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Do you regret your vote?
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Apr 24, 2017 7:53 PM

May 2010
spuukiebuugi said:
Thrashinuva said:
Because you had absolutely zero intention of ever having a discussion about anything. You were doing exactly like you are now, which to be frank, is being a total bitch. You'll probably recall the lines you used back then too, which was something along the lines of being apathetic about it all, but you really have been just begging for my attention all this time with this annoying shit.

Wow. You are a salty little boy.
Calling out a bitch has nothing to do with salt. It's just annoying to have you obsessing over me.
Apr 24, 2017 7:56 PM

Apr 2017
Thrashinuva said:
"Fake news" was started by the Hillary camp about facts that didn't fit her narrative. Trump supporters, namely 4chan, decided to use it mockingly. If it annoys you, then you can blame them for being annoying with it, but the core of the problem is that the left, who had a tendency of changing words to make them sound more catchy, renamed "lies" into "fake news".

i dont give a shit who started the BS fake news, fact is its there and works on a lot of retards on both sides

Ikaros_42oh said:
(ive met the rare trump supporter that is open minded but its kinda rare imo)
You'd be surprised what kind of reasonable people you can meet when you step outside of self produced echo chambers of left leaning thinkers. If anyone here thinks I'm being close minded by engaging them with discussion, then you'd think they'd be surprised to know that here in CE, Trump continually won in all of the polls. The fact was that there were more Trump supporters here (there probably still is), but they don't like the idea of all the left leaning posters here calling them a retard just because their opinions are different.

Rather, the people you felt were close minded, you might be surprised at how open minded they become when you engage them with civilized discussion away from those who would harass them.

if you think my opinion is retarded I want you to plz explain yourself, and if I think yours ill explain myself. exchange opinions/ideas. thats how it works. if their opinion cant stand harassment its a shit opinion. appreciate the reply though, at least you out here giving you opinions unlike these other mythical trump supporters that are scared to post?
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 24, 2017 8:00 PM
Jul 2018
Thrashinuva said:
just annoying to have you obsessing over me.

Read my revised post above.
Since when was I obsessing over you? I made a couple jabs at you. If even that, maybe two or three jabs at you and your hypocritical behavior recently, comparable to your clearly unchanged and yet, ironic viewpoint from months and months ago.

The fact that you took it to heart and saw it as a truly menacing attack on your character is your own fault. Cry me a river. Trump sucks, he's not reformed shit, and he probably will not reform shit.

The members of this board are fucking toxic, you're not contributing anything of value to appease the remaining dignity, although it's debatable if there's a scrap of it left, with your content. You're throwing fuel in the fire. To be fair, so am I. Because I expect it to burn.

God forbid, someone have a different opinion than you, speak out against frivolously biased crap, and deviate from the CE trump dick sucking groupthink!
removed-userApr 24, 2017 8:03 PM
Apr 24, 2017 8:02 PM
Oct 2012
Thrashinuva said:
You're being stupid. There's no way in hell anyone would have normally interpreted "con" to mean "conservative" in that context, THAT was what I was referring to. And also, people don't refer to "conservatives" as "cons" either. You're merely suggesting they do that to try and make yourself feel better.

LOL, when I went back and read what I wrote, I realized that I was making a joke at the time. You can see it in a post or two latter when I put "con" in brackets.

Thrashinuva said:
This all blew up as big as it did because you were putting your ego first, and you're doing it still trying to blow it up even more before you admit your mistakes. I guess that's an elitist (who is not elite) for you.

Ego? Not really. I used elitist to oppose "populist". It's a pity that Disqus only goes back 3 months, because I have had the same belief about Trump for 18 months (if you dig on NRO or the Federalist you may find one of my comments).

When Trump declared his candidacy I thought it was a joke. But then I saw people who I formerly respected (both left and right) lose their sanity over him. I started with: "seriously stop people, Trump has so many obvious flaws why are you creating fake ones, it will only help him get elected". But time marched on, and instead of articulating Trump's obvious weaknesses (foremost is his being a populist that says what he thinks will get him elected), I watched the collective descent of intelligence into insanity.

So after a while I began to think: you all deserve him. Then I realized, he was a bit better than what we deserved. Not to say that Trump is great or that he may not end up causing WWIII, rather that I don't think Trump is looking to be a dictator, which is all we can expect from a normal populist. I finally concluded that Trump is an honest idiot. And I decided, better an honest idiot, then dishonest idiots (see Clinton).

So maybe my start point is a bit different. After having watched this for 18 months, I will admit that I have given up. Oh, I still believe in elitism, I still believe that pure democracy is bad, but far from being "arrogant" about it, I have only accepted that I don't know crap. If "elitism" means electing Clinton, then screw it. Trump may be a disaster, but at least he will be a more entertaining one.

