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Is it ok in being considerate in terms of rating an anime?

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Apr 24, 2016 12:51 PM

Jan 2016
Yea, It's ok. 7 means "good" so you think most anime is good.
"I love advertisements" - Nobody
Apr 24, 2016 12:53 PM

Jun 2015
keimaconquesta said:
I've already watched 200+ anime, and when I score them I try it to be as positive as possible. Now, my mean score is 7+, and I think it's a pretty abnormal mean score here in MAL... Is it okay if I keep up with this attitude or do I need to be stricter?
How is it abnormal if you go to the top 3000 and the scores are still over 7?
Apr 24, 2016 1:06 PM

Oct 2014
Lordwen said:
keimaconquesta said:
I've already watched 200+ anime, and when I score them I try it to be as positive as possible. Now, my mean score is 7+, and I think it's a pretty abnormal mean score here in MAL... Is it okay if I keep up with this attitude or do I need to be stricter?
How is it abnormal if you go to the top 3000 and the scores are still over 7?
The average rating on MAL is 6.9, which some may see as a problem, but it's part of human psychology to assume that anything you are more familiar with must be better than average. Around 80% of people believe that they are above average when statistically only 50% of people can possibly be above average by definition. Only around 600 anime or so are rated below 5.5 or "true average" while there are over 7000 anime that are in the leaderboard. This means that people are saying that ~90% of anime are "above average", which doesn't make too much sense, but people assume that what they chose to watch is better than the average anime. People do the same thing with cars because they don't want to feel like they wasted their money on a below-average car. Interestingly enough even users like spacecowboy and DateYutaka who have seen a high percentage of the anime on MAL still have mean scores far higher than 5.5 which begs the question of what "average" is.
Apr 24, 2016 1:35 PM

Mar 2016
Do you rate anime to help yourself figure out what you like, or do you do it for attention seeking purposes? Your answer to this question should answer your OP question.
Apr 24, 2016 1:54 PM

Sep 2013
@zombie_pegasus You really didn't "complete" 500 anime, really. From those, only 173 are TV series. 55 of them are OVAs, being most of them 1 episode long. 46 are movies (OK). 82 of them are specials, which fall in the same category of the OVAs for that matter, since they're mostly one episode long as well. 56 are ONAs. The other 88 fall into "music" category.

Your mean score is 4.8, which is -1,89 than the global average for these shows. I think, though, since you have many OVAs, specials and ONAs there, the better approach would be using the average of TV series, which for your case is -0,9 compared to the global mean score.

So, I don't think your averages are much lower at all compared to MAL's users, especially because most of the stuff you scored are 1 episode material, that weight way more than the stuff you watched most of the time (TV shows, only a few OVAs and ONAs that go further than being 1 episode long and the movies). For instance, my mean score is -0,72 lower than global average and I almost only have TV series in my list. So I have "completed" 167 animes, which would be way less than you, but on the other hand I average 20 days more watching them than you. So yea, your score, albeit may seem "low", really isn't. It's actually really close to mine, the difference being that I have watched more TV shows people rate higher while you watched shows that have naturally a lower average global score (7.2 x 8,2). When we take the difference between our scores and the global mean, though, we see that they're in reality separated by only .2. So yea, looking from this perspective I think your score is not low at all like you made it out to be.
Apr 24, 2016 1:59 PM

Nov 2013
I used to do the same thing but when you get down to it, anime is an industry, meaning they will produce the more popular type of anime. Therefore, differentiating the good anime from the bad anime could potentially have an impact on what you will watch in the future.
Apr 24, 2016 2:17 PM

Oct 2014
@Wintovisky I've completed 134 full length TV series (100 minutes+, not sure if that sounds reasonable) and my mean score for them is around 6.3 or 0.85 below the global mean. Most of the "movies" I've seen are short films (<40 minutes) so that category is pretty much negligible. I think it seems fair to rate longer anime higher mostly because I avoid or drop long anime that I don't like. There are some anime like Watamote and Glasslip that are fairly long but I really didn't like so I gave low scores to. The lowest score I've given to a three or four cour anime is 7.
Apr 24, 2016 2:54 PM

Sep 2013
@zombie_pegasus I just said that to show your mean score is not that distant from the global mean score for those shows, taking into account the shows that "should count".

