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I'm mostly a fan of Shonen anime. While I do branch off into other genres, it's the one I like the most. I rate Animanga based on pure enjoyment because I'm not too familiar with the sophistication of media works. The same goes for the characters. As for people and companies, I rate them for their performance/contribution to a community/media and not who they are/their business practices.

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Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
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vegeta8639 Yesterday, 9:44 PM
Well that's good I guess? My phone would probably explode if I tried running BA on it. Or more likely not let me install it. It is just barely good enough to run Pokemon Masters EX though.

The Specs Op event story is the same story you're looking at now. They just add new chapters every time they bring it back. So you can just play through the whole thing now. For the rest of us we get the new content past chapter 12. I might have to move Eimi up all the way to B rank now with her new swimsuit variant. Her biggest draw back was that ugly outfit but she looks so beautiful in the swimsuit with that long pony tail. I'm tempted to roll but I probably won't since I just skipped Kikyou so it wouldn't feel right. Although I am super flushed with gems right now.

Meh I'll take any win we can get considering how bad the woke western censorship is. At least they listened to the fans on this one.
vegeta8639 Jun 11, 8:22 PM
Oh well that sucks. The fes is still like 2 months away so maybe you can get a new phone by then? Or if you're playing on PC, try putting the emulator on your main Windows (C) drive. That made the game work much better for me. Before that it was laggy af.
Was this your first Decagrammaton event? They bring it back occasionally and add new story. Still haven't played through it yet because I'm kinda busy.
Btw they censored some of Kikyou's lines in the English version a while back and today they fixed it after fan backlash. Much respect to the devs for listening to their community like that. It's nice to see somebody actually care about the integrity of their game.
vegeta8639 Jun 10, 8:11 AM
lol I thought you were replying to my rankings last time so that's awkward XD

Like I said the order within the same rank isn't fully accurate so I don't necessarily like Hoshino more than Hina or Kisaki.
No I just like Kurumi the least out of the Fox squad now that I've assessed each character individually. It would actually be weirder if they were all right next to each other considering they all have completely different designs/personalities. I just happen to really like all of them but they might split even further when they become playable.

Not sure if you've noticed but I tend to like more quiet/chill characters. If they're gonna have comedy antics it should be stuff like Hoshino being lazy or Iroha doing a very poor and transparent job at trying to seduce you. I find that both cute and funny. So Moe is not my type at all both in looks and personality. Kanna's just there. You're assuming I actively dislike any of these characters but for most of them they just have meh designs or are annoying. Rio's probably the one I hate the most but she's just lost in the sea of mediocre characters.
Miyako is a super cute white haired semi emotionless girl. Should be pretty obvious why I like her. She starts off disliking sensei but he earned her trust and now it's super adorable when she actually relies on him for stuff. Probably the one I'd most want to marry at this point.
vegeta8639 Jun 8, 6:39 AM
Ah okay so my hastily produced list is more complete than yours. Yea I pretty much agree with what you've said about Aru. Which makes her B tier for me instead of being lower. Not even close to S. Maybe it's just different tastes regarding her design. I probably like all of the PS68 girls more even if they're all B tier.

I have another friend who's obsessed with Yuuka which is why I'm wondering why you all like her so much. For me she's just another starting B tier character. I did get her sports outfit though mostly for the gameplay effect. Not just trying to shit on your favorites though. With the others I can definitely see it even if they're not my personal favorite.

Oh nice. Can't wait to meet them. Probably a long time until they're playable though if at all. I was referring to your list when I said "middle one" so I meant the one with the face mask. But I'm sure they'll all be decent. I assume they're kind of a package deal.

Oh absolutely the journalist girls are annoying AF. I wouldn't lump the dog girls with them at all though. She's just cute and snarky imo. Probably B tier, maybe higher if she gets good bonding scenes.
I used literally the exact same methods you did. The same tierlist website, the same imgur image hosting website and inserted it into MAL the same way. Do you think mine looks better? To me they look exactly the same.
vegeta8639 Jun 7, 11:54 AM
Here my rankings would look something like this:

It was taking a while so I kinda stopped caring about who's ahead within the same rank halfway through. But like I said when we started talking about BA, there are so many S rank girls that are all very close to each other. Depending on who's on my screen at any given moment she might go up or down. Obviously a good chunk of those aren't even playable and don't have bonding events so they could easily be even better when those come around.
Anything A or above I would definitely roll for. B or lower I'd have to think about it.
vegeta8639 Jun 7, 10:53 AM
Interesting. If Shiroko Terror is your number 1 favorite then we might agree on the top one. Other than that I don't get why people are so obsessed with Aru and Yuuka. For me they'd be B tier at most. Not a fan of those new albino lolis? I haven't seen them in the game yet but they look cute. Especially the middle one with the mask.
Also looks like you're not a fan of journalists lol. I like the dog girl who runs the Red Winter publishing department. Agreed on the other 2.

