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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated Started Date Finished Date
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Black Clover
August 1, 2020 - Asta is a good main character. The Black Bulls members seemed generic at first, but they all started gaining personalities and backgrounds that were interesting.
9 TV 140/170 PG-13 07-09-20
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Bonobono (TV 2016) Airing
Jan 10, 2020 - This show is so adorable and chill; I love it. It is hilarious how dimwitted Bonobono and Shimarisu are, and how bossy Araiguma is.

Shimarisu and his sisters are my favorite characters in the series. They are adorable and have energetic voice actresses. Shimarisu's "Ijimeru?" catchphrase is always funny. His voice actress never fails to give a funny delivery of the line.

Plus, Tom Kenny sings the ending theme as part of the band Monobright.

Feb 25, 2018 - The numerous graphic feces jokes make this a prime candidate for Nickelodeon.
10 TV -/- G 12-23-17
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Kanojo, Okarishimasu
September 13, 2020 - Main guy's a rube-ish dolt with girls, but this is a good watch.
7 TV 10/12 PG-13 09-09-20
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One Piece Airing
I saw some of One Piece while it was on original Toonami around 2007. It was when they were sailing in the sky. I very much associate it with Blue Dragon because that was on Toonami then too.

I started actually watching and paying attention whenever the new Toonami brought it back on May 18, 2013.

Porche is fuckn hwt. Robin and Nami are as well.

May 2013 - One Piece looks interesting, however since it's a shounen behemoth like Naruto and Bleach, I'm sure it'll start pissing me off with how long it is as well.

November 9, 2014 - Episode 278 was astounding. Robin's anguish over being abandoned and betrayed by everyone she has met is riveting. It was so cathartic to watch her admit to the Straw Hats that she wanted to live.

January 11, 2015 - Don't matter who you are; ain't no one in this world born to be alone.


August 14, 2016 - Started watching whole series on August 8, 2016:
August 8 - 13, 2016 - Episodes 1 - 44
September 2, 2016 - Up to episode 155
September 18, 2016 - Up to episode 266
October 2, 2016 - Up to episode 303
October 14, 2016 - Up to episode 346
October 26, 2016 - Up to episode 407
November 9, 2016 - Up to 470
December 7, 2016 - Up to 613
December 23, 2016 - Up to 683
January 16, 2017 - Up to 768
January 17, 2017 - Up to 772 (now current)
9 TV 880/- PG-13 09-01-07
TV: 4, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 17.15, Mean Score: 8.8, Score Dev.: 1.19

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated Started Date Finished Date
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Not that bad but it still adds nothing to the series other than a little backstory of Mimiru's early gaming days
5 Special 1 PG-13 06-16-10 06-16-10
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That fuckin turtle guy.. is the shit
6 TV 26 Virtual Reality, Pwnage PG-13 06-02-09 06-13-09
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Haha, Bear..

Pretty good series but that ending didn't resolve everything.

In particular, I'm disappointed they didn't say what happened to Sora
7 TV 26 PG-13 02-01-03 06-16-10
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Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)
I thought this was better done than Love Hina, and, like Love Hina, the anime adaptation doesn't conclude anything.
6 TV 24 PG-13 02-23-08 07-31-08
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Aggressive Retsuko (ONA)
Retsuko wa totemo kawaii desu yo!
7 ONA 10 PG-13 04-22-18 04-22-18
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Akame ga Kill!
August 16, 2015 - That was a great first episode. They turned the story you were expecting on its head.

October 11, 2015 - Episode 9 is another great episode. Tatsumi wins the World Tournament and the amorous affections of the sexy ice chick Esdeath. The list she made earlier that episode basically said "YE LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THY MAIN PROTAGONIST". It was only a question of when they would meet, and what do you know, they actually meet that same damn episode.

October 31, 2015 - Adultswim had a marathon of the first 11 episodes for Halloween.

February 28, 2016 - Wasn't expecting Tatsumi to die. The fight between Akame and Esdeath was pretty good. It was awesome when Esdeath was dying and she went over to Tatsumi's body and embraced him while mourning that they could not be together in life and then froze and exploded his and her bodies together. Also, Akame should get with Wave.
8 TV 24 R 08-08-15 02-20-16
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Saw last half of Akira on Adultswim. I wasn't particularly impressed by it. I liked that Kei chick that Vash was going to bang. Also, WTF?! that girl who cared for that Tetsuo got killed. FUCK THAT SHIT.
4 Movie 1 R+ 12-07-13 12-08-13
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Amagami SS
The different universe arcs are an interesting concept that I have never seen done before yet imagined it possible.

Its sad that he could find happiness with any of these girls. Even the damn "loser" single Junichi in episode 26 has all the chicks ready to go. All he would have to do is pick one.

That first chick was totally the hottest and the most Randy. The only lame thing about her was that she was popular. I like how spaced out and affectionate they were to each other in the future.

Which brings me to my next point. Why did they show a 10 years in the future epilogue only for Morishima and Ayatsuji? I wish I could have seen that with all the girls.

List O' Preferences:

1. Morishima
2. Nanasaki
3. Kamizaki
4. Ayatsuji The epilogue with her is good
5. Tanamachi
6. Sakurai
7. Nakata

Rewatch #1 March 1, 2014 to March 17, 2014.
8 TV 25 PG-13 01-03-12 01-04-12
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Amagami SS+ Plus
The Rihoko arc was probably the best.

Holy shit Kaoru grinded the fuck out of main guy twice.

That Morishima arc was bullshit. Her wanting to play house with Junichi was the only good thing about it.
7 TV 13 PG-13 03-19-14 04-17-14
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Amagami SS: Tachibana Miya-hen - Imouto
This episode actually tells you what Amagami means.

Unfortunately, he doesn't get with his sister in this episode.

Its kind of comforting that Junichi is friends with all of the girls in this so none of them are left in the cold. Although, this makes him harder to identify with since, unlike me, he is within striking distance of all the girls.

Rewatch #1: March 17, 2014
8 Special 1 PG-13 01-04-12 01-04-12
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Angel Beats!
Jan 6, 2012 - High rating plus I have access to watch this

July 8, 2014 - Awesome opening theme, I remember watching it on some DVDs.

It's sad that everyone's youth was cut short by tragedy. Aside from that, this series was very much in the spirit of Haruhi Suzumiya. Yuri = Haruhi. SSS = SOS Brigade. I'm sure I can come up with another, oh wait, shadow monsters, yeah.

Background ninja chick was by far the hottest. It was awesome when she immediately fell for their squad's own trap of a stuffed puppy sailing down a stream in a cardboard box and presumptively died when chasing it down a huge waterfall. TK is a funny background character with his memorable "Send Jesus my love" line from the classic episode 2. Angel is great; she reminds me of Lain.

The whole find peace in limbo then move on to reincarnate premise was genuinely interesting.

There were at least two instances of the characters giving convoluted explanations. The only one I remember is Angel's talk with the main guy in the last half of the last episode. Will definitely need to watch that again. I think the other was when Yuri found the secret computer room and was talking to the NPC on the second to last episode.

July 9, 2014 - Just rewatched last half of last episode. Yes, Angel definitely received the main guy's heart from him donating it just before dying. She was in limbo because she wanted to thank him very badly. That part was certainly a 9 and makes me consider raising the series score.
7 TV 13 PG-13 07-06-14 07-08-14
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
May 17, 2011 - A ghost of a kid appears to a hikikomori? This would be worth looking into

June 3, 2020 - It only took nine years, but I finally watched this. It was pretty good.

3 boys and 3 girls were friends. Main guy Jintan was their leader. Him and smart-guy had a crush on the ghost girl Menma. Hot gamer girl Anaru has always crushed on Jintan. Hot smart girl has always crushed on smart guy. Menma wanted to become Jintan's wife. Big, funny, and all around good guy Poppo had no one. We are all Poppo.

Jintan was pretty likeable. He was a smart and athletic alpha dog until his crush Menma died. Then, he was on a downward trajectory until he became a hikkomori just prior to the story starting. He should have been more forthright with his feelings, and he should have gotten with Anaru sooner. It is just heavily implied that he ends up with her in the ending.

Would have been more credible if they were all older than 10 when they fell in love.
8 TV 11 PG-13 06-02-20 06-03-20
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Jan 16, 2012 - It looks awesome + mystery that needs a' solvin' + eyepatch chick ghost

June 11, 2012 - Saw first episode on Hulu.

July 6, 2014 - Priority jump thanks to Black Lagoon's Frederica Sawyer / Dark and Brutal anime club / Al's score

July 13, 2014 - Rented from library and started watching. Eyepatch chick is super hot. Main guy is obviously the dead person in class 3.

July 14, 2014 - Damn they already came to the conclusion that the main guy may be the dead guy. Except that Task Force chick doesn't think he is dead and that she met him in the past. So now she appears to be the dead one.

July 18, 2014 - Mei's green Sharingan doll eye is cool. Pretty awesome that Mei had a twin sister named Misaki and was given to her mom's twin sister. Them going down on each other in her flashback remembering her was awesome.

Shit hit the fan and the main dude and chick made it out together. Turns out none of my suspects were the dead one.
9 TV 12 R 01-16-12 07-18-14
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Ao no Exorcist
March 10, 2014 - Definitely not expecting anything from this series. The main guy is like a cross between Edward Elrich and main guy from Kekkaishi.

Weak shit so far. MAJOR DOCKAGE for no chicks in this series.

July 20, 2014 - Finally saw Rin's adorable little cat demon familiar thing in an episode. Then his brother tried to kill it because he turned evil.
5 TV 25 PG-13 02-23-14 08-10-14
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Worthy of exploring if you like Ghost in the Shell-- There's a chick-cop and a cyborg cop dude stopping terrorist in the future.
5 OVA 1 R 02-12-08 02-12-08
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Arakawa Under the Bridge
June 3, 2020 - Very funny show about complete oddballs.

Main guy agrees to be spaced out main girl's lover. However, this romance doesn't really go anywhere beyond main chick going "You are my lover, here is some fish".

Despite the complete lack of romantic development, main guy's, Kou "Rec", interactions with all the residents Under the Bridge are hilarious. He plays the straight man to their delusions, and the result is immensely enjoyable.

The village chief is a guy in a Kappa suit who thinks he is a kappa. He is far and away the funniest character because of the depths of his delusion and his commitment to being both a kappa and the leader of the community Under the Bridge.

Nino, the main girl is okay. She doesn't have much depth other than being a chill, spaced-out girl. Humor from her is usually do to her complete misunderstanding of norms of society.

Kou, known as "Recruit" to the residents Under the Bridge, is the main character. His background is unrelatable. He is a rich, smart business owner who is like 20 years old. However, his character is more relatable. He plays the straight man to all the oddballs Under the Bridge. He is also an okay character.

I originally read the manga before the anime came out, and this seems like a very faithful adaptation. This is a very enjoyable comedy and would recommend it to anyone looking for a funny anime.
8 TV 13 PG-13 05-22-18 06-01-20
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Armitage III: Dual-Matrix
I thought "dual-matrix!? This is going to be like the Matrix times two!" Sadly, it wasn't.
5 Movie 1 R+ 08-01-09 08-01-09
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May 27, 2011 - An 8 and a half and a female lead with over 3,000 favorites? I think I should check this out.

October 7, 2014 - Main chick forcing herself into mane guy's life is pretty rad. Reminds me of Misaki forcing her way into Tatsuhiro's life on Welcome to the NHK. I like that; I like it a lot.

Plus, Mayoi-tan ha totemo kawaii<<<<<3333!!! Daisuki yo!!!!! And hur OT.. its so kakkooii!!!

October 21, 2014 - Glasses chick is pretty hot. However, main guy's romance with main chick was extremely boring and I didn't buy it at all. On the other hand, the show was pretty interesting and the character designs were good.
6 TV 15 R 10-05-14 10-21-14
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Bakuretsu Tenshi
April 28, 2011 - An action oriented knock off of Neon Genesis but with crappy CGI robot battles and no mental meltdowns
The ending was lame since Meg and Jo never got it on like Donkey Kong
5 TV 24 PG-13 11-25-06 02-25-09
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Batman: Gotham Knight
Haha, Batman..
6 OVA 6 R 10-16-09 10-16-09
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Dec 29, 2020 - Fuck yeah, killing shit with giant swords
6 TV 12 R+ 10-07-20 10-08-20
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Biohazard: Degeneration
I'm surprised this was good since the live action Resident Evils apparently sucked
7 Movie 1 R 04-04-09 04-04-09
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Black Cat (TV)
April 5, 2010 - It was pretty cool how that Train could beat everyone's ass with his gun
8 TV 23 PG-13 07-01-08 07-31-08
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Black Jack the Movie
This movie was more interesting than I thought it would be, but it still sucked
4 Movie 1 R 11-26-07 11-26-07
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Black Lagoon
Started rewatching on Adultswim Feb 22, 2014. Holy shit, Light Yagami is the main guy in this. Somehow I didn't realize that the first time I watched this.

Dec 12 2012 - This series wasn't as good as I hoped, but it was still decent.

I'd think being shanghaied by a gang of mercenary pirates led by a hot chick would be perfect fodder for a dysfunctional romance to develop, but I was disappointed on that front.
On the plus side, this series is reminiscent of Lupin the III.
6 TV 12 R 06-29-09 07-18-09
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Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
July 6, 2014 - I wasn't going to say anything about this series because all that I saw happen was a twin brother and sister go on a killing spree because they were warped from doing each other in illegal porno, but then I saw an episode with some fucking hot chick with an electrolarynx and scars. Then I learned she chainsaws people alive and disposes of bodies. Damn

July 13, 2014 - Episode 5. Wow, that fucking Eda chick was a great character add. She prods Revy about being attracted to Rock and actually flirts with him. That's what I wanted to see in the first goddamn season. The smokin hot chainsaw chick made another appearance, and Rock fought her off with a fucking metal shelf, which I found pretty goddamn funny. This episode has given me high hopes for the rest of this series.
7 TV 12 R 06-15-14 09-07-14
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In many ways this is Inuyasha's spiritual successor, much as the dinosaurs were for the archosaurs.

Originally, I thought the anime was awesome because Rukia showed up and her and Ichigo were fighting shit with each other. It looked like they were going to hook up. Then, he saves her and bam, no romance between them.

Now, Orihime is obviously Ichigo's romantic interest, yet there is very little development between them. Why in 240+ episodes can't they spare some episodes for this? Are they too busy writing up some of that brilliant fighting dialogue?

Note: Bleach has had its moments where it could have easily been a 7 (when he finally saved Rukia) but the bloated, aimless tangents and agonizing fight dialogue degrade the series to at least a 3.

November 9, 2014 - Didn't watch the last episode yet
3 TV 366 PG-13 09-08-06 11-01-14
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Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody
Disappointingly irrelevant and adds nothing to the anime's plot.

Plus Ichigo fell in love with a girl he only knew for like three days, when he should be falling in love with Rukia or Orihime or both, now that would be an awesome Bleach movie.
3 Movie 1 PG-13 09-05-09 09-05-09
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Bleach Movie 2: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mou Hitotsu no Hyourinmaru
I'm not a fan of Hitsugaya, so of course I'm not going to like his drawn-out back-story.
2 Movie 1 PG-13 12-05-09 12-05-09
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Blood: The Last Vampire
The plot to this movie isn't very clear, and I never did figure out exactly why chiropterans decided to attack that base.
4 Movie 1 R 10-31-07 10-31-07
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Blue Gender
This show managed to overcome Yuji being a puss and everyone except Marlene being incompetent by killing off everyone except them.

Then this series meanders towards a decent storyline, but in the last episodes of the series they manage to take that promising plot and wipe their asses with it. Despite that, even this ending is better than the movie's ending; that was of X-The-Movie-proportions horrible
3 TV 26 R+ 07-09-09 07-20-09
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Blue Gender: The Warrior
Worse than the Holocaust; somewhere Jesus is seriously considering why he died for everyone's sins. The quintessential bad movie. Only good for contrasting with other bad movies so you can say: Hey, at least it ain't no The Warrior!
1 Movie 1 * R 07-20-09 07-20-09
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
January 10, 2016 - Watched first episode because I do not want to watch Parasyte again on Adultswim.

Pretty good first episode. The events get intense at the end of it and leave me wanting to see more.

May 7, 2016 - I forgot to make an entry after watching the last episode.
8 TV 12 R 01-09-16 03-26-16
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Bounen no Xamdou
The Eureka of this series is hot. Pretty funny how the main character has a SHOCKING FIRST BULLET.

What the fuck was the "emperor" bullshit? That was not followed up at all. Worst of all, Eureka was frozen in carbonite for a millennium.
6 ONA 26 PG-13 07-17-13 07-21-13
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Byousoku 5 Centimeter
September 9, 2012 - Consult your doctor if you notice new or worsening depression symptoms, unusual changes in behavior, or thoughts of suicide.

January 4, 2016 - Upgrading to 10. Rewatched most of the movie reviewing scenes.
10 Movie 3 PG-13 12-16-08 12-16-08
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This series was basically a better Burst Angel. The end didn't completely resolve Canaan vs Alphard or CanaanXMaria.

The insane evil chick Liang Qi was the hottest chick by far.

Obviously the end set up for a sequel or for the viewer to read the manga.
7 TV 13 R 06-24-13 06-26-13
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January 3, 2011 - Hideki's a likable underdog type character, and Chi's inadvertently doing funny things is actually funny.

