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Your opinions on the MGTOW, men moving away from women.

Mar 5, 2016 7:00 PM

Aug 2013
(Had to find it on reddit because I wasn't signing up to a news site just to read it.)

"I am sure that many women will regard us as losers, or that we should just 'man up', or are too unattractive to gain dates. But therein lies the problem for women. The next time you ask your girlfriends, 'Where have all the good men gone?', the answer is, men are going their own way." Milo Yiannopoulos, a British columnist for the conservative US website Breitbart, sees the MGTOW movement as a reflection that young men are in a crisis.

"There are hundreds of thousands of smart, creative, sensitive, fascinating, attractive young men who have given up entirely on girls," he says. "I wrote about it early this year and called it the 'sexodus': boys who retreat into porn, video games and, in some cases, horribly, suicide, because they have no reasonable prospect of a normal, healthy relationship.

"These kids aren't dorks or losers or 'manbabies' or angry men's rights activists. They're normal young men whose lives are being destroyed by wacky feminist orthodoxy and the hostility toward young men at college and in the workplace".

The veteran campaigner Erin Pizzey, 76, is the founder of the women's domestic-violence charity Refuge, and in 1971 founded the first internationally recognised women's shelter in Chiswick, west London. Now, however, she believes it is men who are seeking refuge through MGTOW — and, controversially, she thinks it is women who have created the backlash against their own gender.

"MGTOW to me is a healthy movement," she says. "It's men taking power back because they have been rendered powerless in the past 50 years. There is a generation of men saying, 'I've been burnt, I'm dropping out.' We are in uncharted territory. As women made war with men, men are beginning to say, 'Maybe this war is liberating me. I don't have to be a wage slave in order to have a relationship with a woman.' "

She believes campus life is so hostile to young men that it is putting them off going to university (another explanation is that boys are outperformed by girls at all levels of British education).

"If, as a young man, you are from a very ordinary family, where you would never consider harming a woman, then you get to university and the first thing that happens is you are all corralled into a meeting where you are told that you might rape — that's a shocking thing to do to a young man," she says. "Is there any wonder these men are disengaging?

"We need to make women responsible for their behaviour. We have spent 40-50 years pretending that we can't say anything about women because we are victim-blaming. Until we get women to take responsibility, nothing is ever going to change."

What are your thoughts on this idea of a new wave of men disconnecting from having relationships with women. It should also be noted that marriages are down record amounts in the past few years and articles in women's and feminist circles are starting to show up more frequently titled "Where have all the men gone?" in response to less and less dating and marriage in society. Some believe its a natural response to the growing war on men and boys. that the increasing risk of been branded a sexual predator for no reason other than been male is simply not worth even risking in today's society and especially campuses.

Others simply believe its a formation of another brand or type of misogyny, that its a dangerous movement engaged in self rebuilding toxic masculinity in society. That it is a dangerous movement dedicated to segregating the sexes to further sexism in society.
SpooksMar 5, 2016 7:07 PM
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Mar 5, 2016 7:06 PM

Oct 2012
Great, this just means the world population won't go up as much then.
Mar 5, 2016 7:10 PM

Mar 2008
It's not that bad if someone does not want a relationship, they can do what they want, but if they do not want to be around women at all you can petty much consider it a type of anxiety disorder. The reality is MGTOW do not truely get away from women since they spend so much time bitching about them so they are always on their mind. MGTOW is not really much different from Separatist Feminism.
Mar 5, 2016 7:10 PM

Jan 2015
Good. Less children, more available women to choose from. Just what the world needs. I think most of their argument is correct except for well... the fact that they are blaming ALL women for what a bunch of fanatical so called feminists are doing. They could be campaigning against the absurdity of rape accusations and the very real damage SJWs are causing. But no, they are fucking beta males too chicken to fight for what they want, so they run away from their problem instead.
Mar 5, 2016 7:14 PM

Oct 2012
Bancoran said:
Ball_is_Life said:
Great, this just means the world population won't go up as much then.

in all honesty this is actually probably a good thing, if legitimate. the world's population is actually a real, serious problem that we're going to have to address eventually lol

in all seriousness though, this entire article is entirely western-centric (i.e. america/england) and this whole issue is completely irrelevant on a global scale :x

Well, it's already a common thing in some Asian countries. Japan, China, Korea, etc.