Not sure why your images would be blurry. Maybe just low initial resolution? I might make my own BA tier list just for fun. Btw what does P stand for? I assume it's above S but that's a weird letter to use.
vegeta8639 Jun 6, 11:07 AM
Yea I'm pretty sure you can get all the initial characters for free through farming or buying them from the shop. All of Abydos, all of game dev department, make up work club etc. Wish other gacha games were that generous. Even S.Hifumi is farmable for some reason.

Okay so you know all the characters I'm talking about. Blue Archive does reruns fairly regularly so you'll be able play all those stories. Miku one maybe being the only exception. Meanwhile FGO hasn't done reruns for some events in 5 years so I just watched those on YouTube. Especially since they were the introduction to my favorite character Okita Souji. If they do rerun it someday I can skip the story or read it again if I feel like. Not a big deal either way.
vegeta8639 Jun 5, 6:39 AM
The people who told you that probably meant the normal/hard stages that are required for unlocking the story. The actual story fights are piss easy/scripted. You can probably put it on auto and win every single one. I think I rerolled for Shiroko and Hifumi swimsuit. Although it was on Hina swimsuit's banner so I eventually kept rolling on it for the fully pity. Of course the rerolls didn't matter much since I got a million characters after that including many dupes. Usually how it ends up going.

Sure go for it. Have you played the entire story btw?
vegeta8639 Jun 4, 6:37 PM
You rerolled for Iroha on the standard banner? That must have taken a while. I rolled for her because I heard the same thing but she ended up being one of my favorites. Guess I love all of the lazy lolis.
Honestly there are already so many great characters that just need to become playable. Kisaki, Fox squad, Shiroko Terror, Nagusa, Shuro, the railroad girls. Also whoever these girls are:
All instant pulls whenever they show up.
vegeta8639 Jun 4, 8:17 AM
That was already revealed in the prologue...We met 2 of them so far but those might have all been events so I guess you missed them. Pink haired girl is a phantom thief and had a whole event focused on her. Other one just showed up at the end of an event as a teaser. Not sure any of them are actually working together on anything.
vegeta8639 May 31, 5:33 AM
Wow that is literally the biggest waste of gem's I've heard of. None of those things are worth it at all other that maybe stamina refills in some situations. Gems are your waifu currency, you don't wanna be wasting them on things you can get for free tomorrow. Bounties are just some extra resources at this point since you can craft any material you need or buy from the total assault/events shops.

Well English is already my second language in case you didn't know. But I've been learning it from TV shows since I was 3 so a very different process. I know it's a big investment so I'm thinking I'll start after I graduate university hopefully in a few months.
Yes you're right about the censorship at the source but right now we're getting stuff like FE:Engage getting MASSIVELY censored in the West. Trails series not as egregious but still bad. Then you've got Pirconne global being shut down while the Japanese version would be fully playable if I just understood the language. Other gacha games that don't have English version in the first place.
The censorship might be creeping in slowly but it's already fully infected the west so at least for the time being you could enjoy Japanese games in a better form than what you'd get in English. Also while mainstream big budget games might get censored, indie stuff and visual novels are probably gonna be here to stay for a long time. Hey you've played Black souls, you know exactly what I'm talking about. That creator's not censoring shit. It would also be great to play Monster girl quest paradox part 3 without waiting years for a translation.

In my opinion the biggest reason not to (other than time investment) is AI translation tools. If in 5 years you could pop a game into some program and it shits out a perfectly good English translation that's as good as anything a human could do, that would certainly reduce the benefits of knowing Japanese.
Thanks for the link but I pretty much got that order down already. The biggest obstacle to start is learning the moon runes. After I memorize those then I can start learning the actual language. I remember there was some game that's suppose to let you do that. I think this was the one:
Not sure if it would work but might be worth a try. It would be so fucking cool if it did.
vegeta8639 May 30, 6:05 AM
It's pretty easy for me not to spend gems. I just check if there's an Atsuko banner. If not I don't roll. Simple enough. At this point I'm just hoarding currency in every game except Honkai Star Rail where I rolled yesterday for this pink haired girl

Of course I remember it. It was less than a year ago and the series fucked me up pretty bad. I might have ranted about it to some other people but I think you're the only one of my friends who's actually played the games.
I'm right with you on that one. Doubt I'll ever fully get over it. It's up there with the AoT ending except I only knew the characters for 2 months vs 10 years so the emotional investment was different.

