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Do you believe in the religion your family taught you?

Do you believe in the religion your family taught you?
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Jun 29, 2013 8:29 PM

Apr 2010
Some people claim they're atheists just to be cool, everyone's ashamed to admit.
Jun 29, 2013 9:42 PM

Feb 2013
My family didn't teach me any religion.I was merely born in this family which followed a certain religion.I have the independence to chose whatever I want to believe.
But I do believe in the religion that I was born into.I do doubt it and question it at some points,but I have faith in it's morals and principles.'Cause it offers me some most logical explanations that I would have had a hard time finding by myself.
Only that science is a great and the best of all sciences,
the study of which frees man from all kinds of miseries.
Jun 29, 2013 9:50 PM

Jun 2013
I was raised in a house with no religion because my mom has no religion she believes in, we celebrate holidays like Christmas just because i like the decorations and the presents, so you can say i believe and follow what my family taught me

Jun 29, 2013 9:52 PM

Oct 2012
Parents are Atheist and i'm Christian :T

Jun 29, 2013 9:59 PM

Jun 2013
Maahi said:
My family didn't teach me any religion.I was merely born in this family which followed a certain religion.I have the independence to chose whatever I want to believe.
But I do believe in the religion that I was born into.I do doubt it and question it at some points,but I have faith in it's morals and principles.'Cause it offers me some most logical explanations that I would have had a hard time finding by myself.

Same here. I guess I could say that I do believe in the values of my religion, but in the end, it's only a guide for me on how to act upon a situation. Though some people do follow religion blindly or maybe just completely shun it because it seems too ridiculous, I find myself in the group with the right amount of belief and doubt. Religion is something that helps me build my own personal philosophy in life, other than my own experiences. There's nothing wrong with believing anyway, as long as your belief doesn't lead you to doing what is against "goodness," according to the norms of society.

But then again, it's really hard to defend religion because of some extremists who really do treat it as a law.

Jun 29, 2013 10:24 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Battlechili1 said:
BatoKusanagi said:

ReligionS existed before the bible, not god or Christianity.

Christianity you say comes from The Bible, but consider this: Someone created The Bible, yes? And where did that person get his ideas from? Is it not perhaps possible that someone witnessed Jesus's teachings, in fact multiple people, and they passed on teachings and ideas by word of mouth? And the idea of God may have come from people just sitting and thinking about how the world and everything as they are may have come into existence? Something can't come from nothing. Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. There are exceptions to this law of course, however the existence of the universe can't just form from currently existing scientific laws. Someone could also notice this and determine God's existence.
Also, didn't Judaism exist before there was any Bible at all? If so, then they believed in God before there was The Bible.

Where the ideas in bible came from? In the case of Judaism, which pre-dates Christianity, it came from older polytheistic religions and no it didn't exist before the bible because it's based on the books Christians would call "the old testament", for the most part.
The general idea of a god(with a lower case "g") may come from just thinking about where everything might come from, you couldn't get to any god in particular from just that. That'd make you a deist instead of theist. As for a scientific perspective on the origin of the universe you might want to check this out:
BatoKusanagiJun 29, 2013 10:44 PM

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jun 29, 2013 10:29 PM

Oct 2012
Not really. I believe in the holy one but aside from that I don't believe in any religious shits.
Jun 29, 2013 10:34 PM

Oct 2009
NickyCharisma said:
RandomChampion said:
If a parent gives his child a gun, and tells the child to go play outside, who are responsible if the child shoots and kills someone? If God gives man free will, and man uses the free will to do "bad" (according to whatever religious doctrine), who is responsible for the bad occurring?

The child is responsible. Another analogy would be... say you were given a new car for your birthday by your parents. And because it was your birthday, you decide to go drinking. Later that night you are involved in an accident (don't worry, no one was injured). Whoever is deemed responsible will have to pay the damages. So is it going to be you or your parents fronting the bill?

