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Nov 12, 2017 4:29 AM

Sep 2015
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interview #114 - @--ALEX-- ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


I didn't note what he was actually saying, and instead just wrote "Run > Momo" in my notepad throughout this interview. I have tried to salvage the interview in order to bring back what was actually said, but I regret nothing.

Interview conducted by: @Manaban

Could you tell us about yourself?

I’ll try the best I can since I really do value anonymity on the internet.

I view myself as an average person, I like to travel, watch movies, play and watch sports, and I’m actually very social...I enjoy going out, having a good time and talking with others, oh and I recently came out as bi...girls just weren't enough for me! ;)

I like most of all to be outspoken...I don’t think I have ever been scared of telling others exactly what I think about stuff, which admittedly can and has gotten me in trouble in the past, especially in the religion and politics area.

But, I don't see myself changing that part of me...I truly value freedom of speech and I try my best to uphold that great freedom I have.

How did you choose your username?

And now to completely contradict my anonymity value...”Alex” is my real name.

But, the reason I use my name is because I’m a bit old school, i remember when I used to put my real name for every username on the internet...I came to MAL on 2008 and used my first and middle name....which I didn't really like after about a year or so...

Anyways, eventually I wanted to just be Alex, so....“JustAlex”...but since everyone calls me Alex I thought that was fine enough.

Could you give us a brief history of your time on MAL?

I’ve been here almost 10 years, “brief” might be a bit here are some highlights...

>I was once banned for 1 full year...why you may ask? For bashing Feminism...WAAAY before it was popular to do so...
>I’ve had stalkers on more than one occasion...and I mean people who start to follow me in every thread and send me some weird ass PMs...
>I've seen the literal ups and downs of MAL and somehow, I'm still here!
>Overall though I’ve always done the same things on MAL since day about cartoons and waifus...

Any users you like/dislike? Why?

In 10 years I’m sure there have been users I disliked very much, but I just don’t care about them enough to name them or give them a shoutout of how much I dislike them.

I think it’s stupid to have a grudge on someone you’ve never met or even seen...although I understand why some people really dislike my political and religious views, I constantly bash BOTH sides of the political spectrum and I dislike religion very much.

As for users I like...fuck there’s too many to name!

I really wish I could name some but then I'd feel bad for not naming everyone...sorry, but it's too tough...

How did you get into anime/manga?

I've always liked animated shows, I still remember watching Sailor Moon, pokemon, yugioh, cardcaptors, etc. as a wasn't until I was in high school that I realized that these "cartoons" were from another country and they had been dubbed, when I found the subs, I immediately liked it better, after that I just started watching more and more, MAL definitely helped me find many anime way back when too.

What other hobbies do you have outside of anime?

I'm a big sports fan...I watch mostly American sports (basketball, football, baseball) but I also like soccer very much...and NO I'm not gonna call it "football" deal with it!

I also collect sports memorabilia, and I love going to live games, truth be told I'm a bigger sports fan than anime fan, I can talk about sports all day long.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

I'm like 50/50 on this, on one hand I understand you gotta curtail the nonsense, spam, and blatant trolling.

On the other hand I feel sometimes you can't have a little fun here...I make a thread about how great panties are and OH MY GOD, how dare you talk about sexual stuff! "Won't someone please think of the children!"

God forbid the under 18 year olds hear about SEX on the Internet!

Especially on a site that LITERALLY has pornographic material on their database and does NOT ask it's members who are under 18 that they can't list said pornographic material into their list...because newsflash...technically it's illegal for minors to watch porn!

But whatever...I'm the bad guy cuz i want to talk about my obsession with panties!

Seriously...we need an 18+ Forum, no fucking kids allowed, let them stay in CD or whatever.

How do you think the MAL community views you?

Depends what forum you're AD I'm a perverted ecchifag who views anime just to jerk off....not necessarily true, I quite enjoy watching serious non-ecchi anime when it suits my taste.

In CE I'm a shitlib hell bent on bashing reality I've made so many threads bashing both sides and I'm constantly critical of the Far left, SJWs, and Feminist scum...but MAL's sychophantic Trump bandwagon doesn't see it that way, so whatever.

On CD, I'm seen as a shit poster who only wants to talk about sex and be perfectly fair....they're not wrong on this one...

This is a question that came highly recommended to me from MAL's elite, but why are you a Momofag?

