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Would you use a drug if you couldn't get addicted?

Pages (2) « 1 [2]
Dec 3, 2012 9:42 AM

Jul 2011
Trapalicious said:

DMT doesn't actually get produced whilst we dream, or at least, no one is really too sure. I know that the theory came from a study by Strassman, but it was just a theory; not meant to be taken as fact. However, from there on everyone began claiming that our bodies produce it upon birth, sleeping, death, etc and it just completely got out of hand.

Either way, it does sound pretty amazing.

Yeah, not sure about the sources and claims at this point, just that it's produced in the body.
Studies haven't gotten hold of it in the human brain since DMT is too fleeting, but it's been found in rat brain tissue.
Dec 3, 2012 9:50 AM

Feb 2010
EratiK said:
That's the psychological dependance, but stuff like heroine and cocaine also have physical dependance, where your body actually needs the substance to function properly. Prozac also seems to be addictive.

Well, I could have specified that the reliance could also be physical. I think the OP tried separating psychological and physical effects but they'd end up leading into one another no matter what goes absent. I'm trying to say that no matter which side of the addiction I'm immune to, the other one is going to take over. So I'll still say no to the topic question.
Dec 3, 2012 9:54 AM

Oct 2012
Akito_Kinomoto said:
I don't follow the question. Doesn't someone become addicted to drugs because of the trippy side-effects/reliance/whatever? I might as well eat rock candy instead of sniffing crystal meth.
You get physically addicted when your body gets used to an external agent affecting your chemical hormone production and stops producing its own (or overproduces to compensate). However, before anyone gets confused, almost any food affects these things. Sugar, chocolate, grapes, coffee are all things you could technically get "addicted" to if you ingested them regularly.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 3, 2012 9:58 AM

Apr 2012
Akito_Kinomoto said:
Well, I could have specified that the reliance could also be physical. I think the OP tried separating psychological and physical effects but they'd end up leading into one another no matter what goes absent. I'm trying to say that no matter which side of the addiction I'm immune to, the other one is going to take over. So I'll still say no to the topic question.
Good point. Still, you can imagine a drug with no psychological dependence too, like how I feel about chocolate: sure it's good, but I'm not eating it daily nevertheless. OP talks about experimenting, and I think it's true, any kind of high actually puts your daily life into perspective (except maybe alcohol high), which I find is definitely a plus.
EratiKDec 3, 2012 10:32 AM
Dec 3, 2012 10:05 AM

Nov 2009
Want to point out that Physical dependence is where you get a level of addiction that requires rehab... Psychological dependence is from things like Marijuana and only require the will to want to quit it. You might think that is true of drugs that cause Physical Dependence too however it takes more than just the desire to kick the addiction of a drug that creates a physical dependence.
Dec 3, 2012 10:29 AM

Oct 2012
The difference between a psychological addiction and a physical addiction is that one is something that merely becomes your routine and you feel like you want to do it, and the other is your body telling you that you must do it because of a chemical reaction. It's sort of like the difference between thinking "I must have sex" versus "I need to sleep".

Both can actually be curtailed if you strapped yourself in a chair and slapped yourself periodically. It is a matter of will. What rehab could do for you is slowly ease you off a drug to reduce withdrawal symptoms, or introduce some other drug that will satisfy your physical dependency without getting you high. There are some dangers to quitting cold turkey, if your withdrawal symptoms are too severe; or if you relapse but lose tolerance to the drug too quickly, the amount that you were used to could be dangerous. But if you had the fortitude to slowly ease off it, then you could do it. Not many people have that Luffy-level willpower, thus rehab.

Funny story: I met a guy once that got addicted to this "substitute", some synthetic drug that his doctor ordered to ease him off, I forgot, was it meth or heroin or something. Anyways, so he's dependent on this thing that he must take every couple of hours or he gets really cranky and it ruins his day, but it doesn't even get him high. Sort of fucked up to laugh about it, but whatever I don't know him that well.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 3, 2012 10:48 AM

Sep 2011
I already do em and I'm not addicted, so the answer is yes
Come visit my town // I apologize in advance for my second-rate English

Join my fan club // Improve the transport network
Dec 3, 2012 12:41 PM

Oct 2012
yes but no rly hard drugs cause those will fuck your health up after just a few uses, but i already do things like weed and molly
Dec 3, 2012 12:42 PM

Jul 2012
Sic said:
The only drug I'm interested in is a strong psychedelic you don't get 'addicted' to and it has no side effects outside of the experience from the trip.