Well, since I don't watch many OVAs (from the ones I did half of them you could count as TV series) and specials I really can't talk about the relation between length and score. I rate purely based on enjoyment, it doesn't matter if the show was long or not. But chances are if you completed a long show (especially 24+ episodes) what you watched was enough to keep you entertained and give it something like at least a 4 or 5 instead of 1 of 2, that would be more common on short stuff or dropped shows.

OT: I don't get this "being considerate" with the ratings you give. I rate purely based on enjoyment, I think. Well, I usually avoid giving 4s or bellow to completed shows cause they weren't "terrible" only "bad/really bad", I mean, even being trash they made me comeback everytime to suffer lol xD
Apr 24, 2016 3:06 PM

Jun 2015
zombie_pegasus said:
Well, thanks for illustrating my comment. I'm surprised even average is a hard concept to grasp. It should be as easy as what to expect from a given show you don't know anything about. And surprisingly enough if you had to do that with a random anime entry, you'd probably get something under your average since the chances it's out of your comfort zone might get high. I pretty much know what a 5 means for me, but personal lists will always end up functioning a bit like a tier-system, and so the more you watch theorically the lower some scores, simply because they stretch. Date has indeed an interesting way to rate based on his own perception of shows being memorable or not for the industry, but I guess that's just an odd approach. That, or after rating that many thousand entries he just stopped caring.
UnowenApr 24, 2016 3:09 PM
Apr 24, 2016 3:34 PM
Oct 2014
TheMoonServant said:
well, my rating isn't exactly 0/1.. It's just that according to my tastes, the animes I've seen didn't have any flaws, except for those who are rated below 10... For example, if the anime has smth I don't like, but smth else pays up to it, I will not lower the rating, but... If it has smth I don't like and nothing pays up to it, I will lower the rating except slow ones, when an anime is too slow for me, I will give it an unavoidable 9.

I think this is a fairly common way to rate shows. It's a subtractive system, like grading in school. Everything starts with a perfect score then points are subtracted for a less than perfect showing. This tend to produce fairly high scores.

Personally I use an over/under system. Everything starts with 5 and I add or subtract points for the show's strengths and weaknesses. This tends to produce scores closer to the middle of the scale.

I could also imagine an additive system, i.e. everything starts at 0 and points are added as the show impresses the viewer. This would tend to produce low scores, and I haven't heard of anyone using this system.

Then there's the "I don't give a damn" rating system where the user just gives the show a score without trying to be too clever or analytical. In some ways, I suspect this is the best rating system of them all.
Apr 24, 2016 3:39 PM

Sep 2015
It's fine to be considerate since that is how you feel about a show then I don't really mind.
"Once something has been written, it cannot be changed no matter how much you want to forget about it." -some random cheezy quote I came up with
Apr 24, 2016 4:53 PM

Oct 2013
Reading most of these comment shows me that there is stll hope on mal.
Apr 24, 2016 10:34 PM

May 2015
kamisama751 said:
GaryMuffuginOak said:

It's not like the animators work for hours on end and are paid little to nothing anyways. Not like the voice actors really have to say any lines. Not like the director has to direct anything. If you think it's easy, you should try it yourself. Face it, you just dislike harems, but your 9/10 SAO score begs the differ...

The quality of a show is output pure. You can emphathize with him but that's all. Even if he makes Boku no Pico while putting the most effort in this world in it, it is still garbage.
thank you

I didnt know someone actually had to explain a thing like that to someone else
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Apr 24, 2016 11:04 PM

Sep 2015
Just fuckin' rate it based on how much fun you had watching it, dagnabbit. That's all that matters in the end.