Why do you think the whole "waifu" craze is prevalent in Japanese Otaku culture? Men don't want to get married and have families anymore, the costs of raising a kid is skyrocketing.
Mar 5, 2016 7:27 PM

Mar 2014
@ModeratelyHuman There are some beta in the movement that is obvious. But regardless there are others who have brought those things up you have mentioned. Its just that in Euro-Centric countries marriage is just financial suicide for males. Better to work here & get married abroad.

> "i think Youtube is a pretty cool guy. eh sucks viacoms dick and doesn’t afraid of anything" - anon
Ban me plz
Mar 5, 2016 7:31 PM

Apr 2013
Ball_is_Life said:
Great, this just means the world population won't go up as much then.

I worry about that too, especially in developing countries where there are more people than the land can handle.

Then you look at a country like Japan....
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Mar 5, 2016 7:35 PM
Jul 2018
Sounds good. I don't see any biological reason why women and men should marry in the world that is full of living beings. Unless if in your region or whatever needs the human population growth since there's a big gap between young and old population ratio, that thing must be done.
Mar 5, 2016 7:39 PM

Jul 2012
Well, it's their choice to be losers :^)
Mar 5, 2016 7:46 PM

Nov 2008
Sorry conservatives but a relationship isn't necessary in the 21st century. If you're seeing that normals are doing this, then you should think this is the new norm, we'll be alright.

Mar 5, 2016 7:47 PM

May 2013
is this one of those "how men have it so tough blah blah" threads? Such weird rationalizations from groups like these.
Mar 5, 2016 7:48 PM

Apr 2012
Are they really moving away from them. If they are still complaining about women? :c
Mar 5, 2016 7:49 PM

Apr 2015
A famous expression: " When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day"

Well, that sums it up.
Mar 5, 2016 7:52 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:
It's not that bad if someone does not want a relationship, they can do what they want, but if they do not want to be around women at all you can petty much consider it a type of anxiety disorder. The reality is MGTOW do not truely get away from women since they spend so much time bitching about them so they are always on their mind. MGTOW is not really much different from Separatist Feminism.

Pretty much this, it's fine in theory but usually shit in execution. Most MGTOWs that I know off tend to be spiteful man children who have a overgeneralized negative view of ALL women. Essentially the male equivalent of the man-hating feminist.
ThrashMattoMar 5, 2016 7:57 PM
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Mar 5, 2016 10:21 PM

Nov 2015
I agree with most of the things said here but this one in particular really struck me:
"They're normal young men whose lives are being destroyed by wacky feminist orthodoxy and the hostility toward young men at college and in the workplace".

The only thing I don't agree with is that feminism has anything to do with it. It's the society in general.

Ever since I was in grade school I was made to feel bad for being a boy & seeing all these girls being given preferential treatment, I used to wish I could just become one too.
And then there's college.
I always come across this group of final year students, they have really trashy sense in fashion & they're really loud and obnoxious, it's impossible to ignore them.
I've seen them sexually harass & bully younger dudes, they've been doing it for over a year now but no one has taken any action towards them..

I don't want to label myself as one because there's a social stigma attached to it, but I might as well be an MGTOW (just the same way I don't label myself as a feminist because of said social stigma)..
I mean I do talk to women, in fact a lot of my best friends are women. But I'm still scared shitless at the thought of getting into trouble just because I had a couple of drinks with a girl & we decided to have a good time. I avoid those situations at all costs.

I've seen a lot of people posting comments like "It's their choice to be losers", it's really not. This is the only way in they can protest against this and as much as I don't like taking part in it, I feel like I already am, that too against my will..

Feminism shouldn't be about idealizing women & feminine behavior, it shouldn't be about putting women up on a pedestal. It was meant to get women equal rights & respect as men and along with all that also comes equal responsibility.
But here we see men being demonized and still being forced to take responsibility. It may not be that big of a problem now but in about 50 years or so, I see this becoming an unhealthy norm that'll be hard to break free of.

