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welcome to my wall of text!

welcome to my wall of text!

i guess that means you liiike me. im flattered~~

i guess i can tell you a bit about my tragic backstory. just a little peek into my dark and twisted psyche, hehe. the things in my head would make even Cannonball Lecture sick, hehe. a little warning for those frail of mind and weak of spirit, turn away-- okay, i'm ending the bit there.

i was introduced to anime at a young age. not on tv or anything. although my brother was really into pokemon and bakugan at the time, i was not. no, this was in 2014, when you could upload an entire series on youtube, add a little box in the corner with your face in it for reactions, and then stare deadfaced at the camera for 20 minutes (with ads of course). i remember it was after i watched a pewdiepie video, he'd just uploaded his playthrough of the corpse party game and instead of clicking the next part i'd accidentally clicked on a reaction video of the show instead, something i was definitely not prepared for as a 10-year-old. i was terrified of the atmosphere and the gore and the insane amount of kids getting brutalized (and sexualized? it was a weird time). the corpse party anime is actually heinous, but something possessed me to continue, and so with the help of the little guy in the corner who wasn't saying all that much to comfort me, i watched all 4 episodes. i dont know if i enjoyed it per se, but it gave my body this raw dose of adrenaline that I'm sure if my frontal cortex were a little more developed would not have happened. after that, i started seeking out shows with similar artstyles. prison school, one punch man and angel beats. this was also during puberty so i watched more ecchi than i am proud of which i have graciously omitted from my lists.

i largely forgot about anime during my high school years, but with the introduction of the pandemic, i started watching seasonal shows. my friends got into the hobby the same time as i did so we talked and joked about it together. im in college now and i barely have time to watch anything, and the anime fans in college are... well, losers (im sorry, its true!) so i keep my hobby hushed most times. but trust me, when im interested in something i could talk about it for ages given the opportunity. i have a little bit of an attack on titan thing going on at the moment. im also passionate about the medium of art and animation in general and i don't think that'll be going away any time soon

i watch anime as a hobby, not a sport, which means I haven't watched a lot of great shows and I probably will never. i’ve made peace with that.
on top of watching anime when I can, I also play video games, listen to music, watch reality tv (because being an anime fan wasn't embarrassing enough), draw and write, which I'm trying to do more of in the new year.

my rating system is pretty easy to understand. if i enjoyed watching it, i'll give it a higher score than a show i didn't, even if it may be considered objectively better. a 6 is considered a cautionary recommendation and anything above that is an actual recommendation. my taste is pretty varied but i refuse to watch any more self-insert power fantasy shlock. and that includes most romances. that's my prerogative.

anything else I forgot to mention:
-my views are my own,
but they're also pretty liberal.
-studying psychology
-ipad kid, unfortunately
-horror/drama/seinen fan
-follow me I don't bite (but I will if that's what you're into ;-)

pfp by @thisuserisangry
banner by @alisvart
forum pfp is Sou from Your Turn to Die

(last updated june 7 2024)

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-YaoiBoy- Mar 8, 12:55 PM
Happy Birthday :3
-YaoiBoy- Jan 5, 3:59 PM
Yeah, I'm very sorry about that :) I'm usually not nosy and don't try to invade people's brains, I don't know why I suddenly decided to do that. Sometimes I just seem to forget that I'm talking to strangers. Bad boundaries and all that, I guess :) but there was no ill intent behind it, I was just genuinely concerned about your environment after reading your bio, that's all :) I rarely send friend requests to people on MAL, or anywhere else for that matter, so because I did it myself this time, I guess in mind it already "boosted" your importance to such a level that I started sticking my nose into your personal life lol
If you ever need a test subject to psychoanalyze in return for your studies, I'll volunteer lol and again, I'd have been fine with a response even months later! It's not a big deal at all, as long as it's comfortable for you. You have nothing to apologize for.

Thanks :3 yeah, I hope it drops sooner rather than later! And will be worthy enough to talk about :)
-YaoiBoy- Jan 1, 5:50 PM
gulp maybe I shouldn't have been so forward and stuck my nose where it doesn't belong after all...well, there goes a nice conversation :(

In any case, I wish you a Happy New Year! And I hope it'll be the best one for you, with all the goals and dreams coming true.
-YaoiBoy- Dec 8, 2023 11:59 AM
I'm happy that people can optionally buy YTTD to support it :) it definitely deserves it. Well, if it'll be in 3 months, I don't mind it as a birthday present lol or maybe Nankidai will make it his birthday present, since he was born on March 9 it seems. Anyway, as long as it comes out someday.