What happened to the rest of my post lol.

However, are you actually saying that only the child is responsible...the parents are free from responsibility of any results, even though they gave lesser-qualified individuals a firearm?

Your teenage drunk driving analogy doesnt hold....assuming the teenager has a license - the same license the parents posses and therefore the same qualification as the parents - the teenager and the parents have the same level of qualification. That's like saying God and humans have the same judgement regarding actions....except you say God is only capable of good, while man is capable of both good and bad.

In any case, the same applies - if humans really did have the power to act outside of the jurisdiction of God, then God wouldnt be omnipotent (and arguably omnipresent)....contradicting the definition of God.

If you just want to drop the subject, though, just forget then.
RandomChampionJun 29, 2013 11:08 PM
Jun 30, 2013 12:16 AM

Jun 2013
What I said on the first page is kinda stupid, forget what I said at the first page. I doubted my religion because logic makes more sense. And that from what I know, religion is made from people who don't know how the world started. I'm an agnostic atheist now.
Jun 30, 2013 12:25 AM

Jul 2012
They don't believe in The Shield, so no.
הלב שלי כבר מת
Jun 30, 2013 12:31 AM

Jun 2013
-ketchup- said:
Some people claim they're atheists just to be cool, everyone's ashamed to admit.
I don't get why being an atheist is cool. It's kinda stupid if a person does that, I dislike hypocrites.
Jun 30, 2013 12:39 AM

Dec 2011
raised christian, turned atheist.
Jun 30, 2013 12:40 AM

Jun 2013
There are a lot of things from my religion into that are just plain illogical and there are times when I want to tear my hair out because of the crazy things that the "hardcore" people from my religion does but I do think there are some things in life that only faith can pull you through.

So, I don't really subscribe to my religion but it's sort of nice to just have it...there. Like a comfort blanket or a reliable rebound person.
IF YOU DON’T SHIP MY OTP, I SWEAR TO GOD I’ll be okay with that.
IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE STUFF THAT I LIKE, I’M GONNA respect the fact that you have your own taste.
Jun 30, 2013 1:16 AM
Jun 2012
Seikunai said:
-ketchup- said:
Some people claim they're atheists just to be cool, everyone's ashamed to admit.
I don't get why being an atheist is cool. It's kinda stupid if a person does that, I dislike hypocrites.

yeah lots of them are just hypocrites. i bet when they got into trouble or some deep shit, they start seeking solace from 'god' unknowingly. but when they have too much free time, they go on the internet and start philosophical flame wars involving religion and atheism etc lolol
Jun 30, 2013 2:38 AM

Apr 2008
My parents are Muslim. I am Muslim and my sons and daughters will be Muslim.
"Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that"
Jun 30, 2013 2:53 AM

May 2013
I believe. Not every single thing though.
Forever lost.
Jun 30, 2013 5:31 AM

Apr 2013
Goryo said:
SlothieSloth said:
NickyCharisma said:
SlothieSloth said:
NickyCharisma said:
You've come such a long way from back when I tried to teach you how to quote, sob sob, they grow up so fast.


SlothieSloth has said something nice to me. MAL magic just happened, folks.

That pic is fake sloths can't talk baka.

Rape sloth's are special.

Moonless97 said:
I believe. Not every single thing though.
Depending on your religion wouldn't that make it blasphemy?
Jun 30, 2013 5:56 AM

Apr 2011
Raised Muslim in a self-proclaimed full-Muslim country (I doubt it is, though). I had my phase where I questioned the religion, but all in all, I fully believe in the teachings of Islam. I'll teach my children the teachings of Islam but whether to believe them or not will be up to them.
Jun 30, 2013 6:02 AM

Oct 2012
Parents taught me nothing, except not to lie.
Jun 30, 2013 6:26 AM

Jun 2013
I was raised in a family that never really placed any importance on those kinds of beliefs. I was always told to go for what genuinely interested me, and once I started to study a variety of different spiritual subjects and have some pretty strange experiences I came to the conclusion that God was real.

