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Apr 11, 2018 2:51 AM

Jul 2015
@xShinigami3125 oh, you meant Dragon Ball Super, I thought you meant Dragon Ball itself (^%

Dragon Ball is a solid 8/10 until they bring the sayan BS.
Apr 11, 2018 3:58 AM
Jul 2015
Guys, I think Battle Shounens need to have a more gender balanced cast. Past series had male majority cast, while most modern Shounens these days only feature harems for the MC with the MC being the only male in the cast.

There should be more Shounen stories like Kenja no Mago, where the cast is gender balanced. This way, we can see cute girls in battle and also see other cool male characters other than the MC in one show/series. It's like killing 2 birds with one stone for readers and viewers that like to see both elements in one series/story. Do you guys agree with this ?
I am someone that would like to watch a Harem Anime with 2 male leads that each gets their own harem company of girls from the main cast. For example, 1st male lead gets a company of 4 girls and 2nd male lead gets 2-3 girls etc.
Apr 11, 2018 6:07 AM

Jun 2017
Dunno man, I liked DB and Z,Super sucks but don't really know if it was written by him as well and tbh I'm not a madafaka writer and I don't know much about writing so I can't really answer your question.

Apr 11, 2018 6:15 AM

Aug 2014
Clebardman said:
Anyone having doubts? Most of his works are plotless hilarious comedy. It not like the dude decided to create cringe battle shonens, it just happened somehow. I doubt he ever asked for this.

xShinigami3125 said:
Well there are some plot holes and just let's say below average writing in DBZ but DB super pretty much consists of nothing else so yea I somewhat agree but if he really just wrote the story without planning it's kinda impressive that it still all works out that good (at least in DBZ).

Are you saying Dragon Ball EZ's plot is better than DB's plot? (^%
There's literally no plot in Dragon Ball Z. It's all split into 4 huge-ass boring arcs about bad guys and fights.

Snappynator said:
Hm lets see he created one of the most successful mangas that is so wildly popular in both Japan and the west that games and spin offs have continuesly been made severals years after the manga ended.

So what do you think?

I think Harry Potter was as popular and it's clearly been written by a monkey (you can insert any other example like the never ending Fast and Furious serie if you actually like Harry Potter), so clearly big success =/= good plot.
Harry Potter is widely regarded as a classic and well written by plenty of critics. Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean it's a poorly written mess. The fact it's so hugely successful means it did something right to make people love it.
Apr 11, 2018 6:16 AM

Apr 2017
SuperRed said:

Ok, now go watch SuperEyepatchWolf's video on One Piece if you want to see better opinions.

Now stick to the topic at hand. don't need to watch some knob on yt to have an opinion, just open your fucking eyes next time

ot: toriyama can't write for shit, bury him and db
Apr 11, 2018 6:17 AM
Jul 2018
He creates iconic characters, makes you bond with them, then completely forgets about them or simply turns them into walking memes.

I won't say he's a shitty writer - I think the man still deserves better than that - but let's put it this way: he's not exactly good.
Apr 11, 2018 6:31 AM

Jul 2015
Snappynator said:
Clebardman said:
Anyone having doubts? Most of his works are plotless hilarious comedy. It not like the dude decided to create cringe battle shonens, it just happened somehow. I doubt he ever asked for this.

Are you saying Dragon Ball EZ's plot is better than DB's plot? (^%
There's literally no plot in Dragon Ball Z. It's all split into 4 huge-ass boring arcs about bad guys and fights.

I think Harry Potter was as popular and it's clearly been written by a monkey (you can insert any other example like the never ending Fast and Furious serie if you actually like Harry Potter), so clearly big success =/= good plot.
Harry Potter is widely regarded as a classic and well written by plenty of critics. Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean it's a poorly written mess. The fact it's so hugely successful means it did something right to make people love it.

You almost had a point until you brought up popularity as a good way to measure quality. I guess that's why you chosed to ignore the Fast and Furious part of my post (or any other popular movie franchise honestly, they all get terrible after a while)

If we're stricly talking about writing quality as in plot, themes and coherence and not writing style; being too long is eeeeew. If you can say something in 400 pages, there's no real reason to say it in 2000. This is true for almost everything and the reason why movie or TV licenses turn to shit after a few entries. They're simply dragging out and repeating themselves.

I actually have nothing against the first Harry Potter as a stand-alone work.
DeathkoApr 11, 2018 6:45 AM
Apr 11, 2018 6:42 AM

Jan 2017
Not only editors, but fanboys also forced him to make some decisions he didnt want to in the past.

