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The hardest/easiest subject to learn in school

Jan 22, 2010 6:14 PM

Jun 2008
Mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, English, philosophy and like a million other courses that's taught in school. I searched up "subject" in GD and got nothing so uh, here's an attempt to post one of those random topics where everyone could have a say in it and is deemed "spam" in my books. And just for the record, "school" is basically any social institution with the primary objective to educate the students.

But uh, if you have the time in your oh-so busy schedules, please try to explain why you think so.

I recently had a brief chat with my dad about this. He says mathematics, since half the time we're dealing with theoretical stuff that doesn't even exist. My mom likes to say physics, since those quantum related stuff could get pretty iffy. Of course, just about every subject in the hardest levels could get pretty insane, but which is more tolerable than the rest?

As for easy, I think that's hardly interesting than what is hard in this topic, but it is the opposite of hard, so feel free to state so.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Jan 22, 2010 6:15 PM
Oct 2009
mathematics/science/it etc were the subjects i found easiest in school.
but then i found learning languages, and english quite difficult. i took french lessons but then id always forget what i learned D:
Jan 22, 2010 6:23 PM

Jan 2008
The in school part is the most important here I think. Outside school, I personally find most things easy to learn. In school, I find them approaching impossible - because they are made so dull. In my opinion, school should consist of debates. Some classes had some degree of debate (social studies, history), so those went far better. Some had none at all (mathematics) so they were impossible.

Sure, memorising is easy. But that is the merest surface. What is important is to know how to use what you learned. That school refuses to do.

My money on native language. Not foreign language (education for that is atrocious). It's the subject you live. And we debated a lot.
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Jan 22, 2010 6:28 PM

Jun 2008
Well, generally, my university tests just about everything that's beyond memorization, if that what you mean on how to use it. But after all those inefficient times in school below post-secondary, I can surely say I've learned mostly nothing about study habits except for memorization and what the teacher want me to say. ;(
Jan 22, 2010 6:28 PM

Oct 2009
For me, math is the hardest because once we got into polynomials and immaginary numbers and whatnot, I started hating math and used to love it a lot XD
I think history/social studies is fairly easy... I'm in AP US History right now, and I think that class is mostly just a lot of work/reading.. Of course, I can't say anything until I take the exam haha
Jan 22, 2010 6:32 PM

Jan 2008
Tachii said:
Well, generally, my university tests just about everything that's beyond memorization, if that what you mean on how to use it. But after all those inefficient times in school below post-secondary, I can surely say I've learned mostly nothing about study habits except for memorization and what the teacher want me to say. ;(

Yeah, university is better, definitely. Though the exams, to me, are a neglible aspect, the use should be in the classroom, something even philosophy is a bit bad with (history classes in it were fruitless). The usage part should be there from day zero, kindergarten. The facts are useless if you can't do anything sensible with them, after all. Plus using themm akes them easier to remember.
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Jan 22, 2010 6:32 PM

Jun 2008
English and history were the easiest for me. Math was the hardest.

Despite playing an instrument for 12 years and being in band at school for 11 years, I think music theory is hard to learn aside from the very basics.
Jan 22, 2010 6:43 PM

Feb 2008
Any class that is poorly taught, I find hard to learn. Many of my teachers just suck at teaching so I'm forced to learn on my own.
To me, subjects are easy to learn, they just need to be taught in a way I find entertaining. Which is why I tend to look most things up myself that schools are teaching because I can find a way, on my own, to learn something more effectively than I could having someone try and explain it.

I can't say there is an easy or hard subject since it's difficulty always changed based off teachers I've had.

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Jan 22, 2010 6:45 PM

Jan 2010
Personally I feel English is much easier than math since math is black and white while English and language and literature and such are very open to interpretation. With math you're either wrong or you're right (and in my case it's usually the former).

Jan 22, 2010 6:50 PM
May 2008
The hardest classes for me are those that require memorization -- History and language (Currently taking Latin; memorizing conjugations, proper endings, and gender of words is rough). Math, physics, biology, etc.. I find to be the up there as far as being hard; but, that is because I do not find interest in them--They're boring to me. Oddly enough, since you apply a form of logic in those science fields, I find subjects as philosophy and theology (In terms of a theoretical approach, not historical) very easy. They cater to my personality and forgetfulness. I only need to understand how a certain person thinks, understand a premise, then I can deduce what is needed (aka BS). English is probably the easiest; I just write a load of essays.

tl;dr -- History hard; English easy

Jan 22, 2010 6:51 PM

May 2008
Kaiserpingvin said:
Sure, memorising is easy. But that is the merest surface. What is important is to know how to use what you learned. That school refuses to do.