Apr 24, 2017 8:05 PM

May 2010
Ikaros_42oh said:
Thrashinuva said:
"Fake news" was started by the Hillary camp about facts that didn't fit her narrative. Trump supporters, namely 4chan, decided to use it mockingly. If it annoys you, then you can blame them for being annoying with it, but the core of the problem is that the left, who had a tendency of changing words to make them sound more catchy, renamed "lies" into "fake news".

i dont give a shit who started the BS fake news, fact is its there and works on a lot of retards on both sides

You'd be surprised what kind of reasonable people you can meet when you step outside of self produced echo chambers of left leaning thinkers. If anyone here thinks I'm being close minded by engaging them with discussion, then you'd think they'd be surprised to know that here in CE, Trump continually won in all of the polls. The fact was that there were more Trump supporters here (there probably still is), but they don't like the idea of all the left leaning posters here calling them a retard just because their opinions are different.

Rather, the people you felt were close minded, you might be surprised at how open minded they become when you engage them with civilized discussion away from those who would harass them.

if you think my opinion is retarded I want you to plz explain yourself, and if I think yours ill explain myself. exchange opinions/ideas. thats how it works. if their opinion cant stand harassment its a shit opinion. appreciate the reply though, at least you out here giving you opinions unlike these other mythical trump supporters that are scared to post?
You really shouldn't consider harassment as a form of argument. That's why those Trump supporters who you think don't exist don't make a habit of exposing themselves to those on your side.

Trump won. Trump supporters exist.

Trump won polls here on CE. Trump supporters exist on CE. Just like now, they didn't do much posting then either. The reason spookie is so annoyed with me is because I don't let assholes get in the way of me making that clear.

Trump supporters besides me posted in this very topic, but you don't see them arguing it out with you here now do you? They don't like being harassed. They don't put up with the shit. Would you really be thanking me for a reply with my opinions if all I said was that you're retarded and in denial? I imagine that when you felt the discussion stopped being productive, you'd quit just like anyone else would.

I imagine you've had your fair share of having to point out that climate change isn't a myth. It can be a bit hard when the effects of it are not so immediate, the evidence of it is not ever present. How frustrated do you think I am when I've simply being paying attention and I have to describe to you very real people who simply disagree with you?
Apr 24, 2017 8:12 PM

May 2010
spuukiebuugi said:
I made a couple jabs at you. If even that, maybe two or three jabs at you and your hypocritical behavior recently, comparable to your clearly unchanged and yet, ironic viewpoint from months and months ago.
I ignored you for far more "jabs" than that, and you constantly whined at me over and over and over again until I finally acknowledged your existence. You finally put it to rest for a little bit after I told you off, and I took a break off of CE knowing full well it'd turn into this shit show of an echo chamber. I imagine after my break of posting you just had to get my attention again. I guess I gave you too much of it.

And in case you forgot, really I don't know how you could have, but just in case. I didn't make half of the posts you're so aggravated about. You act as if I'm some kind of Trump supporter mastermind organizing all of the wikileaks posts here or something. I merely found the things that were most worth discussing and put them here, but perhaps that's what you dislike is proper and meaningful discussion. You'd rather have a place that was boring and plain, or at least that's what you say, but you can't seem to take yourself away from it.
Apr 24, 2017 8:22 PM

Apr 2017
Thrashinuva said:
You really shouldn't consider harassment as a form of argument. That's why those Trump supporters who you think don't exist don't make a habit of exposing themselves to those on your side.

Trump won. Trump supporters exist.

Trump won polls here on CE. Trump supporters exist on CE. Just like now, they didn't do much posting then either. The reason spookie is so annoyed with me is because I don't let assholes get in the way of me making that clear.

Trump supporters besides me posted in this very topic, but you don't see them arguing it out with you here now do you? They don't like being harassed. They don't put up with the shit. Would you really be thanking me for a reply with my opinions if all I said was that you're retarded and in denial? I imagine that when you felt the discussion stopped being productive, you'd quit just like anyone else would.

I imagine you've had your fair share of having to point out that climate change isn't a myth. It can be a bit hard when the effects of it are not so immediate, the evidence of it is not ever present. How frustrated do you think I am when I've simply being paying attention and I have to describe to you very real people who simply disagree with you?

you read it out of order mate, the argument comes first in the exchange of well thought out ideas/opinions which should hold up to harassment if theyre good enough. just posting and calling you retarded misses the point completely i agree... slight harassment and questioning tests resolve and emotional stability ;)....... yeah if youre trolling or half assing you can get 'exposed' but thats the risk you take with that lol

ya sound pretty frustrated, people will disagree i accept that

theres no point arguing if trump supporters exist or if he won. if youre arguing over things like that you got baited

yeah soho dude is a trump supporter, good dude to have an argument with.
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 12:08 AM