Goku's revival in the buu saga is the prime example. He wanted to make Gohan as the MC after cell saga but japanese fans didnt like the idea and he had to bring goku back to life.
Its not like i hated that, but thats not the point here XD
Apr 11, 2018 7:11 AM

Jan 2014
what you need to think is, does Dragon Ball have a story? or is just another boss for goku to fight? i think he is average at best and was lucky that kids enjoyed Dragon Ball.
Apr 11, 2018 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
Haven't actually read much of his work so i can't really comment on it apart from the anime itself. Just read a bit of Super and i thought it wasn't that bad, in fact i found Jiren in particular to be quite a compeling character in the manga in opose to his anime counterpart.
Still in terms of how he structures his story as well as what he does with his characters in the anime, he doesnt do anything remarkable tho i wouldnt say he is a bad writter for it. Just probably a mediocre one due to the way he constatly adds something to drag an arc for longer then its needed to and conviniate changes in power scales to resolve everything.
Apr 12, 2018 12:30 AM

Mar 2017
I've been really intrigued by the fact that he has this principle of Write as you go when he authored Dragon Ball.
While i don't know much about Dragon Ball, i've been reading online and found out that he was having trouble in trying to tie down few knots about the series ever since, since that principle has brought so many plot-holes to the story.
The way he tied them all down was interesting though. That's why he was intriguing for me.
It's time to play the Game folks!
Jan 23, 2019 4:02 PM
Jan 2019
i dont think akira is bad writer.... maybe just simple..... personally i read the first serie in original in french i read this book for 15 years the same 42 books i had read those book 40 time each easily that a good pastime when you dont know what to do..... i dont think there's anything wrong or mistake!! i read people saying theres mistakes but they never tell what mistake exactly... that SIMPLE and clear you dont have to think further... the only thing i think it misses for DBGSS now we have theres so many charracters that it is hard to evaluate the diff of power between each characters since we dont have a number to put on the power like we had it when the sayan came on earths Goku vs Nappa Goku-- 8k power plus
Freezer 3rd transformation 530 000k Goku space training-- 185 00k without kiaoken Yakon buu arc 800 kilis dont forget the Dragonball is about Power and strenght that the main thing talk about WHO'S THE STRONGER so theres nothing else to await from that
Jan 23, 2019 4:09 PM

Jan 2019
he forgets so much and later makes up facts that contradict what he originally said
but i love dragon ball so.. he created one of the biggest and most popular Anime Universes, im thankful really.
Jan 23, 2019 4:30 PM

Jan 2018
I wouldn't say he's bad, just more so that his writing hasn't aged as well like the aforementioned Togashi.
What a beautiful Duwang
Jan 23, 2019 4:35 PM

Apr 2018
Pretty sure that those acts do not make anyone a bad writer
Jan 23, 2019 5:03 PM
Jul 2013
He is in fact a horrible writer.
Let's look at a few tropes of Dragon Ball as a series, the lack of complexity, little to no character progression (except for Vegeta for whatever reason), a very simple and lackluster battle system, massive character regression, lack of decent world building, and constant use of the same old tricks.

What's so unique about Dragon Ball? Well, its a relatively simple story really, its as straight forward as it can get - "there's a villain who wants to destroy the world, Goku and friends go and stop him".
Now is that problematic? No, not really, but the way the story progresses is.

Character Regression - Characters tend to never learn from their own mistakes. Comparing a 20 year gap between DBZ to Super, Goku only became dumber, to the point where he acts like a little kid. Its frustrating and seriously stupid, the trope of having a dumb main character isn't as popular as it was in the 90s and early 2000s, what's the point of making him worse as time passes? Gohan became a meme, he's there for the sake of a nostalgic factor. Most of the main cast are completely useless, they just are there for the sake of having a cheerleader team for Goku (and sometimes Vegeta).

Tropes - from danger to a complete joke. While Frieza, Cell and Majin Buu weren't the greatest of villians in anime, they did serve as some sort of a threat. The entire gimmick of *The villain is stronger so I'll train for a few episodes or gain a new transformation, and then I'll just let him transform again just to prolong the arc so he'd overpower me and another good guy that is obviously stronger will replace me for the next x couple of episodes* is overused, on every single one of the them. While it was dumb, back in the 90s, there weren't too many things to compete against Dragon Ball Z, which means that I understand why it was popular, and as a kid I really liked the show, but when we look at Super - look at the tournament of power.