People probably think that I'm a loser already because I'm a male & males shouldn't be complaining but that's how you fix problems in the first place. A lot of people (including men) refuse to see this as a problem and see it as the way things are supposed to be, but it's 2016 already & it's a shame that things are the same way for men as it was back in 1916..
This is exactly why women are doing better now than they did before; they recognized the problems they were facing as legit problems & decided to do something about it, I just wonder why men refuse to do the same as well..
Mar 5, 2016 10:38 PM

Sep 2014
is there mgtow for people who like the same gender or no
Mar 5, 2016 10:41 PM

Apr 2015
AnimeFreak-San said:
is there mgtow for people who like the same gender or no

I think so yes. Take Batman as an example.
Mar 5, 2016 10:46 PM
Mar 6, 2016 12:39 AM

Sep 2014
Nothing wrong with anyone not wanting a relationship. However, the premise behind this "movement" has always rubbed me the wrong way; these seem like bitter, self-entitled men that have "given up" on women based on one or two rejections, and have a thriving case of "nice guy" syndrome.

I don't understand why anyone would want to adhere to their own little clique and give it a fancy name just to proclaim "hey, look at us! We choose not to have relationships with wominz! We're so kewl!"

Okay, neat, so you don't want to be in a relationship any time soon... And...?
I have no problem with men "sympathising" with each other over this, that's normal human behaviour. But these guys seem to be taking it two steps too far...
Mar 6, 2016 12:45 AM
Feb 2014
Sorry Spooks I disagree with you this time.

MGTOWs have a nice mindset and all but they're really quitters who while its understandable that most of the women around them probably are using men for resources, that simply does not mean they have to constantly bitch and whine about it all the damn time. If they really wanted to be productive, they'd just simply shut up while doing their own thing. Otherwise they're just a bunch of redpilled former "nice guys" who are forcing themselves to be pariahs and taking out all their anger on people who are really in successful relationships and don't have to worry about "women always using men for resources" which as a statement, is only partially true. They seem to actually take Roosh V seriously as well, which we all know what a dipshit he is.
AqutanMar 6, 2016 12:50 AM
Mar 6, 2016 12:51 AM

Mar 2008
SnugglyWhuggly said:
these seem like bitter, self-entitled men that have "given up" on women based on one or two rejections, and have a thriving case of "nice guy" syndrome..
Nice victim blaming. They were treated bad so it must always be their fault, right? Oh no those evil men, how dare they have feelings for someone.
Mar 6, 2016 12:53 AM
Feb 2014
traed said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:
these seem like bitter, self-entitled men that have "given up" on women based on one or two rejections, and have a thriving case of "nice guy" syndrome..
Nice victim blaming. They were treated bad so it must always be their fault, right? Oh no those evil men, how dare they have feelings for someone.

She's right though. This is the case most of the time. Either that or they kept throwing themselves at women who think they're going to accept people because they're doing nice things to win over their affection. Nice guy syndrome is horrible, almost any self-proclaimed MGTOW on Twitter has this "nice guy" mindset deep down inside if you really make them crack.

If I gave up on love, I'd just shut up. These guys run big mouths.
Mar 6, 2016 12:53 AM

Aug 2013
SnugglyWhuggly said:

Okay, neat, so you don't want to be in a relationship any time soon... And...?

I don't beleive its that they don't want relationships. I think they just don't want to take what they see as a risk on a relationship. As Erin Pizzey put it.

"If, as a young man, you are from a very ordinary family, where you would never consider harming a woman, then you get to university and the first thing that happens is you are all corralled into a meeting where you are told that you might rape — that's a shocking thing to do to a young man," she says. "Is there any wonder these men are disengaging?

As an interviewee put it:

I've just started university, and the issue of sexual consent on campus really, really terrifies me. There are new police guidelines that mean you have to prove consent and now I'm genuinely afraid to even go near a woman.

"Sex is too dangerous. I'm afraid of false rape allegations.

I think most of the guys of uni age like that have decided the risk of going to bed with someone who may or may not say you're a rapist the next day without repercussions would be too great. I assume the reason they've gathered under this title and become self declared MG something or other is 1 like feminism its easier to get behind an ideology and find other people with similar reasoning's when it has a name 2 feminism has its own group and nobody cares this is probably just a natural evolution of a feminist society, a formation of the reverse and 3 assuming to draw attention that this thing is such an issue that men are even having to start swearing off women.

Feminism was a better celibacy pact than anything the church threw at young people lol
SpooksMar 6, 2016 12:58 AM
Mar 6, 2016 12:57 AM
Feb 2014
Sometimes reading gender/sex threads makes me wonder how truly degenerate Western millennials are.

