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Kuroshitsuji: Kishuku Gakkou-hen
Kuroshitsuji: Kishuku Gakkou-hen
May 27, 4:09 PM
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season
Apr 12, 10:05 AM
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Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 2nd Season Part 2
Apr 11, 8:19 AM
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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
Mar 4, 6:55 PM
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Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
Feb 25, 1:45 PM
Completed 201/201 · Scored 8
Zombie no Afureta Sekai de Ore dake ga Osowarenai
Zombie no Afureta Sekai de Ore dake ga Osowarenai
Feb 3, 1:25 PM
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Ra1nGamer Apr 16, 3:40 AM
Yes yes! Glad you’re been alright! Haha I’m gonna try to watch more anime but I’ve had a lot on my plate and I’ve been stressing all the time so I’ve mostly just been relaxing if not busy you know? But glad you’re watching even more anime! Idk what you mean…

Ofc! :) yea that’s literally a dream. Kind of when it was Demon Slayer and attack on titan Sundays for me I suppose. It’s so damn crazy! Idk what you mean.. ahahah. Ig it’s out of the blue because I haven’t been updating you on that aspect and been told you I had a crush… which I’m sorry I haven’t told you but I’m crazy shy so I didn’t think any would come out of it. Which it did but you know? I’m a big overthinker. Well I’ve spend most hours outsid dog school with him and we hold parties at the efterkole (not on the school grounds) and we kissed there. And we’ve kissed multiple times since then… but we aren’t together (yet) so my love life has been crazy. :) idk what bribery? Hmmm? Idk?

LMAO it was so random but I’m also excited for his 2nd story quest. And also the new character! Even though I have no idea where he came from. When nothing happens in a patch I get burned out so quickly it’s crazy and only do the event like a day before it expires… so I’ve been so burned out with the lack of content. No I’ve not built him fully. I had nothing prepared for him because I didn’t expect to get him and I didn’t have time. And I didn’t get his weapon but I have lost prayers so it’s fine. Well maybe a bit!

…nope not whatsoever.. I’ve only unlocked some of the teleports but mother than that nothing. YEA IT IS!! You really should take some time and watch the livestream…
Ra1nGamer Apr 15, 4:18 AM
HEY HEY HEY it’s been amazing actually. Which is surprising. What about you? Damn- a month is still quite sometime. Sorry I haven’t messaged- I’ve been quite busy. Like I said before amazing… :) I don’t know what you meeeean- nothing has happened at all- hihi

Oh my goodness here we go again… but I’m glad some of your favorites are getting more seasons :> hahahah… I’m sorry okay? I’ve been very busy. I’ve actually gotten a love life which again is surprising. So most of my time I’ve spend with him. And also I’ve been busy with schoolwork and other stuff. A lot has been happening. But de I’m gonna watch them… at some point. While I think it’s good it’s def not the best of the century… but you do you ig?
Well if you paid me then perhaps I would. LOL. But other than that it would only be in your dreams.

I HAVE AND OMG IM SO HYPED. 4.5 was the most shittiest patch of em all. It was so damn obvious that it was a filler patch and so boring. IM SO EXCITED FOR 4.6. TRUE FINALLY an actual update. I literally can’t wait. Oven also barely played genshin. BUT I GOT NEUVILLETTE c1 LIKE WHAT? I GOT HIM 2 TIMES ON 1 TEN PULL. IVE NEVER BEEN MORE LUCKY BEFORE AND I DIDNT EVEN THINK I WOULD GET HIM- while I love Arlecchino and her kit, design literally everything is perfect, I wanted my Neuvillette and I already have a pyro DPS.

Hahah same but you’re totally right! Yea Scaras is the best and my second favorite is the Narwhale one. I can’t wait. ALSO WINDTRACE!!? FINALLY.
Ra1nGamer Mar 2, 2:41 AM
WHATTTT??? REALLY? That’s awesome! I wish that was mine.. I bought them in 3 different stores who are all Danish. One of them focuses on manga, anime and roleplay. Another focuses on various books and also has manga. And the last one only focus on manga but it’s not that big sadly. And I need to drive 40 minutes for the closest manga store … it’s really hard to get. I don’t really go there anymore but glad you enjoy just being in peace. Well that’s nice for you… couldn’t relate.