Jiren was essentially *afk*, meditating for whatever reason, instead of knocking everyone off the stage right away. Every single person has a reason to win that tournament, his and his precious loved ones' lives are in danger. Instead of actually acting, what does he do? ZzZzZzZ for 20 episodes, then fight for 2 to 3 episodes, and instead of once again, knocking down everyone, ZzZzZ until its his turn again, and his personality also shifts into being a cocky little boy who had a sasuke childhood.

Lack of complexcity - Why was there a conflict in Battle of Gods? Because a god, acts like an immature child, and fights with a piece of gum over pudding. That's pretty much the entire reason Goku had to fight, that's also how Dragon Ball Super starts - 5 year olds could probably write a more complex storyline if they'd really want to. I expect from someone that has been alive for thousands of years to actually be a little bit more mature. Fine, everyone likes food, but you could use the Dragon Balls to wish for the best food that has ever existed, instead you get mad and want to destroy everything for the sake of plot convenience because reasons. Let's also ignore the fact that Beerus and Whis just became mentors/fodder/cheerleading squad members ever since BoG ended.


The conflict started because Frieza wanted to get to Earth to ask the Dragon Balls to increase his height by 5 cms. I know that Toriyama likes to joke, but its really out of character, its really stupid, and creates no tension. Frieza became a comic relief character, to the point where Vegeta and Goku could've instantly killed him but decided not to, because Toriyama wants to milk him as much as possible for more easy money, even though Vegeta said Frieza shouldn't be left alive on the very same movie.

Power Scaling - Oh boy this is a big one. Someone gets mad? Here have a power boost, get to the point where you can compete with characters that trained for decades, heck even thousands of years.


Goku temporarly mastered a technique, that gods couldn't, because he wasted all of his powers 3 times in 48 minutes!!! He reached Ultra Instinct 3 times in a row, and then mastered it for the finale and then forgot about it. The writing is SO BAD, BEYOND BELIEF. Seriously, how can that be considered good writing? The power system in Dragon Ball is - if you're relevant you're strong, when you're not gtfo you're useless. That's pretty much it.

Lack of creativity and giving no shit as a writer - Dragon Ball Super completely lacks of creativity. Transformations? These days they're just recolors of older, DBZ transformations. God/Ultra Instinct? = base Goku with different hair colors. Blue? = SSJ with a different hair color. Golden Frieza. They completely ditched SSJ3 because its more expensive for Toei to animate that form but its not Akira's fault. They reuse villians - Frieza was ressurected, got killed, ressurected again and now acts as a minor comic relief villian because "he's popular". Making Broly and Gogeta canon instead of making new plotlines and characters? Once again, easy money, little to no effort.

Retconing important things in the plotline - Well, Akira tends to forget about his own storyline, which is completely stupid, but he got to the point where he rewrites stuff just for plot convenience, because its either too much effort for him to work under the rules he creates for his own series, or he just doesn't remember anything - retconing the Potara Earrings, retconing the Saiyans' nature, pushing the Beerus telling Frieza to kill the Saiyans bullshit, while being afraid of the Super Saiyan had a major role in the Frieza arc, retconing Goku's history. There are so many stupid things that make no sense.

I could keep on going, but every single point I'm making just proves how bad of a writer Akira is. He's lucky his brand is popular. At this point he could make an arc where Goku just stays in the bathroom for 30 episodes in a row, while claiming the toilet is an evil villian that tries to destroy the universe and people would still get hyped and give Akira money. Its this stupid, and fans are that blind.
ArmadosJan 23, 2019 5:11 PM
Jan 23, 2019 5:12 PM

Oct 2013
I wouldn't say he's a bad writer overall, I always thought that he really peaks when it comes to comedy and unique concepts/ideas/creativity.
Jan 23, 2019 5:34 PM
Jan 2019
Armados said:
He is in fact a horrible writer.
Let's look at a few tropes of Dragon Ball as a series, the lack of complexity, little to no character progression (except for Vegeta for whatever reason), a very simple and lackluster battle system, massive character regression, lack of decent world building, and constant use of the same old tricks.

What's so unique about Dragon Ball? Well, its a relatively simple story really, its as straight forward as it can get - "there's a villain who wants to destroy the world, Goku and friends go and stop him".
Now is that problematic? No, not really, but the way the story progresses is.