Life isn't supposed to be about love and sex, its supposed to be about providing for yourself and making a difference in your own life. Love and sex are just bonuses that greedy people lust for. This is almost EXACTLY what MGTOWs don't get. They could have done so much in their lives instead of worry about materialistic fantasies. Instead, they constantly force themselves to be ascetic prudes simply because they don't get it. I'm dead serious. I've been around these people before, they're people without any motivation to do these things and it shows. They're hypocritical tribalists. Avoid them and please don't fall for that plague.
AqutanMar 6, 2016 1:01 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:03 AM

May 2014

"I am sure that many women will regard us as losers, or that we should just 'man up', or are too unattractive to gain dates.

Not just the women i'm afraid.

"There are hundreds of thousands of smart, creative, sensitive, fascinating, attractive young men who have given up entirely on girls,"

They forgot to add socially inept and awkward.

You can already see that this thread wont be showered with posts of approval.
You just dont go and create a safe environment for quitters and tell them "it's okay to stop trying at some point" because it really isn't.


"MGTOW to me is a healthy movement," she says. "It's men taking power back because they have been rendered powerless in the past 50 years.

Hyperbole much ?
Mar 6, 2016 1:03 AM

Mar 2008
Nico- said:
traed said:
Nice victim blaming. They were treated bad so it must always be their fault, right? Oh no those evil men, how dare they have feelings for someone.

She's right though. This is the case most of the time. Either that or they kept throwing themselves at women who think they're going to accept people because they're doing nice things to win over their affection. Nice guy syndrome is horrible, almost any self-proclaimed MGTOW on Twitter has this "nice guy" mindset deep down inside if you really make them crack.

If I gave up on love, I'd just shut up. These guys run big mouths.

I get really irritated when someone goes on about "nice guys". It's name alone basically gives a message anyone who acts nice must have ulterior motives and that if someone is rejected as a male its somehow always their fault, they're always a loser. It is something some people do to comfort themselves from rejecting someone with things like "oh he must not have been really nice". It's not as hard as some think to tell when someone is being nice in a fake way and when someone is actually nice because they care about someone but most people seem to lack this ability.
Mar 6, 2016 1:04 AM

Aug 2013
Nico- said:

Life isn't supposed to be about love and sex, its supposed to be about providing for yourself and making a difference in your own life. Love and sex are just bonuses that greedy people lust for.

Is it possible you have developed your own individual views on life that may not be reflective in the objective sense upon everyone elses? and your different views and aversion to their lifestyles is what drives this hatred towards how they chose to approach life?

While I'm sure anyone can agree that moping around doesn't help you speak on your own terms about life if they're objective facts on how one lives life. Even though just between you and I we differ in our opinions on whats important in life.

"Love and sex are just bonuses that greedy people lust for." for example could be seen as an extremist life view that others don't share, shaped by your own life no doubt but hardly objective.

Life isn't supposed to be anything, its what you make it. If we're been truly inclusive and objective here. Life is about surviving and mating from a nature point of view. Beyond that is making it up for whatever suites you individually.

ZA_WAYD said:

You just dont go and create a safe environment for quitters

Unless you're female student in college.

Still got it on occasion.
SpooksMar 6, 2016 1:08 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:08 AM
Feb 2014
traed said:
Nico- said:

She's right though. This is the case most of the time. Either that or they kept throwing themselves at women who think they're going to accept people because they're doing nice things to win over their affection. Nice guy syndrome is horrible, almost any self-proclaimed MGTOW on Twitter has this "nice guy" mindset deep down inside if you really make them crack.

If I gave up on love, I'd just shut up. These guys run big mouths.

I get really irritated when someone goes on about "nice guys". It's name alone basically gives a message anyone who acts nice must have ulterior motives and that if someone is rejected as a male its somehow always their fault, they're always a loser. It is something some people do to comfort themselves from rejecting someone with things like "oh he must not have been really nice". It's not as hard as some think to tell when someone is being nice in a fake way and when someone is actually nice because they care about someone but most people seem to lack this ability.

