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Jun 26, 2023 12:13 PM

Dec 2020
Not really. Of course they are not enjoyable to watch because it is an awful act to witness, but those things happen. It's like when a character dies in a horrfic way or someone is tortured, they are not "enjoyable" scenes, but a lot of times they are important to the plot and can be very emotionally powerful moments for the show.
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness"
- Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0)
Jun 26, 2023 12:30 PM

Mar 2016
No, but rape scenes where the rape is romanticized definitely do.
"Wonder is always difficult until you forgive whoever destroyed your love of surprises"  Edmond Manning

Jun 26, 2023 2:09 PM
Jul 2018
PeripheralVision said:
Felori said:
I understand. It seemed like to think "psychological realism" automatically results in survivors of sexual assaults becoming wrecks alltogether. You stated "it wouldn't be so much fun if Asuna weren't able to wield a sword again or have a proper relationship with Kirito". Not saying that SAO did the scene well (or that I like it at all), but most real people don't become complete wrecks after an assault like they are quite often portrayed in media. And at least I don't think it would have affected her ability to fight (not for big parts of the series at least) or to lose trust in specifically Kirito.
Fair enough, it did seem like I was. What I meant was that showing the effects of sexual assault and such would have infringed on the escapist fantasy aspect many of these series have. These topics are to put it simply depressing, and have the sort of long-term implications for the narrative, especially for the characters who experienced them. I interpret these series as a bit self-serving, and although I do not think it is bad, I do believe they are written in ways to conform to that goal.
Felori said:
The sad reality is that molestation to actual rapes aren't that rare in real life and most women / female assigned people are still keep living their life, although having some sort of ptsd or any kind of trauma reaction under the surface, but not showing it too much to the outside.
This is why I love fiction. It enables a greater sort of intimacy you simply cannot have with other people, and perhaps (arguably) that of your loved ones, as well. Fiction can visualize thought patterns and express abstract thoughts and concepts. People are essentially built from the ground up through writing, and although I hesitate to say that most if any fictional characters can be rendered as complex and developed as a human being, I think many works come close.

When you have such internal conflicts brewing under the surface within the realm of fiction, I see no real reason to hide it. To me, it is generally impossible to "hide" things in fiction; things are either written in existence or they do not functionally exist to the audience. Autobiographies may come close, but they are ultimately limited by the perspective of the writer, who may or may not be reliable or of sound mind, and of the "objective" reality and conflicting narratives; this is different than the intentional writing of an unreliable narrator like Humbert Humbert.

A personal example for me is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, which although written in the form a diary covers a character who has to wear a facade his entire life. One of his major conflicts is that few if any people he encounters understands his mental anguish and despair. We the audience on the other hand know better, and many can identify with it since this is the sort of stuff that is seldom shown and near-impossible to convey.

Yes and no. You can convey something with bit more subtlety, that's what I meant. You can show someone suffering the aftermath of an assault, but they are still not being a passive victim for the rest of their life (or story). It's kinda tricky, because there are some people, who might react like that, it's still not believable for let's say a woman like Casca to degrade that much.
I just think quite a lot people's media literacy got worse over the years and they neither understand more subtle character writing nor any other kind of subtext in the plot or themes. When you tell them "it's in the subtext / themes / whatever", some go into "you are imaging things!!"
Jun 26, 2023 2:29 PM

Aug 2016
The concept of having a rape scene in a story isn't necessarily horrible by itself, the problem is that anime often does that in a really tasteless manner where the rape is clearly being presented in a sexualized way, with the victim moaning, constant shots of her body focusing on the curves and that kind of shit. Either that, or the rape scene adds absolutely nothing to the story and was clearly only put there for shock value, the series doesn't have anything to say about rape, the subject matter is not used in any substantial or meaningful way, it's just shoehorned in there because oooh look at how dark and mature my story is, it has rape!
Who are you and why do you show your hostility towards a complete stranger whom you've not once spoken with before. Are you seriously asking to get blocked? Well, if that's what your intent is; to tempt me into throwing hands with someone as lowly and insignificant as you, then i may grant your wish provided you articulate yourself a bit better when trying to spite a person of my wavelength.
Jun 26, 2023 5:51 PM

Nov 2017
A rape scene in a show isn't what breaks it for me, there's almost always a serie of good or bad developments or clues to how well written something is prior to such a scene, when a show has a poorly executed rape scene I most likely already think the show is bad but if it's well handled(like perfect blue) I'm already invested and intruiged by the story-telling and it adds to tell the gravity of the story.

However having a rape scene just because or very early is a great indicator for a show just being exploitive and disgusting, and I'd never consider it even attempting to be a "decent" show.
Jun 29, 2023 7:55 AM

Jan 2017
Rape is portrayed as worse than killing because killing can be justifiable in some cases while rape can't be justifiable. Rape is also more personal and cause more discomfort to people.