Momo is the greatest character ever created by Japan...she’s perfect.

Let’s start at the beginning...Momo didn’t even show up in the original TLR anime (season 1)...

She was always supposed to be a minor character, just the sister of Lala who was the main Heroine and the main focus of the story.

Flash forward to TLR Darkness and she’s not only the Main Character...Lala has been turned into a background character!

When has this EVER happened in anime?

Momo is not only superior to all the other TLR girls (and to be perfectly fair, TLR has an incredibly great cast of girls)...she (IMHO) made TLR great.

Compare the original TLR to TLR’s like night and day...Darkness is sooo much better, not just the ecchi scenes, the storyline, characters, art, everything!

Momo is undoubtably the “x factor”, there will never be another character this great again.

And I’m sure @deknijff will fully agree with everything I've said.

What are your thoughts on the (obviously far superior) Metric system? Do you think America should cease its barbaric butchery of measurement and convert to the supreme system?

Wow, ok...triggered!

The metric system is garbage, we Americans once again got it right and the rest of you lowly plebs are stuck with this ridiculous system that despite it’s supposed “balanced” format is actually quite flawed.

Why would you weight yourself in Kilograms? Pounds make more sense since the distribution is larger....why would you measure yourself in Centimeters when Feet and inches is perfectly reasonable!

Sorry, but you guys are dead wrong! One day you will see the error of your ways and MAYBE we’ll accept your apology.

Oh and don’t even get me started on Celcius vs Fahrenheit....Jesus Christ folks...Celcius is only supposed to be used for water temperatures, we humans are more concerned with air temperatures.

America got it right. God Bless America.

Recently coming out as bisexual, has this impacted how you interact with anybody in any way?

Well, let me clarify on that...when I say I’m bi...I mean I’m willing to accept the same gender, but only if it fits my strict tastes...

You’d have to be feminine, zero body hair, and preferably crossdress, you absolutely MUST wear panties, this is very important!

Oh and I will always be top....under no circumstances will that change.

Other than that, I don’t care if you have a dick, I’ll fuck you and suck your dick...and do just about everything....except be bottom.

Has it impacted me? Not too much since 99% of guys don’t fit my strict criteria...I’m not attracted to masculine features except the dick...but only to suck.

Ok...that’s enough of that...never thought I’d say I want to suck dick, but life’s funny like that.

P.S...if you're a cute 18+ femboy...please don't hesitate to send a PM ;)

You say you were banned for a whole year once? Care to go into more detail about how you achieved such a lengthy ban, aside from what you stated above?

I think it was around 2011 that I got the ban and I kept waiting to see when I’d be able to come back but the time just flew and eventually I just forgot about MAL...when I did come back (2012) that was when I really got active in MAL.

The “official” reason for the ban was trolling if you can believe that.

I was in a thread talking about how Feminazis (and I used that specific term) had absolutely nothing of value.

And remember, this was before #GamerGate, before the rise of SJWs, before all of this Far-Left bullshit that is constantly in the news.

I’ve always disliked the idea of Feminism, it is beyond ridiculous to me, and like I said previously I am VERY outspoken...I will hold nothing back and in that thread I said exactly what I think of that bullshit.

Maybe I was overzealous, but I didn’t deserve such a long ban...I didn’t threaten anyone or even responded to anyone in a harsh matter...I just said what needed to be said...FUCK Feminazis!

You predate what many would consider to be a longtime user. Any memorable moments from the past years you'd like to tell us about that you haven't said to us yet? Any memorable fights or drama, or anything you found to be especially cool to happen on this website during your tenure here?

Well, here’s the thing from 2008 - 2011 I was mostly on MAL to update my list, discuss episodes and MAYBE discuss a bit here and there on the forums....

In that time MAL was very different, it wasn’t as active as it is now, but the clubs were definitely bigger (ironically)....I remember I used to spend a good amount on certain clubs.

As for the forums we used to have a “Spam” section....those were the glory days man...Spam definitely had its great moments, and it was legitimately fun.

At the same time MAL was constantly being attacked, this is around the time of the infamous Xinil vs SSJMaster or whatever bullshit...

Every so often you’d come to MAL, click on a thread...and it was filled with gore, disturbing porn, and other nasty shit!

In that regard I’m glad things have gotten better now...

As I already said, my outspoken nature got the best of me around 2011 and I got banned.

When I came back (2012) , I decided to make up for lost time and became more active...

