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What is the worth of Samurai Champloo?
It is made of excellence and deserves to be on our Enlightenment list.
It is too unremarkable to be on either of our lists.
It is vastly overrated and deserves to be on our Relations list.
23 votes
Apr 8, 2013 2:11 AM

Oct 2012
Samurai Champloo is now up for vote. Decide if it wiill it find the samurai who smells of sunflowers enlightenment or wander aimlessly in the pits of our Relations list.

Please remember that with the new voting system ONLY YOUR WRITTEN RESPONSE WILL BE COUNTED. Be sure to clearly state which option you chose at the top of your post or else your vote will not be counted. You must also provide a brief explanation for why you chose the answer you did.


This poll will close in 7 days. BEGIN!
Ducat_RevelApr 14, 2013 4:34 PM
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Apr 8, 2013 6:00 AM

Jan 2008

It's a fun watch, but that is all.
Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Apr 8, 2013 6:28 AM

Feb 2013
Voted 2.

Poor story and plot, but nice characters and appealing artwork/ost. I guess you always need one anime of this kind in your Watching list, but in the end i really have no idea how a typical Samurai/vagrant "story" could be enlightening. I do not even understand how it went through the purgatory to be honest. Just another good anime.
My list - "Let's share our lame sides" (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou)
Apr 8, 2013 8:34 AM

Mar 2009
Option 2.

It is quite stylish, but I would not say enlightening. I truly enjoy the series, but it is not necessarily a "must watch" series by any means.
Apr 8, 2013 11:39 PM

Jul 2011
Like others are saying, it was fun. It had some truly spectacular action sequences and no small amount of style, but it short of fell flat when it came to story and character. The episodes were a bit hit and miss too, with some being quite exceptional and others tough to get through.

It's definitely not "enlightening" but it's nowhere near bad enough, or overrated enough for that matter, to go on the relations list.
Apr 9, 2013 2:32 AM

Oct 2012
Option 2.

No. No. Just no. I would vote option 3, but then this has exasperated me deeply; so much that I can't even hate it. Definitely unremarkable.
Apr 9, 2013 8:56 AM

Jun 2011
Option 3.

It's sitting pretty in MAL's top 100, and whenever someone makes a "BEST ANIME OF ALL TIME!!!!!" list, I generally see it there too. The show is tremendously overhyped, when it was just meant to be a simple action series. The fans have run wild with it, and showered it in a parade of 'perfection' all across the board. Over half of all users who watched it gave it a 9 or 10.

I bring all this up because in truth, it's not bad. It was a decent show. But it is vastly overrated, and that is the definition of option 3.
Apr 9, 2013 8:59 AM

Oct 2012

Fine. I'm sold. Change my vote to Option 3.

Though unlike you, I actually think this show is bad. Made me cringe.
Apr 9, 2013 4:54 PM

