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May 19, 2014 10:21 PM

Aug 2010
I actually enjoyed this chap quite a lot. Didn't deserve all the hate the spoiler made it have.

Mikoto's speech wasn't exactly like Will-chan. She was preaching about some different stuff that Will did and it was really nice. Her anger wasn't overplayed and it was definitely understandable so. It's not worth the hate. Also loved how she saud she wants to live with the sin of causing 10k sisters to die :)

Liked the fight quite a lot. Touma touching the Five_Over like that to attack Mikoto, and it wasn't that he was overpowered by Mikoto or anything, it was like he intentionally didn't want to fight back anymore and the biggest clue is how she said he'll beat her easily after he woke up clear minded. And hoe he said that this fight is so relaxing XD

Touma admitting how his ideals could change any moment and that he may say something completely different from what he said three days ago was lol XD and again with I'm a normal HS student XD loved how he said "I want to" at the end not "I have to" :D

Mikoto saying "this is the first time I win against u and I didn't know it'll feel so empty" was nice.

So yeah gotta say I loved this chap. Mikoto got some special treatment in that she heard what happened to Touma, she still doesn't understand him though :(. She's pretty much the first to hear about his adventure in NT9 we'll not in detail ofc hehe. I guess Kamachi did a good job keeping her in the competition for Touma just a bit :P
I wonder if he'll tell anyone else?

Anyway! I want more OTP moments >.< Othinus must really be feeling bad if she's just sleeping all this time. Is her condition worsening that much? Next up Birdy :D
Barion-ZaraMay 19, 2014 11:57 PM
May 19, 2014 10:31 PM

Mar 2012
Lol at Misaka being toyed by Touma. I like how Touma joking around about tentacle.

Anyway the worst still haven't come. Waiting for Thor now.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 19, 2014 10:45 PM

Aug 2013
Round 8 : Biribiri.

Meh i guess the haters are just overreacting lol, Misaka's speech didn't really affect Touma besides causing a slight doubt in his actions. I mean come on, that guy just overturned a Patriarch's deadly preach and Murica's president threat with his words alone so there's no way Touma would lose in a speech competition :p

Lol at Touma for calling her sand iron whip as tentacle

And hell yeah, can't wait for Birdy and Index.
May 20, 2014 1:23 AM

Aug 2009
I will never understand haters. They even made me expect something terrible like Mikasa hurting Othinus or totally ignoring what Touma said.

Great fight and chapter.
May 20, 2014 9:12 AM
Oct 2012
fight was cool, the only thing that bothers me was Mikoto talk about things that in the end was told that she did not understand what Touma went. and it is sad that Touma was not really serious against she.
May 20, 2014 2:46 PM

Aug 2009
Was Birdway even trying?
It was like, "Hey lets toy with him,using this highly dangerous weapon, until he explains himself."

So, when exactly will things go wrong?
May 20, 2014 3:32 PM

Aug 2010
Not bad chap.

I guess Index fans may not like it much though. Lol'd at how Othinus was like "Tell Mikoto explain" XD poor Mikoto lol

"Othinus was well-known as the queen of ignoring the atmosphere, but even she began to fidget awkwardly behind him. " That explains were Othinus was while he was talking to Mikoto and man I want to see a fidgeting Othi-chan >. <

But well at least Birdy figured out somewhat what happened. They think it's just one world though XD Really. No one other than Othinus will ever understand what Touma has been through. They can never imagine hehe. Well Will too ^^

I enjoyed the Levenia Touma interactions XD She was definitely jelly when she figured out he's doing this for Othinus as a girl and how Mikoto found him first :P "Onii-chan! pay more attention to me" tsun tsun :3 Kawaii <3

Quite the excuse to not bring Index along XD

And ofc my favourite part was the start with them riding a tank lol

Othinus getting mad at him asking "Why are u so damn useless" when he caused the fall was so cute <3 one OTP scene per chap isn't enough ! >. <

