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Do you take creatine?
Jul 1, 8:02 PM

Oct 2017
If you don't, why it's taking you so long? And why not?

There are proven benefits to taking creatine, and you don't need to spend on fancy brands, it's so cheap and easy to buy, and it improves your mental health and your mood along with core strength and lift capacity, although you don't need to be a bodybuilder to take it, potentializing the benefits with workout sessions is preferable.

''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Jul 1, 8:09 PM
Jan 2016
I don't take creatine. Just don't have the will nor reason to. After having spent years exercising to become the most average person to have exercised: it doesn't feel like I need to take it any further.
Jul 1, 8:22 PM

Jan 2008
I used to. Had some that tasted like orange and it was delicious.
Jul 1, 8:57 PM

Jan 2009
no i take turmeric with black pepper instead
Jul 1, 9:04 PM

Dec 2021
I literally only know "Creatine" from this image... no.
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
Jul 1, 9:05 PM

Mar 2008
No. I might but only in small amounts because I dont like the effects it has on muscles. It makes muscles intake more water making them appear bigger. Id rather spend money on collagen and beta alanine. I currently am using a protein powder though.

SubstanceAnime said:
I don't take creatine. Just don't have the will nor reason to. After having spent years exercising to become the most average person to have exercised: it doesn't feel like I need to take it any further.

It effects the brain not just muscles.
Jul 1, 9:29 PM

Jul 2019
Taking creatine has always been in the back of my mind, ever since I somewhat start to work out back in my first year of High School, never did went through it in the end though. Main reason? money.. creatine costs a pretty penny round here. Would love to try it though, although I don't really work out no more I still do physical activities like Basketball, and running, here and there, still trying to keep a fit and healthy body whenever I can.
I opened two gifts this morning and they were my eyes

How lucky am I to live another day in this body?

Jul 1, 9:30 PM

Feb 2020
No. I take some extra protein.

Onegai Muscle.

SerafosJul 1, 9:45 PM
Jul 1, 9:39 PM
Jan 2016
Reply to traed
No. I might but only in small amounts because I dont like the effects it has on muscles. It makes muscles intake more water making them appear bigger. Id rather spend money on collagen and beta alanine. I currently am using a protein powder though.

SubstanceAnime said:
I don't take creatine. Just don't have the will nor reason to. After having spent years exercising to become the most average person to have exercised: it doesn't feel like I need to take it any further.

It effects the brain not just muscles.
@traed Nothing can salvage my brain.

Affects* *tsk tsk*
Jul 1, 11:15 PM

Mar 2020
Protein powder is already hurting my pockets so getting creatine as well is gonna financially ruin me
Jul 1, 11:33 PM

May 2024
Why should I? It barely has any effect on muscle growth and I can get the same brain stimulus from coffee.
Jul 2, 2:50 AM

Sep 2016
I won't take any supplement unless it's advised by a doctor or nutritionist.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 2, 3:16 AM

Dec 2021
I mean... I eat consistently Pork, Steak, Tuna and Salmon so I guess I take creatine.
Jul 2, 3:39 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to traed
No. I might but only in small amounts because I dont like the effects it has on muscles. It makes muscles intake more water making them appear bigger. Id rather spend money on collagen and beta alanine. I currently am using a protein powder though.

SubstanceAnime said:
I don't take creatine. Just don't have the will nor reason to. After having spent years exercising to become the most average person to have exercised: it doesn't feel like I need to take it any further.

It effects the brain not just muscles.

Beta-alanine is a fatigue retardant, it's not in the same ballpark as what creatine does nonetheless it is still a good supplement, though you should be more careful on dosage and it's not recommended if you don't exercise, there is no gain as you don't need to delay your fatigue.

Why don't you like muscles appearing bigger? Is there any esthetical motive behind your choice?


Creatine is safe for anyone, it's widely studied and doctors would promptly recommend you take it.


Wow first time I heard someone telling me that creatine is expensive, ofc the brand micronized ones cost some money but nothing that I would break my wallet in a month. You can't find cheap ones in your country? Or is it all imported from somewhere else? This means that there are no regional laboratories making creatine in your country?

