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Jul 1, 8:09 PM

Jan 2008
Sites like liveleak, bestgore, etc, were very controversial. But it's also true that they preserved history and captured a glimpse of reality like no other. Video of Hassan Hussein's execution, cartel beheadings, mob justice, military conflict, and much more could be viewed on these sites. Brutal as they were, I think they were important.

How do you feel about these sites? Have you ever viewed them?
Jul 1, 8:28 PM
Jan 2016
I don't think they're important to me. The mental exhaustion and emotional toll from watching these clips doesn't garner any semblance of self-development in me. I believe everyone already has a well-enough understanding of reality without having to watch gore videos, from, well, history. And to be quite frank, it's pretty annoying if it's ever brought up in a public space.
Jul 1, 8:56 PM

Jan 2009
im scared to visit those sites im weak against gore
Jul 1, 11:59 PM

Aug 2022
When I was a kid during the 2000's you had to go to special sites to watch Russians getting killed.

Now literally any twitter account has more gore than there was in all of the 2000's internet.
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Jul 2, 12:27 AM

May 2013
Reply to vasipi4946
When I was a kid during the 2000's you had to go to special sites to watch Russians getting killed.

Now literally any twitter account has more gore than there was in all of the 2000's internet.

But dey are da bhad gais.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jul 2, 12:35 AM

Feb 2020
"How do you feel about these sites?"

Not a big fan.

"Have you ever viewed them?"

A couple of times.
Jul 2, 12:47 AM
Isekai Trucker

Oct 2015
Meh, I'm on those sites about once a week or so. Mainly because of the weird p*rn they have there. Not that big of a deal. There's more sick stuff in the darkweb just so you know. But honestly, I don't see the point in them even existing.
AzuchiJul 2, 12:50 AM
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat
Jul 2, 1:34 AM

Mar 2020
There's a friend of mine that occasionally sends gore videos to me and our circle. So for the sake of our sanity, no.
Jul 2, 3:02 AM

Sep 2016
I don't really care, can't watch stuff like that, most wicked thing I watched was the GoPro livestream shooting in Christchurch.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 2, 4:44 AM

Feb 2018
It's not for everyone to handle. It definitely gives you a different perspective of reality. But you shouldn't get dehumanized by the atrocities and random brutality of human life. It's not good for mental health. It will sap out for positivity and motivation to move forward in life. Plus there's an off chance some susceptible easily influenced viewers sensitive to it could get radicalized.
There are plenty still around, I know one. I will not mention it. Just the mainstream ones are shut down now. I don't really watch them anymore. It was just curiosity when i was younger.
Even in gore, there are some I can't bare to watch or hear at all. The most brutal ones involve animals and screams of people on fire. I cannot bare to watch those. I got a really bad night terror episode from one. The screams of people on fire, in any fictional media is really, really fake. Super fake. Each and every single one of them. The real screams of someone on fire are gut wrenching
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Jul 2, 4:57 AM

Jan 2008
Reply to tsukareru
It's not for everyone to handle. It definitely gives you a different perspective of reality. But you shouldn't get dehumanized by the atrocities and random brutality of human life. It's not good for mental health. It will sap out for positivity and motivation to move forward in life. Plus there's an off chance some susceptible easily influenced viewers sensitive to it could get radicalized.
There are plenty still around, I know one. I will not mention it. Just the mainstream ones are shut down now. I don't really watch them anymore. It was just curiosity when i was younger.
Even in gore, there are some I can't bare to watch or hear at all. The most brutal ones involve animals and screams of people on fire. I cannot bare to watch those. I got a really bad night terror episode from one. The screams of people on fire, in any fictional media is really, really fake. Super fake. Each and every single one of them. The real screams of someone on fire are gut wrenching
@tsukareru "Hey baby, you lookin pretty hot."
Jul 2, 5:07 AM

Mar 2023
My grandparents owns a farm. I saw a lot gore there as a kid and i have been so desensitize to it that these sites didn't really disgust me that much.
Jul 2, 5:13 AM

Feb 2018
ZakuF_ said:
@tsukareru "Hey baby, you lookin pretty hot."

Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jul 2, 5:15 AM

Jul 2013
I dont visit them. But they can probably be found on the dark webs.
Jul 2, 5:17 AM

Feb 2018
DesuMaiden said:
I dont visit them. But they can probably be found on the dark webs.

now why is it called the "dark" web? Have you ever thought of that? Is there not enough lighting there? 🤔
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jul 2, 9:16 AM

Aug 2022
lol at the tards in this thread, 99% of what's on onion sites is academic journals.
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Jul 2, 9:38 AM

Feb 2024
Nah, I don't need it to be live footage, fiction is enough.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 2, 9:50 AM

Mar 2013
Reply to SubstanceAnime
I don't think they're important to me. The mental exhaustion and emotional toll from watching these clips doesn't garner any semblance of self-development in me. I believe everyone already has a well-enough understanding of reality without having to watch gore videos, from, well, history. And to be quite frank, it's pretty annoying if it's ever brought up in a public space.

You just said one of the most thoughtful responses far better than most people. I agree, the idea of people becoming more cognizant of the awfulness of the world as a result of bestgore sounds so silly to me. Wearing a helmet, not speeding, and using a seatbelt should be common sense.

Marek said that he would receive positive testimonies from readers—he reported that people viewing the website's content had sometimes convinced them to avoid making dangerous risks in their everyday life including speeding, darting between traffic on motorcycle, horseplay with forklifts, and even persuaded some not to commit suicide.

I think real-life content like this is afforded way too much credit here. I have been more moved by the testimony of victims of violent crimes and accidents than I have been by the corpses of their more unfortunate peers. I have been more affected on an emotional level by women who have written letters to their rapists and abusers, or parents grieving their children who have grown up to be monsters, you get the drift.

If anything, gore content makes most of those who consume it more superficial under the guise of intellectualism.
Jul 2, 10:11 AM

Jun 2024
Yes, I have. Yes, shock sites should still exist.
Jul 2, 10:15 AM

Sep 2018
Never went to those websites or plan to. Should they be banned? Probably since recording crimes is wrong unless used as evidence.
Jul 2, 10:44 AM

Jul 2021
yes; theyre a part of our collective internet culture whether people like them or not

Jul 2, 11:39 AM

Sep 2016

I'm kind of surprised by 1 part of that letter:

Sara Roebuck said:
As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to

It seems she wasn't aware of the ambiguity there, because it reads like something a rapist would say to legitimate his misdeed, by claiming that everyone is entitled to have sex. Obviously she didn't mean it that way, it's just surprising and she didn't notice how misunderstandable that is.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 2, 11:39 AM

Feb 2020
Isn't most of that stuff on Twitter now? eventually ending up on Reddit.
Anyway maybe, i think sometimes it's good to show the shocking sides of our world.
Yeah I've watched some ogrish compilations uploaded on a sketchy russian site that mostly consisted of Iraq war footages, executions, and beheadings, including that of Ken Bigley.
It's not something I necessary enjoy watching, but I'm just very curious.
Loyal_SheeplingJul 2, 11:52 AM
Jul 2, 11:46 AM

Jul 2013
Yes they still exist. They are on the dark webs.
Jul 2, 11:58 AM

Mar 2013
Reply to Zarutaku

I'm kind of surprised by 1 part of that letter:

Sara Roebuck said:
As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to

It seems she wasn't aware of the ambiguity there, because it reads like something a rapist would say to legitimate his misdeed, by claiming that everyone is entitled to have sex. Obviously she didn't mean it that way, it's just surprising and she didn't notice how misunderstandable that is.
Zarutaku said:
It seems she wasn't aware of the ambiguity there, because it reads like something a rapist would say to legitimate his misdeed, by claiming that everyone is entitled to have sex. Obviously she didn't mean it that way, it's just surprising and she didn't notice how misunderstandable that is.

It is only "misunderstandable" if you read it out of context, which is all the more reason to understand within the context instead of taking it out of context. There is no ambiguity, which implies a lack of sufficient context, which is the rest of the letter. You cannot simply take things out of their context and claim ambiguity.

This is akin to seriously critiquing, say, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure based on out of context moment videos on Youtube. Not that it does not have its moments, but anything can be funny or alarming if you do not have the context of why Josuke is punched a hole through mom. I think it is awfully silly to not read things in their context.

In the context of her being SAed, this is her stating that she has the right to say no or yes. Hence the full quote.

