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Are you a feminist?
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Dec 3, 2012 10:12 PM

Mar 2012
These are some reasonably popular feminist blogs. Should you choose to glance over them, you will find that none of the writers (and thus few of the readers) are anti-men whatsoever. If you were to click on their recommended blogs/sources/links/etc., you will soon realize that there is a near infinite amount of real feminists out there. So there's plenty more than a handful for ya'.
JoshDec 3, 2012 10:20 PM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Dec 3, 2012 10:17 PM

May 2011
TheHandOfShame said:

Ok, let's pretend this is actually true, and these people have hijacked feminism and pushed aside the real feminists. It still doesn't change the fact that they constitute the overwhelming majority of people who call themselves feminists. If feminism was originally about the simple pursuit of equality, only a handful of people still practise it like that.

It is true. The so-called feminists you keep talking about just stand out more then us “real feminists” because they are more vocal and spreading their ignorance around. This is called stereotyping because of the minority (the so-called feminists) are making people think that “real feminists” are the same as the so-called man-hating, anti-white, anti-west (whatever) fake feminists are.
Dec 3, 2012 10:29 PM

Nov 2012
Post-Josh said:
These are some reasonably popular feminist blogs. Should you choose to glance over them, you will find that none of the writers (and thus few of the readers) are anti-men in any sense.

Some feminists claim to not be anti-men while knowing fully well that they are, while other feminists are anti-men without even realizing it.

Sora_N said:
It is true. The so-called feminists you keep talking about just stand out more then us “real feminists” because they are more vocal and spreading their ignorance around. This is called stereotyping because of the minority (the so-called feminists) are making people think that “real feminists” are the same as the so-called man-hating, anti-white, anti-west (whatever) fake feminists are.

"We're the overwhelming majority, but somehow this tiny minority of extremists still manages to dominate the entire Internet and every media outlet!"

Yeah, ok.
Dec 3, 2012 10:36 PM

May 2011

Yep, you are just as ignorant as the so-called feminists you have talked to and you are just helping them by spreading their ignorance and stupidity. Good to know that you are just their spokesperson now. Have fun spreading misinformation (I hope that you never marry because I feel sorry for any woman who has to deal with your ignorant veiws of what real feminism is).
Midnight_RaysDec 3, 2012 10:41 PM
Dec 3, 2012 10:43 PM

Nov 2012
Sora_N said:
Yep, you are just as ignorant as the so-called feminists you have talked to and you are just helping them by spreading their ignorance and stupidity. Good to know that you are just their spokesperson now. Have fun spreading misinformation (I hope that you never marry because I feel sorry for any woman who has to deal with you).

"Ah, he got me. I can't think of anything to say in response, so I guess I'd better start speculating about his personal life and hopefully divert the thread away from the topic. If that doesn't work, I'll just tell him he has a small penis. That usually works."
Dec 3, 2012 10:52 PM

May 2011
TheHandOfShame said:
Sora_N said:
Yep, you are just as ignorant as the so-called feminists you have talked to and you are just helping them by spreading their ignorance and stupidity. Good to know that you are just their spokesperson now. Have fun spreading misinformation (I hope that you never marry because I feel sorry for any woman who has to deal with you).

"Ah, he got me. I can't think of anything to say in response, so I guess I'd better start speculating about his personal life and hopefully divert the thread away from the topic. If that doesn't work, I'll just tell him he has a small penis. That usually works."

WTF? I don't give the shit what size your penis is (as I said I am a LESBIAN why would you even post something that stupid?) You just can't get it threw your head that those women you have talked to are FAKE feminists and don't speek for the real feminists. You just keep saying the same shit and I am tired and I wanted to go to bed. No, you did not win and you sure like being a jerk. You are anti-feminist. Got it. I am a real-feminist (not the crap you think feminism is). You should have got that by now.
Midnight_RaysDec 3, 2012 11:10 PM
Dec 3, 2012 11:07 PM

Nov 2012
Sora_N said:
I don't give the shit what size your penis is (as I said I am a LESBIAN why would you even post something that stupid? When you know I am?) You seem to be anti-female and you just can't get it threw your head that those women you have talked to are FAKE feminists and don't speek for the real feminists. You just keep saying the same shit and I am tired and I wanted to go to bed. No, you did not win by your quote "Ah, he got me" shit.

So once again: "We're the overwhelming majority, but somehow this tiny minority of extremists still manages to dominate the entire Internet and every media outlet!"
Dec 4, 2012 2:21 AM

Feb 2012
JennyEsquire said:
I'll ask you this though: Do you believe that women in western society are actually being oppressed.

To the extent that women are in other parts of the world? Absolutely not, even they would admit to that.

But women in the progressive free world are still being attacked and devalued at a depressingly high rate.

Think about all those republican comments about trying to redefine rape or shift the blame to the victim rather than the attacker. Or the determined effort to restrict women's access to birth control and ban abortion no matter the circumstances.

You say that getting upset about women being sexualized on tv isn't that big of a deal, and it probably wouldn't be, if men were sexualized to the same extent. But they're not.

In so many area's of the media women are reduced to objects, usually sex objects, and despite the damaging effect this can have on young girls or on women's status in society at large, people still dismiss it as effective advertising.

Also, as much as I may not agree or even like Anita Sarkeesian, to call her that word so flippantly demonstrates just how low you consider women to be.

That word has the same amount of power behind it as the 'n' word does for black people. It isn't just a name to call someone, it is the very real attempt to dehumanize and degrade the person it is being said to.
Dec 4, 2012 3:33 AM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
You say that getting upset about women being sexualized on tv isn't that big of a deal, and it probably wouldn't be, if men were sexualized to the same extent. But they're not.

They're not because men and women aren't the same, and men do not perceive women the same way women perceive men.

In so many area's of the media women are reduced to objects, usually sex objects, and despite the damaging effect this can have on young girls or on women's status in society at large, people still dismiss it as effective advertising.

This "objectification" (what does that even mean, seriously) cannot occur without the participation and support of women. The media is not some kind of being that snatches women in the middle of the night and forces them in front of a camera.

Also, as much as I may not agree or even like Anita Sarkeesian, to call her that word so flippantly demonstrates just how low you consider women to be.

One woman is a cunt, therefore they all are?

That word has the same amount of power behind it as the 'n' word does for black people. It isn't just a name to call someone, it is the very real attempt to dehumanize and degrade the person it is being said to.

It is not equivalent to nigger (it always makes me laugh when people are too scared to even type that word), it's more of a generic swear word/insult. You're grasping at straws.
Dec 4, 2012 6:33 AM

Sep 2009
AnnoKano said:
Monad said:

Exactly. This bullshit defense of "but they are not real feminist" is getting tiring. Especially when many feminist organizations act like that and even the majority of women calling themselves feminist only care about women rights and social status.

This thread is now more than ten pages long, and within it there numerous individuals who describe themselves as feminists.

Name one which fits your description of the entire feminist movement.

Still waiting on an answer to this guys. If these man-hating feminists are as prevalent as you claim, it shouldn't be too hard for you to identify some of them in this thread.

I too can tell you about all the feminists I have met online and how none of them have matched your descriptions of feminism. I'm sure they are out there, but I have yet to meet any of them.
Losing an Argument online?

Simply post a webpage full of links, and refuse to continue until your opponents have read every last one of them!


"I was debating with someone who believed in climate change, when he linked me to a graph showing evidence to that effect. So I sent him a 10k word essay on the origins of Conservatism, and escaped with my dignity intact."

Dec 4, 2012 7:03 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
They're not because men and women aren't the same, and men do not perceive women the same way women perceive men.

Very true. But thanks to pervasive, degrading stereotypes, some men view women as nothing but their own personal sex objects, with no regard for the woman's feelings or personalty at all.

Some men even view women as targets for rape and harassment, something men themselves will very, very rarely have to experience.

TheHandOfShame said:
This "objectification" (what does that even mean, seriously) cannot occur without the participation and support of women. The media is not some kind of being that snatches women in the middle of the night and forces them in front of a camera.

Objectification means to present or regard something as an object.

Sexual objectification is when someone is treated as nothing more than a tool or instrument for someone else's personal gratification. This is currently what is been done so often to women and young girls in our media.

TheHandOfShame said:
One woman is a cunt, therefore they all are?

I never said that. I said it showed how low he/she perceives women to be.

For example, if I were to refer to a Jewish person as a kike, I don't think you'd need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what my disposition is towards the Jewish people.

TheHandOfShame said:
It is not equivalent to nigger (it always makes me laugh when people are too scared to even type that word), it's more of a generic swear word/insult. You're grasping at straws.

Once again you fail spectacularly at reading comprehension, so read the following slowly.

I never said it was equivelent to the 'n' word, only that it carries the same amount of power behind it to offend women as the 'n' word does to black people.

Nothing will replicate the history and usage behind the 'n' word for black people, just as nothing will replicate the history and usage behind the word cunt for women.

It is also the furthest thing from a generic swear word as you can get. Calling someone a dick or an asshole or even a prick is is all well and good, but call somebody a cunt, even a man, and you'll feel the tension rise sharply, probably before receiving a fist through your face.

In the UK, calling someone a cunt is becoming less and less taboo, in the US however it is viewed as one of the most reprehensible words you can call someone, so perhaps your confusion lies in how it is perceived between these two countries.

I'm also not afraid of using the 'n' word, I simply do not like including it in what I write or say.

Random yahoo answers reply on what it means to be called a cunt.

JennyEsquire said:
I also hate crusty old white who want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies,

Right on.

JennyEsquire said:
... but this was in the US specifically right? Pro-choice people are first and foremost social liberals and some of those might be feminists. Even conservatives thought that that statement on rape was a stupid one to make.

Yes, conservatives thought that those statements were disastrous, but that doesn't mean they don't believe them, only that it was a bad idea to say it out loud to the world.

Also, no, this phenomenon sadly isn't confined to the US. Women are victim blamed and have their reproductive rights restricted all the time in every corner of the globe.

JennyEsquire said:
So do you suggest that we stop objectifying women in media (advertisement mostly) or should we be objectifying men more often? If objectifying men would help sell products as well as doing the same to women would, then I doubt we'd have this ''problem''. I'd like you to elaborate on these supposed detrimental effects.

I'd say equaling the objectification between the sexes would be a good start, and there are some instances where men and women want to be objectified, so stopping it isn't a solution either.

The problem lies with the fact that the current objectification of women makes men look at them as less than human. As mere things to amuse or pleasure them. Rarely are guys taught to take into account how a woman might feel or react to being treated like something that exists solely for their amusement. This is what makes rapists think they own a woman's body. This is what makes domestic abuse such a pervasive issue, because the man is taught that the woman is his property, and that her wants and needs should never even be taken into consideration.

That's the problem.

JennyEsquire said:
This actually brings to mind the type of feminists who also think the porn industry is objectifying women (which is sort of the point of porn but oh well) and therefore want to change the way it's made and impose more regulations. I think it's worth bringing up, because I hate these people.

Well that is a good example where men and women want and actively word towards being objectified, and I think it's perfectly okay since that's what their goal is.

Some feminists feel however that pornography is too heavily skewed on the focus of women for men's pleasure, which it is. And while some feminist movements are against pornography of all types, most mainstream feminism supports and even encourages the use of pornography. Some feminists even believe that it can make a couples sex life more interesting.They just wish there was a little more made especially for women.

JennyEsquire said:
Black people have had it much harder than women have in America, and that's a fact. To try and equate saying 'nigger' with calling someone a cunt is grossly offensive.

Absolutely black people have suffered more than women in America, and not once did I say that the words were interchangeable or equivalent in any way.

I simply said that the word cunt carries the same power behind it for women as the 'n' word does for African Americans or black people in general.

JennyEsquire said:
If I were you I would apologize

Thank god I'm not you then.
Dec 4, 2012 8:45 AM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
Some men even view women as targets for rape and harassment, something men themselves will very, very rarely have to experience.

They seem to experience plenty of it in prison, though as far as most people are concerned it's funny and they deserve it.

Objectification means to present or regard something as an object.

Sexual objectification is when someone is treated as nothing more than a tool or instrument for someone else's personal gratification. This is currently what is been done so often to women and young girls in our media.

This is a matter of somebody thinking certain thoughts in response to witnessing certain things. There is no "objectification" occuring in an objective sense.

By the way, feminists are actually responsible for this in the first place. They wanted women to have the freedom to do just about anything they wanted to, and they sought to tear down the old sexual norms, courtship rituals, gender roles, and standards of behavior that they considered oppressive and obsolete. Now women are running around half-naked and half-conscious, puking their guts out on the street after "hooking up" in the toilet with somebody they just met. It was not staid, white collar middle-aged men who brought about this cultural change.

I guess feminists thought that no matter how sexually "liberated" society gets, they'll still get to have everything their way. They'll wear whatever they want, and act however they want, and nobody will be allowed to objectify or oggle at them, unless they want them to.

I never said it was equivelent to the 'n' word, only that it carries the same amount of power behind it to offend women as the 'n' word does to black people.

It's a much more generic word than that.

In the UK, calling someone a cunt is becoming less and less taboo, in the US however it is viewed as one of the most reprehensible words you can call someone, so perhaps your confusion lies in how it is perceived between these two countries.

I'm not sure I've ever even witnessed the word used by an American.

Also, no, this phenomenon sadly isn't confined to the US. Women are victim blamed and have their reproductive rights restricted all the time in every corner of the globe.

Abortion and birth control are the norm in first world nations, but I have never heard of a man being able to abort his legal responsibilities towards a child.

Rarely are guys taught to take into account how a woman might feel or react to being treated like something that exists solely for their amusement. This is what makes rapists think they own a woman's body. This is what makes domestic abuse such a pervasive issue, because the man is taught that the woman is his property, and that her wants and needs should never even be taken into consideration.

This is even't hyperbole, you're just plain making things up. You might as well claim women are forced to cover their hair.

JennyEsquire said:
Well first off, the main reason behind the rape epidemic in Europe is because of mass immigration and the belief that certain cultures can live side by side, even though they mix like oil and water. I think this is interesting since feminists are often proponents of multiculturalism and mass-immigration, where we import a very distorted view on women and their role in society, and an honour-based culture that just doesn't belong. So the problem is much bigger in Europe, and the feminists don't seem to care for the actual reason why it's so high.

Feminists don't complain about Muslim immigrants raping (and often gangraping) women, because they only care about rape when it allows them to attack white men (besides, Muslims are dangerous and going after them would be "racism"). Why don't feminists have a problem with false rape accusations (which discredit real victims), and why do they seek to expand the definition of rape to cover things like regretting a one night stand? Because the more rape accusations and convictions there are (legitimate or not, doesn't matter), the more white men can be attacked (even if they're statistically guilty of the least amount of rapes, doesn't matter), and the more justification feminists have for going even further with their anti-white male campaign.
Dec 4, 2012 8:47 AM

Feb 2012
JennyEsquire said:
I thought we were going to focus on industrialized countries first?

We were? When?

But when I say, 'every corner of the globe', I am actually including developed nations too. The recent 'slutwalk' protests that took place all over the world were in direct response to allegations that women should be held responsible after they've been raped if they wore revealing clothing.

