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Anyone feel like the Dino x Maika age difference makes it hard for you to enjoy the show?

How do you feel about the age difference between Maika and Dino?
I particularly like that aspect
I'm fine with the age difference
I don't like it but it's tolerable
It's actively hard to watch these parts
1,206 votes
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Dec 22, 2017 11:52 PM
Jul 2018
It's definitely weird, but not as weird as it could've been.
Maika is 16. That's way past the prepubecsend age.
Dino shows almost purely romantic interest in her. He makes 0 sexual advances on her.
Besides, in 4 years, Maika will technically be qualified as a legal adult in Japan.

What I'm trying to basically say, is that the age difference is weird, but it's one of the least weirdest things anime has done


People will laugh and mock at me for this (the reaction that people on MAL tend to display when encountering an uncomfortable subject) and call me a social justice warrior (even though I literally don't fit that term in any objective way, but people on the internet love to use words without knowing what they actually mean), but I find this kind of opinion borderline offensive.
It's a fact that MANY, girls and women are short, especially Japanese women, which anime over sexualizes even without fan service.
And yet many short people have relationships with taller people. Does that make those people pedophiles then?
So I find it confusing how something as important as age doesn't bother you, but height does.
removed-userDec 22, 2017 11:58 PM
Dec 23, 2017 7:42 PM

Nov 2015
Doesn't that make it more enjoyable ?
I'm sick of having to see only 15 years old couples , this one is nice and unique
Dec 24, 2017 1:06 AM

Jul 2013
This thread is EXTREMELY weeby.

National age of consent in Japan: 13. Effective age of consent in Japan: 18 given laws in the prefectures. However, the relationship in the anime is socially acceptable.

Need I point out that anime routinely makes characters aged 13-17 sexually attractive. That's because girls aged 13-17 aren't children, but adolescents, and have developed feminine features that are sexually attractive to males. The Japanese have no qualms pointing out what is actually attractive much to the chagrin of overly self-conscious westerners who get offended about everything and shout pedophilia and rape accusations at every opportunity.

Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Hence anyone finding a teenager sexually attractive is not a pedophile. Rather, they are just being affected by their hormones and their instincts. EXCLUSIVE attraction to early pubescence is hebephilia, to late adolescence is ephebophilia. So seriously, if you have ever seen some girl in the mall and thought "dat ass", but been uncertain about their age, you have nothing to worry about.

Thank you and please stop being a mass of pathetic uneducated westerners.

EDIT: Also, seriously. There's a loli in the show who is in her 20s, the big breasted character is below 18, and there's a trap character ffs. But this relationship is what people are complaining about? smh
Omne Solum Forti Patria
Jan 4, 2018 9:03 AM
Nov 2017
I was fine with it. And I enjoy it.
Jan 4, 2018 12:51 PM

Aug 2012
looks ugly. nevermind.
Jan 4, 2018 2:36 PM
Mar 2015
I don't mind. I personally know a girl who is 18 and has a 25ish year old boyfriend and it doesn't look weird at all when you see those two together.
Jan 5, 2018 12:26 PM

Sep 2007
It's a bit creepy, to be honest. Ironically, it wouldn't be if Maika was at least 17 like Kaho (though it might just be my personal opinion). What makes this coupling the most cringey is the fact that not only is Maika 16 and has a 10-year difference with Dino, HE'S ALSO HER BOSS. It's still a fun series to watch (esp. Kaho x Akizuki moments) but imagining this scenario IRL creeps me out.
Jan 6, 2018 12:34 PM
Sep 2011
Even in the US the age of consent is 16 in about half the states. I fail to see any problem with this. I mean yeah 16 year olds are often not good at making long term decisions but 18 year olds aren't really any better. It probably makes little difference from about 15-21 and the brain doesn't finish developing until 25. Considering this isn't a generic case but rather a specific one its even more obvious that its fine since you can clearly see no problems are coming of it.
(placeholder sig)
Jan 8, 2018 12:44 AM

Jun 2013
I thought it was just me but I’m happy others think it as well. I almost dropped the anime seeing that. But they didn’t get together so I’m ok
Jan 8, 2018 2:23 AM

May 2015
nooooooo, maika is one for all
Jan 10, 2018 7:13 AM

Oct 2008
Before you ask these kinds of questions, you have to ask yourself, what has made you consider it creepy and/or uncomfortable. How were those preconceived biases formed and do they have any rational basis or is it all irrational? I find that constantly questioning yourself will allow you to realize that many things we were brought up to believe in, culture, ethics, traditions, morals, etc... are nothing but one of the myriad ways in which we humans can conduct ourselves.