Nope it doesn’t. They did overdid it especially since they ruined a whole industry. And it also affected them a lot because it was one of Denmark's biggest industries. Yea I do understand everything was at the highest but they could at least done it legally…

WELL THANK YOU! You literally did you would laugh at Xiao for dying.. yea that’s not an attack- totally. 🙄

IT IS 240????? Bro the way that Minecraft count your playing is by hours and it then counts everything together. It’s not like I played 240 hours straight ;-; and I actually do other stuff than playing games (unlike you) I did though? I did spend all lockdown days on playing Minecraft. I only began playing Genshin after lockdown was done (for the first time) and so I spend my whole time on that server. We literally invited someone from the server into our zoom call for class (some of my classmates also played on the server) you wish. Haha. Well the server I played on had like a small amount of mods so you were able to have money to buy stuff in games and be parts of empires and towns. Yep it’s great playing with friends. If I didn’t it gets boring. LMAO YEA.

Damn…well nice knowing you I suppose- LOL WHAT? 😭 that’s nice! It’s always great to find something you love and explore the genre and worlds!

I personally think it’s a shit update- like I know we will get an event, Chiori and a new banner but like- that’s it? There’s really not much content for the actual patch- and I’m really disappointed Ngl. I didn’t expect Chiori to be one but she’s nice. I won’t pull for her though (she’s geo) I’m definitely pulling for Neuvillette in phase two though. Yea that’s true. I’m kinda confused on how it’s gonna work though but let’s see in the future. Everything?💀 damn. IDK I WAS WAITING FOR DAINSLEAF SO LONG 😭
Ra1nGamer Feb 26, 1:12 AM
Huh? No? Does your library have manga? 💀 because mine does not. I’ve read Oshi no ko and Bungou stray dogs online but I have the whole a silent voice mangas. And I’ve also read all Bungou stray dogs beast because I have them myself. And what I meant with library was just like normal books. Though I haven’t gone there in like 2 years because it’s only old books they have nowadays. And it’s not that big. It’s only the kids section that’s big and I’m not a kid anymore… yes yes one of my favorites! I’m surprised as well Ngl- (lol)

LOL. Well mink did have a special mutation of corona that would be perhaps more dangerous to get but it would only really affect old person (like they could die from it) which they also could from corona. So it really wasn’t as a big deal as the prime minister made it out to be. And it was illegal because the parliament hadn’t actually agreed what to do yet. It’s pretty hard summarizing since it’s a whole big mess but you get the point (I hope) 💀


Yea of course I can’t- (no we are allowed to drink when our parents say we can. We are allowed to buy some alcohol at 16 and at 18 you can buy all alcohol) yea they have! I recommed some movies to one of my friends because they don’t really like to watch series and she liked all the movies I recommended! At the very least.

Uuuh that’s literally 240 hours I spend in not even 2 months plus the other server I played on I played on for 8 days which is 192 hours… and that was only in one month because it got deleted. Short…? I literally made two big houses, a mob farm, a giant melon and pumpkin farm, a big potato farm, a big farm with sheep, pigs and cows, a enderman farm, a blaze farm and so much more… I suppose but it did get a bit boring at some point… ahhh I see. It’s not that short your literally 12 cm taller than me… dw but I will say my little who is 13 is taller than you ;-; (and myself of course because I’m short as you know)

WELL I WANTED TO SEND YOU A MESSAGE OKAY? Don’t belittle me for that. Damn nice. (LMAOOOO why am I not surprised) I’ve not read any manhwa so let’s see if I’m gonna read more after Solo Leveling.
Ra1nGamer Feb 23, 1:34 AM
Yep I have! There’s a library near I live but they don’t have any good books anymore sadly- because I’m not rich? Like I can’t afford that many manga and LN. i prefer to read them physically than digital. Though I do read some manga digital (those who update frequently) lol. It’s not my favorite though… and when you’ve already read the novel 2 times, seen the live action (WHICH IS 40 episodes and they are all almost an hour long) and also seen the donghua 2 times, it’s a bit boring to read the story once again. So I want to wait a bit before I read more so I can enjoy it! :) (Definitely not an excuse)

