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Nov 8, 2014 9:34 AM

Dec 2012
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It's a bit late to be creating this but I figured we should since this'll be a club reliant of user contributions, getting to know each other may be good. So say anything about yourself, anything really. Why you like BL, why you joined.

I'll start, my name is Cynthia. I started reading BL 2 yrs ago, the same time around I started anime. My first BL was Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and I created this club because I always had a difficult time finding specific things to read. There isn't a deep reason behind it, I just like reading it more than anything, and also because mal is a huge place with a great database accessible to a lot of people. Hope we get along
RothMay 17, 2015 8:09 AM
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Nov 8, 2014 9:39 AM
Jan 2013
My name is Elena. I'm BL lover xD as if this club is not about BL lover
I'm 15 years old [ 16 soon ] My first BL ani...., Nope, my first anime was Junjou romantica and I start Yaoi when I was 10. My sis is fujoshi as well, but before I used to watch the Shounen Ai series only till I became 14. XD
My fav author is Nakamura sensei, if I didn't watch junjou romantica then definitely you won't see me here. That's why I will never forget her xD
Nov 8, 2014 9:44 AM

Dec 2012
Whoa Frost you started a long time ago o_o
Nov 8, 2014 10:05 AM

Mar 2010
Im Ranoom. Not my real name but.... Lets just stick with that. I think i start reading Bl in 2012 or maybe late 2011.... Not sure though... I do remember my first bl. anddd it was the finder series. Guess not the best place to start but it got me in to yaoi so.... shout out to Yamano ayane.

Nov 9, 2014 10:33 AM
Jan 2013
rothrock said:
Whoa Frost you started a long time ago o_o

Of course, gaga.
Nov 9, 2014 11:55 AM

Mar 2009

im reira, i was interested in "japanese cartoons" since childhood. i learned those were called anime in... 2005? i was 12 i think and my fav anime was shaman king back then. when i was searching for SK manga ive found some.. hentaii djs.. and i actually though those were legit parts of the manga(lol) so ive read them all like "whoaa anna! why are you cheating on yoh? :( OMG why are pissing on ryuu!!?" and when i've finished reading those i clicked on the other section, the "yaoi" section and then i was like "ive no idea what the hell ive just witnessed but i F**KING loved it!". anddd yea, it's the begging of it all. :P
tho since my english was quite poor and there were nearly no fansubbers for my language it was hard to watch anime and to read manga. now that ive improved my english to something tolerable ive started to translate BL to my mother language ^^

woa rothrock, your manga list is pretty impressive for just 2 years! ive been reading manga (steady) for 7 years and yours is bigger than mine.
Nov 9, 2014 12:00 PM

Dec 2012
It's safe to say you prolly read more BL than me, I also read Shounen and Shoujo so there's that. I only focus on BL more now :)
Nov 9, 2014 12:20 PM

Mar 2009
rothrock said:
It's safe to say you prolly read more BL than me, I also read Shounen and Shoujo so there's that. I only focus on BL more now :)

i mean counting the total :) i dont read only bl too..
Nov 9, 2014 12:22 PM

Dec 2012
Oh okay, it's about to increase more that I've made this club :v I've put my manga on-hold
Nov 9, 2014 12:23 PM

Jul 2012
Hey! Mayuka here~ I've been watching anime since I was 8-ish but I got into it seriously at the age of 15. I'm 18 now. My first BL was "Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita" which I watched because Meganebu!'s directing was to my preference so I ended up watching every one of her works. And hey, I used to be super homophobic but that OVA made me enjoy BL. After a long while of school and studies, I watched all of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi in March and dang, I enjoyed it. It's like shoujo with the dokis but better. After a long time, I started reading more BL after running out of anime to watch. It started with Love Stage!!, then Honto Yajuu, and Seven Days... and then various other manga. I'm also into Shoujo, Sports, Mystery, and Sci-fi in terms of genres.
Nov 9, 2014 12:25 PM

Dec 2012
You lost me at homophobic

Nov 9, 2014 12:28 PM

Dec 2012
Damn that's a shocker, glad you've experienced the wonderful thing that is BL.
Nov 9, 2014 12:28 PM