But she's right. Niceness is expected anyways, but you need to provide more than just being nice. It's guys who aren't willing to go lengths to do more that often become former "nice guys" turned MGTOWs that creates more tribalism between the manosphere and the feminazi SJWs. The problem on the female side I will admit (mainly the ones who you expect to be gold diggers anyways), is that they probably do have high standards for the most part and guys are constantly dumped and thrown around like dirty laundry. However, they really do not have to be wasting their time and energy into those people. They're not worth it. Find a girl who's simply not going to use you, and these MGTOWs fall into the trap all the damn time and won't stop going on and on about it. This is why people like Elliot Rodger became mass shooters. They're these bland human beings who just expect women throw themselves at them, and always focus on shallow qualities such as outward appearance and it drives them absolutely insane for no apparent reason, but just a fantasy and a life of that thereof.

Please don't tell me all guys are naturally like this btw, because that's simply wrong. There's more than just Staceys and fat Tumblrinas in this world. And there is not just Chads and Elliot Rodgers in this world.
AqutanMar 6, 2016 1:12 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:09 AM

Sep 2014
traed said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:
these seem like bitter, self-entitled men that have "given up" on women based on one or two rejections, and have a thriving case of "nice guy" syndrome..
Nice victim blaming. They were treated bad so it must always be their fault, right? Oh no those evil men, how dare they have feelings for someone.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm not even talking about men getting "treated bad", I'm talking about men that whine over just one or two rejections, and generalize the entire female population based on that limited experience.

As for men that were genuinely "treated bad"... Well, that's going to depend on the context. Obviously no one deserves to be treated poorly for no reason, but if they're getting treated "badly" on a regular basis, you start to have to wonder if it's them who's the issue.

Spooks said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:

Okay, neat, so you don't want to be in a relationship any time soon... And...?
I don't beleive its that they don't want relationships. I think they just don't want to take what they see as a risk on a relationship. As Erin Pizzey put it.

I think most of the guys of uni age like that have decided the risk of going to bed with someone who may or may not say you're a rapist the next day without repercussions would be too great. I assume the reason they've gathered under this title and become self declared MG something or other is 1 like feminism its easier to get behind an ideology and find other people with similar reasoning's when it has a name 2 feminism has its own group and nobody cares this is probably just a natural evolution of a feminist society, a formation of the reverse and 3 assuming to draw attention that this thing is such an issue that men are even having to start swearing off women.

Feminism was a better celibacy pact than anything the church threw at young people lol

And there's nothing wrong with not wanting to take a risk on a relationship either. It's just the "clique" mindset of sorts with MGTOW (and some other social movements/agendas) I'm not a fan of.

Feminism is another social movement I can't say I'm a fan of, but as you said, it's a bigger "group" than MGTOW. There's always going to be double standards between the sexes, and false rape allegations. It'd be great if the world was "fairer" overall, but unfortunately, that just isn't the way the world is.
Social groups such as feminism and MRA (or MGTOW) can just perpetuate the issue of "us vs them". Not saying either group hasn't had their benefits over the years, but if we really want as equal opportunities as possible, we need to look at the bigger picture, rather than solely focusing on one side's problems.
Mar 6, 2016 1:11 AM

Aug 2013
Nico- said:

"nice guys" turned MGTOWs that creates more tribalism between the manosphere and the feminazi SJWs.

Not all MGTOW are nice guy assholes same as not all feminists are raging feminazi's.
Mar 6, 2016 1:19 AM
Feb 2014
Spooks said:
Is it possible you have developed your own individual views on life that may not be reflective in the objective sense upon everyone elses? and your different views and aversion to their lifestyles is what drives this hatred towards how they chose to approach life?

Absolutely. While I probably agree with the MGTOW ideology for the most part, their disgusting tribalism is what makes me lose all credibility for them as being acceptable people.

While I'm sure anyone can agree that moping around doesn't help you speak on your own terms about life if they're objective facts on how one lives life. Even though just between you and I we differ in our opinions on whats important in life.

But why don't they make a difference anyways? They want to be successful, it's never too late for them to make a statement for themselves, these people are just poorly motivated, and willfully make themselves that.

"Love and sex are just bonuses that greedy people lust for." for example could be seen as an extremist life view that others don't share, shaped by your own life no doubt but hardly objective.

Somehow, that mindset isn't exactly my own, nor is it inherently anyone else's, but it's to raise a point. And that point is simply questioning why people dwell over only their negative experiences in life, and never at all seem to see anything good that's come out of them. Having self-pride isn't a bad thing, and if anything, I think it makes people mentally tougher. Tell me, don't you deep down want to be mentally tougher? Why not focus on your virtues instead of your flaws? Nothing really matters but your standing, make it high.