Nov 2016
There's so much venom in this thread. I may not like everything Trump is doing, but you don't see me going absolutely ape shit on people with differing opinions.
Apr 25, 2017 2:03 AM

May 2010
Ikaros_42oh said:
How frustrated do you think I am when I've simply being paying attention and I have to describe to you very real people who simply disagree with you?
ya sound pretty frustrated, people will disagree i accept that

I'm never going to agree that people should be harassed just because they have an opinion. They can be questioned. They can be scrutinized. But harassed? How did you grow up in order for you to think this is okay?
ThrashinuvaApr 25, 2017 8:34 AM
Apr 25, 2017 5:51 AM
Jul 2018
Why are you pretending Trump supporters are a poor, oppressed minority?

When you adamantly defend his every waking action, near the point of worship (I have nary seen you question Trump, you've always been sucking his dick) you should expect to be criticized.

If you're going to use a few disgruntlements as a weak foundation for a self victimization clause, go to tumblr and bitch about it. I'm sure if you alter a few words they'll provide you nice padding for your growing hugbox. The Trump equivalent of the precious "virtual signaling" buzzword. It seems that you are trying to elicit some level of sympathy, yet it's doing nothing more than reinforcing the fact that you often can't accept other's opinions either.

I don't condone harassing people, yet you take the slightest aggression, not even a physical aggression at that, in most cases, and translate that to "poor, poor, pitiful me, I am the victim", it's difficult to sympathize with you or the likes of your ilk at all. Your candidate is in office. Can you not bear down and be fucking happy with that? You have the audacity to create topic after topic trying to call attention to your "rightness" and your false "intellect". There is something at play beyond "offensiveness", I'm sure.

The problems I have with Trump personally are various. The problems I have with his supporters, specifically, the subset of his supporters that are extremely vocal to the point of obnoxiousness, but cannot take scrutinized response and constantly play victim- are those which I separately cannot stand. They often surround themselves with like political views and refuse to question their own, yet sit around and needlessly kvetch all day about the trivial aspect of them being questioned, even if they constantly question, if not often insult other people. I suppose to some that would, again, be called "hypocrisy".

What am I talking about? This is CE. The glorified Church of Unreasonability.

SpamuraiSensei said:
There's so much venom in this thread. I may not like everything Trump is doing, but you don't see me going absolutely ape shit on people with differing opinions.

Read the above statement about the self victimization clause, honestly. I've tried my hardest not to be toxic on a board that is nothing but, however, I do believe that there is a particular subset of Trump supporters on CE that often fall back onto the "poor, poor, pitiful me" excuse far, far too much. They also won't take into consideration other people's opinions, despite always claiming that their own opinions are being constantly attacked. I wouldn't nearly have as much of a problem with this vocal portion of people if they were not so damn obnoxious and self pitying. Their behavior is continually grating in that sense. The supporters who can accept that not everything he does is dandy, good, or even decent, and also accept that he's not particularly the best person, either, I can stand those. Those who have obvious separatism of the individual and their political views. Those who cannot, however, im not fond of dealing with, and will tell off. OP is basically a member of this very specific group. I can't say he's eliciting any sympathy from me. The more pseudointellectualistic equivalent to your average Tumblr ninny whining about him and his supposed cronies being supposedly "targeted", which is the vibe i seem to be deriving from his whining and moaning, are just as irritating as their opposite counterparts he claims to condemn. Not even that it's necessarily political extremism, but think of it as being a professional victimization complex.

And to be completely fair, it goes for the other side too. I am in wholehearted agreement that the social justice warriors and the extremely far left should do the same amount of shutting the fuck up about how "violated" they feel that Trump exists, the contradiction to the people who only claim to breathe because Trump exists in the first place. They should all stop crowing about how harassed they feel by one another. If they could stop squabbling for five seconds, maybe they could come to some kind of pacifism, but nope… they're too blinded by their own entitlement to care. Shocker.
removed-userApr 25, 2017 8:46 AM
Apr 25, 2017 8:44 AM

May 2010
spuukiebuugi said:
When you adamantly defend his every waking action, I have nary seen you question Trump
It's almost as if me and you have different political idealogies. Perhaps Trump has done everything I expected him to? No that can't be. I voted for the man but I can't possibly approve of the job he's done...
spuukiebuugi said:
Can you not bear down and be fucking happy with that?
Or maybe I can! Which do you prefer? Me being happy with my president or me not being happy with my president? Because you seem to want both and neither.