I think this is the key part. It doesn't matter how hard a subject is to "learn" if almost everyone forgets it a month after finals (or even if they don't, can't apply any of it). Then it just becomes a waste of time for all parties involved.
Jan 22, 2010 7:44 PM

Nov 2007
For me it was Math. My easiest subject was Spanish, which is funny because I can't speak any Spanish anymore.
Jan 22, 2010 7:53 PM

Jul 2009
There is none as easiest there only my favorite which is English..yeah
The hardest and i mean it, it destroy my score when i have an exam to University is nonetheless were my Native heard me it's Bahasa Indonesia XD..i even can't tutor my sister which is now taking an exam for this subject
Jan 22, 2010 8:01 PM
Jul 2018
Easiest, English. Next would be History. There's nothing more to it than memorizing. I find Algebra hardest, somehow Calculus seems easier.
Jan 22, 2010 8:18 PM

Dec 2009
Hardest is probably latin while easiest is either english or physics although most history courses are also very easy for me because I have an audiographic memory
Jan 22, 2010 8:20 PM
Oct 2009
i find courses with a lot formulas to remember hard ass hell!! ex...Economics..Stats fuckin Chem n Physics ..because to get good grades in those courses i had to actually DO my homework >.>
i find courses with open ended answers really easy lol like Philosophy if you are good at making BS you will be fine in Philosophy:D
Jan 22, 2010 8:26 PM

Sep 2008
I excelled at History, probably cause I'm a history nut, I'm either watching the history or the discovery channel when ever the TV is on. Also was pretty good at Biology and was really good a Shop Class, Computer Class and Art Class. But I sucked at Math, English and always got just above failing in Gym
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jan 22, 2010 8:29 PM

Aug 2009
I find History very easy. I have been in the United States for only 3 years and I still ace almost all of my test. Heck, they even put me in AP History class. I've been also getting 90's+ on History.

Very easy indeed.
Jan 22, 2010 8:32 PM

Aug 2008
The hardest subject to learn is the most boring one because you can't be arsed to do so. I never once had a math teacher try to make anything remotely interesting or engaging, so it was probably the hardest.
Jan 22, 2010 8:43 PM

Dec 2008
In high school, I found biology to be the easiest, alongside religious studies. I took a natural interest in biology (except for the stuff on plants and ecosystems...those were snore-worthy) and I had a great teacher (though, a bit strict with her marking and somewhat difficult with her tests, but I was thanking her when I got to university!) That led me to study nursing in university ^^

Religious studies was always easy in high school because....well, it was easy xD I was raised by a religious mother so I had a decent handle over my Bible stories and whatnot, so a lot of the material was stuff I had known since I was a kid. When we moved away from that in grades 11 and 12, the material was still interesting yet easy enough to learn without issue (in my case, grade 11 was world religions and grade 12 was an introduction to philosophy).

I do find courses based on logic, memorization, and right-or-wrong answers the easiest ones, though. I hate wishy-washy, up-to-interpretation work, because sometimes I end up missing the mark a bit and get points docked off. Plus, I've had classes where the majority of your mark comes from your instructor's opinion. Not only would that opinion be biased (such as with favouritism) but the way one instructor marks might be different/easier from another. At least when there is only one correct answer, there is no bias. It just is.
Jan 22, 2010 10:02 PM

May 2008
Easiest classes: Gym, English, Mathematics, Mechanics, Humanities (i.e. philosophy for dummies), Economics, History, Programming. Dullest classes: English, Mathematics, Mechanics, Humanities, Economics, History, Programming...

Hard(er) classes: French, Biology, Circuits, Design. Interesting classes: Biology (perhaps the most interesting field of study one could choose, too bad I despise anything that has to do with doctors), Circuits (you learn some pretty interesting stuff), Design (it is not easy, requires you to actually get some thinking and creative work done, but it offers great satisfaction).
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Jan 22, 2010 10:31 PM
Jul 2018
Math was extremely hard for me. Social Studies was the easiest. Science was alright, nothing impossible. English was one of those varying subjects for me, depending totally on the teacher.
Jan 22, 2010 11:25 PM

Nov 2009
I always had problems with Italian grammar and math. I never liked them. Also history is a pain...I got so tired to study the roman empire ><
Art was quite easy for me since it was something I really enjoyed.
Jan 22, 2010 11:26 PM
Oct 2009
Easiest? Psh, gym or art takes the cake. Hardest? Math and science.