Besides, I've always found age limits and age restrictions to be absolutely inane. Different people mature at different speeds and there are as many mature 16-year-olds as there are immature 26-year-olds. Generalizations do nothing but constrain our thinking and allow us to superimpose our own biases and assumptions onto others, resulting in stereotyping and in worst cases leading to stigmatization and discrimination. People become way too obsessed with numbers and statistics, generalizing to the point that we forget that there are real people who do not fit neatly into those categories.

...besides, how on Earth is 20+ too old to date teenagers? I mean... 30+/40+, you may have a point. But 20+?
Jan 12, 2018 12:43 AM
Oct 2009
so much immature sjw in these thread that cant see pass the age of these 2, also i found out that university sjw professor consider those in university are babies and need to be protected from world view before they grad and throw them out like trash.

considering the age of consent of japan is 13 and they still suffer from depopulation, i can conclude their moral behavior are higher than the preacher here that spout crap about age. if we bring the law to western country, in less than 10 year it probably rival china growth.

the point is, this nothing new in japan and they knew it and dont give a crap, only virtue signalling sjw would rant on this show, just watch it and move on.
Jan 12, 2018 2:36 AM

Nov 2007
>implying the age difference doesn't make it BETTER

my fetish is blessed

season 2 when
Jan 12, 2018 2:59 AM
Nov 2016
Having this whole anime revolving around their 'romance' honestly ruined it for me.
Not to mention in one of the episodes, the kitchen dude calls the manager out for 'hitting on high-school girls in broad daylight', although Maika is still in high-school? What sort of twisted logic is that.

sofabulous said:
>implying the age difference doesn't make it BETTER

my fetish is blessed

season 2 when

Weird fetish, but I ain't judging.

Jan 12, 2018 3:06 AM

Mar 2017
Nope, I'm okay with it. Probably because my parents are 10 years apart.

Yes, 10 years is a big difference. But, if that "10 years gap" is the problem, people just complaining because she's 16.

Like someone already said, if she was 26 and Dino 36, people wouldn't have a single problem with it.

So imo, it's not really the age difference, but the fact that she's still a teenager. and the fact that their difference in height is just hilarious.
Jan 13, 2018 2:37 PM

Aug 2016
I am fine with them being together
Jan 14, 2018 1:16 AM
May 2016
I do have a problem with people dating *children*. Say, the poster before mentioning he dates a 14 year old and sees nothing wrong with it should be in prison in my book.

But 16 is fine. Females grow up faster than males, she’s either left puberty at this point or she’s so late in the stage she’s not near as easy to influence.

Main issue with dating younger ones is that they lack perspective and are not very balanced, e.g. Unable to see love as a factor and make rational decisions, too dreamy and easy to manipulate... By 16 that is over or at least greatly diminished. There’s a reason *multiple* countries have their age of consent set at 16.

Nothing wrong here at all. Not only that, even if he went fully sexual, she is not in any way being manipulated. She seems to have a firm head on her shoulder and she seems emotionally just as mature as he is. She is already making her own decisions, she has a job, she is both capable of realizing what behavior belongs to a couple (and as such implicitly: What does not) and none too giddy about it.
Jan 14, 2018 5:28 PM
Jan 2018
I don’t see a problem at all. Several reasons: you might think that 18 is age of consent in most places, but
- age of consent in Canada is 16
- age of consent in America is 16-18, but most commonly 16
- age of consent in Italy is 14
- age of consent in the UK is 16
- age of consent in Australia is 16-17
- age of consent in JAPAN is minimum 13, so 13-18 depending on the district and parental approval (which her guardians: older brother and sister are very supportive of their relationship) and they are in JAPAN
So in most places, Maika’s not a minor!
Personally, I like their age difference, I’m 18, bf is 9 yrs older and I can relate. and yeah it’s refreshing because the typical high school same-age-romance is way overused lol.
Jan 14, 2018 8:34 PM
Aug 2012
its fine imo. when i was in high school i knew people who were dating people with similar age gaps. if this is pedophilia then you sure do use an extremely liberal definition of the word.
Jan 15, 2018 12:33 PM

