Fluffy Paradise is a fantasy series where the main character is a modern day Japanese salary-woman who dies of overwork on their apartment floor. She is reincarnated into the youngest child of an aristocrat family as Neema (Nefertima, Osfe) with the god's blessing of being loved by monsters and animals. With this blessing, Neema makes it her goal to help out as an interpreter for monster species around the region solving problems and meeting new kinds of animals and monsters.
Story & Character: 5/10
There is no story in this series, it's literally a paradise of 'fluffy' monsters. The series follows a very simple structure: Monster problem near X village, Neema sneaks off to investigate, Neema speaks with monster and grows close, Adults come in and help with the rest, Animals join team Neema after she names them. It has a very basic and repetitive storyline with no major goal in sight which makes it less of a story driven narrative and more like a fun, episodic series. The characters lack depth because all they are used for is their contribution to helping Neema when she needs it; Beyond that they are used for comic effect especially the family members. When watching Neema cry or get her feelings hurt it just felt wrong, a salary woman can't possibly have the mind of a child - It doesn't make sense, there were inconsistencies where Neema acknowledges here past life but then somehow just turns into a kid mentally.
Art & Sound: 5/10
Nothing too out of the ordinary from the art and animation; I enjoyed the super deformed art style whenever something cutesy was involved. The animation isn't as focused since action is pretty much devoid of this series but it definitely is passable.
Sound is okay, the voice acting and music choices weren't iconic but they were at the modern standard. Sound effects used for comic effect were interesting, although not memorable.
Overall & Enjoyment: 5/10
It definitely lacked a lot but for a non-serious series it was wholesome but not wholesome knowing that a fully grown adult is crying from getting her feelings hurt by her family members. The cutesy animals and monsters were a good change to the reincarnation/isekai narrative but it lacked any sense of driving force or overarching goals.