Jan 2013
It is made of excellence and deserves to be on our Enlightenment list.
(This will mostly be a rehash of my Enlightenment thread posts)
The few, the brave, the proud ;P. In my opinion, I find Samurai Champloo generally trumps its hugely successful predecessor in almost every respect story wise. As with Watanabe's other more mainstream (in the sense of availability and broadcasting) works, Champloo is a very straightforward and simple story, brought to life by a series of diverse characters, unique anachronisms, uncommon historic subject matter and a nice mix of episodic and overarching plot structures. The characters, while somewhat simple in their traits, have small subtleties throughout the series that veers them out of the mold while maintaining their relative structures, making great use of nuanced archetypes and solidifying what would seem to be an otherwise lethal dynamic between them into something reasonable and mature, going for the tolerance and bizarre camaraderie as opposed to congealing and connecting on warming, personal levels. I also prefer the backstories of the Champloo characters more, straying from the more typical and basic pasts of the Bebop cast. Mugen for example, was an orphan from a penal colony who had been resorting to piracy to go about living-more for circumstance and convenience, eventually planned to be executed after a prison sentence but managing to escape the island and start anew (from what I recall). I also found the actual contents of his backstory episodes--while not as dark and climactic as Bebops, as to be expected--more intricate and entertaining while providing its own personal brand of gravity and atmosphere different from Bebop's. Jin on the other hand, had what was initially a more typical and dark backstory with
I will admit however, that while the final arc wraps up the journey wholesomely, the reveal that
The fun anachronisms & hip-hop style are a unique way to give Champloo its own individuality, distinguished both from standard chanbara and Bebop with its jazzy style and grounded technology. They are insubstantial allegory-wise, but they are refreshing element to spice things up. The historical content is also something that is a big benefactor to the series, offering diverse and interesting content that again don't seem too common in samurai odysseys like the Shimabara Rebellion, Sakoku, homosexual relations (from what I hear they have homosexual content in Shigurui, but from what I've heard, it was a horrendous series) and other things as well. Lastly, I prefer how the storytelling elements are handled in Champloo over Bebop. Bebop had separated its overarching story content from its episodic content, making a mix of brooding and serious content with direction and purpose while having a distinctly separate batch of standalone episodes on the side that are plain and inconsequential fun when matched with the other side. Champloo on the other hand, weaves details into some of the lighter episodes, giving some substance to the overarching plot while having fun at the same time. Like the episode ‘Stranger Searching’: it starts out with the trio trying to get a decent helping of food through a rice eating competition, only to lose to some Dutch man exploring Japan and subsequently losing all their belongings they bargained with. After showing the stranger around and exposing him to some of the highlights of Japanese culture, the group receives details as to where they should be headed to find the ‘samurai who smells of sunflowers’ and whatnot. This is one among many of the episodes which actually add progression and direction to their main goal, providing some fluff entertainment and purpose together. Here’s an odd little analogy: Bebop is like Chicken Fried Rice with green onions in it, you love chowing down on the smooth and rice flavor of the rice and possibly light veggies and chicken thrown into the mix and it all feels like it fits, but then you chomp on a piece of green onion and it is so distinct and peculiar and doesn’t really fit the mix (or at least I just hate green onions). Champloo on the other hand, could be wonton soup; with a savoury broth and rich pork pieces that complement each other so well, and then there’s the occasional wonton that stands out, but the broth soaks the wonton, so you get traces of the broth’s flavor as you eat the wonton, and the wonton itself tastes similar and feels like it fits. Better yet, let’s just say Bebop is a heterogeneous solution and Champloo is homogeneous XD. Not to say that Bebop is bad by any means, but that the 2 different tones and kinds of episodes in the series don’t seem to cross over well, and the green onions should be something that seems to fit with the rice more, like the peas and chicken do so I can devour and savour at the same time without trying to pick the onions out or taste the awkward mix. On a side note, I like the final arc of Champloo more despite Bebop having a still powerful ending itself. Bebop had a tragic romantic tryst that was kind of elongated and a somewhat melodramatic and rushed final act that was an intense yet short siege and showdown that hit me hard, but again, was still short lived. Champloo’s arc was more pragmatic and unsettling, with Kariya at the helm, pulling the strings. His deceptively mundane appearance wouldn’t really set him apart from most samurai, but his cold machinations, his slow yet ominous presence, his revered and feared skills and the actual exemplification of them are completely overwhelming. Never before had I felt such a haunting sense of despair under a mild yet picturesque azure in broad daylight, and his murky clothes stagnantly emerging from the sun’s reflection was just immensely strong. Every scene in those last 3 episodes was incredibly beautiful and moving to me and I find both that final arc and Kariya to be one of my personal favourite arcs and FAVOURITE villain of all time. I digress, Bebop is its own beast, and in that respect, it still excelled brilliantly, so don’t take my preferences and comparisons too strongly, but to me, Champloo hit every note I liked about Bebop and made it resonate even better, and it’s my cup of tea. While a vast majority may prefer Bebop to Champloo, I still think Champloo should sit among its ranks in Enlightenment.
AngelsArcanumApr 9, 2013 4:58 PM
Apr 9, 2013 6:01 PM

Jun 2011
@Angels - That's an impressive retort if nothing else. I disagree with about half of it (way too many details to say each one), but I can at least see why you have your stance. I still hold that the ending to Champloo was a huge turnoff
and will say that to me, the Bebop crew holds more depth (except for Ed) than the Champloo team.

But whatever, from the course of this thread it seems that we're both a bit on the outskirts.
Apr 9, 2013 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
ForgoneReality said:
@Angels - That's an impressive retort if nothing else. I disagree with about half of it (way too many details to say each one), but I can at least see why you have your stance. I still hold that the ending to Champloo was a huge turnoff
and will say that to me, the Bebop crew holds more depth (except for Ed) than the Champloo team.

But whatever, from the course of this thread it seems that we're both a bit on the outskirts.

That's understandable, I find that Faye's story stood out pretty well amongst the others with Spike's triad business and Jet's old cop days. I loved when Faye found those tapes of herself back in the 2000s and seeing her wonderful family life which is just a lost cause at this point, it was bittersweet and touching and I really liked it.
Apr 9, 2013 6:37 PM

Nov 2011
I'm not entirely sure how to vote on this one. On one hand, I would recommend it to anyone because it's VERY enjoyable and well done. But on the other it did have episodes where it fell flat and the ending was a pretty big dissapointment.

Ah whatever. I will white knight Angels Utena-style. TAKE MY REVOLUTION!!