It's a simple molecule produced naturally in our body when we sleep/dream and it's produced in all life forms on earth, but the trips people report have been very specific and similar in their details.
They've described a whole new dimension or parallel universe.
Seeing the face of God, visiting different worlds, alien creatures talking to them.
For most the experience has been so overwhelming that integration of the trip to their daily life has taken some time to process.

I believe I'll take it someday at the right time and place, until then this world is more than enough for me to deal with.

holy crap, i'm sure that stuff DOES happen but.. to who?! i've tripped with friends a zillion times. ok, i mean hundreds. and I mean that.

if you do as much acid as i've done, there IS an outside effect. if i gaze at something too long, it "drips" or "melts". also I stilll have trails. trails are... for example, if you swing your arm across your body, you will see faint arms following it as it goes (this effect is a standard effect of acid and is hugely magnified when actually tripping)

anyway, you don't hear about this stuff much b/c you don't often find people who have tripped so much.

had to add.
Kewpie_dollDec 3, 2012 1:11 PM
Dec 3, 2012 6:31 PM

Sep 2012
You can get addicted to anything.

Im addicted to various mind altering substances, ranging from spirits to illegal stuff
It's just relieving to give in to your desires and worry the future later.
Dec 4, 2012 12:31 PM

Dec 2008
not afraid of getting addicted, especially if it's only one time, but i am afraid of destroying my mind and body. if those side effect would disappear then i'd try, else i wouldn't.
Dec 4, 2012 12:43 PM

Jan 2012

Just because you won't crave it, doesn't mean it can't harm you!

I'm not going to endanger my body and/or career just to get high.
Besides, who knows how much shit I'd cause for other people if I get high and possibly lose my self restraint - It would probably be a total bloodbath!
Dec 4, 2012 12:57 PM

Jul 2012
Sure, why not. But only if it wouldn't have too bad side effects and didn't get me in jail.

Maybe Ritalin to stay concentrated while studying... I wouldn't even care about the side effects if there is only one week left until the exams.
Dec 4, 2012 4:01 PM

Feb 2005
No reason not. It's not like one dose would make any difference anyways. But for regular use, I'd stick to those that didn't have any adverse effects.
Dec 4, 2012 4:22 PM

Aug 2012
Why not? I don't really get addicted to anything, plus I'd probably be way more happier high, the only reason I don't try the stuff is because I don't know where to find it, as for regular? something that doesn't leave big marks later on.
Dec 4, 2012 6:45 PM

Nov 2007
No, because it's freakishly expensive to do drugs and I would worry about the effects of it on my body.
Dec 4, 2012 7:33 PM

Oct 2012
feder said:
No, because it's freakishly expensive to do drugs
Not if you don't get addicted to it:
Hit of heroin: $10
Line of cocaine: $5
Gram of weed: $10-20
Extacy pill: around $20
Hit of LSD: around $10
Gram of shrooms: $5-10
Shot of whiskey: $5
Bum a cigarette: free
Take your girl out for dinner: $30-50 at least
Movie tickets: $10-20
Eating out: $10-30
Blowjob from a streetwalker: $30-60
Happy ending at a massage: $80-120
Sex with a hooker: $80-200
Sex with a pornstar: $160-300
Talking about your problems with a high end escort: $500-1000
VIP at a club: $200+
Buying your favorite limited edition KPOP CD: $60-200
Buying limited edition Madoka DVDs: $225+shipping+tax
Typing boring posts on MAL: $0.20 for electricity
My subjective reviews:
Dec 4, 2012 7:36 PM

Oct 2012
katsucats said:
feder said:
No, because it's freakishly expensive to do drugs
Not if you don't get addicted to it:
Hit of heroin: $10
Line of cocaine: $5
Gram of weed: $10-20
Extacy pill: around $20
Hit of LSD: around $10
Gram of shrooms: $5-10
Shot of whiskey: $5
Bum a cigarette: free
Take your girl out for dinner: $30-50 at least
Movie tickets: $10-20
Eating out: $10-30
Blowjob from a streetwalker: $30-60
Happy ending at a massage: $80-120
Sex with a hooker: $80-200
Sex with a pornstar: $160-300
Talking about your problems with a high end escort: $500-1000
VIP at a club: $200+
Buying your favorite limited edition KPOP CD: $60-200
Buying limited edition Madoka DVDs: $225+shipping+tax
Typing boring posts on MAL: $0.20 for electricity