JennyEsquire said:
The part about stigmatizing women who choose to have abortion/premarital sex is true though in many conservative societies. Liberals are against this as well though, not just feminists.

All true.

JennyEsquire said:
I think it's true that abortion would be legal in most countries if men could get pregnant.

You can bet your bottom dollar it would be.

JennyEsquire said:
Well first off, the main reason behind the rape epidemic in Europe is because of mass immigration and the belief that certain cultures can live side by side, even though they mix like oil and water.

That sounds just ever so slightly narrow minded and even a little bigoted.

Wouldn't it make more sense to want to change the belief or patriarchal mindset that so many less developed countries have than to simply state it's impossible to live side by side one and other?

JennyEsquire said:
About domestic abuse, men are also many times the victims, and that there is an epidemic going on is not really true. I think many people find it offensive since most men would never dream of hitting their wives.

I don't even have to search far to find figures and facts about the extent of domestic violence against women. Here's just a few;

"Every minute police in the UK receive a domestic assistance call – yet only 35% of domestic violence incidents are reported to the police (Stanko, 2000 & Home Office, 2002)"

"The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95 percent of the assaults on partners or spouses is committed by men against women."

"Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends."

JennyEsquire said:
You're obviously implying that it's the same thing,

Oh rly?

Because here's what I said verbatim.

sabconth said:
That word has the same amount of power behind it as the 'n' word does for black people.

I am not implying it is the same thing. Only that it has the same amount of power behind ut as the 'n' word.

JennyEsquire said:
... then what do you exactly mean by ''carries the same power behind it''?

Certain words hit harder for certain people. Or, to put it another way, some words have a power to hurt.

For example;

You can call me the 'n' word and it won't even rustle my jimmies in the slightest.

But, call someone who happens to be black the same thing and prepare yourself for a beatdown.

So how about the word cunt? Is that a powerful word?

According to wikipedia, apparently so;
It is considered, "the most heavily tabooed word of all English words",[10][11] "Scholar Germaine Greer has said that "it is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."[2]

And how bad is it when said to women?
"In referring to a woman, cunt is an abusive term usually considered the most offensive word in that context and even more forceful than bitch.[43]"

JennyEsquire said:
I don't make things complicated, if someone's acting like a cunt I might just call them a cunt.

I actually like the word cunt and wish it didn't have the severe wounding capacity that it currently carries. Unlike the 'n' word, I definitely think some people fit the definition of being a 'cunt' quite well.

But using it as a slur word towards women as a whole at this moment in time? Nah. It's simply too powerful.
Dec 4, 2012 9:13 AM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
The recent 'slutwalk' protests that took place all over the world were in direct response to allegations that women should be held responsible after they've been raped if they wore revealing clothing.

But that's not what was said, and if a man went out in expensive clothes and flashed money everywhere, people would laugh at him and call him an idiot if he got mugged. Not saying that's what should be done if a woman is raped, but nobody has ever explained to me why there's this gender-based double standard at work.

It's dubious whether clothing has any effect on a woman's probability of being raped, but the idea is that women should take responsibility for their personal safety. Feminists are abhorred by this idea for two reasons: 1) responsibility is a drag, and they'd rather let other people deal with such bothersome stuff (and then complain when it doesn't work), and 2) as mentioned earlier, getting those rape stats to go up is of paramount importance, and women taking care of their safety just isn't conducive to making that happen.

That sounds just ever so slightly narrow minded and even a little bigoted.

Numerous European countries have attempted the great social experiment known as multiculturalism, and every single one of them has been an abject failure. Angela Merkel even stated that multiculturalism has been a failure.

Wouldn't it make more sense to want to change the belief or patriarchal mindset that so many less developed countries have than to simply state it's impossible to live side by side one and other?

We can no more convince Muslims to adopt Western values than they can convince us to adopt Islamic ones.
Dec 4, 2012 9:21 AM

Sep 2011
sabconth said:
That sounds just ever so slightly narrow minded and even a little bigoted.

Wouldn't it make more sense to want to change the belief or patriarchal mindset that so many less developed countries have than to simply state it's impossible to live side by side one and other?

I don't want to stray too far off topic, so I say that this is a discussion for another time.

sabconth said:
I don't even have to search far to find figures and facts about the extent of domestic violence against women. Here's just a few;

"Every minute police in the UK receive a domestic assistance call – yet only 35% of domestic violence incidents are reported to the police (Stanko, 2000 & Home Office, 2002)"

"The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95 percent of the assaults on partners or spouses is committed by men against women."

"Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends."
Keep in mind that women usually have it easier to find help if they are being abused by their spouse.

sabconth said:
Certain words hit harder for certain people. Or, to put it another way, some words have a power to hurt.

For example;

You can call me the 'n' word and it won't even rustle my jimmies in the slightest.

But, call someone who happens to be black the same thing and prepare yourself for a beatdown.

So how about the word cunt? Is that a powerful word?

According to wikipedia, apparently so;
It is considered, "the most heavily tabooed word of all English words",[10][11] "Scholar Germaine Greer has said that "it is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."[2]

And how bad is it when said to women?
"In referring to a woman, cunt is an abusive term usually considered the most offensive word in that context and even more forceful than bitch.[43]"

JennyEsquire said:
I don't make things complicated, if someone's acting like a cunt I might just call them a cunt.

sabconth said:
I actually like the word cunt and wish it didn't have the severe wounding capacity that it currently carries. Unlike the 'n' word, I definitely think some people fit the definition of being a 'cunt' quite well.

But using it as a slur word towards women as a whole at this moment in time? Nah. It's simply too powerful.

So we both agree that a black person would be much more offended if he/she was called a nigger than if a woman was called a cunt? I think it's obvious, and I know that I wouldn't be very offended if someone called me a cunt.
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Dec 4, 2012 9:56 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
They seem to experience plenty of it in prison, though as far as most people are concerned it's funny and they deserve it.

That's does unfortunately seem to be the coommon concensus.

You know which group doesn't tolerate rape jokes no matter who the victim is?

TheHandOfShame said:
This is a matter of somebody thinking certain thoughts in response to witnessing certain things.

TheHandOfShame said:
There is no "objectification" occuring in an objective sense.

So when the top shelf of magazine stands is filled with lads mags and nude depictions of women, that doesn't count as objectification?

When there are sickening pageant shows for younger and younger girls, that doesn't count as objectification?

When every other advert, billboard or commercial display features women in semi naked undress or posing in a submissive way, this doesn't count as objectification?

TheHandOfShame said:
By the way, feminists are actually responsible for this in the first place.

So wanting to be as free and promiscuous as men means they have to suffer for it? Are men really so irresponsible that they cannot even take the blame for their own actions?

TheHandOfShame said:
I guess feminists thought that no matter how sexually "liberated" society gets, they'll still get to have everything their way. They'll wear whatever they want, and act however they want, and nobody will be allowed to objectify or oggle at them, unless they want them to.

I know right? The nerve of those siilly feminists, when will they learn that they must live to the whims of society and men's expectations. Tsk, tsk.

TheHandOfShame said:
It's a much more generic word than that.

TheHandOfShame said:
Abortion and birth control are the norm in first world nations, but I have never heard of a man being able to abort his legal responsibilities towards a child.

I think it's called adoption.

But seriously, it's true that men are more or less trapped when the woman decides to have the baby, although she can relinquish his responsibility if she so chooses.

Yet it isn't women that made this a law, it was men. You know why? Because if every man could so easily run from his responsibility as a parent, many single mothers would be left up the creek with no way to support their child.

A layer once said it best, "For men, the time to think about having a child is before you take your pants off."

TheHandOfShame said:
This is even't hyperbole, you're just plain making things up. You might as well claim women are forced to cover their hair.

Absolutely, never, ever has a man ever considered a woman his property. And every single man alive has always taking into consideration the emotions and well being of the women they've met. Even rapists and murderers.

TheHandOfShame said:
But that's not what was said,

Well, " a Toronto Police officer, suggested that to remain safe, "women should avoid dressing like sluts." sure as hell sounds like he's telling women they should be held responsible for being raped if they dress in a certain way.

TheHandOfShame said:
and if a man went out in expensive clothes and flashed money everywhere, people would laugh at him and call him an idiot if he got mugged. Not saying that's what should be done if a woman is raped, but nobody has ever explained to me why there's this gender-based double standard at work.

Because whether the person flaunting money is male or female, everybody agree's they were stupid for flashing their cash and getting mugged in the process.

But only women must be careful of what they wear, men are exempt.

That's the double standard.

TheHandOfShame said:
It's dubious whether clothing has any effect on a woman's probability of
being raped,

It doesn't, most women are raped by someone they know. Even those raped by strangers don't have to be wearing anything 'sexy' to get assaulted.

TheHandOfShame said:
... but the idea is that women should take responsibility for their personal safety.

How about rapists taking responsibility for wanting to rape women in the first place?
sabconthDec 4, 2012 10:00 AM
Dec 4, 2012 10:08 AM

Feb 2012
JennyEsquire said:

So we both agree that a black person would be much more offended if he/she was called a nigger than if a woman was called a cunt? I think it's obvious, and I know that I wouldn't be very offended if someone called me a cunt.

No. I agree that the 'n' word is more powerful to black people and that cunt is more powerful to women.

The history of the 'n' word however will mean that it'll never be given the same reappropriation that cunt might one day be afforded. It will forever remain synonymous with the slave trade and the history surrounding that era.
Dec 4, 2012 10:15 AM

Feb 2012
JennyEsquire said:
I am of the opinion that you should be able to joke about most things. I don't mind jokes about rape or the holocaust, though it matters who you're with at the time.

It's all about context and content, but I agree.

JennyEsquire said:
If it's a double standard it's because women run a higher risk of being raped. I think that anyone who argues that women who wear revealing clothing ''deserve'' to be raped are fucking morons.

Most women are raped by someone they know and what they were wearing doesn't usually factor into why the were attacked.

Even if it does though, it is unfair that they must be held accountable for the action of another.

If I buy a new tv that doesn't mean I've invited myself to be robbed. Wearing what woman choose should not be a life or death situation.
Dec 4, 2012 10:19 AM

Feb 2012
JennyEsquire said:
I think that's the public's opinion too, that nigger is a much worse word than cunt.

Because it is.

But that doesn't stop the fact that some women will take the impact of being called a cunt just as badly as a black person being called the 'n' word.
Dec 4, 2012 10:22 AM
Dec 2012
JennyEsquire said:
sabconth said:

No. I agree that the 'n' word is more powerful to black people and that cunt is more powerful to women.

I think that any black woman would rather called a cunt than a nigger. I think that's the public's opinion too, that nigger is a much worse word than cunt.

Indeed. Despite however the word is used as colloquial slang, I'd be lying if I don't get annoyed at even the sight of the word.

Sidenote: never experienced southern racism until moving back to the states and working in Georgia recently. Shit's foul.
Dec 4, 2012 10:24 AM

Mar 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
Feminists don't complain about Muslim immigrants raping (and often gangraping) women, because they only care about rape when it allows them to attack white men (besides, Muslims are dangerous and going after them would be "racism"). Why don't feminists have a problem with false rape accusations (which discredit real victims), and why do they seek to expand the definition of rape to cover things like regretting a one night stand? Because the more rape accusations and convictions there are (legitimate or not, doesn't matter), the more white men can be attacked (even if they're statistically guilty of the least amount of rapes, doesn't matter), and the more justification feminists have for going even further with their anti-white male campaign.
Of course they do, they care about rape from any person of any race immensely. Are white women like to be more cautious when condemning man of racial minorities? Yes, and they should be, since they need to consider how their racial privilege plays into their perspective. Does this have anything to do with white women purposefully ignoring rape by all non-white men, such that as many white men can be "attacked" as possible? Of course not, that's ludicrous.

Again, they do and they condemn women who do so on a regular basis.

You've yet to convince me that your whole anti-white male conspiracy theory is anything other than laughable at best.

Extra note: After all of your complaining about word choice, you're grossly misusing "feminist". Assuming that all feminists are women (an incorrect assumption you make regularly), either you're implying that only white women can be feminists, or Muslim women can be feminists too, yet Muslim women don't care about rape by Muslim men and are "out to get" white men instead. You're wrong either way, so take your pick.
JoshDec 4, 2012 10:35 AM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Dec 4, 2012 6:45 PM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
You know which group doesn't tolerate rape jokes no matter who the victim is?

And yet they work to increase the number of rapes.

So when the top shelf of magazine stands is filled with lads mags and nude depictions of women, that doesn't count as objectification?

Objectification comes from within, not without. You posted that image as if I had said something completely obvious, but you clearly don't get it.

So wanting to be as free and promiscuous as men means they have to suffer for it?

Do you really think it's reasonable to create an utterly superficial culture of sexual promiscuity and hedonism, and still expect men and women to treat each other with the utmost respect and gravity? Do you think it's reasonable to expect people to always act exactly the way you want them to, regardless of the circumstances? "Garbage in, garbage out" is the only thing you should be expecting in the hell feminists created for themselves.

The notion that the vast majority of men are free to be as promiscuous as they want to was and is a myth, and where did you even get the idea that promiscuity is a good thing that people should be doing?

Are men really so irresponsible that they cannot even take the blame for their own actions?

The world is full of men who don't respect women, and you better get used to it because no amount of social engineering is going to get rid of them. You may as well try to convince bears to stop mauling people.

I know right? The nerve of those siilly feminists, when will they learn that they must live to the whims of society and men's expectations. Tsk, tsk.

How delusional do you have to be to think that you can somehow control the thoughts and actions of everyone around you? Even under the best possible circumstances, there will inevitably be men who behave poorly towards women, and creating an environment that encourages that kind of behavior is pretty far from best possible circumstances.

Yet it isn't women that made this a law, it was men. You know why? Because if every man could so easily run from his responsibility as a parent, many single mothers would be left up the creek with no way to support their child.

We have birth control now, and women are free to abort their children on a whim. So what's the purpose this law, and why are feminists not trying to change it?

A layer once said it best, "For men, the time to think about having a child is before you take your pants off."

And for women there presumably is no time to think, because somebody else will always take responsibility.

Absolutely, never, ever has a man ever considered a woman his property. And every single man alive has always taking into consideration the emotions and well being of the women they've met. Even rapists and murderers.

You claimed men are "rarely" taught to care about what women feel or think, but normally taught to consider women their property. This is complete bullshit.

Because whether the person flaunting money is male or female, everybody agree's they were stupid for flashing their cash and getting mugged in the process.

But only women must be careful of what they wear, men are exempt.

That's the double standard.

Most men are heterosexual, and much bigger and stronger than women, therefore most rapes are male-on-female. Nature does not have double standards, it just is what it is.

Feminists have told me many times that even if a woman wears a shirt with "rape me" written on it, and walks down Rape Street in Rape Town, she cannot be held responsible in any way, and she played no part in what happened. But if a man is victimized for doing something far less stupid, he's ridiculed for it, and I don't see any logical reason for this double standard (one of my favorite examples of this was on Something Awful, where a guy was beaten and mugged by black guys when they didn't like him listening to rap music. Everyone laughed at him, blamed him for what happened and told him he deserved it. In another instance, somebody was standing around outside with his friends when black guys (again) showed up and beat them up. He was told it was their fault for being outside so late).