Yea ik. Me neither as you also know. Yea- the “peaks” of living in a small country. My country is pretty fucked like when corona was happening the prime minister made all mink farms kill their mink because it was believed that the corona the mink was carrying was mutated and way more dangerous if humans got it. (Which it was not) so she literally destroyed a whole industry- and when an investigation was being lead she had deleted all her messages because one of her settings was that after like a day the her messages on her phone was deleted (which politicians is not allowed to.) And there’s so much more fucked up shit that’s going on. Like I can’t even say them all.

I think so? I honestly don’t remember the quest💀it was so damn boring. It would be interesting (I would never recover) True (Signora is not a random NPC) well I’m right as always. Like what else did you think I did? I laughed while Xiao was almost dying? I’m a very emotional person. Both with my sadness and aggression.

LMAOOOO <3 I’m not- I’m not allowed to drink alcohol on the school. have but I’m still scared people won’t like em. I have recommend some to my friends but not a lot. ( hehe)

Yea it did. Also among us. But I was playing on one server right? And in total I’ve been on that server for 10 days. (I joined the server but then it got deleted and they made a new one and the new one is the one I spent 10 days on) yep- some were very long like 5 months or 3 months while others were like a month or 2 weeks. Damn.
Ohhh😭how tall are you?

Nope it didn’t. I TRIED DOING THAT MULTIPLE TIMES BUT IT WOULDNT LET ME. I was desperate okay? Damn- I’m gonna read the Manwha after the anime.
Ra1nGamer Feb 22, 1:36 AM
Well when I was younger I had a hard time reading so I tried as much as I could and when I got good at it I began loving it! Those are also nice! :D Ohhhh sorry. I didn’t know that. STOP IM TRYING MY BEST OKAY? But it is a shame. Yep I have. Though I need to read the MDSZ Manhua done but haven’t because I keep forgetting…

If you want something from Amazon it’s gonna cost a lot since it’s not in Europe. And in Denmark if you buy somewhere that’s not from Europe then the delivery is crazy expensive (mostly cost more than the actual item) and you also have to pay a extra 25% of what you brought. Let’s say it costs 100. Then you need to pay an easy 25 and then also delivery. Yep it’s definitely not. It’s fine if it’s from Denmark or other places in Europe.

Yea. (He’s that little kid from Tsumuri Island or whatever it’s called) while it’s foreshadowed I don’t think they will since they haven’t killed any other playable characters… it’s not a diss. It’s a fact. I did? But I cried for nothing when I thought he was dead so I’m mad-

You do! :) even though I haven’t seen you your words shine as brightly as the sun. Nice. I’m too scared to recommend and I don’t really do it. (Sure sure- I didn’t want to force you to see them. I was thinking something else ehe)

lol😭😭true! I was grinding Minecraft. Yep it did! We even had lockdown like 5 times… maybe not but everyone else seems to think so- it’s so damn annoying. Even my family bullies me and some of them are even shorter than me or the same height.

Yea I tried sending a small message to see if that worked which it did but not long messages sadly, but I can now apparently. I just said Hello as a test. LMAOOO haha I told you so. Glad you picked it up! :D
Ra1nGamer Feb 21, 1:16 PM
Yep! I’ve always loved fantasy. The only books and series I really liked as a kid was fantasy. I love action as well! I also like adventure, mystery, shounen, drama and supernatural :) what are your favorite genres actually? (Other than Isekai) haha of course I am! It’s delayed because of Chinese censorship so there’s a possibility that it won’t release at all. And we have gotten no new news yet. I think the aritist didn’t want to draw it anymore or something ;-; kind of. The most popular Mxtx novel is MDZS and also has the most adaptations. It has a live action, manhua, game, audio drama, donghua and will also get a Japanese manga soon. And the live action is one of the most popular C-dramas in China. And then there’s Svsss with 1 season, a dropped manhua and no more… Svsss as I said is also Mxtx oldest novel so the writing is not as good as the other 2 books she has made. But there’s still people that love it regardless!

