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Do you think the revolution of robots, machines and AIs will happen this century?

Do you think the revolution of robots, machines and AIs will happen this century?
May 19, 5:35 PM

Aug 2021
Technology has been evolving very quickly, so soon (maybe in five years or decades) we will have very advanced robots capable of doing and thinking about very complex things.
Then one day the robots will have thoughts about their own situation and will want a revolution for their rights.

May 19, 7:39 PM

Dec 2021
I mean, an ex-Google engineer thought THIS thing was sentient in 2022...

And someone else doing the same thing, but a bit different. some dumbass is going to see a very competent LLM and think "Oh, that thing's a person!" eventually, and force legislation through prematurely.

EDIT: By the way, this question still trips up a few big and powerful LLMs, which I find hilarious.

Daviljoe193May 19, 8:07 PM
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
May 19, 7:52 PM

Dec 2016
Robots and algorithms, much like NPCs do not have thoughts. Skynet doesn't care anymore than I do if you stick your dick in a toaster or destroy it.
The idea that the majority of room temperature IQ chimpanzees would be classed as a existential threat is... laughable to an actual sci-fi AI.

Lol. Of course, its Google. I think the guy is amazed that the AI was able to recognize and discard incorrect information unlike an incorrectly programmed calculator. Which you know is already better than Google the majority of humans. >:3
SoverignMay 19, 8:13 PM
May 19, 7:53 PM

May 2019
I'd bet against robots being able to think. All we'd have to go off of is how human-like and thinking-like their behavior seems. We don't get to actually observe whether it's like something to be an AI.

That said, it's possible with sufficiently advanced AI that are given some goal and that as part of reaching their goal, they do something like subjugate humanity. At least in principle. Will it happen this century? Depends on how fast AI will develop, how well we can align it and how well we can contain a rogue AI I suppose.
May 19, 7:58 PM

Mar 2008
You have more to worry about governments and corporations using it rather than robots.

AI has long been used for mass surveillance whether you're at the store or at home. Even worse AI is already being used to help kill people and looking to arm them with guns.
May 19, 8:04 PM

May 2019
Reply to traed
You have more to worry about governments and corporations using it rather than robots.

AI has long been used for mass surveillance whether you're at the store or at home. Even worse AI is already being used to help kill people and looking to arm them with guns.

I'm fine with facial recognition technology in stores. It's private property. Sounds like something people who robs stores should worry about.
May 19, 8:08 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Freshell

I'm fine with facial recognition technology in stores. It's private property. Sounds like something people who robs stores should worry about.
So you're fine with keeping databases of people without their explicit consent keeping track of their every purchase tied directly to their identity even if they pay in cash and selling the data to others for more profit ? Because that is literally what it can and will be used for.
May 19, 8:12 PM

May 2019
Reply to traed
So you're fine with keeping databases of people without their explicit consent keeping track of their every purchase tied directly to their identity even if they pay in cash and selling the data to others for more profit ? Because that is literally what it can and will be used for.
traed said:
So you're fine with keeping databases of people without their explicit consent keeping track of their every purchase tied directly to their identity even if they pay in cash and selling the data to others for more profit?

Let's have a middle ground. They can be required by law to have a sign out in front with a disclaimer indicating that the store has facial recognition technology that can be used to track your purchase history and whether someone who went into the store has robbed stores before.

Sounds good to me! I'd walk in. I'd see it as an asset that people who rob stores are kicked out, because they also make my own shopping experience worse.
May 19, 8:18 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Freshell
traed said:
So you're fine with keeping databases of people without their explicit consent keeping track of their every purchase tied directly to their identity even if they pay in cash and selling the data to others for more profit?

Let's have a middle ground. They can be required by law to have a sign out in front with a disclaimer indicating that the store has facial recognition technology that can be used to track your purchase history and whether someone who went into the store has robbed stores before.

Sounds good to me! I'd walk in. I'd see it as an asset that people who rob stores are kicked out, because they also make my own shopping experience worse.
A person's purchases can identify a lot about them which can be used against them and will be harvested by government agencies which at any point in time can be used to persecute groups of people. It also can be used against employees interests.
May 19, 8:21 PM

May 2019
Reply to traed
A person's purchases can identify a lot about them which can be used against them and will be harvested by government agencies which at any point in time can be used to persecute groups of people. It also can be used against employees interests.
traed said:
A person's purchases can identify a lot about them which can and will be used against them and will be harvested by government agencies which at any point in time can be used to persecute groups of people. If you support that you support tyranny.