You didn't end this post with
"You reading this post: priceless"


Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Dec 4, 2012 7:38 PM

Jun 2012
Tavor said:
katsucats said:
feder said:
No, because it's freakishly expensive to do drugs
Not if you don't get addicted to it:
Hit of heroin: $10
Line of cocaine: $5
Gram of weed: $10-20
Extacy pill: around $20
Hit of LSD: around $10
Gram of shrooms: $5-10
Shot of whiskey: $5
Bum a cigarette: free
Take your girl out for dinner: $30-50 at least
Movie tickets: $10-20
Eating out: $10-30
Blowjob from a streetwalker: $30-60
Happy ending at a massage: $80-120
Sex with a hooker: $80-200
Sex with a pornstar: $160-300
Talking about your problems with a high end escort: $500-1000
VIP at a club: $200+
Buying your favorite limited edition KPOP CD: $60-200
Buying limited edition Madoka DVDs: $225+shipping+tax
Typing boring posts on MAL: $0.20 for electricity

You didn't end this post with
"You reading this post: priceless"

If he ended it like that... He'd be lying... I mean, doesn't it take up your time and electricity?
Dec 4, 2012 7:42 PM

Oct 2012
YorozuyaGinSan said:
If he ended it like that... He'd be lying... I mean, doesn't it take up your time and electricity?

So does watching those Master Card commercials on TV.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Dec 4, 2012 7:48 PM

Sep 2011
YorozuyaGinSan said:
If he ended it like that... He'd be lying... I mean, doesn't it take up your time and electricity?
It's the memories that are priceless, the memories...
Dec 4, 2012 7:56 PM

Jan 2012
I drink coffe errday (more out of need for the energy kick than choice because it tastes like ass) but beyond that I'm a boring straight-edge party-pooper weenie. I'd rather not indulge in things which inhibit my rationality.
Dec 4, 2012 7:59 PM

Oct 2012
Bork said:
YorozuyaGinSan said:
If he ended it like that... He'd be lying... I mean, doesn't it take up your time and electricity?
It's the memories that are priceless, the memories...
I read this post like it was Japanese, because they always repeat the subject in anime.
My subjective reviews:
Dec 4, 2012 8:00 PM

Jun 2012
autistic_catgirl said:
I drink coffe errday (more out of need for the energy kick than choice because it tastes like ass) but beyond that I'm a boring straight-edge party-pooper weenie. I'd rather not indulge in things which inhibit my rationality.
Apart from carving out your internal organs to serve as a proper "Onii-chan Hole"...?
Dec 4, 2012 8:03 PM

Jan 2012
YorozuyaGinSan said:
autistic_catgirl said:
I drink coffe errday (more out of need for the energy kick than choice because it tastes like ass) but beyond that I'm a boring straight-edge party-pooper weenie. I'd rather not indulge in things which inhibit my rationality.
Apart from carving out your internal organs to serve as a proper "Onii-chan Hole"...?

That was a completely rational and premeditated deliberative act. Anything for onii-chan! ^0^
Dec 4, 2012 8:04 PM

Oct 2012
YorozuyaGinSan said:
autistic_catgirl said:
I drink coffe errday (more out of need for the energy kick than choice because it tastes like ass) but beyond that I'm a boring straight-edge party-pooper weenie. I'd rather not indulge in things which inhibit my rationality.
Apart from carving out your internal organs to serve as a proper "Onii-chan Hole"...?
Be nice, she's incredibly ill (infected with 4th stage Bieber fever).
My subjective reviews:
Dec 4, 2012 8:52 PM

Jun 2012
yes, of course. i can smoke cannabis everyday because i like it and not become addicted. i haven't smoked in over a month, waiting until christmas to buy more. no problems at all.

caffeine can also be considered a drug with potential addiction, many people need their cup of coffee to start their mornings. i'm sure most people have tried caffeine *gasp!*
Dec 4, 2012 9:31 PM

Sep 2012
id like to try this

Dec 4, 2012 9:33 PM

Aug 2012
Drugs are bad, mmkay
Dec 4, 2012 9:37 PM

Oct 2012
No thanks. Drugs are bad.

Besides, girls don't like guys who do drugs anyways.

And drugs costs money too.
Aug 10, 2014 6:25 PM

Oct 2012
i guess if there werent any side effects
Aug 10, 2014 6:36 PM
Jul 2018
Tsuyuu said:
No thanks. Drugs are bad.