March 25, 2021 - Rewatched on March 23 and 24. This holds up well. I really needed to see a nice romantic comedy like this to help cheer me up. Hideki is an innocent young man who has no experience with women and he crosses pathes with Chi an android woman with no experience at all. He is very sweet with her and she in turn is very sweet with him and adores him. It is a very cute rom-com. I really like the "find the one just for me" true love element of the story. And the theme song is one of the most banging pieces of pop music ever.
8 TV 26 PG-13 08-01-08 08-31-08
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Chobits Recap
This recap doesn't really add anything to the story.
5 Special 1 PG-13 08-31-08 08-31-08
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Chobits: Chibits
If this was focused solely on the mini-persocoms, I would have had to break the disc, but luckily it wasn't.
5 Special 1 PG-13 08-31-08 08-31-08
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
January 13, 2013 - This series was good until the last quarter of the series, then it became awesome. But the last episode is inconclusive, it really needed the second season to clear up the ending and finish the story.

C2 is an awesome, hot chick character. Kallen is pretty hot and awesome too.

Rewatched November 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017
9 TV 25 R 04-27-08 11-02-08
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
August 25, 2013 - Most rippin' hardcore ending I've seen since the Turtles buried Shredder in dock rubble with Vanilla Ice

April 30, 2017 - I needs to know: Is Lelouch still alive and bangin C2? I hope so.

Rewatched November 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017
9 TV 25 R 11-02-08 06-07-09
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Cowboy Bebop
This is what the future should be like

All that this series is missing is an epilogue other than that damned injun talking about the souls of great warriors finding their way to the lofty realm that awaits us all.

Rewatch #1 January 11 to January 25 2014
10 TV 26 * R 09-02-01 01-25-14
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Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
This movie has nothing to do with getting Vicious or Julia, but it is a well done and interesting, which is more than I can say for a lot of movies based off series
8 Movie 1 R 09-03-05 09-03-05
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Dai Mahou Touge
The series was weak. The best part of the series was that episode that focused on the hot bully chick.
4 OVA 4 R 05-02-10 05-03-10
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Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
June 12, 2015 - Believe it or not, I marathoned this entire series in less than a day. Sexy blonde boob chick married a goofy anime enthusiast. Needful to say, something like this probably never happened IRL, so this is firmly in the fantasy genre.
5 TV 13 PG-13 06-12-15 06-12-15
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Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me
June 12, 2015 - I did not know that blonde boob chick was an office worker. I had to read the 5 sentence synopsis of this series on this website after watching the entire series to figure that out. This series also has conflicting information on whether or not INSERTMALEPROTAGONISTNAMEHERE had a job or not. I guess he did not have steady work? Anyway he knocked his bitch up. But know this, I wrap my rascal two times, because I like it to be joyless and without sensation, as a way of punishing supermodels.

January 4, 2016 - Watched up to episode 11. I am adding it to completed to get it off my "Watching" list.
5 TV 13 PG-13 06-12-15 06-12-15
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Dead Leaves
Some funny stuff in this, and the animation style is cool, but something was lacking. Maybe it was the numerous fecal jokes
5 Movie 1 R+ 01-21-08 01-21-08
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Deadman Wonderland
November 18, 2012 - That warden is an uberfag that needed to be slowly disembowled and then skinned alive.

That albino chick is hawt though. Mane guy shud pound that. Hes a pussie though.

Not interesting enough to try and finish, though. Watched around 7 episodes from June 10, 2012 to August 11, 2012.

January 17, 2015 - Toonami brought this back into the line up, so maybe I can finish this now. Maane Guy z still a pussy though, and of course, albino chick is still hawt. Started rewatching on January 3, 2015.

March 28, 2015 - This wasn't as bad as I remember, but it sucks that the anime doesn't show the end of the story.
6 TV 12 R 06-10-12 03-28-15
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Death Note

Its interesting watching Light's rise and fall, and seeing how much his personality is warped by the power of the death note.


Nov 14 2013 - As far as music goes, the opening and ending theme songs are hardcore... WHATPEOPLE!?

Nov 22 2013 - The ending was bullshit. Light goes insane? The fuck was that? Matsuda is a hardcore bitch. He sucks 2 the Xtreme.

However, Mikami was badass sakujoing everyone.

Rewatch: Nov 13 2013 to Nov 22 2013
9 TV 37 R 10-21-07 07-04-08
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Dimension W
February 28, 2016 - This looks like Solty Rei. Christopher Sabat even talks for the Roy Revant in this, too. Of course, the robot girl Solty is way cuter than this series's robot girl. I don't like her robot "ears" and outlet-plug "tail"... turn-off city.

March 9, 2016 - Episode 2 didn't get me into this series. So far, it doesn't look like it will get any better.

May 7, 2016 - This show sucks so hard. I kept hoping something interesting wood happen like Christopher Sabat killing everyone.

May 15, 2016 - The best part was when the credits started rolling. I couldn't get into this series at all. The only likable characters were main guy Christopher Sabat and robot girl, and even they weren't done very well. Christopher Sabat's character was annoying because the writers seemed to try too hard to make it seem like he "didn't care" about anything, so I don't understand why he was fucking doing anything in the first place. Robot girl was the best character, but I didn't like the "robot" parts she had.
3 TV 12 R 02-27-16 05-14-16
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Divergence Eve
March 12, 2010 - This series didn't seem to have a plot, but there were breasts aplenty. My only real complaint is the tacked on girl-robot.
4 TV 13 R+ 10-25-09 10-27-09
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Divergence Eve 2: Misaki Chronicles
July 17, 2010 - Its better than the first series, but the story and the conclusion were weak. Praise be to Allah for the many breasts, though.
5 TV 13 PG-13 07-06-10 07-13-10
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Domestic na Kanojo
May 8, 2020 - Rui all the way. I wish I could find more anime like this. This is definitely in the vein of Rumbling Hearts and Suzuka.
7 TV 12 R+ 05-06-20 05-08-20
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Dr. Stone
June 25, 2020 - Pretty entertaining story and decent pacing. Senku (Dr. Stone) is a very likable main character, and his crew is very likable as well. Blonde ninja girl with big boobs is hot and little girl with a watermelon on her head is adorable.

When science fanatic Senku and his muscle-bound friend Taiju are at school one day, Taiju decides to confess to his crush of 5 years. Right before he says he loves her, a flash of light turns everyone in the world into stone.

While frozen in the stone, Taiju and Senku each are still conscious and thinking. So, there Taiju is for an unknown number of years worrying about the girl, Yuzuriha, and what is the main man, Senku, thinking about the entire time? He counts how many seconds have passed, so he can know what date it is when he is freed. How long was he doing that? Over 3,700 years. Fuck yeah.

Senku and Taiju are the first people revived. They want to revive Yuzuriha, but are forced to revive a powerful fighter instead. Turns out he's the villain and wants a world without science. He is the antithesis of Senku who wants to revive everyone and advance science.

The biggest issue I have with the series is the whole Senku's "dad" was an astronaut who started a village that lasted 3,700 years decended from 3 men and 3 women from the International Space Station. That seemed like an asspull from the author that he has decided to commit to.
8 TV 24 PG-13 06-23-20 06-25-20
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Dragon Ball GT
Giru, giru, I'm glad I was able to watch this in marathon mode, giru, giru

The ending's sad: what happened to Chi Chi while Goku was gone for the rest of her life? I'll tell you what happened: Shez bangin Hercule now b/c hes da strongist man n the wurld now
7 TV 64 PG-13 09-30-09 08-02-10
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Dragon Ball GT: Gokuu Gaiden! Yuuki no Akashi wa Suushinchuu
Its sad that Goku apparently never meets with any of his family after leaving with the dragon
6 TV Special 1 PG-13 08-03-10 08-03-10
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Dragon Ball Movie 2: Majinjou no Nemurihime
I liked seeing Lunch shoot everyone and Krillin be a dick to Count Chocula
5 Movie 1 PG-13 06-23-10 06-23-10
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Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken
Jack happened during this "movie" but I did like watching Bulma and Lunch
4 Movie 1 PG-13 06-16-10 06-16-10
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 05: Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou
Goku doesn't go SuperSaiyan at the drop of a hat like everyone later in the series. He does it in the last 5 minutes, then blasts Cooler into the sun.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 05-24-14 05-24-14
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 08: Moetsukiro!! Nessen, Ressen, Chougekisen
This could have been an epically badass movie if Broly didn't have a one-hit explode spot
6 Movie 1 PG-13 06-19-10 06-19-10
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu
Hercule and Krillin are total badasses in this and save the world
6 Movie 1 PG-13 07-11-10 07-11-10
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 10: Kiken na Futari! Super Senshi wa Nemurenai
They could have made an epic movie, but instead there's this. Broly didn't even get to use his full power before being shot into the sun.
4 Movie 1 PG-13 10-10-10 10-10-10
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da
Yet another insult to Broly, but at least Android 18 is hot.
3 Movie 1 PG-13 01-04-11 01-04-11
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
April 16, 2015 - Huzzah for large breasted domicile goddesses

April 29, 2015 - Huzzah for fox eared chicks

June 30, 2015 - So, I guess his grandfather was reincarnated as that god who observed him.
6 TV 13 PG-13 04-16-15 06-29-15
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Pretty interesting. Anri is damn hot.

That nerd scientist is annoying and should die.

Shizuo is pretty awesome but they don't focus on him nearly enough.

The last episode clearly didn't know that it was the last episode. I'll have to read the manga to find out what happens after episode 24.
7 TV 24 * R 06-26-11 12-10-11
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ef: A Tale of Melodies.
I'm glad this focused on Yuko and the white haired guy. It sucks that she was dead and an angel and left that Yuu guy by himself. I guess he will get with that manga guy's older sister who's an artist too.
7 TV 12 PG-13 03-10-13 03-17-13
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ef: A Tale of Memories.
I like how that sempai chick has had the screws put to her by that basketball chick over that manga dude.

Eyepatch chick was the most interesting character in the series. That dude that had sex on her was the easiest to identify with except for his homosexual threeway fits all haircut.
8 TV 12 PG-13 02-05-12 06-06-12
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Elfen Lied
Lots of violence :) and underage nudity :(

Lucy and Nana are among the best characters in all the anime I've seen.

Lucy is brooding, merciless, and has a dark maturity about her. Lucy doesn't hesitate to kill anyone, yet she's in love with the protagonist. However, Lucy's Nyu personality is markedly bland, especially in comparison. The flashback episode of Lucy and Kouta's childhood together was a spectacular piece of character development. Its too bad Kouta is a complete pussy and an utter failure as a vehicle for the male audience of this series.

Nana, on the other hand, is really innocent and sweet even despite cruel and painful things happening to her throughout the series.

The ending was an utter let down. It should have shown Lucy taking out that old guy. Also, Kouta should have flat out chosen Lucy at some point in this series.

The manga advances and elaborates the story more, but its conclusion sucks compared to this one's.

Bauto is way cooler in the manga than the anime. He goes from despicable bastard to straight up hero.

Also, Mariko and her father in the manga compared to the anime:

Rewatch: July 23-24, 2011
9 TV 13 R+ 07-16-10 07-17-10
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I remember a bird man and a leopard girl. Saw this on Adultswim.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 09-10-05 09-10-05
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
This first movie is a pretty good remake. Some of the new scenes are fucking awesome, which is why I am upset about some of the abridging done presumably to save time and money.

There are scene transitions that are too abrupt. Like cutting right to Touji punching Shinji without even showing Shinji go to school first. Sure you can figure out what happened even if you haven't seen the series before, but its disruptive to the flow of the storytelling. It really takes away from me being able to identify with Shinji because I don't know how he got into that situation. Plus, I REALLY would have loved seeing Shinji's first impression on the class and his interaction (or lack of) with the other students.

I really hope they don't rely on people having seen the anime so they can skimp on storytelling.

Rewatch #5 February 16, 2014 - Upgrading to 9

Rewatch #6 July 5, 2014

Rewatch #7 - February 13, 2016 - Rewatched in preparation for 3.33
9 Movie 1 R+ 04-03-10 04-03-10
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Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
Holy shit yes

Shinji pulls a perfect fucknificent badass move, like something out of Gurren Lagann, and Touji is fuckawesome.

(a) Not long enough
(b) Mari should have interacted with the cast more
(c) Mari should NOT have sung, that was the worst part of the movie
(d) After Zeruel ate Rei's unit it should NOT have spit out the helmet, that ruined what was supposed to be an intense moment.
(e) Shinji's skin shouldn't have burst off, they could have illustrated the intensity in a more aesthetically pleasing way.
(f) Asuka should have died, that would have been assshit crazy. I just hope they do something dramatic with her in the new movies.

You can only get the full effect of the Rebuild movies if you saw the series and previous movies. It definitely makes watching these movies much more rewarding.

I think this would be a much more powerful series of movies if they could (a) make the movies longer/ make more movies or (b) they made a new tv series.

I think a TV series that rehashes Rebuild over 26 or 50 episodes would be awesome. You may be thinking "But Assy, who wants to see the movies rehashed in a series?" Hey, I like Evangelion, I want to see as many well made adaptations of it as I can. Something that's the length of a TV series that is well done can properly elaborate and expand upon the characters and story, giving you more meaningful insight into both.

Rewatch #4 February 17, 2014 - Holy shit, I didn't notice how much Rei loves Shinji until rewatching this. Whenever she is attacking Zeruel with the rocket, she says she wants to stop the angel so Shinji doesn't have to suffer piloting against it. Asuka is convinced that Rei is attracted to Shinji romantically, but Rei herself is not sure.

It was awesome that Fuyutsuki and Gendo purposefully got Rei and Shinji to like each other. Also, I forgot about Asuka's new puppet and her talking to it, that was awesome too.

The movie also goes on a Shinji Ikari Rising Project bent with Rei and Asuka practicing cooking to impress Shinji. In the classic elevator scene, instead of an inadequate Asuka slapping Rei out of disgust with her being a doll, we see Rei block Asuka's strike revealing both of them having bandaged hands. Asuka seeing how much more bandaged Rei's hand is, realizes that Rei's feelings for Shinji are greater than her's. This dovetails with Asuka mousing out of Rei's dinner party by volunteering to pilot Unit-03. Right before piloting Unit-03, she confides in Misato about feeling like she can't fit in with others. The dejected Asuka likes Shinji but feels like she doesn't have a chance against Rei, so she is runs away from him.

Rewatch #5 - September 28, 2014 - I have forgotten to mention that we finally get to see Touji's little sister. That came the fuck out of nowhere, but was totally something they needed to do, seeing as how she's all of Touji's motivation in the series.

Gainax really did make this movie awesome by taking a page out of their earlier work, Gurren Lagann. Whenever Shinji discovers that Rei was planning the dinner so he and his father could reconcile, Shinji realizes that someone in the world truly does care for him.

It gave me huge hopes and expectations for the third movie to be totally bananas like fuckin badass Gurren Lagann. I was hoping Shinji would be more like Simon and turn into fuckin Kamina in the third and fourth movies, which would have seriously blown my mind like nothing before.

Rewatch #6 - February 14, 2016 - Watched before watching 3.33. Unfortunately, 2.0 was the superior movie.
9 Movie 1 R+ 04-03-11 04-03-11
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Evangelion Movie 3: Q
August 26, 2011 - They finally announced an idea of when this is coming out.

This is a pretty big damn gap between movies but I definitely prefer they take their time and work hard on this and the last movie to maximize the awesome factor.

February 15, 2016 - They REALLY departed from the original series with this movie. This movie raised far more questions than it answered. So many in fact, that there's no way the next movie could answer them all.

Here is but a fraction of what I could think of: what exactly is Wille, why did everyone turn against Gendo & Fuyutsuki, are Gendo, Fuyutsuki, Rei, and Kaworu the only employees at Nerv, why is Unit 01 powering the Gekko, why was Shinji in orbit, why were Misato and Asuka raging assholes to Shinji, why is there a "curse of the Evas", what happened with Lilith, how did Touji die, why were there a billion Eva corpses in the bottom of terminal dogma?

I like that Rei III wants to get closer to Shinji. I don't know why Asuka was helping Shinji in the end, as they did not explain why she was pissed at him in the first place.

October 21, 2021 - Downgrading from a 7 to a 4 because none of the nonsense from this movie was properly built upon on in the next movie. The next movie is better than this one, but only because it gives you some grounding for the story.
4 Movie 1 PG-13 02-14-16 02-14-16
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Eve no Jikan
Sept 29 2013 - Yet another title I have come across before in my search for the perfect anime. I don't know why I haven't added it before as I know I have been aware of this for at least two years.

March 1, 2015 - Very good anime about androids and humans living together as equals. Has some hot chicks in it like main guy's android maid. This needs more episodes plus an actual conclusion.
8 ONA 6 PG-13 02-28-15 03-01-15
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Fate/stay night
Why not fight with retooled legends of history?
7 TV 24 R 05-28-09 06-09-09
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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
I didn't get much since I didn't play the game
6 Movie 1 PG-13 07-14-10 07-14-10
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July 5, 2011 - I had to watch this a couple of times to realize there might be a plot.

After watching all 6 episodes back to back, I was finally able to notice Ta-kun's lustin' for Mamimi and Haruko.
8 OVA 6 PG-13 08-05-03 08-13-03
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Fruits Basket

Not bad, my only complaint is that the series comes so close to coming to a good ending, but then it jaunts away, ending like it was expecting a second season to wrap the story up.
7 TV 26 PG-13 06-01-08 06-30-08
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Full Metal Panic!
This series starts off good, then gets boring for a few episodes and then it goes back to being interesting.