Jul 2012
rothrock said:
You lost me at homophobic


I used to be really religious and hated anything with homosexuals. Like I went on internet forums to argue against gay marriage and shit like that. But like, yaoi changed the way I thought.
Nov 9, 2014 1:28 PM

May 2013
Hello guys, I am SuddenJami, Sudden for short, and I began watching anime when I was introduced to Naruto around the age of seven. I don't really read manga and I'm a pretty big gamer. I love Fire Emblem will all my heart and my hobbies are karate, sleeping, watching anime, and writing fanfictions (even though I'm a crappy writer). My favorite genre for anime is comedy, romance, shounen-ai, and supernatural. My favorite anime of all time is Mushi-shi and just the slight mention of it makes me super happy (cause I'm a derp). I began reading shounen-ai when I was around 11 and I progressively moved in deeper. My first yaoi anime that I watched was Sekai-ichi Hatukoi and I still love it to this day and is one of the only mangas I continue reading. (I want a third season damn it! T^T)

Believe it or not I get nervous easily so when I make the simplest mistake, I tend to freak out and try to fix it. When I become more comfortable with people, I'm more open and goofy, so think of it as a way that I'm relaxed around you.
I hope we can all be friends! ♫ ♥
Nov 9, 2014 2:03 PM

Dec 2012
SuddenJami said:
Believe it or not I get nervous easily so when I make the simplest mistake, I tend to freak out and try to fix it. When I become more comfortable with people, I'm more open and goofy, so think of it as a way that I'm relaxed around you.
I hope we can all be friends! ♫ ♥
Same ;_;
Nov 9, 2014 2:30 PM

Apr 2014
I'm LOAD :> Self introductions always make me feel weird but anyways. My first BL was actually Dramatical Murder, so basically I started liking it when I first heard about the anime and VN. It's quite recent I suppose. To be honest, I'd say I read twice as much BL doujins as I do original manga... haha. And doujins are what make me get into watching new (or old) anime series. Sometimes they even get me into some gaming.

So yeah. Nice to meet everyone!
Nov 9, 2014 4:50 PM

Jan 2013
Hi~ I'm Celsia. I started shipping boy x boy couples before I even knew what BL was.. I think maybe it was because I found the girls in the shoujo I read annoying and wanted the boys to spend more time together or something lol. Anyway, I read more doujinshi than original manga, just got into BL manga for only about two years.

Nice to meet everyone!
Nov 9, 2014 4:54 PM

Jul 2012
Celsia said:
I think maybe it was because I found the girls in the shoujo I read annoying and wanted the boys to spend more time together or something lol.

Same. BL is like taking the fluff and goodness from shoujo but taking out the annoying indecisive main female. xD
Nov 10, 2014 8:03 PM

Nov 2007
Hello Hello~
I was invited to join so here I am. ^.^
I'm Ajisaitea or Ajisai and I am of course a BL fan. My first BL was Wild Rock and I must say I was so shocked by it that it took me 5yrs to try another one. I guess you can say I wasn't ready to admit that I liked to read things of the BL nature at that time. But now I love it, and I read tons of it.

Some of my favorite authors are Kanbe Akira, Minase Masara and Tenzen Momoko.
Nov 10, 2014 8:10 PM

Dec 2012
Nice to see another Tenzen Momoko fan, I love her works as well~
Nov 10, 2014 8:40 PM

Nov 2007
Most people I find who like BL don't know her works. She is very under rated and it's sad. She tells such nice story's and her art style is so pretty.
Nov 10, 2014 8:42 PM

Jul 2012
Thanks, guys I have another author to check out :D
Nov 11, 2014 1:35 AM

Aug 2011
Hello guys! You can just call me ika and I'm a ten count trash. lol

I love to play BL games and scanlate.