How about rapists taking responsibility for wanting to rape women in the first place?

How about making seagulls take responsibility for shitting all over the place? Do you really think rapists care that what they're doing is immoral and illegal, and that women should trust them to behave themselves? If so, you are a rape supporter, because encouraging that kind of mindset makes women more vulnerable to rape.

Post-Josh said:
Of course they do, they care about rape from any person of any race immensely. Are white women like to be more cautious when condemning man of racial minorities? Yes, and they should be, since they need to consider how their racial privilege plays into their perspective.

Blacks and Muslims just can't help but rape every white woman they see, because they don't have enough privilege points to level up their morality.

You've yet to convince me that your whole anti-white male conspiracy theory is anything other than laughable at best.

A conspiracy is by definition not something people openly discuss in public.

Extra note: After all of your complaining about word choice, you're grossly misusing "feminist". Assuming that all feminists are women (an incorrect assumption you make regularly), either you're implying that only white women can be feminists...

White male feminists can and do hate white men just as much as white female feminists do.

...or Muslim women can be feminists too, yet Muslim women don't care about rape by Muslim men and are "out to get" white men instead. You're wrong either way, so take your pick.

I'm assuming you're just being intentionally dense here. Muslim women who claim to be feminists are obviously in a completely different position than white women and manginas.
Dec 4, 2012 7:37 PM

Mar 2012
You avoided responding to anything I said, as per usual.

First off, stop trying to oversimplify privilege. Either go learn something about it, or don't and keep making idiotic statements. I am by no means an expert, but at least I recognize that it's not nearly as one dimensional as you want it to be. I also have to remind you of the most important policies when having an effective conversation, which is saying precisely what you mean. If by "feminists" you mean "white female feminists" then say so, otherwise I have no choice but to assume you're talking about all of them. @"mangina": Ah, there is it. Was waiting for you to officially declare yourself a member of the "we're afraid of losing our privilege and manhood" camp. I bet you'd sooner die than be "pussy-whipped".
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Dec 4, 2012 9:00 PM

Jun 2012
i'm a humanist so.... yea, i guess? xP
Dec 5, 2012 3:54 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
And yet they work to increase the number of rapes.

If you thought feminists were trying to fudge rape statistics to make them seem higher than they actually are, that would be one thing. I could just write you off as a tin foil hat conspiracist.

But to actually think feminists are working to increase the number of rapes in insane.

TheHandOfShame said:
Objectification comes from within, not without. You posted that image as if I had said something completely obvious, but you clearly don't get it.

Society teaches women and girls that what they look like is paramount. The pressure to conform to these increasingly impossible standards severely damages their self esteem and makes their need to be accepted for their looks even stronger.

People who aren't aware of this factor and see images of half naked women everywhere might wrongly assume that the objectification of women is something they themselves wanted all along.

TheHandOfShame said:
Do you really think it's reasonable to create an utterly superficial culture of sexual promiscuity and hedonism, and still expect men and women to treat each other with the utmost respect and gravity?

No. But I do believe it's reasonable to expect some equilibrium between the objectification of the sexes rather than accept that only women should bear that burden on their own.

TheHandOfShame said:
The notion that the vast majority of men are free to be as promiscuous as they want to was and is a myth, and where did you even get the idea that promiscuity is a good thing that people should be doing?

You've honestly never heard of the slut/stud double standard that goes on?

A guy sleeps with lots of girls; he's a hero, a player, a normal, healthy male.

A girl sleeps with lots of guys; she's a slut, a whore, despised by everyone.

TheHandOfShame said:
The world is full of men who don't respect women, and you better get used to it because no amount of social engineering is going to get rid of them. You may as well try to
convince bears to stop mauling people.

Again you hold men to such low standards it's almost comical.

Yes, there will always be people who do not respect other people. But to suggest that men will never be able to learn to respect women is downright ignorant.

I'm sure plenty of people back during slavery times said much the same thing about white people ever respecting black people. And while we obviously still have a long way to go in that regard, we're also in the second term of a black US president.

TheHandOfShame said:
How delusional do you have to be to think that you can somehow control the thoughts and actions of everyone around you? Even under the best possible circumstances, there will inevitably be men who behave poorly towards women, and creating an environment that encourages that kind of behavior is pretty far from best possible circumstances.

I'm not advocating the control of everyone's thoughts and actions, only the, according to you, delusional notion that women should be respected as people.

TheHandOfShame said:
We have birth control now, and women are free to abort their children on a whim.

You say that like it's a bad thing?

And it isn't even the case in every state, or country even.

TheHandOfShame said:
So what's the purpose this law, and why are feminists not trying to change it?

Because currently men are disproportionately likely to be the ones who choose to abandon their own children and responsibilities as a father. If every man who got a woman pregnant could easily ignore the life he helped create, the strain on society and especially single mothers would be far worse than it is now.

Yes I know women have more power when it comes to deciding whether to keep the child or not, but that's because they have to actually carry it within their own bodies. If men were the ones who had to carry a baby, I'm sure they wouldn't be constrained by the wishes of the mother either.

TheHandOfShame said:
And for women there presumably is no time to think, because somebody else will always take responsibility.

Unless the woman decides to give the child up for adoption or abort, then she will be the one with the responsibility.

TheHandOfShame said:
You claimed men are "rarely" taught to care about what women feel or think, but normally taught to consider women their property. This is complete bullshit.

I never said it was normal, only that in domestic abuse cases, a lot of the men were taught and do actually think this way.

TheHandOfShame said:
Most men are heterosexual, and much bigger and stronger than women, therefore most rapes are male-on-female. Nature does not have double standards, it just is what it is.

Rape isn't natural though. I'm not saying it'll ever be completely wiped out, it won't, but it's worth the effort to see if we as a society, as a species, can do anything to stem the cause's or symptoms that make rape as prevalent as it is.

TheHandOfShame said:
How about making seagulls take responsibility for shitting all over the place?

Seagulls shit, it's natural and normal.

Rape isn't, neither is murder, the victim shouldn't be the one who has to do the expalining or take responsibility, it should be the criminal.

TheHandOfShame said:
Do you really think rapists care that what they're doing is immoral and illegal, and that women should trust them to behave themselves?

Most rapists, as you have admitted, are men.

I would hope that men would care what they are doing is immoral and illegal and that women could trust them to behave themselves.

While there will always be the odd delinquent who didn't need reason or cause to commit their crimes, I know for a fact that many rapes take place simply because the man was taught that a woman is there just to please them, or that she's lower than him, or that she was 'asking' for it because of what she wore, or that she deserved it for some perceived wrong she committed.

TheHandOfShame said:
If so, you are a rape supporter, because encouraging that kind of mindset makes women more vulnerable to rape.

Wanting less men to view women as objects and thus acceptable targets for their immoral acts makes me a supporter of rape?

Yet someone like you, who throws up their arms and seems to be resigned to the idea that men rape and nothing can be done about it, except apparently for women taking more responsibility for how they conduct themselves, that's supposed to be the attitude of someone who is against rape?

TheHandOfShame said:
Blacks and Muslims just can't help but rape every white woman they see, because they don't have enough privilege points to level up their morality.

Dec 5, 2012 4:25 AM

Jun 2011
sabconth said:

You've honestly never heard of the slut/stud double standard that goes on?

A guy sleeps with lots of girls; he's a hero, a player, a normal, healthy male.

A girl sleeps with lots of guys; she's a slut, a whore, despised by everyone.

Well, if a key can open many locks it is considered a master key... But who wants a lock that can be opened by many different keys?

The only purpose of the key is to open locks... if your key can open all of the locks, of course you will earn respect of other keyholders.

If you have a lock that is loose and easy to open, of course we will open it.. but we will not respect the person who bears such a lock
PocketascesDec 5, 2012 4:28 AM
Dec 5, 2012 5:47 AM
Dec 2012
A feminism and rape discussion on an anime forum... no one else sees the irony in this?
Dec 5, 2012 5:50 AM

Nov 2012
Post-Josh said:
You avoided responding to anything I said, as per usual.

Why are you lying?

First off, stop trying to oversimplify privilege. Either go learn something about it, or don't and keep making idiotic statements.

I know exactly what privilege is.

If by "feminists" you mean "white female feminists" then say so, otherwise I have no choice but to assume you're talking about all of them.

Most feminists are white women.

@"mangina": Ah, there is it. Was waiting for you to officially declare yourself a member of the "we're afraid of losing our privilege and manhood" camp. I bet you'd sooner die than be "pussy-whipped".

It's kind of difficult to lose privilege, seeing as how it doesn't exist. And no, I'm not going to apologize for not wanting to lose my manhood or be pussy-whipped. Unlike you, I have some self-respect.


sabconth said:
But to actually think feminists are working to increase the number of rapes is insane.

They don't want women taking responsibility for their personal safety. They encourage behavior that increases the risk of rape. They support mass immigration from third world countries where women are little more than walking sex toys. How does this not constitute a deliberate effort to increase the number of rapes?

Society teaches women and girls that what they look like is paramount. The pressure to conform to these increasingly impossible standards severely damages their self esteem and makes their need to be accepted for their looks even stronger.

For women, it is paramount for the purpose of finding a mate. As for those "increasingly impossible standards," they come from other women.

People who aren't aware of this factor and see images of half naked women everywhere might wrongly assume that the objectification of women is something they themselves wanted all along.

They must all be forced to do it at gun point, and whenever they go out dressed like streetwalkers it's because they're wearing explosive collars. The slutwalks were probably orchestrated by the patriarchy as well.

No. But I do believe it's reasonable to expect some equilibrium between the objectification of the sexes rather than accept that only women should bear that burden on their own.

What's to stop women from objectifying men? It's all in their heads, they can think whatever they want to. I'm also fascinated by your approach to this issue: instead of suggesting that we should work towards a culture of mutual respect, you want women to step up their objectification so that men and women disrespect each other in equal measure. Of course, this is exactly how feminists solved the problem of promiscuity.

You've honestly never heard of the slut/stud double standard that goes on?

A guy sleeps with lots of girls; he's a hero, a player, a normal, healthy male.

A girl sleeps with lots of guys; she's a slut, a whore, despised by everyone.

What does this have to do with what I said? Anyway, the flip side of that double standard is that inexperienced men are pathetic losers while inexperienced women are virtuous. And who is it that keeps rewarding and enabling promiscuous men? That would be women. They find players attractive and exciting.

Again you hold men to such low standards it's almost comical.

Yes, there will always be people who do not respect other people. But to suggest that men will never be able to learn to respect women is downright ignorant.

Some men will never learn. No matter what you do, there will always be some men who are like that. There is not a damn thing you can do about this without some fantastical technology that allows complete control over human behavior.

I'm not advocating the control of everyone's thoughts and actions, only the, according to you, delusional notion that women should be respected as people.

It is a delusional notion to think that you can socially engineer every last man to respect women.

You say that like it's a bad thing?

Of course not, because what could be bad about aborting a pregnancy on a whim. It's no big deal. Just think of it as retroactive birth control.

Because currently men are disproportionately likely to be the ones who choose to abandon their own children and responsibilities as a father. If every man who got a woman pregnant could easily ignore the life he helped create, the strain on society and especially single mothers would be far worse than it is now.

Yes I know women have more power when it comes to deciding whether to keep the child or not, but that's because they have to actually carry it within their own bodies. If men were the ones who had to carry a baby, I'm sure they wouldn't be constrained by the wishes of the mother either.

If a woman can abort her child, then it must be made possible for men to abort their financial responsibilities towards the child. That's equality (you know, that thing you claim you're in favor of).

In the old days, people got married before they had children. But feminists thought this arrangement was oppressive or whatever, and now they're wondering why the random guy who impregnated them after a drunken one night stand is not eager to stick around and be a dad. Geez, why are men so irresponsible?

Unless the woman decides to give the child up for adoption or abort, then she will be the one with the responsibility.

While receiving child support from the father, and/or welfare from the government.

I never said it was normal, only that in domestic abuse cases, a lot of the men were taught and do actually think this way.

The entire paragraph was suggesting that by default men are raised as rapists and thugs who can't perceive women as people.

Rape isn't natural though. I'm not saying it'll ever be completely wiped out, it won't, but it's worth the effort to see if we as a society, as a species, can do anything to stem the cause's or symptoms that make rape as prevalent as it is.

Rape is just as natural as a female mantis eating the male's head during mating. Natural isn't synonymous with good. By your logic homosexuality could be argued to be unnatural.

Seagulls shit, it's natural and normal.

Rape isn't, neither is murder, the victim shouldn't be the one who has to do the expalining or take responsibility, it should be the criminal.

A rapist isn't going to cease raping because you tell him it's wrong. A seagull won't stop shitting itself when you explain indoor plumbing to it.

Most rapists, as you have admitted, are men.

I would hope that men would care what they are doing is immoral and illegal and that women could trust them to behave themselves.

Yeah, women should definitely trust rapists not to rape them. They should also trust burglars not to steal their television. Sound logic right there. Nothing could go wrong with it.

Wanting less men to view women as objects and thus acceptable targets for their immoral acts makes me a supporter of rape?

Putting women's safety in the hands of their would-be rapists makes you a supporter of rape.

Yet someone like you, who throws up their arms and seems to be resigned to the idea that men rape and nothing can be done about it, except apparently for women taking more responsibility for how they conduct themselves, that's supposed to be the attitude of someone who is against rape?

Yes, because I acknowledge the fact that there will always be rapists no matter what, and that women should therefore take appropriate precautions to protect themselves. This actually works, whereas your philosophy does the exact opposite.

My thoughts exactly.


Pocketasces said:
Well, if a key can open many locks it is considered a master key... But who wants a lock that can be opened by many different keys?

The only purpose of the key is to open locks... if your key can open all of the locks, of course you will earn respect of other keyholders.

If you have a lock that is loose and easy to open, of course we will open it.. but we will not respect the person who bears such a lock

This seems very clever and profound at first, but actually makes no sense and has no meaning whatsoever.
TheHandOfShameDec 5, 2012 5:55 AM
Dec 5, 2012 8:48 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
They don't want women taking responsibility for their personal safety. They encourage behavior that increases the risk of rape. They support mass immigration from third world countries where women are little more than walking sex toys. How does this not constitute a deliberate effort to increase the number of rapes?

Many women, even feminists, think daily about the threat of sexual assault and while they acknowledge that it is unfair that they must take so many more precautions compared to men, they still reinforce the need for safety when placing themselves or other women in possibly vulnerable situations.

Also, as I said before, most victims of rape are attacked by someone they know. So no matter the precautions they take it still wouldn't have mattered and the only person to blame in the attacker.

TheHandOfShame said:
For women, it is paramount for the purpose of finding a mate. As for those "increasingly impossible standards," they come from other women.

Yes of course it may be important for finding a partner, but they are told that their worth as a person is measured by their beauty. Not their acts or deeds or accomplishments.

