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underrated anime? imo

Nov 03 2022, 3:12 AM | Updated Nov 5, 2022 2:38 AM
some underrater anime that ik ig. lmk if u watched these or if u have never heard of these b4.
no spoilers cuz why not. i wanna see ppl watching em themselves.
Alice to Zouroku
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
the beginning of this anime is so unexpected that u cant imagine what will come next. its pretty cute if i do say so myself
Fukumenkei Noise
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
the love triange got me. it was adorable. i want to know what happens next
TV, 2013, 12 eps Me:- Author:7
very unexpected but am so happy they finally had a happy ending. tho i wonder what happened to the other boys......
TV, 2021, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
it is sooooo enjoyablee. i wish i could be like themmm. agh rip me for being unflexible
Brothers Conflict
TV, 2013, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
this was totally unexpected. wanna see what happens to them in the future
Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités
TV, 2016, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
the op hits hard. am so glad they got together in the eng. i need moarrrrrr
Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
love the op. love the story. need a hint of romance to make this perfect. 10/10 from me
Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
the story is marvelous. the time where this was held is also marvelous. the op hits so hardddd. its so gudd
Dance with Devils
TV, 2015, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
i did not expect this storyline. at allllll. this is pure agony i tell u. so gudddd.
TV, 2016, 24 eps Me:- Author:10
its so cute. very very heart warming. we need anime like this more often
Tantei Gakuen Q
TV, 2003, 45 eps Me:- Author:10
one of the best detectives anime in the world. even tho a decade has passed, still gud. 10/10
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
i almost thought this was bl. i mean could be but the story line is gud imo. i wanna dive as welll
Kai Byoui Ramune
TV, 2021, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
mystery describes this anime the best. wdu think?
Dream Festival!
ONA, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
loves the pizzaz of this anime. very cute and ppl are so handsome
Hakushaku to Yousei
TV, 2008, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
loved the idea where this was going. a gud recom to romance lovers. its just wow
Gegege no Kitarou (2018)
TV, 2018, 97 eps Me:- Author:9
the op hits hard. the anime is gud as well. watch it to know why
TV, 2014, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
the romance of this deserves a chefs kiss but no. i need an ending. i hate u for giving me a cliffhanger.
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
i cried
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
TV, 2011, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
it was so cute. i wanted see a love triangle but no. they are cute just the way they are
Hero Mask
ONA, 2018, 15 eps Me:- Author:10
this one of the most futuristic and detective ish anime i have ever watched. like WOW!!!!!
TV, 2010, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
the best historical ik. it deserves more
TV, 2020, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
loved the idea of this. the mystery is guddddd
Jiang Ziya
Movie, 2020, 1 ep Me:- Author:10
dont ask. just watch it
TV, 2012, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
i wanna be a king.....
Seikaisuru Kado
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
i wanna have super natural powerssssss
Koi to Uso
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
love triangles going ur way.
Suki tte Ii na yo.
TV, 2012, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
adorablest adotrable anime ik. so cuuuuuuuuute
Luck & Logic
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
op hits hard. the story is rlllllly gud
Magic-Kyun! Renaissance
TV, 2016, 13 eps Me:- Author:8
magic , glitter and sparkles. all u need to know. its gud
Myself; Yourself
TV, 2007, 13 eps Me:- Author:8
i almost cried
Norn9: Norn+Nonet
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
i fr cried. am so glad they got a happy ending
TV, 2020, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
broooooooooo i wanna ship the 2 main characters.....
TV, 2016, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
i cried so much. am so glad they got together. i/we need to see them in teh future. fr fr
Phantom in the Twilight
TV, 2018, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
the op agh. i need a full jp version. loved teh storyline. gud gud
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
i wish poco will come back. and that sota will have a gud life in the future
3D Kanojo: Real Girl
TV, 2018, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
romcom at best. so gud. 10/10
Kyoukai no Rinne
TV, 2015, 25 eps Me:- Author:8
mystery. i loved this so much idk
Saiyuuki Reload Blast
TV, 2017, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
teh op and the ed hits so harddddddd
Sanrio Danshi
TV, 2018, 12 eps Me:- Author:7
its cute. very cute. loved every bit of this
Bakumatsu Rock
TV, 2014, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
the op and the songs in this.... wow
Scared Rider Xechs
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
the op and ed is so guddd. i need to see a better future of this
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
vampires at its finest. need moar
Shounen Maid
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
adorbs if i do say so myself. isnt it?
TV, 2021, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
i wish i could skate..... hah...... rip me
Ma La Nu Pei
ONA, 2020, 32 eps Me:- Author:9
another cute romance but with a twist. loved it
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
TV, 2019, 12 eps Me:- Author:8
the idea of this anime is so gudddd. wow
Sousei no Onmyouji
TV, 2016, 50 eps Me:- Author:10
i cried so much wow. i need to know moarrrrrr
Summer Ghost
Movie, 2021, 1 ep Me:- Author:10
the best movie of 2021 so far. the visuals are just wow
Tesla Note
TV, 2021, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
op hits hard. loved it. so glad it ended at a happy ending
Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou
TV, 2017, 26 eps Me:- Author:8
alll the eps and eds of this is gud. the storyline is epikkk. and the characters are superb. watch it. u will know

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