I follow the teachings of the Vedic scriptures as they make perfect sense philosophically. The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read.
Jun 30, 2013 6:41 AM

Jun 2013
Jun 30, 2013 6:42 AM

Mar 2013
Seikunai said:
-ketchup- said:
Some people claim they're atheists just to be cool, everyone's ashamed to admit.
I don't get why being an atheist is cool. It's kinda stupid if a person does that, I dislike hypocrites.

Well people on the Internet are mostly atheists, (I guess ?) so it's probably to feel part of the group, or because you'd be afraid to hear other people tell you you're stupid for believing in God, and how religion is stupid and stuff. So there are the hypocrites, and those who are afraid.
Jun 30, 2013 6:48 AM

Jun 2013
Chakaara said:
Seikunai said:
-ketchup- said:
Some people claim they're atheists just to be cool, everyone's ashamed to admit.
I don't get why being an atheist is cool. It's kinda stupid if a person does that, I dislike hypocrites.

Well people on the Internet are mostly atheists, (I guess ?) so it's probably to feel part of the group, or because you'd be afraid to hear other people tell you you're stupid for believing in God, and how religion is stupid and stuff. So there are the hypocrites, and those who are afraid.
Very good explanations. o-o
Jun 30, 2013 6:55 AM

Apr 2013
My family is catholic and I attended a catholic elementary school, but now I am an atheist. Come to think of it, I don't exactly remember when or why I changed.
Jun 30, 2013 7:25 AM

Oct 2012
Lol, Why can't people comprehend that not everyone is religious o_o ''everyone believes in god, they just don't wanna admit it'' haha, apparently I'm not aware of this myself! Seriously, I don't care if you're religious or not, but don't force it to other people, I wouldn't care less. Also, by what means I'm a hypocrite for not believing in god? You're just making fools of yourselves u_u
Jun 30, 2013 7:32 AM

Jun 2013
natssuu said:
Lol, Why can't people comprehend that not everyone is religious o_o ''everyone believes in god, they just don't wanna admit it'' haha, apparently I'm not aware of this myself! Seriously, I don't care if you're religious or not, but don't force it to other people, I wouldn't care less. Also, by what means I'm a hypocrite for not believing in god? You're just making fools of yourselves u_u

You might want to quote whoever it was that said that.
Jun 30, 2013 7:52 AM

Oct 2012
MitchD said:
natssuu said:
Lol, Why can't people comprehend that not everyone is religious o_o ''everyone believes in god, they just don't wanna admit it'' haha, apparently I'm not aware of this myself! Seriously, I don't care if you're religious or not, but don't force it to other people, I wouldn't care less. Also, by what means I'm a hypocrite for not believing in god? You're just making fools of yourselves u_u

You might want to quote whoever it was that said that.

Seeing those kind of statements so goddamn often that there's no need to quote a specific person
Jun 30, 2013 8:13 AM

Jul 2009
a: hey man, I'm an atheist.
b: so... what else is new? /sarcasm

I'm an atheist, but I believe atheists in general, or about 90% of them, are pathetic little ... things. That's also why I struggle when I identify myself as one, since I'm not an adherent of any existing religion, nor do I like to be wishy-washy and bipolar like agnostics are. Since I can't find a religion which perfectly fits my views, I was even thinking of creating my own... ANYTHING TO GET AWAY FROM ALL THE ATHE-RETARDS.

Hating/disregarding religion because it's in many ways non-scientific or illogical, or hating/disregarding religion because that's what the cool kids do, is probably the very last thing our lost, brain-washed, consumeristic, individualistic, idiotic, ignorant, confused society needs... ups, forgot "society" is an improper word... "group of individuals".
Jun 30, 2013 8:59 AM

Oct 2012
MitchD said:
... have some pretty strange experiences I came to the conclusion that God was real.