The standards are not dictated by other women either, they are set down by society and the media.

TheHandOfShame said:
They must all be forced to do it at gun point, and whenever they go out dressed like streetwalkers it's because they're wearing explosive collars. The slutwalks were probably orchestrated by the patriarchy as well.

You and I have no idea of the types of pressure women face to be beautiful or sexually desirable by their peers, the media, advertising or the workplace. Men can have receding hairlines or expanding waistlines and still be considered desirable partners, women don't get the same privilege.

TheHandOfShame said:
What's to stop women from objectifying men? It's all in their heads, they can think whatever they want to. I'm also fascinated by your approach to this issue: instead of suggesting that we should work towards a culture of mutual respect, you want women to step up their objectification so that men and women disrespect each other in equal measure.

The culture we currently live in is obsessed with sex, and while men are starting to be objectified more, the disrespect is still only aimed towards women.

Take the film 'magic mike' for example, where the men were the ones being the eye candy. Women objectified them yet it wasn't disrespectful because the men were okay and even encouraging their own objectification.

But when women, ordinary women going about their day to day lives are perceived by some to be nothing more than walking invitations or mere sex objects, that's a problem.

TheHandOfShame said:
What does this have to do with what I said? Anyway, the flip side of that double standard is that inexperienced men are pathetic losers while inexperienced women are virtuous. And who is it that keeps rewarding and enabling promiscuous men? That would be women. They find players attractive and exciting.

You said;

TheHandOfShame said:
The notion that the vast majority of men are free to be as promiscuous as they want to was and is a myth,

I then used the stud/slut analogy to show that yes, men are free to be as promiscuous as they want. Certainly more so than women.

Just because you may be choosing not to get laid that often doesn't stop the fact that if you did, you'd not only be considered normal, but also quite successful.

You then continued with;
TheHandOfShame said:
... and where did you even get the idea that promiscuity is a good thing that people should be doing?

Sex is good. Having sex with lots of people can also be quite good, so long as you're using protection and it's what you want of course. So I have no problem with promiscuity, it's the individuals right to enjoy their bodies however they see fit.

But currently, only men are allowed to be promiscuous without the fear of being called disparaging names.

TheHandOfShame said:
Some men will never learn. No matter what you do, there will always be some men who are like that. There is not a damn thing you can do about this without some fantastical technology that allows complete control over human behavior.

I know all this, but that doesn't stop the fact that a lot of guys were and still are influenced by the way society and the media portrays women as things that exist for their pleasure.

So maybe teaching boys and men that respecting women will only stop a few thousand rapes or attempted assaults each year. It's still worth it.

TheHandOfShame said:
It is a delusional notion to think that you can socially engineer every last man to respect women.

Well duh, I never said that did I? I simply said I was advocating that women should be respected as full and complete human beings, I'm well aware there will still be people who choose to disrespect them.

TheHandOfShame said:
Of course not, because what could be bad about aborting a pregnancy on a whim. It's no big deal. Just think of it as retroactive birth control.

Abortion is a form of birth control believe it or not.

And some women don't realize they're pregnant until the only way to get rid of the fetus is through abortion.

If a woman doesn't want to have kids and decides to terminate her pregnancy it doesn't matter if she thinks it over for a week or one second, it's her choice.

Sorry it rustles your jimmies but if men could get pregnant I'd want the same rights afforded to me. Whim or no.

TheHandOfShame said:
This is what feminists actually believe.

TheHandOfShame said:
If a woman can abort her child, then it must be made possible for men to abort their financial responsibilities towards the child. That's equality (you know, that thing you claim you're in favor of).

Like I said, the only time men get this choice is before they take their pants off.

I know it sounds really unfair that he should have to take responsibility for the life he created, and that he should be the one who should have to pay child support instead of the rest of society, but it's not like anybody put a gun to his head or put an explosive collar around his neck and forced him to not wear a condom is it?

If you think women should be held responsible sometimes in cases of rape, then there ain't no fucking way you can't hold men to the same standard when it comes to creating a baby.

TheHandOfShame said:
In the old days, people got married before they had children. But feminists thought this arrangement was oppressive or whatever, and now they're wondering why the random guy who impregnated them after a drunken one night stand is not eager to stick around and be a dad.

More like they're making sure the guy who helped get them pregnant doesn't manage to escape from the life he inadvertently helped create. An unwanted pregnancy is a mistake that takes two people to make.

Plus, it'll make the guy very cautious not to do the same thing again.

TheHandOfShame said:
Geez, why are men so irresponsible?

I don't know. You'd think they'd know enough not to have unprotected sex with a woman and end up getting her pregnant in the first place. Especially if they don't want to pay child support.

TheHandOfShame said:
While receiving child support from the father, and/or welfare from the government.

Yes, that's how it works. It turns out that having a baby makes working kinda hard. And raising a child takes up a whole ton of free time.

TheHandOfShame said:
The entire paragraph was suggesting that by default men are raised as rapists and thugs who can't perceive women as people.

Let's re-read just in case you might be right;

sabconth said:
Rarely are guys taught to take into account how a woman might feel or react to being treated like something that exists solely for their amusement.

I stand by this statement and you may notice I am not saying all guys are raised to be rapists or thugs either, only that they aren't taught to be considerate to how a woman might feel to being treated like a slab of meat.

sabconth said:
This is what makes rapists think they own a woman's body. This is what makes domestic abuse such a pervasive issue, because the man is taught that the woman is his property, and that her wants and needs should never even be taken into consideration.

Here I detail that this is the same train of thought rapists and abusers work under, but at no time do I say that all men are rapists or abusers. Only that those that are fall under the mindset of seeing women as objects.

TheHandOfShame said:
Rape is just as natural as a female mantis eating the male's head during mating. Natural isn't synonymous with good. By your logic homosexuality could be argued to be unnatural.

Rape is not natural. Either in the sense that it is something that people or animals just do or that it is part of our nature.

A female mantis eats a male's head because it's in their nature to do so.

A man rapes a woman because he chooses to. Whether that's because he has a psychological problem, a need to feel power over someone or something else, it is always a choice.

Quit comparing people to animals, it's so lazy.

TheHandOfShame said:
A rapist isn't going to cease raping because you tell him it's wrong.

No, he won't. But if changing the attitudes towards women might change that one guy's mind who thinks it is okay to rape women, then it's worth the effort.

TheHandOfShame said:
Yeah, women should definitely trust rapists not to rape them. They should also trust burglars not to steal their television. Sound logic right there. Nothing could go wrong with it.

Again, women are most commonly raped by someone the know. So they are trusting that the men in their lives do not want to rape them.

Could you also try something other than sarcasm? It's getting really old.

TheHandOfShame said:
Putting women's safety in the hands of their would-be rapists makes you a supporter of rape.

I'm not putting their safety into the hands of rapists, I never even suggested such a demonstrable idea. I am simply stating that I think the men that decide it is okay to rape for no other reason than because they grew up with negative portrayls of women or their own sexuality could have made different choices if they had been presented with more positive and respectful messages towards women.

TheHandOfShame said:
Yes, because I acknowledge the fact that there will always be rapists no matter what,

As do I, the difference is that the men who rape sometimes do it because of how the media portrays women, and that I believe these men's attitudes could have been changed if society was more respectful towards women.

TheHandOfShame said:
...and that women should therefore take appropriate precautions to protect themselves. This actually works, whereas your philosophy does the exact opposite.

Please explain to me, oh sage one, what precautions can a woman take to stop her boyfriend or husband from raping her. What proper protections is she able to put in place to ensure she won't be abused by her older brother? What safety methods can she enact to make sure a cousin or an uncle or even her own father will be unable to have the chance to rape her?

Are there even situations where you actually believe that the man can be held 100% responsible for raping a woman?

Where it isn't just blamed on his nature, or that the woman put herself in danger?

Because so far you've been doing an excellent job of telling me how women are mostly at fault for being raped.
Dec 5, 2012 8:58 AM

Aug 2012
I saw this, and it reminded me of this thread.

كنت تهدر وقتك عن طريق ترجمة هذه.

mattbenz99 said:
Christians and Satanists are technically the same thing
Dec 5, 2012 10:40 AM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
Also, as I said before, most victims of rape are attacked by someone they know. So no matter the precautions they take it still wouldn't have mattered and the only person to blame in the attacker.

That is beside the point.

The standards are not dictated by other women either, they are set down by society and the media.

Society and media consist of people.

You and I have no idea of the types of pressure women face to be beautiful or sexually desirable by their peers, the media, advertising or the workplace. Men can have receding hairlines or expanding waistlines and still be considered desirable partners, women don't get the same privilege.

Men may be able to skate by with subpar looks, but only if they can compensate for them with their personality, achievements, or social status. This does mean that a woman who is born ugly will remain ugly, while a man is able to improve his lot. However, this is nobody's fault. We didn't decide human biology and psychology. If you want to blame someone, blame God.

Most women don't actually have to do all that much to be attractive to men. They just think they do, and it's not because men told them so. Men don't read women's magazines.

The culture we currently live in is obsessed with sex, and while men are starting to be objectified more, the disrespect is still only aimed towards women.

Men receive plenty of disrespect, it just doesn't necessarily take the same forms. The reason why our culture is obsessed with sex is because feminists (and liberals/leftists at large) made it that way. I guess you guys should have thought this through a bit more carefully, huh?

I then used the stud/slut analogy to show that yes, men are free to be as promiscuous as they want. Certainly more so than women.

If having sex was that easy, the Internet would not be filled with millions of bitter and angry foreveraloners, and PUAs selling books and seminars to them. They just don't have what it takes to get laid, or even find a girlfriend. In the past, promiscuity had two additional problems: what are the woman's male relatives going to do if you get caught and they decide they don't like you, and what are you going to do if the woman gets pregnant (the latter is still a problem, just not nearly as much as before)? Social norms also used to be more conservative, and sleeping around wasn't necessarily approved of.

And nowadays everyone is free to do pretty much whatever they want to, but of course feminists will complain if there is so much as one man in the universe who frowns at their antics.

Sex is good. Having sex with lots of people can also be quite good, so long as you're using protection and it's what you want of course.

Studies have shown that the more sex partners a woman has, the more likely she is to divorce (I don't remember what the stats for men were, I think there was some correlation too, but not as much). Having many sex partners also makes a woman a less desireable long-term partner for men, and then there's the increased risk of STD and accidental pregnancy. So those are the downsides of promiscuity. On a societal level, promiscuity is destabilizing.

But currently, only men are allowed to be promiscuous without the fear of being called disparaging names.

But currently, only women are allowed to be virgins without the fear of being called disparaging names.

If a woman doesn't want to have kids and decides to terminate her pregnancy it doesn't matter if she thinks it over for a week or one second, it's her choice.

Abortion is not something that should be done on a whim or used as a form of birth control. It's not a fucking manicure, it's the termination of a fetus.

I know it sounds really unfair that he should have to take responsibility for the life he created, and that he should be the one who should have to pay child support instead of the rest of society, but it's not like anybody put a gun to his head or put an explosive collar around his neck and forced him to not wear a condom is it?

It's not like anybody forced the woman to get pregnant, but there she is at the abortion clinic regardless.

Just give it up, there's no way you can justify this obvious double standard.

If you think women should be held responsible sometimes in cases of rape, then there ain't no fucking way you can't hold men to the same standard when it comes to creating a baby.

I have not actually said anywhere that women should be held responsible for rape.

More like they're making sure the guy who helped get them pregnant doesn't manage to escape from the life he inadvertently helped create. An unwanted pregnancy is a mistake that takes two people to make.

If you want to raise a child well, you should get married to someone who also wants a child. But nope, that's too oppressive and cis-normative etc. for our little princesses, so instead let's fuck anything that moves and then get really dismayed when a pregnancy occurs and the random douchebag who fucked you doesn't give a shit.

Feminists are supposed to be in charge of everything and strong and independent and don't need no man and can abort all the stupid babies they like because they're the ones giving birth to them, but when an accidental pregnancy occurs they immediately delegate all responsibility to the man and demand him to foot the bill.

I don't know. You'd think they'd know enough not to have unprotected sex with a woman and end up getting her pregnant in the first place. Especially if they don't want to pay child support.

The point was to illustrate the way feminists make disastrous choices and then blame it all on men. They could choose better, but they won't.

Yes, that's how it works. It turns out that having a baby makes working kinda hard. And raising a child takes up a whole ton of free time.

There used to be this thing called a marriage where a man and woman would live together, pool their resources and raise the child together. I hear it fell out of favor when it was determined to be heteronormatively privileged oppression by the patriarcy, and was preventing women from realizing their true calling as the town bicycle.

I stand by this statement and you may notice I am not saying all guys are raised to be rapists or thugs either, only that they aren't taught to be considerate to how a woman might feel to being treated like a slab of meat.

If the majority of men are raised to not take into account how women feel or what they want, and this is the mentality that makes men rape and beat women, then by default society is raising men to be rapists and thugs.

A man rapes a woman because he chooses to. Whether that's because he has a psychological problem, a need to feel power over someone or something else, it is always a choice.

So anything we choose to do is unnatural. Uh huh. I can see you've really thought this through.

Quit comparing people to animals, it's so lazy.

I was using an example to illustrate the fact that natural does not equal good. Something is not unnatural just because it's terrible.

Again, women are most commonly raped by someone the know. So they are trusting that the men in their lives do not want to rape them.

We are talking about stranger rape.

I'm not putting their safety into the hands of rapists, I never even suggested such a demonstrable idea. I am simply stating that I think the men that decide it is okay to rape for no other reason than because they grew up with negative portrayls of women or their own sexuality could have made different choices if they had been presented with more positive and respectful messages towards women.

You keep insisting that women shouldn't have to care about their safety because it's the rapists who must take responsibility (even though they won't), which is exactly what every other feminist has told me.

Please explain to me, oh sage one, what precautions can a woman take to stop her boyfriend or husband from raping her. What proper protections is she able to put in place to ensure she won't be abused by her older brother? What safety methods can she enact to make sure a cousin or an uncle or even her own father will be unable to have the chance to rape her?

Please explain what these scenarios have to do with stranger rape.

Are there even situations where you actually believe that the man can be held 100% responsible for raping a woman?

Legally and morally speaking he is always 100 % responsible, but that doesn't mean the woman didn't do something stupid to put herself in unnecessary danger.
Dec 5, 2012 10:52 AM
Dec 2012
JennyEsquire said:
fameONE said:
A feminism and rape discussion on an anime forum... no one else sees the irony in this?

I wonder what they think about fan service

...or tentacle rape, lolicon, harem and the majority of the industry which caters exclusively to men. I didn't dream up something as disgusting as lolicon, but yet, as a man, I'm blamed for how women of the world are treated?