I vote option 1.

It was an enjoyable samurai hip hop romp and honestly, we have plenty of stuff on the list that is nothing more than purely enjoyable and entertaining or visually appealing. Why not add Champloo as well.
Apr 9, 2013 7:35 PM

Feb 2008
To make things more interesting, I will also cast a vote for the 1st option. Though, to be completely honest, my vote would go to the imaginary option between the first and the second, since I don't think it's either a glorious nor an unremarkable show.

The ending and how things unfolded may be a turnoff, but overall, the style, that urban hip-hop feel you get from the show, even though it's about samurai, are quite unique and well-though-out in a way. Also, when I watched it a couple of years ago, I was amazed by the fact that the whole hip-hop OST and atmosphere didn't bother me, even though it's one of the subcultures I least fancy.

Apr 9, 2013 7:43 PM

Jun 2012
I'd say Option 2...

But Nujabes Ost boosts it to option 1 personally.
Apr 9, 2013 7:50 PM

Oct 2012
Let me fix my vote:

Option 3.

I just finished this thing yesterday. The incredibly unbelievable tonal shifts were crazy to look at. Sure the graffiti and hip-hop was alright, in fact, I welcomed that side of Champloo, but the episodes that are just there for the heck of it (the zombie episode and the baseball episode) are really bizarre and aren't even entertaining. I laughed, yeah, but for all the wrong reasons. Champloo looks like a series that didn't know whether to be serious or funny, and whenever is screws up with a bad episode, it laughs at itself and tries to make its poor episode an ironic joke. But even if it chose a side, the most it'd get from me is option 2. It's just entertainment on one end, and the over-arching plot is average on the other.
Apr 9, 2013 8:42 PM

Jan 2013
I found the baseball episode pretty funny personally but I will agree Cosmic Collisions is just wayyy out there.
Apr 9, 2013 9:10 PM

Oct 2008
Option 2, a good anime but that's it.
Apr 11, 2013 5:41 PM

Jan 2013
Amberleh said:
I'm not entirely sure how to vote on this one. On one hand, I would recommend it to anyone because it's VERY enjoyable and well done. But on the other it did have episodes where it fell flat and the ending was a pretty big dissapointment.

Ah whatever. I will white knight Angels Utena-style. TAKE MY REVOLUTION!!

I vote option 1.

It was an enjoyable samurai hip hop romp and honestly, we have plenty of stuff on the list that is nothing more than purely enjoyable and entertaining or visually appealing. Why not add Champloo as well.

I'm flattered; think you can
That's about all the Utena knowledge I have with that little reference there XD. I really should start watching soon.
Apr 11, 2013 10:52 PM

Sep 2012
Option 1
I don't think every anime need an ultimate aim to be good or is it wrong to enjoying a anime who doesn't take itself seriously(we have black lagoon in enlightenment).It has some of the best fights,while Characters never feel real they have different personalities and it has somewhat social commentery of that time.PLUS IT HAS MUGEN.
Apr 12, 2013 3:35 AM

Sep 2011
I agree with Corwin, but my vote goes to Option 2.
I liked the music, the style and Mugen and Jin were decent characters. But that's about all I liked. The rest was average to bad.
It is very entertaining though but this list is an objective one and therefore it does not deserve to be added, in my opinion.
HaakonwaleApr 12, 2013 7:01 AM
Apr 12, 2013 6:22 AM

Sep 2008
2; Lots of style, but average level of substance.
Apr 13, 2013 12:07 AM

Dec 2011
corwin_r said:
To make things more interesting, I will also cast a vote for the 1st option. Though, to be completely honest, my vote would go to the imaginary option between the first and the second, since I don't think it's either a glorious nor an unremarkable show.

I feel the same. I honestly think that this series floats somewhere inbetween option 1 and 2, but I'm making my definitive answer option 1.

Samurai Champloo is a series that I would recommend to anyone. It's not without flaws--some episodes early on (Redeye Reprisal) and later on (zombies ep) are dull and unremarkable, but the series shines because of character depth, the skillful blending of anachronisms and other seemingly unrelated things, vibrant and smooth animation, and a soundtrack that perfectly compliments each scene and builds the mood that that's being conveyed.
Apr 13, 2013 11:34 AM

Apr 2012
Option 2:

Although I loved the story and characters, this is an Edo Period version of Cowboy Bebop. It's too much like CB to be considered original, but I sure loved the baseball game episode. It's neither Enlightened nor Relations material.
Apr 14, 2013 4:40 PM

Oct 2012
This poll has drawn to a close. Samurai Champloo is deemed Unremarkable with a total of 15 votes: 6 for enlightening, 7 for unremarkable, and 2 for relations.

Thank you for voting.
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