Sep 2014
And then they still wonder why do feminist exists.
Jan 15, 2018 2:23 PM
May 2016
10years difference is not so uncommon as u might think and anyways the real problem would be with 20years difference for me since he could have been her father if he had this age difference with her. My parents also have a 10years difference but nobody really cared so it's not disgusting at all for me except that maika still is a teenage girl, but I believe if they truly like each other there will come a day where their age difference will not matter to anyone anymore example: if maika was 20 and dino 30 would you be having this discussion right now?
Jan 23, 2018 11:50 PM

May 2014
The older a couple gets, the less weird it becomes.
Jan 31, 2018 9:33 PM

Jul 2016
The reason why it's weird is that Dino would have so much more life experience. Dino has started a business overseas from his home country and maika is just entering high school. Anything that would be important to maika would seem pedantic to Dino. Thier relationship is only built on sexual attraction and that' fine I guess but it's not the kind of tender relationship that makes shows like this appealing to me. It's also weird that they fetishize each others race.
Feb 10, 2018 11:14 PM

May 2015
Tapertrain said:
The reason why it's weird is that Dino would have so much more life experience. Dino has started a business overseas from his home country and maika is just entering high school. Anything that would be important to maika would seem pedantic to Dino. Thier relationship is only built on sexual attraction and that' fine I guess but it's not the kind of tender relationship that makes shows like this appealing to me. It's also weird that they fetishize each others race.

Sexual attraction? Have you watched the show? There's basically none of that.

Feb 10, 2018 11:14 PM

Sep 2009
It's not the age difference for me, the guy's just fking annoying.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Feb 11, 2018 8:59 AM

May 2014
If anything it made me enjoy the show more. It took me out of their romance, so I didn't really care that it was the same old will they won't they (but they never will) nonsense that essentially every anime like this does so I wasn't invested in that pairing and focused on the charm of the show more.
"My name is John Locke, and I'm responsible
for the well being of this Island"
Feb 12, 2018 6:12 PM

Jul 2016
Kittens-kun said:
Tapertrain said:
The reason why it's weird is that Dino would have so much more life experience. Dino has started a business overseas from his home country and maika is just entering high school. Anything that would be important to maika would seem pedantic to Dino. Thier relationship is only built on sexual attraction and that' fine I guess but it's not the kind of tender relationship that makes shows like this appealing to me. It's also weird that they fetishize each others race.

Sexual attraction? Have you watched the show? There's basically none of that.

I've watched more of the show and now i agree with you. There were just one or two episodes that got a little weird.
Feb 12, 2018 7:13 PM

Mar 2016
Honestly I'm not THAT bothered since 16 is commonly a legal age, in Japan too, and they aren't in a serious relationship? To me, he likes Maika like a person likes a cute dog and not in a sexual way so it doesn't really freak me out. If they did go onto have a series relationship though, I would be a bit iffy on it.
!! π™’π˜Όπ™π™‰π™„π™‰π™‚ !! vampires bite beautiful people
Feb 12, 2018 11:00 PM

Jul 2016
Magito said:
That's okay. I mean Its normal to date at her age. She and Dino aren't too far apart.

They are 26 and 16. Dino also has so much more life experience than her.
Feb 13, 2018 4:21 AM

Apr 2011
Tapertrain said:
Magito said:
That's okay. I mean Its normal to date at her age. She and Dino aren't too far apart.

They are 26 and 16. Dino also has so much more life experience than her.