I've been a fan of BL/Yaoi since 2002 ✧⁺◝(●˙▾˙●)◝⁺✧
Nov 11, 2014 7:26 PM

Dec 2012
Got a lot of veterans here :>
Nov 13, 2014 12:02 AM

Apr 2008
Hello, everyone! My name is YaoiIsGood! On some other sites I'm called YaoiGirl, so I'll answer to either. I've been into BL/Yaoi since I was about 15-16 years old... so for about 7-8 years now. When I first found out about this site I went through the whole list of yaoi labeled titles and downloaded all the ones I could find or read them online. I finished the entire list in about a years worth of school, and then went through the list again for new titles the following 6 months after that. I became quite the fujoshi in a short amount of time. I fell in love with forbidden relationships long before I started yaoi. I still read a LOT of shoujo manga but yaoi really fixes my craving for romance.
Other things about me: I'm 23 years old, I have a 3 month old son, I've only ever been with one person: my current boyfriend and father of my son, Cody. He's very much an uke (short, small stature, cute) in appearance but he has a seme personality. >w< I've also been to Japan as well as taken 3 years of the language in high school. I'm pretty rusty now, though. I love Japanese culture and music very much. And I hope I can get along with all of you. :)
Nov 13, 2014 12:20 AM

Dec 2012
Welcome :) lol poor Cody, jk.
Nov 13, 2014 1:36 AM

Apr 2008
rothrock said:
Welcome :) lol poor Cody, jk.

Haha, no you're right in the ball park. He hates when I call him uke. He is sensitive about his height since he's only 5'2".
And thank you for the warm welcome. :)
Nov 14, 2014 4:29 PM

Jan 2014
Hellooooo ^.^!!!!! My name is Nikki wich is one of the reasons i chose this name. I physically have a few similarities with the anime character plus the fact that i do have pink hair problably helps a lot! Im 25 and ive been watching/reading yaoi for about a year only but i think i went totally nuts about it! I buy pretty much all the mangas i can in a store i found close to my house mouhahaha! What else emhhh... I love pets xD! Im a very expressive and direct person and i hope i can get along pretty well with every1 here :D!!!

Nov 15, 2014 5:44 AM

Jan 2014
Awww i have a cat also but i love roddens so i got a lotttts of them loll my husband says id be happy being the owner of a zoo Q.Q! I got a headhog a rat my lovely bunny my chinchilla and the mini hamsters soo cuteeee ^.^!!!

Nov 16, 2014 1:46 PM

Jan 2014
Hey, I'm Smurph. I love all things orange. I love yaoi too, but I also enjoy seinen, horror, and action/adventure manga because manga is awesome. I don't watch as much anime because I find it more time consuming. I'm still fairly new to the BL world, but I'm working as hard as I can to read everything within my grasp. My first yaoi, Rutta to Kodama, I actually found by accident on a hentai site, and after realizing how adorable the genre was I went searching for more (kind of a weird start, but whatever, it worked). Shoujo manga is largely unsatisfying to me, though I still read it from time to time, so at this point yaoi is how I get most of my romance. I hope to get along with everyone here; I generally do better with these smaller more tight-knit clubs. Anyway, nice to meet you all.
Nov 16, 2014 3:33 PM

Dec 2012
Hello! Welcome :) nice to meet you too. Surprising to hear Rutta to Kodama on a hentai site lol.
Nov 17, 2014 5:15 AM

Aug 2013
Hello. My name is Elif. I'm 25 years old. Actually I like both BL and GL, but it's hard to find GL with good quality since yaoi is more popular. My first BL manga was Sakura Gari, after that I read Totally Captivated and Tight Rope. These 3 are special to me :) My first BL anime was Seitokaichou ni Chuukoku (Hey Class President), I was surprised to hear Gintoki's voice in a BL anime =)) Sugita Tomokazu never fails to impress me. Well, I find this club very useful, I hope we get along. @rothrock, thank you for inviting me :) Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
Nov 17, 2014 6:44 AM

Dec 2012
Hello :D Welcome and no problem!
Nov 17, 2014 12:51 PM

Mar 2009
rothrock said:
Hello! Welcome :) nice to meet you too. Surprising to hear Rutta to Kodama on a hentai site lol.

lol i actually read rutta to kodama on a hentai site(fakku) too :D

hi angelica6661989, im from turkey, too ^^
Nov 27, 2014 12:10 PM
Jun 2011
Hi, Junichi here. I'm a human who likes anime,manga, yaoi, video games.
-Sports like tennis, badminton, volleyball, baseball, cycling are my favourite.
-I like health and medicine, and all sciences
-My favourite genres are shoujo, romance, comedy, shounen, action, seinen, josei, drama
-I'm a lazy person but trying to correct that

nice to meet you :)
Nov 27, 2014 1:07 PM
Jul 2014
Hey there peeps :3

I'm really, really bad when it comes to introduction :/ so I'll try to make it sound as good as possible lol.