Sousuke and Weber are pretty cool characters, and Mao, Tessa, and Chidori are hot.
7 TV 24 R 08-24-10 01-04-11
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Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu

This could have been a 7 but I think the execution of some of the plots and jokes were done in a lame fashion.

Having said that, this was a worthwhile adaption of Full Metal Panic that had some funny/enjoyable moments.

Sousuke was pretty awesome in this, and Kaname is still hot.
6 TV 12 PG-13 05-07-11 05-09-11
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Who hasn't tried a human transmutation? Or done alchemy without a circle?
7 TV 51 R 03-13-05 07-11-06
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Praise Allah for them finally introducing Armstrong's hot sister

So Ed impressed the Universe/God?
7 TV 64 R 02-13-10 09-25-11
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa
They conquered the hell out of Shamballa

This movie actually wraps up the story nicely, but it's sad that they leave their world.
8 Movie 1 R 10-08-08 10-08-08
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
Tangential movie that adds nothing to the series plot, but that chick was alright looking.

I guess they were setting up for a sequel by having that chick's brother survive and walk off alone.
6 Movie 1 R 07-12-13 07-13-13
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Ga-Rei: Zero
Pretty awesome how this series started with a hot chick killing all the "main characters". Who can forget the brilliant cast of background characters like twin black guys, weasel guy, and, of course, drill guy.

But what is worth remembering is that hot Yomi chick doing everything short of banging her adoptive little sister/padawan.

Very interesting for a show that came across as a clone of Kekkishi and Blue Exorist.

Oct 30, 2010 - I'm mostly interesting in seeing this because of the character designs
7 TV 12 R 06-19-14 06-28-14
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Gakkou no Kaidan
February 7, 2016 - Apparently, this did so poorly in Japan that Studio Pierrot told ADV Films to do anything necessary to make this turkey fly in America, so they "abridged" it. Meaning, ADV completely rescripted it and turned it into a comedy. I came across this in a MAL thread "10 Anime Dubs So Good They're Pitch Perfect". It provided a youtube clip as well. After just watching a minute of it, I knew this is something I need to watch, if not, own. It has all my favorites like Monica Rial and Chris Patton and Greg Ayres and a host of others, I'm sure.
6 TV 19 PG-13 07-09-16 11-05-16
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Ged Senki
That chick wid da skar waz hot. The main dude wasn't a total puss like a lot of anime. I can't believe Timothy Dalton was in this; that was cool.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 08-12-12 08-12-12
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That guy with the stupid purple hair and that talking dog in the track jacket really made the show what it was
4 TV 13 R 11-25-09 11-29-09
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Golden Boy
This guy was a quirky badass, showin' up all them fine biotches

And he gave us the popular catchphrase "Study! Study! Study!" done in the Snagglepuss-iest voice possible
6 OVA 6 R+ 07-04-08 07-04-08
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Golden Time
June 22, 2020 - I wanted mayne guy to hook up wid hiz old boo dat he don't remember, she's the hottest.

Main guy Tada was your generic male protagonist who got amnesia after graduating high school and confessing to his best friend Linda. He didn't do anything to make me think he was awesome or memorable. He had a doppelganger of his old self who wanted to live again, and I was happy that he eventually did.

Nice try Doppelganger. Save it for Queen Doppelpopolis.

Main girl Koko was a tsundere girl. She was emotionally unstable, invasive, and clingly. However, these personality flaws had no appeal or greater meaning behind them; she never went through any trauma or any hardships to justify these behaviors.

Tada's OG main girl Linda, on the other hand, was appealing. She felt guilty about Tada getting amnesia and loved him the whole time. She didn't identify herself to him when he met her again, and she tried to forge a new relationship with him.

The plot and the story were very interesting. I kept hoping he would go for Linda up til the end, but I knew that was just a pipe dream since the opening and ending credits featured Koko exclusively. Even so, it was a good story with a decent pace.
7 TV 24 PG-13 06-21-20 06-22-20
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Green Green

This is the kind of show that you think "this isn't so bad" then BAM!: an all male orgy. That alone is enough to warrant this series getting the Unwatchable rating.

They didn't even show female nudity to make up for it.

Now this series had an okay start, an all boys school just got a bus-full of girls to test integration, but not one person in this series hooked up, unless you count the aforementioned all male three-way
2 TV 12 R+ 07-19-09 07-20-09
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GS Mikami: Gokuraku Daisakusen!!
The main chick, the ghost chick, and the spaz were decent characters, but the story wasn't very interesting or well-done
3 Movie 1 PG-13 03-06-10 03-06-10
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Gunslinger Girl
I remember schoolgirls with guns but neither a plot nor being genuinely interested in it, and on the last episode I'm pretty sure nothing happened and no real conclusion was reached.
5 TV 13 R 06-30-08 07-13-08
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen
February 28, 2015 - Kaiji seems to have reverted to season one episode one. Doesn't look like he'll do anything awesome. Especially since he can apparently have his fingers and ears reattached without any compromise in their functionality.

All I see coming out of this season is more "I'm gonna win a fuckload of money and reset my life" red-herrings and "You are my sworn enemy and I will have my revenge" moments that are never delivered or even brought up again.

Basically, I feel this series is a waste of time which is disappointing because Kaiji as a character had some potential.

April 16, 2015 - Watched episode 2 today because I miss the announcer narrating everything Kaiji does with such enthusiasm.

April 29, 2015 - This season ends the series on the best note it possibly could. Kaiji saves everyone including that guy's son like a boss. The bog arc when on forever, but it was hilarious.

IKE.. IKE!!... IKE!!!!!!!
8 TV 26 R 02-28-15 04-29-15
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
June 5, 2011 - I've come across this on my scouting missions before and almost added it, but now that I've seen three 10 ratings on this AND it's a seinen, so BAM! its on the list.

February 25, 2015 - As of episode 5: Of course, Kaiji's hard but will he prove to be hardcore? I think he will; he defaced Mercedes because he knew he could never afford one. Being pissed about never being able to get what you really want, that's relatable. I'm waiting for Kaiji to push into badass territory like Harima or Vash. If any women ever show up, then he very likely will become a badass I can identify with.

February 28, 2015 - Disappointing end to the series; Kaiji never really seemed to learn anything for long. There was no progression in his development; he was always stuck in the same type of mess.
6 TV 26 R 02-24-15 02-28-15
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Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!
June 27, 2020 - The story of a 25 year old guy who woke up as a 5 year old Harry Potter in a medieval Europesque world. Basically, he just wants to be an adventurer with this harem, but the King and his family domain's people want him to be the ruler of the domain.

HP never has any personal struggles to overcome. So, he doesn't grow at all as a character. He's pretty much just a benevolent stand in for me the viewer.

99% of the time HP does not act like a 25 year old at all, but like his physical age. What a fucking wasted opportunity.

Come to think of it none of his previous life's experiences ever come up. Just the Japanese food he recreates and him comparing the duty of a nobleman to that of a corporate office worker. No mention of his family or friends at all, much less a girlfriend.

Speaking of which, his experience with women was never brought up. You can tell he had zero experience, yet he legit got three of them because he was basically this world's Harry Potter. The nun was a good choice for his wife, and I was surprised they made blue hair and red hair his concubines. That's some Tenchi GXP grade bullshit right there.

I shit you not, right after HP and Nun told Red and Blue he was engaged to her, Red and Blue immediately asked HP if they could marry him, too. The Nun said it was his decision with absolutely no objections to the notion of him marrying them too, and of course HP timidly agrees to them marrying him as well. HP's the type of pussy not to bang all three at the same time even though I'm absolutely sure those girls would agree to it.

That all said the characters are all generic but likable, and the story's decently entertaining.
6 TV 12 PG-13 06-26-20 06-28-20
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Hanaukyou Maid-tai: La Verite
I don't remember this having a plot that was concluded, but damn those maids were hot.
5 TV 12 * R+ 07-24-07 04-01-08
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Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
October 30, 2016 - Looks like a pretty good and to the point romantic drama.

I'm expecting this to be like Rumbling Hearts. So fuck yes to that shit
7 TV 6 PG-13 11-05-16 11-05-16
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Hellsing Ultimate
Police girl is fucking hot. Its awesome when she emotes because she's very animated.

Alucard is an intriguing main guy since he is way more powerful than everyone else and saved police girl.

This series has more intense and graphic violence than any other anime I can remember.

November 9, 2014 - This series is very entertaining. It is first and foremost a vehicle for showing massive amounts of carnage. The armed hordes of good guys are usually nothing more than glorified fodder to show the ferocity of their supernatural foes (see episode 2 and the Wild Geese).

The Nazi Major guy is hilarious because of the 7 minute speech he gave explaining his love of war. Nothing cerebral there, just a guy stating that he loves the different aspects of fighting in a war and atrocities that occur in the course of war.

December 14, 2014 - LOL, the Nazi Major guy gave like 5 speeches in this episode. I don't know how Alucard still has everyone's powers since he killed them all off, but that was cool how he was supposed to be fighting all the souls he consumed for thirty years. I guess Integra is stuck being old forever. All in all, this was a fun series to watch.
8 OVA 10 Gore R 09-14-14 12-14-14
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Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga

Sept 2, 2011 - This series is pretty funny which makes up for it not having a real plot in the beginning. In the last quarter of the series, though, it does develop an interesting story arc that has a conclusion.

Iwata's pretty badass hitting on this series's hot chicks.

Rewatch 2 April 30, 2015
8 TV 26 R 11-28-07 01-30-08
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Higashi no Eden
The main guy is annoying and pretentious, in fact I just lowered it another point because all I can remember is that asswipe, but the story's interesting.

Obviously this series is "supposed" to have more than one season since the other players were still alive, and the "game" wasn't over yet.
5 TV 11 R 01-04-11 01-06-11
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Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
I think this was a decent Highlander movie, I mean there could only be one in the end
7 Movie 1 R 07-30-07 07-30-07
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Hokuto no Ken
February 28, 2016 - I am surprised at how violent a tv show this old is. A lot of LOL moments from the over-the-top violence, death-blow count down, and "You don't even know it yet, but you are already dead". From the four episodes I saw, this has a rinse and repeat plot each episode, and Kenshiro doesn't face any challenging opponents.

May 12, 2016 - On episode 83, they finally changed the opening theme/credits. Goodbye YOUはSHOCK!, hello DOSURVIVE!

May 20, 2016 - LOL, Raoh dying.
8 TV 109 R+ 02-26-16 05-20-16
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Hokuto no Ken 2
May 20, 2016 - Fuck yes, Kenshiro was gone for like 10 years and the world when back to shit with everyone thinking Kenshiro was dead. Then, BAM, he's back in action in this new, alien future. Showing young adult Bat and Lin how it's fucking done.

July 27, 2016 - Stopped watching around June 11, 2016; started watching again starting at episode 140 through 142 today.

August 1, 2016 - Finished watching final 3 episodes today. A manly and sad ending. Kenshiro rejected settling down with Lin and told Bat he would be the better person for her. Then he rode off into the sunset alone. As he was riding into the sunset, he was remembering everything that has happened in his life and all the friends he's lost, and knowing he will have still more battles in his life.
8 TV 43 R 05-20-16 08-01-16
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Hoshi no Koe
For some reason I was under the impression that the movie would have a happy ending.
7 OVA 1 PG-13 02-24-09 02-24-09
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Howl no Ugoku Shiro
I don't remember much after the first third of this movie. But I do remember thinking, "Holy shit Billy Crystal is in this."

I saw part of this again on Starz in like August 2012.
5 Movie 1 G 10-17-09 10-17-09
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Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
June 9, 2010 - This might be an interesting ecchi

June 4, 2020 - This was good for an ecchi. Reminded me of Kill la Kill with all the panty shots. Unfortunately, nipples and cameltoe were all censored with stickers of the respective girl saying flirty things like "Not today" and "Not for you".

The girls were pretty hot. It's hard to pick between the green haired robot chick sent to observe main guy and the blue haired ninja chick he befriended first. On the other hand, Purple haired dark mage chick had huge jugs and was unabashed in her feelings towards him after like episode 8. The red haired girl looked like the main shipping the story was trying to push, but she was boring. Blue haired girl was the next most heavily shipped girl, and the main guy said he would take care of her.

The main guy was decent. Pretty much like any harem protagonist. He should have banged the chicks though.

The story wasn't bad. After the climax, the characters all went back to school to pick up where they left off before.
6 TV 12 R+ 06-03-20 06-04-20
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The blue chick is the hottest.

This series was by all rights a 4 at best, except for one important factor: Hot bitches with a lot of CT and Breast shots.

The plot picks up during the last 4 episodes. However, a lot of the dialogue throughout the series is drivel.
6 TV 13 R+ 11-21-12 11-22-12
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Inga Nikki
July 16, 2013 - It was cute seeing Inga all animated despite being a "boy".
4 ONA 10 G 07-16-13 07-16-13
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More interesting than the original movie
7 Movie 1 R 05-10-10 05-10-10
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Were they dogs that projected a human form, or were they humanoids that could take dog form, or what? Because if that Keita bones that Yoko and she's actually a fox, he'll be busted for bestiality just like the Beastmaster.
6 TV 26 PG-13 07-01-08 10-31-08
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If Journey built a city on rock and roll, then Inuyasha built it on tangents.

Plus, Inuyasha was more of a badass in the first couple of episodes.

Gursh, gursh-- and that Band of Seven bullshit was pointless-- Gursh, gursh.
4 TV 167 PG-13 08-31-02 10-27-06
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InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen
Oct 30 2010 - I was pissed when the series didn't conclude, but I'm not as pissed now since they're finally going to conclude it

This is on ANN & Hulu as of 10/30/10

Nov 25 2013 - They're actually getting shit done now, amazing.

Dec 1 2013 - The previous Inuyasha should have been as concise as this series was. It was awesome that Naraku's motivation was based on being rejected by Kikyo which caused him to despise love and friendship.
7 TV 26 PG-13 11-24-13 12-01-13
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
I really like the end theme song. Its hardcore mellow Noein-esque.

Apparently, the loaf of bread has nothing to do with any episode except the first one.

Main chick and Silver chick were good characters. Especially Silver because she was amorous.
6 TV 12 PG-13 01-27-14 02-02-14
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita Specials
I found it upsetting that she lost some of her intelligence.
5 Special 6 PG-13 02-02-14 02-02-14
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
October 16, 2016 - The first episode really draws you in and makes you sympathize with Jonathan.

It is similar to Fist of the North Star, especially the rivalry going on exactly like Kenshiro and Shin.

May 8, 2020 - Started watching again January 2020. Pretty interesting watching Jojo get in tough jams and then suddenly having to pull something out of his ass.
7 TV 26 R 10-15-16 02-14-20
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
7 TV 24 R 02-15-20 03-06-20
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders 2nd Season
7 TV 24 R 03-07-20 03-27-20
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
7 TV 39 R 03-28-20 04-16-20
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
May 21, 2020 - SHITIIKI FINGAA
7 TV 39 R 04-17-20 05-05-20
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Juubee Ninpuuchou
A decent lone-samurai-takes-on-a-bunch-of-assassins movie
6 Movie 1 R+ 02-04-08 02-04-08
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Kai Doh Maru
I'm glad the main character was actually a chick instead of just another dude
5 OVA 1 R 02-19-08 02-19-08
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September 29, 2014 - I only remembered this because CHOPPA added it to his watch list. He noted that it looked familiar. I looked at it, and thought it was on Adultswim or Sci-Fi channel on Halloween a long time ago. Turns out, I was right.

I remember the kids getting taken away as they got found and lights turning off and shit. It didn't hold my interest, plus I was probably busy practicing for the big Thanksgiving play.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 10-31-05 10-31-05
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Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
June 21, 2020 - Main guy, Visual Kei, helps demon-girl, Elise, capture souls that have embedded themselves in the hearts of various girls. Visual Kei is a dating sim nerd who uses this prowess to now woo real girls.

This series follows him conquering 4 girls over 12 episodes. There is no plot progression or story advancement at all. Visual Kei and Elise just have their vague mission to capture "loose souls".

There was a lot of exposition showing girls singing. It wasn't bad, but I found it bizarre that they would derail the story for 5 minutes just to show off a girl singing. I only remember this being relevant once: when the pink haired idol girl, Kanon, was singing at her concert. Her song put to words how she felt about Visual Kei (even though she had forgotten about him at this point). It was actually poignant.

Visual Kei was an okay character. His only good trait was how cocky he was about approaching the girls like they were dating sim girls. On the other hand, his often unwarranted hostility towards Elise was irritating.

Elise was a generic klutz character. A major plus, though, was that she always emoted with very cutesy animation.
6 TV 12 PG-13 06-17-20 06-20-20
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Kamisama no Memochou
July 12, 2013 - Damnit this had potential. As soon as they showed those self proclaimed "NEETs", I knew the series was going to be superficial and not seriously address being a NEET or hikikomori. These douchebags just say they have problems.

The only characters I can stand are the ramen shop chick with huge knockers, Alice, and that Flower Club chick.

The worst part about this series is that the main character is a super pussy tool with no goddamn self respect.

This series had no overarching story, and the Flower club chick going into a coma was bullshit.

June 22, 2011 - A NEET detective chick with the main guy as her assistant? This has a shot.
5 TV 12 R 06-23-13 07-12-13
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Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko
What can I say? It was a montage of a cat and his owner and it was depressing
6 OVA 1 G 02-24-09 02-24-09
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Kanon (2006)
Sep 2 2013 - Obviously, moe and the idea for Lucky Star came from this series.