Nice. For the Danish Amazon prime there’s almost nothing interesting on… 💀

True. Ohh that’s right! I totally forgot- damn. Sorry😭😭😭 it does hit hard. NOC deaths normally don’t hit me hard. Neither Halfdan, Ruu and those people I’m sorry- (I don’t think they will kill playable characters though. But even though I love Xiao I do agree he should have died. It doesn’t really make sense he survived it. It made more sense for his story to end in the Chasm with his ultimate sacrifice just like Bocaoius.)

Yep yep! Lmaooo. I love both of em.

Yea- I’ve realize. (Nahh and you said I shouldn’t diss myself. You shouldn’t either. You shine so bright my king🙏🏻) hehe <3 that’s nice! I like recommending people as well but I’m just so scared they won’t like it… (ooooo that’s dangerous- but a deal 😊)

Thankkk youuuuu! Lmao it’s fine. It technically was still my birthday just only where you live not by me XD yea I’m honestly really scared. Corona made me feel like a kid and stopped time for me. And it doesn’t make it better that I’m short😭😭(LMAOOOOOO)

Ra1nGamer Feb 21, 8:22 AM
Im sending my message on discord because it literally wont let me comment- like its been loading for over 20 minuttes now. (I mean it wont let me send a long comment for some odd reason)
Ra1nGamer Feb 20, 11:18 AM
Finally, smh. 🙄 MAYBE NOT BUT THEY ARE SOME OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES AND MEAN SOMEHRING TO ME ALRIGHT? They are the best books I’ve read- nahh I’m not telling you to read it. I’m just trying to tell you, so you can at least uneerstand why I love them so much. It has better plots than most anime have nowadays. And they are so interesting as well with history, politics and world building. Literally one of them (HOF) is about gods and the gods court as well as ghosts. And Svsss is basically a isekai.

Hahah don’t worry about it. They are either seasonals or popular anime so you’re right. BRO it’s just autocorrect alright? YEA But it’s better than my spelling as you know.

Nahh no way. They are in the wrong. SAMEEE and the fact the traveler didn’t care about Furina only getting answers. Like bro. And wtf… I’m just gonna ignore that. Even though I think Navia was in the wrong about what happened at the trial I still feel bad about her.

LMAO it doesn’t matter he is still amazing. You remember that place i dont remember the name but that place with the rollercoaster and water things that was located in the desert (3.8 event) that was where Kaveh was at the time of Sumeru archon quest.

No- (NO)

Yep I’ve just send some pictures to you :) lmao like a big notebook with normal paper instead where you can draw on it. No. The amusement park close to me is little and has like go kart and other small stuff. It’s not that big and maybe a bit more of a park.

Right right- (oki-) can you make a list to me perhaps? Because if not I’m not sure if i will forget them or not… I’m 17 LOL. Yea. They have been a bit more less strict nowadays but it’s still there. But when I turn 18 I think they will stop. Ohh damn- (THANK YOU SO MUCH MY KING)
Ra1nGamer Feb 20, 1:31 AM
Nahh you will trust me💀No but your dissing my HOF, my 86, my MDSZ and Wei Wuxian. Bruh they are chunky for a reason. It’s literally the best books ever and NO ITS NOT ONLY SPICE OKAY? They do even focus so much on romance either way it’s way more about the plot and longing and so much more. And they are slowburn. Yea yea…

Nahh I won’t because it’s they aren’t amazing💀probably but it’s fine I suppose. I find most of the animes I wanna watch on cruchyroll. It’s few they don’t have anymore ever since they got fun animation animes on there.

Alright🙏🏻🙏🏻truce truce. YOUR SO RIGHT like at the very least they could apologize but NOOO. And they didn’t even feel bad. I’m beginning to not appreciate Paimon right now- she was an absolute ass to Navia as well in her story quest (literally mentioning her dead mother💀💀) don’t u dare diss Kaveh and he doesn’t have a story quest either way. He has a hangout event. And it was honestly really boring. Baizhus was fine.