Can't wait for Ollerus then Thor :D
Barion-ZaraMay 21, 2014 12:48 AM
May 20, 2014 3:37 PM

Nov 2011
Holy shit, another chapter is out? Js0666666

That brief little struggle between Othinus and Touma was silly. "WHY ARE YOU SO USELESS?!"
It was an okay chapter. As for

4 more chapters left. Next one should be interesting.
May 20, 2014 4:03 PM

Mar 2012
Just call Mikoto so we didn't need to do this again lol.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 20, 2014 5:39 PM

Aug 2013
Round 9 : Index & Birdy

Lol at the tank riding scene.

Poor Mikoto being treated as convenient girl again.

She had assumed something happened between the two of them when the world turned into a pitch black, and that caused a jealousy from her. What were you thinking, Birdy ? :D

I think Birdway is also afraid of the Gungnir power after her onii-chan explained it a bit so she didn't throw that lance immediately.
CainthazarMay 20, 2014 5:59 PM
May 20, 2014 8:25 PM

Nov 2011

This chapter was somewhat longer I guess.
>“He’s asking me what picture book witch I am. He seems to think this is a costume from an Andersen story.”

Kids are curious these days.

Silvia and Brunhild attacking in this chapter. Oh my goodness. Ollerus was pretty badass as well. What a chapter with the encounter between Othinus and Ollerus this time. Very intriguing.
May 20, 2014 9:58 PM

Aug 2013
Round 10 : Silvia & Brunhild.

They had a short date on a shopping center, not bad.

And the fight, what a bloody mess... this is the most brutal fight so far. I love it how Othinus was so worried about him. I wish we had an illustration of this similar to when Umidori and Hamazura were pawned by Rensa.

And Ollerus also onboard OTP ship. Hell yeah !

I wonder how Touma gonna fight against Thor in that condition. According to sources, the fight with Thor will be the longest.
CainthazarMay 20, 2014 10:04 PM
May 20, 2014 10:09 PM

Aug 2010
Loved this chap a lot.

Silva owned Touma so friggin brutally O_O A Red mass! Shit! How the hell is he gonna fight Thor like this XD

Ollerus's conversation with Othinus was really nice with how he said his reason in that killing Touma would make Othinus a monster far worse than before and killing Othinus would make Touma undergo some serious changes so that was nice. As well as how he said he's just doing the same as Touma in how he went against the people he's close to. Getting two arms ripped?! Ouch.

Also how Othinus said she found someone who can understand her more than him and that Touma is strong was really nice ^^ Ollerus ships OTP :P

And Othinus u should just stop being tsun and call Touma by name instead of human all this time XD u know u want to :P I hope she starts calling him Touma soon hehe.

Next up the most awaited fight HYPE HYPE HYPE! And how the hell is he gonna fight Thor now?
Barion-ZaraMay 20, 2014 10:23 PM
May 20, 2014 11:45 PM

Mar 2012
I have a feeling that Touma will unleash Invisible Thing in his fight with Thor next.

Anyway many OTP momment that I love this chapter.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 21, 2014 3:39 PM

Aug 2010
Chap out...

"Then I'll destroy that illusion" Welcome back Touma XD How I miss that line hehe.

Poor Othinus she really doesn't want Touma to suffer. OTP <3

I was actually quite surprised at how much Thor understands Othinus. Really love this guy. How he owned 100 Gremlin members XD BOSS!

His ability is OP as fuck though XD And what the hell is Touma's body made out of healing enough to move like that already lol. Thor isn't far behind being hit by a train and just walking out of it all covered in blood acting like nothing happened XD
Barion-ZaraMay 21, 2014 3:44 PM
May 21, 2014 4:18 PM

Nov 2011
Looks like another chapter is out heh

This is probably the longest one up to date so far.

Nice to see Thor this chapter. I wasn't surprised but since he's my second favorite member from Gremlin, it was a nice sight to see. Now that they don't have a leader, a free for all ?! As I had thought, Thor is pretty OP. I think if Othinus wasn't around like he said, Thor would of led Gremlin. Anyways, the final part was classic of Touma.