I... I don't understand this logic.
Dec 5, 2012 11:11 AM

Mar 2012

You don't think privilege exists, but you think manhood exists. That would be cool and all, if they didn't come as a package. A submissive male is "pussy-whipped" and devoid of his "manhood", but a submissive female is passive, loyal, shy, and otherwise considered to be normal. This quite obviously creates a power dynamic in which men are expected to be the higher power (leaders) and women are expected to be the lower power (followers). This is why when you're talking about a CEO, politician, scientist, philosopher, etc., it is assumed that you're referring to a man unless you clarify otherwise. This is one of near infinite examples of privilege at work. One part I don't think you understand is that privilege does not mean that it is all flowers and sunshine for men. Going with this specific example: No one wants to be called "pussy-whipped", thought of as weak, useless, a disgrace to their gender, etc., just for being who they are. No one denies that this can be a serious issue. The fact of the matter is that these problems still stem from patriarchy.

You can have plenty of self-respect without deriving it from your gender. Would you say transgender people have no self-respect because they reject the gender they are expected to be?

fameONE said:
...or tentacle rape, lolicon, harem and the majority of the industry which caters exclusively to men. I didn't dream up something as disgusting as lolicon, but yet, as a man, I'm blamed for how women of the world are treated?

I... I don't understand this logic.
No one's blaming you for anything, whose fault it is doesn't matter. I imagine all of the feminists in this thread are averse to those things you mentioned, so there's nothing hypocritical going on.

I've watched some harems and shows with lolis, but I try to be aware of how they're treating the characters. It's always something to consider when discussing/rating entertainment.
JoshDec 5, 2012 11:21 AM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Dec 5, 2012 8:00 PM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
That is beside the point

Only because it doesn't help your argument.

You say; "they don't want women taking responsibility for their own personal safety' & that 'they encourage behaviour that increases the risk of rape'

I say; it doesn't matter if they did because there is still no way to protect against rape in most situations, no matter the precautions taken. And even if there was, women should still not be blamed for being raped.

TheHandOfShame said:
Society and media consist of people.

Yes, that's right, society and media do consist of people, very good.

And since the people who control the media are made up of only the most powerful and influential, can you take a big swinging guess as to who that group might be made up of?

I'll give you a hint;

TheHandOfShame said:
Men may be able to skate by with subpar looks, but only if they can compensate for them with their personality, achievements, or social status. This does mean that a woman who is born ugly will remain ugly, while a man is able to improve his lot. However, this is nobody's fault. We didn't decide human biology and psychology. If you want to blame someone, blame God.

Or, perhaps, just maybe, we should blame something that actually exists and sets the standards for society... you know, like patriarchy.

TheHandOfShame said:
Most women don't actually have to do all that much to be attractive to men. They just think they do, and it's not because men told them so.

And who gave them that idea? It wouldn't be the... media, would it?

TheHandOfShame said:
Men don't read women's magazines.

Not the kind that women are trying to attract anyway, but yes, you're right, generally heterosexual men do not read magazines made for women. And vice versa.

Yet a lot of the information in these magazines is about articles telling them what men want, how they should look, how they should act, even how they should dress. Most of it is quite damaging.

It's not unlike the porn industry and it's effects on the male psyche. That's why so many guys feel below average when they're not, ashamed their not getting enough action or believing that women exist solely as sex objects. Again, all very damaging.

TheHandOfShame said:
Men receive plenty of disrespect, it just doesn't necessarily take the same forms. The reason why our culture is obsessed with sex is because feminists (and liberals/leftists at large) made it that way. I guess you guys should have thought this through a bit more carefully, huh?

Once again, I never said there is anything wrong with sex. At all.

We went through a long history of feeling guilty for having desires in the first place, and the numerous religions/conservative factions throughout the world who have gone out of their way to shame the human race for having these natural urges are finally starting to lose control.

It's only natural that people would finally relish their new-found sexual freedom. Yet women seem to be the only ones facing a backlash for wanting, having and actually enjoying their own bodies.

TheHandOfShame said:
If having sex was that easy, the Internet would not be filled with millions of bitter and angry foreveraloners, and PUAs selling books and seminars to them.

I never said having sex was easy, because it sure as hell ain't!

I said men are free to be as promiscuous as they want without facing disparaging remarks or being considered wicked or corrupt.

The reason why most guys can't get laid is because they simply cannot think of or treat women as people. (I wonder who taught them to think like that?)

Basically this is their attitude towards women.

TheHandOfShame said:
And nowadays everyone is free to do pretty much whatever they want to, but of course feminists will complain if there is so much as one man in the universe who frowns at their antics.

These antics being the demand that women be respected as equals I presume?

TheHandOfShame said:
Studies have shown that the more sex partners a woman has, the more likely she is to divorce.


TheHandOfShame said:
Having many sex partners also makes a woman a less desireable long-term partner for men..

Yet the same isn't true when the roles are reversed... very peculiar.

It's almost as if men are taught to think less of women who have lots of sex, where could they have got these double standards from?

TheHandOfShame said:
On a societal level, promiscuity is destabilizing.


Unless you're a 98 year old conservative religious nut who believes that all young people should be kept separate until their married, and that any women who has sex before marriage is a tramp, I'm not sure how you can consider people having and enjoying sex as a bad thing.

TheHandOfShame said:
But currently, only women are allowed to be virgins without the fear of being called disparaging names.

True, and who's to blame?

Hint; It rhymes with anarchy.

TheHandOfShame said:
Abortion is not something that should be done on a whim or used as a form of birth control. It's not a fucking manicure, it's the termination of a fetus.

If men could get pregnant there would be home abortion kits available at all good retailers, you can bet your ass they wouldn't have to think too long about it if they suddenly discovered they were expecting the unexpected.

But boy, it would be great if you had this same passion of injustice towards women being raped no matter the circumstances.

TheHandOfShame said:
It's not like anybody forced the woman to get pregnant, but there she is at the abortion clinic regardless.

Just give it up, there's no way you can justify this obvious double standard.

Guys don't just slip and fall into a woman and make her pregnant, they make the willful decision to have sex with someone without protection and thus enter the gamble of possibly creating a life.

If they don't want to go through with this dilemma they simply have to wear a condom or even choose to get a vasectomy if they wish. No one's stopping them from exercising those rights.

TheHandOfShame said:
I have not actually said anywhere that women should be held responsible for rape.

Only that women are responsible for their safety and that if they get raped it might have been because they did something stupid.

So how about you teach everyone here, particularly the women and girls, what you consider to be proper safety techniques to avoid getting themselves raped. Other than the most common error of wearing a shirt with "rape me" written on it while walking down Rape Street in Rape Town of course.

Should they dress conservatively?

Only go out drinking with a large group of friends?

Not drink at all?

Get home before dark?

Make sure they don't appear to be sending out mixed signals?

Avoid dark alleys? (which is a popular myth as 85% of rapes occur by someone the victim knows usually at a place familiar to them0

Maybe choosing to step foot out the door without a male escort is grounds enough to hold them responsible if they are attacked?

TheHandOfShame said:
If you want to raise a child well, you should get married to someone who also wants a child.

Actually if you want to raise a child well you should treat it with love and kindness. Plenty of married couples do a fantastic job of screwing up their kids while single mothers, even a few single fathers too, do a much better job of rearing a child on their own.

TheHandOfShame said:
But nope, that's too oppressive and cis-normative etc. for our little princesses, so instead let's fuck anything that moves and then get really dismayed when a pregnancy occurs and the random douchebag who fucked you doesn't give a shit.

You're such an angry, frustrated guy. The issues you have with feminists and women in general seem to run deeper than meets the eye.

TheHandOfShame said:
Feminists are supposed to be in charge of everything and strong and independent and don't need no man and can abort all the stupid babies they like because they're the ones giving birth to them, but when an accidental pregnancy occurs they immediately delegate all responsibility to the man and demand him to foot the bill.

Yup they delegate all the responsibilities... except the upbringing, well-being and emotional health of the child, but other that that though, they foist everything onto the man.

TheHandOfShame said:
The point was to illustrate the way feminists make disastrous choices and then blame it all on men. They could choose better, but they won't.

The point is you think only a woman should bear the consequences of getting pregnant, yet decry the fact that men don't get a say in what happens once conception occurs.

If you think men should have a greater choice in what to do with the child they helped create, you will have to acknowledge that men must be held responsible too. You can't have half the control with none of the responsibility.

TheHandOfShame said:
There used to be this thing called a marriage where a man and woman would live together, pool their resources and raise the child together. I hear it fell out of favor when it was determined to be heteronormatively privileged oppression by the patriarcy, and was preventing women from realizing their true calling as the town bicycle.

Again you express contempt for women who enjoy having sex outside a committed relationship, it's a pretty vile attitude to have.

And once more you also advocate marriage as this fairytale magic solution that can solve so many of the problems women face. I agree that it is better if two people raise a child together, but who says it has to be within the confines of a marriage, especially since so many of them fail? Or that it has to be a man and woman? Why not two women, or two men?

TheHandOfShame said:
If the majority of men are raised to not take into account how women feel or what they want, and this is the mentality that makes men rape and beat women, then by default society is raising men to be rapists and thugs.

No, only that society is fostering a culture and an attitude that can condition some men into becoming thugs or rapists.

The current prison populations are evidence enough that this is the case.

TheHandOfShame said:
So anything we choose to do is unnatural. Uh huh. I can see you've really thought this through.

No, but when we act without accordance of accepted standards of behavior of right and wrong then yes, that is unnatural.

Every action can seem natural to the person performing it because some thought went into completing that action, but when you consider the ramifications and consequences they will face, it is not a 'natural' choice.

TheHandOfShame said:
I was using an example to illustrate the fact that natural does not equal good. Something is not unnatural just because it's terrible.

If your defining natural as something produced and found in nature, then yes, technically nothing is ever really unnatural. Nor can you qualify anything found in nature to be good or bad.

However, that doesn't remove the fault of the person who chooses to commit the act of rape, or any other crime.

TheHandOfShame said:
We are talking about stranger rape.

We were talking about rape. I was never restricting the discussion to stranger rape alone.

Admitting that most women are raped by men they know and usually have no chance to defend themselves might be tricky for you to blame on feminists, but that doesn't stop the fact that it is the most common form of rape and that it does happen.

TheHandOfShame said:
You keep insisting that women shouldn't have to care about their safety because it's the rapists who must take responsibility (even though they won't), which is exactly what every other feminist has told me.

Doesn't matter if the rapist wants to take responsibility or not, he and he alone is the only one that should be held accountable for his actions.

And every living thing cares about it's safety, what feminists and I are trying to get across is that a woman should not be blamed if she becomes a victim of rape.

TheHandOfShame said:
Please explain what these scenarios have to do with stranger rape.

Nothing, because nowhere in our previous discussions did we ever limit rape to stranger rape.

TheHandOfShame said:
Legally and morally speaking he is always 100 % responsible


TheHandOfShame said:


TheHandOfShame said:
that doesn't mean the woman didn't do something stupid to put herself in unnecessary danger.

If, as you said, the responsibility lies completely with the rapist, she cannot be blamed for falling victim to an attack, no matter the circumstances.

I'd also like to point out that you and I are speaking from enormous positions of power and privilege.

Most of the issues we've talked about are things we'll never have to experience for ourselves.

This puts us at a disadvantage when trying to debate things we have had so little personal exposure too, and quite honestly, we sound pretty damn ridiculous trying to do so.
Dec 5, 2012 10:59 PM

Aug 2009
I'm torn on the whole subject of feminism. On one hand, as a woman, I believe that men and women should have equal rights, employment prospects and education. I see no harm in campaigning against institutions and governments who deny women these things. However I also believe there are a lot of things wrong with the ideologies of the greater majority of feminists I have met. My university has a large number of women who are involved in women's rights/feminists clubs and as such I have met many of them on campus.

When Prime Minister Gillard was elected they championed her because she was the first female Prime Minister. Fair enough, that's a great achievement but so many of them had no idea of the party policies of either side. They voted for her because she was a woman and Tony Abott was a man. That's not feminism that's sexism and herein lies the problem with so many of the feminists I have met, especially the women in their early twenties. They seem to take up the feminist ideal and then go to extremes in a really ignorant fashion that always seems to have an undercurrent of 'man hating'.

Slutwalk is another bone of contention I have. Basically if you haven't heard of it read this:
I agree with the general principle of the movement. What a woman wears should never be used to excuse rape. Rape is rape, there is no excuse and no one (regardless of their clothing) deserves to be raped. However all I heard from the feminists I know was a resurgence of 'I'll wear whatever I want to wear' and 'It's my right to dress however I want'. Yes, of course it is but they were ignoring the reality of the world we live in. That reality being that there a sick, mentally ill and depraved men (and women) out there who will gravitate towards you if you go out wearing an outfit that barely covers your ass and breasts. It's not streetwise and no amount of 'it's my right to...' is going to help you. Of course they don't deserve it but that's the reality.

Most frustrating is how many workplaces operate where I am. In particular my own workplace employs an equal 50/50 of men and women as a standard equal rights practice but I don't really agree with this. You shouldn't be employed because of your gender but because of your ability. Sadly it is very clear at my work that the men employed are far more capable of the job than many of the women. That's not to say that there aren't many capable women who I work with, the general manager is herself a woman and far better than her predecessor but the fact is there is a portion of women employed there to make up the numbers and even up the sides. They're almost useless, under qualified and have a poor work ethic. That's just not good business.

So while I believe in equal rights I will always be reluctant to actually declare myself a feminist. The definition itself seems harmless but when put in the context of the younger more radical movement that I seem to be surrounded with, it doesn't really make sense any more.
Dec 6, 2012 12:49 AM

Nov 2012
Post-Josh said:
You don't think privilege exists, but you think manhood exists. That would be cool and all, if they didn't come as a package.

Also, the Zionist conspiracy is real, and we never landed on the moon.

sabconth said:
Only because it doesn't help your argument.

No, because it actually is beside the point. We are talking about stranger rape, and you're just trying to change the subject. The fact is that stranger rape still happens, even if it's not as common as rape by somebody the victim knows. It is profoundly fucked up to tell women to not care about their personal safety whether stranger rape is the most common form of rape or not.

Yes, that's right, society and media do consist of people, very good.

Don't try to act like you already knew that. You obviously were talking about them as if they were some kind of extraterrestrial entities.

And since the people who control the media are made up of only the most powerful and influential, can you take a big swinging guess as to who that group might be made up of?

Women are heavily involved, and not everything in the media is run by only the most powerful and influential people in the world. Rupert Murdoch does not determine what some women's magazine writes. or what Oprah tells people.

Or, perhaps, just maybe, we should blame something that actually exists and sets the standards for society... you know, like patriarchy.

Right, because the patriarchy is responsible for human biology and psychology. That is a very reasonable thing to say. We can also assume the patriarchy was responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs.

And who gave them that idea? It wouldn't be the... media, would it?

The part you bolded was followed by: and not because men told them so.

Yet a lot of the information in these magazines is about articles telling them what men want, how they should look, how they should act, even how they should dress. Most of it is quite damaging.

Tell women to stop writing that stuff, then.

We went through a long history of feeling guilty for having desires in the first place, and the numerous religions/conservative factions throughout the world who have gone out of their way to shame the human race for having these natural urges are finally starting to lose control.

Do you think promiscuity made any sense prior to the invention of reliable birth control? It doesn't even make sense AFTER the invention of reliable birth control.