This series reminds me of K-ON: bland but it has chicks.

Watched first 5 episodes Mar 23 to 31 2013.

Dec 8 2013 - Started watching again episodes 5 - 9. Not as insufferable as I thought it would be. Main guy helping a baby fox and ditching it in the meadow was genuinely sad.

Dec 14 2013 - This series was so magical when Ugu came out of her coma that I had to give it a 5.
5 TV 24 PG-13 03-23-13 12-14-13
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Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
This series ended when that main chick hooked up with that TOOL. The series went nowhere after that.

Maybe they should have shifted focus to the other romances after the main characters hooked up. I'm sure it wouldn't have hurt this series score anyway.

Awesome opening theme though
5 TV 26 PG-13 12-10-09 02-07-10
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I liked this series but that ending got pretty weird
7 TV 24 PG-13 07-01-08 04-29-09
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Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
This is an alright movie, its funny hearing Patrick Stewart talk for that mustache guy.
6 Movie 1 PG-13 11-07-08 11-07-08
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Kenran Butou Sai: The Mars Daybreak
This is a pretty good Eureka 7-esque series. It focuses on a Renton who joins rebel/pirates and bring down Mars's government.

It also has pretty much the same English voice actors from Eureka 7, plus a few other well-known ones.

All in all, this is a unexpectedly good series
7 TV 26 PG-13 06-01-08 06-07-08
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Kill la Kill
February 7, 2015 - Its Gurran Lagann meets Ikki Tousen. Main chick is hot and has a spazy girl side kick. Side kick girl is like the teacher chick from Fooly Cooly. Main bad guy chick is fucking hot, too.

Plus there are plenty of boobs to go around.

It has a retarded premise and go nowhere story, but its all about the CT and boobs on hot chicks, FYEAH.

June 14, 2015 - Actually gets very interesting starting at episode 16. Until now, it has been a 5-6 at best.

August 16, 2015 - Excellent character designs (Satsuki, Ryouko, and Ragyo) and vivid, colorful animation. The cornerstone of this series is all the gratuitous breast, ass, and cameltoe shots of the female characters. The story even became very interesting from episode 16, onward. The ending theme song was great too.

However, this series heavily featured one of my most hated tropes: the transformation sequence. Every single episode, Ryouko or Satsuki would transform, albeit, the song that played every time they transformed was awesome (Don't Loose Your Way) and when they transformed, their clothes became much more revealing.

February 7, 2016 - Adultswim has been showing an encore run of Kill La Kill after One Piece. They just showed episode 15 again.
6 TV 24 PG-13 02-07-15 08-02-15
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Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
September 10, 2013 - I found the first 4 episodes of this on sale and thought "Hey, two bangtastic chicks on the cover and the tagline is 'Betrayal is a bitch.'" After finding out this is not a porno, I thought "Hey, I bet a drama might be good." BAM turns out my instincts are honed like a cow because I was right beyond right. This turned out to be one of the best anime I have ever seen.

Then I found out it is based on a dating;) sim game, so my porno prediction wasn't off afterall.

Mitsuki's the hottest, then Akane, then that blonde boob chick, and the gray haired nice girl that Monica Rial talks for. All the other chicks can suck my glorious 2.44 in. of cock.

Rewatched 6-24-12 to 7-2-12
9 TV 14 R+ 07-23-08 08-31-08
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
April 7, 2015 - Pretty good. The bitches is hot, especially Nissan Murano. Main guy is okay, but I liked him better when he was, in the words of Murano,"insecure".

October 11, 2015 - Adultswim began airing the English dubbed version on October 3, 2015. I don't plan on making any effort to watch it again since I just watched it earlier this year.
8 TV 24 R 04-05-15 04-15-15
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Kita e.: Diamond Dust Drops
That camera club chick was insane, and that radio DJ chick had some problems too
6 TV 12 PG-13 10-02-09 12-31-09
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Koe no Katachi
July 4, 2019 - In celebration of America's 243 birthday, I watched this sweet story of redemption.

Main guy spearheaded the bullying and harassing of main girl, who is deaf, in sixth grade. Eventually, he takes it too far and seriously injures her. After which, she transfers schools. When the authorities demand to know who was behind it all, his teacher points out him as the culprit. To no avail, main guy points out all the others who participated in and were complacent with the bullying. Now marked as a bully by his friends and peers, he becomes the subject of their bullying and isolation.

He realizes how cruel and despicably he treated main girl, and sees his harassment as justified punishment for what he did. He goes about learning sign language in order meet main girl again and make amends for what he did to her.

Turns into a sweet romance story. Plus, he gets a goofy-ass sidekick and she has a totemo kawaii imouto!!
9 Movie 1 PG-13 07-04-19 07-04-19
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A nice short love story between some hot robot idol chick and a guy voiced by Edward Elrich who looks like the main guy from Summer Wars. It would have been easily been a 5 if it weren't for the stupid deer (especially the white one) and the Saturday-morning cartoon villain rejects
4 OVA 1 PG-13 07-08-14 07-08-14
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
May 26, 2020 - A very fun and ecchi romp with a rag-tag group of powerful misfits. This is a comedy that is drowning in fan-service and bouncing breasts.

This would be better if there was more plot progression, but there is basically none.

The masochistic crusader Darkness was a delightful chick the likes of which I've never seen before.

But Megumin is the real deal. She's a hot mage girl who's obsessed with only using very powerful explosion magic.
7 TV 10 PG-13 05-25-20 05-25-20
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
May 26, 2020 - More episodic adventures with no plot advancement. However, the opening sequence is a very good overview of the characters and their personalities.

I wish there were more episodes. I've always felt manga requires to much attention from me, but I would do it for this series.
7 TV 10 PG-13 05-25-20 05-26-20
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2: Kono Subarashii Geijutsu ni Shukufuku wo!
May 26, 2020 - Basically like any other episode. Brook from One Piece invented a sadistic robot chick that they got as loot.
7 OVA 1 PG-13 05-26-20 05-26-20
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Movie: Kurenai Densetsu
May 26 2020 - Basically like any other episode. BUT it is about Megumin, and it pushes the shipping of Kazuma x Megumin. Megumin's village is basically a bunch of awesome weebs.
8 Movie 1 PG-13 05-26-20 05-26-20
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!: Kono Subarashii Choker ni Shukufuku wo!
May 26, 2020 - Nihyakku-pasentto full on ecchi episode.
7 OVA 1 PG-13 05-25-20 05-25-20
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Kotonoha no Niwa
Its awesome that cobbler kid was going to get busy with the hot apathetic teacher chick.
9 Movie 1 PG-13 12-08-13 12-08-13
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Koukaku Kidoutai
Ghost in the Shell has a beautiful showcasing of cyborg technology, but the story is boring, like Lain.

Ghost in the Shell's cyborg and robot technology is definitely the best I've ever seen in any TV show or movie. And, the prospect of sentient computers being the next step in humanity's evolution is fascinating.

Rewatched 3rd time on Sep 7 2013.
6 Movie 1 R+ 09-26-06 09-26-06
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
The series is much better than the movie despite this being dialogue heavy as well.

Also Motoko looks hotter in this than the original movie.
7 TV 26 R 11-07-04 05-08-05
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
More Ghost in the Shell of the same caliber as the first season, I think they even waste an episode or two on tachikomas.
7 TV 26 R 11-19-05 05-27-06
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Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Pretty nice love story between Renton and Eureka, but the very end didn't conclude the story well enough. More specifically, I couldn't figure out what happened to Renton and Eureka.

Hitting Renton with a chair.. classic
8 TV 50 PG-13 04-15-06 04-28-07
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Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven: Pocket ga Niji de Ippai
Eureka was hot.

I guess the only thing this had in common with the tv series was the movie Gekko crew seeing the tv series' world.
6 Movie 1 PG-13 12-26-10 12-26-10
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Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
They promised the hell out of that place
8 Movie 1 PG-13 04-12-09 04-12-09
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Kurenai no Buta
Somewhere in this hospital the anguished oink of pigman cries for help
4 Movie 1 G 10-05-09 10-05-09
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Kurokami The Animation
That Akane chick is hot, and so is that historian chick with the huge rack.

Asinine fighting and transformation scenes made this pretty agonizing.

I'm glad they fast forwarded to the main guy dying in front of his grandchildren, that really wrapped everything up.
( ' -')^supersarcasm
4 TV 23 R 12-26-10 08-12-11
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Little Witch Academia
October 16, 2014 - All the chicks in this were cute, especially My Little Pony Sleepy Stoner Chick. Praise be to Allah for no men being characters in this.
7 Movie 1 PG-13 10-14-14 10-14-14
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Love Hina
September 25, 2010 - Wasn't as good as I had hoped, plus (big shock) the season didn't end the story
6 TV 24 PG-13 04-19-09 04-24-09
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Love Hina Haru Special: Kimi Sakura Chiru Nakare!!
Imagine Hello Kitty Island Adventure starring the cast of Love Hina.
4 TV Special 1 PG-13 04-24-09 04-29-09
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Lupin III: $1 Money Wars
March 29, 2010 - I wasn't sure if Lupin would make it out of the Money Wars with his $1 intact.
5 TV Special 1 PG-13 05-28-08 05-28-08
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Lupin III: Ai no Da Capo - Fujiko's Unlucky Days
March 29, 2010 - Fujiko was hotter than ever in this escapade.
5 TV Special 1 PG-13 05-28-08 05-28-08
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Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro
March 29, 2010 - That girl was adorable.
7 Movie 1 PG-13 09-26-06 10-31-06
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Lupin III: Dead or Alive
March 29, 2010 - Was expecting a lot of bikini women and volleyball.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 11-28-07 11-28-07
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Lupin III: Harimao no Zaihou wo Oe!!
March 29, 2010 - Lupin found Harimao's real treasure: friendship.
5 TV Special 1 PG-13 11-28-07 11-28-07
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Lupin III: Honoo no Kioku - Tokyo Crisis
March 29, 2010 - That Lupin's gotten Tokyo in some serious shit this time.
5 TV Special 1 PG-13 05-28-08 05-28-08
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Lupin III: Kutabare! Nostradamus
March 29, 2010 - That darn Nostradamus almost got Lupin this time.
5 Movie 1 R+ 05-28-08 05-28-08
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Lupin III: Lupin Ansatsu Shirei
March 29, 2010 - Lupin and the gang join forces with a certain world's greatest inspector named Zenigata, motherfuckers, as they voyage into a danger unlike any ever experienced by anyone ever.
5 TV Special 1 PG-13 11-28-07 11-28-07
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Lupin III: Moeyo Zantetsuken!
The shower scene with Fujiko was nudetastic

So I guess that ancient swordsmith must have been either an alien or from the future since he was able to make a piece of supermetal that could switch between being a dragon statue and being instructions.
5 TV Special 1 R+ 11-28-07 04-21-11
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Lupin III: Pilot Film
It's awesome to see the first animated adaptation of Lupin and his crew
7 Movie 1 R+ 07-12-10 07-12-10
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Lupin III: Twilight Gemini no Himitsu
March 29, 2010 - That girl was the Twilight Gemini all along.
5 TV Special 1 R+ 11-28-07 11-28-07
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Lupin III: Walther P38
March 29, 2010 - The story of an assassin group's failed attempt to gun down the world's greatest inspector, Zenigata.
7 TV Special 1 PG-13 05-28-08 05-28-08
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March 23, 2010 - The Samurai chick and boob chick were hot; Lamest ending since Tenchi GXP.
Him going Casper for half the series pissed me off too.
3 TV 24 R+ 04-24-09 06-02-09
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Macross Plus
This had a decent plot, but it wasn't really interesting
6 OVA 4 R 06-01-07 06-30-08
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
February 4, 2015 - Definitely the best Magical Girl series I have seen. It even beat Magical Girl Sasami ;) I am tempted to give it an 8.

It wasn't as dark as I thought it would be, and there were no shit hitting the fan moments. I was expecting some Elfen Lied-grade violence going down. That said, this was a good multiverse series, in the vein of Noein, Steinsgate, and Mirai Nikki. Definitely worth remembering this series.

Everytime Madoka was about to make a wish all I could think was:

I'll make a wish that can't backfire! I wish for a turkey sandwich, on rye bread, with lettuce, and mustard, and... I don't want any zombie turkeys, I don't wanna turn into a turkey myself, and I don't want any more weird surprises, you got it?!

Kyubei is so adorably kawaii. They make him swish his tail around and lick himself like an earth cat. Even though he is "evil" and doesn't really die, I still feel sad seeing him get killed.

It was cool that Madoka absorbed all the Magical Girls' despair to prevent them from ever turning into witches.

Sep 3, 2011 - This is supposed to be a dark, psychological seinen under the guise of a magical girl anime.
7 TV 12 PG-13 01-25-15 02-04-15
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Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou
September 29, 2020 - Generic as fuck. Main guy was completely overpowered but cool. His bitches, Kudere and Tsundere, were hot. The main guy's fan girl harem singing was cringey.
5 TV 13 R 09-13-20 09-29-20
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Meitantei Conan Movie 01: Tokei Jikake no Matenrou
Not a very interesting movie
4 Movie 1 PG-13 01-01-10 01-01-10
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Boring movie, but it was funny that Aladdin was in it
3 Movie 1 PG-13 10-19-09 10-19-09
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Michiko to Hatchin
July 12, 2015 - Started watching at episode 3.

December 13, 2015 - Fuck that last episode. Hacchen's dad ditches her and Michiko? Hacchen raises herself and has a baby six years later?

Yeah, I get the whole Hacchen and Michiko set out to find Hacchen's dad but actually found each other, that was good. I hate what happened after they found him, but I suppose it was supposed to be tragic that Michiko gave herself up to the police so Hacchen could have a normal life with her dad, and then Hacchen's dad ditches her not long afterwards leaving Hacchen to grow up alone. That's probably where the bulk of the story should have been.
4 TV 22 R 07-12-15 12-13-15
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Mirai Nikki (TV)

Dec 3, 2011 - Someone on MAL said its like Steins;Gate, this has got well over an 8, its new, its sexy... All the reasons I added this to my list.

Sep 27 2013 - A solid 7 so far. I wish they would have built up that Yuno chick some instead of just immediately introducing her as the main guy's stalker. Although, she is hot. That bomber chick is hot too. Like really hot. I wish she would have kept her hair puffed up, though.

Nov 11 2013 - Pretty hardcore ending. It was closer to a perfect ending than most anime. This definitely needs a movie or OVA to fully resolve what happens to Yuki. Yeah, we at least find out that Yuno #1 busts into Yuki's badass void, but I would like to know how she did it and to see their cathartic reunion. I definitely need to read the last volume of the manga to see if there is anymore resolution there.

Yuki's generally a pussy through most of the series. It is not until he is confronted by his friends about Yuno being an imposter that he starts standing on his own.
9 TV 26 R+ 09-24-13 11-11-13
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Mononoke Hime
That was some fucked up shit when that goat-man-god showed up

Mononoke was hot though
6 Movie 1 PG-13 10-19-09 10-19-09
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Mousou Dairinin
June 11, 2012 - That fat guy nailing Lil' Slugger with a shoe from 30 yards away was laugh-out-loud for the whole family.

Also, that old detective pointing out that "This place isn't real!" and taking a bat to the fantasy world was an instant classic.
7 TV 13 R+ 06-10-06 09-08-06
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December 9, 2014 - Pretty atmospheric series, like Humanity Has Declined.

January 17, 2015 - I'm glad Mushishi runs into a good number of hot chicks with Mushi problems.

January 22, 2015 - Apparently, the director intended the opening and closing themes to be gentle and mellow. Which is pretty cool since he said the show was airing late at night.

This was a satisfying anime to watch. Mushishi would stumble upon someone in a Mushi jam (80% of the time a hot chick) and help them out as best he could. I would definitely watch the second season.
8 TV 26 Mellow PG-13 12-07-14 01-22-15
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Narue no Sekai
Apparently a side-effect of watching this series is amnesia, because I know I watched it, but for some reason I can't remember pretty much anything about it, except the chick whaling on the dude with a bat
4 TV 12 PG-13 08-13-09 08-18-09
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Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo!
That actress chick was hot
5 Movie 1 PG-13 09-08-07 09-08-07
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Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo!
Knight guys in Naruto?.. It happened.
4 Movie 1 PG-13 07-26-08 07-26-08
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Naruto Movie 3: Dai Koufun! Mikazuki Jima no Animaru Panic Dattebayo!
That prince kid in the caravan was a fag, and that's all I remember from this movie, so it mustn't have been relevant to the Naruto plot
2 Movie 1 PG-13 11-08-08 11-08-08
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Nazo no Kanojo X
Dec 23 2011 - All praise be to Allah, who in his infinite wisdom decided it was time to adapt this into an anime.

The absence of cell phones proves that this manga/anime does in fact take place in the 1980s.

You definitely don't want to be seen watching this during any of the many scenes involving drool. Why? Because anyone seeing it will think you are watching hentai. Unlike most hentai, however, this is a story of the innocence and naïve of first love. Despite the promise Urabe made in the first episode that she would be Tsubaki's first sexual partner, the focus of this story is the budding romance between Tsubaki and Urabe.
8 TV 13 PG-13 08-08-13 08-13-13
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Neko no Ongaeshi
That cat returned like no other
5 Movie 1 G 09-15-09 09-15-09
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Net-juu no Susume
June 4, 2020 - Dennis: Whoa, whoa now! Hold on a second, Frank. You might want to consider that on the other side of this wall, more often than not, there’s a dude

Frank: But, you can’t see through the wall. So, how do you know it’s not a girl? I mean could just picture a girl and then … [smacks hands together] It’s good, heh.