In love, it doesn't matter.
Feb 16, 2018 7:43 PM
Sep 2017
cesarionmal said:
So, my higschool was wierd because most of the girl i now ther used to date guys whit at least 22 years old while they had 15/16? one was praoud for date a guy of 37 years

For my is normal, but in Japan i allways thing is iligal date whit minor

first the engrish is strong also yes your high school is weird if 15-year-olds are dating 37-year-olds
Feb 17, 2018 8:43 PM
Nov 2009
I think it would be much better had she been 17 or 18 or him being 20-22 ish. No reason for him to be 26
Feb 19, 2018 3:07 PM

Oct 2015
peh-soh-nah said:
This kind of has to do with both the show and my own personal issues. I think the show is good and all the aspects of it are enjoyable except for one. The Dino and Maika subplot and more significantly the age difference between them. Maika is 16 and Dino is 26. I don't know about you guys but this kind of takes me out of the show.

When I should be enjoying the characters, that are fun, whenever Dino is doing something somewhat romantic with Maika, I can only think of how creepy it is and it is really hard to enjoy that specific subplot. The way the show handles it is especially weird because Maika's high school friends and family aren't only ok with it but kinda support it, and the other cafe workers sometimes wingman for Dino. So, for a while I thought this was some weird version of the world where teenagers dating people in their 20's was just a normal thing. But at the same time, Dino gets arrested one episode for being creepy with a minor or something which leads me to believe that this is illegal in this world, which makes it worse.

I know people are gonna say "who cares if its fictional" but its hard for me not to get "older superior tries to get with a high school worker" vibes even if they make Dino out to be kind of pathetic. Anyone else feel the same or have differing thoughts about this.
peh-soh-nah said:
This kind of has to do with both the show and my own personal issues. I think the show is good and all the aspects of it are enjoyable except for one. The Dino and Maika subplot and more significantly the age difference between them. Maika is 16 and Dino is 26. I don't know about you guys but this kind of takes me out of the show.

When I should be enjoying the characters, that are fun, whenever Dino is doing something somewhat romantic with Maika, I can only think of how creepy it is and it is really hard to enjoy that specific subplot. The way the show handles it is especially weird because Maika's high school friends and family aren't only ok with it but kinda support it, and the other cafe workers sometimes wingman for Dino. So, for a while I thought this was some weird version of the world where teenagers dating people in their 20's was just a normal thing. But at the same time, Dino gets arrested one episode for being creepy with a minor or something which leads me to believe that this is illegal in this world, which makes it worse.

I know people are gonna say "who cares if its fictional" but its hard for me not to get "older superior tries to get with a high school worker" vibes even if they make Dino out to be kind of pathetic. Anyone else feel the same or have differing thoughts about this.
I was thinking the same thing, although Dino is a fun character but I don't approve of him constantly drooling over Maika.

I think it is wrong for old guys like him to get it on with a girl 10 years younger than him ( I hate anime like these, reason I don't watch them).
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Feb 20, 2018 8:58 AM
Jul 2017
For those who answer the 3rd and 4th option, what are their thoughts about Koi wa Ameagari no you ni? I'm curious
"To rule the time is to control the world" - Amane Suzuha
Feb 20, 2018 9:19 AM
Jul 2017
RhinoFreak said:
but most importantly, 16 years is not even an adult yo. It's not even ethically wrong but morally as well.

Let me clear up stuff or two here. regarding what you called "adulthood".

I'll quote the Japan Civil Code for this purpose.

*Scrunching pages*
*Takes a deep breath*

Japan Civil Code, Chapter II, Article 731 [Marriageable Age]
"A man who has attained 18 years of age, and a woman who has attained 16 years of age may enter into marriage."

You see that? That's the Japan concept of adulthood. Well, if you read the following article...

Japan Civil Code, Chapter II, Article 737 [Parental Consent for Marriage of Minor]
(1) "A minor shall obtain the consent of both parents to marry."

...then you'll know for sure that the country thinks of those under twenty (which explained in the next article, which I won't quote) are regarded as minor but the country gave approval of those under twenty to marry because they think they are sexually capable of marrying but require a warden to guarantee them.

I know you're probably confused and said to yourself, "What the fuck, Japan?! Make up your mind. Is it legal or is it not?", "Is it ethically wrong or not?"

Well, ethically wrong is farfetched since our (mine and yours could probably be different as well) customs and their customs are different and if you try to grasp their moral with your own, you might confuse yourself even more.