It's only natural that people would finally relish their new-found sexual freedom. Yet women seem to be the only ones facing a backlash for wanting, having and actually enjoying their own bodies.

And yet they are free to do so anyway, and anyone who has a problem with it is immediately drowned out by people screaming: "SLUT SHAMING SLUT SHAMING SLUT SHAMING."

The reason why most guys can't get laid is because they simply cannot think of or treat women as people. (I wonder who taught them to think like that?)

Assuming for a moment that this is true, the answer you're looking for is feminism.

These antics being the demand that women be respected as equals I presume?

No, just whatever they decide to do. Also, if women are all about the equality, then why do we still have the double standard of mocking male virgins but not female virgins? What you still refuse to acknowledge is that this double standard cuts both ways (and that women are the ones who adore promiscuous men, thus doing their part in upholding both sides of the double standard).


For a moment there I completely forgot you're a degenerate. Right, of course you can't understand why divorce matters.

Yet the same isn't true when the roles are reversed... very peculiar.

It's almost as if men are taught to think less of women who have lots of sex, where could they have got these double standards from?

From nature. It is biological. Promiscuous women cannot be trusted to not cuckold the man (even in the 21st century).


When I said promiscuous women are more likely to divorce, you acknowledged that it's true. But now you're wondering how promiscuity could destabilize society? These dots are not that hard to connect. Single motherhood (which is particularly a problem among black Americans and white Britons) is also destabilizing because the children are disproportionately likely to grow up as criminals and delinquents.

If men could get pregnant there would be home abortion kits available at all good retailers, you can bet your ass they wouldn't have to think too long about it if they suddenly discovered they were expecting the unexpected.

If men could get pregnant, the biology and power balance of the sexes would be completely different than they are now, so this is a laughably pointless argument to make. We might as well debate what would happen if women could shoot lasers from their vaginas, or what would happen if sentient clouds ruled the Earth.

But boy, it would be great if you had this same passion of injustice towards women being raped no matter the circumstances.

I am the one who wants women to not get raped, you're the one who's trying to get them raped.

Also, nice job completely dodging the issue by changing the subject.

Guys don't just slip and fall into a woman and make her pregnant, they make the willful decision to have sex with someone without protection and thus enter the gamble of possibly creating a life.

If they don't want to go through with this dilemma they simply have to wear a condom or even choose to get a vasectomy if they wish. No one's stopping them from exercising those rights.

Women don't just slip and fall on top of a penis to get pregnant, they make the willful decision to have sex with someone without protection and thus enter the gamble of possibly creating a life.

If they don't want to go through with this dilemma they simply have to use a condom or even choose to get a tubal ligation if they wish. No one's stopping them from excercising those rights.

Wow, it's almost like it takes two people to cause a pregnancy. But only one of them is unable to choose whether to take responsibility. This is not equal, and if you disagree then you are lying about supporting equality.

Only that women are responsible for their safety and that if they get raped it might have been because they did something stupid.

These are facts, not opinions.

Maybe choosing to step foot out the door without a male escort is grounds enough to hold them responsible if they are attacked?

So in conclusion, your problem with all this is that women are no longer 100 % free to do whatever they wish with no negative consequences. Do you really think men don't have to ever worry about crime?

Actually if you want to raise a child well you should treat it with love and kindness. Plenty of married couples do a fantastic job of screwing up their kids while single mothers, even a few single fathers too, do a much better job of rearing a child on their own.

"Because some married couples raise their children poorly, let's do away with marriage and let single mothers raise all the children." Yet another cunning plan from sabconth that is sure to end well for everyone involved.

You're such an angry, frustrated guy. The issues you have with feminists and women in general seem to run deeper than meets the eye.

"He's right. Shit, I'd better change the subject quickly by playing Dr. Phil and speculating about his personal life."

Yup they delegate all the responsibilities... except the upbringing, well-being and emotional health of the child, but other that that though, they foist everything onto the man.

As far as they're concerned, they're not responsible at all.

The point is you think only a woman should bear the consequences of getting pregnant, yet decry the fact that men don't get a say in what happens once conception occurs.

If you think men should have a greater choice in what to do with the child they helped create, you will have to acknowledge that men must be held responsible too. You can't have half the control with none of the responsibility.

I never said they have no responsibility. I am trying to remind you of the fact that women are responsible too, and in fact more responsible since they are the ones who ultimately choose whether sex occurs, and have the biggest responsibility for the child. But now the attitude is that they don't have to give a shit about anything, and if an accident occurs they can either abort it or have somebody pay for it.

Again you express contempt for women who enjoy having sex outside a committed relationship, it's a pretty vile attitude to have.

Not quite as vile as your contempt for marriage.

And once more you also advocate marriage as this fairytale magic solution that can solve so many of the problems women face. I agree that it is better if two people raise a child together, but who says it has to be within the confines of a marriage, especially since so many of them fail?

Feminism is responsible for a good chunk of that failure rate, and you even said yourself that divorce doesn't matter. Little wonder that women are divorcing their husbands in droves (and stealing all their shit in the process, which I'm sure is entirely incidental).

Or that it has to be a man and woman? Why not two women, or two men?

Because a man and a woman raising a child is the most balanced and optimal way, and the natural way of things (after all, two people of the same sex can't create a child).

No, only that society is fostering a culture and an attitude that can condition some men into becoming thugs or rapists.

Well, it certainly is true that feminists are trying to inflate rape statistics by any means necessary, and that feminism has created a cold war between men and women and a general atmosphere of mistrust, disrespect, hostility and competition, while also breaking up families and loosening morals. However, I'm sure none of that has anything to do with what you're talking about. The Patriarchy is no doubt responsible.

However, even if society made every conceivable effort to reduce rape, there would still be rape. It's unavoidable.

No, but when we act without accordance of accepted standards of behavior of right and wrong then yes, that is unnatural.

Then promiscuity and gay marriage are unnatural.

If your defining natural as something produced and found in nature, then yes, technically nothing is ever really unnatural. Nor can you qualify anything found in nature to be good or bad.

However, that doesn't remove the fault of the person who chooses to commit the act of rape, or any other crime.

And where did I say otherwise?

We were talking about rape. I was never restricting the discussion to stranger rape alone.

Well you should have, because that's what we were talking about.

Doesn't matter if the rapist wants to take responsibility or not, he and he alone is the only one that should be held accountable for his actions.

And women shouldn't care about their own safety because it's not their responsibility to do so. That is the feminist position.

If, as you said, the responsibility lies completely with the rapist, she cannot be blamed for falling victim to an attack, no matter the circumstances.

I said "morally and legally."

I'd also like to point out that you and I are speaking from enormous positions of power and privilege.

Speak for yourself.
Dec 6, 2012 4:10 AM

Sep 2009
Still waiting on those extremist feminists I have heard so much about. But something tells me I'm not going to be introduced to one, because you anti-feminists will be damned if you're going to back up your position with anything more than anecdotes about those tumblr pages you've visited, as though these people are going to provide us with a balanced view of modern feminism.

TheHandofShame, you're just being flippant now- this stuff about Zionism and Dinosaurs becoming extinct is just pathetic.

Regarding women getting raped... why is it fair that women should be afraid to wear certain clothes because there is an increased risk they will be harassed or physically threatened for doing so? What kind of person thinks that this is acceptable?

You can argue that women are 'responsible' because they should be aware that wearing such clothing means it is more likely they will be harassed. This reasoning might be acceptable if we were talking about trying to climb a mountain during a snowstorm, but in order for someone to be raped one party needs to make a conscious decision to do so- the rapist. Sexy clothing does not send these men into an uncontrollable frenzy either, they make a conscious decision to rape- therefore they are entirely responsible for it.

I am sure many women are grateful for your concern about rape TheHandofShame, but they would probably prefer it if your solution was not for them to spend their lives living in fear and having to make clothing choices based on the attached risk of physical violence. Finally how are you unable to understand how this subjugates women?

And you have the audacity to say that Feminism is just about women getting an advantage over men... no, just fuck off.
Losing an Argument online?

Simply post a webpage full of links, and refuse to continue until your opponents have read every last one of them!


"I was debating with someone who believed in climate change, when he linked me to a graph showing evidence to that effect. So I sent him a 10k word essay on the origins of Conservatism, and escaped with my dignity intact."

Dec 6, 2012 4:15 AM

Apr 2012
Many feminists are hypocrites, that's all I have to say. And note that I did not say all, but Internet ones and fanatics.

You can seriously find feminazis on the Internet.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Dec 6, 2012 4:19 AM

Nov 2011
Immahnoob said:
Many feminists are hypocrites, that's all I have to say. And note that I did not say all, but Internet ones and fanatics.

You can seriously find feminazis on the Internet.

I can seriously find ACTUAL nazis on the internet
The Art of Eight
Dec 6, 2012 4:57 AM

Sep 2011
dankickyou said:

I can seriously find ACTUAL nazis on the internet

Godwin's law is proved again (sorta)
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Dec 6, 2012 5:11 AM

Aug 2009
AnnoKano said:

Regarding women getting raped... why is it fair that women should be afraid to wear certain clothes because there is an increased risk they will be harassed or physically threatened for doing so? What kind of person thinks that this is acceptable?

I'm not sure if this was directed at me but if so. I agree that it isn't fair that women should be afraid. It's not right and it is certainly not acceptable. My issue wasn't with how women dress but with women who dress scantily and remain oblivious or refuse to acknowledge the reality that some sick men, no matter how wrong it may be, will take that as their queue. Again, anyone should be able to wear what they want but there are risks associated with those choices.

As far as extreme feminists go I'm glad you haven't met one because they severely damage the entire cause and are the reason why 'feminism' can be such a dirty word in some circles.
Dec 6, 2012 6:38 AM
Dec 2012
Just read the article that George Carlin wrote about feminism and that's all you need to know about it, bthw i don't belong to any ideology at all.
Dec 6, 2012 7:18 AM

Nov 2012
AnnoKano said:
Still waiting on those extremist feminists I have heard so much about. But something tells me I'm not going to be introduced to one, because you anti-feminists will be damned if you're going to back up your position with anything more than anecdotes about those tumblr pages you've visited, as though these people are going to provide us with a balanced view of modern feminism.

Whenever I talk about how feminists are awful, I am talking about people like sabconth. Oh, what's that? He isn't "extreme"? Well of course you wouldn't think so. To be an "extreme" feminist, you'd have to run through the streets with a bloody knife and bag of severed penises while shouting "¡Viva la Revolución!" sabconth's views may seem utterly ordinary and sensible to you, but to non-feminists he is a raving lunatic. There is a big gap between what feminists believe they're saying and what they're actually saying, so when someone explains to them what feminists are actually saying they think he must be talking about some "extreme" feminists or "fake" feminists. They look in the mirror, but don't see their own reflection.

Let me illustrate this with the quasi-Socratic method:

Person A: "Feminists don't really believe in equality."
Person B: "That's not true. I'm a feminist, and I believe in equality."
Person A: "So men and women should be treated the same, and have the same rights?"
Person B: "That's right."
Person A: "What do you think about a man punching a woman because she greatly insulted him, or perhaps groped him?"
Person B: "You should never, ever hit a woman."
Person A: "I see. What do you think about a man being able to choose whether or not to take responsibility for a child?"
Person B: "He should always take responsibility. He chose to have sex and has to deal with the consequences."
Person A: "Then why are women able to evade their responsibility by aborting or giving away the child, regardless of what the father thinks?"
Person A: "Are you a person who supports equality?"
Person B: "I sure am!"

TheHandofShame, you're just being flippant now- this stuff about Zionism and Dinosaurs becoming extinct is just pathetic.

What's pathetic is believing privilege is a real thing, and believing that The Patriarchy is such an all-powerful force that it's responsible for human biology. People say many things about Jews, but at least I've never heard anyone accusing them of time travel.

Regarding women getting raped... why is it fair that women should be afraid to wear certain clothes because there is an increased risk they will be harassed or physically threatened for doing so? What kind of person thinks that this is acceptable?

Nature does not know the concept of fairness, only humans do. From our perspective it is unfair that some children are born with a disability, but you wouldn't try to blame someone for it, because you understand that nobody is responsible. So why is rape any different? There will always be rapists no matter what. Some people are defective in the mind as surely as some people are defective in the body. It's all fine and well to hold the rapist accountable, but you can't make rapists disappear.

You can argue that women are 'responsible' because they should be aware that wearing such clothing means it is more likely they will be harassed. This reasoning might be acceptable if we were talking about trying to climb a mountain during a snowstorm, but in order for someone to be raped one party needs to make a conscious decision to do so- the rapist. Sexy clothing does not send these men into an uncontrollable frenzy either, they make a conscious decision to rape- therefore they are entirely responsible for it.

Well thank you for letting me know, Captain Obvious, but that does nothing to prevent women from being raped.

I am sure many women are grateful for your concern about rape TheHandofShame, but they would probably prefer it if your solution was not for them to spend their lives living in fear and having to make clothing choices based on the attached risk of physical violence. Finally how are you unable to understand how this subjugates women?

There are many dangers in life, both natural and man-made. Dealing with those dangers involves inconviniencing yourself and doing things you don't want to do. People don't build flood barriers because they enjoy building things. They don't spend enormous sums to maintain armies because they think it's fun to blow stuff up. They don't spend hours a week learning martial arts just because of the excercise. They don't watch their back in dangerous neighborhoods because it makes them feel like they're in a spy movie.

Everyone understands this. Everyone except feminists, that is. They have such an insane amount of entitlement that they expect everything to just work in their favor at all times, with no effort on their part. For example, what is the proposed feminist solution the underrepresentation of women in the video game industry? Is it "let's make some fucking games and show those guys what's up," or is it "there should be more women in leadership positions in the industry"? The latter, of course. The world should simply rearrange itself to meet feminist expectations. Why should they have to do anything? It's not fair, mommy!
Dec 6, 2012 7:25 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
No, because it actually is beside the point. We are talking about stranger rape, and you're just trying to change the subject. The fact is that stranger rape still happens, even if it's not as common as rape by somebody the victim knows. It is profoundly fucked up to tell women to not care about their personal safety whether stranger rape is the most common form of rape or not.

We were talking about rape, nowhere before did we ever mention that this was only to be a discussion on stranger rape, ever.

I never said women should not care for their personal safety, only that they shouldn't be blamed if someone decides to attack them.

Saying women should sometimes be held responsible for getting themselves raped would fall under your definition of 'fucked up' though.

TheHandOfShame said:
Don't try to act like you already knew that. You obviously were talking about them as if they were some kind of extraterrestrial entities.

No I wasn't, and what on earth do you even mean by extraterrestrial? Did you think I was implying the media comes from sources outside our atmosphere?

TheHandOfShame said:
Women are heavily involved, and not everything in the media is run by only the most powerful and influential people in the world. Rupert Murdoch does not determine what some women's magazine writes. or what Oprah tells people.

Doesn't disqualify the fact that most of the media, government and industry is dictacted and controlled by men. And while there are women who do contribute greatly to the media, that doesn't mean every one of them is acting in the best interests of women or that they haven't been affected by patriarchy themselves.