For Sora no Kiseki you should be fine with the official translation since those are old games. I played this version and it was fine:
The rest might be iffy but I'm pretty sure every other title has a fan translation so you can just play that. I didn't even touch the localized Kuro version and they haven't even done the 2nd game yet. Hopefully someone will fan translate this new one too. Although I am seriously thinking about learning Japanese so maybe I'll be able to play them on release at some point. I think the Fire Emblem Engage thing pushed me over the edge.
vegeta8639 May 29, 6:21 PM
Yea that is some disgusting luck. Normally on those dual banners you hope to drop at least 1 character off pity and then you can select the other so you get both for 24,000 gems. That's what happened to me this time although I've certainly had even worse luck than yours in the past. For example I went to full pity for Midori and then they added her as free character like 2 months later. That was just dirty.

You're actually getting 100 free pulls for Ako so hey maybe you can get her for free. Or at worst spend 12,000 gems. But the Hina banner is double drop rate with all those god characters as potential drops. Absolute must pull. Last time I got S.Hoshino at 40 pulls but kept rolling anyway for the frebies.
My biggest issue with Neru is I just don't like her design. Her personality is whatever. Toki and Karin are my favorite C&C girls.

Yea I know those 2 were part of the closed beta and artwork of them was on the game's loading menu for a long time. It's so weird that it took this long for them to be playable. And the other one still isn't. From what I remember they were in the "go home club" but idk if that's still a thing. I'll probably want both of them eventually.

Uhmm you're one of the few people who should know my thoughts on Junko considering I was sending you live updates of my Danganronpa progress while I was playing through the franchise. She indirectly killed Sayaka and then directly murdered Chiaki in one of the most brutal ways imaginable. A disgusting bitch of a character. Whatever sick fuck created her deserves the same fate Chiaki got. That sounds about fair.
I know both Junko and Kirara are based on some stereotypical Japanese popular girl trope which is why they look similar but hopefully I can get past that and not subconsciously hate her forever for something she didn't do.

Btw weren't you gonna play The Legend of Heroes games a while ago? They just dropped a preview for the new game:
Altina's in it so I am pretty excited.
vegeta8639 May 26, 9:59 AM
Yea there's a lot of great characters but at the same time none that stand out as a clear favorite. Whichever one happens to be on my home screen is probably my current favorite XD
I have a Wakamo from her banner. Her swimsuit version is unlimited (can be dropped off banner) but I've had no luck getting it. You kinda showed up right after reruns for both of Wakamo's events so bad timing on that one. The first Wakamo event for valentines day so you'll probably get it back next year. The 2nd one is a summer event so maybe they'll rerun it or add it as a permanent event when the Hoshino (swimsuit) banner comes back in a few months. It's the one right after the Ako (dress) banner.
But at this point like half of the limited events are just permanently available now in the event recap. Compare it to Genshin that never does event reruns.

Toki was another of my favorites so I got her bunny outfit too. Have the Karin, Asuna and Akane ones as well. Only don't have Neru's because I don't like her. I kinda still hate Rio because she tried to kill my Alice but agreed on the other 2. I'm sure they'll all be playable eventually.
Btw I also want this new girl but she reminds me of Junko so ARGGHAHGASHdasfasa.
vegeta8639 May 25, 5:45 AM
Hmm, I've been playing it basically since launch so over 2 years now. It was recommended and I guess the aesthetics caught my eye. Also Ui was getting released in Japan and I thought her gloomy design was really cute. Overall it's a pretty F2P friendly gacha game and you get a boatload of characters for free. You just have to consistently play so you can get them little by little from the shop or hard quests. Another great thing is they do a lot of character outfits/variants so the older characters keep getting content and remain relevant.
I got both Railgun girls just because why not. Like you said the banner might never come back. I did get Miku back in the day but she's one of the worst characters gameplay wise. She's just been sitting there for 2 years since I played her hangout events. Mika's one of my favorites so of course I have her. Looks like she'll be droppable on Hoshino and Hina's outfit banners but I'm not sure you can select her from those unfort. I guess you can just roll and try your luck since it's double drop rate and those special banner characters are always OP so it's fantastic value.
I do have Yuuka (sportswear) too but mostly for the gameplay. It's honestly so hard to pick favorites in this game but I love Miyako, Hina, Shiroko (especially Terror), Mika and a bunch more I could list. What I most want to roll for next is ATSUKO!!! since I fucking skipped her banner initially, had 0 luck dropping her normally and they took their sweet ass time with a rerun. After that Hina (dress), Fuuka (new year) and then saving for eventual Kisaki or the Fox squad or something. I love every single Fox squad girl and absolutely want all of them.
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