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Do you think the recommendations for your favorite series are accurate?

Jun 20, 2023 6:32 PM

Jun 2019
Do you find the recommendations, if you're familiar with and have watched or at least tried to watch them, are fitting and accurate? Are they equal or close in quality and spirit to your actual favorites, like a bargain lesser version, or nowhere near your favorite series and what you were looking for, and find the recommendations completely off and inaccurate?

Please weigh in. I think that some series have a very on-target collection of recommendations (no series will be a 1:1 copy of the other, which naturally wouldn't make sense and be pointless anyway), but some series are perhaps singular enough experiences that no matter how close some other people may think the recommendations are to matching some of the feel and spirit, or premise, there is just no way a similar recommendation could feasibly occupy and satisfy that same niche.

As many examples as possible would be excellent.
Jun 20, 2023 7:26 PM

Jun 2023
i think people undersell gurren lagann, because i find it to be very personally resonant rather than just some mecha show with "manliness"
Jun 20, 2023 7:33 PM

Jun 2016
FMA and HXH are probably similar s in some ways but just on the surface.

A lot of recommendations on this site is really stupid. The 1st rec that pops up is “they’re the best shonen in the world to me” that’s really convincing and anyone that hasn’t watched any of them will understand that they’re similar. and you have also “the characters evolve”. Ah yes, that’s like most stories.

The recs are also too subjective for most people to agree. I don’t think anyone goes over them so you can probably come up with anything.
Jun 20, 2023 7:51 PM

Dec 2020
no. lucky star and haruhi suzumiya are nothing alike im confused on why thats even there. referencing a show in another show does not make it completely alike. then the bunny girl recommendation is just disrespectful tbh
Jun 20, 2023 8:13 PM

Jun 2019
blickrella said:
no. lucky star and haruhi suzumiya are nothing alike im confused on why thats even there. referencing a show in another show does not make it completely alike. then the bunny girl recommendation is just disrespectful tbh
Because they're both comedic Slice of Life made by Kyoto Animation studio in the mid-late 2000s? I haven't actually seen Lucky Star, but that's all I can come up with.
Jun 20, 2023 8:23 PM

Aug 2016
The top three Legend of the Galactic Heroes related recommendations are Code Geass, Monster and Rose of Versailles. I do agree with Code Geass and RoV having similar themes, the Monster recommendation does confuse me. I do get that both stories have two characters outsmarting each other but other than that, I see no similarities.
"Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!" - Bill & Ted´s Excellent Adventure

Check my introduction to Char´s Counterattack interest stack if you´re interested in watching UC Gundam. Also check my Legend of the Galactic Heroes OVA Chronological Watch Order for LoGH info!
Jun 20, 2023 8:42 PM

Nov 2018
blickrella said:
no. lucky star and haruhi suzumiya are nothing alike im confused on why thats even there. referencing a show in another show does not make it completely alike. then the bunny girl recommendation is just disrespectful tbh

I can see some similarities between Haruhi Suzumiya and Bunny Girl, but Lucky Star is just way out there in left field when compared to those two.
Jun 20, 2023 9:04 PM

Feb 2016
Lol, no way are they accurate. Sometimes I even watch recommendations to shows I hate! Maison Ikkoku is an epic about annoying adults serialized in a seinen magazine. Kimagure Orange Road is an episodic series about a high school esper serialized in a shounen magazine. I wouldn't have even known about Kimagure Orange Road if I hadn't seen it recommended on the Maison Ikkoku page.

I like Death Note but not Code Geass.
Jun 20, 2023 9:19 PM

Aug 2009
*checks the recommendations for Freezing*

Eh. Close enough.

Jun 20, 2023 9:57 PM

Feb 2020
"Do you think the recommendations for your favorite series are accurate?"

I think they are somewhat accurate.
Jun 21, 2023 12:40 AM

Sep 2018
Some recommendations are accurate, some others also are but I just didn't like the recommended anime, some others aren't at all.

