Interest Stacks

Culture Shock!!

Oct 20 2022, 3:03 PM | Updated Oct 20, 2022 4:14 PM
Stories where a significant part of the plot (and/or humor) revolve around cultural differences. This clash can be between subcultures, real-world or fantasy nationalities, lifestyles, time periods, etc.
Thermae Romae
Manga, 6 vol, 2008 Me:- Author:8
An engineer from the Roman Empire is constantly time-warped to modern-day Japan, where he's repeatedly flabbergasted by both the differences and similarities in both cultures, particularly when it comes to bathing.
Heterogenia Linguistic: Ishuzoku Gengogaku Nyuumon
Manga, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
An aspiring linguist travels to a land of monsters and tries to understand their language and customs. There's a heavy emphasis on how language, culture and environment influence each other.
Manga, ? vol, 2008 Me:- Author:10
The main couple is a Central Asian bride from a nomadic tribe, trying to adapt to the village ways of her young husband's family. A secondary character is an English traveler documenting the culture of people of the steppes.
Dungeon Meshi
Manga, 14 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:10
While it's a relatively secondary aspect, the manga spends a lot of time detailing the differences between the cultures of the various sentient races. The companion piece "Adventurer's Bible" includes more details.
Manga, 20 vol, 2000 Me:- Author:-
Modern-day surgeon gets warped to late-Edo period Japan. Despite being aware of many of the customs (and historical characters) he comes across, some practices, particularly those related to healthcare, still shock him.
Fushigi no Kuni no Bird
Manga, ? vol, 2013 Me:- Author:-
Fictionalized retelling of the travels of Isabella Bird across Japan, one of the first western explorers to write in detail about the country and its culture.
Golden Kamuy
Manga, 31 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:-
Set in early-20th century Hokkaido, a Japanese army veteran teams up with a young Ainu hunter in search of a hidden treasure. Ainu culture and customs are featured prominently.
Hokuou Kizoku to Moukinzuma no Yukiguni Karigurashi
Manga, 10 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
An imperial soldier must adapt to the rythm of her new husband's life in the frozen far north.

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