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Do you think your glory days are ahead, or behind you?

Jun 30, 1:19 PM
Jan 2017
I can honestly say I believe mine are behind me. My parents are getting old are suck, my best friend pasted away, all my siblings moved off, and to top off my wife and me are separated. I love her and I want to get her back... But the problem is she acts like a high school girl and is nearing 30. I don't know but long story short I wish I could go back to 2 years ago. I just see all my good days behind me. What about ya'll?
Jun 30, 2:16 PM

Sep 2016
Not sure if I ever had any glory days, but if I did then probably when I was a dumb kid without a care in the world.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 30, 2:19 PM

Feb 2020
Neither I don't think, whilst the cover-up and other wrongness still hangs around me & family, i can't do and be everything I want.
Jun 30, 2:23 PM

Sep 2018
No glory days for us sub fives, but getting older can come with health problems so you could say that.
Jun 30, 2:41 PM

Jun 2019
Do you already have a Wikipedia page? If not, your glory days are ahead of you.

By the way, I think that you should seriously think a little more before you allow again in your life someone who does not respect you.
MeusnierJun 30, 2:44 PM
Jun 30, 3:06 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to Meusnier
Do you already have a Wikipedia page? If not, your glory days are ahead of you.

By the way, I think that you should seriously think a little more before you allow again in your life someone who does not respect you.
You know I wrote down everything and threw it away. I wrote a letter. But I only have four words to tell her. I want you back..
And my glory days have past man. I spend most of my days working and laying in bed wondering how did it come to this?
Jun 30, 3:56 PM

Feb 2024
@The-Nsider You look back too much, man. No lady is worth so much suffering. You are only 31, in fact it is supposed to be your glory days lol. Travel, do crazy things, meet new people. Use damn tinder if you are so desperate for someone... Force yourself to make a move, step by step - there is absolutely nothing fun at drowning in pain and despair. It's all complicated, always. You can't glue what's broken, just forget it and move forward. Good luck!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 30, 4:00 PM

May 2013
Never had any and never will.

What have I done that's cool? The "coolest" things I've done result in me hugging the toilet puking dawg.

What do I have to look forward to?

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 30, 4:05 PM

Jun 2024
Ahead, i am still young after all, and i belive that i can archive my goals, ich werde für den ruhm kämpfen
Jun 30, 4:13 PM

Dec 2016
So what you are saying is., there is no glory in living.
I mean, you were doomed as soon as you got married anyways. Your life was co-opted towards a communal goal. Were you going to be the MVP in a team of two of domestic life?

To answer the question tho. They definitely are. My superstar shitposting career has come and gone. Much like my dreams of carving out a ecchi caliphate.
Fuckin skid row Skibidet toilet man...
SoverignJun 30, 4:45 PM
Jun 30, 5:17 PM

Oct 2022
Probably behind me. not because there were particularly great but because I could take better decision that could have a great outcome

Nevertheless I will play the last cards I have as best as I can. Ngl, odds are kind go against me
Jun 30, 7:26 PM
Apr 2022
i think ahead, based on self fulfilling prophecy
Jun 30, 7:28 PM

Aug 2017
Not sure I have even had any, but if I had to guess, it was probably when I was a teenager.

Nowadays, my life is just mundane and monotonous.
Jun 30, 8:48 PM

Jul 2019
I wish you the best in moving forward in life, I hope you can find the courage and motivation to push on.

I believe that my glory days are still ahead. I try to keep an optimistic view in life, that it will get better.
I opened two gifts this morning and they were my eyes

How lucky am I to live another day in this body?

Jun 30, 9:33 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@The-Nsider You look back too much, man. No lady is worth so much suffering. You are only 31, in fact it is supposed to be your glory days lol. Travel, do crazy things, meet new people. Use damn tinder if you are so desperate for someone... Force yourself to make a move, step by step - there is absolutely nothing fun at drowning in pain and despair. It's all complicated, always. You can't glue what's broken, just forget it and move forward. Good luck!
I agree man. I'm only 31 I can still be a great man if I can get over this. I loved her with all my heart. I did so much for her.... Treated her like gold. Her family even said I did... But yeah she wasn't greatful in the eend. The only problem is she is like a part of me I can't let go let's leave it at that.
I just wish things were different, and I wonder how things got to this? I always wonder what should I do now. This has really got me down I just have to move on. She wants a second chance, but I given her 3 already. She has to want to change. I can't have her leave me at night and every time I call I get voice mailed...
But yeah I just wish we could of worked we was magic when we met.
I do got to find some way to move on. If not I'll never move forward...
I pray for a miracle and she will change, but I think she loves partying more then me....
Jun 30, 9:57 PM

Feb 2020
"Do you think your glory days are ahead, or behind you?"

Probably behind.
Jun 30, 10:06 PM

Aug 2019
I've barely had any glory days, so they're definitely coming up ahead if I have anything to say about it.
Yesterday, 12:33 AM

May 2024
Being a kid was the only time in my life that actually felt "fun". So to answer, they're probably behind me.
Yesterday, 1:54 AM

Feb 2024
The-Nsider said:
I always wonder what should I do now.

Try to travel maybe, see new places, experience new stuff? Leave your "box of sorrow". People often underestimate that option. Lots of cheap tickets outside high season, and you only have to pay for yourself now, which is more than nice. That's what I did back in the days to cure my wounds at least.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yesterday, 3:05 AM

Feb 2016
Turning 30 in two weeks. I want to say they're ahead of me.
Yesterday, 3:37 AM

Mar 2023
My glory days ended when i turned 25.
Yesterday, 4:07 AM

May 2013
I really don't think my glory days are over.

Actually, they're long over, but physically I feel that i can still exceed my peak.

I work out harder than ever now and constantly push the envelope. Even if all that does is break even, who cares? I'll never get fat!! Ahhaahahahah!
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Yesterday, 1:15 PM

Aug 2014
I anticipate both good and bad times ahead, but do miss some elements of the past.
Yesterday, 8:35 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to LoveYourSmile
The-Nsider said:
I always wonder what should I do now.

Try to travel maybe, see new places, experience new stuff? Leave your "box of sorrow". People often underestimate that option. Lots of cheap tickets outside high season, and you only have to pay for yourself now, which is more than nice. That's what I did back in the days to cure my wounds at least.

I don't know where to go I'm dead broke with money. My best friend taught me one thing that passed away. "No matter how far you run your troubles will always catch up. I'll be honest I don't want no other female besides her...
She caught me off guard... I never been in love and I never had my heart broken till now...
Yesterday, 8:54 PM

Jan 2009
my glory day is when i was a kid my adult life sucks

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