That's why. It isn't really complicated.
Jun 29, 2023 8:28 AM

Jan 2009
so far, after
i haven't really been let down. so i guess it's fine.
Jun 29, 2023 8:46 AM

Oct 2022
It depends on how they treat it and how often it happens.

For example, the Skeleton knight anime started with an intent rape scene, but it was only that one.

Now, I can’t get into Goblin Slayer yet. I know it is an awesome anime (or so my brother always tell me) so I will eventually get into it.

At the end of the day it depends on how they treat the subject. It would be as bad as if a show/anime/movie treat suicide with no deep. Still an anime can be good even if it has one “not good” scene with these topic, in my opinion, it is just an scene
Jun 29, 2023 9:29 AM

Feb 2016
Dokkolo said:
The interesting thing is attempted rape scenes could create as much controversy as actual rape scenes. Wings of Honneamise has such a scene for example which shows the MC almost raping a nun,  and some of the versions of the anime removed that scene because of the controversy afaik.
The scene was controversial because it was terribly written.
Jun 29, 2023 11:11 AM

Aug 2018
its so common in hentai at this point that when there is a r scene in anime it goes over my head

Jun 29, 2023 11:39 AM

Jan 2013
Dokkolo said:
a8612152 said:
Rape is portrayed as worse than killing because killing can be justifiable in some cases while rape can't be justifiable. Rape is also more personal and cause more discomfort to people.

That's why. It isn't really complicated.

A lot of people justified rape being used as an instrument of revenge in Redo of Healer though.
Narratively, it was justified, people bitching over some borderline hentai trash to begin with are idiots.  
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jun 29, 2023 11:54 AM

Feb 2019
It depends on the anime genre. If it's a slice of life it would ruin that anime 100%. If it's a horror, suspense, thriller, or something along those lines it would fit in better/make more sense. Especially would work in a crime situation. 
My Candies:
“Even when you were so depressed and emotionally unstable, the taste of your coffee jelly stayed the same." Kusuo Saiki
Jun 29, 2023 12:12 PM

Oct 2019
It depends. 
If it's romanticized, I won't continue watching. If they make it look like a terrible thing (which it is, of course) and serves an actual purpose to further the plot, then it's difficult to watch but I won't be mad. 
Jun 30, 2023 11:37 PM
Jul 2019
I drop the show immediatly. Especially since it's hard to know prior to watching that there will be this kind of content, it's like eating a soup and surprise, a huge warm dogshit comes to the surface...
I get that it can be your fetish and all, but it's extremely annoying, especially since there is a trend of more and more disturbing scenes (Tokyo Revenger, Tengoku Daimakyou and even The Eminence in Shadow first fucking episode, like what the fuck this show was supposed to be comedy). 

If you know what you're getting into i have no problem with that since i can just not watch the show; it can be alright if it's only slightly hinted into like in Jigokuraku, but otherwise it's an instant drop off.
It would be nice to have a trigger warning on MAL so people like me could just know beforehand.

So please Japan, keep that shit out of my entertainment soup.
Jul 1, 2023 1:11 AM

Jul 2021
zerovD said:
It would be nice to have a trigger warning on MAL so people like me could just know beforehand.

I just consider trigger warnings a spoiler.

Speaking of spoilers, I haven't yet watched Heavenly Delusion before clicking on this thread...
Jul 1, 2023 1:59 AM

Oct 2012
Dragevard said:
Does Rape Scenes ruin a show for you?
Not at all. What ruins a show for me is when the narrative prescribes rape as a legitimate means for revenge for women looking down on you.
My subjective reviews:
Jul 1, 2023 2:41 AM

Apr 2022
Regardless if it’s done well or not, people will complain because rape is a massively taboo subject that triggers many people, much like child abuse or (much recently that is) animal cruelty. 

Though I’d rather people complain about a rape scene tbh than about a scene where a dog just got shot offscreen.
Jul 1, 2023 2:46 AM

May 2021
zerovD said:
I get that it can be your fetish and all, but it's extremely annoying, especially since there is a trend of more and more disturbing scenes (Tokyo Revenger, Tengoku Daimakyou and even The Eminence in Shadow first fucking episode, like what the fuck this show was supposed to be comedy)

I get the other 2 shows got quite graphic in their depictions, but WTH? Tokyo Revengers barely showed anything (and it don't even have anything to do with fetishes)

zerovD said:
So please Japan, keep that shit out of my entertainment soup

And FYI, it is NOT your entertainment, you're watching things made by other people, on top of that from a different country, so don't expect them to follow whatever "standerds" you're used to adding trigger warnings to everything
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 23, 3:18 AM

Dec 2015
Does not matter. Neither a pro or a con of an anime. What matters if the setting and plot. If it is forced into a setting where it does not fit ... it would feel a bit weird and bad. On the other hand: A medieval-like setting with soldiers that are constantly put in situations where they might get killed ... would feel a lot more realistic (good writing then) if the leaders allowed them to pillage a village and to rape the women there - to raise morale. Would be worse if the chars were just all super heroes and nobody cared that they almost died every few scenes.