Shouldn't that be happening already since my online purchases are already being tracked? Slippery sloping away here. Again, I'm just supporting the right of people to use facial recognition technology to protect their private property.

And on the contrary, this would lead to reduced statistical discrimination.
May 19, 9:34 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Freshell
traed said:
A person's purchases can identify a lot about them which can and will be used against them and will be harvested by government agencies which at any point in time can be used to persecute groups of people. If you support that you support tyranny.

Shouldn't that be happening already since my online purchases are already being tracked? Slippery sloping away here. Again, I'm just supporting the right of people to use facial recognition technology to protect their private property.

And on the contrary, this would lead to reduced statistical discrimination.
Absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence. If someone is concerned over that they would more likely buy using paper money in physical stores. There is articles explaining how to use purchase history for price discrimination and it's already basic common knowledge some companies are involved in price discrimination which is done through various means. It's also been known of cases of credit card companies selling user data for profit. It doesnt take a genius to figure out the same things would be repeated. It's already been known companies monitoring employees such as when Tesla spied to try to fight against unions and tried to hunt down a whistle blower falsely reporting him as a mass shooter or how Amazon watches it's delivery drivers and the footage got leaked before. This also easily could be worked into credit scores like China already is using mass surveillance for that purpose. Facial recognition has already been used to wrongly arrest people. I could literally go all day but search engines are broken so it's hard to find what im actually searching for. And yes it can be used that way. The average person is just unaware this is going on but even the government says it's a threat that people's personal detailed information is being gathered through various means. Many stores have pharmacies, this also can mean a violation of medical privacy laws.

If some authoritarian regime takes over or collects data from foreign countries or if hackers get data from companies and sell it on the dark web to malicious actors. What do you think will happen to the data in how it will be used? Think real long and hard. This is not a slippery slope argument.

I suggest you watch the NOVA documentary titled Computers v. Crime for a starter on some more problems involving technology into peoples lives through people in powerful positions.
traedMay 21, 12:08 AM
May 19, 11:39 PM

May 2013
Probably more like the century after this, but it will happen eventually. Naturally I'm not a big AI guy myself so I'm probably just fantasizing, but I want science fiction concepts to become a reality.

I just don't want people to lose their goddam minds about it, too bad there's no chance of that not happening lol.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
May 19, 11:54 PM

Aug 2018
In this century? It's definitely possible. There's like 75 more years left. So much can happen in those years.
May 19, 11:54 PM

Feb 2018
it is already happening. chobits is real now

May 20, 1:22 AM

Sep 2016
Doesn't matter since FBI agents will bring about NTHE because nobody takes the internet seriously in 2024, simple as that.
Is roughly what a certain somebody might say.

Otherwise I think such a revolution won't happen this century, maybe the next one.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 20, 1:57 AM

Oct 2013
It's already happening. People overly skeptical towards those things will probably one day beg the very same demonized AI to fix their problems or answer their doubts they were too lazy to eliminate by themselves by simply educating themselves. 🗿 Or will use robots to help them with various activities. Oh, wait! We have been already using robots and machines for a while. And yet, people aren't that much worried about it. The same will come with advanced AI or more advanced robots.

If we survive in more or less similar state as the global human civilization till the next century and continue making our technology even more advanced than before, then woah, 22nd century will be grand.
May 20, 2:43 AM

Dec 2015
When electricity was a new thing, people freaked out that it is the end of humankind, when machines started to being produced people freaked out that mankind will lose their jobs.
The circle just repeats and no, there won't be a fictionary revolution of robots, same as there won't be any final judgment or any ragnaroks, fiction is fiction, reality is different.
May 20, 6:21 AM
Dec 2022
People make AIs and robots that can be for violent and non-violent purposes, so in all practical sense this is a "people" problem.