And again, you've mentally combined me with all the other Trump supporters here. I don't go into every topic to defend him. You think that I do, because you only see what you want to see, but I don't. I don't even come close to doing that, especially over the duration of the election until now.

spuukiebuugi said:
If you're going to use a few disgruntlements
I merely listed a few from this very thread.

spuukiebuugi said:
What am I talking about? This is CE. The glorified Church of Unreasonability.
Thrashinuva said:
spuukiebuugi said:
Like, I'm beyond understanding the trainwreck of thought that seems to be CE groupthink
You didn't seem to grasp at all what this topic was about.

spuukiebuugi said:
I do believe that there is a particular subset of Trump supporters on CE that often fall back onto the "poor, poor, pitiful me" excuse far, far too much.
It's really hard to take you seriously on this, considering you think I've done 50 of something I've done one of, and attribute 50 other people's actions to me. Your delusional and obsessive. I honestly have to wonder if you have actual medical problems relating to memory. Half of the issues you have on this board simply don't exist.

Let me show you just how crazy you are.
spuukiebuugi said:
You have the audacity to create topic after topic trying to call attention to your "rightness" and your false "intellect".
Apr 25, 2017 10:47 AM

Apr 2007
Even though I am an educated black/native-American millennial, I voted for him and sometimes, I do find myself regretting my decision to vote for him - it's off and on, depending on if he is doing something insanely stupid or extremely reasonable.
Apr 25, 2017 11:59 AM

Apr 2017
Thrashinuva said:
Ikaros_42oh said:
ya sound pretty frustrated, people will disagree i accept that

I'm never going to agree that people should be harassed just because they have an opinion. They can be questioned. They can be scrutinized. But harassed? How did you grow up in order for you to think this is okay?


okay ya got me on semantics, i meant it not in the harassing a person (something pretty mean/bad and stupid, which in my mind involves relentlessly just calling somebody a retard with no explanation) rather in the sense of harassing the argument. "slight harassment and questioning tests resolve and emotional stability ;)....... "

Basically we're arguing the same point on that part (Ive Bolded the relevant parts for you sweetie)

me:"(ive met the rare trump supporter that is open minded but its kinda rare imo)"

You: "You'd be surprised what kind of reasonable people you can meet when you step outside of self produced echo chambers of left leaning thinkers. If anyone here thinks I'm being close minded by engaging them with discussion, then you'd think they'd be surprised to know that here in CE, Trump continually won in all of the polls. The fact was that there were more Trump supporters here (there probably still is), but they don't like the idea of all the left leaning posters here calling them a retard just because their opinions are different.

Rather, the people you felt were close minded, you might be surprised at how open minded they become when you engage them with civilized discussion away from those who would harass them.

me: if you think my opinion is retarded I want you to plz explain yourself, and if I think yours ill explain myself. exchange opinions/ideas. thats how it works. if their opinion cant stand harassment its a shit opinion. appreciate the reply though, at least you out here giving you opinions unlike these other mythical trump supporters that are scared to post?"

I apologize for not keeping consistent on the "their opinion" part of my argument. I put the "and questioning" part but thats pretty vague. Basically Im considering statement of opinion with no argument slight harassment (theres nothing gained or learned. this is what most trump supporters and a good number of democrats both do), harassment as a repeated personal attack, and an argument should contain both an opinion as well as explained reasons for it. I think we can agree on that because as you said "but they don't like the idea of all the left leaning posters here calling them a retard just because their opinions are different."

And I had a pretty good childhood, actually had to form opinions with arguments and points or else they didnt count (talk about torture amiright)
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 12:18 PM

Mar 2012
On one hand you've got people who are too stubborn to admit that Trump isn't the guy they were hoping for. They're at least smart enough know they made the wrong choice, but they're scared to admit it because they were so sure that he was going to be the guy.

On the other hand, you've got complete fucking morons who actually think he's doing a good job because they don't understand politics. I'd like to think they're the minority of the 60 million or so who voted for him but I honestly can't say for sure.
Apr 25, 2017 2:34 PM

May 2010
Ikaros_42oh said:
I apologize for not keeping consistent on the "their opinion" part of my argument. I put the "and questioning" part but thats pretty vague. Basically Im considering statement of opinion with no argument slight harassment (theres nothing gained or learned. this is what most trump supporters and a good number of democrats both do), harassment as a repeated personal attack, and an argument should contain both an opinion as well as explained reasons for it. I think we can agree on that because as you said "but they don't like the idea of all the left leaning posters here calling them a retard just because their opinions are different."
It seems what you mean to say is that an opinion made public should be allowed to come under scrutiny in order to further our understanding of the truth.
Apr 25, 2017 3:32 PM

Apr 2017
Thrashinuva said:
It seems what you mean to say is that an opinion made public should be allowed to come under scrutiny in order to further our understanding of the truth.

yes. you got it.

now way back up there in this war zone of a thread and what started this discussion of harassment/scrutiny and truth was that imo donald trump supporters were more likely to consider this scrutiny as harassment. (no seriously if you even question their opinions or arguments (if they can make a point) they blow up). Therefore this would be what's causing them to not participate in these discussions then right?

now im not saying the democrats are better, just that the avid donald trumpers never seem to want a proper discussion most of the time, just a meme or slogan or some over sensationalized opinion with 0 to back it up.