Life isn't supposed to be anything, its what you make it. If we're been truly inclusive and objective here. Life is about surviving and mating from a nature point of view. Beyond that is making it up for whatever suites you individually.

True. Life is probably Darwinist, but it does not mean you should accept yourself as prey. This is what MGTOWs consequently do when they quit on love and dating. They're OK to do it in silence, but they are just like feminists/LGBT advocates, they make such a huge fuss about it, so much that they become unbearable. They also tend to have a shitton of double standards with viewing their little tribe as exceptional to the rest, so how about they learn some humility instead of being narcissistic whiners?

Spooks said:
Not all MGTOW are nice guy assholes same as not all feminists are raging feminazi's.

Most MGTOW think exactly that though. And I'm playing with their words; I'm literally using their irony to show you what hypocrites they really are.
Mar 6, 2016 1:24 AM

May 2014
traed said:
Nice victim blaming.

traed said:

They were treated bad so it must always be their fault, right?

It might be ? ...
More often then not they're too trusting and naive, in which case , it is their fault.
Just learn from your mistakes and move the f on, that's how its supposed to be.
Same goes for both genders btw.
ZA_WAYDMar 6, 2016 1:30 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:25 AM

Sep 2012
This is actually a sort of legitimate example of misogyny, although in a benign way. At least if I'm understanding it correctly.

If it's simply an aversion to seeking romantic relationships (as opposed to avoiding women in general), well, can't say much about that. Protesting that attitude seems a bit rapey. "YOU MUST DESIRE ROMANTIC RELATIONS WITH ME"
Mar 6, 2016 1:27 AM

Nov 2012
Artsy said:
i wouldn't call the movement misogynistic as much as just ... sort of dumb

part of it sounds like the "nice guys" example, part of it sounds like it has legitimate reasons to exist, but the overall idea (not participating in any relationship because some of them could go badly) seems very ridiculous and overdramatic

Some men are delicate little flowers.

Mar 6, 2016 1:36 AM

Aug 2013
ZA_WAYD said:
traed said:
Nice victim blaming.


you could be this guy

When told to attend a consent workshop at university. Writing in a blog, he argued that the overwhelming majority of people ‘don’t have to be taught to not be a rapist’ – and that men inclined to commit the crime would be unlikely to attend such a workshop.

He added that he found his invitation to one of the sessions ‘incredibly hurtful’.

In the piece, ‘Why I don’t need consent lessons’, Mr Lawlor said he ‘loved consent’ but that organisers were ‘pointing out the obvious’ and ‘thinking they’ve saved the world’ by making men listen to lectures about rape.

Mr Lawlor added: ‘There was one guy messaging me on Facebook for over a week, calling me names like racist, rapist … I’ve stopped going to lectures and seminars because of the perceived threat.’

He said he was driven out of a bar in Leamington after some students overheard his friend mention his name. ‘These six guys just crowded round me and started shouting at me … calling me a rapist, a misogynist, and threatening me … I had to get out of there,’ he said.

‘I don’t want to play the victim card, but afterwards I cried.’

Mr Lawlor suggested his ordeal will have a chilling effect on other students. He said many had told him they agreed with the article but were afraid to back him publicly.

‘It’s all part of this no-platforming agenda, where they try and create “safe spaces” … but no-one ever thought to question whether I was in a “safe space”,’ he said. ‘People were calling for me to be expelled. You’re only allowed to talk about certain issues, it seems.’

He added: ‘When you search my name all you find is my name next to the word “rapist”. If you want to be a doctor or a lawyer you don’t want to risk having this sort of reputation … so there’s a fear that stops people talking freely.’

Call him a pussy cat if you want but all the guy did was say he didn't need to be taught not to rape people. I'm not surprised if male students just avoid any kind of situation that might lead to this and remember all this guy did was question something. Let alone have a one night stand or anything. These can be dangerous times is it all women's fault no of course not but the feminist hold on educational establishments is pretty clear and these zealous types will try to ruin male lives when they can.

