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Poll: Kosaki Onodera, Chitoge Kirisaki, Seishirou Tsugumi or Marika Tachibana

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Jun 12, 2014 12:17 AM
Oct 2013
DaylightBlue said:
I personally like Onodera but obviously she's not going to win. Unless the author feels like taking a troll pill or decides to make it less predictable, I don't see how Raku would end up with any other girl other than Kirisaki. The last time I got trolled really hard was with Ichigo 100% which was a really long time ago and makes me mad to this day.

Same feeling here bro. Ichigo 100% just makes me sad, the quiet & shy girl always looses in the end :/. Onodera is like a replication of Toujou -_- somehow..
Jun 12, 2014 9:28 PM

Aug 2013
1. I like the Yui the best. Since she has been in the manga it actually feels like it going somewhere. She isn't afraid to tell how she feels and actually makes sense story wise.
2. Kosaki/ Marika
3. Chitoge
4. Seishiriou
If i can toss your salad you can toss mine
Jun 20, 2014 4:21 PM
Apr 2012
Jun 26, 2014 2:09 PM

Mar 2014
I would go with Onodera, I don't know why but these days even though it's obvious how it will end up (like 90% of romance anime are these days, wish they would be less predictable), i STILL ALWAYS seem to fall in love with the pair I know probably won't happen like In MM they pushed purple haired girl 9 / 12 of the episodes yet they still somehow made it so blondy was a ''top contender'' (that one really got to me cause they didn't even push her pairing much at all) / then golden time with how he ended up with koko (was all for linda because koko abandoned him when he lost his memories while linda was always by his side).

sorry got a little off track, I do like nisekoi though because in this show i actually don't hate the couple that's most likely going to happen, chitoge isn't that bad (anymore, absolutely hated her but she finally started being a little bit more honest in the last 2 / 3 episodes).

...still find it weird how i used to always go for the cannon couple but now its always the one I know probably won't happen, might be because i'm a logical thinker but the main girl in romance anime always seem to be the more ''interesting'' girls while the runner ups (the girl they try to pass off as the biggest competition) always seem to be the ''natural & logical choice'' in my opinion.

anyways sorry i got off track a bit in that last section, was king of hopping if anybody had an explanation for it (i doubt their is a thread for such a vague topic & if so i haven't found it)
Jun 26, 2014 2:31 PM

Mar 2014
Itzel said:
(As of now I'm at Chapter 125)
Personally, I'd go for Chitoge x Raku simply because they would work out as the best. Both of them understand each other really well (themost?). They both have helped each other in many ways, willingly. They both are themselves when they are together (Unlike in Onodera x Ichijou). They've both gone through alot together throughout the entire story (alot of screentime). Their characters are overall a really good match.

Why not Onodera x Ichijou then? In my opinion, I feel that Ichijou has a really good character: kind, caring and always thinking about others, which have been heavily acknowledged by almost all the characters in the story. However Onodera do not have such characteristics. I'll address her as Kosaki to avoid confusion. Kosaki is very -kind- to her friends, but not to the extent of Ichijou. The purposeful, 'big' kind acts she does throughout the story are solely to Ichijou -kun merely because she likes him. She would never go to bigger extents like how Ichijou would to everyonelse. Kosaki is thus just a character that is just there to crush on the main character. Most of the screentime she gets (Alot, more than Chitoge) are based on her wanting to know Ichijou better and trying to express her feelings to him. In fact, that is almost the only thing I remember about her. She's kind and she's crushing on him. The only reason why she is weighted much more is because Ichijou himself likes her. Otherwise, she would be considered much less and maybe almost as little as Tsugumi.

Chitoge has Raku's good characteristics and personality. She would, without liking him, help Raku out (Alot) and even thinks about others like he does. Although she is not as good as Raku, she certainly has a good personality and is pure in her heart. She does not boast or feel superior because of what she has (money, intelligence, looks). These are mostly the reasons why I'd choose Chitoge over Kosaki. I myself only care about their personalities. Although she is tsundere, mostly. Many people don't like tsundere and prefer those who are shy but true to their hearts (like Kosaki).

