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Jul 25, 3:27 PM
May 2024
The fact is Endo used spy x family to support awful LDP legislation(opposed by LGBT groups) concerning face ID and him having an assistant that actively creates transphobic manga is just really offputting. Better details below, but in short he made a bunch of animated shorts for it and used spy x family to showcase the bad bill all while his assistants transphobic manga was shared by those in spyxf development.
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Jul 25, 4:01 PM

Jan 2021
Nah, based assistant, based Endo.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jul 25, 4:33 PM
Jun 2023
You realize that’s normal in Japan. You realize country’s that supports LGBTQ is very very few.
Jul 25, 4:55 PM

Apr 2022
you will never have an entirely pure group of people. but even the very action of placing standards on morality is arbitrary. obviously spy x family isn’t pushing those ideas. guilt by association is only important if there is a provable correlation being y party’s involvement with x and whether or not x’s “tainting” actions are as you said
Jul 25, 5:10 PM
May 2019
Endo has not exactly been shy about his right-wing views in his other works (or SxF lately, to be frank), so this doesn't exactly surprise me.
Jul 25, 5:38 PM

Jul 2016
I didn’t see anything against trans people in the link. It was just saying respect everyone’s rights. Particularly women. This is like those people that call JK Rowling transphobic when she is not lmao.
Jul 25, 5:59 PM

Jan 2020
jigjetty said:
I didn’t see anything against trans people in the link. It was just saying respect everyone’s rights. Particularly women. This is like those people that call JK Rowling transphobic when she is not lmao.

I don’t understand the need to say “particularly women”. All peoples’ rights should be respected, including men’s
Jul 25, 6:14 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to Animillion
jigjetty said:
I didn’t see anything against trans people in the link. It was just saying respect everyone’s rights. Particularly women. This is like those people that call JK Rowling transphobic when she is not lmao.

I don’t understand the need to say “particularly women”. All peoples’ rights should be respected, including men’s
@Animillion Sorry if I came across that way. I said particularly women cause the link had the author use woman as an example in their manga. I wasn't trying to say woman should be held up higher. I think everyone should be equal like the work was saying.
Jul 25, 6:36 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to jigjetty
@Animillion Sorry if I came across that way. I said particularly women cause the link had the author use woman as an example in their manga. I wasn't trying to say woman should be held up higher. I think everyone should be equal like the work was saying.
@jigjetty Oh ok. Unfortunately not everyone thinks like you and assumes men deserve less nowadays because “their rights mattered more” in the past. Equality is the way it should be
Jul 25, 7:44 PM
Jan 2013
I tend to separate the art from the person so stuff like this doesn't bother me but my question is why you'd be surprised a Japanese man is transphobic and right winged. The majority of the world is extremely conservative, they don't have to adhere to your views.
Jul 25, 10:36 PM
May 2024
Reply to Cielord
Nah, based assistant, based Endo.
@Cielord very intrusive facial id laws is based? I think you would think differently if the laws affected you tbh.
Jul 25, 10:53 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to kazumayanagi
@Cielord very intrusive facial id laws is based? I think you would think differently if the laws affected you tbh.

Don't know what this laws are excatly about, but sure if you can link something that concisely explain this laws, then please do so.

kazumayanagi said:
I think you would think differently if the laws affected you tbh.

If something affected me (positively or negatively) then I would (most likely) have a personal bias. this would interfere me from looking at the situation objectively, and chose the answer (I believe) will sastify the majority.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Yesterday, 1:32 AM
May 2023
Welcome to Japan, no one cares about that stuff.
Yesterday, 7:18 AM
Community Mod

Nov 2020
Thread locked

Manga Discussion Rules: 5. Please refrain from posting thread topics which extend beyond the discussion of anime/manga as an entertainment medium to highly-debated social and/or moral issues. This includes but is not limited to: pedophilia, gender/racial equality, sexual orientation, etc.
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