Character Regression - Characters tend to never learn from their own mistakes. Comparing a 20 year gap between DBZ to Super, Goku only became dumber, to the point where he acts like a little kid. Its frustrating and seriously stupid, the trope of having a dumb main character isn't as popular as it was in the 90s and early 2000s, what's the point of making him worse as time passes? Gohan became a meme, he's there for the sake of a nostalgic factor. Most of the main cast are completely useless, they just are there for the sake of having a cheerleader team for Goku (and sometimes Vegeta).

Tropes - from danger to a complete joke. While Frieza, Cell and Majin Buu weren't the greatest of villians in anime, they did serve as some sort of a threat. The entire gimmick of *The villain is stronger so I'll train for a few episodes or gain a new transformation, and then I'll just let him transform again just to prolong the arc so he'd overpower me and another good guy that is obviously stronger will replace me for the next x couple of episodes* is overused, on every single one of the them. While it was dumb, back in the 90s, there weren't too many things to compete against Dragon Ball Z, which means that I understand why it was popular, and as a kid I really liked the show, but when we look at Super - look at the tournament of power.


Jiren was essentially *afk*, meditating for whatever reason, instead of knocking everyone off the stage right away. Every single person has a reason to win that tournament, his and his precious loved ones' lives are in danger. Instead of actually acting, what does he do? ZzZzZzZ for 20 episodes, then fight for 2 to 3 episodes, and instead of once again, knocking down everyone, ZzZzZ until its his turn again, and his personality also shifts into being a cocky little boy who had a sasuke childhood.

Lack of complexcity - Why was there a conflict in Battle of Gods? Because a god, acts like an immature child, and fights with a piece of gum over pudding. That's pretty much the entire reason Goku had to fight, that's also how Dragon Ball Super starts - 5 year olds could probably write a more complex storyline if they'd really want to. I expect from someone that has been alive for thousands of years to actually be a little bit more mature. Fine, everyone likes food, but you could use the Dragon Balls to wish for the best food that has ever existed, instead you get mad and want to destroy everything for the sake of plot convenience because reasons. Let's also ignore the fact that Beerus and Whis just became mentors/fodder/cheerleading squad members ever since BoG ended.


The conflict started because Frieza wanted to get to Earth to ask the Dragon Balls to increase his height by 5 cms. I know that Toriyama likes to joke, but its really out of character, its really stupid, and creates no tension. Frieza became a comic relief character, to the point where Vegeta and Goku could've instantly killed him but decided not to, because Toriyama wants to milk him as much as possible for more easy money, even though Vegeta said Frieza shouldn't be left alive on the very same movie.

Power Scaling - Oh boy this is a big one. Someone gets mad? Here have a power boost, get to the point where you can compete with characters that trained for decades, heck even thousands of years.


Goku temporarly mastered a technique, that gods couldn't, because he wasted all of his powers 3 times in 48 minutes!!! He reached Ultra Instinct 3 times in a row, and then mastered it for the finale and then forgot about it. The writing is SO BAD, BEYOND BELIEF. Seriously, how can that be considered good writing? The power system in Dragon Ball is - if you're relevant you're strong, when you're not gtfo you're useless. That's pretty much it.

Lack of creativity and giving no shit as a writer - Dragon Ball Super completely lacks of creativity. Transformations? These days they're just recolors of older, DBZ transformations. God/Ultra Instinct? = base Goku with different hair colors. Blue? = SSJ with a different hair color. Golden Frieza. They completely ditched SSJ3 because its more expensive for Toei to animate that form but its not Akira's fault. They reuse villians - Frieza was ressurected, got killed, ressurected again and now acts as a minor comic relief villian because "he's popular". Making Broly and Gogeta canon instead of making new plotlines and characters? Once again, easy money, little to no effort.

Retconing important things in the plotline - Well, Akira tends to forget about his own storyline, which is completely stupid, but he got to the point where he rewrites stuff just for plot convenience, because its either too much effort for him to work under the rules he creates for his own series, or he just doesn't remember anything - retconing the Potara Earrings, retconing the Saiyans' nature, pushing the Beerus telling Frieza to kill the Saiyans bullshit, while being afraid of the Super Saiyan had a major role in the Frieza arc, retconing Goku's history. There are so many stupid things that make no sense.

