342, that doesn't mean you can't limit all your ratings to whole numbers still if you prefer.

Personally, I think it'd be an improvement. I'm not sure if I'd use it or not, but more options is a plus and I think it'd help to improve the top anime rankings somewhat.
Apr 18, 2008 9:20 AM

Jun 2007
JTO said:
I say pass.

Really, what's the difference between 8.9 and 9.0? ah oh, 10 minutes of boredom in my show, .1 taken off...

I would say, if you do this, leave off with a .5 scale.

I agree, if it had to be changed I would like it in intervals of .5, it wouldn't seem to hard to do this, only adding 9 more numbers(1.5 - 9.5)
Apr 18, 2008 5:28 PM

Oct 2007
geeeese said:
Could really do with this function.

The reason is because there could be two shows you like VERY VERY much, and rate them a 10 for example. However, if one is clearly better than the other, there is no way to show a distinction through the score. Giving one a 9.7 and one a 10 can show such differences.
Doesn't matter; they're just going to rate both a ten anyway.
Apr 18, 2008 10:31 PM

Mar 2005
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.
Apr 18, 2008 10:36 PM
Feb 2008
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.

I think that people also need to realise that nobody cares about others' scores.

Decimal scoring would add extra strain to the servers' calculations and could ultimately spell the death of MAL as it goes bankrupt from the extra bandwidth usage.
Apr 19, 2008 12:18 AM

Jan 2008
kei-clone said:
having two shows rated 8 doesn't mean they're exactly equal in quality. people need to realize this.

yeah, and even if you rate one show 8 and other 8.5 my rating could be 10 and 6. So others wouldn't care much if you use decimal points or not (the trend is still there if you rate it 8, 8 and I rate it 10,6).
Thus, it is just for personal use. If just a limited number of people need it (for others like myself it will complicate things) there should be an option to choose what you want to have in a menu [drop down with 10 choices or a drop down with decimals/enter field], if this feature will be implemented.
Apr 19, 2008 5:40 AM

Oct 2006
Requal said:
Decimal scoring would add extra strain to the servers' calculations and could ultimately spell the death of MAL as it goes bankrupt from the extra bandwidth usage.

That's a rather absurd conjecture. Firstly, calculations have nothing to do with bandwidth usage, and changing one field from an integer to a decimal isn't going to slow down the server anyway. The only difference beyond the work it would take to implement is that that the scores might take up another byte or two in the database stored as floating points.
Apr 19, 2008 6:26 AM

Nov 2007
I'm against it. It's rather useless in the first place.

I think 99.9% of the people here consider 7 or 8 to be the "average" score for a show. The issue here isn't that there are not enough ratings, it's that we don't use the right words to describe each rating.

The typical 1-10 scale would suggest 5 is the average anime. 50% of all shows would be rated equal to or higher than 5, and 50% would be equal to or less than 5. The vast majority of everything you rate would be either a score of a 4 or a 6. How many people on this website ever rate any series below 5? Very few.

We ignore 2s, 3s, 4s and sometimes 5s. So, we've effectively got this current rating system:

1 - Absolutely Terrible
6 - Not very good
7 - Decent
8 - Great
9 - Loved it
10 - Favorite thing ever.

And that's why you guys are having a problem. You're ignoring half the ratings (2, 3, 4 and sometimes 5) and asking for even more ratings?

Just seems...unnecessary, you know?


So instead of asking for more potential ratings...why not ask for a revamp of the system? Make it cleaner by keeping the lower ratings usable.

Something to the effect of:
1 - Not watchable
2 - Tolerable
3 - Watchable
4 - Decent
5 - Average
6 - Better than normal
7 - Highly enjoyable
8 - Amazing
9 - Phenomenal
10 - Best Show Ever

Wouldn't this solve the problem without making the rating system too messy?
Apr 19, 2008 6:31 AM

Nov 2007
hybridkiller said:
I'm against it. It's rather useless in the first place.

I think 99.9% of the people here consider 7 or 8 to be the "average" score for a show. The issue here isn't that there are not enough ratings, it's that we don't use the right words to describe each rating.

The typical 1-10 scale would suggest 5 is the average anime. 50% of all shows would be rated equal to or higher than 5, and 50% would be equal to or less than 5. The vast majority of everything you rate would be either a score of a 4 or a 6. How many people on this website ever rate any series below 5? Very few.

Why do people keep saying stuff like that? Who continues watching a series they consider terrible, in general? Most of people's completed lists SHOULD be 5+ not with 5 as the average. At least, I don't make a habit of watching trash. I have 20 or 30 entries below 5. Granted, I don't list my dropped series, and I've dropped a hellova lot of bad stuff over the years. But unless people really do list and score everything they drop or watch because they're masochistic, values under 5 shouldn't be used very often.
Apr 19, 2008 6:41 AM
Feb 2008
Krelian said:
Requal said:
Decimal scoring would add extra strain to the servers' calculations and could ultimately spell the death of MAL as it goes bankrupt from the extra bandwidth usage.