I'd still like to hear people's thoughts on this topic of who should Raku pair with. Have I gotten too serious on this o.o I can talk casually too and sorry for bumping this >.<

to be honest, i'm not sure. What you say makes a lot of sense but I don't think you can write off onodera as someone who would never go to those extents for people unless she was actually in a situation where this would show. On the otherhand chitoge is put in these kinds of situations all the time so we definitely know she would go above and beyond when helping him. I do think she tries to act superior (just to raku) a little bit through out the story which irritated me from time to time but for the most part she is pure hearted and an overall nice person.

I do think my opinions are swayed by my preference of ''shy bot true to their heart'' girls but that's my basically what I think.
Jun 27, 2014 9:58 AM

Jan 2013
I like when they're both together.
And they had some nice moments.

Jul 19, 2014 7:30 PM

Nov 2013
I love Seishirou Tsugumi and think that her and Raku would make the best pair.
Well after Haru who is my favourite.
Jul 29, 2014 3:26 AM

Sep 2013
Definitely Chitoge.

Many reasons here, since i like Chitoge more. But also since Raku has such a weak and annoying personality whenever he's around Onodera. At least he can be himself with Chitoge. Though she can be annoying towards him, but that's how a relationship should be. Raku and Onodera can't barely talk to each other. Cute moments here and there, but i appreciate something more stable, where they both fight and laugh together. If he ends up with Onodera, the show would be ruined for good. That would be the most boring relationship to watch in history.

But i wouldn't mind if he chose Tsumugi, i just don't think that would happen.
Sep 1, 2014 11:06 PM

Jul 2014
Sep 5, 2014 8:04 AM
Sep 2014
CHTIOGE because she is so cute and raku helps her so often c:

and she have the best arcs :) christmas ... amnesia from raku and the serioust arcs allways with raku :)
Sep 10, 2014 7:15 AM
Jul 2018
Chitoge because she is way better developed than any other girl and is a lot more interesting. Onodera hasn't even developed a single bit from the start of an anime. I liked her in the start, but now she is just like a side character.
Oct 30, 2014 12:49 AM
Oct 2014
Raku should be with Chitoge because they fit together, both shy but not as shy as Onodera and other stuff that can compare them. Ondera is a great character but her shyness is level: over 9000!!! Yeah and still she's losing like Chitoge is going win raku but Onodera like finding a needle on a haystack. Tsugumi is cute shes fit for raku but I think Chitoge will still win. Marika, kinda like her kinda hate her because shes kinda acts princess-like but I like her because of her cuteness and when she kinda is good.

But im with #TeamChitoge
Nov 11, 2014 3:36 PM

May 2013
From my guess, I think the key that will unlock Raku's locket will be Chitoge. The reason is that Chitoge's key is a perfect size for Raku's locket while Onodera key is wayyy too long.
Also if you notice Raku's locket, it is made of gold. Chitoge's key is also gold which makes perfect sense while Onodera's key is this orange/bronze coloured key.
My last reason is the shape of the symbol on the keys. Onodera has a cross shape while Chitoge has a crescent shape. If you look back at episode 2, it was night time when Raku made a promise with a girl and if you look at the background, the moon has a crescent shape that looks like Chitoge's key so I got this feeling that it's Chitoge. + I don't know how a cross shape resembles between Onodera and Raku.

Yeup looks like it's Chitoge's key.
Nov 18, 2014 12:09 AM

Nov 2007
Chitoge FTW.

I dont mind the other two, but Onodera. . I just Hate her character
Jan 4, 2015 8:00 AM
Dec 2014
Onodera. (Please DONT read.)