Fate_Saber88Jul 2, 3:45 PM
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Jul 2, 3:45 PM

Oct 2017

The water weight gain is proportional to the amount of muscle you have. 10lbs worth of water weight would be expected in a heavily muscled person like a bodybuilder type, it's not the typical case for CrossFitters. Even with the water weight creatine has so many other benefits that it far outweighs the weight gain.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Jul 2, 4:39 PM

Mar 2008
Fate_Saber88 said:
Beta-alanine is a fatigue retardant, it's not in the same ballpark as what creatine does nonetheless it is still a good supplement, though you should be more careful on dosage and it's not recommended if you don't exercise, there is no gain as you don't need to delay your fatigue.

Why don't you like muscles appearing bigger? Is there any esthetical motive behind your choice?

Beta alanine also helps reduce advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) as does carnosine it converts to with l-histidine. So it helps slow aging basically. I also figured it also would help with muscle cramps maybe. Collagen similar reason to reverse damage to collagen helping replace it and increase production, it does both.

Yes aesthetics. Id rather be skinny or toned not big muscley. Plus my calves look big as is and i dont like that.
Jul 2, 5:01 PM

Aug 2014
I do not, but I am not opposed to at some point.
Jul 2, 6:39 PM

Jul 2013
I like the op's suggestions. You should totally follow his suggestions btw.
Jul 2, 9:09 PM

Jul 2019
Reply to Fate_Saber88

Beta-alanine is a fatigue retardant, it's not in the same ballpark as what creatine does nonetheless it is still a good supplement, though you should be more careful on dosage and it's not recommended if you don't exercise, there is no gain as you don't need to delay your fatigue.

Why don't you like muscles appearing bigger? Is there any esthetical motive behind your choice?


Creatine is safe for anyone, it's widely studied and doctors would promptly recommend you take it.


Wow first time I heard someone telling me that creatine is expensive, ofc the brand micronized ones cost some money but nothing that I would break my wallet in a month. You can't find cheap ones in your country? Or is it all imported from somewhere else? This means that there are no regional laboratories making creatine in your country?

@Fate_Saber88 There are local products and they are pretty affordable, it's just that it would still hurt my wallet haha.
I opened two gifts this morning and they were my eyes

How lucky am I to live another day in this body?

Jul 3, 1:18 AM

Sep 2016
Fate_Saber88 said:
Creatine is safe for anyone, it's widely studied and doctors would promptly recommend you take it.

Then I just eat regular food that contains creatine, if that isn't enough then I might consider using trustworthy supplements if it's advised by experts.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 10:37 AM

Dec 2015
You are aware that creatine exists naturally in a food? Ex. Meat.

I was taking it when I was exercising daily since January till 1.5 month ago, but I've injured my left shoulder it keeps getting back, now I work physically in my profession so if nothing bad happend to my body I'll go back to trainings next month [I can say that now I am training as 7-8 hours of physical job is harder than the trainings I were doing for a half a year recently]
Yesterday, 12:11 PM

Jul 2021
@LoveYourSmile Creatine won't make you gain that much muscle... You'd need to take steroids for that effect, now that is actually really bad for your health.
Yesterday, 1:10 PM

Oct 2009
Don't take creatine. Then again I am full on cardio these days so creatine would not do me much good. I just make sure I get sufficient protein in my diet so my muscles can recover. I would say that running (or other cardio activities) can increase your energy levels. I would also add cardio helps with mental health both in mood and clarity of thought.
Yesterday, 1:31 PM
Nov 2023
has anyone else suffered from sleeplessness due to creatine?
Yesterday, 10:46 PM

Jul 2021
@LoveYourSmile Too much muscle? Can't relate. *cries in the corner*
8 hours ago

Jul 2021
@LoveYourSmile You allege that you lost muscle mass, but it's muscle that makes you move. So some things don't add up here.
7 hours ago

Jul 2021
@LoveYourSmile you should explain, because there are only 2 extremely specific scenarios where I could imagine muscles making movement harder:
1. You hyper specialize on calisthenics, as that's a sport that extremely focuses on relative weight, so having muscle in the wrong place will just make it harder.
2. You are so roided out, that you can't bend your arm, because your biceps is in the way.
6 hours ago

Jul 2013
I have no need for this creatine nonsense btw.
4 hours ago

Jul 2021
@LoveYourSmile So you basically decided to lose body weight because you are secretly an endurance athlete, and being heavy is bad for joints.
You could have just started with that.
3 hours ago

Feb 2024
Reply to JaniSIr
@LoveYourSmile So you basically decided to lose body weight because you are secretly an endurance athlete, and being heavy is bad for joints.
You could have just started with that.
@JaniSIr You could just read what I wrote before arguing, but, uh, I'm asking for too much. Have a nice evening.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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