A fan of anything CAN be like this though. Note that i not saying every point needs a research paper, just dont blow up when questioned and explain your points and arguments. Then anything after that is just bs between you two (like our harassment misunderstanding). the main problem i have is that they more often then not skip straight to blow up and then wonder why everyone hates on trump supporters because they hardly ever explain opinions properly. Its a vicious cycle/race of "who triggered me to blow up first".

What im using to back up this opinion is that you stated that Trump is more popular on here than I think, yet what I notice is that they hardly post (you admitted this too) and they can hardly have a proper discussion. Now that could have to do with trump himself having sketchy reasons for doing something but acknowledging that or that donald trump has a shit ton of flaws in reasoning means youre no longer "a true supporter" in their eyes and to go back to "Libzbekistan" or something.

Have you ever experienced this? Any trump supporter ever called you 'a traitor to democracy' for not understanding his nonsense article and empty rhetoric? it's definitely happened to me before lmao

Once again, if their opinions are sound it should hold up to scrutiny and the person making it then shouldnt "feel threatened" or "harassed" as you said.

You personally seem to be one of the better ones and im actually enjoying this convo. A rare one at least capable of forming/understanding arguments. You claim to want to not be combined with the Trump supporters in the quote below so dont you lump me in with the Hillary/dems either alright lol

sorry this is so long... spent 45mins writing this and making sure it was sound lol

ps i liked ur argument here, utterly destroyed
"spuukiebuugi said:
Can you not bear down and be fucking happy with that?

Or maybe I can! Which do you prefer? Me being happy with my president or me not being happy with my president? Because you seem to want both and neither.

And again, you've mentally combined me with all the other Trump supporters here. I don't go into every topic to defend him. You think that I do, because you only see what you want to see, but I don't. I don't even come close to doing that, especially over the duration of the election until now."
Ikaros_42ohApr 25, 2017 3:36 PM
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 3:36 PM
Oct 2012
Ikaros_42oh said:
Have you ever experienced this? Any trump supporter ever called you 'a traitor to democracy' for not understanding his nonsense article and empty rhetoric? it's definitely happened to me before lmao

So says the side that calls anyone who disagrees with them, even the tinniest amount, "Fascist"? Stone, house, glass. Crash! Or who riots when there is a speaker they disagree with.

Perhaps the problem is not with the scrutiny, but with the passive aggressive smugness of the questioner?

Apr 25, 2017 4:01 PM

Apr 2017
Takuan_Soho said:

Perhaps the problem is not with the scrutiny, but with the passive aggressive smugness of the questioner?

Well that question itself is pretty passive aggressive smug. i think?
How am i supposed to tell over the internet? is this question passive aggressive smug? this one? maybe this? or is it third time the charm? its def this one?

my personal problem with trump supporters is indeed the scrutiny and seeming inability to not blow up when making an argument. You're right though my "side" (plz dont lump me together with these tards... SJWs and rioting at speakers is not anywhere on my personal side) gets triggered easily which causes the response of blowing up by trump supporters. The same happens with the trump supporters except their blow ups are hidden behind memes (no joke). Maybe what I hate is that they do this. Crazy Liberals get mad and riot like retards, Crazy Republicans get mad and meme like retards. This is the consensus ive gotten so far lol.

perhaps the problem then is with both retarded sides and i think the trump supporters have a lot of potential (theyre already here) but they rarely make an argument that stands to scrutiny and fall back on memes more often then not. This wasted potential perhaps makes me madder than rioting does.

who am i 2 judge though, i got a lot of wasted potential myself; just an idealist who wants real discussion from either side i guess.
Ikaros_42ohApr 25, 2017 4:20 PM
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 4:24 PM
Oct 2012
Ikaros_42oh said:
Well that question itself is pretty passive aggressive smug. i think?

I thought I was being perfectly aggressive on it, nothing passive about it :-)

Ikaros_42oh said:
How am i supposed to tell over the internet? is this question passive aggressive smug? this one? maybe this? or is it third time the charm? its def this one?

I think most people can distinguish between an honest inquiry and someone trying to prove them wrong.

Ikaros_42oh said:
who am i 2 judge though

As the captain of your soul you should judge, but you should at least always be respectful for towards the other side, that is until the condone violence and censorship.
Apr 25, 2017 4:31 PM

May 2010
Ikaros_42oh said:
now way back up there in this war zone of a thread and what started this discussion of harassment/scrutiny and truth was that imo donald trump supporters were more likely to consider this scrutiny as harassment. (no seriously if you even question their opinions or arguments (if they can make a point) they blow up). Therefore this would be what's causing them to not participate in these discussions then right?
I can only refer back to the statements I pointed out:
- "Goes to show the ignorance of Trump-supporters."
- "His supporters are still retarded."
- "Yeah, that is cognitive dissonance for you."

