Action, comedy, suspense, drama, romance… Angel Beats has it all. The story revolves around high schoolers in the afterlife, attempting to rebel against God; each individual has had their share of painful memories of their past life, and they struggle to overcome this and refuse to accept their own fate. Because of this, they cannot “move on” and rest in peace, although they consider disappearing into heaven the same as being obliterated. To survive in the afterworld, they resolve to fight "Angel" in an attempt to lure God out.
All in all, Maeda Jun did an exceptional job of keeping her viewers entertained; I finished the entire series in just a few hours! Angel Beats has amazing graphics, and the music is always fitting to match the mood of the moment. The characters were also well thought out; I was able to grow attached to them in just the course of 13 episodes. I know there are people that find the characters fruitless, but they were really lovable and added comedy to the otherwise solemn show. If you’re into tear jerkers, then this is the anime for you. On the other hand, if you prefer shows to be less serious, then Angel Beats may not be your cup of tea. Although the series does have its hilarious parts, the overall mood left a depressing, kind of bittersweet feel throughout. On to some critiques for the show…
I was quite disappointed on the character development throughout the series. It seemed to me that the producers should’ve stretched out the anime because the characters progressed too rapidly; for example, in one episode, two characters would be fighting and then the next, they plan to marry each other. I probably would have enjoyed the show enough to give it a 10 if they decided to focus on character development. If character growth is crucial for you to enjoy a show (I am a bit like this), then you would probably give Angel Beats a 7-8 rating. Please note that this is still higher than an average show.
Overall Ratings-
Art: 10
Sound: 10
Characters: 9 (Again, this would be a 10 if the character growth was better laid out
Plot: 8.5 (interesting, but not anything special)
Overall: 8