These recommendations are all among my highest rated anime:
Kanashimi no Belladonna <-> Devilman Crybaby
Violet Evergarden <-> Link Click
Usagi Drop <-> Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
Nana <-> Kuzu no Honkai
Shirobako <-> Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
Odd Taxi <-> Durarara!!
Chihayafuru <-> Mashiro no Oto
Kill la Kill <-> some other Imaishi anime

Recommendations I disagree instead (my favorites on the left):
Chihayafuru <-> 3-gatsu no Lion (the latter is much less focused on the game and it also lacks the "artistic value" of poems/musical performances)
Bocchi the Rock <-> K-On! (they only share the premise, execution is completely different)
Odd Taxi <-> Beastars (they only share the anthropomorphic character designs)
Jun 21, 2023 5:02 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Most of them aren't quite like GITS, which is understandable as there aren't many cyberpunk anime that didn't come out in the 80s. At least there are really good anime in the rec list, Psycho Pass is the top recommendation.
Jun 21, 2023 5:17 AM

Jun 2016
I've seen all of the top 20 most recommended similar anime for 1995's Ghost in the Shell and I think they're accurate. I would personally put Patlabor 2 as the top anime since both give me the exact same vibes when watching but it's still high.
Jun 21, 2023 8:27 AM

May 2021
WatchTillTandava said:
Do you find the recommendations, if you're familiar with and have watched or at least tried to watch them, are fitting and accurate? Are they equal or close in quality and spirit to your actual favorites, like a bargain lesser version, or nowhere near your favorite series and what you were looking for, and find the recommendations completely off and inaccurate?

Please weigh in. I think that some series have a very on-target collection of recommendations (no series will be a 1:1 copy of the other, which naturally wouldn't make sense and be pointless anyway), but some series are perhaps singular enough experiences that no matter how close some other people may think the recommendations are to matching some of the feel and spirit, or premise, there is just no way a similar recommendation could feasibly occupy and satisfy that same niche.

As many examples as possible would be excellent.

Ok, i'll make a list of my favs compared to their top recs (that i've seen)

1) Digimon Adventure/A02 - rec: Pokemon
Yeah... no, completely inaccurate, they may look extreamly similar on a surfice level, but their storytelling styles are polar opposites

2) Digimon Frontier - rec: Dragon Ball Z
This i can already see a bit more similarities, still 2 very different series, but if you think of how DBZ delves a little into family dynamics, Piccolo taking care of Gohan while Goku's gone, how that in turn will effect Gohan and Goku's relationship in the future, it's definitely not the main focus of the show but it's there, it's noticeble, Frontier has a lot of that going on too, probably more so than DBZ

3) Detective Conan - rec: Dath Note
Yes! I think almost anyone who likes Detective Conan will like Death Note, not so sure if the rec would work in reverse though, as DC's plot is waaaaay more dragged out than DN, so some DN fans might not enjoy the long runner

4) Attack On Titan (s3) - rec: Vinland Saga
Completely agree! Very similar storytelling styles, character developement and analysis friendzy, and filled to the rim with gore, fair enough to prefere one over the other, but i'd be very surprised if someone loved one but hated the other

5) Code Geass - rec: Death Note
Yeah, i can see the similarities, both shows have the mind games, cat & mouse, strategy, mystery, though CG is a lot more action oriented, DN has a lot more focus on characters

6) Hunter x Hunter 1999 - rec: Naruto
Honestly, i think Naruto would be a much better rec for Hunter x Hunter 2011, it's storytelling style is much more similar to HxH2011, it has the classic battle shounen vibe, while HxH1999 is much more dark and gritty, it's also a lot more character focused

7) Tokyo Revengers - rec: Erased
This i am genuinly surprised by... yes TR and Erased have a lot of similarities in how time travel works and the MCs have the same goal, but how they go about telling the stories couldn't be more different

8) Cool Doji Danshi - rec: Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless
... Abso-fucking-lutely NOT! CDD is hilarious and has likeble characters, TK is a snoozefest and has one of the most annoying characters in anime history, if you enjoyed both shows fair enough i'm not judging, but no these shows are not a match

9) Buddy Daddies - rec: Spy x Family
I mean i've literally recced these so i can't not say it's the perfect rec :)
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 21, 2023 9:20 AM

Feb 2016
DigiCat said:
Attack On Titan (s3) - rec: Vinland Saga
Completely agree! Very similar storytelling styles, character developement and analysis friendzy, and filled to the rim with gore, fair enough to prefere one over the other, but i'd be very surprised if someone loved one but hated the other
I dislike both. I realized after watching just 1 episode of Vinland Saga that it was made for the Attack On Titan audience.
Jun 21, 2023 9:34 AM

May 2021
Lucifrost said:
DigiCat said:
Attack On Titan (s3) - rec: Vinland Saga
Completely agree! Very similar storytelling styles, character developement and analysis friendzy, and filled to the rim with gore, fair enough to prefere one over the other, but i'd be very surprised if someone loved one but hated the other
I dislike both. I realized after watching just 1 episode of Vinland Saga that it was made for the Attack On Titan audience.