How is this scrutiny? There is no desire to further any understanding here, it's a one sided bashing meant to quiet down the other side. To top it all off, this wasn't even about any opinions Trump supporters put out there, but just that Trump supporters existed. The hate here is for the people and not their opinions. And that's just within this thread where I actually tried to point that very sentiment out to try and quell it, if you look back over months and months since Trump's obvious rise to popularity during the election cycle, you'll see that mood throughout the whole time "Trump supporters are deplorable people". If you saw a house with shit stained walls, would you walk into it? I noticed early on, when opinions were still soft, that in the polls here Trump was winning by a fair margin, I knew the lurkers were there afraid to voice their opinion, and so I put in extra effort to make sure everyone understood that Trump had a real possibility of winning (people didn't believe it until the end, of course).

now im not saying the democrats are better, just that the avid donald trumpers never seem to want a proper discussion most of the time, just a meme or slogan or some over sensationalized opinion with 0 to back it up.
I guarantee you would say the same thing about your side, if you were on the opposite end.

What im using to back up this opinion is that you stated that Trump is more popular on here than I think
, yet what I notice is that they hardly post (you admitted this too) and they can hardly have a proper discussion. Now that could have to do with trump himself having sketchy reasons for doing something but acknowledging that or that donald trump has a shit ton of flaws in reasoning means youre no longer "a true supporter" in their eyes and to go back to "Libzbekistan" or something.
It depends on where you go. If you're here, pointing out a quality about Trump you dislike doesn't get you sandblasted by Trump supporters. If you go to The_Donald, then you will be, as the entire point of that sub-reddit is to spread positive views about Trump.

Have you ever experienced this? Any trump supporter ever called you 'a traitor to democracy' for not understanding his nonsense article and empty rhetoric? it's definitely happened to me before lmao
Not saying it'd never happen, but this has personally never happened to me.

Once again, if their opinions are sound it should hold up to scrutiny and the person making it then shouldnt "feel threatened" or "harassed" as you said.
It's the difference of "your opinion is dumb" and "you are dumb". The two are not the same statement.

You personally seem to be one of the better ones and im actually enjoying this convo. A rare one at least capable of forming/understanding arguments. You claim to want to not be combined with the Trump supporters in the quote below so dont you lump me in with the Hillary/dems either alright lol
Alright I won't. And it's not that I want to be separated from them, but I don't want to be credited for their actions, whether they be good or bad. As you've said, fanaticism can rear its ugly head regardless of the subject.

ps i liked ur argument here, utterly destroyed
It's not like I enjoy calling her out, but she practically forces me to by going on and on until I acknowledge her. I hope she gets the help she needs one day, it's not as if this has happened only this one time, this seems to be a constant thing with her.
Apr 25, 2017 4:40 PM

Mar 2016
hillary lost, so her supporters would probably feel better having voted for someone that they preferred more since the other guy was going to win anyways
trump won, so his supporters maybe would rather have voted for him instead of risking a vote for someone they might have liked more
this election was especially more of one about preventing the opposition from winning instead of genuinely favoring your guy

that's my hypothesis at least since this kind of data can be interpreted in any number of ways :V
Aure0linApr 25, 2017 4:48 PM
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
Apr 25, 2017 4:44 PM

Apr 2017

Takuan_Soho said:

Ikaros_42oh said:
How am i supposed to tell over the internet? is this question passive aggressive smug? this one? maybe this? or is it third time the charm? its def this one?

I think most people can distinguish between an honest inquiry and someone trying to prove them wrong.

Are you sure about that?

Ikaros_42oh said:
who am i 2 judge though

As the captain of your soul you should judge, but you should at least always be respectful for towards the other side, that is until the condone violence and censorship.

ok i dont like judging but well if you insist ;) As captain of this silly soul Im respectful towards all until they condone shitty memes/arguments and racism
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 4:59 PM
Oct 2012
Ikaros_42oh said:
ok i dont like judging but well if you insist ;) As captain of this silly soul Im respectful towards all until they condone shitty memes/arguments and racism

I would even respect that, argue against it, but respect. As long as it remains at speech and not deeds.

Idiots have the right to be idiots. They just don't have the right to pretend facts don't exist, that is what argument is for.