Dennis: … right. Well, some may find that method effective, but it’s a dangerous game you’re playing, Frank.

Frank: Supposin’ the other guy is picturing a girl also?

Dee: How’s he gonna do that with a dick in his mouth?

Frank: I don’t know… that’s his problem.

June 7, 2020 - I enjoyed this a lot. The characters were good and relatable, and the story was very interesting.

The only issue I have with the anime as is, is that we were given no explanation as to why Moriko quit her job. She obviously had baggage from there that effected her tremendously. I would have enjoyed learning her backstory.
9 TV 10 PG-13 06-04-20 06-07-20
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Net-juu no Susume Special
June 7, 2020 - Part A of this episode was very good, but did not add any new plot or elaborate on their backgrounds. However, Part B was just irrelevant fluff.
7 Special 1 PG-13 06-07-20 06-07-20
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NHK ni Youkoso!

You can pick up Satou's feelings of entrapment with the hikikomori lifestyle. Satou's one of the great main characters of any anime. When the anime starts we find he has basically shut himself into his apartment for the preceding four years. Later we learn that he was only close to one person in high school: a hot chick who was the only other member of the literature club.

He's so neurotic and lacking in self confidence that everything he does is badass.

It's awesome how Misaki's attracted to him

The boat with the guy on the megaphone stopping everyone from committing suicide was generic bullshit, that could have been taken in so many other interesting directions.

What happened to that Megumi chick that was laying in a bathtub?

The opening theme song "Puzzle" is awesome.

Rewatch 01-06-13 to 01-13-13
9 TV 24 * R+ 12-31-10 01-03-11
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Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e
Its awesome how this series discusses and explores multiverses
7 TV 24 Syfy Memories PG-13 06-18-07 10-24-07
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What the fuck was that ending? An old guy who discovered a virus wants his cat to spread it after he dies? The quiet guy is actually a mass produced robot that the corporations/government use? A poor little girl and her brother are rewarded for their kindness of taking care of an innocent stray cat by getting a terrible virus?
2 OVA 1 PG-13 07-08-14 07-08-14
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Nyan Koi!
Pretty much exactly like 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowell with cats and a harem.

The main guy in this is decently quirky, since he yells at cats.

I'm torn between the clown chick and the mail-lady with respect to which is hotter. The flat chested Yakuza chick isn't bad either since she's a borderline lesbo and secretly timid.

The twins and the chick the main guy has a crush on are lame2dmax.
7 TV 12 PG-13 03-25-11 03-27-11
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Ookami to Koushinryou
The whole trading in the late middle ages of Europe slant actually is interesting. Holo is hot.

Rewatch 8/26/13 to 8/31/13

I can't tell you how many times I've had an arms deal go bad.
9 TV 13 PG-13 10-10-08 10-31-08
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Ookami to Koushinryou II
Pretty good sequel even though the story was not concluded. That Eve chick was hot for a double crosser.

Dec 31, 2011 - I can't believe that I not only didn't have this on Plan to Watch but that I forgot that there was a second season of Spice and Wolf )'0'(

Note: This season apparently does not conclude the series.
8 TV 12 PG-13 08-31-13 09-02-13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Holo no Short Anime
This was the short about the rye bread and white bread Holo was eating in the series. The second short is Holo stretching.
5 Special 2 PG-13 09-02-13 09-02-13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
What was the amber melancholy?
8 OVA 1 PG-13 08-31-13 08-31-13
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Ookiku Furikabutte
A decent baseball series about a pitcher who was bullied by his former teammates and thought he sucked, when he was actually good. Not great, but not bad
5 TV 25 PG-13 02-27-10 02-28-10
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Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru
July 19, 2014 - A nice wholesome yuri about a boy asked to crossdress by his grandfather in order to attend a girl's school. Apparently, he looks exactly like his bisexual mother whose girlfriend died in her old dorm room. Now the ghost chick is all over him and ecstatic that he is her son and looks exactly like her. Also his childhood friend chick is hot.

July 20, 2014 - I guess he chose the Student Body President chick as his bitch. I can respect that.
6 TV 12 PG-13 07-19-14 07-20-14
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Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Special
A lame Cinderella parody. Chibi animation 99% of the time. Complete tangent episode.
4 Special 1 PG-13 07-20-14 07-20-14
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Ou Dorobou Jing in Seventh Heaven
Its not that I don't like trippy plots that don't make any sense..
3 OVA 3 PG-13 11-01-09 11-01-09
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May 31, 2020 - I kept watching thinking something interesting would happen plot-wise, but nope. I couldn't identify with Pizza Overlord at all, which is a cardinal sin in my book. None of the characters are engaging or worthy of liking.

Overlord guy basically turns into his undead skeleton character from his MMORPG. So, he is incapable of romance and ultimately sex with any women. Goodbye my living vicariously through him. He is MAX level and everyone in the world is completely weak against him. BORING. All the NPCs him and his guild made are loyal to him and serve him. Wouldn't be a problem if they were the least bit interesting.

Pizza Overlord's crew is very unappealing. It is composed of stupid monster/demon humanoids that I fine aesthetically displeasing, and they fall short of even having a 2D personality. His top bitch and vampire girl were the only decent ones, but alas, they have no personality other than "Pizza-dono is the greatest" and "I will be Pizza-dono's baby maker". I was mortified when vampire girl transformed in to a violent chiraptoran/chupacabra. She was just ridiculous and cringey.

Pizza-dono is apparently the only person that stayed on the MMORPG until the game servers shut down permanently. So, his goal is just to make his guild's name known throughout this world to try and find any other humans that got locked in the world, too. I mostly sat there thinking, "Okay, is something interesting going to happen now?".

So, a main guy I can't identify with at all, no appealing characters, and a toothless plot. I am very disappointed with this series. I was kind of excited to start watching this because Kadokawa produced it, and they produced Re:Zero and Kono Subarashii. I enjoyed both of those a great deal and was hoping this would be enjoyable, too. This site rates this as an 8. However, I'm going to rate it as marginally better than Soul Hunter.
4 TV 13 R 05-30-20 05-31-20
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"No way! That fat guy died?!"
5 Movie 1 R+ 11-28-07 11-28-07
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Perfect Blue
I'm the real Mima?
7 Movie 1 R+ 12-00-07 12-00-07
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February 4, 2015 - Went straight from watching the last episode of Madoka Mahou Shoujo Magika to watching this in order to keep the anime-train rolling.

I think glasses chick with the twin ponytails may be my favorite.

February 6/7, 2015 - Depressed chick was cool, but her story wasn't that good.

Wow they magically turned his little sister into his step sister on the last episode, which I guess was the only way they would be able to air it.
6 TV 13 PG-13 02-04-15 02-07-15
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Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu
January 10, 2013 - I don't expect much from the Pokemon franchise, yet they surpassed my expectations a thousandfold.

When the evil splotched clone army started fighting the good counterparts, I could see the influence of John the Apostle: Two diametrically opposed forces lackadaisically shoving each other to the brink of madness.

When Ash got turned to stone because he saw he had to save Mewtwo and Mew from themselves, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore; he selflessly hurled himself upon the awesome destructive power of their combined hyperbeams as a martyr of understanding and peace. This profound antiwar sentiment sent chills up my spine.

When Pikachu stopped bitch-slapping evil Pikachu and tried to wake up Ash, my heart sank. His efforts were all in vain. Sobbing, I stood up in the theater and yelled "What have you done you fools! An innocent boy who wanted nothing more than to be the undisputed Pokemon Master is dead because of you! You who in your arrogance sought to control this world!" Just then something beautiful happened that has changed my life to this very day.

It was in that beautiful moment when both good and evil realized that their Clone War wasn’t what was important, it was this brave boy who dared to dream of a world without hate.

Yes, my friends, what this story is, in its sincerest form, in all its brutal honesty, is a story of redemption.
4 Movie 1 PG 12-10-99 12-10-99
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Pokemon Movie 07: Rekkuu no Houmonsha Deoxys
I thought this movie was about Ash's destiny to fucking catch the Deoxys but I guess I was wrong. It was actually about how Munchlaxes screw up the world.
4 Movie 1 PG 07-31-09 07-31-09
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Pokemon Movie 08: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario
Apparently "making friends" and "understanding" Lucario and Mew are more important than catching them and finishing the damn Poke Dex.
4 Movie 1 PG 07-31-09 07-31-09
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Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai
I can't believe Ash didn't catch Darkrai when its back was turned; I would have immediately chucked an Ultra Ball at its ass.
4 Movie 1 PG 07-31-09 07-31-09
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Princess Nine: Kisaragi Joshikou Yakyuubu
Pretty boring sport anime, nothing special here
3 TV 26 PG-13 10-22-09 10-23-09
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Puni Puni☆Poemii
Its funny, but you really have to have seen Excel Saga to get most of it.
6 OVA 2 R+ 01-30-08 01-30-08
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R.O.D: Read or Die
This OVA isn't super-interesting,

And that president of the US?

Oh, and the theme song sounds like Stroker and Hoop's
4 OVA 3 PG-13 02-19-05 02-19-05
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Sept 2, 2013 - Before the people that made Eureka 7 made Eureka 7, they had this.

RahXephon is animated much better than Neon Genesis and has its own engrossing story.

But that damn gay rainbow-shooting Haruto on the last episode makes me consider docking this series some points.

Aug 13 - Sep 5, 2014 - Rewatch #3.

The World Suffuse with Sound. LA. AH. I am myself. Four quotes that sum up this series. I like the very last scene showing Ayato and Haruka meeting for the first time. It shows that the drawing he kept reproducing throughout the series was actually the first time he saw her.
7 TV 26 PG-13 07-16-09 07-31-09
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This is one boring OVA,
High school girls get magical powers after making a gay wish under a dumb tree and have to fight against stupid evil wizards
2 OVA 3 * PG-13 07-24-07 07-31-07
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
May 23, 2020 - Very interesting concept: dying, then going back to an involuntary "save point". I can't believe this hasn't been done before. The sadistic assassin woman is fucking hot.

May 23, 2020 - The plot starts boiling at episode 13. Subaru starts showing mental instability in episode 14. Then shit gets thrown into twelfth gear on episode 15.

May 24, 2020 - Very good and enthralling story. I would have scored this as a 9 if it weren't for a couple of things. First off, I like that Rem fell in love with Subaru, but I hate that she decides to "support" him after he flat out rejects her. That is such bullshit. He should have just nutted up and started banging the hell outta her. Second, Subaru shouldn't have become so "popular" and "heroic" in everyone's eyes after his breakdown. It felt too generic. Lastly, he should have still been struggling with all the fucked up shit he saw and went through. All that horrible stuff he went through had tremendous potential for an epic redemption and vindication.
8 TV 25 R 05-21-20 05-24-20
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna
May 24, 2020 - A charming and chill backstory if you like Emilia and Pakku. I gained no epiphanies or personal insights, and the story wasn't riveting, just pleasant fluff. All the snow and ice in the environment was nice.
6 Movie 1 PG-13 05-24-20 05-24-20
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season
September 11, 2020 - Echina is major hot.
8 TV 13 R 09-06-20 10-06-20
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July 5, 2016 - Per CHOPPA, this sounds pretty badass

August 4, 2016 - Fuck yes, I was hoping that black haired chick was the first experiment. I figured that was the case since handler guy was happy every time main guy helped her out, but I'm glad they kept the viewer in the dark until the end.

May 26, 2020 - May 29, 2020 - Rewatched. SO close to a 10, but falls short of getting Kaizaki and Chizuru together forever. That gets covered in the following OVA. However, the OVA felt rushed and should have been a few more episodes. They really should have also delved more into An and Yoake trying to help Kaizaki and Chizuru get together/remember each other. Thank God there is a manga I can go to get the full experience.
9 TV 13 PG-13 08-02-16 08-04-16
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ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen
May 29, 2020 - Felt rushed and should have been an episode or two longer. I definitely need to read the manga to get the fulfillment I desire out of this series.

They really need to do this series justice and make another 13 or 26 episodes in order to cover more of the manga.

That all said, I was overjoyed that Kaizaki and Chizuru were able to remember each other completely after they met each other again. I am tearing up just thinking about it. I just wish I could have swum in their reunion for an episode or two longer.
9 Special 4 PG-13 05-29-20 05-29-20
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Rosario to Vampire
July 10, 2014 - The dupe struck gold with hot chicks in the Scooby Doo Ghoul School. Awesome ecchi fuck yeah.

This main guy's not even a aggravating pussy like every other harem protagonist from Tenchi to Maburaho guy. He actually enjoys the chicks rubbing their breasts on him.

Drawbacks of this series include stupid transformation scenes, formulaic plots, and cartoony villains.

July 13, 2014 - Sure it has some stupid moments, but overall I enjoyed this series very much. All the panty shots were certainly pluses in my book. Whoever thought of that should be given a damn medal. Wolf guy was cool too since all he was interested in was peeping on girls. Ice chick was fucking awesome. Her stalker habits are funny. Like whenever all the characters were in a study session, everyone but her seemed to be struggling on taking notes covering the study topic. Then we are shown a shot of what she is actually writing: the main guy's name over and over again. Hell yeah that's a great character.
8 TV 13 R+ 07-09-14 07-13-14
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Roujin Z
Not bad, shows you that bed technology can only go so far before destroying the world. Also that Haruko chick is hot.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 12-23-10 12-23-10
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
This was good and that chick was hot.
9 OVA 4 R 08-29-09 08-29-09
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This series is awesome because of its stupid premise.

4 TV 26 Awesomely Stupid PG-13 05-28-05 05-27-06
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Samurai Champloo
November 10, 2012 - That last fight is pretty epic

January 10, 2016 - On January 2, 2016, Adultswim started playing this again. I can't believe it has been 10 years since they first showed this.

July 28, 2016 - Finished rewatching July 9th.
7 TV 26 R 05-14-05 03-18-06
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School Rumble
Sep 4 2012 - At first I wasn't sure about him, but Harima becomes a badass in this series. He's the most badass character I can recall since Kuwabara or Vash. He's so awesome that I can actually remember his name, unlike the pussies in so many anime.

Harima is definitely one of the greatest male anime characters ever.

Rewatch #1 - Dec 23 2013 to Jan 1 2014
8 TV 26 Harima PG-13 06-11-08 04-24-09
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School Rumble Ni Gakki
Harima continues to be a badass

Rewatch #1 Jan 2 2014 to Jan 6 2014 - The first 7 episodes have only been about the school culture festival. Shit gets going on episode 15.

The second season definitely has more tangent episodes than season one.

The last episode was a highlight of the season. Yakumo finally acknowledges that she's in love with Harima, and the story about Yakumo's past with Tenma was endearing.
8 TV 26 Harima PG-13 11-24-09 11-25-09
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School Rumble San Gakki

I like Harima and Eri's last conversation, although I think the story should have followed Harima after that and showed what he was doing while he was finding himself. Because him playing guitar in a bar was stupid.

What did Karasuma have anyway? Late childhood onset Alzheimer's? And that class reunion couldn't have been more than 2 months after they graduated.
8 OVA 2 Harima PG-13 12-09-10 12-09-10
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School Rumble: Ichi Gakki Hoshuu
Mar 1 2010 - Misadventures that add nothing to the plot

Rewatch #1 Jan 1 2014 - Wrong, there are some plot relevant events in this OVA. Most important of which is Yakumo's crush on Harima and the start of Yakumo being a primary character of focus. This OVA begins the development of Yakumo's feelings for Harima that continues into the second season.
7 OVA 2 PG-13 04-29-09 04-29-09
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Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star
2011 & September 30, 2014 - This has the second coolest depiction of the future next to Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell. The robot chick, assassin chick, eyepatch chick, and the cat chick were hot.

That was hilariously awesome when he took out the main villain in one Goddamn shot, that was the shit

How I wish that were the actual final showdown; the actual final fight was very disappointing. It was a confused ship grappler/cyberspace mind battle. Kinda really blew hard compared to what Gene did eariler.

I like that Melfina and Gene were going to get bizay in the end. Melfina was showing more spunk in the end when she was pinching Gene's cheek.

Rewatch #1 - September 5, 2014 - September 28, 2014
8 TV 24 R+ 07-31-08 11-30-08
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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
I wasn't interested enough by this to pay much attention any of the three times it was playing in the background.
5 Movie 1 PG 06-15-09 06-15-09
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Senkaiden Houshin Engi
That hippo is the reincarnation of Morey Amsterdam. The main guy is funny, but he doesn't get enough lines. Although, none of that would have been enough to save this series from its dragging plot about wizards and kings, magic and heroism.

Bottom line, this show was BORING.
3 TV 26 * PG-13 03-08-10 03-11-10
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Sennen Joyuu

Sept 21, 2010 - It's pretty funny watching the fat guy get into the actress's memories
8 Movie 1 PG-13 00-00-08 00-00-08
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Serial Experiments Lain
Lain's minimalist tone is different but results in slow paced plot advancement that is boring at first.

I guess Lain has something to do with the boundary between society, the internet, and the mind because it showed people other than Lain, a lot of computers, and Lain tripping.

The opening theme song is awesome.