As you can see my username is PinkPetals, but of course you can also call me pink :) I know most people don't like to write out such a long name xD. I like reading/watching yaoi, shounen ai, shoujo, josei, horror, comedy, tragedy, fantasy, and supernatural.

Some of the stuff/hobbies that I like to do are reading (books), writing Fanfictions (only for myself), and playing games (VN and video games).

I also have 2 cats running around at home :) I love animals very much. I also do volunteer work at a local animal shelter, which I really enjoy and like to do! :)

Well that's it about me I guess lol. Like I stated above, I'm terrible when it comes to introducing myself. It kinda takes me a while to write something that sounds/looks good to my ears/eyes XD.

Even though I don't write too much in the club comments, I hope to get along with everyone :)
Dec 6, 2014 5:49 AM

Apr 2011
Hi! Abigail Ranz desu. You can just call me Abby/Abi, but I don't mind any other nicknames actually. ;)

I'm 26 turning 27 (am I the oldest so far?), been watching anime since three years old, reading manga since four or five (a great way to know your ABCs, I tell you lol). Started on BL when I was 14. My first attempt on reading BL manga (which was Gravitation), my heart went erratically fast and my face turned really hot only on a mere kiss scene (which when I reread it was more like a peck) that I had to skip it. Ol' times, 'ol times xDDDDDD

My points always go to manga with deep plot dramas or great, flowing comedies instead of arts. In fact, some of my friends told me that I have a weird taste in arts lol. I also the kind who ship straight canon pairing even though I slash-shipped the characters with other male chara if I find them lovely.

My general info is on my page, but it's nothing interesting. :))
Dec 6, 2014 8:37 AM

Dec 2012
Hello Abigail. I think you're the oldest so far c: along with Mirai and Angelica. I've read so much now that my tastes are greatly influenced by artwork. You'll find a lot of people here with similar taste :D
we've only got a few active people here so don't be afraid to join in, welcome to the club. It's pretty fun :P
Dec 6, 2014 9:57 PM

Jul 2012
abiranz said:
My first attempt on reading BL manga (which was Gravitation), my heart went erratically fast and my face turned really hot only on a mere kiss scene (which when I reread it was more like a peck) that I had to skip it. Ol' times, 'ol times xDDDDDD

LOOOL I FEEL YA! When I first started off with Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, I was like frantically fangirling over the "smut" scenes as I never felt that way with your normal shoujo manga (even the smut..)
Dec 7, 2014 9:35 PM

Nov 2014
hello y'all n_n I'm mocha-chan (I am not creative at all and such a caffeine lover) I joined this club some days ago, usually for reference only purposes but I thought I'd try introducing myself since I don't know many BL lovers out there T_T~ (actually only one, it's a sad world ._.)

my history with anime actually goes a long way back, about when I was 9 (I'm 22 now). but I'm much more into reading than watching! I was introduced by a friend at that age (she showed me Sailor Moon), since then we still have this passion within us, to the point of going broke on ami-ami ;_; (anyone else? no, oh OK then T_T)

but I will stop babbling >_<... I am actually a new born in the amazing yaoi world, I started reading like months ago, and that's the reason I joined MAL: so I could keep track of the titles I've read. what got my curiosity awaken was dreaming about KuroFai (from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE) happening for real <3 that was how I started looking for BL titles. my first one was Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru (and then it's sequel), which I thought was great but kinda painful ;_; I usually prefer when things turn out alright and when they get together like in the first chapter bwahaha 8D currently my favorites are Haru wo Daite Ita, Totally Captivated, and the Warui series ♥~