Apr 25, 2016 3:35 AM

Nov 2014
It's not like animators wages depend on your ratings, right?

Your ratings are your business and if anyone criticises you for them then he has a problem, not you.
But at the same time I believe MAL (and most sites with user ratings) is suffering form inflated ratings, forcing everyone to adjust to them when browsing anime. I mean, I use 5 as starting point when rating, but when I'm looking for a new thing to watch, I have to consider anything below 7-7,5 as questionable (not that low score makes me skip it ofc).
Another thing is dropping. After all why watch something that is "bad"? If I finished all my dropped, on-hold anime, and ones that I didn't even add to my list after trying them, I guess my average rating would drop below 5 lol
Apr 25, 2016 4:15 AM

Nov 2012
Rating is so arbitrary anyway, so it matters not how you do it. Everyone has different ways of doing it anyway. Screw anyone who's gonna use your ratings in an argument against you or as some sort of insult.
Apr 25, 2016 5:49 AM

Dec 2013
I don't really care what other people think of my mean score lol

Mine is a 7.71 and I'm fine with that. I think mine is probably a little on the high side though because my list is small. I don't watch anime that are often considered "bad" and have really low ratings. Instead, my list is filled with a lot of classics like FMAB, Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass, etc. so obviously I'm going to be giving a lot of high ratings.

Also I'm in love with the Monogatari series
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Apr 25, 2016 5:51 AM
Dec 2015
So you look on the positives of the show instead of the negatives? While I have no right to judge how anyone scores, the rating typically lowers as you find things you don't like in a series. Otherwise, people would say, well at least this or that when rating instead of actually critiquing the show. I feel the rating system is, for people who seriously critique, built to find error. But don't quote my list on this, it's straight up cancer~♡
Apr 25, 2016 7:10 AM

Dec 2013
I mean, it's recommended in the sense that, it might help you appreciate the good aspects about something more, and it lets you get more out of everything. Life would be a hell of a lot happier if I could genuinely like everything, or just like everything a little more, believe me

In terms of the ratings, who really gives a fuck - It's just a number, a personal number at that, it doesn't mean anything. You give your numbers away however you want.

I guess some people feel somewhat pressured by the fact that people might think they're too harsh or too soft, the fact that these days anything below a 7 out of 10/3.5 out of 5 is considered atrocious, and it doesn't help that MAL has to label each rating (IMO, every site that lets you rate things should be like this site - You can put the labels for each rating yourself, so every rating system is completely unique), but really, I know it's easier said than done but you just gotta learn to live with that. Just do your thing and fuck them other niggas, 'namsayin'?

I personally don't rate simply because I don't believe you can properly represent someone's opinion thru a number and my obsession for correct cataloguing makes me have a headache whenever I start thinking about what should I rate something compared to other things I've rated, not because of what other people might think of my rating system.
Apr 25, 2016 7:12 AM

Jan 2013
I just judge a show based on enjoyment ... not going to go in depth for every little thing.
My mean score is 7.61 apparently and I'm fine with it, ... I can usually tell if I'll enjoy a show before watching it, just reading synopsis, looking at art style etc.
Apr 25, 2016 7:22 AM

Oct 2013
Score whatever you feel like lol
My average is 8, and I don't care about MAL's average score
Apr 25, 2016 9:48 AM

Mar 2012
Sure. Rate however you want. I'm sure the Anime Uber Elitist Club won't be too happy but their opinions don't matter.
Apr 25, 2016 9:58 AM

Jan 2012
Did I like it? 8-10

Did I hate it? 1-2

My rating system, if I don't like something about an anime or I find something pretty off-putting then I'm not going to watch it, simple enough.
Apr 25, 2016 11:19 AM

May 2015
If you want to rate on enjoyment, "objectivity", rate everything a 10, not rate, do it! There isn't any rule on MAL that makes you rate one way.
Apr 25, 2016 11:25 AM

Jul 2015
but what if i rate only 1,2,3 heh im ruining the overall score >:I
Apr 25, 2016 2:02 PM
Apr 2016
No. I want my cold hard facts on a platter of blood and hearts.
Apr 25, 2016 2:25 PM

Aug 2015
Yes or No, whatever you pick.