Of course this would inevitably lead to more bans (thankfully small ones this time)...but for the most part I’ve always been rather consistent on my rhetoric.

Nowadays, I’m hanging out more on Discord than MAL...

Above, you mention that you think MAL should have an 18+ section - how do you think this should be implemented?

I think it can be done and it wouldn’t be THAT hard...

Create an 18+ subforum where you have to validate your birthdate before entering or at least confirm you are indeed 18+ (you know like porn sites)....if mods find someone under 18, they get banned.

And I’m not advocating some Sodom and Gomorrah type fantasy land of debauchery and chaos....Although that would be VERY amusing.

All I'm asking for is a place for adults to discuss adult themes...and yes, post NSFW pics.

And of course there should be rules, no gore, no fucked up shit, no over-the-top obscenities, etc.

And BTW, I know for a FACT I'm not the only one that wants an 18+ section in MAL.

And I don't want to hear about clubs...NO, that doesn't count!

Clubs don't get the traffic that the forums get.

I don't care about 18+ clubs!

As someone who's been on MAL for almost a decade, how does it compare now as a site to when you first joined?

I think the biggest difference is there's definitely a lot more people...I remember a "big thread" on the forums in 2008-2009 was like 50 that's a regular thread.

I think the MOST replies I ever saw in an episode discussion thread was like 150 or so back then...

Now you can easily get 1,000...for the hyped up anime like AOT.

It's fucking crazy to me how big this place has become.

Is there something unasked you would like to talk about?

Yes...the [Current Year]...2017.

This has by far been the most interesting year in my entire life, there is no doubt in my mind about that...I would love to go into deep details why this is so, but because of my anonymity thing, I’ll just mention some of the things that won’t reveal who I am or whatever...

So, as I mentioned I’m a BIG sports fan and this year I got to see some big time sporting events live in person which have been an absolute joy....for us sports fans being live at the game and watching your team win is pure ecstasy....better than sex!

...And talking about sex...yeah, allow me to brag a bit...I had a threesome (2 girls) earlier this year and damn right I’m telling everyone!

Oh and was just as exciting and pleasurable as you can imagine...and we did a little bit of yeah...that was AMAZING! I was admittedly nervous tho...but I came through in the clutch! (Pun definitely intended!)

I also got to travel to some very cool places I had not been yet this year which were tons of fun.

But with the good comes the bad, I also had some real hardships this year, moments that have made me felt very depressed and stressed out...

Overall tho, I’d like to think 2017 has been the BEST year of my life, I’ve been able to do so many great things, I went through a lot of life experiences which I hope will make me a stronger and better individual in the future.

Lastly, I do want to give a few shoutouts....and I know I said earlier I didn’t want to...but these individuals really deserve it.

@ecchikingmamster...He lives up to his username every day, and quite frankly he’s one of the BEST people on MAL...period!

@elementkg.....I had the pleasure of meeting element in person this year at Anime Expo...very cool and nice guy, keep doing your thing man!

@ayametomoko and @jokuc great people, fun to talk to, I value their friendship very much.

If I didn’t name you it’s because you’re just not that special!

Seriously tho...I wish I could give more shoutouts...but there’s too many people...sorry.

Any feedback on the interview format?

I think it's fine as is.

Thank you for your time, @--ALEX--. End of interview.

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Nov 12, 2017 5:46 AM

Aug 2015
Was a pretty cool interview :O

Also nice getting you on discord for a bit with Mammy (pretty sure he was the culprit there) and talking shit for a few hours. Should have been there when it was the Momo Appreciation Society.
SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Nov 12, 2017 6:40 AM

Oct 2013
Manaban said:
This is a question that came highly recommended to me from MAL's elite, but why are you a Momofag?
Momo is the greatest character ever created by Japan...she’s perfect.

Let’s start at the beginning...Momo didn’t even show up in the original TLR anime (season 1)...

She was always supposed to be a minor character, just the sister of Lala who was the main Heroine and the main focus of the story.

Flash forward to TLR Darkness and she’s not only the Main Character...Lala has been turned into a background character!

When has this EVER happened in anime?

Momo is not only superior to all the other TLR girls (and to be perfectly fair, TLR has an incredibly great cast of girls)...she (IMHO) made TLR great.

Compare the original TLR to TLR’s like night and day...Darkness is sooo much better, not just the ecchi scenes, the storyline, characters, art, everything!