It's hard to bring up religious experiences and have people still think you sane. I don't get why the automatic response to these are "chemical imbalance in the brain."
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 30, 2013 9:01 AM

Aug 2012
What I think about religions in general:


Oh, hey, look, I am an atheist! You are christian? Or, your little brain-washed stupid kid! Hahaha! Look at my, I am so cool, I am atheist! Hahahahaha!


I do think that God exists but in my opinion God doesn't exists is anyone getting what I am saying?


Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Not real christians

Hey, we are christians! I mean, we never go to the church, we ignore the bible, we make jokes about Jesus, but I am christian!

I am evangelic.
Jun 30, 2013 9:02 AM

Aug 2012
NickyCharisma said:
MitchD said:
... have some pretty strange experiences I came to the conclusion that God was real.

It's hard to bring up religious experiences and have people still think you sane. I don't get why the automatic response to these are "chemical imbalance in the brain."

It works like this:

Guy dies in a hospital. "Oh, God is so unfair, he doesn't exists"

Guy was in a hospital, hes disease had no cure, but he suddenly woke up cured. "Oh, the doctor is magic, the hospital is magic, medicine and science are so great"

This is how our world works.
Jun 30, 2013 9:17 AM

Oct 2012
lupadim said:
It works like this:

Guy dies in a hospital. "Oh, God is so unfair, he doesn't exists"

Guy was in a hospital, hes disease had no cure, but he suddenly woke up cured. "Oh, the doctor is magic, the hospital is magic, medicine and science are so great"

This is how our world works.

While this is a generalization, I believe it to be more or less true. I will say that it is hard to believe, especially when things get rough.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 30, 2013 9:47 AM

Jan 2011
lupadim said:

I do think that God exists but in my opinion God doesn't exists is anyone getting what I am saying?

Agnostic means you don't proclaim to know. You can be an agnostic christian, or an agnostic atheist.
Or you can be a gnostic christian, or a gnostic atheist.

Agnostic Christian: I don't know if god exists, but I believe god exists.
Agnostic Atheist: I don't know if any gods exist, but I don't believe they exist.
Gnostic Christian: I know god exists.
Gnostic Atheist: I know god doesn't exist.

Do you get it now?

lupadim said:
NickyCharisma said:
MitchD said:
... have some pretty strange experiences I came to the conclusion that God was real.

It's hard to bring up religious experiences and have people still think you sane. I don't get why the automatic response to these are "chemical imbalance in the brain."

It works like this:

Guy dies in a hospital. "Oh, God is so unfair, he doesn't exists"

Guy was in a hospital, hes disease had no cure, but he suddenly woke up cured. "Oh, the doctor is magic, the hospital is magic, medicine and science are so great"

This is how our world works.

More like: Doctor operates for 11 hours to save a man's life, he makes it, and the family says it's a miracle and thanks god for saving him.
But if he doesn't make it, they don't blame god for killing him. If anyone gets blamed, it's the doctor. Because anything shitty that happens is always met with the same pathetic excuse...

"God works in mysterious ways!"
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> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Jun 30, 2013 9:53 AM

Oct 2012
Vinter said:
More like: Doctor operates for 11 hours to save a man's life, he makes it, and the family says it's a miracle and thanks god for saving him.
But if he doesn't make it, they don't blame god for killing him. If anyone gets blamed, it's the doctor. Because anything shitty that happens is always met with the same pathetic excuse...

"God works in mysterious ways!"

I think we can all agree that the pendulum swings both ways.
Let this be our little secret, no needs to know we're feeling HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER!
Jun 30, 2013 9:55 AM

Apr 2013
lupadim said:


This subject is too controversial....maybe I'll be safe up here on this fence.