Actually I only watched the anime and I dont read the manga. When I see the posts, damn, i felt pain. LOL. I think Chitoge will be canon since Ichijou spends alot of time with Chitoge,and Onodera miss alot of chances, and probably regret(maybe) it on the end. I think the story makes unpredictable for me at least, because Ichijou dont lose sight on Onodera while unconsciously developing feelings towards Chitoge. I hate to say this but Chitoge will be canon, I guess. Ouch! Still, even Onodera may not be the canon at the end, Onodera is the best girl/waifu in the history of Anime. Hahaha :D

The story was almost similar to To Love-Ru, characters, Ichijou(Rito), Onodera(Haruna) Chitoge (Lala), Tsugumi(Yami), Marika(Run).

Well, look at the bright side, Ichijou can have Chitoge, and the I can have Onodera. Haha. LOL . :D
dzt24Jan 4, 2015 8:03 AM
Jan 5, 2015 2:58 AM

Feb 2012
Marika FTW! She's the only one who is "wife" material. She's been working so hard just to be a perfect match for Raku.


Next would prolly be Yui, but she's not in the poll. All the other girls just beat around the bush. I mean, the others are just toooooooooooo shy or in denial or tsundere!! Seriously, how can you win in real life with that kind of attitude.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Jan 6, 2015 8:54 AM

Aug 2013
jbeat said:
Marika FTW! She's the only one who is "wife" material. She's been working so hard just to be a perfect match for Raku.


Next would prolly be Yui, but she's not in the poll. All the other girls just beat around the bush. I mean, the others are just toooooooooooo shy or in denial or tsundere!! Seriously, how can you win in real life with that kind of attitude.

Unfortuantelly from my point of view Marika has the wrost chances in the main three. I may be wrong but even though yes, she is the most direct and the only who openly express her love for Raku, he hasn't shown any particular strong feeling for her from what I remember, apart from friendship and is kind/helping personality, even though he knows how she feels about him. I feel that the only ones who got true chance is either Chitoge or Onodera which is sort of lame and cliche.

Personally I like Tsugumi, but I know she stand little to no chance here. For the main three I think Onodera should take it mainly because I like her more than the other two and I think she is the cutes. Anyway, as long as there is development for Shuu and Ruri I'm fine.
Jan 17, 2015 2:53 PM

Jan 2014
I would take a combination of Chitoge and Marika.

Tsundere sometimes but direct when needed. :3

Look at my avatar and you will understand.
Jan 18, 2015 9:22 PM

Aug 2013
Chitoge and Raku have that chemistry no one has. Onodera is shy and just a cutsy character. I'm not a fan and even if I was, I know her type don't win romances like these anyway. There are other cast members who I am fond of, but being honest here: they have no shot of winning. Sorry Marika, Tsumugu, Haru or whoever.
Mar 29, 2015 11:21 PM
Mar 2015
Chitogeis definitely my fav! She is just to cute!
And to be quite frank Onodera is my least favorite...
I don't really care for the other two
Kirisaki Chitoge > Tachibana , Tsugumi > onodera..
Mar 31, 2015 12:35 AM

Jun 2013
Please not shitoge
Mar 31, 2015 4:18 PM
Mar 2015
I'd have to go with Chitoge, honestly. The chemistry seems better between Raku and Chitoge, whereas with Onodera, everything is extremely awkward as they try to act "cool" arond each other.

I have nothing against Onodera, but she seems like a bland character. You know, just another one of those really shy, overly sweet girls that has a crush on the main character that doesn't seem to have much development whatsoever.