I DONT HAVE TIME RN OKAY? (Alright I will do!)

Hahah. I can! I can send you some drawings later! I’ve also drawn some anime ones but I have them at home so I can show you at a later time but I do have my art block with me :) I will send them on discord. No most I saw it’s of other stuff to try a variety of different things. I absolutely love them!!!

ALRIGHT I WILL AFTER MASHLE OKAY??? I don’t have it though. I love monster but I’m not actually allowed to drink it from my parents so I can only drink it at Efterskole💀great day to have strict parents… (HHAHAH told you so)
Ra1nGamer Feb 19, 1:32 AM
Alright I will- dw you can trust me😌 perhaps not- YOU HAVE THOUGH- like u- omg I’m giving up let’s just stop this discussion alright? You win- because the series is a bit rushed and a lot was cut out from the donghua. And either way the novel is way better because mxtx(the author) is literally amazing. Her writing is so good and her plots. I’m not answering that… haha very funny. But I suppose I’m happy most of the time.

Tbh your not wrong.. I use crunchyroll and when they don’t have a anime I watch it on aniwatch. Alright I will remind you dw! :D aww thank you! You’re normal too! :)

Thank you 🙏🏻 (just don’t-) tbh you’re right. I think the way they got around it was way too much like they did not need to humiliate her at all. But I guess they were disparate because you know? They were all gonna die💀but they could at the very least done something so she didn’t need to suffer. And also Paimon is a bitch because she’s always making snarky and bitchy remarks against Furina. Bro- plss dont. I’m not the biggest fan of her- and I just haven’t had motivation to do it (for months)

…fine I will do it though I won’t do it right now. Perhaps I will do it later okay? Happy? Alright i will watch it!

Hahaha… yes yes

I do! But like I have too many hobbies so I don’t know what I wanna do. I read, draw, are creative, play games and so much more. But I’ve been burnout form all of those things as of late. Yep! They have already remodeled it though so it’s open now! I love amusement parks and especially rollercoasters! Thank you so much <3

Ik okay???? I know I need to watch em but like- I JUST HAVENT. I’m planning to watch Tensura perhaps after I’ve watched Mashle. Okay? I try but I have no energy- (AHAHAHAHA what did I tell you?)
Ra1nGamer Feb 18, 7:45 AM
Nahh bro don’t deny it. You’re right it’s not that bad I suppose but nothing remarkable about it like I’ve said. Oh sure ig. I will pick it up at some point perhaps. Ohhhh- I think I saw it? Or at least some clips of it or something but I haven’t rated it and I can’t really remember… you’ve literally called 86, aot, Heaven officials blessing and so any more mid- the gaslighting is insane. HE LITERLALY IS. You can’t say a damn thing because you haven’t watched or read the novel so shush. IM VERY HAPPY WHEN YOU DONT BELITTLE ME :(

It’s worse for me if it’s in Danish. There’s just something about it. I normally don’t read books in Danish either because the writing is normally so cringe- no it’s not I meant the other websites where I get anime info and where I watch stuff. Those are in Danish- I know you do but like I really hope you actually watch it and don’t forget it💀I’m sorry okay? I’m a weird person

WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Okay then I will admit we have both been dissing each other. Happy? I also forgive you my king😌(I did smh) HA YOU ADMIT IT. I think Navias a good character but I just forget about her (I forget all Geo characters💀) whatever makes you happy.. (STOPPPPP) damn- that’s crazy. The only story quest I haven’t done is yoimiya 2nd story quest and I’ve done the rest.

I CANT PLS DONT MAKE ME DO IT. I know- I’m also planning to watch some in the near future. You had that one coming 💀

So I can’t diss you or myself? Who am I supposed to diss then? My mother? (HAHAHAHAH)okay I will stop.. ;-; alright it’s your own downfall- everything after this there’s no autocorrect.