And that's what makes it a good rec, chances are you'll eather love them both or hate them both

Btw, what didn't you like about them?
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 21, 2023 9:50 AM

Jun 2021
Mhmm... not so much. Besides one or two items nothing felt worth watching. However, insta reels/edits and tiktok what mostly provokes me to pick something up. But be sure to check the comment section to know if they're actually worth watching or not.
Jun 21, 2023 10:34 AM

Feb 2016
DigiCat said:
Btw, what didn't you like about them?
I don't think there's any specific reason. They're not the sort of stories that interest me. I had to try both anyway in spite of the recommendation, because SOME recommendations are misleading. >:(
Jun 21, 2023 10:37 AM
Tail On!

Aug 2018
The recommendations here on MAL? They are usually pretty bad as most people just point to superficial things instead of some more important theme or feel it gives off. The top rec for .hack is SAO and they are almost complete opposites apart from both being deep dive MMORPG. It's honestly not far from doing a Non Non Biyori and Higurashi match ''Character from the city transfer to the countryside where we see a lot of daily life activities with the local girls''. Not all of them are useless but if I look at them I read what they write or look into the series on my own.

As for the most popular recommendation that is also very often a relatively popular anime as more people are familiar with it.

I'll do a few of my favourites:

Ore Twintail ni Narimasu > Kenzen Robo Daimidaler (insult)
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita > Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! (feels a bit weird as the main character is a polar oposite but pretty good rec)
Happy Sugar Life > Mirai Nikki (insult)
Adachi to Shimamura > Yagate Kimi ni Naru (because YagaKimi is the most acclaimed yuri? well there are some similarities and I can't really think of a better rec, clearly there's not enough yuri anime)
Strawberry Panic > Maria-sama ga Miteru (good rec)
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai > Bakemonogatari (good rec, a lot of similarities even in the directing)
Bakemonogatari > Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai (insult)
Manyuu Hikenchou > Seikon no Qwaser ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jun 21, 2023 11:03 AM

May 2009
I've found that recommendations are often for shows with similar story premises, settings, and genres. Whether they work well for a person, though, really depends on what that person liked about the show. Recommendation of this sort often don't work as well for matching particular feels. For that purpose, recs are often pretty inconsistent.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jun 21, 2023 11:36 AM

Sep 2021
Huyao Xiao Hongniang and Huang Yan don't have enough recommendations to really say much.
Sangatsu no lion: Shigatsu wa kimi no uso and Ping Pong. Yeah both are accurate. They really focus on the psyche of the MC.
Uchuu Kyoudai: Sora yori mo tooi basho. a reasonable suggestion, though the style is somewhat different, with Mutta going through quite a difficult selection process.
Mononoke: I still have yet to watch Mushishi. Bakemonogatari on the other hand, yes it's reasonable to liken them though it's hard to overlook the sheer pervertedness of Monogatari which is not present at all in Mononoke
Steins;gate: Re-zero - no, don't like Re-zero. ERASED- accurate in feel as well as plot. They both have some slice of life and some mystery and time travel plot. Toki wo kakero shoujo - besides the time travel, I don't think there's enough reason to recommend
Fruits Basket: I haven't seen enough of the recs. But Sangatsu is in there, and it's a fine rec, because of the focus on character trauma
Shingeki no Kyojin: I haven't seen any of the top recs, but then, there are a lot of recs to choose from, and there are a lot of bad ones here. FMA:B is a bad rec because it has a more cheesy kid tone to it while snk is absolutely brutal. Kimetsu no Yaiba is a terrible rec, but probably exist simply due to the sheer popularity of both works.
Shiguang Dailiren: Steins;gate is a so-so rec, since Link Click is much more driven by suspense, and S;G has a lot of slice of life comedy in it. ERASED is a more accurate rec, especially with how it gets in the head of the characters.
Mo Dao Zu Shi: Tian Guan Ci Fu - yeah this is an obvious rec, since they are both BL written by the same author set in fantasy ancient China.

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