-Athena-Jun 30, 2013 10:02 AM
Jun 30, 2013 9:56 AM

Apr 2013
Vinter said:
More like: Doctor operates for 11 hours to save a man's life, he makes it, and the family says it's a miracle and thanks god for saving him.
But if he doesn't make it, they don't blame god for killing him. If anyone gets blamed, it's the doctor. Because anything shitty that happens is always met with the same pathetic excuse...

"God works in mysterious ways!"[
couldn't agree more.
Jun 30, 2013 10:04 AM

Dec 2012
lupadim said:

Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Jun 30, 2013 10:05 AM

Jun 2013
Vinter said:

Agnostic means you don't proclaim to know. You can be an agnostic christian, or an agnostic atheist.
Or you can be a gnostic christian, or a gnostic atheist.

Agnostic Christian: I don't know if god exists, but I believe god exists.
Agnostic Atheist: I don't know if any gods exist, but I don't believe they exist.
Gnostic Christian: I know god exists.
Gnostic Atheist: I know god doesn't exist.

Do you get it now?

Isn't there a form of agnosticism which acknowledges God exists, but questions whether or not he created an objective way for us to find our way back to him? i.e. Religion.
Jun 30, 2013 10:08 AM

Jun 2013
lupadim said:

Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Yeah, that's a pretty narrow minded view on Islam. Likening the Muslims you see on T.V. to genuine practitioners of Islamic faith is just the same as likening fanatic Christian zealots to people who genuinely follow the message of Christ.

In conclusion. It doesn't matter what you believe or what designation you carry. There are retards everywhere who misrepresent things which are actually good. I for one practice Vaishnavism. Our spiritual practice is to meditate and to feed less fortunate and fortunate people alike sanctified vegetarian food (animal killing is forbidden), but there are people who call themselves Vaishnavas that molest children and sleep with prostitutes. That doesn't mean my religion is bad, it means people like you don't know how to exercise discernment.
MitchDJun 30, 2013 10:11 AM
Jun 30, 2013 10:22 AM

Sep 2011
MitchD said:
lupadim said:

Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Yeah, that's a pretty narrow minded view on Islam. Likening the Muslims you see on T.V. to genuine practitioners of Islamic faith is just the same as likening fanatic Christian zealots to people who genuinely follow the message of Christ.

And what leads you to believe that they're the ones who are in the wrong?
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Jun 30, 2013 10:50 AM

Jan 2011
MitchD said:
Vinter said:

Agnostic means you don't proclaim to know. You can be an agnostic christian, or an agnostic atheist.
Or you can be a gnostic christian, or a gnostic atheist.

Agnostic Christian: I don't know if god exists, but I believe god exists.
Agnostic Atheist: I don't know if any gods exist, but I don't believe they exist.
Gnostic Christian: I know god exists.
Gnostic Atheist: I know god doesn't exist.

Do you get it now?

Isn't there a form of agnosticism which acknowledges God exists, but questions whether or not he created an objective way for us to find our way back to him? i.e. Religion.

Agnostic simply means lacking knowledge, whereas Gnostic means possessing knowledge.
If there is a group of people who acknowledge a deity, that has nothing to do with agnosticism.

When it comes to the "objective way back to god" they would be classified as agnostic on that particular issue, but on the existance of a god, nothing you've said has told me whether or not they claim that they know that god does exist, or that they simply believe a god exists, but they're not ruling out the possibility that there is no god.

If they say there might be a god, and there might not be a god. And that they don't know which is true, but they believe there is one, then they're agnostic theists.
However, if they say that they know there is a god, then they are gnostic theists.
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Jun 30, 2013 12:06 PM

Apr 2011
CommanderJenny said:
MitchD said:
lupadim said:

Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Yeah, that's a pretty narrow minded view on Islam. Likening the Muslims you see on T.V. to genuine practitioners of Islamic faith is just the same as likening fanatic Christian zealots to people who genuinely follow the message of Christ.

And what leads you to believe that they're the ones who are in the wrong?

