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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
May 28, 1:23 AM
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
May 27, 9:22 AM
Watching 50/64 · Scored -
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Shuna no Tabi
Shuna no Tabi
May 29, 3:36 PM
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Usuzumi no Hate
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Feb 9, 2:42 PM
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VictorAmarelo 8 hours ago
nincs mit
biribora Yesterday, 12:18 PM
szia. az attack on titan szerintem tényleg az egyik legjobb anime amit valaha készítettek, nekem legalábbis nagyon tetszik, akcióban nincs hiány, panaszt nem tudok mondani.
a gakkougurashi is nagyon megfogott és az egyik kedvenc animém lett, ezért is kezdtem el olvasni a mangát, amivel csak egy baj van, h elképesztően lusta vagyok telefonon vagy gépen olvasni, inkább fizikai formájában szeretek olvasni bármit.
yuru camp nek pedig most kezdtem el nézni a 3. évadját, az is nagyon gyönyörű, és első rész alapján jót tett neki a stúdióváltás, egyedül rin chan on vettem észre nagyobb változást, viszont bevallom így mégjobban tetszik.
egyébként jó látni h hasonló az ízlésünk, kiszemeltem párat a completed listádból.
remélem tetszett a regényem😸
tsukareru Yesterday, 6:15 AM
Fine is good too! I doing well :)
tsukareru Yesterday, 4:36 AM
hi hi tinshard hope you're doing well !
Curlybrace101 May 31, 3:02 PM
Hi! I'm really enjoying it. I really love the sound effects and how slow and quiet it is. It reminds me of Lain.

This actually isn't my first time watching EVA. I watched about up until the introduction of Asuka when I was 15, but I dropped it because I didn't understand it. Revisiting i with an adult mindset has really helped me put things into perspective. I think Shinji is a very accurate representation of being a depressed teenager.
Mr_Libra May 31, 6:53 AM
Really, how do you like it so far, unfortunately I haven't heard anything good about it so far.

Wendoka May 31, 6:50 AM
Isn't it sad to see how the animation quality of Yuru Camp 3 collapsed?, still, is a good anime, but that is a big factor in a SoL imo, i dont mind it but apparently a lot of the audience stopped watching it for that reason.
Kneyki May 28, 8:49 AM
Thank You ^^

Yours are pretty nice too!
JoySeeker May 28, 5:16 AM
Hello, I hope you have a nice day🙋
Kneyki May 28, 5:13 AM
Pretty much. They're the big towers of battleships.
h0ppip May 26, 3:25 AM
Hello and sorry as always for the wait, I was like halfway writing a reply and accidentally deleted everything so I procrastinated because I was a little bit angry about that ahaha. But anyway I guess I could answer your question about how long it takes me to write a reply, since we're on topic! It depends, honestly. If I sit down and properly concentrate I can finish in like half an hour. But I'm lazy af and English isn't my first language so sometimes words kind of escape me and it takes a while to find the right way to convey what I want to say. But it's honestly a pleasure hehe. And it checks out that you take a lot of time to write your reply because yours are always so much more interesting and complex than mine ;u;

There really is no place like home :P although I'm trying to leave Italy but. Well. Let's put that aside, the pizza is enough to keep me forever in love with this place. And I get you so much about long trips, I used to travel about a hour and twenty minutes one way to Uni way back when, it was honestly the best three years of my life. Though I also get sleepy on trains, my favorite was listening to music while watching outside the window (I'm emo like that, what can I say) (brackets are the best, aren't they??).

Ohhhh Tears of the Kingdom is amazing, simply incredible, and yessss!!! Huge, huge map!! There's actually three maps overlapping! The sky one (albeit smaller), the main one and the underground one (which as you've seen in the video, it's just as big and much, much more dangerous). Zero loading screens, completely open world, there's instances where you have to launch yourself from somewhere up in the sky, to a chasm on the ground and then down down down to the underground, all in one go. Hell, you can also go form one corner of the map to the other without a single loading screen. And the game isn't just amazing, it also * looks * amazing! Fantastic graphics, I couldn't recommend it more.

I'm sorry to hear about your week, good job on getting to the end of it (and all the ones after that)! And congrats on the MAL badge, I didn't even know they existed, wtf?? What badge is it? You also seem to be playing like crazy which is awesome ahahha you name so many games I've never even heard of!!!! That's kind of amazing! :')

I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on DDLC, it's such a... full, deep game. And probably one of the scariest things I've ever laid eyes on in the last ten years. The randomly tilting background and the OST randomly going out of tune still live rent free in my head and I've watched the gameplays in, like, 2017. There's a specific cutscene that definitely traumatized me but I don't know if you got there so I won't specify which one.

