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Oct 1, 2021 12:01 PM
Dec 2017
"mucho texto" its really another way of saying i'm proud of being an ignoramus.

Got any other internet habit you hate alot.

Oct 1, 2021 12:12 PM

May 2021
People who are mean to others and criticise others coz they are anonymous and Irrelevant and Derogatory Trolls are the worst
Oct 1, 2021 12:18 PM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
People who need a conversation so badly that they don't care who they're writing to, really annoy me

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Oct 1, 2021 1:03 PM

Aug 2018
I hate that I enjoy trolling and arguing with people online. Humongous waste of time but addicting.
Oct 1, 2021 1:21 PM

Jul 2019
People who doesn't read anything, like dude in that post is clearly says blablabla and then people in the comments just keep asking about information that already had in the post.

This's my profile
This's my anime list
This's my reviews
🌸Would you be my friend?. I'd love to have an online friend.🌸
Oct 1, 2021 3:27 PM

Dec 2019
Unfathomably stupid replies to someone who wrote a paragraph to thoroughly explain something to someone.
"dam u wrote a whole ass paragraph you must have a lot of free time i bet u dont go outside and u just spend ur time arguing with people online 😂"
Oct 1, 2021 3:30 PM
Dec 2017
TheAngryNerd said:
Unfathomably stupid replies to someone who wrote a paragraph to thoroughly explain something to someone.
"dam u wrote a whole ass paragraph you must have a lot of free time i bet u dont go outside and u just spend ur time arguing with people online 😂"

Those replies for real are so fuckign annoying.

Oct 1, 2021 7:49 PM

Jan 2021
When People who expect you to reply constantly and immediately. Fucks sake I'll get back to you when I feel like it. Leave me alone!!!! I literally get shivers and a churned stomach when my phone gets a text.
Oct 1, 2021 7:55 PM

Aug 2009
My occasional failures to proofread.

Oct 2, 2021 8:45 AM
Oct 2017
TheAngryNerd said:
Unfathomably stupid replies to someone who wrote a paragraph to thoroughly explain something to someone.
"dam u wrote a whole ass paragraph you must have a lot of free time i bet u dont go outside and u just spend ur time arguing with people online 😂"

Ye exactly
Like why even reply ? You clearly also have nothing better to do. They're doing the exact same thing while also being annoying.
Oct 2, 2021 12:51 PM

Dec 2020
looking at a notification of a message someone sent you, and responding to it in your head and forgetting to write it down and send it back to them

this is unless the person im texting has developed telepathy
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Oct 2, 2021 12:53 PM

Dec 2020

TheAngryNerd said:
Unfathomably stupid replies to someone who wrote a paragraph to thoroughly explain something to someone.
"dam u wrote a whole ass paragraph you must have a lot of free time i bet u dont go outside and u just spend ur time arguing with people online 😂"

damn how u gonna get trolled like dat
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Oct 2, 2021 2:53 PM

Apr 2012
Oh where to start?

1. People who take your disagreement with them as a literal insult.
2. Constant repetition of things that have already been repeatedly discussed and refuted in various forums.
3. In general, the Internet has a very strong penchant for universal answers and phrases.
4. People who write extremely radical and bold statements, and then try to make excuses that it was a joke.
5. Weird people who SUDDENLY start harassing you after the usual comments.
6. People who revive your very old discussions to accuse you of flooding. Bonus points if they non-ironically accuse you of responding to their comments.
7. Objectively delusional or deceitful comments that get a lot of positive feedback.
8. People who cannot understand even the fattest sarcasm, especially if later they accuse you of "it was just trolling" defense.
9. People who use karma on the forum to persecute people with a different opinion without argumentation in fact.
10. Opportunity to meet werdo that you would never have met in real life.

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