Because what the media tells people about Islam is very far from the truth. It might be true about extremists (I don't know and I don't care either), but not the religion itself.
Jun 30, 2013 12:19 PM

Apr 2012
You can't be gnostic, you don't have any answers, who calls himself a gnostic atheist or gnostic theist can smash their faces on the floor. Who calls himself simply gnostic or agnostic should also smash their faces on the floor.

You can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist, realistically.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jun 30, 2013 12:27 PM

Jan 2011
Immahnoob said:
You can't be gnostic, you don't have any answers, who calls himself a gnostic atheist or gnostic theist can smash their faces on the floor. Who calls himself simply gnostic or agnostic should also smash their faces on the floor.

You can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist, realistically.

True, but some people are arrogant enough to state their beliefs as fact. Because they're so far into it that they honestly believe that they know one way or another.
> The Fellow MAL Users Social Link has reached level 6!
> Your power to create Forum Posts of the Anime Arcana has grown!
Jun 30, 2013 12:28 PM

Apr 2013
Immahnoob said:

You can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist, realistically.

Most people have some level of doubt, you don't need to identify as agnostic atheist/theist.

Agnostic Theist: - Theist
Agnostic Atheist: - Atheist
Gnostic Theist: - Arrogant prick
Gnostic Atheist: - Arrogant prick
Jun 30, 2013 12:40 PM

Apr 2012
Yeah, but some people love to add that Agnostic there for some reason.

And yeah, stating your beliefs as facts is fucked up.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jun 30, 2013 12:44 PM

Mar 2013
lupadim said:
What I think about religions in general:


Oh, hey, look, I am an atheist! You are christian? Or, your little brain-washed stupid kid! Hahaha! Look at my, I am so cool, I am atheist! Hahahahaha!


I do think that God exists but in my opinion God doesn't exists is anyone getting what I am saying?


Hey, we have a fair religion, we are fair with everyone, our religion is the most fair one in the world, women are treated like shit in our country but hey

Not real christians

Hey, we are christians! I mean, we never go to the church, we ignore the bible, we make jokes about Jesus, but I am christian!

A lot of what you say is stupid.
-First of all, of which country are you talking about for Muslims when you say "our country" ?
-Second of all, that's not atheists, you're probably talking about the kid who discovered internet and porn and thought he could do whatever he wanted.
-Third of all, agnostic means you admit the evidence that someone or something created all this shit, but that he didn't care a split second if we masturbated to horse porn or not.
Jun 30, 2013 12:54 PM

Aug 2012
Chakaara said:

-Third of all, agnostic means you admit the evidence that someone or something created all this shit, but that he didn't care a split second if we masturbated to horse porn or not.

Now explain me the difference between this and God.

I could make a wall of text talking about how sins doesn't matter once you accept Christian, but when you accept Christian you will automatically try to not do such sins, but no one would read anyway.
Jun 30, 2013 12:55 PM

Apr 2012
That's wrong, agnosticism can be either agnostic atheism or agnostic theism. Agnostic would mean that you do not have the knowledge to acknowledge a god or not, but that does not work as something either exists or doesn't, so agnostic atheist believes that we do not have knowledge to acknowledge gods or not but he believes they do not exist and agnostic theist believes that we do not have the knowledge to acknowledge gods or not but he believes that they do exist.

TL;DC Read it slowly.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jun 30, 2013 1:03 PM

Mar 2013
Immahnoob said:
That's wrong, agnosticism can be either agnostic atheism or agnostic theism. Agnostic would mean that you do not have the knowledge to acknowledge a god or not, but that does not work as something either exists or doesn't, so agnostic atheist believes that we do not have knowledge to acknowledge gods or not but he believes they do not exist and agnostic theist believes that we do not have the knowledge to acknowledge gods or not but he believes that they do exist.

TL;DC Read it slowly.

I don't know if that is true, but if it is, my philosophy teacher told me nothing but lies all year and I most certainly did fail my exam.
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