Momo is undoubtably the “x factor”, there will never be another character this great again.

And I’m sure @deknijff will fully agree with everything I've said.
sure has to hurt @--ALEX-- that despite being promoted to main character status Momo still sucks and is a failure
Nov 12, 2017 8:12 AM

Aug 2015
Deknijff said:
Manaban said:
This is a question that came highly recommended to me from MAL's elite, but why are you a Momofag?
Momo is the greatest character ever created by Japan...she’s perfect.

Let’s start at the beginning...Momo didn’t even show up in the original TLR anime (season 1)...

She was always supposed to be a minor character, just the sister of Lala who was the main Heroine and the main focus of the story.

Flash forward to TLR Darkness and she’s not only the Main Character...Lala has been turned into a background character!

When has this EVER happened in anime?

Momo is not only superior to all the other TLR girls (and to be perfectly fair, TLR has an incredibly great cast of girls)...she (IMHO) made TLR great.

Compare the original TLR to TLR’s like night and day...Darkness is sooo much better, not just the ecchi scenes, the storyline, characters, art, everything!

Momo is undoubtably the “x factor”, there will never be another character this great again.

And I’m sure @deknijff will fully agree with everything I've said.
sure has to hurt @--ALEX-- that despite being promoted to main character status Momo still sucks and is a failure

SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Nov 12, 2017 9:54 AM

Feb 2015
Anyway a good read fam~ The R18+ forum sounds very interesting and I might ditch AD when it's up... But I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. There's MAL Clubs for NSFW content such as Vanilla/Incest or whatever.... I am part of one hentai club so yeah :)

Yes, I enjoyed your pantsu threads more than the bucket list thread you created. Although, in my opinion both are good since it garnered attention... So there's that....

Why would you weight yourself in Kilograms? Pounds make more sense since the distribution is larger

In my opinion, I don't get pounds, so I convert it to my head in kg.. :/
NoobAsian said:
Deknijff said:
sure has to hurt @--ALEX-- that despite being promoted to main character status Momo still sucks and is a failure

Ohhh here we go~

Nov 12, 2017 11:06 AM

Jun 2008
25958's already out...I thought it took longer...

NoobAsian said:
Was a pretty cool interview :O

Also nice getting you on discord for a bit with Mammy (pretty sure he was the culprit there) and talking shit for a few hours. Should have been there when it was the Momo Appreciation Society.

Aww...I missed something good it seems.

But Momo deserves appreciation every single day...

_Ako_ said:
Yes, I enjoyed your pantsu threads more than the bucket list thread you created. Although, in my opinion both are good since it garnered attention... So there's that....

MAL doesn't seem to understand how great panties really are, there's no other reason for them to take down such a great and important thread.

Nov 12, 2017 11:48 AM

Jan 2009
Nice interview and Alex's writing style is quite prominent and easy to read.

Why would you weight yourself in Kilograms? Pounds make more sense since the distribution is larger....why would you measure yourself in Centimeters when Feet and inches is perfectly reasonable!
We use meters and decimals, though. A kg is also more convenient as a base unit, because it's exactly the weight of 1 liter = 1dm³.

...And talking about sex...yeah, allow me to brag a bit...I had a threesome (2 girls) earlier this year and damn right I’m telling everyone!
Did you get their panties?

btw. Nemesis is best girl
Nov 12, 2017 3:03 PM

Oct 2015
Great read, definitely one of the more notable users here. Even your posting style is memorable.

Lala > Momo pls
Lala was only shafted later on cause of drama between the creator and his wife since he based Lala off of her somewhat according to what i read.
i never watched TLR Darkness tho soooooo

Also your panty threads are great.

TFW Alex is more Chad then you.
The peasant is bound by the king. The king is bound by the peasants and their kingdom. But the Viking is bound to nothing but themselves.

Nov 13, 2017 1:18 AM

Jun 2008
Noboru said:
Nice interview and Alex's writing style is quite prominent and easy to read.

Thank you! At least some people get why I do stuff the way I do. :)

Noboru said:
We use meters and decimals, though. A kg is also more convenient as a base unit, because it's exactly the weight of 1 liter = 1dm³.

But 1 Kg is so heavy!

1 kg is about 2.2 lbs....Which means you will often get things like “I weight 75.82 kg”...what? I don’t even know if that’s a healthy weight or not because the distribution is too low.

