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Apr 1, 2010 10:06 PM

Sep 2008
I see, Mamiko Noto is a State Alchemist. That just amplified hew awesomeness by tenfold.
Now what can't she do?

I wished Loki would have stayed in his normal form so romance could ensue. It's been 7 years since this anime... I don't think it'll ever get the sequel they set up for.
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Mar 22, 2012 12:59 AM
Dec 2009
Spica's arrival is so so..
Jan 18, 2013 8:45 PM

Nov 2011
A meh finale episode. Overall, I'll give this series a 6/10 although I did enjoy some parts of it especially the supporting characters. The main female protagonist Mayura just didn't click with me or her relationship/development with Loki.

The finale episodes were a bit of a bore also compared to the beginning.
Apr 28, 2013 10:44 AM

Nov 2011
An episode dedicated to the generic pink-haired misogynistic representation of a female. Woo.

The end was disappointing. I was surprised when Loki broke the trinket Verdandi had given him to make the pseudo-female protagonist forget all about him. I'm glad most of Loki's family stayed together, but eugh. Why would Loki stay with Mayura? Let her forget everything and go be happy with Freya or something. This episode was hardly worth watching.

That just adds to the anime's long parade of cliches, however. It's disappointing considering how well pre-Christian Norse mythology was presented. I enjoyed all the references and nuances very, very much, but I still can't give this title over a 5/10. (Really. It shouldn't be one of the most enjoyable titles I've seen. please stop acting like it. e_e)

Oh well. I only watched it because Greg Ayres anyways. I was expecting an average anime with random characters who share names with the Norse gods to be "cool". It far surpassed that for sure.
CathedralApr 28, 2013 10:49 AM
Feb 1, 2014 6:57 PM

May 2011
The character development is to my liking, given the pace and progression of this show. Albeit boring and monotonous at times, the end managed to make me satisfied. References to Norse mythology is good enough, and that's what make this special. Strike me dumb for expecting great romance out of this show...the art and animation is great, for a show more than a decade ago. 8/10.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Nov 8, 2017 8:13 AM
Jan 2017
Overall, I liked the anime, is was slow relaxing recovery kind of anime. But I gave it a 9/10 for the annoying ending. specifically the very end where they try to reveal whom I assume is Odin at the door. This would be great if they had: a movie, OVA, extra season, or anything to continue the plot.
Aug 14, 2020 12:29 AM

Jan 2010
I've come to terms with Mythical Detective Loki. It's not that the anime does crazy artistic liberties with Norse mythology, but it's also that Norse mythology is just really crazy. At the very least, this anime got me to actually read up on Norse mythology, specifically the relationships between the major figures.
Aug 3, 2022 7:44 PM
Sep 2013
Very sad the farewell with mayura, even taking the supernatural factor, thinking more logically, it was clear that Loki if he were human would have moved to another place, how did mayura not realize this and kept looking for him around the city? I think it was just desperation on her part.
In the end it's not clear if Mayura likes Loki or not, although it seems so but during the entire anime nothing along these lines was introduced in the anime, so it's hard to believe the drama.
The end of the episode hinted that it was going to enter a new arc, with a girl with purple hair, it seems that she is Spica, loki's wife, it seems that this anime would become a loving mess in the next arc.
Let's go to the general review of the anime:
The anime started off in a pretty bad way, it felt a lot like a shoujo anime, with everything happening around Mayura, with all the cases that progressed the story just happening because of her, with several handsome guys appearing around her (Yamino, Loki, Narukami-kun, Heimdall, Freyr and Kotaro), not to mention that the first few episodes were a bad introduction to characters and the narrative of the work.
But as the episodes went by, the anime stopped having that tone, even more so in the second half of the anime, in which mayura sometimes didn't appear and usually the story developed because Loki had to save someone, so the anime started to have more fights.
Most of the fights weren't exciting, but they were decent.
We also had the addition of love relationships with Loki, such as Freya, Reiya, Skuld and maybe Mayura herself, and speaking of Mayura, apart from her being the only truly human character in the work, it's a little difficult to understand why her character exists even more as a main one, she never develops a relationship with Loki, apart from someone who is close just to be able to see interesting things happening, which is difficult to sympathize with the drama of the final episode, since there would be no reason for her to be so shaken with loki leaving, and not loki for leaving and leaving mayura, it's an inconsistency in the relationship of the characters.
The other characters also have very noticeable problems:
Freyr is just the comic relief, never doing anything interesting outside of the episode where he's introduced, it didn't even make sense for the plot for him to be there.
Heimdall after the first half of the anime he is almost erased from the story just going back to doing something important and that moved the plot in the last episodes.
Kotaro, apart from being the rich kid who made some things possible in history, I didn't see any reason for him to exist.
Narukami, what I have against him is not even his importance, since he appears a lot during the anime but he is the god thor and has very little knowledge of things, he seems to be just a human with powers.
Other than that the rest of the characters are all good as far as possible, Loki, Yamino, Misao, Ecchan, Fenrir, Freya, Hel, Yayoi, Reiya, Skuld, Urd, Verdandi.
The show most of the time was kind of monotonous, it seemed like things were just happening to happen, there were some useless things that didn't favor him and in the end if he stopped to pay attention to the story as a whole it didn't make sense for odin to attack loki because he decided not to go back to the world of gods to kill odin and make ragnarok and he had no reason for the other gods to come to the human world to begin with, what were the reasons for freyr, thor and freya to come to the mortal world since none of the 3 had any motives to kill Loki and they didn't even try to do so save at least once when they were manipulated by a third party.
The soundtracks for this anime were very good, maybe I'll find the ending for my collection.
I even wanted to give this anime a higher rating, it had been in my concept as 6.5 but there's no way to give it a 7.0 rating and so I'm going to finish it with a 6/10 rating.


