
Jun 29, 2024
Mixed Feelings
What makes a story good?

Is it the animation? Picture quality? Art style? Sound?

Well no, duh, its THE STORY!
And well, far too many anime seem to forget that... Honestly i'm not sure at this point who the target audience for this, and many other shows is, because it feels like i've seen this show at least twenty times over before ever watching it!

There isn't much to be said about it honestly.. What are the strong sides? Well, as i said, art, animation, and generally great production values.

What are the weak sides? The most important - story and characters! Well, if you can call them that, they're cardboard cutouts at best - the stereotypical tsundere, the classic average anime protagonist, and his friend, the classic average anime protagonist #2... NOTHING new or original about them, you've seen it all a thousand times.

Same goes for 'the plot', not only is very little of it revealed this season anyway, but also, if you can't predict what happens next from the little that does happen, this is probably your first, or maybe tenth or so anime watched!

All in all, i can't say its bad per se, but its utter lack of originality and plot makes for a really bland time... And i'd probably not recommend it to anyone aside newcomers to the medium.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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