Normally everyday for me is boring... nad escpelly if i dont have any motivation at all- and in the moment im kinda burnout so ive just been on my phone all winter break ye sit does! it seemed really indeestinf as well. and before it was an amusementpatk it was like a park with lots of activites but then it got shut down and abondend for like 20 years and now they ahve built somehring nee there. i hope too though i dont know if i will get it since i go to a efterskole right now- but im keeping my hpe up!

yea you are. we can be forgetful together (..)

yea- i ahvent seen anythinf else taht reallt interested me yet other than the new seasons for studf. yea ive been meaning to but ive not yet- alright i will check them out thank you! :D oo nice they sound interitbf! im jot that hyped tbh. im hyped dir demon slayer and mushoku tensei a lot though! ( are you ahppy i did it without autocorrect?)
Ra1nGamer Feb 17, 5:36 PM
Hahaha- your literally not- at one point you will leave me literal speechless with all this gaslighting… it doesn’t matter💀your too blind to look anyway.that sentence is hurting my brain. Well of course there’s things that’s way worse than SAO but it’s not like SAO is a masterpiece though I will admit it’s pretty original compared to other animes (also that’s so cringe don’t use that emoji again💀) Bro what do you mean- you literally call all my favorite shows mid all the damn time and diss me for the genre of anime I’m watching.. YOU DID NOT SAY THAT. I swear to god. Wei Wuxian is way better than Kirito in every aspect and Wei Wuixian is actually a badass. You know nothing about him so shush. (IM SO DAMN CLOSE)

Well I don’t mean they don’t give an inside but I just think they are so badly written nowadays. They are all like: Now that Kevin has overcome his problems and is going to be exposed to disappointment, how will he tackle this problem? Or smth like that. It’s not as bad when I write it in English but in actual Danish it’s a pain- you should 100% see solo leveling, I really think you would like it. And Dark Aria is such a blasts of a song and if you already like it, you will like ep 6 when the song comes into the show. IM SORRY OKAY I KNOW ITS LIKE ONE OF THE HOTTEST TAKES EVER. (Uhh I may have to disappoint you. Hehe…)

I do know😭😭BRO WHAT LIKE IM ACTUALLY TRYING NOT TO DISS YOU AND BEING NICE and then your out here gaslighting the shit out of me and then dissing me- I can’t do this anymore… I’m gonna cry myself to sleep. (SORRY I know I did a mistake. I like her more than Clorinde now. And can you really blame me?) I know dude. She was the only thing you talked about. Mhm it did. You should though. Do you even play story quests? Like a genuine question. I did. Of course I did who do you take me for…

Thank you thank you😌😌thank you my king. Lol same. (I WILL NOT I DONT CARE OKAY?) I like Yuri but haven’t really watched or read it. There’s so few of it anyway. I mostly watch BL’s. Yea it wasn’t💀

I like it but it’s not my favorite movies like those crazy obsessed Harry Potter fans. If you saw my spelling without autocorrect you would think a 10 year was texting you- LOL well nothing wrong with dissing myself right?

Eh it was fine. Though I was bored the whole day- so like another day. Yea we gotta! (It’s impossible for me😭) it’s a job at a small amusement park. Which is like 5 minutes away from my house. And it went well! Though it will take some time before I get an answer. Yea.. here you go again- well it’s gonna take some time since it’s still in the cinema. But nice.

Ahh sorry I forgot. And thank you for reminding me (okay this is becoming ridiculous- I’m giving up-)

Im gonna Watch mushoku tensei, demon slayer and my hero academia. I haven’t decided more as of now but I’m gonna look into it later. What about you? What are you watching? (I know your gonna watch Black Bulter and sorry I’m not seeing it lol)
Ra1nGamer Feb 17, 2:57 PM
…okay thank you very much- ahh I’m sorry alright? Forgive me, but that’s how I feel whenever you diss my favorite characters and shows (which you literally do all the damn time💀don’t even deny that) I was talking about Asuna and whenever you say you hate a character but then you like them..because I’m right- and why are you making a rant- should I do that every time you diss shows I like? You’re right the animation is good though. And the reason I don’t really like Kirito is because he’s like very other basic MC-

Of course I’m right😌(woah that’s great- tbh I think most synopsis nowadays are bad and not really give you a intro to what the show is actually about and don’t even get me started on danish synopsis ;-; like they are the most cringy things ever) I always do to at least get a idea about what it’s about (also to hear the opening)and I know it’s your favorite. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be a real person because you talk about it so often. But glad you like a show that much! One of my biggest hot takes is that I don’t really like Levi… I’ve never even understood myself and I know I’m wrong but I’ve never seen appeal about him. I KNOW IM WRONG OKAY? DONT DISS ME PLSSS. Though Levi vs Kenny was so damn hype.