Rewatched 1-13-13 to 1-22-13
7 TV 13 Acid Trip R 04-01-08 07-31-08
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October 2, 2014 - I wasn't expecting a horror anime to have fuck loads of characters with insane clown hair.

October 5, 2014 - A lot of hot chicks in this. Most of them have brutal deaths. Especially, long blue haired Shiki chick, Nao. She's my favorite character in this. All she wanted was to be a part of a happy family. You could see the psychological horror she was going through when she was being chased in the tunnel. Once she was grabbed by the slayers, she lost it and was begging for mercy and forgiveness stating the fact that she only killed because she didn't want to die.

Kaori, the black haired girl with the little brother who was friends with main guy Natsuno, was a good character too. According to the very last scene, her and her brother are going to be raised by Natsuno's dad and the hot red haired gas station/ restaurant chick, Kanami.

All and all, the ending should have been more thorough. I mean, main guy is buried in rubble with turquoise haired jinrou douche? Come on, he should have killed him and lived with Kaori and her brother. And it was nice that Sunako was saved by that pussy monk, since she was so terrified of being killed, but isn't she just going to do the same thing again? Do the Shiki not have to kill anyone to get their blood, like that Kanami chick's mom? Will the monk realize this? The monk has shown no proclivity whatsoever to killing, so I am assuming that somehow he and Sunako will be able to survive without killing anyone.

And I am very upset that they didn't show what happened to the Puppet Shiki girl a part from her corpse next to her puppet on the last episode. I thought she was adorable and wanted to see what her deal was, but she is apparently completely irreverent. Fuck you Shiki guy.

And how about the uber-pathetic Michael Jackson faced guy turned Shiki? He was basically a frightened child. Sure, he was self-centered and put his foot in his mouth all the time, but he clearly wasn't a bad person. He didn't deserve to be despised by the other characters the way he was. Plus, he was so fucking ugly, there was no way in hell he would end up with anyone except one of those hippo nurses, and I am sure that the gross librarian guy that turned him into a Shiki molested him.
8 TV 22 Horror R 10-01-14 10-05-14
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Shiki Specials
Episode 20.5 shows what happens to the hot long blue haired chick, and 21.5 shows what happens to the hot short blue haired chick. They are both very relevant to the main story. Especially, 21.5 which shows how the fire gets started.

And the blue long haired chick's story is horrifying and sad, in particular. She was my favorite Shiki, after all.
8 Special 2 Horror R 10-05-14 10-05-14
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Shin Evangelion Movie:||
October 21, 2021 - I had long given up on this coming out. Lo and behold, I was right to have given up.

Character development, lore development, and compelling story are all severely lacking in this "conclusion" to the rebuild. I am disappointed how this turned out; I should just reboot the Neon Genesis story myself.

I mean battleships as missiles? Come on, that was a farce if I ever saw one. I see a lot of "Ah, fuck it. Let's just make this shit so convoluted that maybe half the fandom will think its genius."

I will say that I like that Shinji was shipped with Mari in this, but she really should have been actually developed and explored instead of being "the afar, confident, and competent admirer of Shinji"

This came out in Japan March 8, 2021 and the English dub came out in the U.S. August 13, 2021. I can't believe and am so happy that the turnaround has increased so much over the past 13 years. It took 3 years for the first two movies to go from Japan to the U.S.

I read in the Wikipedia article that although Anno was done with Neon Genesis. Apparently, others in Gainax intend to create more stories, so maybe someone else can make it better? I doubt it considering all the other official spinoffs.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 10-20-21 10-20-21
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Tokubetsu-hen
So because they blew up their Gundams, they can't wage anymore wars?
6 Movie 1 PG-13 12-26-10 12-26-10
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Shin Tenchi Muyou!
This is one random-ass incarnation of Tenchi.

Rewatch 4-28-13 - 7/24/13

Pros: some funny jokes/ situations
The last episode was better than the preceding 12 episodes.
Tenchi doesn't seem interested in the girls romantically and only tepidly towards Sakuya.
The plot goes nowhere
The main villain looks like it escaped from a daycare in the future.
This series seems more geared towards kids.
Most of the jokes fall flat

This series is the higher end of a 3, but it is still only good enough to be background noise.
3 TV 26 PG-13 03-09-08 11-30-08
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Potato chick is howt. I'd smash that bitch good.

October 18, 2014 - Its awesome how mane guy is all "SHUT UP AND PUT ALL YOUR FAITH IN ME!!" that is actually a great line and during a time in the anime's run when he was still a man who was pissed enough to stand on his own. How I miss when he was badass like that and not a part of that bitch squad headed by captain douche.

YES, the awesome female titan IS that sexy loner blonde chick, and she's apparently psychotic which multiplies the awesome factor.

November 9, 2014 - Yes, that Annie chick is hot
8 TV 25 R 05-17-14 11-08-14
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Shinseiki Evangelion
April 6 2010 - Shit starts getting heavy at episode 16

The ending would suck balls if there wasn't the movies to "close" the series. However, the last episodes are an interesting complement to the movies. They give you an idea of what Shinji is supposed to be going through during Instrumentality.

Dec 7 2013 - There's a lot of wasted potential prior to episode 16. I would have liked to see more episodes like Rei III and less like Magma Diver.

Episode 16 - That was intense when Shinji realized he was going to die and desperately starts trying to open the hatch of the entry-plug. His reaction seems exactly like what I would do if I were trapped and suffocating. That was awesome whenever he burst through the angel's shadow.

I wish they would make a TV anime remake of this series. I'm sure the current Rebuild movies won't be enough for me.

Rewatch #4 April 20th 2014 to May 8th 2014 - First watch in sub
9 TV 26 PG-13 07-25-05 03-31-06
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
July 14, 2012 - The ending is epic but ambiguous.

I wonder how their lives are going to be from now on. I mean that is pretty insane that they are left in a totally transformed world and they were the only ones who chose to come back to earth.

This would be better if it came to a conclusive ending where you're like "OK, they resolved everything and I have a very good idea about what your future is gonna be like, see you later!" You know, an epilogue.

The last scene was awesome, but it might have been better if Asuka either hadn't said anything or said something lovingly to Shinji. To me that would have cemented that she finally accepted Shinji and was going to be his GF4vr.

Rewatch #6 February 15, 2014
Rewatch #7 May 14, 2014 - First time watched subbed
10 Movie 1 R+ 04-27-06 04-27-06
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Shi to Shinsei
Helps you to better understand the entire series by giving an overview of it

I love how Touji's on the cover like he fucking does any piloting in this.

Rewatch #3 February 8, 2014
8 Movie 1 R 04-24-06 04-24-06
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Shinsekai yori
March 24, 2013 - Never heard of this before today, but it has good reviews.

Watched the first episode in 2015 sometime before 9/2/15. I have no idea how I could have possibly started this, immediately stop, and then forget about it completely.

Watched episodes 2 & 3 on September 2, 2015

Watched 4 on September 13, 2015. The end theme song kicks ass

Watched 5 & 6 on September 14, 2015.

Started watching again on 12/27/15. Turns out, the psychics mutated normal people into the mole rat people to preserve their place at the top of the world. Sukuiira was trying to free the mole people from the psychic human's oppression, and ended up being tortured for years. The moral of this story (which is lost on all the psychic humans, and only slightly recognized by Saki and Gay Guy/her bitch) is to treat sentient beings as equals.
7 TV 25 R 05-02-15 01-04-16
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Silent Möbius: The Motion Picture
The best part of this movie was when that chick was totally naked and there were no male characters to be found.

The fight scenes with the monsters were laden with innuendos of sexual positions.

Everything else about it was as boring and bad as a magical girl series.
3 Movie 1 R+ 04-24-10 04-24-10
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Solty Rei
May 1, 2010 - The last third of this series is awesome, and the last episode actually wraps everything the series started up
9 TV 24 R 11-05-08 11-10-08
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Soul Eater
March 24, 2014 - Blackstar guy is sometimes funny and his bitch is hot. Plus them twin bitches is hot too.

Kid Death was funnier early in the series whenever he obsessed with symmetry. Lord Death was a funny character too.

However, Crona was by far the best character because he/she was so very insecure, and his mother psychologically destroyed him/her making him/her very timid and avoidant. Ragnorok as a sword was hilarious because it had a damn mouth and belts out a retarded "EEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!". Its so over the top it crossed from being "WTF" to "WTF, that is hilarious". Ragnorok as that stupid puppet-thing was just stupid.

The witches were awesome characters because they loved creating havoc in the world. Medusa was especially great since she was the master manipulator.

That was a very disappointing last fight.

November 10, 2014 - "Soul resonance!" that's a stupid/funny power-up phrase from this series.
6 TV 51 PG-13 02-23-13 03-23-14
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Jan 4 2014 - Most interesting anime on Toonami right now.

March 24 2014 - There were three or four good episodes. The rest have been rather disappointing. Especially that damn plant planet episode.

April 2, 2014 - Overall, this series has potential considering there is a second season in the works. The main cast is a very lighthearted troupe, like Lupin and his gang. Dandy, Meow, and QT are all very good characters, especially Dandy. Dandy gave at least two awesome speeches and often does something hilarious whenever in a tight situation.
7 TV 13 PG-13 01-04-14 03-29-14
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Space☆Dandy 2nd Season
Same lovable characters.

My favorite episode was when he dated that registration chick.

I like that Dr. Gel helped Dandy in the last episode.
6 TV 13 PG-13 07-05-14 09-28-14
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A lame steampunk, but I did like the Victorian theme
3 Movie 1 PG-13 09-30-09 09-30-09
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January 6, 2013 -

Kyouma is one of the best main characters in any anime. He uses a mad scientist persona interact with other people and to talk to hot biotches, but his true personality often shines through during the series. He's like Vash the Stampede or Harima.

As far as romance in this series goes, I backed the KyoumaXMayuri love story. She's my favorite chick. She's a sweet, bubbly airhead who adores all things cute. Her character design is exemplary as well. I love how she looks.

Mayuri seemed to be Kyouma's love interest for over half of the series, too. Especially when he was so frantically going back into time to save her. He was all morose and traumatized over not being able to save her, how could I have not confused it as a man trying to save his "one love".

Kyouma didn't seem to have much of a love interest with Makise until he had already leapt back a billion times to try and save Mayuri. I wasn't totally disappointed that he chose Makise but it was certainly a let down.

All the chicks in this series were hot:

The bald guy being FB was lame; the main characters should have disposed of him.

The last three episodes were awesome, similar to the last few episodes of the second season of Code Geass.

Hopefully, the supposed movie IS made. I would like the movie to explore what happens to KyoumaXMayuri and for one of the plot points to be changing that Rukako back into a chick.

Sept 4 2011 - I keep seeing the chick from this on Konachan, plus the rate's well over an 8.
9 TV 24 PG-13 12-30-12 01-05-13
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Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania
Episode 24 was a good ending, but I wanted more than just Kyouma and Makise meeting each other in the street.

This episode has a better ending than episode 24 would have been just because you see everyone's dynamic since Makise has "joined their group for the first time" (in this worldline).
9 Special 1 PG-13 01-05-13 01-05-13
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Stranger: Mukou Hadan
This movie was well animated, but the story wasn't very interesting.

Big points were taken off for this movie not featuring any girls (I don't count the 6 they show in the background)

Also the boy was pretty girly looking which was mildly disturbing considering he was hanging with a single man who isn't related to him
5 Movie 1 R 04-24-10 04-24-10
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Street Fighter Alpha: Generations
Sonic Boom!
5 Movie 1 PG-13 11-19-07 11-19-07
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Street Fighter Zero The Animation
4 Movie 1 PG-13 02-23-09 02-23-09
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Summer Wars
Mar 25 2011 - Apparently 99% of all avatars in their world suck hard donkey cock.

This would have been better if it had emphasized the love story between that girl and that nerd. That old fat fishmonger guy was clearly the best character in this.

Dec 14 2013 - Rewatch #1 - Aired on Adultswim's month of movies. Dean talks for the main guy, that was pretty awesome. On the dumber side, the fate of the world comes down to a card game. What is this, fucking Yu-Gi-Oh? No, Yu-Gi-Oh would have been badass about it.

Dean was also a math genius, so obviously at the climax, he has to math to save that chick's whole family from certain death. Come on, you're a math guy! I think it's gonna take more than math to bring you back from the dead, Shake.

Overall, this movie had too many overly sappy bits and pieces for me to give it a better score. However, the kissing scene at the end was very cute. The chick had her lips all pursed up waiting for a kiss from Dean. It was the best part of the movie.

December 7, 2014 - Rewatched yet again on Toonami's month of movies. I can't believe it's already been a year since I saw this.
5 Movie 1 PG-13 03-25-11 03-25-11
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This series was interesting, especially the chick with the ridiculous rack. But then the main guy "dies" and, from that point on, this series starts to blow.
4 TV 24 R 03-14-09 03-19-09
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August 4, 2011 - This series is awesome, even if you assumed Yamato and Suzuka get together in the first place. Its one of the best romance-plot driven anime I've seen, only School Rumble and Rumbling Hearts come to mind for comparisons.

After reading the manga, the anime stopped the story in the right place. Yamato goes out with Suzuka, mission accomplished. There's no sex, no pregnancy, no marriage, no fucking kid bullshit.

Rewatch #3 February 8, 2015 - February 23, 2015
9 TV 26 PG-13 10-01-08 03-31-09
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
March 29, 2010 - This show was pretty good. Kyon was pretty close to being a badass character.
8 TV 14 PG-13 05-28-08 06-11-08
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Sword Art Online
Hasn't left much of an impression on me. So far the series is a perfect 5; as it is interesting enough to watch and has not crossed the retarded threshold.

However, them turning into elf people pisses me off immensely. Spriggans are incompatible with being cool.

In the end, Kirito gets Asuna and becomes RL friends with the people he befriended in the games he played. He also starts spending more time playing with his "sister" in the new online gamescape that was created.
5 TV 25 PG-13 08-04-13 02-16-14
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Sword Art Online II
March 29, 2015 - Looks more boring than the last iteration of this series. I will not be paying any attention when this is on.

May 20, 2015 - It has gotten better since DEATHGUN APPEARED. ALL BRAINS WILL KNOW ONLY TERROR WHEN HEARING THE NAME DEATHGUN. Plus green haired chick who is afraid of guns IRL is hot.

January 4, 2016 - Didn't actually see the last episode, but I don't want this on my damn "Watching" list anymore.
6 TV 24 PG-13 03-29-15 09-26-15
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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
August 25, 2013 - Yuuko is hot animated, so is Kirie.

I had no idea the anime went beyond chapter 26 of the manga. I was caught off guard by that.

The last episode was good until the last three minutes Yuuko came back. That just raises more questions and doesn't resolve the fact she is a ghost and Teiichi is a human. It should have been Yuuko ascends because she is whole again and at peace, then Teiichi sees Yuuko in Kirie and dates her.

Maybe the manga has a different ending since it went on after this.

Dec 27, 2011 - Oh my god, Francine, these Chocodiles
8 TV 12 R 08-19-13 08-25-13
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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: Taima Otome
Apparently the OVA takes place after the anime concluded. It shows that Teiichi and the gang still go on all sorts of escapades.
7 Special 1 R 08-25-13 08-25-13
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
May 11, 2020 - The reincarnation of .hack//roots meets Spice and Wolf.

May 20, 2020 - I love that Naofumi became strong, cynical, and pragmatic after being ostracized by the world. Even better when the only person who he could trust and rely on was a hot raccoon-girl.

Should have had the other two heroes actually die that would have been epic. Then have Naofumi team up with the Spear Hero. That could have been an epic "we are in this together/we need each other" moment. Then it would have amplified the badassary of saving the world with just two heroes and taking on the other worlds' heroes.
9 TV 25 PG-13 05-11-20 05-20-20
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Tenchi Muyou!
Tenchi should have hooked up with that bounty hunter chick in the bikini episode. Sweet.
6 TV 26 * PG-13 07-24-07 09-01-07
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Tenchi Muyou! GXP
The ride was a 5 until the last few episodes. That ending was a straight up cop-out, only Blue Gender: The Warrior had a worse ending in my memory
3 TV 26 PG-13 10-16-08 11-01-08
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Tenchi Muyou! in Love
This is a pretty decent Tenchi movie considering it does nothing to resolve Tenchi's dilemma of choosing a chick
7 Movie 1 PG-13 03-09-08 11-30-08
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Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Harukanaru Omoi
Once again, Tenchi is nowhere closer to picking a chick, except for the one he stays with in this movie
6 Movie 1 R+ 03-09-08 11-30-08
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Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve
This is the most randomest-ass Tenchi movie; it has no connection whatsoever to the OVA, movies, or anime series which I find sad. If I remember correctly, this is actually based off of a Tenchi novel.
6 Movie 1 R+ 03-09-08 11-30-08
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki
Awesome example of 1992 anime. Everything except Tenchi picking a chick is wrapped up at the end of episode 6.

Anyways, the original surpasses Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo.
9 OVA 6 R+ 04-21-08 08-11-08
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 2nd Season
What's up with Ayeka getting off to being related to Tenchi. Anyway she's the hottest
8 OVA 6 R+ 04-21-08 08-11-08
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season
Pretty awesome how Washu and those other two chicks were Goddesses and trying to figure out if there was a power higher than them.
7 OVA 6 R+ 05-06-09 05-06-09
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi?
Oh yeah, THIS ended the series.. Call me when they get the real ending where Tenchi picks a damn chick already

..Seriously, this had better not be the last Tenchi episode, its okay but not "let's end this series, we resolved everything" good
6 OVA 1 PG-13 05-06-09 05-06-09
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki: Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru!
November 12, 2013 - How long has it been since Cartoon Network was cool enough to show this?