As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to, and that right is identical to that of a man.

As a human being, I also have the right to say no.

It uses the power of alliteration to further enunciate the point that as a human being, she has the right to have or not have sex. This should be perfectly obvious, and asking for disclaimers is kind of dumb.
PeripheralVisionJul 2, 12:06 PM
Jul 2, 1:30 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to PeripheralVision
Zarutaku said:
It seems she wasn't aware of the ambiguity there, because it reads like something a rapist would say to legitimate his misdeed, by claiming that everyone is entitled to have sex. Obviously she didn't mean it that way, it's just surprising and she didn't notice how misunderstandable that is.

It is only "misunderstandable" if you read it out of context, which is all the more reason to understand within the context instead of taking it out of context. There is no ambiguity, which implies a lack of sufficient context, which is the rest of the letter. You cannot simply take things out of their context and claim ambiguity.

This is akin to seriously critiquing, say, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure based on out of context moment videos on Youtube. Not that it does not have its moments, but anything can be funny or alarming if you do not have the context of why Josuke is punched a hole through mom. I think it is awfully silly to not read things in their context.

In the context of her being SAed, this is her stating that she has the right to say no or yes. Hence the full quote.

As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to, and that right is identical to that of a man.

As a human being, I also have the right to say no.

It uses the power of alliteration to further enunciate the point that as a human being, she has the right to have or not have sex. This should be perfectly obvious, and asking for disclaimers is kind of dumb.
@PeripheralVision Sure it's obvious within the general context and I already said that, but the way she phrased that part is still so ambiguous that I actually stopped reading and thought "no way, did she really just write it that way" and she obviously didn't notice, which surprised me given that she was assaulted by a man who thought he has that right.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 2, 1:44 PM

Apr 2015
They should. Now it's just all on Twitter, and no one should use Twitter.
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jul 2, 2:09 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
@PeripheralVision Sure it's obvious within the general context and I already said that, but the way she phrased that part is still so ambiguous that I actually stopped reading and thought "no way, did she really just write it that way" and she obviously didn't notice, which surprised me given that she was assaulted by a man who thought he has that right.
Zarutaku said:
Sure it's obvious within the general context and I already said that, but the way she phrased that part is still so ambiguous

It is not ambiguous because of the context being present; there is a clear difference between my mother saying in a slightly exasperated tone "Maybe I ought to knock you upside your head" and a stranger in a bar repeating that same line to me in an angry tone. There are some things my significant other can say to me that I would not want to hear from my boss, and vice versa. The intended meaning changes with the context.

Tangential Rant:

The alliteration aspect is important here because I am highlighting how language works. If we redo this sentence to include your little disclaimer.

As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to as long as it is with another willing party, and that right is identical to that of a man.

As a human being, I also have the right to say no.

The alliteration does not work as well if there are significant difference in the length of sentences, but the alliteration is present in order to present greater emotional impact. To me, it is just dumb to be so insistent on excoriating her that was never meant to be understood outside of its context in the first place. To me, this is such a pointless criticism that is better avoided in the first place lest you came across as ill-intentioned.
PeripheralVisionJul 2, 2:20 PM
Jul 2, 2:46 PM

Sep 2016
Reply to PeripheralVision
Zarutaku said:
Sure it's obvious within the general context and I already said that, but the way she phrased that part is still so ambiguous

It is not ambiguous because of the context being present; there is a clear difference between my mother saying in a slightly exasperated tone "Maybe I ought to knock you upside your head" and a stranger in a bar repeating that same line to me in an angry tone. There are some things my significant other can say to me that I would not want to hear from my boss, and vice versa. The intended meaning changes with the context.

Tangential Rant:

The alliteration aspect is important here because I am highlighting how language works. If we redo this sentence to include your little disclaimer.

As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to as long as it is with another willing party, and that right is identical to that of a man.

As a human being, I also have the right to say no.