Besides, girls don't like guys who do drugs anyways.

And drugs costs money too.
Aug 10, 2014 6:45 PM

Apr 2014
I would never take drugs, but if I did, I would be more worried about dropping dead from taking something then getting addicted to it straight away. Everyone reacts to drugs differently, and some people die from taking something even before the addiction is able to take place.
Aug 10, 2014 6:46 PM
Jul 2018
No, I really don't want to do drugs.
Aug 10, 2014 6:53 PM

Jul 2013
"Sure, I'd try anything once in this scenario. Meth, crack cocaine, you name it." And I mean seriously. If I couldn't get addicted, I'd a crackhead at this moment.
Aug 10, 2014 6:55 PM

Jan 2009
if there are no nasty side effects then sure
Aug 10, 2014 6:55 PM

Aug 2014
Hell no, have you seen the side effects of a few of these drugs?
Aug 10, 2014 6:57 PM

Feb 2014
Umm I would use LSD or DMT once or twice just to see what it would be like

Aug 10, 2014 7:03 PM

Apr 2014
Yep, i'd try any drug once in this scenario. Except for anything that requires a syringe, fuck syringes.
Aug 10, 2014 7:15 PM

Feb 2012
What kind of question is this? Drugs don't somehow magically addict you. I'm more addicted to alcohol than drugs, which I do maybe once or twice a year. It's more about your social environment and lack of self-control that leads to that. They aren't anymore dangerous than eating at McDonalds unless you do something really idiotic like take a syringe from some unknown or even known junkie.
Aug 10, 2014 8:52 PM

Jul 2014
One day I overdosed and ended up in the hospital. That scared me like nothing had before. I saw that I really didn't have control over my drug use. I doubt I would willingly return to that kind of lifestyle regardless of whether the drug in question was addictive in nature. I feel like I've moved past that stage in my life.
Aug 10, 2014 9:00 PM

Apr 2014
Anti_Meta said:
Umm I would use LSD or DMT once or twice just to see what it would be like

Neither of these things is addictive, I have taken both in large quantities and never have I felt an urge to need to take them again. I've felt like I'd like to go again for the entertainment/enlightenment/etc. but never anything even remotely resembling the cravings I have for cigarettes or when I was smoking shitloads of meth.

If anything these psychedelics are the opposite of addictive, because even if you have a good time the experience is so foundation shattering that going straight back to the well is something the vast majority of people would avoid.
Aug 10, 2014 9:05 PM

Jun 2010
Addictiveness aside, I would probably answer LSD for this question because of how many peoples' lives have reportedly been changed due to it, sometimes after a single use. Just have to make sure you don't have a bad trip, since you'll be tripping for a long time.
Aug 10, 2014 9:09 PM

Aug 2014
Weed and Ecstasy for me are the only acceptable drugs tbh. Cocaine maybe. So meh I don't think I'd try it.
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Aug 11, 2014 12:34 AM

Jul 2014
Drugs are a waste of time and the adverse effects are reason enough for me to never take them.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Aug 11, 2014 1:54 AM

May 2014
I prefer to be conscious and in control of myself at all times.

That's why even though it's more difficult to get addicted to alcohol than many other drugs, I still refuse to get myself drunk.
Anyone who doesn't hate anime hasn't watched enough anime.
- Anonymous
Aug 11, 2014 2:00 AM

Oct 2012
TheFilthyCasual said:
I prefer to be conscious and in control of myself at all times.
Hormones aren't volitional.
My subjective reviews:
Aug 11, 2014 2:09 AM

Oct 2011
No, drugs are bad.

Aug 11, 2014 2:15 AM

May 2014
katsucats said:
TheFilthyCasual said:
I prefer to be conscious and in control of myself at all times.
Hormones aren't volitional.
But those hormones are "me" and they don't significantly impair my reasoning. Especially since I'm not a hormonally-imbalanced, emotionally-driven teenager.
Anyone who doesn't hate anime hasn't watched enough anime.
- Anonymous
Aug 11, 2014 2:17 AM

Oct 2012
TheFilthyCasual said:
katsucats said:
Hormones aren't volitional.
But those hormones are "me" and they don't significantly impair my reasoning. Especially since I'm not a hormonally-imbalanced, emotionally-driven teenager.
How would you know? Have you ever lived without hormones?
My subjective reviews:
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