TheHandOfShame said:
Right, because the patriarchy is responsible for human biology and psychology. That is a very reasonable thing to say. We can also assume the patriarchy was responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs.

Patriarchy is responsible for much of human psychology. It's what tells men they are losers if they aren't having lots of sex. It's what tells women their most important duty in the world is to have babies. It's what tells us that men must be strong at all costs, and if they aren't, then they should be looked down upon or ridiculed. It's what tells us that a woman should sometimes take the responsibility for being raped.

And why do you keep drawing up so many straw man arguments with me?

I said patriarchy is responsible for making people define women by their beauty alone, so you interpret this to somehow mean that what I was saying is patriarchy is responsible for all human biology.

You're falsely framing things I say.

TheHandOfShame said:
The part you bolded was followed by: and not because men told them so.

No, men didn't tell them to, only the media did. The media which is controlled by men, for men and tells women what men really want.

TheHandOfShame said:
Tell women to stop writing that stuff, then.

Like I said, not every woman who is involved in media is thinking about the advancement and respect of women in mind.

TheHandOfShame said:
Do you think promiscuity made any sense prior to the invention of reliable birth control? It doesn't even make sense AFTER the invention of reliable birth control.

It was definitely more hazardous in the past due to the then unknown threat of STD's, lack of proper birth control and of course non-legalized abortion.

Now though, between healthy, informed adults in the 21st century, it's a lifestyle anyone should be able to choose.

As for making sense? Well, people like sex. They like having sex with lots of different people. Maybe you think that's wrong, but as you might say, it's 'natural.'

TheHandOfShame said:
And yet they are free to do so anyway, and anyone who has a problem with it is immediately drowned out by people screaming: "SLUT SHAMING SLUT SHAMING SLUT SHAMING."

Actually anyone who has a problem with it is usually seen as the jealous type who isn't getting any themselves.

It's only referred to as slut shaming when someone says that woman are sluts for doing so or that they should be held responsible if they are attacked.

TheHandOfShame said:
Assuming for a moment that this is true, the answer you're looking for is feminism.

So feminists taught guys not to think or respect women as people, because, as you've stated many times before, they are actively working to increase the number of actual rapes to further their own goals.

Got it. Your tin foil hat is in the mail.

TheHandOfShame said:
No, just whatever they decide to do.

So what you're saying is that the feminists wanting women to be allowed to decide whatever they want to do is wrong.

And that if they do things that displease men, they should have to be judged for that accordingly.

TheHandOfShame said:
Also, if women are all about the equality, then why do we still have the double standard of mocking male virgins but not female virgins? What you still refuse to acknowledge is that this double standard cuts both ways (and that women are the ones who adore promiscuous men, thus doing their part in upholding both sides of the double standard).

but I did acknowledge it, I said;

sabconth said:
True, and who's to blame?

Yet you seem to think it's feminists who are to blame. I don't remember feminists ever teaching that men who don't have sex should be ridiculed. Just the opposite actually, they think guys who wait or want to find the right person are a rare and commendable breed.

And it isn't women that say a female virgin is a great thing to be, that would once again be the patriarchy.

Oh wait, I said that too.

sabconth said:
Hint; It rhymes with anarchy.

TheHandOfShame said:
For a moment there I completely forgot you're a degenerate.

Whoa there buddy, no need to get so emotional.

TheHandOfShame said:
Right, of course you can't understand why divorce matters.

You mean that thing that happens in over 50% of marriages and causes a mountain of heartache for everyone involved, particularly the children? Yeah I've heard of it.

I've also got a solution for it

TheHandOfShame said:
From nature. It is biological. Promiscuous women cannot be trusted to not cuckold the man (even in the 21st century).

But promiscuous men can be trusted not to sleep around?

Sounds like a double standard to me.

Also, if the guy's wife really is cheating on him, he can easily walk away or get a divorce.

TheHandOfShame said:
But now you're wondering how promiscuity could destabilize society? These dots are not that hard to connect. Single motherhood (which is particularly a problem among black Americans and white Britons) is also destabilizing because the children are disproportionately likely to grow up as criminals and delinquents.

Then the answer to that problem would be better sex education, freer access to birth control and the legalization of abortion across every nation.

TheHandOfShame said:
If men could get pregnant, the biology and power balance of the sexes would be completely different than they are now, so this is a laughably pointless argument to make.

You say women shouldn't decide abortion on a whim, because that's wrong.

I say that if men were the ones having babies they too would also choose to have abortions on a whim, and they would want that freedom to exercise that right without being judged.

In other words, if women want to decide to have an abortion on a whim, I say that's fine, because if the roles were reversed I, as a man, would want the same privilege too.

TheHandOfShame said:
We might as well debate what would happen if women could shoot lasers from their vaginas, or what would happen if sentient clouds ruled the Earth.

Or we might point out you make ridiculous assertions and try to deliberately misinterpret what I say so that you can support your idiotic fallacy's.

TheHandOfShame said:
I am the one who wants women to not get raped, you're the one who's trying to get them raped.

You are the one who is saying women should take responsibility for putting themselves into situation where they might be raped.

I am the one saying that the rapist is the only one to blame and that blaming the women is a monstrous idea in the first place.

TheHandOfShame said:
Also, nice job completely dodging the issue by changing the subject.

I didn't. I said that if men could have abortions they would exercise the same rights and therefore women should be allowed to have an abortion on a whim because it is a freedom what men would want to.

TheHandOfShame said:
Wow, it's almost like it takes two people to cause a pregnancy. But only one of them is unable to choose whether to take responsibility. This is not equal, and if you disagree then you are lying about supporting equality.

Neither should be unable to take responsibility in the first place. But women will be the ones having to deal with a possible abortion or an unwanted child all on their own, the guys simply have to pay money. There isn't a comparison between who is handed the greater responsibility here.

TheHandOfShame said:
These are facts, not opinions.

If you truly believe that, then how about you point out some situations where a woman did something stupid that resulted in her getting attacked.

Here, I'll re-post the rest you didn't bother to answer.

sabconth said:
So how about you teach everyone here, particularly the women and girls, what you consider to be proper safety techniques to avoid getting themselves raped. Other than the most common error of wearing a shirt with "rape me" written on it while walking down Rape Street in Rape Town of course.

Should they dress conservatively?

Only go out drinking with a large group of friends?

Not drink at all?

Get home before dark?

Make sure they don't appear to be sending out mixed signals?

Avoid dark alleys? (which is a popular myth as 85% of rapes occur by someone the victim knows usually at a place familiar to them0

Maybe choosing to step foot out the door without a male escort is grounds enough to hold them responsible if they are attacked?

TheHandOfShame said:
So in conclusion, your problem with all this is that women are no longer 100 % free to do whatever they wish with no negative consequences. Do you really think men don't have to ever worry about crime?

No one is 100% free to do whatever they want with no negative consequences.

But women have to deal with being told they should have less freedom than men because they are more at risk of being a victim of crime. And that even if they follow all these safety measures and are still raped, it might still be their fault.

And what feminists and I say is that removing part of the blame from the attacker and placing it on the victim in cases of rape is wrong because a woman should not be held responsible for the actions of a rapist.

TheHandOfShame said:
"Because some married couples raise their children poorly, let's do away with marriage and let single mothers raise all the children." Yet another cunning plan from sabconth that is sure to end well for everyone involved.

Yet again you present what I said as a straw man argument and even go so far as to put words into my mouth that I never even said.

I didn't say 'let's do away with marriage', just that it isn't the only way to raise a child, nor in some cases even the best way.

TheHandOfShame said:
"He's right. Shit, I'd better change the subject quickly by playing Dr. Phil and speculating about his personal life."

Again you try to speak for me and attempt to make me claim things I never said.

TheHandOfShame said:
As far as they're concerned, they're not responsible at all.

Another false claim with no evidence to support it.

TheHandOfShame said:
I never said they have no responsibility. I am trying to remind you of the fact that women are responsible too, and in fact more responsible since they are the ones who ultimately choose whether sex occurs, and have the biggest responsibility for the child. But now the attitude is that they don't have to give a shit about anything, and if an accident occurs they can either abort it or have somebody pay for it.

I am well aware of the responsibilities of a woman who gets pregnant. No matter what she chooses, unlike the man, she cannot walk away from this obligation. She will have to choose to keep the baby and either raise it herself or give it up for adoption, and if she chooses to abort it she has to bear the responsibility of this decision alone and follow through to the end.

TheHandOfShame said:
Not quite as vile as your contempt for marriage.

A marriage is just an idea, people can hate, belittle or demean it all they like, it isn't harming anyone and it's everyone's choice to do so.

But you openly dislike and ridicule women who want to have sex outside of a monogamous relationship. These are real people your judging and hating.

TheHandOfShame said:
Feminism is responsible for a good chunk of that failure rate, and you even said yourself that divorce doesn't matter. Little wonder that women are divorcing their husbands in droves (and stealing all their shit in the process, which I'm sure is entirely incidental).

Perhaps marriage isn't for everyone and you'll just have to accept that.

You say that women are stealing all 'their', meaning men's, shit when they get divorced.

But doesn't a marriage mean both partners are bound together by law and must share the wealth together?

Then it makes perfect sense that a woman, or a man for that matter, should receive 50% of the assets during a divorce.

But jeez, when you think about it, that really isn't an attractive prospect for many people. It kinda makes marriage seem like a bad idea.

TheHandOfShame said:
Because a man and a woman raising a child is the most balanced and optimal way, and the natural way of things (after all, two people of the same sex can't create a child).

But like you said, natural doesn't equal good, so even if it was the standard practice it doesn't mean it was the best or even the right way to do things.

And while two people of the same sex cannot technically make a baby between themselves, they can help create one through IVF or a surrogate donor.

TheHandOfShame said:
However, even if society made every conceivable effort to reduce rape, there would still be rape. It's unavoidable.

Never said it was, but if we made every conceivable effort to reduce rape then at least the number of rapes would go down. And that would be worth the effort.

TheHandOfShame said:
Then promiscuity and gay marriage are unnatural.

Going by my definition of what constitutes accepted standards of behavior of right and wrong then yes some would and still do consider them unnatural. But attitudes towards things can change. Porn was once considered the most unnatural of vices, now it's common and accepted. Even marijuana is undergoing a rethink amongst many people and what was once considered an unnatural and illegal drug may one day be seen as natural and as safe as painkillers.

The likelihood towards the attitude of murder or rape or any of the serious crimes ever been considered natural by the general public however is none.

TheHandOfShame said:
And where did I say otherwise?

You didn't. I'm just explaining why rape or any other crime is still the fault of the person committing it.

TheHandOfShame said:
Well you should have, because that's what we were talking about.

Then blame it to a lack of communication because nowhere in our discussions previously did we ever mention the word stranger until you brought it up after everything else was said.

But why would you be unwilling to talk about the most common and prevalent form of rape? Is it because you can't find a way to blame it on feminists? Is it because there is so little the women can be held responsible for?

TheHandOfShame said:
And women shouldn't care about their own safety because it's not their responsibility to do so. That is the feminist position.

Women shouldn't have to be blamed for being raped is the feminist position, everyone should try and be as responsible as possible when it comes to their own safety. But if they get attacked anyway, even if they made a mistake, they should not be blamed instead of the criminal.

TheHandOfShame said:
I said "morally and legally."

So under what definition is the woman responsible for being raped? 'rationally?' 'usually?'

TheHandOfShame said:
Speak for yourself.

Have you ever been raped?

Have you even had to worry that what you wear might be seen as an invitation to a would be attacker?

Have you ever worried that you might enter a relationship and face possible sexual abuse at the hands of your partner?

Have you ever known and spoken to anyone who was actually raped?

Have you ever been told you might've been responsible for being attacked?


Then you're privileged.
Dec 6, 2012 8:29 AM

Feb 2012
TheHandOfShame said:
Whenever I talk about how feminists are awful, I am talking about people like sabconth. Oh, what's that? He isn't "extreme"?

Yes but what AnnoKano, and a few others, have been asking is who were these extreme feminists you were talking about before you became aware of me.

TheHandOfShame said:
...sabconth's views may seem utterly ordinary and sensible to you, but to non-feminists he is a raving lunatic.

TheHandOfShame said:
What's pathetic is believing privilege is a real thing, and believing that The Patriarchy is such an all-powerful force that it's responsible for human biology. People say many things about Jews, but at least I've never heard anyone accusing them of time travel

And nobody accused the patriarchy of wiping out the dinosaurs but you.

TheHandOfShame said:
Nature does not know the concept of fairness, only humans do. From our perspective it is unfair that some children are born with a disability, but you wouldn't try to blame someone for it, because you understand that nobody is responsible. So why is rape any different?

Because somebody doesn't choose to be born disabled, a rapist chooses to rape.

TheHandOfShame said:
There will always be rapists no matter what. Some people are defective in the mind as surely as some people are defective in the body. It's all fine and well to hold the rapist accountable, but you can't make rapists disappear.

You keep defending rape as something that we should simply get used to, that there is nothing to be done to stop it, but this is only true in a tiny, tiny minority of cases.

Most of the time a man doesn't rape a woman because he is mentally defective, it's because he was brought up believing that women should serve as sex objects and that what they want doesn't matter.

If we can change that attitude we owe to to ourselves as a species to do so.

TheHandOfShame said:
There are many dangers in life, both natural and man-made. Dealing with those dangers involves inconviniencing yourself and doing things you don't want to do.

Yes this is true, but women are living in fear even in situations where they cannot prevent nor did nothing to provoke an attack.

Men don't have to worry about being raped by their wives, or their sisters, mothers, girlfriends or female acquaintances., yet when the genders are reversed women do have to worry about these possibilities.

TheHandOfShame said:
For example, what is the proposed feminist solution the underrepresentation of women in the video game industry? Is it "let's make some fucking games and show those guys what's up," or is it "there should be more women in leadership positions in the industry"? The latter, of course. The world should simply rearrange itself to meet feminist expectations. Why should they have to do anything? It's not fair, mommy!

Actually to this particular problem feminists propose both solutions as preferable methods.

The problem is that convincing the big game companies to make your game is not an easy task, man or woman. And since the video game industry is still heavily focused on targeting males, it can be difficult to find women who want to get involved in wanting to make games or study game design in the first place.

I suggest you check out #1reasonwhy movement to discover the myriad ways in which the video game industry undermines and devalues women.
Dec 6, 2012 9:17 AM

Nov 2012
We were talking about rape, nowhere before did we ever mention that this was only to be a discussion on stranger rape, ever.
Self-defense tactics (other than straight-up fighting) are mostly inapplicable when the offender is someone the would-be victim knows, so what made you think we were talking about something other than stranger rape? These debates nearly always revolve around stranger rape. When people are talking about whether women should wear reveal clothing, they mean out in the streets.

Saying women should sometimes be held responsible for getting themselves raped would fall under your definition of 'fucked up' though.

Yet when it comes to any other crime, people will not hesitate to call somebody out for being stupid and careless, and nobody has ever explained to me what makes rape any different.