Muito triste a despedida com a mayura,mesmo tirando o fator sobrenatural, pensando de forma mais logica, era nítido que o Loki se fosse humano teria se mudado para outro lugar, como a mayura não percebeu isso e ficou procurando ele pela cidade? Acho que era só desespero mesmo por parte dela.
No final não fica claro se a Mayura gosta ou não do Loki,embora pareça que sim mas durante o anime inteiro nada nessa linha foi introduzido no anime, então fica difícil acreditar no drama.
O finalzinho do episodio deu a entender que ia entra em um novo arco,com uma garota de cabelo roxo,parece que ela é a Spica,mulher de loki,parece que ia virar uma bagunça amorosa esse anime no próximo arco.
Vamos para o review geral do anime:
O anime começou de uma maneira bem ruim,parecia muito um anime shoujo,com tudo acontecendo em torno de Mayura,com todos os casos que progrediam a história só acontecendo por causa dela, com vários caras bonitos aparecendo em torno dela(Yamino,Loki,Narukami-kun,Heimdall,Freyr e Kotaro),sem falar que os primeiros episódios foram uma péssima introdução de personagens e da narrativa da obra.
Mas com o passar do episódios o anime foi deixando de ter esse tom, ainda mais na segunda metade do anime, em que mayura as vezes não aparecia e geralmente a historia se desenvolvia porque Loki tinha que salvar alguém,ai o anime passou a ter mais lutas.
A Maioria das lutas não eram empolgantes, mas eram decentes.
Tivemos também o acréscimo de relações amorosas para com Loki,como Freya,Reiya,Skuld e talvez a própria Mayura,e falando na Mayura,fora ela ser o único personagem verdadeiramente humano na obra,fica um pouco difícil entender o motivo do personagem dela existir ainda mais como uma principal,nunca é desenvolvido uma relação dela para com Loki,fora alguem que está perto só para poder ver coisas interessantes acontecendo,o que fica difícil simpatizar com o drama do episódio final, visto que não teria motivos para ela ficar tão abalada com loki indo embora,e nem o loki por ir embora e deixar a mayura,é um incoerência na relação dos personagens.
Os outros personagens também tem problemas muito visíveis:
Freyr é só o alivio cômico, nunca fazendo nada de interessante fora no episodio em que ele é apresentando, não fez nem um sentido para a trama ele estar ali.
Heimdall depois da primeira metade do anime ele é quase que apagado da história só voltando a fazer algo importante e que movimentasse a trama nos últimos episódios.
Kotaro,fora ser o garoto rico que possibilitou algumas coisas na historia,não vi motivo nenhum dele existir.
Narukami,o que eu tenho contra ele não é nem a sua importância, visto que ele aparece bastante durante o anime mas sim ele ser o deus thor e ter muito pouco conhecimento das coisas,ele parece ser só um humano com poderes.
Fora isso o resto dos personagens são todos bons na medida do possível,Loki,Yamino,Misao,Ecchan,Fenrir,Freya,Hel,Yayoi,Reiya,Skuld,Urd,Verdandi.
O show na maior parte do tempo era meio monótono, parecia que só estava acontecendo as coisas por acontecer, tinha algumas coisas inúteis que não o favorecia e no final se parar para prestar atenção na história como um todo não fazia sentido odin atacar o loki pois ele decidiu não voltar para o mundo dos deuses para fazer matar odin e fazer o ragnarok e não tinha nenhum motivo dos outros deuses virem para o mundo humano para começo de conversa, quais foram os motivos para Freyr,Thor e Freya virem para o mundo mortal visto que nenhum dos 3 tinham motivos para matar Loki e nem tentaram fazer salvo pelo menos uma vez quando foram manipulados por terceiros.
As trilhas sonoras desse anime eram muito boas, talvez eu cate a ending para meu acervo.
Eu até queria dar uma nota maior para esse anime ele tinha ficado no meu conceito como 6,5 mas não tem como dar nota 7,0 para ele e por isso vou finalizar ele com uma nota 6/10.
Aug 23, 2023 11:14 PM
Jul 2021
God that dog was annoying af!!

So much potential wasted! This could have being a very good anime, instead what did we get? DADDY!!
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣

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