I found English and History easy also. Mostly because I found them interesting.
Jan 23, 2010 1:45 AM

Dec 2007
Fuck it, after 5 years I'm still not able to finish it.

But I guess this is on a level most MAL can't even think of. On high-school the hardest subject for me was PE. Because maths and chemistry were just training, biology and psychology was just understanding, Portuguese and English were just reading, and I had an automatic 20 at religion because I am not Christian and if left alone would make creepy interpretations of Jesus Christ Super Star on class.

Edit: and theatre class lol, we just had to be very intellectual and we'd have nice grades. Back on the time there were no emos and we were pseudo-intellectual instead.
ladyxzeusJan 23, 2010 2:01 AM
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Jan 23, 2010 1:58 AM

Mar 2009
I found languages easy. As for hard subjects, stuff like Chemistry, Physics and Biology which really needed a lot of understanding.
Jan 23, 2010 2:05 AM

Apr 2008
For me the hardest classes were those that required studying (I.e. memorization; Physics, Math, Chemistry and oddly enough Economics, oh what a horrible teacher), while classes which I could walk into without lifting a thumb and passing an exam were the easiest (I.e. No memorization; History, Epistemology, English, French, German and my native language).

I somehow passed all my classes with minimal effort though, a feat in itself considering I absolutely hated the way things were taught and drilled into your head. Teachers weren't up for debate either; If I asked something counter to their teaching strategy they'd ignore me, which only lowered my esteem of them.
Jan 23, 2010 2:14 AM

Oct 2009

i guess any of the science subjects were the hardiest for me.them and PE. fucking hated that.

Easiest subjects: Irish. English. French. German. Maths. History. Geography and Engineering.
Jan 23, 2010 2:21 AM

Sep 2008
I guess the native language should be the easiest subject for, like, everyone.
Other subjects that were easy for me: Geography, History, French (I didn't have English at school), Literature
The hardest were Physics and Chemistry (basically, because of these two I lost the school's top student status eventually).

At the university, English and Psychology (any kind of it - personality psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology etc) were the easiest. The hardest was the Theory of Pedagogy.
Jan 23, 2010 2:53 AM

Apr 2008
Easiest: English & History
Hardest: Algebra

Jan 23, 2010 3:06 AM

Jul 2009
For me, the subjects i excel at are japanese and commerce. Probably because I like them. Geography is another easy subject for me because a lot of the stuff you need to know is basic and just require a few acronyms to do well in it :). Pretty much every other subject I suck at.
The hardest for me to learn is probably history by its mundane information and useless piece of crap. Especially if you're in a country like Australia which only has 200 years of history or so and a lot of it has got to do with world war. boring as. Science would also be another hard subject only because my teacher pissed me off and during class my sole purpose is to be the most faggiest cunt possible. lol. but i WAS good at science.
Jan 23, 2010 5:41 AM

Aug 2009
Religious studies was easy, but maths and languages were hard for me.
Jan 23, 2010 5:55 AM

Sep 2009
I find a lot of my classes to be particularly easy once I actually put a bit of effort into learning. If I'm organized, English is simple. If I think, the Sciences aren't difficult either. I guess the easiest, though, is foreign language. I've taken two years of Spanish and two years of German and they came quick to me. (Maybe that'll change if I ever get to German 4 Honors....)

Dullest, tho, I'd have to say, it Math. I've always done well in the subject, but I simply cannot pay attention when the teacher teaches. So boring......

Hardest, History. I can memorize dates and names, but when I'm asked to analyze the effects of events, I can't. History is the only subject where I can study for hours on a test and still do poorly.
Jan 23, 2010 6:07 AM
Jan 2010
English and science are two lesson's I find quite easy and math's aswell I find easy, once i've relooked some of my notes and equations's; ^^ though art, I find difficult, because im interested in manga and anime, and I really enjoy drawing picture's and scene's that have influenced by the animation style, but my art teacher, doesn't like the anime and manga style I draw, which I understand, so I attempt other media's other than pencil and try being influence by other style's, yet she still hates my work and me. -.-"
Jan 23, 2010 6:12 AM

May 2008
I never was much of a math and science person.
Especially math, not a math person at all.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 23, 2010 8:29 AM

Aug 2009
In my opinion, English is the toughest subject (for me). In 9th grade (currently in 10th), I had an English teacher who was only fixated on her own interpretation of literature. Which means, if you thought anything differently about the book or story, you would definitely fail the class. So basically, for a year, I had to toss my ideas aside, and become the teacher. That was pretty much impossible since everyone, including myself, had unique ideas. I'm pretty sure 25% of the kids in my class failed. One kid even argued with the teacher about a morality issue in the book and got kicked out of class (and suspended from school, I think).