No I wasn't, and what on earth do you even mean by extraterrestrial? Did you think I was implying the media comes from sources outside our atmosphere?

Hur hur. Obviously I meant that you considered the media and society to be some external entities existing independently of people, instead of consisting of them.

Patriarchy is responsible for much of human psychology.

Hold on, let me put on some appropriate background music.

It's what tells men they are losers if they aren't having lots of sex. It's what tells women their most important duty in the world is to have babies. It's what tells us that men must be strong at all costs, and if they aren't, then they should be looked down upon or ridiculed.

I said patriarchy is responsible for making people define women by their beauty alone, so you interpret this to somehow mean that what I was saying is patriarchy is responsible for all human biology.

This all results from evolutionary psychology. The "patriarchy" had nothing to do with it.

No, men didn't tell them to, only the media did. The media which is controlled by men, for men and tells women what men really want.

There is an enormous amount of television programming and advertisement directed at women, and magazines and books directed at women. Men, by and large, do not watch Gossip Girl, or read Twilight or women's magazines.

Men may occupy most executive positions, but that does not mean they micromanage everything their media conglomerates produce, or that they'll produce content according to an ideological desire to keep women down (hint: if men as a whole really wanted to keep women down, they would stay down. Look at the Islamic world for an example of that), or that there isn't a shitload of bleeding heart liberals working in media (you're male, so you can't claim that men can't be feminists). If women want to hear that they are Strong and Independent and Don't Need No Man, that's what they'll get, and in fact is exactly what they've been getting for a long time now.

By the way, here's something interesting:
"The Frontman Fallacy" is a term I invented myself. What happened was that someone on the Usenet newsgroup alt.mens- rights asked for help in devising a term. The term was to encapsulate the wrongheadedness of a common Feminist assumption. This was the assumption that the fact that men held most of the positions of power in the world meant that men ruled the world principally for their own benefit -- i.e. they "oppressed" women.

My suggestion, which was accepted by the person who had asked for the help, was "The Frontman Fallacy". So the Frontman Fallacy is the mistaken belief that people (men, specifically) who are in positions of authority in democratic systems use their power mainly to benefit the categories of people (the category of "men", in particular) that they belong to themselves.

Like I said, not every woman who is involved in media is thinking about the advancement and respect of women in mind.

And not every man who is involved in media is thinking about the repression and disrespect of women.

Now though, between healthy, informed adults in the 21st century, it's a lifestyle anyone should be able to choose.

I don't think promiscuous people are very healthy or informed to begin with.

As for making sense? Well, people like sex. They like having sex with lots of different people. Maybe you think that's wrong, but as you might say, it's 'natural.'

I might also say that natural isn't the same thing as good. And if promiscuity is so wonderful and positive and natural, why does it cause so much emotional damage to women (and, to a lesser extent, men)? The more a woman sleeps around, the less able she is to form lasting relationships.

Actually anyone who has a problem with it is usually seen as the jealous type who isn't getting any themselves.

It's only referred to as slut shaming when someone says that woman are sluts for doing so or that they should be held responsible if they are attacked.

The point is that if you have a problem with women sleeping around, a feminist mob will (figuratively) lynch you. Yet I am supposed to believe that women are always one hookup away from being (literally) tarred and feathered.

So feminists taught guys not to think or respect women as people, because, as you've stated many times before, they are actively working to increase the number of actual rapes to further their own goals.

They started a war on men, created a culture promoting promiscuity and hedonism, and rejected all traditional values. The result is mutual hatred, distrust and dehumanization.

So what you're saying is that the feminists wanting women to be allowed to decide whatever they want to do is wrong.

And that if they do things that displease men, they should have to be judged for that accordingly.

Feminists expecting every last member of society to fully support anything they do is wrong.

Yet you seem to think it's feminists who are to blame. I don't remember feminists ever teaching that men who don't have sex should be ridiculed. Just the opposite actually, they think guys who wait or want to find the right person are a rare and commendable breed.

Feminists always present the double standard as harming women exclusively. If nobody ever brought up the other side of it, it would never be acknowledged by them (assuming they'll acknowledge it at all).

And it isn't women that say a female virgin is a great thing to be, that would once again be the patriarchy.

I guess the "patriarchy" has the right idea.

You mean that thing that happens in over 50% of marriages and causes a mountain of heartache for everyone involved, particularly the children? Yeah I've heard of it.

I've also got a solution for it: don't get married.

I guess that's a solution, if you don't care about society going down the toilet.

But promiscuous men can be trusted not to sleep around?

Sounds like a double standard to me.

Also, if the guy's wife really is cheating on him, he can easily walk away or get a divorce.

A man can sleep around as much as he wants to, and women will still beat a path to his door. If women want to keep perpetuating this double standard, that's their choice. They could reject such men, but they choose not to.

Divorce may be easy now (even profitable), but in the past it was a very serious decision, and possibly difficult or impossible to accomplish. Then again, promiscuity was not as easy either.

Then the answer to that problem would be better sex education, freer access to birth control and the legalization of abortion across every nation.

It is not a problem of birth control and abortion not being available, or people not understanding where babies come from. They either don't care, or they know the government will give them money even if the father won't. I know that in the UK single mothers get such generous welfare that many women get knocked up just for that. The children they raise end up just like them, and the cycle continues.

You say women shouldn't decide abortion on a whim, because that's wrong.

I say that if men were the ones having babies they too would also choose to have abortions on a whim, and they would want that freedom to exercise that right without being judged.

In other words, if women want to decide to have an abortion on a whim, I say that's fine, because if the roles were reversed I, as a man, would want the same privilege too.

And I wouldn't. Many women also do not approve of abortion.

You are the one who is saying women should take responsibility for putting themselves into situation where they might be raped.

Who else is going to take that responsibility? The police? They are not omnipresent or omniscient.

I am the one saying that the rapist is the only one to blame and that blaming the women is a monstrous idea in the first place.

Blaming is what happens afterwards. It won't do jack shit before or during the rape.

Neither should be unable to take responsibility in the first place. But women will be the ones having to deal with a possible abortion or an unwanted child all on their own, the guys simply have to pay money. There isn't a comparison between who is handed the greater responsibility here.

You say women should always take responsibility, but you also say women should be able to abort or give away the child. In other words, they can abandon their responsibility towards the child at any point they wish. A man can decide nothing. Paying child support for two decades also isn't a small matter. If the average amount of child support is $5,960 per year, that adds up to $107,280 in 18 years.

So in conclusion, you don't support equality. A shocking revelation, for sure.

If you truly believe that, then how about you point out some situations where a woman did something stupid that resulted in her getting attacked.

Walking through a dangerous, isolated area late at night by herself (possibly drunk). Getting blackout drunk at a house party full of strange men. Leaving with some man she just met. This is all risky behavior. As things are now, you can't even tell a woman to not do these things because it's "victim blaming." So they'll do those things and possibly get raped as a result. Another victory for women's welfare.

Here, I'll re-post the rest you didn't bother to answer.

I did:

So in conclusion, your problem with all this is that women are no longer 100 % free to do whatever they wish with no negative consequences. Do you really think men don't have to ever worry about crime?

No one is 100% free to do whatever they want with no negative consequences.

But women have to deal with being told they should have less freedom than men because they are more at risk of being a victim of crime. And that even if they follow all these safety measures and are still raped, it might still be their fault.

Once again: men are much stronger and bigger than women, and most men are heterosexual. Ergo, most rape is male-on-female. This is, once again, a fact of nature. It is nobody's fault that things are this way. If you want to blame someone, blame God. Or the Big Bang.

And what feminists and I say is that removing part of the blame from the attacker and placing it on the victim in cases of rape is wrong because a woman should not be held responsible for the actions of a rapist.

She is responsible for her own actions.

Yet again you present what I said as a straw man argument and even go so far as to put words into my mouth that I never even said.

I didn't say 'let's do away with marriage', just that it isn't the only way to raise a child, nor in some cases even the best way.

That doesn't mean anything. I could argue that cars are bad form of transportation because bicycles exist too, and in some cases they work better. Marriage is by far the best way to raise children. It's already been shown that single mother families are mostly a disaster, and polygamy doesn't work so well either.

Again you try to speak for me and attempt to make me claim things I never said.

Hahaha. Sure thing.

I am well aware of the responsibilities of a woman who gets pregnant. No matter what she chooses, unlike the man, she cannot walk away from this obligation. She will have to choose to keep the baby and either raise it herself or give it up for adoption, and if she chooses to abort it she has to bear the responsibility of this decision alone and follow through to the end.

How is a man going to legally walk away from his obligations? He'll have to abide by whatever the woman decides. The woman can abort or give away the child, and completely wash her hands of the whole thing.

A marriage is just an idea, people can hate, belittle or demean it all they like, it isn't harming anyone and it's everyone's choice to do so.

Marriage results in a stable and productive society. Single motherhood results in instability and decadence.

But you openly dislike and ridicule women who want to have sex outside of a monogamous relationship. These are real people your judging and hating.

You judge people too. Everyone does.

Perhaps marriage isn't for everyone and you'll just have to accept that.

It is increasingly for nobody, thanks to feminism.

You say that women are stealing all 'their', meaning men's, shit when they get divorced.

But doesn't a marriage mean both partners are bound together by law and must share the wealth together?

Then it makes perfect sense that a woman, or a man for that matter, should receive 50% of the assets during a divorce.

Assets that the man built by himself and the woman had nothing to do with. Just because you can take his stuff in the divorce doesn't mean you aren't a subhuman for doing so (with the exception of cases where the man is a subhuman and is being divorced as a direct result).

But jeez, when you think about it, that really isn't an attractive prospect for many people. It kinda makes marriage seem like a bad idea.

Not that women are in any hurry to change it, since they're the ones who almost always get the goods (and the kids). And it is the reason why more and more men are rejecting marriage.

But like you said, natural doesn't equal good, so even if it was the standard practice it doesn't mean it was the best or even the right way to do things.

And while two people of the same sex cannot technically make a baby between themselves, they can help create one through IVF or a surrogate donor.

In this case, "natural" and "good" coincide perfectly. A child being raised by a man and woman (or men and women in the case of extended families) is how it's supposed to work. A man and a woman create a child and raise it together, giving it a balanced upbringing of masculinity and feminity with normal heterosexual social dynamics.

Going by my definition of what constitutes accepted standards of behavior of right and wrong then yes some would and still do consider them unnatural. But attitudes towards things can change. Porn was once considered the most unnatural of vices, now it's common and accepted. Even marijuana is undergoing a rethink amongst many people and what was once considered an unnatural and illegal drug may one day be seen as natural and as safe as painkillers.

Something either is or isn't natural. It doesn't go from unnatural to natural or vice versa according to people's opinions.

You didn't. I'm just explaining why rape or any other crime is still the fault of the person committing it.

Does anyone here need to be told that?

But why would you be unwilling to talk about the most common and prevalent form of rape? Is it because you can't find a way to blame it on feminists? Is it because there is so little the women can be held responsible for?

Because it isn't relevant to what we're talking about.

Women shouldn't have to be blamed for being raped is the feminist position, everyone should try and be as responsible as possible when it comes to their own safety.

Nope. That's not what feminists believe. They may believe they believe that, or claim they do, but they don't actually believe it.

So under what definition is the woman responsible for being raped? 'rationally?' 'usually?'

She is responsible for her own safety.

Then you're privileged.

And you're a nazi child molester hur hur hur.
Dec 6, 2012 9:32 AM
Mar 2012
TheHandOfShame said:

Saying women should sometimes be held responsible for getting themselves raped would fall under your definition of 'fucked up' though.

Yet when it comes to any other crime, people will not hesitate to call somebody out for being stupid and careless, and nobody has ever explained to me what makes rape any different.

I might be wrong, but I think the blaming the women for being raped is one aspect of attribution bias, and many people do not feel that it is alright to blame the victims of most crimes

TheHandOfShame said:

They started a war on men, created a culture promoting promiscuity and hedonism, and rejected all traditional values. The result is mutual hatred, distrust and dehumanization.

Was going to go further, but you have got to be just messing with people. There is simply no way that is sincere.
Dec 6, 2012 9:42 AM

Nov 2012
sabconth said:
Yes but what AnnoKano, and a few others, have been asking is who were these extreme feminists you were talking about before you became aware of me.

You're a garden variety feminist, so I'm talking about people like you (though of course many have been even more out to lunch than you).

And nobody accused the patriarchy of wiping out the dinosaurs but you.

I never said that anywhere, but you were accusing the patriarchy of being responsible for human biology and psychology.

Because somebody doesn't choose to be born disabled, a rapist chooses to rape.

The existence of rapists is beyond anyone's control. You can cry about them until the cows come home, and scribble endlessly about privilege and the patriarchy, but you'll never make rapists disappear.

Most of the time a man doesn't rape a woman because he is mentally defective, it's because he was brought up believing that women should serve as sex objects and that what they want doesn't matter.

It takes some real dedication to have a normal brain, live in a modern society, and keep successfully believing that rape is a-okay.

If we can change that attitude we owe to to ourselves as a species to do so.

This coming from a person supporting an ideology that only serves to make rape more prevalent.

Yes this is true, but women are living in fear even in situations where they cannot prevent nor did nothing to provoke an attack.

Men don't have to worry about being raped by their wives, or their sisters, mothers, girlfriends or female acquaintances., yet when the genders are reversed women do have to worry about these possibilities.

This is yet another thing that nobody can do anything about. Why do you keep raging against nature as if doing so could somehow change it? Might as well try to stop a tsunami with shaming language (maybe you could ask the Japanese government to hire you for that purpose).

The problem is that convincing the big game companies to make your game is not an easy task, man or woman.

Where do you think those companies came from in the first place? Did they fall from the sky one day, fully formed? Do you think it's even a requirement to have a big company finance your game?

And since the video game industry is still heavily focused on targeting males, it can be difficult to find women who want to get involved in wanting to make games or study game design in the first place.

It targets males because males are the most interested in playing and creating video games. Even so, there is no small number of gender neutral games, and women could make more if they wanted to.

extraspectra said:
I might be wrong, but I think the blaming the women for being raped is one aspect of attribution bias, and many people do not feel that it is alright to blame the victims of most crimes

Well I've seen it over and over again, and nobody ever brings up victim blaming when discussing how to prevent any crime other than rape.

Was going to go further, but you have got to be just messing with people. There is simply no way that is sincere.

Why wouldn't it be, since it's simply the truth.
Dec 6, 2012 9:44 AM

Sep 2011
Sabconth didn't reply to the links I sent him regarding domestic abuse. Maybe he missed it
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Dec 6, 2012 9:52 AM

Apr 2012
JennyEsquire said:
Sabconth didn't reply to the links I sent him regarding domestic abuse. Maybe he missed it

Post them again. I can't find them.

But I'm sure I remember a valid article saying that the cases of domestic assaults are 1:1 proportion (male to female, female to male).

And that men, because of stupid education, do not tell the police or anybody about it.

Also Sabconth, are you saying that a father should not have any rights in saying if his girlfriend/wife should keep the child? Abortion should not be only the mothers decision, it should also be the fathers, if he's there.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
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