“Then I’ll destroy that illusion!!!!”

I might re-read some parts in one of the previous volumes again. Thor is really that damn awesome.
May 21, 2014 4:24 PM

Mar 2012
Here it come Touma catchphrase.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 21, 2014 4:48 PM

Aug 2013
Round 11 : Thor

My 2 favorite male characters of Toaru battling each other, thanks Kamachi.

Let the whole world moved for you ? That's one wicked spell.

And hell yeah Touma let out his famous catchphrase again !

And Othinus is the last boss. I had a hunch about this but i really don't expect it to really happen. I think i will have some manly tears at the end of their fight.
May 21, 2014 7:22 PM

Jan 2013
touman mode activated
Please check my music out on SoundCloud! There's something for everyone.

May 21, 2014 9:14 PM

Nov 2011
Final chapter and epilogue are out now for this volume!

Ah that speech on TV was quite something. Was Othinus redeemable? But then there's the ending of this chapter with the two final words "Thank you." :_;


Holy shit, the said your name, Beast666! in the epilogue. Overall, it was a good volume - had its sad and fun moments.
Stark700May 21, 2014 9:31 PM
May 21, 2014 10:00 PM

Aug 2013
Last Round : Othinus

I truly shed a manly tears at that hug scene ;_;

Once again, Roberto Katze being such an awesome prez. Truly deserved tons of applaud and respect for the guy.

Stark700 said:
Holy shit, the said your name, Beast666! in the epilogue. Overall, it was a good volume - had its sad and fun moments.

Actually someone had spoiled Aleister's magic name to me so i took that cool name as my username :p

Nephthys is mentioned !! Is GREMLIN actually an organization with several godly beings or what ? Is this finally the time to bring Egypt myth gods(or possibly, other myth gods) into Toaru ? Dammit Kamachi

And about Othi-chan being a 15cm 'fairy', i really hope there's a method to restore her human form. I don't wanna my OTP ship to sunk ;_;

Overall, this is a great volume although not on the same level as NT9. Personally i think if the boss rush was handled in 2 volumes, it would be more great.
CainthazarMay 21, 2014 10:05 PM
May 21, 2014 10:15 PM

Aug 2010
Js06 actually decided to end this today?! Damn!

We'll the fight was pretty good but the way Touma embraced her instead of punch her is just prove of OTP :P <3...that last scene was Feelz inducing ;_;

For a second there I thought Touma's arm is gonna be sent flying and we'll have IT but oh well.

I loved the fact that everyone in the world was watching this. Man, I wonder how Touma will live from now on XD he's one of the most famous people on Earth lol

Absolutely loved the speech that all the leaders in the world made :D brilliant stuff.

Turns out Kaori was still fighting the other 3 all this time?! Respect for keeping up with 1 vs 3.

And did Othinus's fairy spell just get negated by Touma touching her?! If it was that easy he should've tried before XD and the end we finally get the 15 cm Othinus. I don't mind for now since it made her escape her prison time and will be able to live with Touma hehe. Hope she'll be able to find a way to return to her original size if only every now and then to have some hot sex with Touma then go back :P

And ofc Touma woke up in his favourite hospital with his best friend Heaven Canceller.

The talk with Aliester and some other big shots who know more secrets about the world than Othinus was interesting. Nephythus?! Seems like we have our hands on some gods that surpass Othinus over here. How they were talking about Othinus and Aiwass being a failure O_O Power levels will be going up soon hehe. Also seems like the Gremlin Othinus lead was just a name and these are the members of the true Gremlin. Shit got real.

Well now that this volume is done I'd say it deserves a 9.5/10. It could have been better in 2 volumes instead of one and some face offs could have been better too. So yeah NT9 kept its position as best volume. This was a really enjoyable ride though ofc. Some chapters blew me away from awesomeness >.<! And I can't wait to see what the results of all this will be on Touma's life.