Moral and ethics are what we create. A concept. That's why it differs from each other. If you try to align every moral to your own, then it breaks the point of diversity.

That's all, thank you

Side Note:
Japan Civil Code, Chapter II , Article 753 [Constructive Adult by Marriage]
"If a minor enters into marriage, he/she shall be deemed to have attained majority."

There you go, a proof that a 16 years old can be a major

Naru-NaruFeb 20, 2018 9:33 AM
"To rule the time is to control the world" - Amane Suzuha
Mar 13, 2018 7:43 PM

Sep 2015
I knew people was going to be bothered by it. But it's irrational. There's no logic behind two people not being able to be together because of age. Many people at her age goes on dates.
What's wrong with loving someone of a different age? It's just a stupid number. Furthermore they aren't even doing anything particularly sexual and it's more comedy than romance. The anime is also self-aware of the legal implications anyways. The only reason I would oppose of someone's romance(assuming its mutual) is if they are old enough to make decisions. Depending on how mature they are, I'm plenty fine with it. 16 imo is a bit young, but age doesn't necessarily determine mental maturity.
Ideally 25 is when your brain fully develops, though we all know you don't need to be 25 years of age to make good decisions.

I know plenty of people that married with 10 year age difference.
In fact these 10 year difference relationships seems to work better than the ones where both are of similar age. none of the people I knew with large age gap ever had relationship issues. Meanwhile those of similar age seem to have drama after drama.

A little side note. Societal views are retarded anyways. A 16 and 22 year old is already considered 'big difference' by many. Yet that difference is apparently 'normal' when you are 32 and 38. You people only think it's weird because society split age groups a lot more when you are young. 1-4 as babies. 5-6 are preschoolers. 6-12 are kids. 13-15 are pubescent preteens. 15-18 as teenagers, and 18-21 as young adults. Then you have 22-50 as adults. Older becomes elders.
The problem you all have is that you judge based on the social/age groups and not the actual number.
If I were to say a highschooler dated a middleschoolers, I'm confident many would crap their pants until I reveal that it is a middleschool senior and a highschool freshmen. But we can tell people don't think that way anyways. Evidently most romance you ever see are two people of similar "age' or more correctly "age group." Highschoolers date highschoolers. Middleschoolers date middleschoolers. Adults date adults, despite the latter having a much larger age range than any of the former two. Yet no one complain that two adults could potentially have as much as 20 year age difference.

Anyways, in this case she is 16, she's actually legal in some prefecture. If not, she can wait 2 more years and pretty much all prefecture is legal. Tokyo have age of consent at 17. Seriously, they aren't even doing anything, if they plan to, they can just wait a year. But they don't need to since he have a purely romantic and not sexual interest in her.

Also, ignore sex, she is legally capable of marriage as long she have parental consent. Which I don't see a huge problem since they guy is obviously nice and caring. He also is capable of taking care of her.
zcv45Mar 13, 2018 8:01 PM
Apr 3, 2018 12:53 AM

Jun 2013
Not really. It's only ten years. In real life, I know couples with an even bigger age gap of 20 to 30 or even more years.

I ship them, they're cute. It's better than Akira (16 to 17) from Koi wa Ameagari no You ni and her crush on her 45-year-old manager and the fucking mess that was Usagi Drop where he basically married a child he raised.
May 12, 2018 8:37 AM

Dec 2016
It feels weird but yeah animes maker can still say "hmhm yeah she's 18.." with a loli chara design (which is f*cking pityful) and then saying dino is 18 as well when he looks like 25
Signature removed. Please have a positive iq.
May 18, 2018 5:25 AM
Feb 2017
Nonono It's only 10 years

Jul 6, 2019 3:59 AM

Apr 2017
I wouldn't say I found it creepy per se since nothing happened, but it was unnerving to watch a 26-year-old man trip over himself trying to flirt with a 16-year-old girl.
Jul 18, 2019 11:15 AM
Oct 2018
I don’t like it but it’s tolerable since like many I was more interested in Kaho x Akizuki but yeah I feel like 10 is totally fine when the two people are like 25-35 or even 20-30 but 16-26... I mean she is totally underage even if I don’t really know what the law say about that in Japan. And it wasn’t even like if she was really mature for her age, she didn’t really understood what was happening which adds yet more discomfort (It’s not like Dino was very mature for his age either but still).
DieuMivasJul 18, 2019 11:31 AM
Aug 8, 2019 5:38 PM
Dec 2018
AmMar-Sama said:
mounferno said:
10 years how is that not Huge in America that would be just not illegal