Marika is cool, but I don't like how she's throwing herself at Raku all the time. Clingy females for me are just annoying. She's also not being herself around Raku by acting girly all the time. I really like Tsugumi, though. Tsugumi and Raku are cute, in my opinion.
Mar 31, 2015 9:47 PM
Mar 2015
Guys/Girls, I know how we all have different tastes and all, but at least let me ask you all this question:
"Why do you like which girls you like?"
To me, I vote Kosaki. My reason is that she seems realistic, and very well balanced. She has her ups and downs and well... she's awfully cute. Some people might be annoyed or angry because of her extremely shy personality, and lack of courage, but that's just because of your opinion on which girls you prefer, which is you want a shy, or clumsy girl you can tease, or an outgoing, or straightforward girl. Me thinking Raku should be with Kosaki is just an opinion. I totally acknowledge the other girls, such as Chitoge's Tsundere personality, Seishiro's personality(well, I haven't been paying much attention to her at all, which is why I want to hear your guys's opinion about her.),and Marika's outgoing personality. I would appreciate it if you others would share your point of view of this poll.
Apr 4, 2015 12:45 AM
Aug 2014
Fuu chan. The end. Fuu chan is best.
Apr 4, 2015 12:54 AM

Jul 2013
I know this is probably a Kosaki-hate thread and I totally understand the frustration towards her (Although Raku literally has the exact same problems) I think we're sorda forgetting something here:

Kosaki is the only girl that has been around Raku before the whole harem started, and she's the only one to LOVE him before they remembered about the locket and key
(Yeah Marika liked him before but she literally had 0 contact with him during their teenage years whereas Onodera actually went to school with him and even studied harder just to be in the same secondary school as him.

I mean yeah Kosaki's the most timid one and all that but I think that we're forgetting that it's not that she's indecisive, like I said earlier she LITERALLY forced herself to study harder just to get into the same school as him. That's dedication.

Also, I'm pretty sure Onodera GETS that she probably has pretty good odds with Raku loving her back, but she doesn't want to force anything on him. She wants him to make the decision for himself. She's already admitted to seeing Chitoge as a threat but despite that she actually told Raku to go to her and get her to stay in Japan. THAT IS HUGE. Hate her all you want but she's the only one who's loved Raku throughout the entire manga (Besides Marika but marika is a c*nt about it)

Yeah she's probably not gonna win but honestly, whatever you know? It's her decision to let Raku make the choice; if next chapter she confessed and Raku ended up with Chitoge by the end then that would totally break my heart. But as long as she just stays on the sidelines watching her lover be happy with his life then she herself is happy.

If Kosaki doesn't win, I think I'd be fine with it. I mean she really has been the nicest and most stable person throughout the entire manga and if Raku doesn't get that well then he didn't deserve her anyways..

holy sh*t I love arguing about the personalities about fake drawn girls in Japanese comics
The best anime is the Road to El Dorado
Apr 4, 2015 1:06 AM

Apr 2011
The underdog Marika!!

First of all she didn't forget and she worked hard for it.

Too bad she have a low chance of ending with Raku since that's just how romcom series ends..

like on Ichigo 100%, IS" and other series..clingy girls are just considered nothing.

It's sad but it's the truth.
hellogarryApr 4, 2015 1:10 AM
Apr 4, 2015 6:16 AM

Jan 2010
I'd rather Onodera but is seems Chitoge will take him.
Apr 8, 2015 5:05 AM
Apr 2015
After what they've been through and the fact that imo this is better than Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (don't hate me but I kinda like a happy ending) I had to go for Chitoge.
Apr 8, 2015 5:09 AM
Jul 2018
Apr 11, 2015 3:10 AM

Nov 2013
God damn it! It's a hard choice man!

Most developed heroine : Chitoge. Well, I think she's the main heroine, so of course she will get more characterization. Other heroines are rather in status quo. Imo she's most likely (95%) to be the one who will win Raku.

The cutest : Kosaki. She's so cute imo! really cute! But then again, she is rather undeveloped and rather in status quo in her relationship with Raku.

For Marika, she sure is entertaining, but I don't know. I see her more in comedic ways rather than romantic.

Tsugumi, I love a character that is usually strong and cool, but goes dere in romantic situation.