I tend to read only works that have been finished so my heart won't suffer >_< still there are some ongoing things like Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai that I really look forward to n.n well I've said way too much, I'm so sorry! T_T~ anyways, nice meeting everyone!
hikarideDec 7, 2014 9:40 PM
Dec 8, 2014 7:18 AM

Dec 2012
I confused the last post of the thread to be "mayukachan" lol. Hello mochachan. Welcome to the club, one of my favs still remain to be the Warui Series since I started to read. It's good you came out and introduced yourself, I'm always wondering who's using the club in the shadows.
Dec 8, 2014 9:50 AM

Nov 2014
thanks for welcoming me, rothrock! yeah, I thought I should do it even though it's not really like me. I hope to have read as many as you someday T_T~ I'll probably return to your profile to look for titles if you allow me (I hope it didn't sound too creepy XD), because I feel there are a lot out there that isn't tagged. yes, the Warui series was one of my firsts and I love it, still I hate the fact that Shouwaru Ookami ga Koi wo Shita Rashii is still ongoing >_< I hate waiting.
Dec 8, 2014 9:57 AM

Dec 2012
Lol it's okay, using other people's lists is normal here. Yeah I hate waiting too ;_;
Dec 14, 2014 8:26 PM

Jul 2012
Hello everyone! I'm claudia, 22 years old. I'm an easy-going person, a dork who loves japanese culture, an otaku and pervert as hell aka fujoshi. Yes, I love BL and a lot of different genres. I've been watching anime since I can remember and discovered the beautiful BL world 12 years ago, all thanks to my curiosity and the accidental kiss that naruto and sasuke had(lol), you can say that CLAMP helped too.

The firsts Bl mangas that I read after watching all the available ovas, were from Takanaga Hinako and from there It went down hill (lol). I love a lot of mangakas and have read all their works (if they have been translated of course xD).

Anyway, nice to meet you all and let's get along :)
Dec 14, 2014 8:28 PM

Jul 2012
Welcome, Claudia! c:
Dec 14, 2014 8:30 PM

Dec 2012
Hey Claudia, welcome! 12 yrs wow :o
Dec 14, 2014 8:44 PM

Jul 2012
mayukachan said:
Welcome, Claudia! c:


rothrock said:
Hey Claudia, welcome! 12 yrs wow :o

jejeje thank you rothrock and yep, 12 years xD it's been a long and painful trip too many otps that have ruined my life
Dec 21, 2014 11:55 PM
Oct 2012
Hello! Sorry I'm kind of late to the introduction thing I never realized there was a post about it (this is my first group I've joined).

I go by either Kathy or Thao, Thao being my Vietnamese name though most of the time more recent online friends have been calling me that. I think I started to get into manga then later anime around when I was in 6th grade up until now (currently in 3nd yr of college). I'm pretty much down for any genre though I recently got into Yaoi last year after a friend started to get me into her fandoms. Though recently I only have time to read manga rather than watching anime because me and a couple of friends are making a VN as well as assisting my younger sister in making a rpg maker game, but when I do have free time I just play Final Fantasy games via iOS/PS3 as well as Love Live.
Dec 22, 2014 1:21 AM
Mar 2014
^_^ Hi! I'm a bit late at the introduction part, so sorry about that.
So, my name's Lakiya, though you can call me Kia, and I'm 18. I started watching/reading BL since I was 13ish, but I've watched anime since I was a kid, and my first BL was Gravitation. And I'd love suggestions for any good BL!
Dec 22, 2014 7:22 AM

Jun 2011
Hello, I recently joined. I prefered to be called by my screen name or any shortening of it.

I'm a teenager, I don't exaclty remember when I started...perhaps around 14? 13? But when I started it was shounen ai manga mostly. Too embarrassed to go further. But over time I moved from shounen ai to yaoi, and now I love yaoi manga, anime, games, etc.

I'm a fan of BL comedies. Since I started with manga, I more into BL manga than anime so I haven't seen many BL anime.

Now adays I just read random yaoi manga on manga sites. I've become too lazy to read those super long ones or try to find good ones. ONE DAY I will read them. I must.
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