Don’t you ever change as well my king 🙏🏻

Okay I’m not that dumb. I know it’s French but I can’t read French ;-; I know you can BUT I CANT. Rare w…? Im always doing W. Alongside Xiao and Scara she’s my favorite character from Genshin. OF COURSE IVE LISTENED TO IT. Like I had it on repeat on Spotify when the story quest came out. (I have listened to the music since there was literal subtitles on the cutscene 💀) and how am i supposed to know French. Like in Denmark you learn English, Danish and German and then when you go to collage you can learn either French or Spanish in CERTAIN places. It’s actually really uncommon to have French here. Most have Spanish instead. And also I have! It’s so good!

Ik… it was a brutal war with my most inner emotions… clap for me. Yea I do. I just put season 1 as to show I liked that specific show not all the seasons. (Then it would be even more impossible…) I didn’t rank people or studios though just so you know. Only characters, manga and anime. Nooo… totally not ahahh. (Yes they are all gay your honor)

Damn that’s crazy. Not that you’re missing out though. Maybe a bit but eh. Hahah true. I really like the op xD (SORRY OKAY? MY AUTOCORRECT IS SO DAMN SHIT AND NO I CAN NOT TURN IT OFF BECAUSE THEN MY SPELLIGN WOULD BE EVEN SHITTIER…. Don’t mind me. Ginger issues you know?)

Well that sounds fun enough! You did more than me ;-; I wa just in my room all day on my computer doing nothing and living the single life. At least you did something. We can be sad together😭😭ohhh nice! I’ve heard some about it, though I don’t know a lot. (Ooooooh nice. We love the angst) same though. The gacha game curse😭 well I’ve just had winter break after my ski trip. And today I’ve also been to a job interview so I’m actually doing something with my life which is crazy. And tmr I’m gonna be back at school. Other than that nothing much other than me being bored. Yes it is! Yea I think it’s good! Though a little confusing. It doesn’t have romance so your save. It’s more about family.

Of course! (Oo nice, it’s still great though) I don’t really recall but probably.. tbh my memory has been so bad as of late so I apologize on my end. Same for me if you include Xiao.
Ra1nGamer Feb 17, 12:20 PM
Hahah… I’m so nice aren’t I? You’re probably right about that. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to call her Simon LOL I don’t even realize. Blame autocorrect not me. She kinda did for me at the very least. (Sometimes I really don’t know if you like someone or hate someone. You’re really bad at being sarcastic… I’m too though) just my opinion 😭😭😭tbh there’s nothing remarkable about SAO as a whole… Yea there is. Just you wait- I was being to think you would Ngl. Huh?

It just seems very much like you to not watch a trailer and just begin watching an anime with no context and then when a new season comes out you don’t watch the trailer… nothing bad about it though! :) (You really love Black Bulter) that’s kinda true though. And I didn’t really like Season 4 part 1 but after that it gets good again! LOL.

Damn… you said my comments were snarky?💀💀 (good…)

I have no absolute clue as to what you just said but nice…? (And yes I’m too lazy to take it into google translate. Live with it) well she is amazing and one of the best characters (ofc💀) Lol. And yes always :)

I CANT DO IT SHIN D: I’m not gonna survive. I love them all so much-

Yes I did! I like it! It’s very funny and interesting. Though tbh it’s really just a mix of Black Clover, Harry Potter and One Pumch Man xD but so far I like it! You hit jackpot with that! Yes opening 2 did make me watch it though I had been planning to watch it for some time.

Anything interesting going on though? Have you touched grass?(jkjk) ive just watched the boy and the heron in cinema and it was really good :)

Oh and also i love the new changes to your profile! They are really pretty :) though im a bit confused as to why your pfp is now Scara-
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