For a lot of none confident men attending college the fear alone can be enough to have them swear off and regress away from society. I doubt all men who decide to do this do it because they suffer nice guy syndrome and its about not been successful with the ladies or just getting rejected. Even I find it silly quitting women for that reason alone but I get if someone does it for more serious reasons.
SpooksMar 6, 2016 1:44 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:51 AM
Jun 2014
So it's just ya bunch of loser nice guys who are rage quitting because they feel that they're god's golden to gift women and women keep rejecting?
'The way of the wang is long...and hard'
Mar 6, 2016 1:53 AM

Apr 2014
That is just way too funny tbh. I'd be messing with them all the time. These are 2016 males, afraid to approach women because they are scared they'll be accused of rape. Rubbish, hope their penis shrivels and fades.

Also unrelated but I can't stand Milo lmao. He's another hero of mal, along with Gavin Mcinnes.

Trance said:
I'm a guy and I can imagine buttfucking another guy. I don't find the thought repulsive, and I can even imagine kissing another man.
Mar 6, 2016 1:55 AM

Nov 2013
Mar 6, 2016 1:57 AM

Aug 2013
Dr_Mantis said:
These are 2016 males, afraid to approach women because they are scared they'll be accused of rape. Rubbish, hope their penis shrivels and fades.

They're only catching up to all the Japanese men. Soon all the developed world for one reason or another will stop producing children.

And then...

and we shall have peace...

Dr_Mantis said:

Also unrelated but I can't stand Milo lmao.

Oh how do you and I get along....
SpooksMar 6, 2016 2:03 AM
Mar 6, 2016 1:58 AM

Nov 2011
if you seek romantic relationship, you are branded a rapist.
if you give up, you're branded a loser.
guys just can't win.
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Mar 6, 2016 2:06 AM
Feb 2014
DreamingBeats said:
if you seek romantic relationship, you are branded a rapist.
if you give up, you're branded a loser.
guys just can't win.

And if you don't think about cancerous degenerate Western society 24/7, you're a winner.
Mar 6, 2016 2:11 AM

Apr 2014
Spooks said:
Dr_Mantis said:
These are 2016 males, afraid to approach women because they are scared they'll be accused of rape. Rubbish, hope their penis shrivels and fades.

They're only catching up to all the Japanese men. Soon all the developed world for one reason or another will stop producing children.

And then...

and we shall have peace...

Dr_Mantis said:

Also unrelated but I can't stand Milo lmao.

Oh how do you and I get along....
The Japanese men dating dolls is more manly than this. Anyone who lets this kind of feminism effect their lives is just something else.

And yeah Milo is just a conservative homosexual who debates morons. I've lost count of the amount of times he mentions he's gay and conservative.
Trance said:
I'm a guy and I can imagine buttfucking another guy. I don't find the thought repulsive, and I can even imagine kissing another man.
Mar 6, 2016 2:14 AM
Feb 2014
Dr_Mantis said:
Spooks said:

They're only catching up to all the Japanese men. Soon all the developed world for one reason or another will stop producing children.

And then...

and we shall have peace...

Oh how do you and I get along....
The Japanese men dating dolls is more manly than this. Anyone who lets this kind of feminism effect their lives is just something else.

And yeah Milo is just a conservative homosexual who debates morons. I've lost count of the amount of times he mentions he's gay and conservative.

For once, I actually agree with you.
Mar 6, 2016 2:48 AM

May 2014
Nico- said:
And if you don't think about cancerous degenerate Western society 24/7, you're a winner.

I swear i will never get western culture ... not sure i want to either after seing these kinds of topics being discussed seriously.
Mar 6, 2016 4:05 AM

Aug 2013
I've never heard of this kind of phenomenon before and honestly i find it really bizarre.
Mar 6, 2016 4:30 AM

Mar 2008
Nico- said:
But she's right. Niceness is expected anyways, but you need to provide more than just being nice. It's guys who aren't willing to go lengths to do more that often become former "nice guys" turned MGTOWs that creates more tribalism between the manosphere and the feminazi SJWs. The problem on the female side I will admit (mainly the ones who you expect to be gold diggers anyways), is that they probably do have high standards for the most part and guys are constantly dumped and thrown around like dirty laundry. However, they really do not have to be wasting their time and energy into those people. They're not worth it. Find a girl who's simply not going to use you, and these MGTOWs fall into the trap all the damn time and won't stop going on and on about it. This is why people like Elliot Rodger became mass shooters. They're these bland human beings who just expect women throw themselves at them, and always focus on shallow qualities such as outward appearance and it drives them absolutely insane for no apparent reason, but just a fantasy and a life of that thereof.