The alliteration does not work as well if there are significant difference in the length of sentences, but the alliteration is present in order to present greater emotional impact. To me, it is just dumb to be so insistent on excoriating her that was never meant to be understood outside of its context in the first place. To me, this is such a pointless criticism that is better avoided in the first place lest you came across as ill-intentioned.
PeripheralVision said:
excoriating her
What? How is merely being surprised and pointing it out equal to excoriate and criticize? Besides, I reckon if she actually noticed it herself, she probably would have rephrased that part, so pointing out a little mishap the author herself would probably change, doesn't seem like something that should be avoided.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 2, 3:08 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to Zarutaku
PeripheralVision said:
excoriating her
What? How is merely being surprised and pointing it out equal to excoriate and criticize? Besides, I reckon if she actually noticed it herself, she probably would have rephrased that part, so pointing out a little mishap the author herself would probably change, doesn't seem like something that should be avoided.

I mean, you do consider this enough of an issue to point out and have this discussion in the first place, which I consider pointless because there is no ambiguity unless you remove the context, which you should not be doing in the first place. So it is all quite silly on the same level of Cinemasins.

Again, ambiguity does not mean separating it from a context.

I suppose my best argument here is this. Male, men, guy, gent, and dude are synonyms in that they can mean the same thing, but that does not mean that they are necessarily interchangeable in their usage. How words function within sentences and entire stories is the basis for word choice. You cannot replace man with dude and not have the entire sentence take on a more irreverent tone, and this idea can be applied to entire sentences.

Different sentences can of course have the same meaning but are not functionally interchangeable, hence why song lyrics are written the way that they are. Hence why my earlier example with the disclaimer does not work. Alliteration requires that degree of succession, if you can understand that.

The same sentence can also have different meanings based on the surrounding context. Hearing one sibling say to the other "I will kill you" hits differently between two 6 year old siblings than between two adult siblings who are pointing guns to one another. Characters repeating verbatim earlier lines in a different context is after all a classic television trope.

"As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to" can have different meanings and thus not truly be interchangeable in a way that keeps it intended messaging. To act if there is ambiguity is to lack reading comprehension, which here is the fault of the reader, not of the original work.
Jul 2, 5:02 PM

Aug 2014
I stay away from this sort of stuff myself.
Yesterday, 2:08 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to PeripheralVision

I mean, you do consider this enough of an issue to point out and have this discussion in the first place, which I consider pointless because there is no ambiguity unless you remove the context, which you should not be doing in the first place. So it is all quite silly on the same level of Cinemasins.

Again, ambiguity does not mean separating it from a context.

I suppose my best argument here is this. Male, men, guy, gent, and dude are synonyms in that they can mean the same thing, but that does not mean that they are necessarily interchangeable in their usage. How words function within sentences and entire stories is the basis for word choice. You cannot replace man with dude and not have the entire sentence take on a more irreverent tone, and this idea can be applied to entire sentences.

Different sentences can of course have the same meaning but are not functionally interchangeable, hence why song lyrics are written the way that they are. Hence why my earlier example with the disclaimer does not work. Alliteration requires that degree of succession, if you can understand that.

The same sentence can also have different meanings based on the surrounding context. Hearing one sibling say to the other "I will kill you" hits differently between two 6 year old siblings than between two adult siblings who are pointing guns to one another. Characters repeating verbatim earlier lines in a different context is after all a classic television trope.

"As a human being, I have the right to have sex if I want to" can have different meanings and thus not truly be interchangeable in a way that keeps it intended messaging. To act if there is ambiguity is to lack reading comprehension, which here is the fault of the reader, not of the original work.

@PeripheralVision Alright, it doesn't seem like something that's worth to argue over anyway, I just felt like mentioning it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
8 hours ago
Jan 2016
Reply to Zarutaku

@PeripheralVision Alright, it doesn't seem like something that's worth to argue over anyway, I just felt like mentioning it.
@Zarutaku That's a pretty warped perspective that you're trying to foreground. Feel less.
2 hours ago

Sep 2016
Reply to SubstanceAnime
@Zarutaku That's a pretty warped perspective that you're trying to foreground. Feel less.
Uh, I just let the minor quarrel end and you try to incite it again with some subtle mockery? No thanks.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
32 minutes ago
Jan 2016
Reply to Zarutaku
Uh, I just let the minor quarrel end and you try to incite it again with some subtle mockery? No thanks.
@Zarutaku Why would you "let" anything? *tsk tsk*
18 minutes ago

Sep 2016
Reply to SubstanceAnime
@Zarutaku Why would you "let" anything? *tsk tsk*
The answer already is above and since you can read you should be able to find it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.

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