Then again, most people can't distinguish between "Fact" and "Opinion" nowadays, so arguments can be pretty tiresome....
Apr 25, 2017 5:51 PM

Apr 2017
I can only refer back to the statements I pointed out:
- "Goes to show the ignorance of Trump-supporters."
- "His supporters are still retarded."
- "Yeah, that is cognitive dissonance for you."
How is this scrutiny? There is no desire to further any understanding here, it's a one sided bashing meant to quiet down the other side. To top it all off, this wasn't even about any opinions Trump supporters put out there, but just that Trump supporters existed. The hate here is for the people and not their opinions. And that's just within this thread where I actually tried to point that very sentiment out to try and quell it, if you look back over months and months since Trump's obvious rise to popularity during the election cycle, you'll see that mood throughout the whole time "Trump supporters are deplorable people". If you saw a house with shit stained walls, would you walk into it? I noticed early on, when opinions were still soft, that in the polls here Trump was winning by a fair margin, I knew the lurkers were there afraid to voice their opinion, and so I put in extra effort to make sure everyone understood that Trump had a real possibility of winning (people didn't believe it until the end, of course).

its not scrutiny obv, but this specific topic (regret for voting for trump) is one that's hard to argue because of the sheer options one has for regret lol. The ones that DID change their opinion, those are the ones with something to actually discuss, not the bait of "his supporters are still retarded". As i said it should start out with an opinion like "yeah I regret my decision because of Donald trumps potential collusion with russia" or "no because I liked how Trump is handling Syria" and then ofc if you wish to understand (the goal here right) why you MUST ask. Very few people will make a good point without needing/wanting to. The hate for people as a group like that sucks and i really try not to judge but there are many people who will call out with the bait of "his supporters are still retarded" or "but her emails" or something and it is them who deserve judgement for bashing the others without a point. dont even fall for the bait unless you want to but theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience (many times ive been """""""roasted"""""""" by a trump supporter on reddit smh i fall for it too easy)

I guarantee you would say the same thing about your side, if you were on the opposite end.

you're right. from both perspectives the other is dumb; its just that ive yet to meet a trump supporter who actually convinces me. Thus my natural bias. Just like you never met anyone who convinced you of hillary. natural bias. the natural bias vs the opinionated bias is an interesting point i just thought up... hmm like i mean natural in that you cant help it because youve yet to be shown anything to disprove your stance VS opinionated bias where your bias was altered due to the other opinions you have. I have no idea if thats a real thing but makes sense to me, tell me what u think...

It depends on where you go. If you're here, pointing out a quality about Trump you dislike doesn't get you sandblasted by Trump supporters. If you go to The_Donald, then you will be, as the entire point of that sub-reddit is to spread positive views about Trump.

i wish i could get properly argumentatively sandblasted by a trump supporter. id understand more and have a better opinion of trump supporters if they do a good job. Ive spent a good deal of time at /r/asktrumpsupporters which helps.

Not saying it'd never happen, but this has personally never happened to me.

so yes it seems we have different perspectives then resulting from different experiences. And you've demonstrated even in this thread the harassment from the left quite well, know that I have taken this into account on my opinion of the left/right relations. 'another experience down' as they say.

It's the difference of "your opinion is dumb" and "you are dumb". The two are not the same statement.

well said but if the opinion you or anyone gave is not dumb and the person replying goes "youre dumb" all im saying is to not blow up with accusations of harassment and instead ask for a real opinion back. if they still reply youre dumb you know theyre dumb and can move on freely without being brought down to their level lol. This is how you defeat the problem of my first reply above imo. This allows you to take the ez 'high road' and the other person looks dumb as shit.

Alright I won't. And it's not that I want to be separated from them, but I don't want to be credited for their actions, whether they be good or bad. As you've said, fanaticism can rear its ugly head regardless of the subject.

keeping yourself from associating when its good is nearly impossible temptation but i respect that effort and ill be sure to call you out if i see you taking credit good nor call you out when his supporters do something stupid, sounds fair to me

It's not like I enjoy calling her out, but she practically forces me to by going on and on until I acknowledge her. I hope she gets the help she needs one day, it's not as if this has happened only this one time, this seems to be a constant thing with her.

may we all get the help we need, this is an anime forum after all xd

Ikaros_42ohApr 25, 2017 6:02 PM
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Apr 25, 2017 6:02 PM

Aug 2014
i am a trump supporter with no regrets.

too bad i'm not 18 yet. :((

penis lol
Apr 25, 2017 6:36 PM

May 2010
Ikaros_42oh said:
The ones that DID change their opinion, those are the ones with something to actually discuss, not the bait of "his supporters are still retarded". As i said it should start out with an opinion like "yeah I regret my decision because of Donald trumps potential collusion with russia" or "no because I liked how Trump is handling Syria" and then ofc if you wish to understand (the goal here right) why you MUST ask.
Of course I didn't make any accusations until post #120 of this topic. I merely alluded that things on CE were a bit muddled, and rather than give my opinion on why, I asked for everyone else's opinion.
Thrashinuva said:
Yet it's strange. Here on MAL we have so many posters acting as if this is untrue. The general attitude around here would have you believe that most Trump voters were seemingly conned.