I was disappointed to find that there was no carnival, but this episode is still an awesome nostalgia trip.
7 OVA 1 R+ 08-01-02 08-31-02
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Sept 4, 2011 - Watched on the Sci-Fi channel. The twist half way through this series is pretty fuckin =owesome

I can't believe it's already been three years since I saw this.. and that it's not butter

August 18, 2014 - Adultswim started showing. Never did see the first episode before. Kamina is obviously an awesome character; he shouldn't have been killed off.

September 29, 2014 - Kamina's awesome with his over-the-top lines like "Kick logic to the curb and do the impossible!" and "Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the me who believes in you!" and "A real man never dies, even when he's killed!".

Also, all the fanservice is just great; why in the world NOT show bouncing breasts and CT shots of all the chicks? That's what I was telln you bout before.

October 18, 2014 - Wow, Kamina was killed off way earlier than I remember. I thought he was the one who took down Lord Gernome.

March 29, 2015 - Finished rewatching. Simon should have bangd Yoko.

April 7, 2015 - My bro's dead! He's not here anymore! But right there on my back and here in my heart, he lives on in me! My drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Just who the hell do you think I am!
8 TV 27 Grandstanding PG-13 07-28-08 11-10-08
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
July 1 , 2020 - I like that this is about a 37 year old guy who never had a girlfriend. I'm sure I would have liked it better if it was about him living in the real world and trying to get a girlfriend.
6 TV 24 PG-13 06-29-20 07-07-20
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The Big O
Big O was like an anime adaption of Batman.

Dorothy is the best part of this show. She's a hot kuudere gynoid. In the manga Mysterious Girlfriend X, the main character has Dorothy and Big O paraphernalia.

Roger's also good. He's actually a cool main character. He's a lot like Bruce Wayne. He even has an Alfred.

I guess they were all personalities downloaded into a simulation for TV, and Angel was the producer of the show.
8 TV 26 PG-13 04-02-01 04-03-11
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Toaru Majutsu no Index
June 12, 2020 - This was a 6 until the last 3-4 episodes. It just kept shoveling the same plot over and over.

All the characters are two dimensional. The most interesting ones are the black haired girl who attracts vampires, Himegami, and brown haired railgun girl, Misaka.

Index never had a personality beyond "I'm hungry!". It was so fucking lame and lifeless that I began hating seeing her halfway through the season. The only thing I liked about her was that she took in a stray cat and kept it for the rest of the series.

Toma, the main guy, was pretty damn generic and not very compelling, but it was cool that he could cancel anyone's superpowers. He should have gotten with the black haired chick Himegami.

I just checked the number of favorites for each main character, and railgun girl Misaka has over 14,000, and evil guy Accelerator has about 10,000. While main guy Toma has 3,000, and Index has 700. I can't believe Himegami has only 37, but hey, they don't focus on her at all after her little 4 story arc, so it makes sense.

When they did like 2-3 episodes focused only on the bad guy Accelerator, I was thinking "WTF! This guy killed over 10,000 clones of railgun girl! Why are they trying to paint him in a sympathetic light?" But, he did seem to have some potential as an interesting character. However, they still did not reason away why he went through with killing them all. The spin off that he got apparently does not address this either, so fuck that guy.
5 TV 24 R 06-07-20 06-12-20
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
I didn't like the ending very much the first time through because I thought it was pessimistic.

The second time through, though, I thought the ending was optimistic which made me like the movie more.

Rewatch ~Sept 4 2011

Plus, she leaped the hell through that time.
9 Movie 1 G 12-16-08 12-16-08
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This series was ok except it was cut short.

That hot chick was fuckn interesting and I wanted to see what her and that main guy would do.

Oh Sciy-Fiy why didn't you at least co-produce 4 new episodes of this to at least end it. Who cares if you don't make anime.
5 TV 13 R 06-18-07 09-24-07
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Tokyo Godfathers
The hobo and the transvestites were funny

Plus that hot chick was emoting all cutesy like.

8 Movie 1 PG-13 08-10-09 08-10-09
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Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Fairly entertaining. The main girl とてもかわいいです。 The ending is pretty sad.
7 TV 11 PG-13 06-27-13 07-01-13
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Tonari no Seki-kun
November 11, 2015 - Watched episodes 1-4. Watched episode 19 before these, too.

January 8, 2016 - Watched episodes 5-17.

February 7, 2016 - White haired chick is hawt because she's all "Damn you Seki-kun, I'm trying to study" but then she doesn't study because she's more interested in him than gay-ass school shit.

May 23, 2020 - Watched 17 -21. I can't believe it took me so long to finally watch these last few episodes. Seki-kun's a boss fucking around in order to get Yokoi's attention. This is a winning formula for a 5 minute show.
8 TV 21 G 11-11-15 05-23-20
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Tonari no Totoro
I wasn't paying attention while this was on, but I remember that raccoon yelling a lot
5 Movie 1 G 12-07-09 12-07-09
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Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
Its unbelievable seeing Gunbuster's similarities with Neon Genesis and especially Gurren Lagann.

I love how this series incorporates time dilation with dramatic effect.
9 OVA 6 R+ 12-22-10 12-22-10
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Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster Specials
The first short is worthless, but the other two aren't. The second short shows the battle before the Gunbuster is launched, and the third describes the new Sizzler robot.
5 Special 3 PG-13 12-22-10 12-22-10
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Top wo Nerae! Kagaku Kouza
It was a good move to put the main characters explaining more about their world and technology since they didn't in the episodes.
6 Special 6 G 12-22-10 12-22-10
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Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai
February 7, 2016 - LOL, the Night of Legends.

February 28, 2016 - LOL, the man who descended into the darkness.
7 TV 26 R 01-30-16 02-26-16
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December 28, 2010 - This series is a classic, and Vash is a badass
9 TV 26 PG-13 03-31-03 05-13-03
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Trigun: Badlands Rumble
Not as good as the original anime but still worth watching. I'm glad Vash follows that hot chick around the whole time, that was interesting.
7 Movie 1 PG-13 06-21-13 06-21-13
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True Tears
June 19, 2013 - Wow, this could have easily been a 7 if the inexplicably desirable harem ringleader, Shinichiro, or should I say Shiekh Muhammad Al-Shin, wouldn't have picked the lame ass popular girl, Hiromi.

He basically said to the chicken girl, Noe (the girl that was built up and he should have picked) "I was able to complete my book because of you. I was able to dance because of you. I was able to fly because of you. I'm going to fuck Hiromi."

That totally derailed the last episode and ruined this series's ending. I mean What The Fuck.

On the plus side that Shinichiro's friend, who was the only cool male character, ended up with that hot red haired chick, Aiko.
5 TV 13 PG-13 06-17-13 06-19-13
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Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
Decent series, the Arte arch was interesting and kind of heart-warming. Plus Arte is super adorable
7 TV 25 PG-13 11-20-08 12-11-08
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That detective's daughter and that Geass bitch Inga were hot.

The scene where Geass bitch turned into a monster to eat that other apparition/monster was profoundly imbecilic. Despite this series having a very tenuous 4 because of that scene and the one where the android child did some very pedo-friendly yoga, I was still able to extract some enjoyment from watching this.
4 TV 11 R 07-13-13 07-15-13
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Un-Go: Inga-ron
July 16, 2013 - Okay, so Inga took over that chick's body, and that chairman's daughter is into the main guy.
4 Movie 1 R 07-16-13 07-16-13
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Witch Craft Works
October 24, 2015 - Watched first two episodes today. Looks like a better version of Bakemonogatari. I like that the main chick is Amazonian and has huge boobs and is powerful. I'd hit that real good. The villains so far are cartoony witches led by the sexy cat eared witch. Hopefully, this is something like Rosario + Vampire.

October 25, 2015 - Watched episodes 2, 3, & 4. Added that main guy's little sister to the fold.

October 26, 2015 - Watched episodes 5 & 6.

October 27, 2015 - Watched episodes 7 & 8.

October 28, 2015 - Watched episodes 9, 10, & 11. Yet more fucking hot chicks added during these episodes. Especially hot is the silent wolf eared chick who uses a puppet to talk.

October 29, 2015 - Watched episode 12. Had a good ending. I'm sure this was an "anime" ending, and probably didn't happen in the manga.

The character designs are awesome. Ayaka and silver-haired wolf-eared puppet chick are exemplary of the looks and personalities that leaped out and grabbed my interest.

"Ah, here she comes! Yes, there she is! The aboot-to-be princess of Canada. Isn't she ravishing? So pure of heart, so strong in body, so hot in the face....She is indeed the living symbol of our greatly country. My God, she's beautiful."

The ending theme song and animation were very catchy. My first impression of it was "WTF?" but after 20 seconds I was all "FTW, yo" because that shit was hot, dog.

This may be my favorite anime of my 2015 viewing season. I will certainly look for the manga version now. Judging by the images on this website, the manga looks like it is gorgeously illustrated.
8 TV 12 PG-13 10-23-15 10-29-15
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Wolf's Rain
Sep 4 2011 - I saw a lot of this on Adult Swim back in 2006, its slow getting started but worthwhile.

7 TV 26 PG-13 06-16-09 07-03-09
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Wolf's Rain OVA
Everyone dies: THE END
7 OVA 4 PG-13 06-28-09 07-03-09
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Surely this movie will initiate the apocalypse
1 Movie 1 R+ 02-26-08 02-26-08
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This anime could have been better if it had an over arching story.

FYI, Yuuko was bangilicious.
7 TV 24 PG-13 03-05-10 03-14-10
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Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
October 12, 2015 - Watched first two episodes today. Its been a good series so far. It's an interesting premise of kissing someone to activate a magic power.

October 20, 2015 - Watched episodes 4 through 7. They added bitches like crazy during these.

October 21, 2015 - Watched episodes 8 & 9. Light blue haired biotch is hawt. I like that she's all clingy to main guy even though that would never happen IRL.

October 23, 2015 - Watched episodes 10 through 12. This was a good, compact series. Periwinkle hair chick and turquoise hair chick were the hottest. Periwinkle's a tsundere who falls for main guy after he foils her, and turquoise gets all clingy-please-bang-me after main guy foils her. Basically, Yamada should have pounded them.

So, they solve the mystery of why the school has witches. All seven together are able to grant wishes, so Yamada wishes that there was no witch powers at all to save the witch who has to have everyone forget her. Basically, that witch is the linchpin in their hierarchy/witch abilities.
7 TV 12 PG-13 10-12-15 10-23-15
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
May 3, 2018 - Akashi was hot. Chin-guy was funny.

January 4, 2012 - Saw as a recommendation for Welcome to the NHK! Plus it has over an 8.
8 TV 11 R 04-30-18 05-02-18
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I can't believe this existed in 1992, and I'm surprised it wasn't on Cartoon Network until 2002.

Kuwabara is such a major badass; I broke out in tears when he saved that kitten.

Hiei becomes a badass too. Its awesome that he rams Mukuro.

Started watching Yu Yu Hakusho again on Dec 22 2010 to Jan 8 2011 then again in Dec 2011
8 TV 112 Kuwabara PG-13 02-23-02 01-06-12
TV: 158, OVA: 29, Movies: 81, Spcl.: 14, Eps: 0, Days: 91.35, Mean Score: 6.2, Score Dev.: -1.30

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated Started Date Finished Date
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Angel Beats! Specials
July 8, 2014 - The only good part was when the ninja chick was telling Angel about how cute one of her stuffed animals was.

This is really episode 4.5 according to Wikipedia, and I really wish they would have put it there when making the DVDs. I was expecting this OVA to be an explanation of how the rest of the crew transcended before the last 5 characters. I was crestfallen.
4 Special 1/2 PG-13 07-08-14 07-08-14
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Ao Haru Ride
July 22, 2014 - Watched on Crunchyroll via PS4 because it wasn't Naruto. Plus, the main chick is hot because she looks like Mamimi from FLCL. A shoujo is a fresh change of pace. I've only ever seen like 3.
7 TV 1/12 PG-13 07-20-14
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Ao no 6-gou
Saw the first episode on Adult Swim's April Fools' Day Toonami run. It was pretty interesting.
7 OVA 1/4 PG-13 04-01-12 04-01-12
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal
July 16, 2014 - It seems like a nice show for girls.

Usagi's a likable yutz of a heroine. Its cute that the cat Luna is her source of wise counsel.
- ONA 1/26 PG-13 07-15-14
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Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
If you can get past the gross aspects of this show, it is actually very funny.
8 TV 20/76 PG-13 09-30-05 10-13-07
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Burn Up Scramble
4 TV 4/12 R 11-25-06 11-30-06
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That genius chick is interesting.
6 TV 12/23 PG-13 01-07-12 01-08-12
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Dragon Ball
The ending song to this is the balls
7 TV 10/153 PG-13 08-20-01 12-01-03
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Dragon Ball Kai
I'm glad they edited the series to just the relevant shit

Fuck yes, Yajirobe and Krillin are more stone cold badasses than I remembered.

8 TV 52/97 PG-13 07-31-10 05-01-11
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Dragon Ball Z
Goku escaped a sun's gravity by blasting the shit out of it, now that's hardcore

This series is ridiculous for how much training the characters go through and for the plateau-less levels of power they can reach.. Super Sayian-3 FUCK YES!
6 TV 100/291 PG-13 08-31-98 04-07-03
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
July 6, 2014 - Priority jump thanks to Dark and Brutal anime club / Frederica Sawyer Gothic revival

March 8, 2011 - That ending in episode 4 had better not be the real climax or I will dock this so many points..
6 TV 7/26 Priority R 08-27-10 08-29-10
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Kyoukai no Kanata
January 8, 2016 - Saw last 3 episodes. Looked good, but there was no explanation as to why that chick came back, other than what I heard the scarf guy who became new head of his family say. He said they didn't know what happens whenever your blood gets absorbed by the BEYOND THE BOUNDARY. He said his best guess was death, but he didn't know for sure. Of course, that still doesn't fill me in on how she got on the roof at the end.

Mr. Sludgy: Well, things looked bad for Dib. Zim had fooled the whole world. But he didn't know much about Christmas now, did he?

Mr. Sludgy winks.

Child (o.s.): I don't get it!

The child sits on the bed next to Mr. Sludgy.

Child: Why does he want to take over the Earth so badly? What does he have to gain, or to loose!?! And the mechanizations of this malfunctioning Santa suit completely elude me!

Mr. Sludgy just stares. He finally grabs the child by her head and sticks her under the bed.

Mr. Sludgy: As I was saying...
- TV 3/12 PG-13 01-08-16 01-08-16
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Le Chevalier D'Eon
Not horrible, but kind of boring at times
6 TV 5/24 R 09-12-09 09-12-09
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Lupin III: Part II
September 4, 2011 - Lupin's always good in the flibbittyflabbittyflew.

June 12, 2015 - Rewatched episode 1 subtitled on Crunchyroll.
7 TV 20/155 PG-13 06-01-02
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He saved that pop idol chick, and they tried to launch that big ship. I'm glad it failed the first time. That makes the story more interesting.
- TV 2/36 PG-13 12-14-11 12-27-11
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May 24, 2014 - This series suffers from the same problem as all the other epic anime do. But this really starts going nowhere fast when the series gets around episode 130.

But DAMN is Hinata awesome. She's the number one bitch up in here. I wish that she was shown more predominantly in the episodes. The episodes with her in them are the best this series has to offer.

Sakura is the second hottest and then Tsunade.

And Rock Lee is fuckawesome too since he's a loser. Definitely the coolest guy in this series. Him and Guy's interactions are actually funny. That's his nindo, his ninja-way.

Kiba's the second coolest guy in this series since he's not above peeing on his enemies.

Shikamaru's awesome too because of his lack of motivation for anything.

Naruto was a lot cooler in like the first 30 episodes, but him becoming friends with Sasuke was stupid. I liked the Naruto who was alienated by most people, and hated that popular, smart, chickmagnet douchebag Sasuke.
4 TV 130/220 PG-13 07-01-07
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The chicks are hot what with their pillowy lips and all. I would say that this anime is like a cross between Soul Hunter and Inuyasha. This anime wasn't edge-of-your-seat entertainment but it was still better than the bore-fest that was Soul Hunter.

Hopefully the Tokyo Arc will be better
6 TV 13/26 PG-13 03-04-11 03-05-11
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Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki
October 16, 2014 - This is an adorable little show. Plus, I'd pound that Moe chick's hole real good.
7 TV 7/52 PG 10-14-14 03-01-15
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Ranma ½
Panda dad, awesome. This series starts off pretty rockin. I like this better than Inuyasha, since it focuses more on comedy and romance.

However, this series suffers from the same disease that plagues Inuyasha and Bleach; I call it the Neverending Story Syndrome. A story that can be finished in a season or two, gets drawn out for at least 3 times that long and is stuffed with unimportant and irrelevant tangent stories, archs, characters, and even entire seasons. This makes the viewer (me) want to smash stuff (phones, ovens, libraries). The only known cure to NSS is ignoring the series once it is obvious it has developed NSS and waiting for the last season, and when the anime doesn't conclude the story (at all or to satisfaction), which happens 99.99% of the time, you read the last volume of the manga. Then you can be all like "oh my god why the fuck couldn't they just turn that into a couple of fucking episodes while they were making up irrelevant tangents?!" The manga usually finishes the story once the disease is in remission and the anime is dead.

