The original premise of the story was set up in a way that it could be taken in little bits, basically a bunch of different cases which the protagonist could solve and then be done with. However, after a few of these cases the series takes a turn and begins an arc which spans the rest of the series. Personally I felt like at that point it started to become another generic fight manga where two people take turns slugging it out until one passes out. the story doesn't really have much to offer actually, and there's not enough tension in the end.
The story, art, and characters are all pretty mediocre, and nothing really sets this apart from any other "generic shounen". Of course, the beginning chapters were different, and I enjoyed those much more. They had me thinking "how is the protagonist gonna fix this one?" and had me waiting eagerly for the next chapter. Alas, after a few cases the author switched gears. Pity.
I liked the art, I liked the main, I liked the story at first. Then after twenty chapter it went downhill.
Overall, I liked it when it was coming out, but in the end it's only decent. Not great, but definitely not bad. I reread the first twenty chapters every now and then.