Sword Art Online, popularly known as SAO, is an anime series that spans in different virtual reality worlds. The characters are trapped in this universe and are forced to fight their way out.
You'd think that the serious nature of the theme of being stuck in a dangerous, "life or death" environment would make a horrible choice for source material for memes. Think again. Fans worldwide have created tons of hilarious memes based on the series, sure to make you laugh out loud. Please check out this collection of funny Sword Art Online memes below.
YOLO: What does it REALLY stand for?
Apparently, SAO has given the term YOLO a new meaning in this Sword Art Online meme inspired by the fact that our MC Kirito and other players can’t log out from the game unless they defeat the final boss.
Asuna’s Greatest Strength
It’s a girl thing.
When two blades are too mainstream...
This is one of the cutest Sword Art Online memes available. Check out this couple's triple blade, aka lovey-dovey blade.
When Sword Art Online meets Star Wars...
Put your trust in the MC and Sword Art Online memes shall not disappoint!
Kirito's Deepest Desire
Naruto loves ramen, Luffy loves meat, Kirito on the other hand, loves Sandwiches (and Sword Art Online memes)!
The Million Dollar Question
Kirito, quick, use your lifeline!
When Sword Art Online meets Mario...
Too bad Kirito, you’ll need to try again... in a different castle that is, hahahahaha! Sword Art Online memes ask the toughest questions.
Professional Advice
When the girlfriend is mad, know that something is bound to happen!
Only Kirito!
It’s an MC thing!
This is what actually happened in the opening theme...
Family can be your best ally or your worst enemy.
When amnesia strikes...
This guy probably needs some of those memory enhancing vitamins.
Awkward Teenage Moment Alert
Awwww, poor Kirito. If only he could transfer to the Haganai school.
Only in Online Games
Just be careful, so they don’t see through your disguise!
Meet Colgate’s Newest Endorser
Villains only trust Colgate!
When they see each other after 2 years…
Asuna’s still as pretty as ever!
We hope that you had fun reading the funny Sword Art Online memes above!
If you just can’t get enough of memes in general, please check out, the 15 Creative Tokyo Ghoul Memes and 22 Jojo Memes That Will Challenge Your Sanity And Fashion Sense articles as well!