Where do you guys feel is the explanation for this discrepancy? Do you feel MAL posters represent overall voters well? Do you feel there is some amount of disillusionment involved?
There's definitely some implication here, but the immediate reaction of the following posters was not to answer the question or to discuss why the article was made in the first place, but what they felt about Trump supporters. I think your idea is that given the right conditions the discussion would have naturally led to a productive place, but the reality is that despite the conditions the discussion veered completely off course regardless.

the natural bias vs the opinionated bias is an interesting point i just thought up... hmm like i mean natural in that you cant help it because youve yet to be shown anything to disprove your stance VS opinionated bias where your bias was altered due to the other opinions you have. I have no idea if thats a real thing but makes sense to me, tell me what u think...
It's of course natural to be adamant in your initial positions on topics, positions that you've come to yourself. It's hard to change someones mind once they've made it regardless of what they made their mind up on. Just look at Takuan_Soho. He made up his mind that he could never be wrong, and when confronted about his very clear and obvious mistake that he wasn't prepared for he started making up excuses like "looking back on that it seems I meant it as a joke" (the joke is that he expected anyone to take that seriously).

Not saying it'd never happen, but this has personally never happened to me.
so yes it seems we have different perspectives then resulting from different experiences. And you've demonstrated even in this thread the harassment from the left quite well, know that I have taken this into account on my opinion of the left/right relations. 'another experience down' as they say.
I've still experienced it outside of Trump related topics. My ideologies just happen to align very closely with Trump, so I don't tend to doubt him, which naturally means I don't have disappointments to express. When it comes to other things, however, I have a large tendency to go against the norm, which results in me pointing out obvious issues that people denounce as if it was a threat to their own way of life.

if they still reply youre dumb you know theyre dumb and can move on freely without being brought down to their level lol. This is how you defeat the problem of my first reply above imo. This allows you to take the ez 'high road' and the other person looks dumb as shit.
Easier said than done. You can't enact this kind of ideal without some kind of brainwashing. It's one thing to talk to an individual and say "that person belittling you isn't worth your time", and another to try to convey that to an entire political alignment. To begin with politics means that one sides decisions will effect the other side, so discussion is mandatory even if it means dealing with people who won't tolerate you.
Apr 25, 2017 6:55 PM
Oct 2012
Thrashinuva said:
It's hard to change someones mind once they've made it regardless of what they made their mind up on. Just look at Takuan_Soho. He made up his mind that he could never be wrong, and when confronted about his very clear and obvious mistake that he wasn't prepared for he started making up excuses like "looking back on that it seems I meant it as a joke" (the joke is that he expected anyone to take that seriously).

Fine, I was wrong about the context of something that made absolutely no difference to the argument I was making. Happy?

Trump is neither a "con" nor a "con". Want to argue it? You seem pissed just because I said I was an elitist. Struck a nerve I guess. You should have more confidence in your opinions. LOL.

Apr 25, 2017 7:05 PM

May 2010
Takuan_Soho said:
Fine, I was wrong about the context of something that made absolutely no difference to the argument I was making. Happy?
It didn't make a difference because literally no one was arguing against you about it because you misunderstood.

I tried to be gentle about it. I'm not really concerned with what you think my state of mind was when I pointed it out. I guess if it was anything I felt it was fun to point out to a self proclaimed "elitist" a very stupid mistake that he made. You can be an elitist or not, I don't really care about your life, but I hope you learned at least that being an elitist doesn't make you elite.
Apr 25, 2017 7:36 PM
Oct 2012
Thrashinuva said:
It didn't make a difference because literally no one was arguing against you about it because you misunderstood.

Even if I misunderstood, the argument I made still stands. It's a pity that no one wants to talk about whether Trump can split the two parties and completely rearrange politics in the US, something that hasn't happened since 1968. That's what a lot of his backers want to have happen, which in turn explains why they aren't disappointed with him (yet). He still has all the right enemies.

Thrashinuva said:
I tried to be gentle about it. I'm not really concerned with what you think my state of mind was when I pointed it out. I guess if it was anything I felt it was fun to point out to a self proclaimed "elitist" a very stupid mistake that he made. You can be an elitist or not, I don't really care about your life, but I hope you learned at least that being an elitist doesn't make you elite.

God no. And it doesn't make one smart either. If you had read the context, I was talking about Trump being a populist so I thought my use of "Elitist" should have been clear.

I am a political elitist, not an intellectual elitist. I think "total democracy" is a horrible idea. I think the founding fathers of the US were right to try to limit it as much as possible by making the US a republic.
This is not to say that I support "philosopher kings", just that I am horribly suspicious of the masses as well. I like the EC, I like that we are bicameral and this slows down populist impulses, not so keen on seeing judges rule from the bench though.

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