I could keep on going, but every single point I'm making just proves how bad of a writer Akira is. He's lucky his brand is popular. At this point he could make an arc where Goku just stays in the bathroom for 30 episodes in a row, while claiming the toilet is an evil villian that tries to destroy the universe and people would still get hyped and give Akira money. Its this stupid, and fans are that blind.

thats true i understand super saiyan God but for the rest
super saiyan blue... where it came from ?? and Goku cant transform totally in God since theres missing 5 more sayan so why he can still transform in that form ss1 ss2 ss3 all gold with hair transformation that basically the super sayan the way of DBGT is more realistic since sayan are relative to gorilla...and Goku is dumb never been proven to be a smart dude he only want to fight and train
thebig18Jan 23, 2019 5:44 PM
Jan 24, 2019 5:32 AM

Jul 2014
Thread moved from Anime Discussion
Take care of yourself

Jan 24, 2019 7:38 AM

Jun 2016
Yes he is bad writer at making plots and tension. Look at all simple and uncreative plot it just like this>Make stronger villians than the one before>Make Goku Stronger>Have Goku beat new villian the cycle keep repeat. His writing on tension and plot is so trash even 15 years old can write better plot than he is.

Dragon ball z is trash its only good at original, Frieza saga, Planet namek and maybe cell. After that pure trash on his writing.

Jan 24, 2019 7:57 AM

Feb 2015
Levi_Ackerman_10 said:
Yes he is bad writer at making plots and tension. Look at all simple and uncreative plot it just like this>Make stronger villians than the one before>Make Goku Stronger>Have Goku beat new villian the cycle keep repeat. His writing on tension and plot is so trash even 15 years old can write better plot than he is.

Dragon ball z is trash its only good at original, Frieza saga, Planet namek and maybe cell. After that pure trash on his writing.

So Dragon Ball is trash, except 75% are not? What kind of statement is that? Also I'm pretty sure Toriyama had little to no involvement in Super. It doesn't feel anything like his old style.
Jan 24, 2019 8:09 AM

Jan 2013
His writing is pretty bad, but the action and the comedy was what made Dragon Ball good.
Taking out the comedy (that is, transferring to DBZ) made it not that great.
Jan 24, 2019 10:23 AM

Jun 2016
AshitaNoJonas said:
Levi_Ackerman_10 said:
Yes he is bad writer at making plots and tension. Look at all simple and uncreative plot it just like this>Make stronger villians than the one before>Make Goku Stronger>Have Goku beat new villian the cycle keep repeat. His writing on tension and plot is so trash even 15 years old can write better plot than he is.

Dragon ball z is trash its only good at original, Frieza saga, Planet namek and maybe cell. After that pure trash on his writing.

So Dragon Ball is trash, except 75% are not? What kind of statement is that? Also I'm pretty sure Toriyama had little to no involvement in Super. It doesn't feel anything like his old style.

Yes 75 percengt of his plot is trash. He is famous for making generic and uncreative plot

Jan 24, 2019 11:20 AM

Feb 2015
Levi_Ackerman_10 said:
AshitaNoJonas said:

So Dragon Ball is trash, except 75% are not? What kind of statement is that? Also I'm pretty sure Toriyama had little to no involvement in Super. It doesn't feel anything like his old style.

Yes 75 percengt of his plot is trash. He is famous for making generic and uncreative plot

The Boo arc is not 75% of the series. You can't call it trash, when you liked almost every arc except one.
Jan 24, 2019 11:25 AM

Jun 2016
AshitaNoJonas said:
Levi_Ackerman_10 said:

Yes 75 percengt of his plot is trash. He is famous for making generic and uncreative plot

The Boo arc is not 75% of the series. You can't call it trash, when you liked almost every arc except one.

Tell me friend How is a plot so simple and generic be great? this is DBZ plotline>Make stronger villians than the one before>Make Goku Stronger>Have Goku beat new villian? I like DBZ ages ago when I was I kid I consider it trash now. Looking back I don t even know why I like it? Its plot is shit objective only frieza saga,saiyan saga and Cell saga are consider great after majin buu is shit and crap.

Compare to other anime this plot level is child level even amateur can write it and its not even that great.

Like Naruto, Its overrated series that get more credit than it deserve.

Dec 25, 2021 2:05 AM
Jan 2017
i only know Dragon Ball, so when it comes to Dragon Ball he is a bad writer, plus he did unnecessary retcons in DBS. the OG DB is good, but DBZ and DBS are bad in writing.
Dec 25, 2021 2:12 AM

Feb 2019
In my opinion he isn't bad writer.
Dec 25, 2021 4:43 AM

Feb 2021
Aside from DBS no, he's not a bad writer especially compares to other shounen author
Dec 25, 2021 4:57 AM

Jul 2011
SuperRed said:
I read a few talks Toriyama had with his editors where he admited that he wrote on a chapter by chapter basis without any consideration for an overarching storyline or theme, and how many important plot points like the numbers of antagonists in the Cell Saga, Cell's different forms, Goku coming back as the MC in the Buu Saga happened because his editors pressured him to do it. If a random author told people he wrote on the fly and changes the plot so easily he would be considered very mediocre or even a bad writer.