The main problem with fans that I have is: A lot seem easily triggered. And I can understand this a bit for people that experienced such stuff in real life. But I mean ... there are often also male fans that never have been victims - that complain. While on the other hand they watch gore and splatter and do not even care - where it is obviously even worse. If people get killed. Does not need to be a comedy where you can excuse it with it being not realistic. This also goes for war anime with a more serious atmosphere. They just watch it. And don't care. Nobody writs "omg the poor hunderds and thousands of people that get mass murdered".

Then if they see a guy just touching a girls butt in some other anime they suddenly complain and exaggerate. (Making it seem like this was worse than tons of people killed in war.) Yeah ... such people really exist.
Jan 23, 4:16 AM
Mar 2023
I would say depend on how it is done. If it’s just some forced shit like Sword Art harrasment for example then yes. If it fits the story and filth world of the anime then no, world is fucked up and it happens every day unfortunately. I hate when authors of the anime makes antagonist from harrasing or raping someone, because they are not creative enough to make him interesting. There are examples which fits to the context of the story and it really evokes the right emotions of anger and disgust in you (Berserk, Heavenly Delusion, Nana which is not like rape but feels really forced, Dororo which was also disturbing). If you just wonder why than it’s probably badly done.

Jan 23, 4:25 AM

Jun 2019
Nope. Not at all. It's just another action or event to me to be relayed over the course of telling the story and sucking in its world. Honestly, to me it's a rather ridiculous notion and akin to asking "Does a car break-in theft scene ruin a show for you?", "Does a hail storm scene ruin a show for you?", "Does a guy having a heart attack when walking down the street scene ruin a show for you?", "Does a chef making pea soup scene ruin a show for you?", and all the infinite other variations. It's a situation contained and playing out within the story. If it's part of the story then I want to see it as with any other part. Anything else is absurd to me.
WatchTillTandavaJan 23, 6:07 AM
Jan 23, 4:28 AM

Jan 2008
Depends on context.
If it's out of the blue then yes it will ruin an anime.
I also get put off an anime if the rape is used in a comedy fashion and absolutely don't like it when the rape is considered justified as in the case of something like Redo of healer.

So yeah no surprises, fetish, comedy or excused as a behaviour.
Jan 23, 5:06 AM

Sep 2015
I'm gonna be honest, the show Goblin Slayer needed that scene to set the stage, however, I didn't watch another episode after that. I do like Fantasy shows and I don't mind blood or gore but sometimes shows just go over the line and I won't watch the rest of it. That's just my personal opinion though. Goblin Slayer's rape scene was used as a plot device. It needed to be there to help the viewer know what kind of world the show is set in. Shows that have rape scenes for no reason are the ones I will avoid like the plague.
"This signature is under construction." ~Fabuubz
Jan 23, 5:19 AM

May 2021
Reply to Luthandorius
Does not matter. Neither a pro or a con of an anime. What matters if the setting and plot. If it is forced into a setting where it does not fit ... it would feel a bit weird and bad. On the other hand: A medieval-like setting with soldiers that are constantly put in situations where they might get killed ... would feel a lot more realistic (good writing then) if the leaders allowed them to pillage a village and to rape the women there - to raise morale. Would be worse if the chars were just all super heroes and nobody cared that they almost died every few scenes.

The main problem with fans that I have is: A lot seem easily triggered. And I can understand this a bit for people that experienced such stuff in real life. But I mean ... there are often also male fans that never have been victims - that complain. While on the other hand they watch gore and splatter and do not even care - where it is obviously even worse. If people get killed. Does not need to be a comedy where you can excuse it with it being not realistic. This also goes for war anime with a more serious atmosphere. They just watch it. And don't care. Nobody writs "omg the poor hunderds and thousands of people that get mass murdered".

Then if they see a guy just touching a girls butt in some other anime they suddenly complain and exaggerate. (Making it seem like this was worse than tons of people killed in war.) Yeah ... such people really exist.
Luthandorius said:
A lot seem easily triggered. And I can understand this a bit for people that experienced such stuff in real life. But I mean ... there are often also male fans that never have been victims - that complain. While on the other hand they watch gore and splatter and do not even care - where it is obviously even worse. If people get killed

Excuse me, what?

Are you assuming men who have been victims of rape don't exist?

And murder is worse than rape?
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 23, 5:48 AM

Apr 2012
It's very easy to get it wrong, and given the huge sensitivities around the topic that can easily ruin a show. But there's no need for one to do so if handled competently. Rape is a part of the world that drama can certainly legitimately deal with.
Jan 23, 10:09 AM

Apr 2016
It depends on the context. If it's the theme of the story, you'll be warned. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy either seeing a character brutally getting assaulted and it's awful.
Jan 23, 4:17 PM

Jan 2010
If it's portrayed in a positive way, then that ruin's it for me. If the rape is used to make the main character goes on a revenge, then I can understand the main character's motivation to go after the rapist who raped her.
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