Not enough shitposts. I'm outta here! :/
Apr 25, 2016 5:21 PM

Apr 2015
As longest you used the full-scale rating then you're good.

Apr 25, 2016 5:45 PM

Oct 2015
Wensbane said:
If you've watched more than 200 anime your mean score should naturally end up close to 5.5.

If it's a lot higher or a lot lower than 5.5 there is a very strong possibility (not certainty) that you're doing something wrong.
Usually it's not using the rating scale properly. Remember that 5 means average, but since you can't vote 0 on MAL -- making 5.5 the middle ground, not 5 -- most of your scores should be either 5 or 6.

MAL Graph shows that you give way too many 8s. Like, one third of stuff you've watched are 8s. Even if you only watch stuff that you're guaranteed to love, with hundreds of anime under your belt, there's just no way that can be right.

Okay, I'll lower my rating of NGE from a 7 to a 3 to lower my mean score :^)

just kidding, just kidding, pls don't kill me bby

Anyway I do agree that rating anything you liked slightly a 10 and using 5 to denote that something outright sux is kinda dumb, because then where do you put the stuff that you well and truly enjoyed? It all sort of gets mixed together and you won't be able to find your own preferences.
Apr 25, 2016 5:59 PM

Mar 2016
I can't find a reason why it shouldn't be okay, rate however you want to rate
Apr 25, 2016 8:02 PM

Jan 2013
Bruh have you seen my mean score? Your fine, quit being self conscious of yourself about something so stupid.
Apr 26, 2016 5:08 AM

Aug 2013
keimaconquesta said:
I've already watched 200+ anime, and when I score them I try it to be as positive as possible. Now, my mean score is 7+, and I think it's a pretty abnormal mean score here in MAL... Is it okay if I keep up with this attitude or do I need to be stricter?

My mean score is just below 8. Don't worry about being "strict" with your scores. It's all relative anyway. People think your mean score should be 5 because it's the middle of 1-10 but that's also assuming you want to spend half of your time watching shows that you don't even like. We don't choose anime to watch (or at least I don't) completely at random so our mean score shouldn't be really low. There is (and should) be an upwards skew in scores because anime is a medium of entertainment so there will be obviously a bias for shows you're more likely to enjoy based on reviews, genre, shows you've already watched etc. Forget about ratings there are better things to focus on in life. Rate however you want, don't overthink it save your brain capacity for something useful.
Apr 26, 2016 8:15 AM
May 2013
Just do what you want. The worst thing you could do is take anime too seriously like what you seem to be doing now. If you like the show then one would expect you to rate it highly. That's what I want anyway when I look at an anime's rating. I want people's personal opinions not some box office bullshit rating I can find on google. I get the feeling people turn anime watching into some kind of Olympic sport with all kinds of rules and regulations, and it's beyond stupid. Like I have seen so many people say they would never drop an anime no matter how bad it is and that completely baffles me. Why would you waste your time watching shit? Would you have the same consideration for an American show? probably not. And then there are the weirdos that scream at you for liking SAO. With the way they are acting you would think it's the worst piece of media to every grace the planet. It's not that bad, relax. Okay, this is probably not the best place to rant about this, but some people are really fucking weird.
Apr 26, 2016 5:18 PM

Feb 2015
Sure, rating using the whole scale can mean being more descriptive with your ratings, but at the end of the day I think the reasons behind your feelings towards a series are far more interesting than what number-grade you assigned it, so just rate however you damn please.

