The story of Fullmetal Alchemist revolves around the life and adventures of the Elric brothers who experience the consequences of trying to resurrect their mother from the dead through taboo alchemy. The laws of equivalent exchange do not work in their favor, and the experiment ends with the older Elric, Edward, losing an arm and a leg, both of which later get fitted with automail prosthetics maintained by his childhood friend, Winry Rockbell. The younger Elric has his soul contained in a full suit of armor after losing his entire body. Feeling guilty about the loss of his brother's body, Edward becomes a State Alchemist, and the two of them travel through the country in search of answers. During their travels, they hear rumors about a mysterious Philosopher's stone that can help them recover their bodies. As they get closer to discovering the artifact, they realize that they're not alone in their hunt to recover it, and learn about the deadly, inhumane secrets behind the stone's origin. The story includes numerous dramatic and heart-wrenching scenes that will leave viewers curled up in the corner of their rooms, sobbing their hearts out.
With such a complex story, it is not surprising that Fullmetal Alchemist has been the basis for some great memes. Some give you a dash of happy feels, while others make you explode with pure sorrow. Here are 15 of the best Fullmetal Alchemist memes available, sure to move you in some way.
You couldn't have said it better, SpongeBob.
Lets take a look at some of the most popular memes that even a non-otaku might be familiar with :
It is a well known fact that Edward is quite... below the average height.
This meme perfectly portrays that moment when you realize that most wise-cracks in the show stem from Edward's height.
Edward's height complex has led him to think that picking fights with dairy products is okay.
Because talking to them is the way to go. Keep it up, Ed.
The sudden growth spurt takes everyone by surprise.
And as the season progresses, you don't realize notice him growing up until BAM, it hits you right in the feels after you watch this scene with him and Winry.
And here we have the second protagonist of our show, Alphonse Elric, the "knight in shining armor".
Poor Alphonse gets the brunt of the punishment after their little 'experiment' goes awry.
Moving along, we now bring to you the prominent members of the military whom the brothers encounter on their adventures and who help them in their quest for the stone.
Roy Mustang: The brilliant flame alchemist.
When Mustang tries to light his flames during one cold, rainy day, poof go his plans.
No character will ever be missed as much as Maes Hughes.
Maes Hughes, one of the most loved characters of the show who meets his untimely demise, will forever be loved and mourned.
General Armstrong with his compulsive need to rip his clothes and bare his muscles to men and ladies alike.
Despite his eccentric personality, General Armstrong, nonetheless, remains a key player in keeping the Elric brothers safe and alive.
Riza Hawkeye, the badass cop who makes even Roy Mustang quiver in his boots.
Riza Hawkeye is brilliant, bold and beautiful, with a no-nonsense attitude that serves to maintain her calm and composure in any stressful situation.
Just another day of dog training with Riza Hawkeye.
In case of any lingering doubts with regards to Riza's no-nonsense attitude, this meme should clear this up.
When Shou Tucker performs unethical experiments on his family before trying it out on himself.
Most of the memes focus on some of the more depressing episodes such as the one which involved a scientist, Shou Tucker, his daughter Nina Tucker, and their beloved pooch. Shou seems to have an affliction towards creating chimeras using canines and members of his family.
Looking to enrage an FMA fan? Show them this.
The chimera borne from the fusion of his daughter, Nina Tucker, and their dog Alexander was probably what brought him closer to his own demise. The scene is nonetheless a tear-jerker, and numerous memes have risen from the grave, depicting the dog with the young girl's hair.
The chart that explains the internet's obsession with this particular scene in the above meme.
This particular episode has spawned hundreds of meme's depicting the scene where Shou Tucker reveals his horrible experiment with unbridled glee.
Presenting the seven sins in all their glory.
For anyone having trouble trying to memorize the 7 deadly sins, here's an easy task. Watch Fullmetal Alchemist.
When the same experiment is used in another show.
This show is compared to another similar show which depicts human transmutation with sugar, spice and everything nice. You guessed it. The powerpuff girls.
So remember kids, unless you're prepared to sacrifice an arm and leg, or perhaps even more, alchemy is not something to be trifled with.