The fake"Gremlin" arc is over but Touma's every day life will probably be more hectic from now on XD at least he got a mini Othinus with him where ever he goes :3 I want one too >.<

Next up is an England related volume so finally we'll see Itsuwa after so long ^^

Oh and it's awesome to see this volume having 150+ comments here :D
Barion-ZaraMay 22, 2014 4:20 AM
May 21, 2014 10:33 PM

Aug 2013
Barion-Zara said:
And did Othinus's fairy spell just get negated by Touma touching her?! If it was that easy he should've tried before XD and the end we finally get the 15 cm Othinus. I don't mind for now since it made her escape her prison time and will be able to live with Touma hehe. Hope she'll be able to find a way to return to her original size if only every now and then to have some hot sex with Touma then go back :P

And don't forget the wedding part. It's impossible to find a ring that match with her current size :p
May 21, 2014 10:50 PM

Mar 2012
^Hey your name is in the epilogue

Anyway the speech is so awesome that I have a manly tear. I want some Othinus-tan please

Also it look like that Aleister really is the final boss. He/She/It have calculated this far.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 22, 2014 12:30 AM
Oct 2012
Is there no afterword from Kamachi??
May 22, 2014 2:16 AM

Jan 2013
Please check my music out on SoundCloud! There's something for everyone.

May 22, 2014 2:54 AM

Aug 2010
Beast666 said:

And don't forget the wedding part. It's impossible to find a ring that match with her current size :p

True. Totally forgot that XD

Well anyway for any hater on the fact she turned into a fairy look at the bright side...If she turned to a loli that would have made the possibility of all those stuff happening even lower but now since she's just a mini sized fairy she'll probably be able to stay with Touma 24/7 hrs :D

OTP intensifies <3
May 22, 2014 3:04 AM

Mar 2012
Looking forward to mini Othinus wacky advice in the future volume. I want to see her giving expotition with thar body.

Also I if there is mini Othinus keychain I will buy it.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 22, 2014 5:33 AM

Aug 2010
May 22, 2014 5:51 AM

Aug 2013
Barion-Zara said:


Go forth, mine Sleipnir

And obligatory NT10 MAD :
May 22, 2014 6:46 AM

Feb 2009
Colored versions of the last illustration:
Version 2:

What if there's a Kamijou Figma?:

May 22, 2014 7:14 AM

Aug 2010
Thnx so much for the colored last illustration >.< I've been looking for it.

Saw the other 2 and I really want them TL'd XD But from what I get they're so cute Mini Othinus playing with a doll Touma XDXD So kawaiii <3<3 And the other one with her being on top of him in mini mode while he enjoys getting hit by her is so adorable.

Size won't stop OTP :3 I hope Othinus will always be on Touma's shoulder going with him everywhere 24/7 now XD
May 22, 2014 7:35 AM

Aug 2013
I seriously hoped that Othinus's fate won't end up just like Index, being left behind while Kamijou-san solved his daily misfortunes
May 22, 2014 7:54 AM

Aug 2010
Beast666 said:
I seriously hoped that Othinus's fate won't end up just like Index, being left behind while Kamijou-san solved his daily misfortunes

I think that won't be the case with her XD Why else would Kamachi make her portable :P And she won't be causing TouMan's wallet to suffer much unlike a certain glutton :P
Also since he's gonna be facing off against quite the high level Magic Gods now he'll at least need her by his side. Well I hope >.<
May 22, 2014 10:17 AM
Oct 2012
a good volume and created various themes to be worked in the future. If I could criticize 3 chapters would be .

Vs Mikoto - I think this chapter should be longer, Mikoto was always shown as someone who was unable to accept anything that was not scientific , and now she truly understands and believes in loops ? and that quick response saying she would not accept a happy world , where no sister had died seemed somewhat forced or at least that she did not seem to really understand what Touma went, in the sister arc she got desperate and tried to commit suicide after only witness two sister dying , I think this conversation between them should have been left to the next volume , and thus the Touma could explain to her everything he 's been since he entered the world of magic and then get the loops .