I pretty much concur with everything Lordwen has said on ratings (in his About Me area, I'm too lazy to what he has said in this thread, haha).
Apr 26, 2016 5:43 PM

Sep 2012
I recommend not taking the rating thingy too seriously and just rating out of instinct, it's what I do and it works. No need for mathematical formulas or worrying about having a high average or anything.
Apr 27, 2016 4:27 PM

Apr 2016
I think that you shouldn't let other peoples ratings affect how you rate anime. A rating is a numerical representation of how much you liked the anime. Thinking that your ratings are too considerate will make the rating unfair and cause your rating to be inaccurate.
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Apr 27, 2016 4:36 PM

Jan 2013
be truthful to your ratings. what is the point in lying to yourself?

Wensbane said:
If you've watched more than 200 anime your mean score should naturally end up close to 5.5.

If it's a lot higher or a lot lower than 5.5 there is a very strong possibility (not certainty) that you're doing something wrong.
Usually it's not using the rating scale properly. Remember that 5 means average, but since you can't vote 0 on MAL -- making 5.5 the middle ground, not 5 -- most of your scores should be either 5 or 6.

MAL Graph shows that you give way too many 8s. Like, one third of stuff you've watched are 8s. Even if you only watch stuff that you're guaranteed to love, with hundreds of anime under your belt, there's just no way that can be right.
That's actually not true.

If your mean score is near 5.5, then you're picking as many shows you dislike as opposed to ones you do like. Why anyone actually thinks this is a good thing is beyond me.

One of the perks of being "experienced" in watching anime, is that you should eventually be at least somewhat more aware of what an anime has to offer when you start it, than when you first began watching anime. Your average score should be higher than 5.5, if you're actually attempting to start series you think you will enjoy, rather than just starting random series.
Apr 27, 2016 4:45 PM

Feb 2010
I think your score is literally the average score on MAL so you're a picture book average MAL user in that regard. Nobody can call you anything but boringly normal based on that so don't worry.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 27, 2016 4:52 PM

Apr 2016
Having a higher score just means that you enjoyed what you watched and if someone looks at your profile, they can see if its worth watching if they trust you. If we let others shift our idea on how to vote, ratings would not matter. We have to remember that different people have different tastes.
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Apr 27, 2016 5:45 PM
Apr 2016
If you truly do think that an anime is worth 7+, there isn't a single thing wrong with that! Just don't let your wanting to be as positive as possible stop you from seeing/writing about the flaws in an anime.
Apr 27, 2016 6:10 PM
Mar 2016
I try to rate all average/watchable but not good anime as 5 because to my mind 5 is the middle of ratings so an average anime should be 5. However, I am not really too excited about rating average anime shows. BUT! I am motivated when I find a good anime so I go on MAL and rate the good shows... which makes my anime ratings higher than normal. I think this is pretty much the pattern for most people. :)

Other people can make 7 their average rating, it's fine with me.
Apr 27, 2016 9:17 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
So if I say it's not ok, now what? Are you going to change all your scores to what I think would be appropriate? Do nothing? Tell me off? Anyway, try this: remove all you scores and see what changes in the world. Spoilers: Nothing will.

keimaconquesta said:
Now, my mean score is 7+, and I think it's a pretty abnormal mean score here in MAL...

Are you trolling? MAL's average is 7.15.
Apr 27, 2016 9:48 PM

Aug 2008
There is no reason to take MAL seriously. Just rate however you want and ignore what others think.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Apr 27, 2016 10:54 PM
Apr 2014
I've come to realize, looking back at my list, that I rate animes a lot harsher than what I thought after finishing them. I found that I recommend animes that I've rated lower than an 8/10, which is ironic because I almost always never watch animes that are rated lower than tha ton MAL.

I honestly just go by what the parentheses say after each number. If I think an anime is "good," then I'll give it a 7. I guess if an anime receives that score, it impressed me.
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