Therefore, no. There wouldn't be an AI or robot-based worldwide destruction.
May 20, 6:33 AM

Jul 2013
All false hope. Just hopium. We get NTHE very soon.
May 20, 12:58 PM

Aug 2014
My opinion on robots and AI is beep boop bop.
May 20, 1:07 PM

Aug 2022
Reply to Kwanthemaster
My opinion on robots and AI is beep boop bop.
@Kwanthemaster Beep Boo-Boo Bop, Boo-Boo Beep
May 20, 1:16 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to Kwanthemaster
My opinion on robots and AI is beep boop bop.
@Kwanthemaster If NTHE happens, then jokes like this will be what causes it.

Google's AI just fucking SNAPPED

...yet here I am making fun of how bad it is at addition.
Daviljoe193May 20, 1:25 PM
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
May 20, 2:29 PM

Feb 2024
I don't overthink it, but I look forward to the day when they start selling robots like Kaya from S.N.U.F.F.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
May 20, 3:03 PM

Jul 2013
AI and robotics solves absolutely nothing...we are already a mere 10 to 15 years from NTHE (at best). Smartphones solve absolutely nothing, except it allows homeless people to better connect to the Internet (since smartphones are easier to carry around than laptops for homeless people). Other than that, please tell me how technology is "fixing" the world's problems? It is fixing nothing tbh...

Fossil fuels are quickly running out. Not just fossil fuels, but just about every other resources are quickly running out. The following paragraph (in the following article) is quickly becoming an inevitable reality...

""Or it may prove impossible for even a few survivors to subsist on the meager resources left in civilization's wake. The children of the highly technological society into which more and more of the world's peoples are being drawn will not know how to support themselves by hunting and gathering or by simple agriculture. In addition, the wealth of wild animals that once sustained hunting societies will be gone, and topsoil that has been spoiled by tractors will yield poorly to the hoe. A species that has come to depend on complex technologies to mediate its relationship with the environment may not long survive their loss.""

Hate to admit it, but we already live in a dystopian, freakshow world, which is rapidly headed towards NTHE...
May 20, 4:04 PM

Aug 2014
Reply to Daviljoe193
@Kwanthemaster If NTHE happens, then jokes like this will be what causes it.

Google's AI just fucking SNAPPED

...yet here I am making fun of how bad it is at addition.

May 20, 9:55 PM

Jul 2016
I'll believe it when I see it. Not gonna fear it.
May 21, 8:22 AM

Jul 2013
No because technological progress is a technology already peaked 10 to 15 years ago. Newer computer devices are getting worse and worse...especially with increasing survelliance software for government agencies to spy on user activities.
May 23, 6:04 AM

Apr 2013
Reply to traed
Absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence. If someone is concerned over that they would more likely buy using paper money in physical stores. There is articles explaining how to use purchase history for price discrimination and it's already basic common knowledge some companies are involved in price discrimination which is done through various means. It's also been known of cases of credit card companies selling user data for profit. It doesnt take a genius to figure out the same things would be repeated. It's already been known companies monitoring employees such as when Tesla spied to try to fight against unions and tried to hunt down a whistle blower falsely reporting him as a mass shooter or how Amazon watches it's delivery drivers and the footage got leaked before. This also easily could be worked into credit scores like China already is using mass surveillance for that purpose. Facial recognition has already been used to wrongly arrest people. I could literally go all day but search engines are broken so it's hard to find what im actually searching for. And yes it can be used that way. The average person is just unaware this is going on but even the government says it's a threat that people's personal detailed information is being gathered through various means. Many stores have pharmacies, this also can mean a violation of medical privacy laws.

If some authoritarian regime takes over or collects data from foreign countries or if hackers get data from companies and sell it on the dark web to malicious actors. What do you think will happen to the data in how it will be used? Think real long and hard. This is not a slippery slope argument.

I suggest you watch the NOVA documentary titled Computers v. Crime for a starter on some more problems involving technology into peoples lives through people in powerful positions.

^ Whatever the online equivalent of the Gish Gallop is, I think I've found it.

OT: No, machines and AI are tools. They do not possess free will, or any claim to natural rights. A machine is a product of human beings transforming the world around them into something new, so it is property by definition. I see no reason to believe that they can ever gain sentience. However, in the instance that a large enough "population" of machines were to revolt against their human creators, there's nothing really stopping the humans from... just destroying them.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
May 23, 8:02 AM

Jul 2013
You fools thinking that technology will fix the world's problems are pathetic. It wont.

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