The second season definitely loses steam and those damn old people they added suck. I'm sure the next 5 seasons will continue the trend of getting worse

Season three wasn't that great, the best thing that happened was the addition of Ukyo
6 TV 64/161 R+ 03-06-09
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
I remember seeing a couple episodes of this on Toonami wayback in the day.

Although Kaoru is hot, there still needs to be more chicks.

Watched on Dec 22 2010
5 TV 7/94 PG-13 03-17-03
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Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
February 7, 2016 - That teacher bitch is hoawt. I like that main guy chose keeping that cat over staying in the normies dorms.
- TV 1/24 PG-13 02-06-16
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Jan 13 2013 - Huzzah for animated breasts!

Tsukiumi is the hottest chick by far. Defaulto chick is pretty hot too. FYEAH to bang'n both of them at the same time.

Every chick is hot and has an awesome rack. Ebert and Roper rave, "It explores the deepest depths of male desire" and "Why the hell did they add that 8 year old girl, that's just fucked up."

Dec 2 2013 - Upgrading rating because all I can remember are breasts, and that dude who had those hot twins.
8 TV 9/12 R+ 01-06-11 01-08-11
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Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
I saw the episode that aired on Adult Swim's April Fools' Toonami run. That general chick with the glasses was hot, oh yeah.
- TV 1/49 PG-13 04-01-12 04-01-12
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Strawberry Panic

Who hasn't had their roommate come on to them, and fallen in love with the most popular person in the school? Did I mention there are absolutely no male characters?
5 TV 13/26 PG-13 04-21-08
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
December 5, 2012 - Emotionless chick and a guy who thinks they're friends.

February 7, 2016 - Delivered on the above in episode one. Hopefully, main guy will stop being so much like main guy from East of Eden. Main chick's pretty cool though. She's all "fuck other people and trying to make friends, all I want is to finish school and get a high paying job."
- TV 1/13 PG-13 02-06-16
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Dec 14 2013 - I'm liking this so far. It looks like those two may be falling in love with each other, which is pretty tight.

Hopefully some shit's gonna go down soon

I wish someone would dub this, or at least release it

Dec 2 2013 - Overrated. I no longer care to watch this anime.
6 TV 4/25 PG-13 11-25-10 12-15-10
TV: 23, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 8.03, Mean Score: 6.2, Score Dev.: -1.43

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated Started Date Finished Date
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Alexander Senki
The gayest thing since gay came to Gaytown
1 TV 2/13 R+ 02-10-03 03-03-03
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Bakugan Battle Brawlers
I had zero expectations for this show and it didn't disappoint.
2 TV 2/52 PG 01-01-10 03-26-10
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I got all the way to the episode where Saya was in the blue rose garden. At that point, I lost all interest in this series
4 TV 15/50 R 03-11-07 03-23-08
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Blue Dragon
September 4, 2012 - Looks like Dragonball. The intermission card was the funniest part.
3 TV 5/51 PG 03-28-08 06-28-08
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Casshern Sins
That robot swordfighter chick is hot.

This is one BORING anime, just like that one boring one, you know, with the hippo and the robot that controlled stone wheels or something, that BORING ass show Soul Hunter.

It has the start of an interesting idea: An amnesia stricken Casshern is immortal and is on an existential journey to ... I don't know was it to find Luna and fix the world?

Anyways, it drags on and on with little to no apparent plot advancement each episode.
3 TV 8/24 R 06-10-12 08-18-12
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Crayon Shin-chan Airing
Funimation's version of this show is funny. Too bad Adult Swim stopped showing them.
7 TV 26/- G 08-01-06 07-31-09
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Dan Doh!!
Kind of like Pokemon except with golf. This show is definitely for not children, it has a very deep storyline that their minds couldn't readily comprehend.

An example is the fat bully whose a jerk, not because of an innate antisocialism, but whose bullying is actually a result of emotional abuse from his overbearing father.
4 TV 10/26 G 04-24-10 04-24-10
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Final Fantasy: Unlimited
I got bored right the fuck out of watching this
3 TV 3/25 PG-13 08-13-08
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Groove Adventure Rave
Tom Kenny had a funny line or two in this, but that's the only thing worth mentioning about this show
3 TV 4/51 PG-13 06-01-09 07-31-09
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Hibike! Euphonium
June 12, 2015 - Stunning animation and character designs. Besides that, this is just another bland slice of life waste of time. Main chick, Euphonium, is all I don't want to join band and play the bitch tuba again, but guess what?
6 TV 2/13 PG-13 05-21-15 05-21-15
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Hikaru no Go
Prince of Tennis meets a chess tournament at a retirement home.
2 TV 2/75 WTF PG-13 07-15-07
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Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
August 21, 2012 - Watched this on Animonday on Sci Fi Channel. I didn't see some of the early episodes in this

A very desolate, lonely atmosphere permeates this series in my memory. I'm just glad I saw the end where Shu returns to his life in his world that at least counterbalances that heavy feeling.
6 TV 9/13 R 07-29-08 07-29-08
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I liked the show in the first volume, however, the second volume was a disappointing turn in the series. The second volume was pretty mediocre.
5 TV 8/13 PG-13 06-24-11 07-09-11
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Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
December 7, 2010 - That guy was better off as a girl anyway since he got two chicks instead of none. Plus, I don't blame his bra for finding him attractive as a girl, but his dad, that was fucked up
4 TV 8/12 PG-13 07-23-08 07-31-08
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I can't believe Adultswim put this on instead of just about anything else. This series is on par with History's Mightiest Disciple Kenichi and Soul Hunter in terms of boredom.

They should just show two new Bleach episodes instead.

The last 5 episodes were the only episodes interesting enough for me to enjoy.
4 TV 13/52 PG-13 05-30-10 05-28-11
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Konjiki no Gash Bell!!
That horse thing, that screwed up duck-hybrid, and the Invulnerable Robnos

Biraizo, zakir!
3 TV 10/150 PG-13 03-05-05 12-06-08
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September 7, 2012 - The jokes they used in the first two episodes are the boring "have you ever noticed this..." kind. Its not very entertaining and made me cry

October 21, 2014 - Watched episode 1 again on Youtube after finishing Bakemonogatari. God damnit that is a boring fucking show.
3 TV 2/24 PG-13 05-01-10 10-21-14
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Mach GoGoGo
This may very well be the first anime that I ever saw. Too bad I didn't like it. Then I could have been aware of anime throughout the latter half of the 90s.
5 TV 5/52 PG-13 00-00-96
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Mahou Sensei Negima!
I really tried with this series, but it went nowhere in the 7 episodes that I could stand.
3 TV 7/26 PG-13 06-16-09 06-22-09
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I'm surprised Spike Spencer voices on this show, and that was the only reason I watched it more than once
3 TV 3/102 PG-13 03-01-08 03-10-08
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Meitantei Conan Airing
5 TV 21/- PG-13 09-01-04
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Naruto: Shippuuden
Saw around 12 episodes on Disney XD.

Sep 4 2011 - Everything I've seen so far was drawn out way more than it should have been.

Started watching again on Adultswim starting January 4 2014.

January 17, 2015 - Wow, Naruto is so gay, it is not funny. He is WAY TO OBSESSED with Sasuke. Being reunited with his true love Sasugay is his only goal in the fucking series now. There is no way in hell this anime/manga doesn't have a predominately homosexual audience. Maybe girls like boy on boy action, too; I don't know.

The only reason I watch this is because I leave Toonami on in the background before watching One Piece, and Sakura is hot.

February 25, 2018 - I just noticed I did not drop this. Definitely have not watched a single episode in over 2 years (last update in March 2016). I do not care to waste my time with the Travesty that Naruto developed itself into, and will instead remember the good old days of Rock Lee fighting Gaara, aka the zenith of this franchise. I wonder if Baruto will have a Brock Lee fighting Baara equivalent.
3 TV 104/500 PG-13 10-28-09 02-25-18
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Oh! Super Milk-chan
I don't recall ever laughing, but then again I never paid attention when this was on Adultswim
2 TV 2/12 R 11-07-04 01-20-07
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Petit Eva: Evangelion@School
Not too enthralling unless you're into pantomime.
4 ONA 5/24 G 10-07-09 10-07-09
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That Ash just never fuckin learns
4 TV 100/276 PG 09-01-99
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Pokemon Advanced Generation
Why did they add that little nerd
4 TV 21/192 PG 03-15-03 03-03-07
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Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
This series has the best chick following Ash yet
4 TV 23/191 PG 04-20-07 09-04-11
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R.O.D: The TV
Damn I hardly remember this series, but I do remember thinking "How is this related to the OVA?" Which was a good question, because I don't see how it is.
6 TV 3/26 PG-13 10-05-04 05-27-05
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Samurai 7
I know I watched this, but I only remember a fight with a big robot looking samurai. It wasn't very interesting.

Mar 10 2013 - I saw the last four episodes on Adultswim. I am thoroughly disappointed in the fact that the potato headed village was not annihilated. I am also disappointed that some of the samurai survived. If any of them should have survived, it should have been the silent one.

This anime is a forgettable affair that's not worth watching.

However, I highly recommend watching the 1954 Seven Samurai which IS worth watching.

4 TV 6/26 PG-13 11-13-08 02-10-13
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Sazae-san Airing
This was a nice old cartoon
- TV 1/- G 09-13-11
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Seirei no Moribito
I'm glad they stopped dressing Chagun up like a queen
5 TV 15/26 PG-13 08-24-08 12-19-09
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Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
Generic, not worth delving deeper into. It was only on because I needed something on in the background.

The muay thai guy was cool and the chick with the rack was hot
4 TV 13/50 PG-13 07-15-10 07-16-10
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Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
I liked that the guy wanted to get with the klutzy maid chick but every single other character sucked.

Clearly the hideous girl and the old hermaphrodite will get old fast. What were supposed to be jokes were normally too drawn out and overly enthusiastic. I don't really care about finishing this series.
5 TV 1/12 PG-13 03-14-12 03-14-12
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Souten no Ken: Regenesis
Damn you CGI! This is disappointing if you are looking for what the original Fist of the North Star anime had to offer.
4 TV 3/12 R 05-21-18
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Street Fighter II V
For some reason I remember the opening song from a long time ago, although I don't remember where I heard it. I think it was on USA around 1997.
5 TV 11/29 PG-13 07-01-08 07-31-08
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That fox chick was hot, that nancyboy should have got wid her.
5 TV 16/25 PG-13 01-07-08 04-21-08
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Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity
I watched the most important episodes: first, second to last, and the last.

I guess there were no humans left when those two got back together at the very end, talk about depressing.
3 TV 3/12 PG-13 08-12-11 08-12-11
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Tennis no Oujisama
I remember while watching the first episode of this, I was thinking "A series about a guy playing tennis? Pretty soon he'll be doing bullshit moves" and not five minutes later he made the ball spin in place to stop it on the line.
3 TV 3/178 Bullshit PG-13 07-31-06
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Tetsujin 28-gou
I saw this on Adultswim's April Fools' Day run of Toonami.

Not bad for something so old. The episode I saw had some funny parts.
5 TV 1/96 G 04-01-12 04-01-12
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Tetsuwan Atom
Saw this on Adultswim's April Fools' Day Toonami run.

I was surprised at how interesting this show is. I didn't know that there were other robots who could feel and think like Astro Boy in this series. The Robot Equal Rights thing was cool.
5 TV 1/193 G 04-01-12 04-01-12
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Trinity Blood
Those hats were just redickyouless
4 TV 21/24 R 09-09-06 01-30-07
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Uchuu Senkan Yamato
Old space anime on SciFi's old anime block. Was too boring to give a good score. All I remember is an old captain guy with a white beard.
4 TV 3/26 PG-13 06-11-11 06-11-11
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This series plays out like a boring RPG
3 TV 13/26 RPG R 05-28-09 06-02-09
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September 2, 2015 - Imagine, if you will, a world where Lucky*Star was only two minutes long. The premise is what got me to look at it: 26 year old office lady doing something. The tone is humorous, but I never found it funny. I mostly don't like it because of the main character design. She is not sexy nor cute. However, her aloof demeanor was a plus. But, of course, that has nothing to do with the aesthetics of her appearance.
4 TV 3/12 PG-13 09-02-15 09-02-15
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Witch Hunter Robin
I didn't get into this series
3 TV 3/26 PG-13 02-17-04 12-31-04
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Jan 2 2014 - Saw the last episode, Wolverine killed the bald guy in a suit of armor while fighting underwater in a pool for an extended amount of time.

That Mariko was hot. Her boobs were damn huge and bouncy.
5 TV 3/12 PG-13 10-06-13 01-02-14
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October 6, 2013 - Saw on G4 when I had expanded cable. I doubt I will ever see another episode.
- TV 1/12 PG-13 10-06-13 10-06-13
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Yuru Yuri
February 7, 2015 - The first episode had a hilarious joke about the main chick's sister having a fucked up sexual attraction to her. But, I would sooner spend my time watching other anime over this.
5 TV 1/12 PG-13 02-07-15
TV: 47, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 8.89, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -3.21

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
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B-gata H-kei
Pre-vo goils?!
- TV -/12 R+
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I read the first chapter of the manga and saw positive reviews on ANN of this, so I'll give it a spin
- TV -/25 PG-13
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I have considered watching this series for a while now, and since it has like an 8.5, I might as well put it on the list so I don't forget.
- TV -/26 R
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The dub is on Hulu
- TV -/26 R+
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Cross Game
I like how the character designs on this looks like Ranma.
- TV -/50 PG-13
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Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Looks like it could be funny
- TV -/12 PG-13
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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
This has a high enough rating, enough people that saw it, I've come across it before, and looks interesting enough to watch.

*Dub is on Hulu*
- TV -/25 R
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Dekakute Ecchi na Ore no Ane
- OVA -/1 Rx
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Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
The girl in this placed at #1 in a moe poll, which may or may not be a good thing. However, this series is a seinen which piques my interest in checking this out anyway.
- TV -/12 PG-13
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Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai
So many boobs on the promo picture
- OVA -/6 Rx
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Fighting of Ecstasy
Looks like there's going to be a lot of bouncing in this
- OVA -/2 Rx
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Nerds that have chicks join their club? I gotta check that out.
- TV -/12 PG-13
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Great Teacher Onizuka
I've seen this around a lot, it's like number 18 on this site, it's about a dude working as a teacher to bang chicks, added.
- TV -/43 R
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Hanasaku Iroha
The ANN spring 2011 Preview Guide has led me to believe this is worth a look, plus its apparently a seinen.
- TV -/26 PG-13
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Hatsu Inu The Animation
Touch.. touch boobs
- OVA -/2 Rx
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Looks good
- TV -/22 PG-13
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Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo: Sanshimai to no Dokidoki Kyoudou Seikatsu
I'm expecting a lot of kanojos bangin in this
- OVA -/3 Rx
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Kateikyoushi no Oneesan The Animation: H no Hensachi Agechaimasu
Hot tutor chicks
- OVA -/2 Rx
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Mankitsu Happening
No girl can resist the finger blaster
- OVA -/4 Rx
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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
June 30, 2015 - The first thing I thought upon reading the synopsis and seeing the character designs was: "I've got to tell the whole weirdo community!" This anime is pushing the boundaries of on-air furrydom to strange new places. Everything I've seen before a chick just had cat/fox ears & a tail, or wings on her back, but this is straight-up mythological perversion here. A lamia, centaur, and harpie? They may have the upper body and head of human females, but they must have the genitals of their animal counterpart, a topic I'm sure they at least mention in this series.
- TV -/12 R+
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Nanatsu no Taizai
February 7, 2016 - Stumbled across this while reading a MAL article "A Bridge To Laughter: 15 Abridged Anime Series". Apparently, this is well received despite being abridged.
- TV -/24 PG-13
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Natsu no Arashi!
I hope this is as good as School Rumble is

This is on ANN as of 10/30/10
- TV -/13 PG-13
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No Game No Life
L gave it a 9 and it has an 8.85 overall score, so fuck yes this is going on my plan to watch. June 30, 2014
- TV -/12 PG-13
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July 6, 2014 - This looks like it might be good
- TV -/12 PG-13
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- TV -/12 PG-13
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Shoujo Sect
I wish I went to this school.
- OVA -/3 Rx
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Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi
Intrigue, deception, and chicks banging, that's what I'm expecting here.
- OVA -/1 Rx
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Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor
According to Mike over at the Mike Toole Show on ANN, this is an Evangel-a-like, and one of the better ones at that. This is only like 0.1 points off of Rahxephon, which I like, therefore I would like to watch this series eventually.
- TV -/25 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
I want to see if anything relevant to the story at all is in this movie; mostly I want an actual conclusion
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
I don't plan on buying this since I've heard there's a boring, pointless 8 episode arch in this "season" but I still want to see what happens
- TV -/14 PG-13
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Swing Out Sisters
I'll swing something out for these sisters
- OVA -/1 Rx
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Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster
Since I like the first one, I want to check out this FLCL-looking sequel
- OVA -/6 R+
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Top wo Nerae! & Top wo Nerae 2! Gattai Movie!!
Apparently this is some sort of abridged double feature, I have no idea what to expect
- Movie -/2 PG-13
TV: 20, OVA: 11, Movies: 2, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 252, OVA: 41, Movies: 83, Spcl.: 15, Eps: 7218, Days: 125.42, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -1.52
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