That's a rather absurd conjecture. Firstly, calculations have nothing to do with bandwidth usage, and changing one field from an integer to a decimal isn't going to slow down the server anyway. The only difference beyond the work it would take to implement is that that the scores might take up another byte or two in the database stored as floating points.

I was joking.
Apr 19, 2008 6:46 AM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
hybridkiller said:
I'm against it. It's rather useless in the first place.

I think 99.9% of the people here consider 7 or 8 to be the "average" score for a show. The issue here isn't that there are not enough ratings, it's that we don't use the right words to describe each rating.

The typical 1-10 scale would suggest 5 is the average anime. 50% of all shows would be rated equal to or higher than 5, and 50% would be equal to or less than 5. The vast majority of everything you rate would be either a score of a 4 or a 6. How many people on this website ever rate any series below 5? Very few.

Why do people keep saying stuff like that? Who continues watching a series they consider terrible, in general? Most of people's completed lists SHOULD be 5+ not with 5 as the average. At least, I don't make a habit of watching trash. I have 20 or 30 entries below 5. Granted, I don't list my dropped series, and I've dropped a hellova lot of bad stuff over the years. But unless people really do list and score everything they drop or watch because they're masochistic, values under 5 shouldn't be used very often.

Which is why 4 wouldn't be called "terrible." A below average anime isn't a trash anime. Average by definition means the very middle value.

So (in this scale) if you've seen 20 anime, effectively 10 of your anime should be rated above a 5, and 10 should be below a 5 if your scale was was trying to be accurate.

Surely, I didn't expect anyone to like the idea. I'm just saying, if you wanted more room for control, THAT is the scale you would's ineffective to consider half the current ratings "useless and invalid." Why have the ratings in the first place if nobody wants them? Why add even more ratings when you have ratings that aren't being used now?

You look at 1-10 as a gradient scale of "bad to good." Look at it differently. See it instead as a comparative rating that comapres one anime from another. A 2 rated anime by the above system might not be considered a bad anime. It just means that everything else you've seen and rated was better.

Basically, I think a change in definition seems like a better answer to this problem then throwing a bandaid over it and hoping everything will fix itself. Before you know it, .5 won't be enough. How will you differentiate between all the rest of your 9.5s? What happens when instead of 7, 8.5 becomes the new "average"?This idea doesn't change the just relocates it.

I hate to say it, but I follow the: "Don't change it if it isn't broken" philosophy...
Apr 19, 2008 6:54 AM

Nov 2007
hybridkiller said:
So (in this scale) if you've seen 20 anime, effectively 10 of your anime should be rated above a 5, and 10 should be below a 5 if your scale was was trying to be accurate.

I have to strongly disagree. What if all 20 anime you've seen were things you loved, going by friends (who know your tastes) recommendations, or top charts online with some considerations to genres, so you simply don't hit any bombs? I can, and have easily recommend 20 series to my friends (if I know enough of their tastes) that they will rate 9-10 guaranteed.

This isn't about mathematical principles, it's about taste. Likes and dislikes. There's no math involved in that. Which is why you should be seeing 7 as the median score, because people will be rating the vast majority of what they watch between 5 and 10. The sub-5 values exist to be able to show a dislike (from mild to strong) though as I said, people generally shouldn't be watching enough shows they dislike to make up half of their list.
Apr 19, 2008 6:59 AM

Oct 2007
if anything i would suggest that we have a 1-5 system with ".5" , defenitely not more options. more options means people will be less likely to use the whole spectrum of rating choices.
Apr 19, 2008 7:18 AM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
hybridkiller said:
So (in this scale) if you've seen 20 anime, effectively 10 of your anime should be rated above a 5, and 10 should be below a 5 if your scale was was trying to be accurate.

I have to strongly disagree. What if all 20 anime you've seen were things you loved, going by friends (who know your tastes) recommendations, or top charts online with some considerations to genres, so you simply don't hit any bombs? I can, and have easily recommend 20 series to my friends (if I know enough of their tastes) that they will rate 9-10 guaranteed.

This isn't about mathematical principles, it's about taste. Likes and dislikes. There's no math involved in that. Which is why you should be seeing 7 as the median score, because people will be rating the vast majority of what they watch between 5 and 10. The sub-5 values exist to be able to show a dislike (from mild to strong) though as I said, people generally shouldn't be watching enough shows they dislike to make up half of their list.

I'm not sure you're getting what I'm saying =(. If we really wanted to solve this issue, we would have to change the definition of what our current rating system means.

You suggest a system where we have a decimal. Same system, just with more options between each number. That's like a bandaid. Soon, the same issue will come up once again when people have exhausted all the available ratings. What will seperate 9.5s from each other? What will seperate 9.3s from each other? And so on.

Even worse, until you've watched 50 or so anime, every anime will probably have their own rating. It would be horribly messy.

You'd have 1 anime ranked 9.1. 1 anime ranked 9.2. 1 anime ranked 9.3. 2 anime ranked 9.4...and so on. It means nothing to give each anime their own individual rating. There's got to be some conformity to be able to compare. I really don't believe adding more options would solve the intended problem.

We're just relocating the issue...
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