Well, no need to be confused, If I were Raku, I'll pick them all!! LOL (just kidding, not really a fan of harem ending) My vote goes to Kosaki (Chitoge has gotten enough poll already)
Apr 11, 2015 3:36 AM

May 2014
1. Marika
2. Chitoge
3. Haru
4. Tsugumi
Yup that's everyone after some thought I have joined team Marika.. Will I be disappointed? Most likely but it happened and ya cant go back once it does. What your saying I have forgotten some people nahhh that can't be right.
deadmuffinsApr 13, 2015 5:42 AM
Minori Kushieda Forever <3

Apr 11, 2015 4:51 PM
Apr 2015
Apr 14, 2015 1:28 PM

Jan 2014
OtakuLove21 said:

Apr 14, 2015 1:29 PM

May 2013
Marika>Kosaki>Tsugumi>>>>>>>Worst grill ever
Apr 17, 2015 9:58 PM
Apr 2015
i always vote for chitoge!! Her smile never bore me. :) Raku MUST end up with chitoge. :D ♥
Apr 17, 2015 11:18 PM
Oct 2012
[quote=Legal_Latino]I know this is probably a Kosaki-hate thread and I totally understand the frustration towards her (Although Raku literally has the exact same problems) I think we're sorda forgetting something here:

Kosaki is the only girl that has been around Raku before the whole harem started, and she's the only one to LOVE him before they remembered about the locket and key
(Yeah Marika liked him before but she literally had 0 contact with him during their teenage years whereas Onodera actually went to school with him and even studied harder just to be in the same secondary school as him.

I mean yeah Kosaki's the most timid one and all that but I think that we're forgetting that it's not that she's indecisive, like I said earlier she LITERALLY forced herself to study harder just to get into the same school as him. That's dedication.

Also, I'm pretty sure Onodera GETS that she probably has pretty good odds with Raku loving her back, but she doesn't want to force anything on him. She wants him to make the decision for himself. She's already admitted to seeing Chitoge as a threat but despite that she actually told Raku to go to her and get her to stay in Japan. THAT IS HUGE. Hate her all you want but she's the only one who's loved Raku throughout the entire manga (Besides Marika but marika is a c*nt about it)

Yeah she's probably not gonna win but honestly, whatever you know? It's her decision to let Raku make the choice; if next chapter she confessed and Raku ended up with Chitoge by the end then that would totally break my heart. But as long as she just stays on the sidelines watching her lover be happy with his life then she herself is happy.

If Kosaki doesn't win, I think I'd be fine with it. I mean she really has been the nicest and most stable person throughout the entire manga and if Raku doesn't get that well then he didn't deserve her anyways..


Well said
Apr 21, 2015 8:32 AM
Apr 2015
Team Chitoge>.<! Raku likes Chitoge but he isn't realize it!
Apr 21, 2015 9:58 PM
Jul 2012
I wish I could change my vote. I want to split it between Marika and Chitoge.
May 10, 2015 8:27 AM

Apr 2014
At the begening i used to support Onodera's win.
But she has so little character evolution that she is just boring instead of cute by now.
Marika is cancerous (being sticked to the MC) and Chitoge is such a usual tsundere.
At this point i support Tsugumi and Haru...
May 12, 2015 10:56 PM

May 2015
Kosakiiiii and Marikaaaaa

May 19, 2015 12:30 AM
Feb 2015
why is there no love for Tsugumi though, she's awesome
May 19, 2015 3:06 AM
May 2015
Even though Chitoge is obviously going to be with Raku in the end. I would still like Kosaki better (Chitoge is actually one of my least favourite). I can't stand it in anime where a girl who is introduced along with the guy has feelings for him but then the guy is whipped up by someone else who he absolutely hates at first but then begins to like. ANNOYING! *_*. A similar thing happens in Sakurasou no pet na kanojo.