In lbs we know 150 - 200 is pretty good for an adult male...and something like 250 - 300 is very obese.

Long live the imperial units! Long live Fahrenheit!

Noboru said:
Did you get their panties?

btw. Nemesis is best girl

I wish I had!

But imagine asking 2 girls to fork over their expensive panties and letting them go home nopan...

Unfortunately, it’s just not that simple.

Those panties would’ve been my most treasured possessions if I had gotten them tho...

I like Nemesis a lot, that delicious brown skin and her S’s sooo good, I wouldn’t mind her calling me a pervert as she holds me down and maybe even steps on me a bit...that would be so great!

I like all the TLR girls they’re really great, best ecchi harem ever created.
Nov 13, 2017 8:51 AM

Jan 2009
--ALEX-- said:
Thank you! At least some people get why I do stuff the way I do. :)
I have to thank you, because your style inspired me to use more spaces myself as well ^^

--ALEX-- said:
1 kg is about 2.2 lbs....Which means you will often get things like “I weight 75.82 kg”...what? I don’t even know if that’s a healthy weight or not because the distribution is too low.
If you use meters (not centimeters, meters!) and kg, you can immediately calculate the BMI which is:
weight in kg / (height in m)²

While the BMI isn't perfect, it's a good rough indicator. With meters and kilogram, you can also roughly say that as long as the two after-digits with your height are higher or equal the digits of your weight in kg, then you're still in the green area. E.g.: a person with 1.80m which is around 6 feet could have up to 80kg without being overweight:

Celsius is also quite easy to use, because 0°C means freezing, 100°C means boiling, 20°C is warm (around 20-25°C are tempered room temperatures), 30°C is hot and everything above is very hot, while anything below 10°C is cold and anything below -10°C is really cold.

But imagine asking 2 girls to fork over their expensive panties and letting them go home nopan...
that would be a nice scenario you could always buy them new, unused ones or have them take spare panties with them. I mean, isn't the appeal of panties to get them fresh from the wearer? ;)

I like Nemesis a lot, that delicious brown skin and her S’s sooo good, I wouldn’t mind her calling me a pervert as she holds me down and maybe even steps on me a bit...that would be so great!
Nemesis has certainly both an exotic and dominating flair. I really like her facial expressions in the Doujin works, they're really great!

Yep, TLR is a great source for Inspiration :D
NoboruNov 13, 2017 12:08 PM
Nov 15, 2017 1:25 PM

Jun 2008
Great read, definitely one of the more notable users here. Even your posting style is memorable.


Lala > Momo pls
Lala was only shafted later on cause of drama between the creator and his wife since he based Lala off of her somewhat according to what i read.
i never watched TLR Darkness tho soooooo

I think it was Haruna that was based on his wife...

Darkness is vastly superior to the original TLR...I highly recommend it.

Make sure you watch the uncensored version of course.

Also your panty threads are great.

If only MAL mods agreed...

Panties are a way of life.
Nov 15, 2017 8:16 PM

Nov 2014
Coming into this thread i knew exactly what was to be expected and i was expecting Dekn to be mentioned for added effect which did not disappoint :D

This was a fun read and i completely agree with the 18+ section and allow NSFW (NSFM) pics/etc.

Shit pisses me off
No drop crew, Loyal husband, sadomasochist, H&E bully, AWC fan. Click sig for n00dz!
Aug 5, 2019 2:17 AM

Jan 2014
Likely one of the best interviews I've come across! The read from him is very understandable, his posting style is unique, his anime tastes are decently solid, he's got a nice and kinky waifu, exquisite NSFW sequences he has to offer, To Love-Ru Darkness is superior to the original To Love-Ru series, he's a very nice and reasonable guy once you get to know him, his anti-feminism and anti-SJW stance reminds me of myself in many ways (fellow anti-feminist anime fan too). While I'm sort of traditional when it comes to gender reality/biology and race realism, I do have to admit that there is extremism on both sides.... Here's looking at you Rocking MrE, you crazy tradcuck! We'll need some panty cannons if we're dealing with femishits and tradcucks bro!

Btw, if Florida Panthers is gonna challenge the Winnipeg Jets, would you care to bet? Since it's your team versus my team then!
From the very beginning, I'm never someone who tells others to do what they don't want to do, but I'm purely against ideological policies like affirmative action and so on that forces people to deny biological practicality.
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