Compare to someone like say Eiichiro Oda or Togashi, who have stated they consider how the main story should go in the long run and don't change stuff easily to please editors.

Just want to see what people think, I've been a DB fan for years and plan to buy the latest fighter game to play.

Many act the same, it's not that strange like Araki with JoJo, bad writing is another thing
DortDec 25, 2021 5:03 AM
Dec 25, 2021 4:59 AM

Jul 2011
GodofWar2015 said:
Well. Look at Super, it is garbage. So of course it is. DB and Z were amazing though.

Super is as canon as Boruto if you don't know or Dragon ball GT, Toriyama is not the main writer

Super is just a money grab for Shoun Jump and him; the real story end with Z or better just with Dragon ball manga
Dec 25, 2021 5:08 AM

Oct 2021
Mei-o_Scarlett said:
i mean tbf
the fact that he basically writes it on a case by case basis, and within a few days no less
and still can produce decent(not good but not that bad) work is a good testament to at least his skill to bullshit stuff out

>togashi plans stuff out
>latest 2 arc generally making the scaling and plot of chimera ant questionable

OP green antman is OP cuz muscles > hax. fax

Chiibi said:

The man CERTAINLY can't write romance for SHIT. xD

.........though he is not the only shounen writer with that problem.

As for everything else............I don't think he's particularly good. It's rinse, wash, repeat with him. And all of his characters look way too similar.

you telling me chichi and goku weren't the greatest love story ever? impossiburu!

now you know, kids, if you want your girl to fall for you then you gotta pat her at her private

Deathko said:
Anyone having doubts? Most of his works are plotless hilarious comedy. It not like the dude decided to create cringe battle shonens, it just happened somehow. I doubt he ever asked for this.

xShinigami3125 said:
Well there are some plot holes and just let's say below average writing in DBZ but DB super pretty much consists of nothing else so yea I somewhat agree but if he really just wrote the story without planning it's kinda impressive that it still all works out that good (at least in DBZ).

Are you saying Dragon Ball EZ's plot is better than DB's plot? (^%
There's literally no plot in Dragon Ball Z. It's all split into 4 huge-ass boring arcs about bad guys and fights.

Snappynator said:
Hm lets see he created one of the most successful mangas that is so wildly popular in both Japan and the west that games and spin offs have continuesly been made severals years after the manga ended.

So what do you think?

I think Harry Potter was as popular and it's clearly been written by a monkey (you can insert any other example like the never ending Fast and Furious serie if you actually like Harry Potter), so clearly big success =/= good plot.

DAGA KOTOWARU! i'm a dedicated litrarian of akira toriyama, i can attest that the only reason DB became brainless macho fights is cuz it was inspired by the best macho manga ever,

you gotta admit that that is pretty inspirational. you can see where DBZ got its DNA from
Dec 25, 2021 5:13 AM

Oct 2021
Dort said:
GodofWar2015 said:
Well. Look at Super, it is garbage. So of course it is. DB and Z were amazing though.

Super is as canon as Boruto if you don't know or Dragon ball GT, Toriyama is not the main writer

Super is just a money grab for Shoun Jump and him; the real story end with Z or better just with Dragon ball manga

pros to you for mentioning that, a lot of people think it's toriyama who made DBS. he's not the main writer for it. tho he does create manuscripts for it, so i guess manuscripter lmao
Dec 25, 2021 10:48 AM

Jul 2011
otto-rimuru said:
Dort said:

Super is as canon as Boruto if you don't know or Dragon ball GT, Toriyama is not the main writer

Super is just a money grab for Shoun Jump and him; the real story end with Z or better just with Dragon ball manga

pros to you for mentioning that, a lot of people think it's toriyama who made DBS. he's not the main writer for it. tho he does create manuscripts for it, so i guess manuscripter lmao

he just gave some guidelines exactly like kishimoto did with boruto, the only thing toriyama put his hand in is the DBS Broly movie, in fact it is the only decent animated thing from Dragon Ball released after DB Z
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