Vs - Index and Birdway - this fight a complete joke, only it was not funny .

I think this volume will be better if it were split in two , and I did not like what happened with Othinus , would find it much better if the volume had ended where Touma was felt bad for her death , but it will still move on with your life .

the best thing in the volume were the tricks that Touma used to win, since stones, people/saint (kanzaki) and trains. lol

8/ 10
AcernosMay 22, 2014 10:22 AM
May 22, 2014 11:09 AM

Aug 2009
Lol at the Afterword!

So LvL 5 Awaki may be able to do what Thor did huh?Interesting.

"It is time to close the pages for now while praying that the pages of the next book will be opened.
And I lay my pen down for now.

By the way, how did you like her lovestruck side?"
-Kamachi Kazuma
Ooooh Kamachi...
May 22, 2014 1:23 PM

Aug 2010
Great Afterword XD

Kamachi just wants Touma to suffer wanting to send him flying dislocating his shoulder XD S!

Kaori being M :P Oh Kamachi XD

Kamachi was intentionally holding back the IDTI?! LOL XD But u really nailed it this time. The timing was perfect this volume ^^

AND why didn't u keep Lessar if u wanted someone to make fun of Birdy's Brocon tendencies >.<

And ofc I loved Dere Othinus Kamachi XD Do u even need to ask XDXD
May 22, 2014 3:15 PM
Jul 2018
"By the way, the final attack was because I decided to go with a “special attack hidden behind seemingly kind and accepting behavior” similar to rubbing their head and exploding, kissing them on the forehead and exploding, or hugging them and exploding."
While reading this in the afterwords I thought "co-written by Michael Bays"
May 23, 2014 2:41 PM
Oct 2012
belatkuro said:
Colored versions of the last illustration:
Version 2:

What if there's a Kamijou Figma?:


Except that there is a Kamijou Figma.....
Jun 30, 2014 3:25 AM

Jun 2014
lol'd at the following:
-this volume being a boss rush XD
-Misaka vs Touma.
-Othinus vs?(like hell I consider that a fight) Touma

Was a good read.
Jul 7, 2014 9:31 AM

Jun 2013
So i really really enjoyed this volume. othinus is baaaaka. Atleast it saved her from prison. Hope she regains her usual form back so it will be full blown OTP! <3
Imagine a berserk anime by Yoshiaki kawajiri at Madhouse.

Now take a look at Berserk (2016).

Aug 7, 2014 1:36 AM
Aug 10, 2014 3:34 AM

Jan 2014

By far - 2 vs 6 billion was the best scenario a novel could have! Damn I love it! I love Toaru Majutsu no Index New Testament!

Now Othinus and some of the Gremlin Members are now part of the 'KAMIJOU FACTION'!

AnimeAddictKingAug 10, 2014 3:42 AM

Oh Yeah! I love anime!
Aug 10, 2014 3:47 AM

Jan 2014
ssjokg said:
Lol at the Afterword!

So LvL 5 Awaki may be able to do what Thor did huh?Interesting.

"It is time to close the pages for now while praying that the pages of the next book will be opened.
And I lay my pen down for now.

By the way, how did you like her lovestruck side?"
-Kamachi Kazuma
Ooooh Kamachi...

To be honest I failed to understand "the lovestruck thing"! Is this a foreshadowing about Othinus and Touma or what!

Oh Yeah! I love anime!
Aug 10, 2014 12:56 PM

Apr 2013
So I finally read that last arc in June. I have to say, this was a disappointment. First thing to say is that, we have THREE main characters in Index, and the less interesting is currently Touma. Yes, he IS getting better lately and that's a good thing, especially seeing the 9th volume; but compared to Accelerator or Hamadura, he's just a boring MC to follow most of the time, even now ImO.