Eh, I dunno. It just doesn't seem that big to me.
If they both like each other, where exactly is the issue..? Getting too caught up on a number is close-minded and silly.

she is only 16, her brain isnt on the level of a 26 year old. this is why minors cannot consent. she doesnt KNOW who she likes, she's just a kid. for Dino to be romantically attracted someone so underdeveloped is creepy and wrong.
Aug 20, 2019 5:01 PM

Feb 2019
The most amusing part was reading all those comments from people who;

a) have absolutely no clue about the law, neither specifically japan related nor otherwise.
b) clearly never encountered real and healthy relationships when they were in their teen years.

Otherwise those comments couldn't be explained. I remember back in secondary school, a girl in my class around the age of 15y dating a guy in his late 20s - and for what I've seen about it, it was a rather 'healthy' relationship and her parents knew about it. I started dating one of my girlfriends when she still was 14y/o while I was 20 and she was dating a guy before me who was a few years older. And 2-3 years later - after a breakup - we got together again and were so for ~10 years. To be honest; she basically always was more mature than I was - at least in some regard - and that was true from the beginning. ^^

16 & 26 might seem a bit much ON PAPER - but the reality of things simply is, that it doesn't matter AND is a rather common occurence in most regions of the world. And it was even more 'common' just a few decades ago - so you people should pick up a bit from 'real life' and especially stop judging things from a puritan point of view based on US laws. You might ask yourself why it is that 'teens' in the US are treated like kids until they're 18 or even 21 - while young people around the world get released into adulthood 4-6 years earlier without much of a problem.

But if you rather don't want to make up your mind and ignore reality - please feel free to post your unreflected opinion to 'age of consent' and similar here - because there is quite something funny in watching you - it's somewhat like following those self-proclaimed 'lawyers' that are on the 'kick vic' case - they also like talking like they're specialists... ^^

...a kid... ...which she is

Well apparently not. You might consider opening a certain book and do your research on what the word 'kid' ACTUALLY describes - because it seems like it isn't describing what you think it is.
Dec 4, 2019 2:01 PM
Dec 2019
i didn't ship this AT ALL when i watched blend s, and once i googled the ages I hated the ship even more. Dino is ten years older than Maika. Akizuki X Kaho makes MUCH more sense (although I bet Akizuki would equally enjoy Kaho X Maika lol) Plus, I always found Dino an annoying creep. Maika deserves so much better.
Dec 12, 2019 6:43 PM
Oct 2019
It's hard bc a 16 years old can't be with a 26yo,I mean, That's a HUGE gap between them,Making Dino looks like a pedophile-
But they both liked each other I think,makes it harder ;_;
Dec 16, 2019 2:51 PM

Dec 2015
The age things isn't an unusual thing in Japan. Also everyone saying She's underage has to remember, the USA is not everywhere. In Japan I'm not sure of the rules, I think there are specific rules for if they are in a commited relationship etc. But in the UK the age of consent is 16, so she's fair game and he's not that old. Plus all of the activity in the show amounts to courting.

Hideri is best girl anyway.
Jul 17, 2020 9:27 PM
Jan 2018
Hello minna , so after reading this i think ikw u guys don't kw japanese law .. japan's consent age is 13 .. so basically it's kinda normal , their relationship .. :3
Jul 22, 2020 1:02 AM

Feb 2020
In real life, i kinda meh with that shitty relations. It felt wrong at any place, especially by moral aspect.

However, since this is Anime about the cute thing, that bait was an understandable. It quite tolerable too when they made the twos part dumb af not knowing the continuity of their romantic relations. I guessed this show had a nice direction to put that as a bait. Only salty people take that shit into a serious manner. Lol
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 2, 2020 11:23 PM
May 2020
I’m fine with it because I didn’t really ship it or pays as much attention to it as much as I did Kaho and akizuki
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