Please don't tell me all guys are naturally like this btw, because that's simply wrong. There's more than just Staceys and fat Tumblrinas in this world. And there is not just Chads and Elliot Rodgers in this world.

But you're going on the premise that it will always make sense. Sometimes there just is not good reasons behind peoples decisions whether it is who they are attracted to or who they are rejecting. Some people try hard to avoid looking at if their decisions are right or not because they do not want to admit if they were wrong which is part of the reason of why people wind up with people bad for them or dont wind up with people right for them. Even people that are perfect for eachother and like eachotehr in some cases reject one another. That is how illogical it all really can get. It can make sense sometimes but not always.

SnugglyWhuggly said:
That's not what I'm saying. I'm not even talking about men getting "treated bad", I'm talking about men that whine over just one or two rejections, and generalize the entire female population based on that limited experience.

As for men that were genuinely "treated bad"... Well, that's going to depend on the context. Obviously no one deserves to be treated poorly for no reason, but if they're getting treated "badly" on a regular basis, you start to have to wonder if it's them who's the issue.

But a person who feels hurt enough would be not want to be hurt more either. I'm just saying it's more complicated than that. There is a difference between being angry toward someone about rejection and just being sad and frustrated. That is the easiest way to tell people apart is if they blame the other person entirely or if they blame themselves or eachother equally or no one at all. The only douchy one is the first type who blames the other person for rejecting them and only them and tends to get mad more than sad. I think it would take quite a bit more than just two rejections for someone to swear off women unless they were in love with them. If it was just some horny guy wanting to get laid then it would take more than two rejections unless they were previously used to getting attention which helped bloat their ego and sense of entitlement to begin with and those types are the ones more likely to be the blame the girl call them a "bitch" or whatever and if that were the case they are better off being MGTOW for the sake of others so they wont have to deal with those type.
Mar 6, 2016 4:49 AM

Apr 2009
Red_Keys said:
This is actually a sort of legitimate example of misogyny, although in a benign way. At least if I'm understanding it correctly.
lol you are understanding it correctly. it's just weird because it seems too hyperbolic to be real yet it is.

as for my opinion, this is honestly the best thing i've heard about in a while?
misogynists choosing to stay away from women? perfect. as long as none of them turn into one of those people who shoot up sororities it's great
guys like that not producing offspring is good on a larger scale as well (y)

as for the whole 'afraid to have sex because scared of false rape allegations', i honestly can't believe people are so ready to coddle maladaptive cognitions. that kind of thinking legit sounds like a symptom of certain mental illnesses but whatever man, not my problem not my business
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Mar 6, 2016 5:08 AM

Apr 2013
Are men "giving up on women" really giving up due to the feminism and the other stuff mentioned in the OP's quote? Never heard of it before. IS that really a thing in the UK? I don't think we're at this point in France .
Even so, there's peoples "giving up " on a relationship (I think the word "giving up" is a bit inappropriate btw. While some of them are "giving up" some other are simply considering the pros and cons of a relationship and decides that they're better off without one. Giving up makes it sounds like being in a relationship is a thing to absolutely do) as well, so I'd say the responsibility for the phenomenon isn't that clear.
Some peoples mention Japan. But AFAIK, in Japan the "feminism" is close to non-existent. It's still strongly a patriarchal society.

As for peoples saying it's good for the overpopulation problem : well, I doubt it's big enough to do anything on the world level. For 1 guy that won't have children in the UK, Africa countries will have tons of guys getting several. In the calculated numbers from specialist about a future overpopulation, the problem doesn't come from Europe to begin with.
Mar 6, 2016 5:08 AM

Oct 2011
It's an easy way out for weak-willed men, not everyone can "man up".
Mar 6, 2016 5:13 AM

Apr 2013
BTW, the "man up" and "weak willed" thing always makes me smile. Are peoples using it really believing that you need to act in a certain way to "be a man"? What kind of retarded and backward way of thinking can still lead to such "marvellous" conclusion in 2016 ? Are you peoples coming right from medieval age with some kind of time travel ?
Do you seriously believe than having the will to live alone rather than in couple, the will to remain different, the will to accept the biased opinion such as yours, is being "weak willed" and doing like everyone else being "strong willed"?
Really? That's an... interesting point of view.
News flash : being a man has nothing to do with your decisions. And choosing to go another way than the way most peoples go doesn't mean that you're weak willed.
Well, whatever.
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