A retro game exhibition sounds sooooo cooooool. One of the downsides to living in Italy is we never get anything like that ever, although we do have one of Europe's biggest comics & games conventions in my region. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your dad too, which is awesome :') it's also very sweet that you're able to be surprised by him in that way, sometimes it's hard to remember your parents are actual people. Even dads can get excited like children in front of their favorite videogame hehe. And I think completing Kirby right there was a good idea, I mean, when would you get the opportunity back? I've never played a Kirby game! But I might because honestly they look so cute and colorful and, yeah, not hard at all, which is the recipe for a good time if you ask me. Oh but Kirby definitely is one of my favorite characters to play in Super Smash because the floaty jumpy thing he does where he just puffs himself up to keep in the air is op and allows you to basically never fall out of the stage. He's good.

You know, I have no idea why I got so lucky with the happinies. It's not a rare pokemon per se, it's just kind of a hassle to get one. You need to breed a Chansey, and a Chansey is difficult to get in itself, then that Chansey needs to hold a specific item while breeding to get a Happiny egg and not a Chansey egg. But also, many players who used the global trading system used it specifically to try their luck and obtain pokémons with specific hidden stats and whatnot, so they just traded and traded and traded. Someone really wanted a buffed up Happiny!

Some of the legendaries are indeed very difficult to get lol, but Game Freaks has gotten increasingly clever with ways to add little changes to a 28 year old game using the same formula every time. I don't remember which pokémon it was but to evolve it you had to turn the DS 180° degrees while the evolution sequence was playing, it was nuts. If I may...... maybe not a game from the main franchise, but I think you would really like pokémon dungeon blue team for the DS. I dunno. Maybe give it a look.

Thank you for explaining, that sounds so fun to do, I would absolutely try all those methods ahahha. There's something similar in a Zelda game, I think it was Link's awakening. You can get away with stealing from a shop, but if you do the shopkeepers gets you right as you exit and it's an instant game over.

Don't worry about hyping up your favorite shows, you're not the internet, you're a kind and interesting person on talking to * on * the internet and enjoying a conversation with, it's fine. Besides, I'm sure Apothecary diaries rightly deserved all the praise it's gotten. Isn't gushing about a very good anime with a friend just the best?? I'm so glad you got to do it :B unfortunately with my favorites it was either not the right timing and no one was talking about it anymore, or I was too shy to go on the internet and just post a comment here on MAL or something, I've always resorted to writing thousands of words of commentary on my diary lol. And by the way, my turn to hype, my current obsession just got its final season announced and, considering how much I cried reading the final chapters of the manga a couple years ago, I'm very excited (if I cry watching/reading sometimes it means it reeeeally got to me). That's Diamond no ace btw, totally not your cup of tea so this isn't a recommendation but y'know, I'm just putting it out there.

That's so nice that you see that as heartwarming, thank you ;u; I have to say I do feel like a motherly person, sometimes. I'm definitely an old soul in some ways and am always nagging my friends to sleep and eat and drink plenty haha. It is a big time investment but the point is, the only shows that * really * get to me, the ones where I finish them and I still need to think about them, to put my thoughts into words somewhere, where I go search for fanarts and headcanons and whatnot, they're always the long ones. Unless I build a routine of slowly watching something two or three episodes a day, while forming thoughts of my own, and it takes like two months to finish it, maybe I'll like the show, sure, but it won't be one of my favorites. What would you say makes a good show for you? Is it the characters, the animation/soundtrack etc, the plot? (Your classmaster sounds amazing, btw.)

Thank you, I'll be here for a looooooooooong time searching for a job ahaha! I want to die a little but it's fine! Good luck to you as well, I hope life and the late spring is giving you some peace. My poor 3ds will stay there eating the dust until Zelda has me tight in her talons.
JoexySun May 24, 4:14 PM
Thank you for accepting my friend request! I think you are my first Hungarian friend!
JoexySun May 23, 12:34 AM
Thanks for your feedback and appreciation. In fact, I don't have a problem with Frieren being a slow-burn melancholic fantasy show. The actual characterization and message (according to my dumb interpretation anyway) are what frustrated me. Like I said, maybe it's my fault that I don't vibe with the show.
velveteenvamp May 21, 4:07 AM
Yes, I'm definitely going to pick up the manga! Over 24 hours later and I'm still thinking about the show, it left a mark on me for sure.

I've often overlooked Steins;Gate because I'm not crazy about sci-fi but that's my bad. Have you read the visual novel? I know it's a classic in the medium so I might be tempted to read it.
PostMahouShoujo May 20, 3:51 PM

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