I was never really in any "circles", so I wouldn't know :) until I registered on MAL, I used to communicate with several of my close friends and several other acquaintances on a social network and that's it. I never frequented places like Reddit, Twitter etc. and don't even have accounts there. You could say that MyAnimeList is the first "circle" I'm in, and I definitely quite entrenched myself here :) I never even planned on talking with people here either, it kind of happened randomly. Originally, I just wanted to create a personal anime/manga hierarchy with scores and track things.
Anyway, I assume you mean some kind of loli/shota stuff? I don't really have any strong love or hate for it. There was some shota BL that I liked, and there was some that made me feel weird. Therefore, I don't think I have the right to criticize others for this kind of stuff :) I'm kind of surprised there were such arguments on a visual novel subreddit of all places, but at least through such open arguments you know what to expect of people, since everyone has their weird side, and some are just better at hiding it than the others.
And I can't believe you went there with Gin lol I don't even want to think about it! "Drilling" Sou on the other hand...
In any case, I'd say that visual novels are my favorite medium, since they feel like a perfect mix between anime and manga, and quite a few BL VNs in particular had a big impact on me, which is what made me come up with this nickname. I just couldn't come up with anything better anyway lol how did you come up with yours? :)

Oh, I see :) nah, I definitely like these kind of edgy characters lol they usually keep things interesting and often end up being complicated enough themselves to be interesting as well. Maybe there are some that I don't like, but I can't remember off the top of my head.
Telling me not to watch something would make me want to watch it more lol but there is a lot of anime on my mind, and Tomodachi Game is not one of them, so maybe I won't get to it anyway (but don't spoil anything major in case I do!). I don't know why we don't share a lot of anime entries :) maybe because I rarely watch newer series and also often curious about experimental stuff? Probably not, but hard to say.

I do think that Danganronpa 2 is infinitely better than Danganronpa 1, but I have doubts that you'll like it if you didn't like the 1st one. I could be wrong! I'm all for you trying it someday :) you can always drop it (unless you don't like dropping things). And you're right, most of DR1 cases were pretty simplistic in comparison to later games. As for Dangaronpa V3, it's hard to say how much of it is genuinely bad or not without properly looking over it, but there are soooo many things that I don't like about it. It's definitely a hate territory overall :) sometimes I hate bad things, sometimes I love great things, but it's not always like that. It could very much be the opposite, depending on the reasons. At the end of the day, my perception is my perception and not always the truth. If you asked me "should I play DRV3 someday?", I wouldn't stop you from trying :) what I hate about it might become what you love about it, who knows.

It seems like people mostly don't like Akane for her naive views and indecisiveness in some cases. Other people don't like that she is a stereotypical "good guy" type of character, if you know what I mean. I never really saw a problem with that + she resonates with me on a personal level. I feel like there is a lot of me in Akane, both what can be considered good and bad. She is one of the few characters that I can genuinely relate to without even trying, so it's curious, and I'm sure it influenced my positive view of her even further. I'm not saying anything about future Psycho-Pass seasons, discover for yourself :P
Bullying is something I can relate to lol poor kid. As for birthdays, my best friend actually shares my birthday, and we even share the same hour :p only the year is different. On top of that, we both consider Wolf's Rain to be our most favorite anime! Quite a coincidence :)

Also, it's sad that you have to hide the fact that you like anime in college :) didn't expect it to be something worth concealing. You seem to care a lot about the outer image of yourself and how people will perceive it in relation to your interests. But I'm not judging! Just an observation :) could be a wrong one as well. I hope you don't think it's rude of me to say it like that and don't mind me pointing it out. I'm easily distressed when people perceive me in a wrong way, get a wrong idea about me or don't like me for some reason, but I usually go the other way around and try to present myself as precisely as possible, so that people know who I really am and know what they're dealing with, even though it doesn't always work, and sometimes it's too hard due to a fear of being judged too harshly for something. I just don't like social games, and when I try to purposefully conceal parts of myself, I feel like I'm playing one and dance around other people, never knowing what they truly think about me and never being able to properly connect with them. It's exhausting! So, I was just thinking how I'd feel if I tried to conceal something long-term to better blend in certain circles. Would it eventually be easier or harder to hold it in? Well, I guess I have the experience of concealing being gay for most of my life. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this, sorry lol I guess I just hope that it's not too hard for you to hide things that you like depending on the environment you're in, and it actually makes you feel more comfortable rather than more anxious. Something like that :)
-YaoiBoy- Dec 6, 2023 2:36 PM
Okay, I'll move my response here if you don't mind :p I seem to be developing a bad habit of creating off-topic discussions with people in random threads lol

Oh, I didn't know that YTTD fandom is on life support. I guess that makes sense. I don't really get obsessive over things, even those that I hold dear to my heart, so I wouldn't really know what state fandoms of my favorite things are in :) but I don't mind waiting! I want a grand finale with many variables, no matter how long it takes to make.

Some more spoiler tags, just in case lol I really really don't want to accidentally spoil YTTD for random people, wherever I'm talking about it :p

Oh, and I also noticed several other cool things :) you like Akane from Psycho-Pass! Out of all people I know, everyone either hates or dislikes her, except for me. Nice to meet someone else who likes her as well :) and the other thing is that our birthdays are almost on the same day :p I was born between 11 p.m. and 12 a.m., so almost March 8 as well :p
SynthwaveCrusade Oct 23, 2021 9:23 PM
THANK YOU FOR THE FRIEND REQUEST <333333333333333333333
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