2)Marika (cos she's cute)
4)Seishirou (I can't see how that would work)
May 19, 2015 5:18 AM

May 2015
Swagtron said:
why is there no love for Tsugumi though, she's awesome

I think the problem is that she's not a possible "promised girl", second she is working for the kirisakis (her love for chitoge is probably greater), third is that her love for Raku is not really clear knowing that Raku was the first person who considered and treated her as a girl (i think there are plenty of dudes who would do the same)

The one who really should end up with Raku is either Kosaki or Chitoge if we highly based it on experience. The problem with Marika is that she is in love with the "rakkun" he knew back then, not what Raku is now. However, I still prefer Marika over Chitoge, since she is the best girl.
kristoffMay 19, 2015 6:31 AM

May 19, 2015 8:47 PM
Mar 2015
Chitoge has the tsundere package mastered. Chitoge and raku are very open when with each other other than Onodera and raku being shy. I also feel like chitoge has more of a personality, where as Onodera doesn't really have one.
May 20, 2015 5:04 AM
Jul 2012
This poll is super outdated
May 22, 2015 3:00 PM
May 2015
Everything here is null cause he won't end up with anyone. He's too much of a coward to do anything. What he needs is a bit of advice and encouragement from haru from my little monster. Now that's a good mc. Chp one he said I love you and kissed her and has always cared about her. Babam!
May 22, 2015 3:03 PM
May 2015
Ravid25 said:
Legal_Latino said:
I know this is probably a Kosaki-hate thread and I totally understand the frustration towards her (Although Raku literally has the exact same problems) I think we're sorda forgetting something here:

Kosaki is the only girl that has been around Raku before the whole harem started, and she's the only one to LOVE him before they remembered about the locket and key
(Yeah Marika liked him before but she literally had 0 contact with him during their teenage years whereas Onodera actually went to school with him and even studied harder just to be in the same secondary school as him.

I mean yeah Kosaki's the most timid one and all that but I think that we're forgetting that it's not that she's indecisive, like I said earlier she LITERALLY forced herself to study harder just to get into the same school as him. That's dedication.

Also, I'm pretty sure Onodera GETS that she probably has pretty good odds with Raku loving her back, but she doesn't want to force anything on him. She wants him to make the decision for himself. She's already admitted to seeing Chitoge as a threat but despite that she actually told Raku to go to her and get her to stay in Japan. THAT IS HUGE. Hate her all you want but she's the only one who's loved Raku throughout the entire manga (Besides Marika but marika is a c*nt about it)

Yeah she's probably not gonna win but honestly, whatever you know? It's her decision to let Raku make the choice; if next chapter she confessed and Raku ended up with Chitoge by the end then that would totally break my heart. But as long as she just stays on the sidelines watching her lover be happy with his life then she herself is happy.

If Kosaki doesn't win, I think I'd be fine with it. I mean she really has been the nicest and most stable person throughout the entire manga and if Raku doesn't get that well then he didn't deserve her anyways..


Well said
love is about appreciation not possession! Yes yes. Very awesome points
May 25, 2015 1:27 AM
May 2015
I love both Chitoge and Onodera, but tbh, i think Onodera is a pussy.
Because personally, i like girls who lead and are strong, like Chitoge. And i believe those girls like Onodera, yes, are like pussies. Many anime and manga girls are pussies tbh.... but i doesnt mean i hate them.

Chitoge FTW
May 25, 2015 3:40 AM

Apr 2013
OtakuGoddess said:
I love both Chitoge and Onodera, but tbh, i think Onodera is a pussy.
Because personally, i like girls who lead and are strong, like Chitoge. And i believe those girls like Onodera, yes, are like pussies. Many anime and manga girls are pussies tbh.... but i doesnt mean i hate them.

Chitoge FTW

If you like girls with a strong personality, than Marika should be your choice. Sure she can be annoying but she's portrayed as the type of girl that never gives up.
Chitoge on the other hand is strong physically (she's not called "gorilla" for nothing :P).
May 25, 2015 4:16 AM
Feb 2015
Right now, there is a war inside my head. The Team Haru and Team Chitoge ships are currently at war. But Haru isn't in the poll so it's pretty obvious who I chose :3
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