So, for the last part of the gremlin arc, I was hoping for something like the end of the God's right seats arc, with each of the three mc participating. But we didn't have that at all. That's the first disappointment. We just get the worst of the three MC. And that's not all. While the 8 was still OK (baring a few stupidities, like Touma escaping death by fall by successive ridiculous luck, even though he's supposed to be extremely unlucky... And that is something that have been happening a lot in this LN...), and most of the 9 was interesting indeed, things start to go out of control with the end of the 9th volume.

Again, Kamijou Touma has to face alone an opponent he has 0% chance to win against. Again, he conveniently win thanks to bullshit explanation (so, Othinus can change the mind of 6 billions of humans, create worlds with a snap of her fingers, but she cannot deal with her own tired mind?) and again a convenient restriction of his opponent behavior (No matter if he knows every single of her attack pattern by heart, she just has to either 1) teleport 2) fly 3) open the ground below Touma's feet with magma or whatever she wants below his feet for example... ) who weirdly doesn't think of keeping him away from her even though she did far more complicated things during the whole arc.What a joke. If that was only one time, them ok, but most of the fighting touma does ends like this. The opponent suddenly conveniently becomes too stupid to react to Touma/ think of ways to counter what he does, or conveniently is affected by his talk no jutsu (even though half of what he says can easily be refuted by anyone thinking a little) or even conveniently forget a part of her own ability that she/he used before.

But as if it wasn't enough, let's continue this stupidity with the 10th volume. Man, this time, it's Touma vs the world. Why not. I mean, Touma has some of the biggest plot armor I ever saw, he can definitely win right. I mean, what will his opponent send knowing that he can erase magic? Mages. yep, mages. Very, very amusing.
And on top of this, they sent mostly mages/espers that he knows already, and who are publicly known to either be from the "kamijou faction", or closely related to it. That way he'll has an easier time to be defeated. They REALLY want to stop those two, right. Yep, as if it was complicated to send a sniper (the only guy who sent some was conveniently the only president who could be convinced, how convenient how convenient again) to kill kamijou Touma right here, and deal with othinus after the problem of Kamijou's right hand has been eliminated.
You don't want to kill kamijou for some reason? The army had a lot of methods to neutralize him while keeping him alive as well. They just had to do it and then switch with mages for othinus.
Weirdly, the english side, who has shown to be able to do this two volumes earlier, didn't think about doing it at all. And what do they use as transportation after capturing kamijou? A magical device. Good job. Looks like the instigator of the english revolution suddenly forgot her brain somewhere, that was a sad sight.

I'm not even talking about the fact that the two girls who were so happy and so adamant about being here to help Touma when he needs it in volume 8 came to stop him, and after being convinced, didn't join him and left him continue alone, wounded, beaten, on foot, and against the rest of the world. How is that even making any sense. What good friend touma has. He's about to get killed by soldiers, and they just walk away like it's not their business at all.

We could have had something like this yes, but far more plausible, far more logical, if only the author stopped to put touma in ridiculous situations (what's gonna be next time, touma alone vs an alien invasion? vs the army of hell or the whole army of heaven?) ALONE and actually remembered that he has friends who can cover for what he lacks. Redo the 10th volume but this time, Misaka, Index, and maybe a few others joins his side for the trip. Have them against the world. Misaka stops the american army like she did with the russian one a few volumes earlier, Index's knowledge help him against mages, and so on. Suddenly, we goes from a ridiculous journey with plot armor and talk no jutsu to an epic journey of Touma's party against the superpowers of this world. Far from doing that, we actually got those friends against him.

I could only laugh at such a disastrous and nonsensical choice from the author. That's something he does again and again. There was ways again and again to not use any deus ex machina, not use any ridiculous setting solved by plot armor if he wanted. But nooo, again we get that. And when it's the end of an arc, that is certainly extremely saddening.
ZefyrisAug 10, 2014 1:07 PM
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