So yeah, English is my hardest subject.

On the other hand, Math is my easiest. I think Math is easy because there is really only one, true, logical answer. Unlike history, science, and English where there could be multiple answers.
Jan 23, 2010 8:35 AM

Jun 2008
I think it really comes down to what subjects you enjoy most. Because only then will you have the true determination to learn them, no matter how hard they are. I was always a science dude personally.
Jan 23, 2010 9:38 AM

May 2009
I don't know what's the easiest for me, but the hardest would be Latin. No matter how logical the language may seem, you still have to 'learn' it at the end. You can't 'feel' it like other languages, since you can't - or at least don't - speak it. And it was so f*cking boring. Always translating text after text about Caesar, Augustus or other emperors. If we had at least translated some decent works/speeches of Cicero or Seneca, but nooo.. damn Bellum Gallicum and what have you.
I didn't really like my teacher either, always enthusing about that "beautiful" language. "Look at that wonderful dativus auctoris" et cetera :/

I'm glad I don't have Latin anymore :3.
Mar 8, 2010 3:42 PM

Aug 2009
i think economics is the hardest subject to learn in school..maybe its cuz im not a econ person but its so hard...o_o
Mar 8, 2010 3:54 PM

Jun 2008
The easiest subject for me has always been history (US), but that may be because it's one of my ultimate favorites. Overall though I don't have trouble remembering and love learning about what happened, and the people.

The hardest subject for me is science, and right now especially chemistry. I think I could really love that subject if I didn't have such bad teachers. Every year, except 8th grade, I've had a "dunno what I'm doing, gunna cry now, listen to me, reading by the book" teachers. I even try to teach myself and study but when the tests/quizzes come up it's still not enough, it's NEVER enough and it stresses me out. Darn you science!
Mar 8, 2010 3:56 PM

Mar 2010
Mar 8, 2010 5:30 PM
Feb 2010
Languages are easy for me. English, French, Japanese, Chinese... I pick up languages easily and can use words well.

My problem subject has always been Math. The concepts don't come naturally to me so I actually have to do lots of practice problems in order to do well. Which is why I usually fail midterms but make up for it by acing the final.

Mar 8, 2010 5:53 PM

Feb 2010
I cannot, for the life of me, do MATH.

But I'm really good at Social Studies or History. And literature.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 8, 2010 5:55 PM

Dec 2008
Hardest -----> Algebra/Trig
Easiest ------> World History

& &
Mar 8, 2010 6:05 PM

Oct 2009
In high school Science (any type) was the easiest for me while Mathematics took me a little longer to learn.
Now I have to go through College Mathematics I in my college, it will suck.
Mar 9, 2010 8:48 AM
Oct 2009
CarlosHXC said:

^ ew, i HATED P.E. -.-
i tried to skip that class as much as mortally possible.

hands down, the easiest would have to be literature/english class or psychology.
as for the hardest, the lame award goes to MATH. *shudders*
Mar 9, 2010 8:54 AM

Mar 2010
laceddagger said:
CarlosHXC said:

^ ew, i HATED P.E. -.-
i tried to skip that class as much as mortally possible.

hands down, the easiest would have to be literature/english class or psychology.
as for the hardest, the lame award goes to MATH. *shudders*

lol, we don't do anything in P.E. in my school, hence why it's the easiest.
and I agree. Math does take the award.
Mar 9, 2010 9:03 AM

Jun 2008
I think it all depends on your strengths and weaknesses. That being said, math was always the hardest for me, and science was always the easiest. Only because I had more interest than it than math. I hated that subject!
Mar 9, 2010 9:10 AM

Oct 2008
Hardest: Mathematics, Computer Studies, Chemistry, Physics and Philosophy [the Logic part]
Easiest: English, Italian, History of Art

(That's just what I find hard and easy)
Mar 9, 2010 9:21 AM
Oct 2009
CarlosHXC said:
lol, we don't do anything in P.E. in my school, hence why it's the easiest.
and I agree. Math does take the award.

:o *insert instant envy here*
ugh, we had to do everything...and the teacher was an ass...
ha, i skipped a lot, but in the end, somehow i managed passing xD

i still struggle with math, to this day *slaps forehead*
it's out to kill me -.-
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